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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. I'll find, just "for your eyes only"  as James Bond movie with same title.... good music too :)))
  2. After one , two or more hours while they traveled and talking this guy get baptised and story ends. No more Bible studies, no meetings twice a week, even Filip not invite him to join Organization or congregation. No man's, human leadership for him, JUST "SPIRIT fallen on him" and Ethiopians happiness - verse 39. Â Â Â Â
  3. Then it is enough to read the Bible and pray to God for his spirit! Bible support that! Well Anna, i agree. But WT not support your understanding as this process alone is sufficient. In some degree we all have need to communicate with each other because "enlightening" coming on different people in various times and various circumstances. And by mutual communication (by all means, not only verbal, talking) we building our understanding and maybe spirituality. I said maybe because spirituality (in all sort of meaning not only religious) are above collected informations on this or that Bible verse, events, message.... I can find few WT texts, and some of them, where GB said how private reading the Bible, reading alone, without leads of WT scholars can bring people back to Babylon the great and pagans beliefs. Is it possible that reading the Bible alone can cause such damage??, Word of God would bring you or me to pagans beliefs??? That reminds me on accusations by WT about Catholic church who do not want that laity reading the Bible and for that reason Bible was in Latin, to prevent "misunderstanding" of simple, plain, non literal people if they would read Bible alone and by that would saw how Church acting opposite to God's word. Very similar reasons to WT. Does such GB claim is TRUTH?
  4. Thanks Witness. Your fine understanding and patient to respond is appreciate. Â
  5. :)))) ohhh we just shared private informations between two of us  ehhehe and accidently entertained, amused the viewers of this topic. But thanks  for reaction. It is possible to look on us in the way as you quote. Maybe in some other circumstances (knowing  me in person) you would be came to conclusion that i am quite normal  modest.  Â
  6. :)) i can see that. I am 56 and also above average. If we should believe to IQ tests cca 120 :)))
  7. in what sense "enlightened"? only in matters of theology, doctrinal stuff? Or writer of this words include also "body and blood" and by that improper behaviour connected to sins of flesh? On what thing you point Anna?
  8. We have plenty examples of sinful people in Bible, but as i can recall there is no signs of classification as WT using today. If we can talking about bigger and smaller sins in OT then that would be possible as we compare sinful act and size of penalties, punishment. But is it wise to have copy/paste method from OT for today?? If some would tell, but we have "principles" in OT, that is very manipulative. After all, did not Jesus made NEW things, new covenant, new law, new way how to practicing principles?? Didn't He teached things that are more powerful, substantially different, things that are connected with faith and love, mercy, equality, fraternity? Why to go back to deeds according to Law, Rules and Paragraphs - when we want to rich, to get to holy spirit, more than to written or unwritten rules, traditions, laws, and similar what Clergy or priesthood try to bring again in.
  9.   On 11/10/2017 at 15:23, Anna said: We humans can only judge what we see or hear about. Jehovah judges the heart. Gnosis you put Confused symbol on Anna's quot, And then i ask you what confusing you about her quote. And now in your comment you are talking about me and my personality but nothing about what primarily i addressed to you. What sort of problem is between us? Or you are just full of angry? You, and some other people, gave me plenty of Downvote symbol and i had never reacted to that. I respect your and other people's emotions and decisions. But Forum has mainly purpose that people  comments emotions and thoughts and decisions. So please, continue  My way of thinking, spiritual and  mental  state, and  state of soul is/are NOT to downvote any of your or other people comments. And by such behaviour I prove, give testimony in public way, that what you try to show, prove only with empty words like this one:   "You're entitled to your opinion, as much as IÂ’m entitled to mine. If you donÂ’t like it? thatÂ’s your problem." I have no problem to, if feels need for that, to comment on other people's thoughts. Your Emoticon symbol is your thought, your opinion, your statement. And i comment exactly that. You chose to have false name, some kind of nickname Gnosis Pithos. My name is real name and Sre?ko have real meaning "Lucky, Happy, Felix". Your choice to introduce yourself before Forum with Gnosis, I guess, have to give to others some message, some sort of your attitude, your wishes, your hopes, your mental profile. That is nice, and why that make problem for you, if I started communicate with you by put accent on such thing? Â
  10. hehehehe, according to WT magazines the most dangerous sin is apostasy and by that the most dangerous sinner is apostate. Other kind of sin and sinner are also in gradations, so WT have serious sin, gross sin and some that is considered as not so serious. If you are regular and attentive reader of WT publications you have to be familiar with this and my comments would be not so strange to you  Â
  11. Hi James. But you know how the illustration from WT magazine said - "Would you drink a water from a glass where most of  water is clear, healthy water but only one drop of poisson?? And you made another ratio - 15% clear healthy water and 85% of questionable substance  Â
  12. :)) but that is exactly what JW members doing for decades in the same organization. Not need to left JW and go in different church.
  13. I was 15 at 1975. And hear on my ears that brothers (elders) making calculations, while sitting on bar table with glass of drink, on this, in days from 1975 -1977, how many years Adam has been alone before Eve. Because this number of years can explain why nothing happened in 1975. :))))))))
  14. only NWT say "apostate" other translations have not such word!! they use; hypocrite, godless, feigner be careful about NWT translators  this is just one example of change
  15. 28 Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”
  16. If i would look on this from position of Mosaic Law, which was lasting, be in power much longer than WT and their "doctrines law", i would say; No, JW is not "only true religion" on Earth. From, as they said, 1513 BCE to 33 CE God's Law was "perfect and everlasting and unchangeable" - of course if we neglect, ignore the fact that Rulers and Priests in all that period of Israel also have some Interpretations on Law and clarifications on how should be, have to be implied this or that from the Law. hahahaha Today GB also have the same methods, using  INTERPRETATIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS , and that is periodical practice when some theory, doctrine, teaching, instruction or perform falls in problem. Then phrases as "new light", "clarification", "brightness" come on surface and cover all false and wrongs from GB.  Â
  17. i agree, but here i made observation on/about specific position that FDS have or position that they think they have :))))) so apostates are in no way different than any other ordinary sinner, hahaha yeah, that is field for manipulation from the all involved, from both sides of table.
  18. Gnosis Pithos 9 hours ago  Dear Gnosis is the common Greek noun for knowledge (??????, gnôsis, f.).[1] The term is used in various Hellenistic religions and philosophies.[2][3] It is best known from Gnosticism, where it signifies a knowledge or insight into man's real nature as Divine, leading to the deliverance of the Divine spark within man from the constraints of earthly existence. What confusing you in this simple, clear and truthful Anna's quote??? !!!Â
  19. WT GB have this official ideas, and as i have read from comments above from few of you, you as JW members have different visions about the same issue. Some of you are cautious and careful, some of you are judgmental and some of you thinking how this is slipy area and depends on personal view and own retrospective of his actions. How with idea that only persons who are appointed by holy spirit aka FDS or GB can made such sin, because they received, as some interpretations of Bible verses said, they received holy spirit and by that are in position that is seriously different then of other "ordinary, earthly class christians"?? From official JWorg standpoint expressed in down quotations, i see that ALL possible human sins can be SIN AGAINST HOLY SPIRIT. So, you have not much space to escape punishment. You need to be in state of repentance all the time. But according to instructions from elders "Shepherd book" if elders determine that you are not repented enough, according to their visions, you have very good chance to stay in sin that is in fact sin against holy spirit. "What sins are not forgiven? To answer this question, let us consider some Biblical examples. This should prove comforting to us if we are repentant but are still sorely distressed over our serious errors. We will see that it is not so much a matter of what kind of sin a person has committed; rather, it is the motive, the heart condition, and the degree of willfulness involved that determines whether a sin is forgivable or not." 7 What if we have sinned but are unable to pray because our sin has made us spiritually sick? In this regard, the disciple James wrote: “Let [such a person] call the older men of the congregation to him, and let them pray over him, greasing him with oil in the name of Jehovah. And the prayer of faith will make the indisposed one well, and Jehovah will raise him up. Also, if he has committed sins, it will be forgiven him.”—James 5:14, 15. 19 What might contribute to the feeling that we have sinned against the holy spirit? Overconscientiousness or a weak physical condition may be factors. In such a case, prayer and added rest may be helpful. ....I HAVE been obsessed with the thought that I have sinned against the holy spirit.” So wrote a woman in Germany, although she was serving God. 20 Any who fear that they have sinned against the holy spirit might ask themselves: ‘Have I blasphemed against the holy spirit? Did I genuinely repent of my sin? Do I have faith in God’s forgiveness? Am I an apostate who has rejected spiritual light?’ Very likely, such individuals will realize that they have not blasphemed against God’s holy spirit, nor have they become apostates. They are repentant, and they have abiding faith in Jehovah’s forgiveness. If so, they have not sinned against Jehovah’s holy spirit. What sins are not forgiven? - 1)First-century Jewish religious leaders who maliciously opposed Jesus Christ were sinning against the holy spirit. 2)Consider also the case of Judas Iscariot. What sins are forgiven? - 1) David and Bath-sheba. God forgave 2)The extent of Jehovah’s forgiveness is also illustrated in the case of King Manasseh of Judah. 3)the apostle Peter sinned grievously by denying Jesus. quotes from JWorg library
  20. of course - is that lying , killing, or not believing in God, not put faith in Jesus or else ....?
  21. "God deals with you as with sons..." not as with  bread for garbage, trash can.  Â
  22. again - one person failed (your sinful dfd brother) and others JW members run from them as he is "mentally diseased" apostate. But ok if you scare of apostates, do not talk with him. What about other sorts of sin? They are also dangerous? So where is "companion" who will lift up him? Only elders, once a year????? Is elder his "companion"?? or it is someone else?? "But woe.."
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