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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. As my memory serves me, MAIN, PRIMAR reason for collecting money (in this or that methodology or organizational way how to do it)  IS TO HELP POOR MEMBERS OR CONGREGATIONS. Read the Bible, not old Jew type and anti-type GB illustrations.  and explanations models. NOT to building headquarter (cathedral :))), branch Bethels, ..... but helping people to have enough for life, in flesh and spirit.   Â
  2. - one thing that i like with Paul is that he worked (if bible reports are correct in this )))) with own hands on "worldly job" to be able supporting himself. Most of elders and ministerial servants doing in this way too, and that is ok. But top elders in Bethel and in WT are not good example to be compared with Paul in this matter. Wish you all best. Â
  3. Do not know, of course, what Raymond knew and not about paedophilia. When i was said "huge" i was thinking as big in in relation to; a) the general attitude of the JW organization and the excitement that its members are a highly moral person b) the number of members worldwide and the number of victims and their perpetrators, which are not publicly known, except for the Australian number that has become public, some write about 20-30 thousand pedophiles in JW. That's not a small figure for 8 million JW. Publication WT once wrote that every year some 80,000 members are excluded/disfellowshipped. So it is "huge" number no matter what was "sin". or on luxury of new headquarters and WT logo on drain elements, huh members are preaching for sure, but one big part of WT religious bureaucracy have different mission Thanks for conversation.
  4. "Germany Grants Highest Legal Status to Jehovah’s Witnesses" - i tried to found this article on Croatian JWorg to see how some terminology was translated to be able better understand the article but there is not existing this article - ?? Some quote from main source JWorg (english): "Now that the Witnesses have finally been granted public law status in all German states, they are viewed as a single religious entity and enjoy the benefits that this status provides....the Witnesses applied for public law status because of the benefits...registered throughout the country as a public law corporation,...more than 2,000 congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany now function under a single corporate structure... Adjustments in an association’s structure resulting from an appointment of new elders, purchase of property, or the renaming or merging of congregations had to be reported to the government...A longtime elder in one congregation commented: “Now we have greater freedom to use donated funds to support the public ministry of congregation members.”...Without the superior legal status of public law, Jehovah’s Witnesses were not viewed as a mainstream religion...many false allegations against the Witnesses can be refuted....false allegation that they belonged to a ‘sect’ rather than to a religion.”... All in all, WT corporation in Germany are now lifted on higher level of religious bureaucracy (german people always has been organized very well :))) and WT long asking, searching that JW be recognized as mainstream religion was successful. Now they are officially joined to Babylon the Great with all others mainstream and less mainstream religions. Because of money issue of course, as first and main reason :))) at least they are now "function under single e corporate structure" according to article. Definition of corporate Merriam-Webster 1a :formed into an association and endowed by law with the rights and liabilities of an individual :incorporated b :of or relating to a corporation - a plan to reorganize the corporate structure c :of, relating to, or being the large corporations of a country or region considered as a unit - the latest trend in corporate America d :having qualities (such as commercialism or lack of originality) associated with large corporations or attributed to their influence or control - corporate rock music -corporate art 2:of, relating to, or formed into a unified body of individuals Human law arises by the corporate action of a people … —George H. Sabine
  5. I agree. Everything is relative, depend where some man position is. If you are victim nothing is easy, but if you are just observer who is not touched by other people suffering or problem, indeed all that is "relative" :(((( How can you be so insensitive again?? First with other people's feelings and problems in life, and now with other people's money? Drop? That is not drop because most of JW members are not rich with money, have modest income. And everything have to be payed, even own lawyers in this way or another Yes it is! And still now you have no one court case or settlement out of court announced on JWorg TV, not mentioned about how much money they paid to victims in his reports. No columns in Yearbook on that issue. That is nothing but hiding. "Two or three witness rule principe" are also great. haha
  6. Dear , "new circumstances" are in this; problem of child molestation in JWorg are incredibly huge. And it was "huge" because of numbers of victims and court cases, and millions of $ that WT Corporation have to pay. It is also because it was hidden in front JW members all this decades. "Principles" is/are something else. Principles are not that, after reading some bible verses or reports man come to conclusion, to inspirational "new light" and say; "this is bible principle!" No, verses, events that you are reading are other people experience and way how they solve their problems. That is not always role model how you, today must solving your problems. "Principles" - with this word, especially when someone add "Bible principles", human leaders in WT corp. are caused more problems than would be without such idea. Bible is "TWO EDGED SWORD" !
  7. Hi, as i see you have good intention. But in JW org there is/are no alternative nor suggestions. Only "obey" WT. :)
  8. Biblical practice that was legalized on the level of religious and political authority in the Israeli people. As all Bible books are inspired, than this particular text, reports are given by authority of god through Moses and other leaders in those patriarchal days are also for benefit not only for past days but for this days too :)). But it should be borne in mind that such customs, in fact laws, war laws and other laws, are not unique to the Israeli nation alone. This was the case with the nations that existed before Israel, during Israel and after Israel. So, that is how we come to the first question. Why does the Israeli newborn nation have, as some today presume, "exalted, superior moral laws", but in these decrees, are the same as the laws of pagan peoples. Go through books, Numbers 31, Deuteronomy 13:16; 20:14; Judge 5:30, and especially for this comment i would put accent on Deuteronomy 21:10-14. After reading verses and context, ask your conscience as first step - Would you do that as male, soldier for god?? How would you respond if your family been attacked from such soldiers? And if you female - how would you feel that strangers kill your family and took you with them as war spoil? To take you because you are beautiful and virgin, because he, soldier want you? What is inspired and divine and loving in such commands? But, hey this is normal practice for pagans and normal "bible" practice for god's chosen people. Here we come to issue of slavery. . When the Bible refers to female slaves who do not “please” their masters, we’re talking about the sexual use of slaves. Likewise when the Bible spells out the conditions for marrying a slave (see Exodus 21:7-11). We have examples as Abraham and Sara. Sara gave her female slave to be sexual slave to her husband for particular reason. We have Joseph who has been in young age, slave for others, but later he became lord, dynast and have own slaves, and generating slavery in Egypt, in time of food shortage. We can talk also about, military slavery, debt slavery and economic slavery for reasons of natural catastrophes and social problems on small or grand scale. If someone think that slavery has been better, more compassionate, more merciful in Israel then in "pagan" nations i will put ? on that. To go back on the beginning of post, practice and customs in old Israel today causing disgust and disbelief in modern people's life even, i supposed in the mind of every normal JW member. Celebrating birth of own child looks very harmless and innocent to me. Have a good day and night without nightmares after picturing, visualize yourself bible events and customs and practice about which you will never hear, study in public talks or study editions of WT
  9. hehe, ok i will take time, not immediately, please be little patient, and will pick few things that was "biblical" practice of old Jew nation. Such things, rules, paragraphs was incorporate in the Law, and by that legislative body in Israel nation was just obey what God has said (if God said that!?) and legalised practice, custom and rules that, in fact was not, i think, something specific for nation of Israel only, but for all or many other nations way of dealing with similar life matters in those time.
  10. I was not listen yet Annual Meeting, in fact this is meeting which should be called with real name Annual Shareholders assembly :)))) Ok, on angels. Nothing is new about that. They always have this idea, of helping angels, because of some bible texts. And they promote that idea from time to time. For us who has been inside JW for long time, knowing that very well. For newbie is new.
  11. Oh dear, do you want to tell by this sentence how Master has been silence in past decades? and that He is not One who showed old light to GB/FDS? I am not "attacking" without knowledge about "old and new light". What i am doing is something that is very good in fact. Actually - 1) „It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false. … To make a public exposure of false religion is … a public service.“ - Watchtower magazine, Nov 15, 1963, Article: „Execution of Divine Judgement upon False Religion“, page 688, par. 3. 2) It also does not hold back from exposing religious falsehood.—Matthew 15:9; 23:27, 28. - https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/which-religion-is-true/ As you can see "old light" from 1963 is the same as "new light" on JW library in 21 century. In other words nothing has changed, The Same Light Still Shining.
  12. Dear BS, Biblical practice is very wide concept. And some Bible practice that God JHVH allowed and even commanded through the law, prophets, priests and kings is something that would not be good to practice today. Do not "force" me :))) to count bible reports about old Jew practice.
  13. I do not understand the semantic in your wording choice, selection "I do not believe in birthday." What is "birthday" that anyone should believe in that? :)))
  14. Jesus never told nothing against custom or people who celebrate birthday. What Bible report said that he proclaimed how celebrating birthday is a sin, against God? But he counted some other things as bad, didn't he? Wedding rings, white dress for bride, cake, wedding anniversary (aka birthday of marriage) and similar customs have "pagan" source, but still JW members doing this all and more. So please, be kind and look both side of medal. What today JW or anyone else have with Jewish customs and traditions? But you put all that as role models and guidance as something that will pleased God if we imitate. Did not God all that Jewish stuffs live in fire and dust? And Jesus was not "ordinary" Jew. Why you compare him with other people of his time. He came to change everything from the very fundament. Not only to change but to replace all that what Jewish had. He is the first one who sit and eat and fun with sinners, HE changed The LAW with such behaviour. And you today have problem if somebody want to memorize the day of birth. Awake dear
  15. “Because Christians can be loyal both to God and to earthly governments they can take oaths of allegiance to defend the Constitution, as is required of citizens in some countries in order to get a passport.” Watchtower 1964 Sep 15 p.551 “Christians refused to . . . sacrifice to the emperor’s genius—roughly equivalent today to refusing to salute the flag or repeat the oath of allegiance.” Watchtower 1975 Aug 15 p. 497
  16. Mat 1:18- "This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about : ... Luke 2:11- "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” 13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, ..." Mat. 2:11- "On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh." This is the third mentioned birthday in the Bible besides two you mentioned. And as we all very clearly can see it is nothing against God if people rejoicing and giving present to person that was born on particular day. Children that has been killed by Herod are not killed because birthday party for Jesus (angels, great company of heaven, shepherds, parents, singing, gifts) but because Herod. Thanks for good post :)))
  17. Yes Tom and in this issue you exercise this method on me. I gave you real example supported with evidence. But no, you turn, spin that and told that it is not matter because i said that :)))) In fact WT said incorrect "story" in Reasoning book and left impression on readers how this conclusion about stake is done by "worldly" writer. Who have salts in head will see. Next thing. Cross or torture stake, both looks paganic, and have source in pagan customs and symbolism. Both looks like penis. So if you think you win it is far from that. Religious people who advocates this or that version must first accept main thing about symbols and objects inside customs and traditions they have in own religion - to not worship nothing and nobody but God. So, you as JW not worship cross, but in the same time members and Society using also idolatry symbols that must not have been, originated in old pagan religion. But WT creating own modern paganism started with watchtower drawing (picture) on magazines and memos, flags with JWorg logo and others. Not to mentioned rejected crown and cross in the beginning published magazines. So please why giving lessons to others while in same time doing the same blasphemy?
  18. "after we make you you safe you will be saved" Thanks Hear. In this example i show simply and plain that hearer of somebody talk can interpret his words as he, the listener understand it. And that understanding or interpretation must not be wrong in my case, as you suggest (if i understand you correctly ). In fact all message about apostate and internet give me conclusion that i am rightly interpreting all elements of his speech, talk on TV and that is - context, words, meaning, message, nonverbal speech, gestures, mimics, facial expressions, tone of voice and word choice. I am stupid, but not too much :)))))))))
  19. Using written and spoken words is not always easy to express one's thoughts. Not even between people who speak the same language. In the lexicon of each nation there are synonyms and antonyms. There are single and multiple words. There are metaphors and metonymy. There are homonyms, homographs and homophones. And much more. In order for the two speakers ( interlocutors) to be able to understand one another, much has to be in common when using the same language. Both must know exactly how to convey the thought. Both must know one meaning or more meaning of the same word and how to use it in particular kontext. Both must know how to understand the thought. And the thought behind the word. Both must know why there is a misunderstanding and how to resolve the misunderstanding. The problem of interpretation of what is written or pronounced certainly exists in mutual communication. One example of this is WT's practice of turning the blame on the 1975 teachings and interpretation on the followers. A similar thing happens with some other instructions. Not only with so called "prophecies", or GB wishes that their interpretation on Bible text looks like "prophecies", thinking (process of thinking) which should to be advanced and sees things that will just happen (around the corner :)))). I will continue on "dishonesty" with this example, and there is much more. Everyone knows how starting the topic of "the cross" in the Reasoning book. I will copy/paste this part from Reasoning book; Reasoning from the Scriptures, page 89, Cross, JWorg library; The Imperial Bible-Dictionary acknowledges this, saying: “The Greek word for cross, [stau·rosʹ], properly signified a stake, an upright pole, or piece of paling, on which anything might be hung, or which might be used in impaling [fencing in] a piece of ground. . . . Even amongst the Romans the crux(from which our cross is derived) appears to have been originally an upright pole.”—Edited by P. Fairbairn (London, 1874), Vol. I, p. 376. BUT GO TO ORIGINAL TEXT and see dropped text. WT put dots (...) instead text. The Imperial Bible-Dictionary acknowledges this, saying: “The Greek word for cross, [stau·rosʹ], properly signified a stake, an upright pole, or piece of paling, on which anything might be hung, or which might be used in impaling [fencing in] a piece of ground. But a modification was introduced as the dominion and usages of Rome extended themselves through Greek speaking countries. Even amongst the Romans the crux (from which our cross is derived) appears to have been originally an upright pole and this always reminded the more prominent part. But from the time that it began to be used as an instrument of punishment a transverse piece of wood was commonly added; not, however, always even than..... The following text continues, describing the types of crosses and the ways in which the convicts were murdered...,others extending their arms on a patibulum. There can be no doubt, however, that the latter sort was the more common and that about the period of the gospel age crucifixion was usually accomplished by suspending the criminal on a cross piece of wood. But this does not itself determine the precise form of the cross; .... The following text continues by describing 3 types of crosses. —Edited by P. Fairbairn (London, 1874), Vol. I, p. 376
  20. I agree, there is no shame to change minds. I show you that i feel no shame for my change Only reason? No. :)))))) Every of us can be brainwashed (deceived - in this religion matter) and claim how that it is not case with him, and not able to see that in fact it is the case :))))))) Will lunatic ever confess that he is crazy? ahahahaha
  21. Thanks for sharing your feelings. Yes, Feelings, not Thoughts, because, dear ex brother, i can see that from your copy/paste method of text that is not your deep thoughts. You just expressed your strong feelings, nothing more. Thanks for calling people like me stupid. I will give/turn to you my other cheek too, so you can slap me once again :)))))) For me is more important to do this, "come out", than to join some religion....4 Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins or contract any of her plagues. Come out ... He said, not - Go in ...
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