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Srecko Sostar

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Posts posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. 1 hour ago, Errikos Tsiamis said:

    Could you please provide some evidence or support for your claim? I am referring to the misrepresentation you are sharing.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses has joined Australia's national redress scheme for child sexual abuse survivors under threat of financial penalties.

    It is one of 34 institutions signing up following rules brought in by the federal government to withhold funding from and strip the charity status of groups refusing to join.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses was initially named and shamed for holding out.

    It flagged its intention to join the scheme in March and has now formally done so.

    The other institutions include Tennis Australia, St John Ambulance Australia Queensland, Ipswich Girl's Grammar School, Youth Off the Streets and Scripture Union Tasmania.

    Social Services Minister Anne Ruston says this means a total of 37 redress applications can be processed.

    "It is clear that the powerful financial, reputational and legislative levers the commonwealth has used have been successful at ensuring institutions understand and recognise their moral obligation to survivors," she said.



    In order to maintain and enhance public trust in the Australian charity sector, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Amendment (2021 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 (Cth) (the Regulations) came into effect on Thursday 25 February 2021 and creates Governance Standard 6.

    Governance Standard 6 requires a registered charity to take reasonable steps to become a participating non-government institution if the charity is, or is likely to be, identified as being involved in the abuse of a person:

    in an application for redress made under section 19 of the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Act 2018 (Cth) (Redress Act) or

    in information given in response to a request from the National Redress Scheme Operator (the Secretary of the Department of Social Services) under section 24 or 25 of the Redress Act.

    This could include, for example, a registered charity that was named in the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse but may not have been identified so far in a redress application.

    Very clearly, Governance Standard 6 strongly encourages effected charities to participate in the Redress Scheme, particularly to ensure survivors of institutional child sexual abuse are appropriately compensated. The six Governance Standards are a core set of minimum standards required to be met in governing your charity – your charity must be able to show it is being run in an accountable and responsible way to maintain registration as a charity.  Although the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) has strong enforcement powers and can revoke a charities registration, it operates on the basis that it expects most charities will be meeting all of the standards.  It will normally only take enforcement or revocation action in the most serious cases.

    How then do you ensure compliance with all Governance Standards?  Having leading practice processes, procedures and most importantly controls in place with a skilled board and executive to manage and govern in line with your charitable purpose.

    We can assist you to ensure and maintain compliance with the Governance Standards. Contact us to find out more.



  2. 58 minutes ago, Errikos Tsiamis said:

    What course of action would you take when secular governments "require" organizations to refrain from keeping certain information about individuals in their records that you already have?



    Once again, what kind of "established truth" are you providing?

    I think this is data that has already been collected (CSA) by WTJWorg in decades before data-protection. These data were to be used for criminal processing. The court wanted them, and WTJWorg protects potential criminals within its ranks. Suspects should be acquitted or convicted before the Court, not before the Company.

  3. 29 minutes ago, Errikos Tsiamis said:

    Do you have any evidence to support your claim that the Governing Body does not receive God's Holy Spirit?

    According to WTJWorg's own interpretation, the miraculous workings of the spirit ceased as early as the First Century. Inspiration by a spirit (to receive HS) that comes from some part of the Universe from God, would be considered a miraculous, supernatural act. Since WTJWorg claims that miracles have ceased then there is no "receiving the spirit" either, as that would be considered a miracle even in the JW context of theology.

    So can any JW who claims to have "received the spirit" prove that they have? He can't. Why should someone else have to prove that they did not receive it when they themselves cannot show that they did.
    Furthermore, your literature also says that not all "anointed ones" are truly anointed ones. How do GB prove their claim that some are not anointed? By the same standard, GB cannot prove that they "received the spirit". The burden of proof is not on me, but on the one who claims to be the "anointed one" because such sort of people are considered, by WTJWorg, they are the ones who "receive HS".


    But there is another side of the coin. Your publication says also this:

    If Someone Says—
    Do you have the holy spirit (or the Holy Ghost)?’

    You might reply: ‘Yes, and that is why I have come to your door today. (Acts 2:17, 18)’


    According to this, every JW "received the spirit". It follows from this that GB is in error when it claims that their instructions and theological explanations are the only authoritative ones and originate directly from God only through them. They promote false doctrine, obviously. 

  4. 12 hours ago, Errikos Tsiamis said:

    those who question established truths

    "Established truths" which are the product of an "imperfect and fallible" GB to whom Jesus did "not promise to give perfect spiritual food". Please, what kind of "established truths"?

    Is this the "truth" for which WTJWorg instructs elders to destroy all data and notes and not hand them over to government authorities? Or a bunch of other theological instructions?

    WT Australia joined the redress scheme only after the authorities wanted to take away their state support, money. Money is an "established truth" at WTJWorg.

    Shame on WTJWorg.

  5. 9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:
    11 hours ago, Errikos Tsiamis said:

    It is unnecessary to demonstrate the methods, only the achievements.


    How does doubting one's own doubt bring achievement?
    The result is changing theology under the guise of "new light" and "clarification". What methods did GB use to reach new theological insights? Obviously it doesn't matter, because they will leave the current "new light" anyway. But it is obvious that they doubt the "own light" that they themselves have produced or that their predecessors have done in the past.
    The GB message is clear. Ordinary members are not allowed to doubt GB theology, but they are allowed to doubt their own doubts about the correctness of GB theology.
    Methods of effective self-doubt if you begin to doubt the correctness of WTJWorg are explained in the WT articles. One of the methods is: "have full trust in GBFDS" and do not listen or read "apostates" or "opponents", but "stick to what we have authorized".

    To demonstrate the methods of the Main Ecclesiastical Body is really redundant, unnecessary when one is part of a religion that has cult tactics.

  6. 6 hours ago, Errikos Tsiamis said:

    It is quite puzzling why the Watchtower has not utilized Article 16, but ultimately they are the ones making that decision.


    6 hours ago, Errikos Tsiamis said:

    Religious freedom is a fundamental right that ensures individuals can freely practice and manifest their religion or belief without discrimination or undue interference from the state or other individuals according to the King’s constitution, article 16.


    6 hours ago, Errikos Tsiamis said:

    While disagreements and discussions may arise in matters concerning religious freedom and equal treatment, it is important to engage in constructive dialogue and seek to understand the perspectives of all stakeholders involved, rather than making assumptions about their knowledge or understanding.

    WTJWorg wants "religious freedom" for itself while at the same time persecuting all those JWs who disagree with GB theology. Absurdly.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Errikos Tsiamis said:

    What's wrong with them having their own news outlet that concentrates on their own worldwide current events? Could you please point out where they specify that they are a secular "worldnewsmedia?"

    The loss of status and state money in Norway was published. Russian confiscation of assets and prohibition of activities as well. What's the difference? Manipulation, that is the answer to the question.

  8. 1 hour ago, Errikos Tsiamis said:

    In order to gain a deeper understanding of my perspective. The apostasy of someone should not be overlooked due to their profession. Therefore, it is of no consequence.

    WTJWorg claims that "apostates" cannot be trusted. Can secular people be trusted? WTJWorg claims they can't be trusted either, although it doesn't consider them "theological apostates from the JW ranks." So it is important to determine whether the PA Attorney is telling the truth or telling lies. 

    JW.ORG is the official website of Jehovah's Witnesses. The Newsroom reports on current events and other news affecting Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide.

    For what reasons are JWs not officially informed about current events, like this in PA, that affecting JW worldwide? And similar investigations about JW and CSA from Australia, Japan, Europe to USA.

    Can you even be worried about something you don't know is happening? JW Newsroom and manipulative selection  about what information will be published to members. This is something that should cause restlessness and struggle in every person.

  9. 3 hours ago, Errikos Tsiamis said:

    They most likely fear the overwhelming misinformation provided by apostates. Their way of telling distorted truth is quite amusing.

    What type of "apostate" is PA Attorney General Michelle Henry? 

    Is she a former JW?

    I know that it's summer and there's great heat, so people come to strange conclusions under the influence of unbearable heat. I recommend a higher intake of water in the body.

    Now seriously ..,

    Do you think that "apostates" can arise from some "false" religion or only from the "true" one? Former Adventists, Scientologists, Catholics and so on, could not be "true apostates", because they were once members of false, apostate religions that are fundamentally "apostate" according to JWs belief.
    JWs firm belief that they are members of the only true religion is not a guarantee that the institutionalized religious company, aka WTJWorg, does not belong to a false religious group or so-called "Babylon the Great".
    The WTJWorg website does not state that charges have been filed against quite a large number of JWs in PA. Is it because the GB doesn't believe the charges have been brought or they don't believe the Jws could commit a crime, which is also, theologically, a sin?

    Be free to tell your view, opinion or perspective.

  10. 8 hours ago, Fausto Hoover said:

    It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened

    Enlightened? You waited for Armageddon in 1914, 1925, 1940, 1975, until the end of the 20th century, until the end of the 1914 generation, until the end of the overlapping generation. You said that the vaccine is prohibited, then it is allowed, that organ transplantation is prohibited then allowed, blood transfusion is allowed, then it is prohibited, that blood fractions are allowed, then they are not, then some are and others are not.
    What are you enlightened about?
    Core teachings?
    You have clergy and hierarchy like the Catholic Church. And you seek the same privileges as the religions of "Babylon the Great", so called. And you ask for that privileges from the political powers that you say are under the power of Satan. Enlightenment? Or maybe Hypocrisy? Opportunism?

  11. 3 hours ago, Fausto Hoover said:

    It appears you're an apostate in long-standing, so I will answer you just this once. Tell the Government of Australia how to view and handle their laws. A proper comprehension of the court system would reveal that your statement demonstrates a deficient understanding of not only Australian laws but also global laws as a whole.

    This view is 100% apostate view and stance.

    One does not become an apostate if one leaves a religion that manipulates theology, that exploits the naivety of its followers, that collects and asks for material donations, that engages in real estate business, that deceives and lies to the judicial authorities, that does not protect weak and vulnerable people.

    The exit of a person from such a religion is called "exit from Babylon the Great", in biblical terminology. And in secular terminology, the process that precedes the decision to leave a group and organization that abuses people's trust is called critical thinking.

    If a member of the JWorg or any other religion wants to feel that only he is in the true religion, and that everyone else is in error, he can continue to live in such a sense of self-worth, and self-deception. It is your free will with whom you want and do not want to communicate. Whether someone is a fanatic or is in cognitive dissonance or is misled by promises, that has always been and will be as long as humanity exists.


  12. 4 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    Related to that, it has also been ruled in some courts that it was no longer a mere religious confession due to the very fact that the WTS kept detailed data on the perpetrators, and sent these "confessions" to secretaries to have forms typed, and then sent the details to Branch headquarters to have them discussed by lawyers, and retyped by secretaries in another database visible to several people in the service and correspondence departments.

    Also, these were not voluntary confessions in most cases, anyway. In fact, in only 579 out of 1,006 alleged perpetrators was there a definite confession recorded. Just over half! Part of the judicial process is an attempt to try to get a guilty party to confess and judge whether there was sufficient repentance.

    Confession of sins in secret before a priest in the Catholic Church is one thing. The admission of guilt and the circumstances, details of what was and how it was, before the JW Judicial Committee is a completely different matter.
    That cannot be equaled. But, WTJWorg lawyers want to try to smooth some things out to exonerate their client. GB turns a blind eye, accidentally or intentionally, to the methods their lawyers use to be able to say; "That's what the lawyers said, not us".

  13. 3 hours ago, Fausto Hoover said:


    Religious confessions
    EVIDENCE ACT 1995 - SECT 127 Religious confessions (1) A person who is or was a member of the clergy of any church or religious denomination is entitled to refuse to divulge that a religious confession was made, or the contents of a religious confession made, to the person when a member of the clergy.

    WTJWorg persistently (and unsuccessfully for people who see real WTJWorg) claims that there are no clergy class in their teology and practice. At least that's what they claim in front their membership and the other people they preach the gospel to.

    On the other hand, they refer to the Catholic Church and their hierarchy, which is the same as in WTJWorg, when they want to have the privilege of confession and not revealing the so-called "confessional secret" to Courts.
    Confession or confidential information can only be said in front of one person, but not in front of three or more people. A "confession" made in front of more than one person ceases to be confidential information.

    Since, at least publicly, WTJWorg has no clergy class, but all are "brothers", this interpretation you presented does not apply to them. Full stop.

  14. 9 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    else about Australia?

    About New Zealand Commission too, perhaps?

    The Jehovah's Witness church has filed legal action to be exempted from the state-wide investigation into sexual and other abuse.

    It is seeking a judicial review and High Court declaration that the church does not assume responsibility for the care of children, young people, or vulnerable people.

    The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse said the church was arguing there were no instances of abuse within it that fall within the scope of the inquiry.


  15. Some Christians in some countries are afraid that people hate them and want to harm them because they are followers of Jesus Christ. And then they say that the Bible says that they will persecute us. It was prophesied.
    For example Mt 24:9 says: "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me."
    Or, John 15:20: '" Servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you too."

    In the past, JWs as one of Christian denomination, were persecuted by Nazis, Communists, Capitalists and some other political parties. And in fact they patiently endured horrors because Jesus said:

    John 18:36: Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”

    They "waited for YHVH".

    What has changed? As it is sometimes too long to wait for JHVH, then in WTJWorg they realized that they can defend themselves through Secular Laws. JWs looked for this specific way to defend themselves and often succeeded through the Courts.

    But the devil is not as stupid as some might think. So the devil decided to strike back and use the WTJWorg documents to continue his persecution.

    The WTJWorg Administration thought about it and realized that Satan can persecute them in a legal way. Because until now the persecution was unlawful, illegal.

    Watch the video now and understand why even your notes from meetings and congresses could create reasons for Satan to attack you.

    The "father of lies" began to love the truth from your note and document.



  16. We've reached the 10th page and still haven't found out if JWTV can be trusted. But we found out, for example, that the ARC statistics table is not published on any WTJWorg platform.
    Perhaps the interpretation of how to "read" a table like this should be left to P. Brumley and his team. Or to some GB helpers. They would surely explain that it is satanic propaganda and an attempt to persecute the Organization.

  17. 47 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    Additionally, it's worth mentioning that these figures are specific to the Jehovah's Witnesses organization in Australia and may not represent the situation in other countries.

    This assumption requires further clarification. Are JWs Australians more prone to CSA than JWs from other nations?

  18. 44 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    After all, can you really disfellowship a non-JW?

    Through the shunning institute, JW elders can do whatever they want. A speech or notice of an undesirable person may be given at the meeting, regardless of whether it is done to a non-JW, an unbaptized or baptized publisher, or a child of JW parents.

  19. 2 hours ago, Fausto Hoover said:

    The court documents and final summaries provide me with sufficient information.





    35 minutes ago, Fausto Hoover said:

    What's my prerogative is to keep the numbers honest.

    There were 1,006 cases of child sexual abuse reported among the Jehovah's Witnesses in Australia during the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.


    Number 1006 represents a big obstacle for you to prove a wrong conclusion. 

    1006 JW members who have been counted by WT Australia in relation to CSA allegations.
    And you still claim that it is about 1006 cases of CSA.
    1006 people can be participants in a single case of a crime or in 10000 cases of crime.

    So I conclude like this. Regardless of the arguments and showing a lack of confidence in the numbers on your part or on the part of @JW Insider, the fact of reality regarding the life of believers in WTJWorg "spiritual paradise" remains clear ... Paradise is far away.

  20. 59 minutes ago, Fausto Hoover said:

    That is precisely the intention. There seems to be a pattern where the ARC purposely concealed instances that could disprove their agenda.

    I give you another example. The ARC focused on victim BCG or something like that, but didn't say much about victim BCH. Their investigation was centered on those 2 victims.

    I can tell you why they didn't want to emphasize BCH. Because BHC did report her claim to the police. There is yet another reason why we should not trust the conclusions made by apostates.

    Bennett.jpgbennett 2.jpgbennett 3.jpg


    This shows, in all those decades before ARC process, that WTJWorg elders and ministerial servants do not report CSA cases to the police, but some victims or their relatives do.

    Besides, you did an identity swap. BCH is not the victim but the abuser, bully, according to statement made by J.I. Bennett.

    Also report (Case study 29) speaking about BCB, BCG as victims.

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