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Srecko Sostar

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Posts posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. Hi! All of you who are or have been member of JW church for longer period are  very well aware of fact that every explanation on "the generation" issue through long decades that passed, was been "logic" and supported with "logical reasoning", "reasonable explanation", and in some of them, as in this last one, WT GB told people that "Jesus referred", "Jesus was thought". So by such sort of claiming in using Jesus authority, as GB often doing using JHVH name too, when want to strengthen, to boost, to support own idea,  ordinary, uninspired, imperfect and error human, earthly ideas and theories from WT "bible scholars" - nothing good can come from that. Only another seduction and deception.        

  2. 9 hours ago, John Houston said:

    ...why this one word is of such import?...

    Hi! Perhaps somebody can do that better than me. But character of entity define their tax status, and by that obligation or free of paying taxes for money that circulate inside company (and millions circulate in WT) .

    Second thing is in a  contents of activity of particular charity society. All kind of work for helping people is good. Needs of people are various in different circumstances. But one of first help you can provide to poor or hungry or thirsty or injured or naked person is to satisfy his/her need. Point in helping is need of person, not our thinking, our goal what that person Must receive and take from us to make us feel satisfy and happy and self-assurance how we made good deeds and/or our thinking that what we offer is the best for them. 

    If you have no "interest", then you will give people what they need without expecting from them  to take magazines or bible study or to become JW member.

    Last year i was in town with one bro who want to meet with me on coffee despite the fact i was dissociated my self. One man collecting money for sick kids on the street. I gave him few kuna (Croatian money) and bro give him tractate pointing on web JWorg. How funny!     

  3. On 9/22/2017 at 21:33, Gone Fishing said:

    "...representatives of the 14 religious communities recognized in Austria in a joint dialogue on social cohesion in Austria..."

    Imagine how many meetings and joint dialogue have done (and still doing) through decades by WT representatives (elders) with "beast" and "Babylon the Great" out of rank and file members eyes who are "untitled" to hear "privilege informations".

    But ok, members would not understand the reasons and subjects for conversations??!!  :)))) On other side, greater sin for average JW member is to paint walls in a church than for WT elder who sit (and drink or eat) on the same table with "satan servants". Hehe, hypocrisy? or just demagogy and practical move in modern time.   

  4. 23 hours ago, Nicole said:

    ...served the longest time in Korea for conscientious objection, seven years...

    conscientious objection is by Merriam-Webster Dictionary = "governed by or conforming to the dictates of conscience."

    And as JW members usually say, "bible-trained conscience". Here we can talk about two sort of "conscience". One is Original conscience, God giving, "natural". And other one is "trained". Trained by what, by whom? By doctrines, instructions, fear, society, family, group....

    Regarding to the theme of post, this JW brother and as many similar to him who refuse to go to army, military service. I believe how in his explanation in front secular authorities about reasons for such act, for sure he mentioned that he refuse it because his "bible-trained conscience". But, reason that is more stronger than conscience lay in subconscious part of mind. And that is true, prime reason for JW members in general. Fear of God, fear of WT organization and fear that he will be rejected from JW society if go to military service.  

    In fact JW elders trained brothers who are confronted with this issue to tell how reason for refuse serving army is not their belonging to JW organization, but bible-trained conscience. But as we all know very well that is half-true, not all true. Because will he, Jeong and others refuse military service if they would not belonged to JW church?  Would they refuse to serve if they did not belonged to JW? Why elders giving such instruction? Because of fear of persecution and sanction to legal entities aka WT society in same country. 

    JW members are not the only one who refuse military service. There is others who do that same also for reason of "conscience" and religious belonging.

    Other issue is problems that GB caused to many brothers by instructions on  what civil service instead of military is accepted and what is not.

  5. On 9/16/2017 at 13:28, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Melody's Interview at 2017 "Don't Give Up" Regional Convention

    "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

    But some of us do not follow this "good example" and have not confirmed this rule :) ....thanks god! Or should we blame parents because they have not trained us enough? hehe


  6. 9 hours ago, Bible Speaks said:

    The Pagan Catholic Sect, gets into Politics in Spain

    The Bishops, hundreds of priests and some "Christian" entities ask the central government to respect the self-government of catalonia and to allow the vote



    if I'm freely commenting, I think that link between religion and politics has existed since ancient times and it is not strange or forbidden. If you are reading Bible reports, like events related to Saul, David, and the priests and prophets, you will see that even then there were links and interests between spiritual and secular. There were spiritual leaders of the people and political leaders of the people. (priests and kings) They sometimes worked harmoniously and sometimes were on opposite sides.
    Priests and prophets had the authority to set up a king, but the people could have set the king too, more precisely to say, the elders of the people. That is very clear from 2. Samuel 5:3.
    The duty and obligation of the prophet, the priest is to care for the interests of the people, to be their shepherd. A similar role exists for the king. Therefore, it is not possible to completely separate religion from politics. If some bible verses can be interpreted how god forbid or condemn  relationship, bonds between church and state  other bible reports gave us other view on the same issue.  
    After all, does not the Book of Revelation describe the rulers of the heavenly kingdom with two opposing titles in one - kings and priests?

  7. On 1/9/2017 at 02:05, Jay Witness said:

    I was going through some research I had done a few years ago and came across something that referenced ROJW Healthcare Support and a note to myself to take a look at ROJW when I had the time. So I did a search for ROJW (an acronym for Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses).

    The search turned up some interesting bits of information.

    According to Dun & Bradstreet, ROJW was founded in 2011:

    Since 2011, Rojw has been providing Nonclassifiable Establishments from Wallkill.

    For a list of persons who have worked for ROJW:


    Some of the people listed above have worked for ROJW since 1999 (the year that the Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses was established)

    Several of the positions that are listed are professional and it appears, according to this website, that these are paid positions:

    The average Base Salary for rojw is $89K per year, ranging from $74.5K to $104K.

    It appears as though there are several paid positions within the ROJW. This is not unusual for a non-profit. It is entirely acceptable to pay people who work for non-profits. Not everyone who works for the WTS is a volunteer.

    But, if you are a volunteer for ROJW, there are resources available for training through linkedin:


    Note the courses available:

    Social Media for Non-Profits

    Public Speaking Fundamentals

    How to Rock Social Media

    Information Literacy

    Grant Writing for Education



    ROJW also has a clinical lab registered:


    I found a fellow that works for ROJW Health Care Support who is a Referral Champion:

    Referral Champions are members who have referred 10 or more colleagues to QuantiaMD. The more colleagues you refer, the more you earn.

    If you love QuantiaMD and tell a fellow clinician, you can become a Referral Champion too, and earn Q-Points for doing so

    This guy's photo is about a third down the page linked above:

    Edward Thomas, RN-BC, OCN

    Coordinator, Health Care Support, ROJW

    Another ROJW enterprise is this one:

    ROJW Interior Designers & Decorators


    I am not sure what the deal is with the above business, but Brother Hector sports a nice little blue lapel pin and a big smile.

    - OrphanCrow

    I thought i recognized the guy on the Houzz website.

    He's a singer in the choir on the JW tv music videos.


    He is in most of the JW choir videos.

    Here again is his pic from Houzz its definitely him.



    ROJW was officially formed in 2000, paperwork was probably prepared and started to go through the NY Secretary of State office in 1999. Prior to this, bethelietes and other special full time servants still took a vow of poverty and obedience just under a different Corporation. In 2000 there was setup 7 US corporations to handle matters in the US.

    WTBTSPA- it is the parent corporation and publishes the material.

    WTBTS-NY- they oversee operations such as printing the material.

    CCJW- they are the corporation's that service department has control over, elders and co duties fall under this

    Worldwide Order of Special Full-time Servants of Jehovah's Witnesses- is the corporation that oversees bethelietes and COs, construction volunteers and US BIFS. They oversee the actual person not the work.

    Kingdom Support Services- oversaw the work at bethel, RBCs, transportation of literature and a few other stuff.

    WTBTS-FL- they owned a orange grove at one time, but I think they got rid of it because ur became cheaper just to buy oranges.

    WTBT-NJ- I am not sure what they do, I just know it exists. I believe all it does now is handle Stanley theater.

    There is a corporation that handles the cemetery at wallkhill, but I forget it's name.

    Recently there was added a new corporation to handle the US LDC operation

    - Richard Oliver

    Order, priests, clergy-laity distinction, classes, rank and file, all that is reality, something that was strange as i was been member.

    But Jay, if i may tell, you missed one very important word in connection with central corporation and all sister companies, congregations and similar entities - "charity" is that word. And this word have interesting meanings,  legal aspects, privileges and obligations on Holder of that Title. :))

  8. On 8/12/2017 at 19:28, UcyImd1 said:

    We were told communication  with family  members was fine. Just not on spiritual matters

    WT JWorg try hard to explain how, what, in which circumstances, who, why, why yes, why not .... all at all making rules on rules. But as James correctly said, you dear Ucylmd have to update information on that subject. :)) because it is not simple for JW member to be in line with instructions that can be changed very fast. Just part of text from JWorg official site;

     "We cannot here cover every situation that may arise, but let us focus on two basic ones....In some instances, the disfellowshipped family member may still be living in the same home as part of the immediate household. Since his being disfellowshipped does not sever the family ties, normal day-to-day family activities and dealings may continue. Yet, by his course, the individual has chosen to break the spiritual bond between him and his believing family. So loyal family members can no longer have spiritual fellowship with him..... In other cases, the disfellowshipped relative may be living outside the immediate family circle and home. Although there might be a need for limited contact on some rare occasion to care for a necessary family matter, any such contact should be kept to a minimum."

    I have JW family out of my home/house. Last year, i meet my mother accidently (for first time after my living JWorg) on street and said, Hello Mum :), she turn serious face/head and passed. My three brothers in blood and their families  also cut contacts (silence). But in fact i have no need for their society, no sorrow, no sad because of this. If it is "normal" to applause in congregation, convention to Melody role model, then it is quite normal to me also to not feel any regret and to applause myself for my courage to stand firm for my perception of the truth.


  9. 3 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    The Baptismal Oath was changed in 1985 to eliminate that loophole.

    If you were baptized before 1985, you have the contractual right to demand they destroy your records, however they do not recognize you have any rights at all in that regard.

    If you have family and friends that are JWs ... it's a hostage situation, and they can get away with it.

    Thanks James. As it is written in bible, eyes will open only after man take a byte of apple :))) If you do not mind, we can use that illustration also in the case, examples of "waking up" from things that put people (as me before) in lack of information, knowledge, connecting known with unknown, reasoning on few levels and more. 

    Yes, JW social contacts from ex "bro and sis" are not existing, family members also. But my advance in all this "situation" is my introvert character (hehe) and  clear reason or answer on Why? i was left JWorg, so ...life is good.        

  10. Good morning to everyone. :)
    For a short time, 2 months, I'm following your page, out of curiosity. I like to be in touch with informations on how people think and respond to different circumstances, incentives and changes that come from the environment they live every day, and/or are part of the personal process and attitudes, fears and hopes, beliefs and disappointments. 

    In order to immediately prevent misunderstandings and misconceptions about myself, I want to let you know who I am. That is why I will put my letter. Through the comments  that i have opportunity to read  from some of you, I met your thoughts and attitudes. With many, I agree and support them, which is understandable, hehe. And what are the thoughts that I support? Once you read my letter below, will be immediately clear to you.

    I live in Zagreb, Croatia.Thank you, and apologize for grammatical errors. :)

    1. To Society Watch Tower, Watchtower and corporations

    2. To Jehovah's Witnesses and all assemblies

    3. To all whom this concern


    Declaration on termination of membership to a religious community of Jehovah's Witnesses


                I was baptized in 1977 at the age of 17, then a minor. But, in good faith I answered the following two questions just before baptism, which is symbolized my dedication to God in terms of the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses religion.

    At that time (before the change of June 1 1985) questions have read as follows;

    A)    Have you repented of your sins and converted, recognizing yourself before Jehovah God as a condemned sinner who needs salvation, and have you acknowledged to him that this salvation proceeds from him, the Father, through his Son Jesus Christ?

    B)     On the basis of this faith in God and in his provision for salvation, have you dedicated yourself unreservedly to God to do his will henceforth as he reveals it to you through Jesus Christ and through the Bible under the enlightening power of the holy spirit?


                Since I have over decades closely followed the changes in various aspects of activity of this religion, I noticed some frequent collisions (1 John 4:1; 1 Th 5:21). It is visible in: a) the content of the various interpretations; b) in the theory and practice of action in everyday life issues. Overview of many historical aspects of the spiritual heritage, which the organization has, since its inception in the 19th century, left to its members-followers, and wants to cover it up, revise and incorrect display, is astounding. Who wants to drink a water from a cup in which there is a single drop of dangerous substances?

                The purpose of my statement is not to explain doctrine and practices of society and the board of directors, who are disturbed my conscience and reasoning within the love, faith, knowledge and understanding that I feel and I have to God and Jesus Christ and to the people, so I will taxatively single out only a few of them (Rom 14:4). These are obvious example, on the one hand, theological acrobatics from the main church body of Jehovah's Witnesses, and on the other hand, their dishonesty and practice in which one they are learns, and other they are works;

    1) Confusing conceptions about their own identity (Who shared spiritual food? One servant, all 144 000, a composite body or the governing body ...,)

    2) Pragmatism in changing dogmatic interpretations before the change was "firmly biblical established", such as a series of explanations about the "generation" ...,

    3) Speculation about the meaning of biblical statements and how they should be understood. More than once the revised interpretation were in style of YES-NO-YES-NO; then this year's "changed approach to the interpretation of reports from the Word of God" ...,

    4) Switching of responsibility from the governing body and their representatives on the ordinary believers in respect of the decisions and attitudes that members should be carried out, when it becomes apparent that they were endangered spiritually, mentally and literally health of fellow believers  (eg, multiple expectations of Armageddon, Malawi and Mexico of the 1970s, questions about blood, juvenile members / Bulgaria /, neutrality ...,)

    5) Co-operation and association with political organizations such as the UN and the OSCE.

    6) Increasingly open calls for financial donations and contributions to the funds of the corporation.

    7) Careless and unkind treatment of victims of pedophilia within the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses


                Regardless of how, as collective or personal, members of the Jehovah's Witnesses will treat me after this letter of resignation, considering the worldwide-known practice of ignoring and avoiding (shunning) that Jehovah's Witnesses apply to all who are outside of their religion ("worldly" people, dissociated and disfellowshipped) - I with fully conscious and reason declare still this; My relationship with the people / persons in the Jehovah's Witness religion and those who are not, is based on the words of Jesus; "Love your neighbor as yourself"; "Love those who hate you"; "Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them."


    I expecting from you, that any kind of information which is stored anywhere, in connection with me and has my full name, such as personal files, or any other files you immediately destroy!



    Zagreb, July 27/2015                                          Sre?ko Šoštar -------------

                                       Verified by notary public



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