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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. The answer should be given, who forbade him to have "understanding" from birth to about eighteen/twenty years of his life? Then, who gave him permission to have "understanding" from that moment on? Finally, is his understanding completely correct and accurate?
  2. The Top WTJWorg Lawyer Philip Brumley. "The Corporation" (donation money) paid for his law studies, and he received a heavy fine, not because he does not know the law, but because of his dishonesty, he misleads the Court, makes incomplete and incorrect statements with the aim of defending injustice. What a great Lawyer, what a great Elder. 227-0-Notification-of-Sanctions-Order.pdf
  3. AM clearly said they will not obey Norwegian Government or any other government in the world. His quote from video: ...,they may pressure us to change our scriptural beliefs but we are certainly not going to do that...,". When speaking about: ...,GB ... will adjust to the prevailing laws placed upon them. They obey the authorities as indicated in scripture. This (your claim, hope, assurance) is opposed to the clearly stated claim of the GB member. And most important. The Norwegian government does not prohibit JWorg from implementing this doctrine. The Norwegian government is not ordering JWorg to change this doctrine. But, the Norwegian government decided not to give money to JWorg because it believes that this doctrine is contrary to the civilized, social and legal level of Norwegian society. AM turns this situation around where it portrays JWorg as the victim. And that as a victim of "religious persecution". AM replaces the thesis and interprets the decision of the Norwegian government in a wrong way. This is about money. Only about money.
  4. From 10:25. AM statement regarding not allowing "secular authorities" to dictate what JWs will believe. JWs believe and stop believing the doctrines that the GB and religious authority within the WT company determines. Countless beliefs have changed within the JW faith. AM is a manager and he has to claim that his company is right and everyone else is wrong. I suspect that the religious changes in the WT happened due to various reasons and influences. The changes that occurred in the doctrines and subtleties of the doctrines have nothing to do with the "light from above", but with the mundane changes in the corporation itself and the global events of the society in which we live (or in which people lived before us or, more precisely for this issue, since the existence of WTBTS). The WTJWorg's claim to be heirs to the true faith (true worship) going back to or from Abel is an unnecessary, useless actually, comparison. Because history confirms (the one recorded in the Bible and in other historical records), how doctrinally and formally, this form of (true) worship has been changed throughout all these centuries. GB leaders have "no choice". They will change some doctrine one way or another. Sooner or later.
  5. Coal, oil, gas and other earth treasures were formed due to processes on/in the earth over millions of years. Processes are initiated and caused by God, as many believed, right? Why would God want coal, oil or gas, etc. to exist when it has caused man's interest in exploiting it? With strong consequences we see today. Gen 4:22 - Also, Zilʹlah gave birth to Tuʹbal-cain, who forged every sort of tool of copper and iron. The first blacksmith, he came to know about forging from whom? So early after human creation in Eden and in short period of time. Can it be said that God's intention was to create resources to be used for the benefit of mankind, or did their existence have another purpose ... or another way of using them? Space bodies, galaxies, etc., are created in violent processes, everything is full of explosions. That's how the planet Earth was created, too, right? Did God stop creating after Adam and Eve? Or is he still creating the Universe?
  6. Your question in this form cannot be a counter-argument, but only an attempt to obstruct a reality that is ruthless towards WTJWorg. And that reality was created by GB and their scholars.
  7. Ex-JWs are very different individuals. From activists to completely passive individuals. Some have become atheists or agnostics. They, all observed together, are not organized. Thus, as such, they could hardly be considered a united and organized "coalition" operating independently or under the auspices of an established religion or "Babylon the Great". Any organized religion, WTJWorg is certainly an organized organization, has a higher chance of becoming an “Organized Apostate Society” than some individuals. This is proved both by the examples of the Old Israeli Assembly and by the example of the First Christian Assembly. Both became Apostate Religions. So you really have nothing to brag about, nor to assign such “titles” to others.
  8. According to WTJWorg interpretations "false religion": The Bible’s answer Babylon the Great, described in the book of Revelation, is the world’s collective body of false religions, which God rejects. * (Revelation 14:8; 17:5; 18:21) Although those religions differ in many respects, in one way or another they all lead people away from the worship of the true God, Jehovah.—Deuteronomy 4:35. ............ Babylon the Great is a religious entity, not a political or commercial one. - https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/babylon-the-great/ Also: False religion still continued to flourish and function, as it had done in ancient Babylon, but in relation to Jehovah’s Witnesses, Babylon the Great had fallen in 1919. They were free from Babylonish restraint! - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1989320 Two things are obvious from your publications. Religion, the "world's collective body", has nothing to do with political forces. Religion is subordinate to the UN and the "coalition of nations". According to your interpretation, JWs are beyond any spiritual or even literal reach of the wrong religion. If the “collective religious body” has no power over you, then how could these ex-JWs have any role in “attacking” the JW ?? Maybe it would be good to ask the authors of your publications what is the meaning of the words they wrote? Your victories in the courts of freedom of action speak in favor of the fact that “wrong religion” could never stop you. "False religion", or "apostates", does not have an armed army that will "surround" you in some future, alleged, attack ... at least that's how your video dramas at congresses and pictures in magazines are shown. Wordplay? Perhaps that is coming from WTJWorg, don't you think?
  9. Is that your personal conclusion? It is based on what? I don’t remember your official literature giving such a description as you used it. So far, WTJWorg has been talking about political forces that will attack JW. Exclusively about political forces that are within the UN organization.
  10. Strange conclusion. The WTJWorg literature announces that you will be attacked by a "coalition of the nations" and not by "apostates".
  11. I would like to know if somewhere JFR claimed to be "spirit-led", in the sense that today's GB explains the term "spirit-led"?
  12. Agree. It started with Adam and Eve, didn't it?
  13. True - they equate science with truth.... but they forget that IMPERFECT humans are making the assumptions these theories are based upon. In all of this, it is good for us that scientists do not invoke HS or God or that they are His advocates. Then we would have another kind of "inquisition" next to GB. There are people who also claim they don’t know everything, but woe to you if you don’t believe in their interpretations. How does GB know which scientific method is right? How does GB distinguish “right” from “wrong” scientists? By what method? Religious method or scientific method?
  14. Incorrectly. Eve can only be a mother to her children. And Grandma Eve is just a grandmother, not a mother. This would mean that the biblical writer does not distinguish between the terms: mother and grandmother. Do we distinguish them?
  15. Children would never form a corporation or organization that represents the Kingdom of God on Earth. They would never invent and pass administrative rules and deal with money matters. Children would just play and listen to adults telling them what was allowed and what was not.
  16. If the figures on the age of the universe and the events in it are not accurate, because some say that the figures on the age of events on Earth are not accurate, it would mean that science cannot reliably claim or assume anything. This means that even WTJWorg cannot rely reliably on scientific methods, not only when it comes to astronomy and space but also medicine and other scientific disciplines, then it is really ironic that WTJWorg literature deals with topics covered by scientists and that they publishes together with the religious content of his journals, giving them this or that conclusion. Scientists have telescopes, these on Earth and those that travel through space, and they say that they are watching this or that (star explosion, merging galaxies and everything else), and that what they see now actually happened many millions of years ago. If the figures on the age of the Earth are not accurate, as you claim, then neither these figures on the age of the universe are reliable or accurate, because they come from “science”. If, on the other hand, it is true that scientists see the current, present event (star explosions and galaxy mergers, etc.) through a telescope, then I would be interested to know what these events represent? That God continues to create the universe ... or to destroy it,..... or that he has long ago started processes unknown to us in other parts of the universe in which there is nothing but raw mass and energy?
  17. A somewhat childish way of proving that one side is right and the other wrong. Such a comment has no value in proving where the truth might be, but only accuses the other person of some kind of hostility towards JWs. Mutual accusations and naming are unnecessary. If anything needs to be blamed, then it is patterns of behavior and belief in doctrines that we feel are bad. Most people are victims of manipulators. Victims should not be blamed. A small number of those who are the bearers and main promoters of religious delusions should certainly be named, in general or individually. Barbara Anderson has gone through one phase of her life, now she is in another. Maybe some of you know her better. I know her only through the texts she publishes.
  18. This process has been going on for decades. Every new "refining", "clarification" and "new light" is, essentially, a proclamation that previous JW scholars have spoken / written nonsense, stupidity. What do you mean?
  19. Didn't they do that the moment they declared themselves responsible for the FDS service? Didn't they do that when they warned the flock that they must be ready to obey every instruction from GB, no matter how unreasonable it seemed? Didn't they do that when they said that God and Jesus showed complete confidence in them and that JW members should have such an attitude towards GB, too?
  20. From the event related to Moses (and not only him), one could conclude differently. Just before entering the Promised Land, Moses ignored the instruction he received from God (concerning water for a thirsty people). The "punishment" was swift and irreversible. The duty and privilege of leading the people to enter the Promised Land has been delegated to new people, Joshua and Caleb and others.
  21. The JW that was “in the truth” in the past decades had a different truth than the JW of more recent times. They are united only by the WTJWorg administration, which is in legal continuity through all periods of doctrinal changes.
  22. JW members in all stages of their spiritual life, to this day claim the same, "have the truth", "were in the truth", "are in the truth". Apparently they have been accompanied by "God's blessing" all this time when it comes to all those changed doctrines.
  23. If we start from the premise that God is love and does everything so that people would not suffer and have (hope for) everlasting life, but still "allows evil" in various forms and intensities, then the question can be asked: What is the difference between the idea that God allows "hellfire" after death of man and the idea that God allows “earthly fire” during the life of that same man? In duration of "fire", i guess. The duration depends on the accuracy of the thesis - an immortal soul after death or a mortal soul before death. :))
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