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Srecko Sostar

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Posts posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. 19 hours ago, Fausto Hoover said:

    The commentator should, without hesitation, denounce God, as the poster persists in condemning the commentator with unjust ignorance. Have you ever come across the phrase "we are not infallible" used by the leaders of the Watchtower? I suggest that the commentator should embrace the concept of revision, which is an essential practice for educational institutions and governments to adapt to the ever-evolving knowledge and times. By embracing these revisions, the commentator can truly experience the impact they have on our daily lives.

    Sorry, but WTJWorg is not an educational institution. WTJWorg is not a scientific institution.
    WTJWorg is a religiously colored corporation. Members are mostly naive in their honesty.

    Science has a "right" to make mistakes because they do not claim to be "guided by the holy spirit". GB claims that they are the only ones in the whole world who are "HS driven" so such a claim disqualifies them from their own justification that they are prone to "inaccuracies" because they are not "perfect".

  2. 2 hours ago, Fausto Hoover said:

    The person mentioned is a common apostate who requires no further introduction. The comments made by the commentator stand as undeniable proof for those who seek to expose the true identity of a former member. What is hypocritical is that they expect us to be polite to them, even though they insult us.

    Especially when they manipulate the story to support their unfounded conclusion. Jesus himself encountered opposition. Like the Watchtower, Jesus accepted the governing authority's decision. The conflict arises from a distorted perception of what is considered acceptable. Paul's words in Romans 13:1 are crystal clear, presenting a compelling reason. The Watchtower does not appreciate the restrictions imposed by governments or the ill-intentioned individuals (apostates) who influence these governments to halt the global preaching work or the proclamation of the good news. Although everyone has the right to defend their beliefs, it is important to remember that resorting to violence, as Jesus taught Peter, is not the appropriate course of action. John 18:10. Hence, the Watchtower does not openly challenge governments through violence. There are former members who misconstrue the distinction that exists.

    Individuals, (current and former members primarily) who are more familiar with the content and management model of "spiritual food" and followers in WTJWorg, have no need, if they are objectively conscientious, to engage in any manipulation of the written and spoken word by the leaders at WTJWorg.

    Religious JW leaders are dangerous enough to themselves because of their spoken and written words, both in front of their own followers, in front of secular authorities and in front of the media.

    The latest example of this is your former GB member A. Morris III. A huge number of his video lectures, photos and statements have been deleted from all digital media, as far as I have been able to find out from various sources. 

    If that elder spoke theological and theocratic truth while he was a member of GB, did it become a lie after his office ceased?

    Your religious leaders are your manipulators, in fact. Perhaps it is your psychological need to declare other people outside of WTJWorg as manipulators because you are in fact powerless to find meaningful answers to your own inner doubts, questions and fears within your own brotherhood.

  3. 1 hour ago, Mickelle said:

    Gospodine Srecko Sostar,

    da bi uopce posvetili ozbiljniju paznji tvojim vlastitim tumacenjima svjetske kampanje Jehovinih svjedoka, ponajprije nam posteno reci da li si ti iskljucena osoba ili da to sami zakljucimo na osnovi tvojih cinickih primjedbi glede pomenute teme? Svaka iskljucena osoba treba posteno i odmah u startu teme oznaciti sebe takvom, ne nevlaceci sugestivno ostale iskrene osobe na njene pristrasne zakljucke. Pa, Srecko, je si ili nisi? Reci slobodno, nemoj se stidjeti. 


    "Open JW Club" does not require identification of participants. Everyone who is familiar with my posts and comments, from first one, knows who I am. If you wanted to know the details, you could have asked for it in a more subtle and polite way, without categorizing people according to your value system.


  4. An excerpt from the Public Information Department of the Jehovah’s Witnesses United States of America said: “At a time when the desire for better government is on the minds of people the world over, Jehovah’s Witnesses will launch an international campaign to bring attention to a universal solution.

    Spokesperson Luke Branco said: “It is no secret that many people are frustrated with rulership. 

    ..., "Mr Branco said the local congregations are united with Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide. He said they were upset with the way the Jehovah’s Witnesses and people of all faiths and backgrounds are being treated because of governance. ..."



    This statements cannot be considered "neutral". He states that the JWs are not satisfied with the governments that rule. So they are dissatisfied with YHVH's decision to "allow" existing governments to exist and rule.
    Furthermore, they claim that other religions and people of other origins and worldviews are not satisfied with this situation either.
    So WTJWorg and their International Brotherhood will be offering prayers to God, not only for JWs but for all those other types of people who feel the same as JWs - disappointed.
    By doing so, they create and generate internationally organized rebellious behavior directed against the legitimate authorities who are "appointed by God to their positions."
    At the same time, they claim that the WTJWorg organization is a physical expression of Christ's invisible reign on Earth since 1914, which will soon replace all "earthly" reigns. Paradoxical and inappropriate action of a non-political and non-profit organization.

  5. 5 hours ago, Fausto Hoover said:

    Confucius' statement carries a profound truth about self-reflection and personal growth. When individuals have the humility to admit their faults and shortcomings, society as a whole can benefit. This concept can also be applied to the presence of God, as it promotes self-awareness, accountability, and moral development. In the presence of God, acknowledging one's faults can lead to a deeper understanding of divine teachings and a desire to strive for spiritual improvement. By recognizing and condemning their own negative behaviors, individuals open themselves up to the transformative power of God's guidance and grace.

    However, it is important to acknowledge that the effects of self-condemnation in the presence of God may not necessarily have an immediate or noticeable impact on the ignorant. Those who are ignorant or unwilling to reflect on their actions may remain unaffected by their own self-condemnation. It is the responsibility of individuals, communities, and spiritual leaders to guide and educate those who are unaware or resistant to self-examination and growth.

    Ultimately, the process of self-condemnation in the presence of God is a personal and individual journey. It requires honesty, introspection, and a genuine desire for personal and moral development. While it may not have an immediate impact on everyone, there is the potential for positive change and societal benefit when individuals willingly embrace self-reflection and strive to align their actions with the teachings and principles of the divine.

    The process of self-condemnation should be more pronounced with WTJWorg GB persons and JWs as a whole. Self-condemnations for believing in the vanity of human teachings. Self-judgments due to constant circling around hypotheses and theology.

  6. Do you notice the similarity? The secret becomes public, sooner or later. Religious institutions (there are no true and false) have the same pattern of behavior. Covering up and trying to keep a "clean" face in front of the public, one's own and the other's.


    “DURING the past decade, some 400 Roman Catholic priests have been reported to church or civil authorities for sexual abuse of children,” according to U.S.News & World Report. Recently, a national gathering of survivors of such abuse was held near Chicago, Illinois. Many spoke openly of how they had been victimized by pedophile priests.

    But NCR (National Catholic Reporter) notes that speakers sounded another theme repeatedly throughout the conference: “The first abuse is sexual; the second and more painful, is psychological.” This second abuse occurs when the church refuses to listen to victims of abuse, fails to take their accusations seriously, and moves only to protect the offending priests. “Fairly or unfairly,” NCR reports, “they portrayed Catholic clergy as belonging to an unhealthy and misguided group more bent on preserving privilege and power than in serving lay needs.” Several speakers made ominous comparisons to the Reformation, which split the church wide open in the 16th century.

    According to Richard Sipe, a former priest turned psychotherapist and expert on sexual abuse by Catholic clergy, all this institutional denial reveals “a deep, desperate and knowing personal involvement in the problem.” He added: “The church knows and has known for a long time a great deal about the sexual activity of its priests. It has looked the other way, tolerated, covered up and simply lied about the broad spectrum of sexual activity of its priests.”

    Not surprisingly, then, many abuse survivors are suing the church. NCR quotes one attorney who specializes in such cases as saying that there are pedophile-priest cases in each of the church’s 188 dioceses in the United States. He says that out-of-court settlements have run as high as $300,000 per case. U.S.News & World Report says that such suits have already cost the church $400,000,000, a figure that could surge to $1 billion by the year 2000. And the Canadian Press reported recently that some 2,000 survivors of childhood sexual abuse in 22 church-run orphanages and mental institutions in Quebec are suing six religious orders for $1.4 billion in damages.

    Interestingly, though, the aforementioned U.S. attorney, who represents 150 victims of pedophile priests in 23 states, says that he has never yet had a client who was eager to go to court. Each one first tried to seek justice “within the pastoral context of the church.” NCR concludes: “Survivors go to the courts, it appears, not as a first resort, but as a last resort.”

  7. 5 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    "Anoesis" is a term used in psychology to describe a state of pure sensation or perception without any emotional or cognitive interpretation. It's a concept that highlights experiencing something without attaching any meaning or emotional response to it.

    Is that good or bad condition? Who are affect with it?

  8. *** w01 7/1 p. 30 Annual Meeting October 6, 2001 ***

    THE ANNUAL MEETING of the members of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania will be held on October 6, 2001, at the Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 2932 Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, New Jersey. A preliminary meeting of the members only will convene at 9:15 a.m., followed by the general annual meeting at 10:00 a.m.

    The members of the corporation should inform the Secretary’s Office now of any change in their mailing addresses during the past year so that the regular letters of notice and proxies can reach them during July.

    The proxies, which will be sent to the members along with the notice of the annual meeting, are to be returned so as to reach the Office of the Secretary of the Society not later than August 1. Each member should complete and return his proxy promptly, stating whether he is going to be at the meeting personally or not. The information given on each proxy should be definite on this point, since it will be relied upon in determining who will be present.

    It is expected that the entire session, including the formal business meeting and reports, will be concluded by 1:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter. There will be no afternoon session. Because of limited space, admission will be by ticket only. No arrangements will be made for tying in the annual meeting by telephone lines to other auditoriums.

    Terminology changed. They are not sharholders but Members - Voters.

    Money is not in their pockets, it seems, but somewhere else.


    *** yb73 p. 258 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania ***

    A little after ten o’clock the annual business meeting was called to order and, by proxy and persons present, there were 423 members of the Pennsylvania corporation in attendance. They reelected as members of the board of directors for three years M. G. Henschel, N. H. Knorr and L. A. Swingle.

  9. 1 hour ago, Fausto Hoover said:

    The Watchtower no longer has any shareholders, as decided by the previous administration in the 1920s. The present organization is governed by a trust.

    How should one respond when a government, such as Russia, unjustly seizes property without any moral justification? Is it possible for the Watchtower to recover all the donated money in order to allocate it to a relief fund? I believe that individuals who used to be part of a group tend to engage in nonsensical arguments that lack substance. What is the perspective of former members regarding the ethicality of using recycled funds to construct buildings in different locations? It appears that the poster is presenting that as their main argument.

    When discussing dementia, it is important for the poster to have a clear understanding of their personal condition before composing the post. Ensuring that the post truly captures their perspective is essential.

    Hence, at the business meeting of all shareholder-voters of the Society on October 2, 1944, it was unanimously voted that the Society’s charter be revised and be brought into closer harmony with theocratic principles. Membership would not now be unlimited as to number but would be between 300 and 500, all of whom would be men chosen by the board of directors, not on the basis of monetary contributions, but because they were mature, active, faithful Witnesses of Jehovah who were serving full-time in the work of the organization or were active ministers of congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses. These members would vote for the board of directors, and the board of directors would then select its officers. These new arrangements went into effect the following year, on October 1, 1945. What a protection this has proved to be in an era when hostile elements have frequently manipulated business affairs so as to take control of corporations and then restructure them to suit their own aims!


  10. 8 hours ago, Fausto Hoover said:

    Are any of these regulations applicable to the Watchtower organization? Absolutely! Do brothers really need to see those financial books just to satisfy their curiosity? Absolutely not! Their concern is absolutely unwarranted. Congregations are provided with monthly updates on their donations. The only individuals inclined towards criticizing the financial state of the Watchtower are former members.

    I think about 500 WT shareholders are mentioned somwhere. Are GB members among the shareholders? GB Helpers? And similar high-level administrative staff in the Organization? Or are there less significant shareholders?
    There is no obligation for the Organization to display its financial status to followers, that is correct. It is also morally questionable to sell the assets of congregations aka KH that the members have achieved through their work and donations and maintenance, and not treat all of them at least with a 7-day stay in some tourist place to rest and have fun and put the rest of the money into the congregation's disaster fund.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Errikos Tsiamis said:

    The Watchtower never signed on as an OSCE, contrary to the false claim made by the poster.

    None of us know if WTJWORG or any of its entities have signed anything with the OSCE.
    What I wrote in the comment is that JWs are active participants (at OSCE conferences) and demand that this  political body fight for the religious freedom of WTJWorg in various countries where they feel discriminated by the authorities.

    Clear enough?

  12. Cooperation with the UN has been transformed on another level. Not through the Library, but with active participation and action through the OSCE.

    WTJWorg tells and teaches its followers that they have no involvement or expectations from political entities, but GB by their actions it shows that it does the opposite.




  13. 1 hour ago, Pudgy said:

     If that’s the letter you referenced you got NOTHING

    It’s obvious that it is just an unreferenced statement of someone’s opinion.

    ONLY !!

    I don’t believe EVEN YOU read it.



    I found possible source of this fragment. It is part of 4 pages Letter from CCJW to Brother Brant Jones who used "very critical tone" in his Letter to them.

    The CCJW letter establishes the fact that some JWS are government employees of the UN, but that they have not compromised "neutrality" in any way, because they are a blessing to everyone else, being UN employees. God gives, God takes away.




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