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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. Jesus spoke with many people, opposers, followers, Jews, non Jews, sympathizers and opponent. And what legality you have to forbidding that freedom to others? No one, as far as i can see, forbids you to speaking what you want, even also as how you want. You have some knowledge but that is not enough. This web site is good, because allowing people to tell what they feel, what they think, what they know and don't know. You can criticises other, but other can critically comment your opinions. And this is what this web site makes fine! Thanks to Librarian.  Thanks Librarian!Â
  2. ... me to , we participate with communication on this web site - not on JW web site. Because there is not any WT JWorg web site where you can communicate freely like on this Forum. amazing :))
  3. Legal Department and other board directors aka GB must vote before final decision. It is Company.
  4. JW org or WT library or JW broadcast is "uplifting". Perhaps you should consider suggestion to spend more time there
  5. Just to update this information. She worked in Bethel kitchen before "perestroika". After global reduce of Bethel workers she went to pioneer service. So i supposed how she was as pioneer preacher that day when i saw her.
  6. ahhaahha NOOO Fisher.... it is in your mind ...you said, "you're legend" :)))) i was never said that for myself. Few more of your statements like this and you will come to be Legend :))))
  7. -anything what person can imagine is reality - Before God created things, first he was had; thought idea imagination Do not forget this. My imagination is not crazy as you think. Rational ideas are in there :)))
  8. Perhaps for the same reason Pilate have had in Jesus case. Pilate want to get Jesus free, but for me-Pilate, (for us-GB) would be easier if people (secular government) say what and how to do. And after that he ordered to bring to him water to wash his hands as sign that he have nothing with all that what took place. And if/when somebody in future say something against, some critics - then he (them-GB) can point finger to other(secular government) and say "they have to take blame for that, not us. I have good imagine, don't you think? :)))))))))
  9. JW Australia sexual abuse list - public https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tQL5RTf_i6K_Ia-_bo51JL00fdw396DCsV-EqE8xrOc/edit#gid=0 Total numbers of alleged victims 1730. But that is not final number. Some perpetrators have 10+ victims and for some, numbers are not known (unclear).
  10. Working with Children Check Policy The Working with Children Check is a screening mechanism to prevent certain persons from engaging in child-related work. 2.1 This policy takes effect from 15 June 2013 following the implementation of the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 and the Child Protection (Working with Children) Regulation 2013. This policy must be applied in conjunction with the Working with Children Check Procedures (15 June 2013). 2.3 This policy applies to people who are employed or engaged (or who are seeking to be employed or engaged) in child-related work in the NSW Department of Education, in any one of the following capacities: as a paid employee; as a self-employed person or as a contractor or subcontractor; as a volunteer; as a person undertaking practical training as part of an educational or vocational course (other than as a student undertaking work experience); as a minister, priest, rabbi, mufti or other religious leader or spiritual officer of a religion or other member of a religious organisation. link: https://education.nsw.gov.au/policy-library/policies/working-with-children-check-policy This would be good to implement, not only in some Australian states, but around the world. What Does This Mean for Jehovah’s Witnesses? For Australian congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the process for appointing an Elder or Ministerial Servant is now a bit more complex than before. In the past, Witness males were recommended for their positions based strictly upon their “spiritual qualifications” – a subjective decision which allowed anyone to rise within the organization with little or no real knowledge of whether they have a criminal background, or if they are a sexual predator. Criminal background checks are non-existent, and the only question posed to a prospective Ministerial Servant or Elder moments before they are appointed is: “Have you ever been involved at any time in the past with child sexual molestation?” – [Elder’s Manual 2010, Chapter 3 Section 13] The answer to this question has always been based on the “honor system” – and you can be certain that a child molester would never answer such a question in the affirmative. During the 2015 Royal Commission investigation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Australia, counsel assisting the Royal Commission, Angus Stewart QC, queried Watchtower Service Department chief Rodney Spinks, who admitted that the Watchtower organization had been completely disinterested in cooperating with the “Working with Children Check.” It seems that for the appointment of men in the JW Assembly, apart from the permission of the Holy Spirit, the elders, the provincial supervisor aka CO and the GB, is needed also a secular license for working with children. :)))
  11. History of this subject in one short article: https://www.revealnews.org/blog/jehovahs-witnesses-tab-for-child-sex-abuse-secrecy-2m-and-counting/
  12. Thanks! From article you provide: "It is also reported that the abbey asked the court not to allow the claim because the seriousness of the allegations was likely to attract attention that may threaten the continued existence of the abbey. The women accepted what the Guardian describes as "meagre" compensation payments and received no apology. The solicitor representing the women, Tracey Emmott, told The Guardian: "It took the issuing of court proceedings before the out of court settlements were offered and even then my client's request for a formal apology as part of the settlement package was never forthcoming." Even Roman Catholic pope have done apology in public, i heard on TV. As i can see, GB "popes" have no intention to say something similar. What thinking they have? What kind of hearts they have? ,
  13. Thank you very much for links you provide. How many more exists on this terrible crime. As i read articles one thing is very common to all this, no matter is Catholic, Anglicans, Jehovah's Witnesses or others. All of them, church leaders aka priests aka elders - covered up and keep in secrets from police and other governmental services. On this Forum i see many JW participate in informations. So, first clean the floor in your house, then tell other to do the same. Or as Jesus said this much better than me. "Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother’s eye but do not notice the rafter in your own eye?+ 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Allow me to remove the straw from your eye,’ when look! a rafter is in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First remove the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to remove the straw from your brother’s eye." - Mat 7:3-5 NWT Some quotes from articles you put show how acts are very similar no matter which church is: It was seen as sin. Today we see it as a sin, but we also see it as a crime.' - Valéry Vienneau, Moncton archbishop "Fernand Arsenault, a priest - He accused the church of turning a blind eye to the abuse and concealing the crimes of those priests. "It's a terrible mistake," said Arsenault. "Because we would have saved many lives." Arsenault said that years ago, if a priest reported another priest, he would have been punished, not the abuser. But the church, in every filed statement of defence, has systematically denied knowing about any of the abuse at the time."
  14. How looks Bible advice if you somehow came to legal problems with others?! Indirectly or directly question also arise; would WT Legal Department need to reconsider "tactics and theocratic warfare" they using in connection with child molestation cases?! Or does Jesus words are counsel for members (rank and file aka ordinary members of an organization) only? Matthew 5:25,26: "Be quick to settle matters with your legal opponent, while you are with him on the way there, so that somehow the opponent may not turn you over to the judge, and the judge to the court attendant, and you get thrown into prison. 26 I say to you for a fact, you will certainly not come out of there until you have paid over your last small coin."
  15. A group of alleged sexual abuse survivors from across the country have filed a $66-million class action lawsuit against the Jehovah’s Witness, CityNews has learned. The victims are seeking $20 million for damages from sexual and mental abuse by elders, $20 million for failing to protect children, and another $20 million for breach of duty of care. links: http://www.680news.com/2017/10/02/66m-class-action-sex-abuse-suit-filed-jehovahs-witnesses/ http://mcstclassactions.com/
  16. Latest News Warning to all wrongfully accused: keep all your records safe even when you think your case is closed Retain All Your Records in a Safe Dry Place even when you think Your Case Is Closed This may be especially pertinent [… This remind me on WT Letter addressed to all elders to DESTROY all notes and previous WTLetters on child molestation issues.
  17. FISH ROTS FROM THE HEAD DOWN -Idioms Meaning It refers to failing organizations and how the blame of it should be on its ‘head’ that is its leadership. :)) I am not from Turkey, hahah, but not also far away (cca 1800 km).
  18. Generally i can agree with thoughts you present here. Because i, as you, want to believe that human are honest and sincere, always. But i am wrong in such conclusion :)))). There is a proverb; "fish stinks from the head"
  19. If one elder see himself as,not feel he can do so, or not capable, or not fit to catch himself with issue, or not with same thoughts as Company - then would be honestly from him to step away from such position. Also, elders are not ordinary members of church. And on - "but anyone else can". No they can not because "anyone else" have not "privileged informations".
  20. haha, so G.J. want to watering, dilute God's s word with secular laws. He want "mandatory laws" and by that have "justification" to put some "scriptural factors" down ???!!!
  21. Last sentence would comment. Bible revealed "mandatory reporting" on its pages. And WT GB very clearly explaining that to its members, to all JW around the World. Anna, you for sure know many bible verses about that and how WT publications interpretations on such issue must be, have be practiced, enforced in all JW congregations. So, as i see things, G. Jackson just looking for excuses in front ARC.  Here is what was also been said in ARC: "Mr Geoffrey Jackson agreed that all policies of the JehovahÂ’s Witness organisation are subject to scriptural principles and that the Governing Body approves all policies to ensure that they are in keeping with the Scriptures.96 Branch offices around the world, including the Australia Branch Office,99 may write articles for the Awake! and The Watchtower publications, but the articles must be submitted to the Governing BodyÂ’s Writing Committee for approval.100 Mr Jackson and Mr Toole told the Royal Commission that Branch Offices may adjust policy letters issued by the Governing Body to reflect the requirements of local laws.101 Mr Jackson said that it would be unusual for a Branch Office to publish its own manual or guidelines on responding to allegations of child sexual abuse.102 From at least the 1990s, under the direction of the Governing Body,103 the Australia Branch Office has periodically issued directives in the form of letters addressed to all bodies of elders providing instruction on how to respond to allegations of child sexual abuse.104" Current policy on child sexual abuse Mr Spinks told the Royal Commission that the current polices of the JehovahÂ’s Witness organisation for dealing with an allegation of child sexual abuse are outlined in:105 • the Bible (the English edition published by the JehovahÂ’s Witness organisation is the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures) • the current eldersÂ’ handbook, Shepherd the Flock of God106 • JehovahÂ’s Witness organisation publications available to all congregants approaching baptism,107 such as Organized to Do JehovahÂ’s Will108 • guidelines issued by the Governing Body to all branch offices in August 2013 on how Service Desks should field questions from elders about child abuse matters109 • letters sent to all bodies of elders – in particular, the letter of 1 October 2012,110 which consolidated into one letter the spiritual advice and guidance provided in various letters from preceding years as to how JehovahÂ’s Witnesses handle allegations of child abuse111 • The Watchtower magazine article entitled ‘Let Us Abhor What is WickedÂ’, published in January 1997, which clarifies in biblical terms the principles a congregation should have regard to in considering how a ‘child molesterÂ’ should be viewed and treated.112 SO BY THIS I WOULD MAKE THIS CONCLUSION;  DID NOT WT CORPORATION (HQ) BEEN AWARE FOR DECADES ABOUT LAW MANDATORY REPORTING OR NOT REPORTING, NOT ONLY IN AUSTRALIA BUT AROUND THE WORLD'?? IN ALL OTHER COUNTRIES WHERE WT COMPANY OPERATE?? AND BECAUSE WT JWORG IS UNIFIED,  IN UNITY AND UNIQUE  AS  GOD'S ORGANIZATION, UNDER THE SAME SPIRIT, AND HAVE SAME TEACHINGS, DOCTRINES AND INSTRUCTIONS AROUND THE WORLD - THEN WHY GB NOT HAVE THE SAME  PROTOCOL AND PRINCIPLES AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR ELDERS IN EVERY SINGLE CONGREGATION AND FOR AVERY BRO AND SIS IN THERE'?? IN ONE COUNTRY ELDERS WILL REPORT AND IN OTHER NOT ?????????????? G. JACKSON WAS INSTRUCTED BA LAWYERS WHAT AND HOW TO TESTIMONY. HE WAS NOT GUIDED BY HOLY SPIRIT. Sorry for big letters. Nothing bad,  no angry mood, just to accent   Â
  22. GB doing this periodically with excuses/explanation how "new light get brighter", was came on them and because that they changed teaching... and they, GB, literally using words how they not understand something in the past....but now they do. "Now" will last to another changing of doctrine. Is reasoning (rationale) in your sentence possible to apply on GB? :)))
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