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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. no it is not. Annually meetings in OSCE are one more example. And the newest is in Canada Court with WT and Randy Wall. Colorful group of "worldly" and "religious" groups, representatives, with same mission as WT. I posted about that in some other topic.
  2. quote on Croatian; "...Mentalni poremećaji nalaze se među vodećim svjetskim javno zdravstvenim problemima. Procjenjuje se da svaki četvrti čovjek ima poteškoća s mentalnim zdravljem u čemu prednjače oboljeli od depresije. Prema procjenama Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije, depresija će do 2020. godine postati drugi svjetski zdravstveni problem,..." translation; "...Mental disorders are among the world's leading public health problems. It is estimated that every fourth man has a mental health problem with the head of depression. According to World Health Organization estimates, depression will become the second world health problem by 2020,..." source: http://www.kbc-zagreb.hr/novosti/svjetski-dan-mentalnog-zdravlja/ Now let someone who have good mathematical and statistical skills count how many JW members have mental issues:)))
  3. If you are from Serbia, i would understand if you would like to use your mother language. I am from Zagreb, Croatia, so we are neighbors in this way or another :))) I spent 3 years in Valjevo prison when i was JW, because refused to go to the army/military service from 1980-1983. hehe
  4. Dear Nana, i see you gave me LIKE symbol, but... My thanking you for "very good arguments" was in irony mode. To clear misunderstanding and meaning of written words i was send to you i will put it this way; "I am sorry Nana, but i don't see how your comment/explanation giving arguments." All best Nana!
  5. Jesus is bread and in that meaning is food for us, also as his blood is drink for us. Serving to others (doing Father's will) was food for Jesus. Father's will for us is that Jesus teaching us. He is "Great Teacher" (book) :)))
  6. Nana, i do not understand this sentence. Google translator is powerless to help me. But all at all , thanks for very good arguments ;)))
  7. Wine is very inspirative, i guess .... that is the topic, is it not? :))))
  8. P.S. about food quality. Master is One who have  absolute ability to check "the food" and to say all critics and all compliments how and what food was served on a table. Here we have two segments, as you JW Insider also concluded; 1) Perfect food from Jesus is served on the table 2) Rooted food from Human is served on the table Is table the same table? Or we have two and more tables? If table is one, and we sitting and waiting for food. And then food start to coming 3-5 time in a day and for weeks and for years. Did I or you not developed ability to recognize all  different tastes and smells of food? How was food served on table? Did same servant came and bring food or some new faces coming with new dishes? Who is responsible if i am eating food which taste is suspicious to me (food is not "perfect) and i am stubborn in decision to eat "imperfect", rooted food despite of fact how my taste buds and nose and eyes start to questioning the food? "Kitchen chef" will answer to Master. To whom will answer "distributor of food" the one who bringing food on table? I guess also to Master, no matter did he knew or not what was happen in kitchen in cooking process. And what will be with hungry people around the table. Can they "sue" Chef or Waiter for food they ate? Or to make complain?  It depend.  :)))
  9. Yes, GB  does produce "food" (millions of printed/published publication proved this). In text you explained very well about rooted food from FDS aka GB. Such "product" is not from "heaven". Well who is Producer/Manufacturer  of such rooted food?? If "slave" doing his job well he will not received any compliment from Master. Because his job is to work, to serve. And other slaves around this particular "slave" not need to sing praises about "slave" who bring food on table, And also this particular "slave" must quietly doing his job and not talking around how he doing this or that and how all his work is fantastic and unique in the whole world. Such servant is not Modest. And will not receive higher position in Master's household. I agree with you, if understand you correctly, how every person is/can be FDS in some situation. I agree how illustration about FDS  tells us nothing about Quality of Food. So, GB self conclusion about  what  words "Jesus never said" is pure manipulation and deceiving.  They, GB also sometimes using fraze, while introducing new theories or new changes of doctrines, like this: "Jesus was thought, He obviously meant ..." and then put OWN human idea :))) Also, GB by own retrospective self evaluation of food quality ("perfect food" vs "imperfect food") shows how they consider themselves not only as "producer aka kitchen chef" and "sharers aka distributors" of food BUT also as  inspector and controller of food quality. They appropriated the right to evaluate food - this right belongs to the Lord, Master. Blessed you!
  10. He ask, rhetorical question; "Who is FDS?" In asking Jesus not gave the answer. Only 2 conclusions; A - IF FDS giving food he is ok and will receive revard B - IF FDS not giving food he will be punished.
  11. LESSONS FOR TODAY (WT study edition, nov 2013) 17 . ....(3) At that time, the LIFE-SAVING DIRECTIONS that we receive FROM Jehovah’s ORGANIZATION may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us MUST BE READY TO OBEY ANY INSTRUCTIONS we may receive, whether these appear SOUND from a strategic or human standpoint OR NOT. AND NOW (after few years we have) SALTO MORTALE “WHO REALLY IS THE FAITHFUL AND DISCREET SLAVE?” (WT study edition, feb 2017) 12 The Governing Body IS NEITHER INSPIRED NOR INFALLIBLE. Therefore, IT CAN ERR IN DOCTRINAL MATTERS OR IN ORGANIZATIONAL DIRECTION. In fact, the Watch Tower Publications Index includes the heading “Beliefs Clarified,” which lists adjustments in our Scriptural understanding since 1870. Of course, JESUS DID NOT TELL US THAT his faithful SLAVE WOULD PRODUCE PERFECT spiritual food. Basement Video on Convention is one example of direct statement how should, would, will JW be saved by resurrection . :)))
  12. From time to time, states are doing their census on population (population list). Listers come to people's homes and ask a variety of questions, conduct a survey. One of many questions is, to which religion you belong? The survey is "anonymous", that is, it is used only for the purpose of statistics. Also the answer is voluntary. Out of some of the 244 countries listed here, only in 37 countries there is evidence of Jehovah's Witnesses. Are they, JW, shy or afraid to express his religious affiliation in public statistics? In front of a man asking questions and writing it on paper? How do you explain such a low representation of public information about JW members population, compared to WT Yearbook database numbers of members - book which will no longer be published :)) In few past decades i traveled to many European countries: Germany, Slovakia, Czech, Macedonia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Monaco, Montenegro, Serbia, Italy and Netherlands. In this CIA list only in Italy and Netherlands I have found report on JW regarding to countries i visited. CIA Library, The World Factbook , statistic about Country and Religions (%) web link; https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/resources/the-world-factbook/fields/2122.html
  13. Apologize Tom, i misunderstand to whom you addressed your comment. By mentioned my name i was confused because you sometimes have double thoughts :)))) Sorry once again for that.
  14. Dear Tom. WT article "Question..." we have had read above under subheading "Memorial partakers" also doesn't have any Scripture to support WT idea of "crazy anointed people". They only quoted Rev. 7:1-3 and those verses told nothing about "mental and emotional imbalanced or past religious beliefs". Please Tom read more careful WT articles, and then you would not asking me to provide scriptures about GB IDEA, that is or that is not part of Holy Scripture. But I will you provide some scripture, instead of your GB elders, about real reason why some "anointed" is NOT anointed ANY more. Read carefully: The Vine and the Branches 15 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes[a] so that it will be even more fruitful. 3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. 4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. 5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. CONCLUSION: PERSON CAN BE MENTALLY OR EMOTIONALLY IMBALANCED BUT IF HE/SHE BEARS FRUIT AND REMAIN IN JESUS - HE/SHE IS ANOINTED, NO MATTER OF SO CALLED REASON OR LOGIC WT GB GIVING AS EXPLANATION.
  15. "My interpretation is that" ..... how is very speculative and without of any Bible based fact and support. Statements and opinions came from GB and some of people here agree with such manipulative message in WT magazines. "past religious beliefs, even mental and emotional imbalance", GB quote. How shameful statement came from "guardians of doctrine" who also claims the same - that they are "anointed"! :)))))) with what issue of those that they numbered (or some more then this), counted in Questions from readers they faced but can't see in mirror. (you know what is mirror? i hope you do :)))
  16. If you not see before. Some interesting details about involved parties in these case. Here is a link: http://www.scc-csc.ca/case-dossier/info/parties-eng.aspx?cas=37273 With WT Lawyers here i can see "supporters" for WT. :)))))) Judicial Committee of the Highwood Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses (Vaughn Lee - Chairman and Elders James Scott Lang and Joe Gurney) and Highwood Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses is Appellant. Wall, Randy is Respondent. Canadian Council of Christian Charities, Association for Reformed Political Action Canada, Canadian Constitution Foundation, Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, Catholic Civil Rights League, Christian Legal Fellowship, World Sikh Organization of Canada, Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Canada, Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Canada, British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, Canadian Muslim Lawyers Association are Interveners. IT is interesting what colorful society we have here :)) Babylon the Great and Secular agencies are here to support WT JWorg.
  17. :)))) interesting Yeah, such effect is possible. So, it is visible in all known proverb "the tree can bend as long as it is young". That is why Bethel, or Military or Schools or some other organization can get better results with young people than with older.
  18. Nice conclusion. But is it not "logical" to have such immature thinking among JW members? And how would "sounds" if Bethel image would not have that little "possibility" to making people who get in, to be better person after they go out of Bethel? :))
  19. I am glad that you put this as honored member of JW community here. If I have had done this i would received some comments how i twisted words :))))))))))) and have bad motives, ahahhaa.
  20. You put lot of efforts, time, patience to bring many reading  material in your comment. After all this, one thing is need to be answered and you avoid that. Does JW org have inside problems with child molestation or JW org are free of that evil thing? Second, about your sentence i quote above. Yes, there is some order of how things should be, what is natural inside human interactions in family and society. You missed one little detail in this. Parents are mainly responsible for children, for sure. But Elders are responsible, for parents and by that to their family, inside congregational structure. Structure of congregation (and  structure of WT Company as that entity who run all congregations around the world) is based on elements that is not made by some parents. Rules, obligations, expectations and much more, inside congregation is powered by elders who are agents of WT Company. So, elders are those who have obligation to warn congregants when found they have person inside who are threat for children or adults. And we all know how elders are instructed not to tell and warn congregation about child molester who are in congregation. So please be more .... be more something, hahahaha, chose by yourselfalone what you want to be "more" ....but only in positive direction. Best regards!      Â
  21. Based only on this facts you provide - He is JW, She is "worldly" = Love is forbidden among this two person according to WT. So yes, as to my logic this proved "spiritual paradise" seems dangerous.
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