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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. Well, I'm just emphasizing the problem in the definition of "abstaining from blood", as well as in the interpretations of that definition. What is the difference if you eat 10 drops of blood in meat or receive 3 deciliters during a transfusion? Does the amount of blood make a difference? If this is the intention of the legislator, then it should not be extended to something that is not written, and say that eating through the mouth is the same as injecting into the veins.
  2. My amateur opinion is that things are intertwined here and they are moving in some kind of change of supremacy in opinion between the groups that are the current rulers in WTJWorg. As in any Corporation that has a business/monetary aspect and a real estate business, the survival of Organized Religion in its current form depends solely on money and business moves. How much control GB can have in this, and how much other players are unknown to most of us. Regarding GB's theological control over religion, I think they have it to the greatest extent.
  3. I wouldn't look back at the 1st century so much in the context of one's beliefs (mine or yours) about events in the distant past. Our reality today is to decide/discern whether we should accept or reject or more thoroughly consider, unencumbered with the influence of WTJWorg, GB's statements about their claims to be the only ones who correctly interpret the Bible the way they do, from their inception to the present day. With the abundance of archival material available to us, authored/written by the people at WTJWorg, it is possible to see a chronology of doctrine. The text from the publications gives us a certain insight into the personality and condition of those behind the text. Also, by relating it to events inside and outside WTJWorg, we can see more clearly why some things (doctrines, instructions, interpretations) were written in one way (as irrefutable and the pinnacle of true knowledge) and later changed, more or less modified, adapted or completely rejected. And with some doctrines, it happened that they were thrown out for a while and then reintroduced as correct after a certain period of time (the so-called flip-flop). It is unnecessary to question whether an individual believe or does not believe in God and his ability. That doesn't solve anything. The question must be asked whether we should believe in People who claim that God is speaking contradictory things through them, and that both are true.
  4. Statement from the Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry https://www.abuseincare.org.nz/our-progress/news/statement-from-the-abuse-in-care-royal-commission-of-inquiry/#:~:text=The High Court has announced,Australasia) Ltd has been dismissed
  5. In June, the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses Australasia, which oversees 170 New Zealand congregations, filed for a judicial review to exempt itself from the inquiry, arguing it does not have historical abuse cases within the inquiry's scope. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/497240/jehovah-s-witness-church-spends-3-years-fighting-scrutiny-of-royal-commission-of-inquiry The High Court in Wellington has dismissed a legal bid by the church to be excluded from the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/500982/jehovah-s-witness-bid-to-be-excluded-from-abuse-inquiry-dismissed 25 October 2023
  6. "Today, Jehovah guides his people by means of the Bible, his holy spirit, and the congregation. (Acts 9:31; 15:28; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17) The guidance that we receive from him is so clear that it is as if ‘our own ears hear a word behind us saying: “This is the way. Walk in it.”’ (Isa. 30:21) In effect, Jesus also conveys Jehovah’s voice to us as he directs the congregation through “the faithful and discreet slave.” (Matt. 24:45) We need to take this guidance and direction seriously, for our everlasting life depends on our obedience." Watchtower 2014 Aug 15 p.21 "God gives us the direction we need in order to look after his people. (Compare Exodus 24:12.) His Word directs us and his spirit assists us beyond our natural abilities in caring for responsibilities. (2 Cor. 4:7)" “Pay Attention to Yourselves and all the Flock” p.11 "The mysteries locked up in the book of Revelation have for long baffled sincere students of the Bible. In God's due time, those secrets had to be unlocked, but how, when, and to whom? Only God's spirit could make known the meaning as the appointed time drew near. (Revelation 1:3) Those sacred secrets would be revealed to God's zealous slaves on earth so that they would be strengthened to make known his judgments. (Compare Matthew 13:10, 11.) It is not claimed that the explanations in this publication are infallible. Like Joseph of old, we say: "Do not interpretations belong to God?" (Genesis 40:8) God had a channel for communicating Revelation in John's day, and John was the earthly part of that channel. Likewise, God has a channel for giving spiritual nourishment to his 'slaves' today. Revelation, Its Grand Climax At Hand! p.9, 15 The Organization operates under the confusing concept of "Provisional Infallibility." On the one hand, Watchtower information is to be accepted unquestioningly as from Jehovah; on the other hand, Watchtower admittedly contains significant mistakes. This is justified by the irrational concept that holy spirit directs the Governing Body, but they are not inspired. This is illogical - inspired means to be directed by holy spirit. The concepts of infallibility and inspiration are simple, yet discussing them in line with Watchtower teachings becomes complicated because by definition it is impossible to have direction of holy spirit but not be inspired. According to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition: Infallible; "Incapable of erring" (therefore to be infallible means to be perfect) Inspire; "to affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence" (or in other words inspired means to be directed by holy spirit) Presented as formula highlights the flaw in the Watchtower reasoning, the Watchtower contradicts itself when saying that God's Holy Spirit directed its doctrines, yet they are not necessarily correct. source:https://jwfacts.com/watchtower/directed-by-holy-spirit.php
  7. “WHO REALLY IS THE FAITHFUL AND DISCREET SLAVE?” 12. Since the Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible, what questions arise? 12 The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. In fact, the Watch Tower Publications Index includes the heading “Beliefs Clarified,” which lists adjustments in our Scriptural understanding since 1870. Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food. So how can we answer Jesus’ question: “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave?” (Matt. 24:45) What evidence is there that the Governing Body is filling that role? Let us consider the same three factors that directed the governing body in the first century. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2017283 "Consider, too, the fact that Jehovah's organization alone, in all the earth, is directed by God's holy spirit or active force. (Zech. 4:6) Only this organization functions for Jehovah's purpose and to his praise. To it alone God's Sacred Word, the Bible, is not a sealed book. Many persons of the world are very intelligent, capable of understanding complex matters. They can read the Holy Scriptures, but they cannot understand their deep meaning. Yet God's people can comprehend such spiritual things. Why? Not because of special intelligence on their part, but as the apostle Paul declared: "For it is to us God has revealed them through his spirit, for the spirit searches into all things, even the deep things of God."" Watchtower 1973 Jul 1 p.402 "The Watchtower is not the instrument of any man or set of men, nor is it published according to the whims of men. No man's opinion is expressed in The Watchtower. God feeds his own people, and surely God uses those who love and serve him according to his own will. Those who oppose The Watchtower are not capable of discerning the truth that God is giving to the children of his organization, and this is the very strongest proof that such opposers are not of God's organization." Watchtower 1931 Nov 1 p.327
  8. I assume that in Judaism a special system of slaughtering animals was developed to be consistent with the idea/prohibition of eating blood. If this is true, then JWs today should only buy meat from those butchers who have such a procedure (the Jewish procedure should be the one God approved for the Israelites in ancient times, i guess). If the purpose, of the ban on not eating blood, is not to make the meat completely free of even a single drop of blood, then any insistence on a "total ban on the use of blood" is open to criticism. This is exactly what is happening today with JW. They eat the blood in the meat, because there is always blood in the meat, regardless of the fact that most of it came out during the slaughter. However, no one at WTJWorg insists that the meat be completely bloodless. From this, we could conclude that the only important thing is to slaughter the animal, during which the blood comes out of the body unhindered. Obviously, the "prohibition of eating blood" in that case was reduced to the process/method of taking the life of an animal, and not so much to the insistence on unconditional "abstinence from blood". I remembered the everyday situation in which our gums bleed. How many times have we swallowed our own blood. And by that, everyone like that has broken the "commandment". All such JWs should be called before the JC and asked if they are repentant or unrepentant sinners and then exclude them. :)) I don't like blood as a medical issue only because of health dilemmas, because blood controls and storage are not done properly, and everyone donates blood who shouldn't.
  9. Given that Geoffrey Jackson, authorized GB representative, has publicly stated, confirmed by the court seal of the ARC, that the WTJWorg GB is not the only body in this world that can give valid doctrines when representing God as God's speaker of faith, (opposite to your view about GB) then this exposition about different interpretations from different sources is redundant, in the sense that it does not lead us to any single human authority on this issue. Perhaps the difficulty arises from the fact that all the religious sources discussed are in a phase, a state called "spirit-led." GB is in such mental state. Perhaps other churces have different view and think they are inspired or something else. Should find out. It is obvious from everything presented that being "led by the spirit" is a very weak, flawed, uncertain and imprecise way of establishing true faith in God (without written Bible text).
  10. Yes of course, we could establish a clearer meaning of the terms "inspired" and "led". For this purpose, a book should be published on JWlibrary, so that believers can be educated. From my point of view, I accept the idea that the ant is not "inspired" but "led" by the HS as it walks the underground corridors in search for food.
  11. No problem. I respect the choice. Individuals within the JW congregation do not need to deal with the legal aspects of their faith, but that is why the legal status of believers in the Church is dealt with by the WTJWorg Corporation. This means that individuals, belonging to each congregation, will be exposed, without their knowledge, to every legal move by JW lawyers.
  12. I found one article to educate me more on about this. https://www.evidenceunseen.com/theology/historical-theology/tax-collectors/ I don't really understand why Jesus would use a tax collector in his teaching about internal relationships among fellow believers. The tax collector was a legally appointed person from the Roman authorities. Nobody likes taxes and tax collectors, both before and today. I will use the cynicism of GB who said that "Jesus did not promise perfect spiritual food". Jesus also did not promise that you will not be taxed by the authorities. He did not promise that taxes would be low. He did not promise that injustice would not overtake you. And so on and so forth. Finally, JWs boast of being completely law-abiding and paying (unjust) taxes, both in the 1st century and today. Furthermore, everyone will agree with what @Juan Rivera said about ex-JW status. Ex-JWs fall into the category of "neighbors" just like tax collectors and Gentiles. In the light of the comments that are presented here and emphasize the need for less influence of the written word, the Bible, and a stronger influence of the interpretation of the written word by those who are "authorized and appointed" to interpret it, then the existing interpretation of completely ignoring excluded JWs would need reinterpretation. Among other things, JWs go to prisons to convert people who have been marked as criminals by a "higher authority", who they say is appointed by God to their position. The same elders who are cordial with the prisoners despise the ex-JW when they see him on the street. That's a normal state of mind and emotion, right? That was Jesus' intention in his teachings, from chapter 18?
  13. People should be educated, and that means sending everyone to a fishing course. Move/to displace people to live in places with water so that they can hunt for themselves and have fresh fish in their hands. This will be possible only in NW system :))
  14. I assume that the spirit has an action that is not related to our wishes. Well, I allow the possibility of interpretation that the spirit acts according to its will and judgment about how, when, where, whom and whether it will unite someone in the same thought, in the same spirit. This writing is a good basis for a new manual to be studied with possible new "converts" to the JW faith. These kinds of things are not even considered in the regular weekly JW meetings. This material could be a good tool to make a better screening in joining the Organization. It would help the newly interested to gain a better insight into what they are getting into. The current BS management method is insufficient to make a quality "informed decision".
  15. You have described well the true state and position of followers within WTJWorg. Namely, in the changes to the baptismal question that is publicly asked of the candidates immediately before the baptism, this reality was highlighted. The candidate does not tie his affiliation and loyalty to God and Christ, but only and exclusively to the Legal Entity that is registered as a non-profit Corporation/Organization. 2. Do you understand that your baptism identifies you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with Jehovah’s organization? -https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102014954 I'm glad someone here has given a clearer view of the legal position of (ordinary) JW individuals, who are not considered as "members" in the new terminology, but only individuals, as "one of". Of course, this will only be useful to those who will read this on a forum or blog, because the candidate with whom the "Bible study" is being conducted will not learn this from his "teacher".
  16. Is the exclusion of a sinful anointed a rebellion? Is ignoring/shun a sinful anointed one rebellion?
  17. I can accept the presented logic in which the Bereans come to believe that Paul's claim that he received revelation from Jesus is an argument that convinces them of his position. The difficulty that exists today is that the GB cannot prove that Jesus gave them a "revelation". Paul was able to do this because he had witnesses and because he performed miracles. GB has no witnesses to its installation, and the "miracles" it performs are only theological acrobatics. Paul did not deny "inspiration". GB persistently denies that HS "inspires" them. Of course, even if GB claimed that they were "inspired", that would be a reason to doubt them even more than the claim from the first version. Today's potential followers of WTJWorg are left with the only method you called "misinterpretation". It remains for them to come to the conclusion based on the Bible only, what is offered to them. And that only the Bible is above the authority of any man. Well, don't JWs say they conduct Bible studies with newly interested people. If that would be the wrong method, as you give immpresion about Paul, then JWs should study with the new ones about What and Who The GB is. Education models are changing in WTJWorg. GB has today abandoned the models of the past and introduced a "new approach" to the biblical text. One of the latest results of the newly established method is the establishment of the conclusion that man "does not know".
  18. Sorry, but they put themselves in this or that category with their doctrines. They publicly say/claim that Jesus did not promise to distribute perfect spiritual food through the FDS. Hey, didn't to a single JW in the world explode his own brain after GB member Gerrit Losch stated that on JWTV? Memories fading.., collectively? Gerrit Losch, to this day, has not been sanctioned for his statement by the rest of GB. In fact, he should not be sanctioned because Jesus did not promise to distribute perfect spiritual food through WTJWorg GB, ..........but through HS. But the rest of the GB team should have removed him for a simple reason. It causes public embarrassment, scandal and threatens followers' faith in the Organization.
  19. The dilemma is 2000 years old. For/To WTJWorg GB, the Gospel was not transmitted from the Apostles. So the chain of reliability of information transmission was broken a long time ago. On a personal level in modern times (20th and 21st century) all generations of newly baptized persons are faced with the fact that the doctrines they accepted through BS with a brother or sister has been changed in the meantime. If they would adhere to the principle stated in your comment, then these people should not subject themselves to new interpretations that arose after their baptism. Which statement is stronger? Perfect Direct Instruction from Galatians or the Imperfect Interpretation by GB based on the biblical passage about "the light that shines more and more"? The first thesis (direct instruction), is based on a clearly expressed position of the writer. Is the apostle's statement open to some interpretation that might be softened by the GB's interpretation about "progressive knowledge"? Shall we allow to water down the Apostolic faith? One excludes the other, and GB must decide which Doctrine, between these two, it wants to implement in practice. As an illustration of how an individual should act in such cases, we can use the well-known "command" to obey God more than people. In the JW doctrine that explains the position of Christians before worldly authority, it is ordered to disobey the authorities when that something goes against God's commandments. Any JW would therefore be able to reject GB doctrines and instructions without consequence, as he would HAVE to use his conscience in deciding. Not WTJWorg Doctrine and Instruction, but own Conscience. The issue of shaping/reshaping the JW member conscience is a new topic.
  20. A congregation is a group of people, believers. The JW congregation is led and governed by elders. Elderse is set by GB. Consequently, the GB governs all doctrines and instructions in the congregation, not the group of believers. Submission to the JW congregation is direct submission to the GB at US Headquarter.
  21. The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
  22. Experience and facts tell us that such institutions are interested in having a clean face in public.
  23. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. - 1 John 4:1 GB said people; do not question our doctrines or you be labeled as apostate. Bible gives power to individual to try, test doctrines made by GB. GB said you have no right to test. Again; Some say one thing, and some say something completely different.
  24. We touched on the topic of "tyranny" in previous comments. WTJWorg uses some forms that can be classified as "tyranny", because it does not allow members to question the GB, does not allow the asking of "uncomfortable" questions, does not allow the use of arguments that are not in accordance with the GB doctrines.
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