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Srecko Sostar

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Posts posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. SM.

    Are you bothered by my motives?

    Are you claiming that you are not motivated by your motives?


    This human characteristic is inseparable from every man and is deep within him. There is nothing without it. There are two types of motives: Natural motives and Acquired (social) motives.

    What makes you eat every day? I guess hunger and a strong desire to be satisfied. So you have a motive.

    What makes you participate in this forum? To advocate your point of view and your logic, right. Is your point of view always true? This is for discussion. You are convinced that you know the truth. Who can confirm that you are right? You yourself, or maybe Dmitar or someone else participating in the discussion? Or WTJWorg? Or some history book, You Tube, or Your Truther Community?

    So, do not accuse others of using motives as driving forces, because that is also your driving force.

  2. 4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    one of your own stated the camps were made for JWs and they were the primary target,


    1) Boy who you talking about is not of my own. The fact that the author of the video you’re talking about has stopped being a JW doesn’t prove that all former JWs come together to be together. Conclusion; You making rumor and slender here on forum.

    2) His statement is not my statement and I Never made agreement with such statement. Conclusion: Your memory failed. Or you doing this intentionally. You making rumors and slender, again.


  3. 34 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    And of course you are making no sense. What does Computer Software/Hardware have to do with 1975?

    It is a narrow conclusion without the possibility of seeing the message expressed through the illustration. Don't you see the "hidden message" in the comment?
    Your computer (in other words, You) selectively refuses to display text that has the power to refute (your) uttered claims, so in order to be satisfied with its (own) “logic” it pretends to have nothing (in sight) but what it (you) wants to see. :) 

  4. 58 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:
    • [A] Preaching the gospel still was in practice
    • [B] No preaching of judgment, instead the gospel of the Messianic Kingdom.

    You made pure repetition from WT magazines. Nothing unknown to me.

    Obviously you skipped some WTJWorg articles. AGAIN! :))) Here are quotes just from one WT study magazine. For "stellar mind" would be enough.

    Especially since the spiritually invigorating year 1919, the anointed remnant of Christ’s brothers fearlessly presented God’s judgments, powerful messages of calamity, to Christendom. ..............

    Over the last seven decades, in conjunction with proclaiming the glorious hope of Jehovah’s incoming Kingdom, Jehovah’s Witnesses have spread around the world a veritable flood of denunciation and judgment...............

    Have Jehovah’s Witnesses toned down God’s judgment? True, we live in an age when criticizing another religion is not considered the thing to do. Nevertheless, Jehovah’s Witnesses’ publications are spelling out the same message of judgment for Christendom as always..................

    Therefore, Jehovah’s Witnesses will continue to visit the people of the nations with a message that stings the majority as an unpopular judgment but is happifying good news for a minority—the good news of God’s Kingdom


  5. 1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

    He makes an assumption, but granted my experience, I get such a lot. As do many, even my rivals, some being way to offended by the fact that I rely heavily on logic and facts.

    Well of course [modus operandi - the way in which something operates or works], I do operate in the manner of seeking truth and calling out what is false.

    Kudos to that, it is a commendable intention. But something happened on this issue about 1975 when it comes to your logic and facts.

  6. 13 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    You should be ashamed of yourself for this kind of woeful foolishness. 

    *** w74 10/15 p. 635 Growing in Appreciation for the “Divine Purpose” ***
    The publications of Jehovah’s witnesses have shown that, according to Bible chronology, it appears that 6,000 years of man’s existence will be completed in the mid-1970’s. But these publications have never said that the world’s end would come then. Nevertheless, there has been considerable individual speculation on the matter. So the assembly presentation “Why We Have Not Been Told ‘That Day and Hour’” was very timely. It emphasized that we do not know the exact time when God will bring the end. All we know is that the end will come within the generation that sees fulfilled on it the sign that Jesus Christ said would then be in evidence. (See Matthew chapters 24, 25.) All indications are that the fulfillment of this sign began in 1914. So we can be confident that the end is near; we do not have the slightest doubt that God will bring it about, the speaker stressed. But we have to wait and see exactly when, in the meantime keeping busy in God’s service.

    Once again, you show the reader what a false prophet you really are. WAKE UP! Readers, don't accept the obtuse narrative of former Jehovah's Witnesses. That includes @Pudgy 

    Can I continue my madness now? :)
    @Witness put a picture of a magazine from 1968. You put a quote from a magazine from 1974.
    What it shows us?

    A little shift in the interpretation of the date when the end of the system of things begins.

    From the magazine you provide as evidence you should note what you skipped to emphasize. And it is:

    All we know is that the end will come within the generation that sees fulfilled on it the sign that Jesus Christ said would then be in evidence. (See Matthew chapters 24, 25.) All indications are that the fulfillment of this sign began in 1914. So we can be confident that the end is near; we do not have the slightest doubt that God will bring it about, the speaker stressed. - w74 10/15 page 635

    Mitigating the outcome of the end in 1975 with the claim that the end comes within the generation of 1914 means stretching the period in which the end (destruction of the evil world) will occur definitively.

    Your and SM's attempt to defend 1975 is in vain. 

    You need to be aware that "1975" was in fact within the lifetime of the "1914 generation", from WT perspective. It means that WTJWorg’s “prediction” was based, and even justifiably based, on the doctrine and interpretations of the time. Because if they were right with the definition of "generation", the end could really have come in 1975, if we had looked at it from their position at the time. :)))

  7. 7 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    You seem to be out of focus.


    7 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    Something was said,

    A lot has been said, because a lot of it has been written about 1975 in WTJWorg publications.

    7 hours ago, Space Merchant said:
    9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    How is this possible when JWs are the only people who are “spiritually awake” from long past,  while the whole world sleeps in “false dreams”?

    Not sure what Spiritualistic rhetoric is that, but you'll have to elaborate what you are conveying.

    There is no need to explain this from me, because it is the rhetoric that is widely used by GB and WTJWorg.

    2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    I protect no one. However, I'm a defender of the truth.

    But you haven't become a "Truther" yet, have you? :) 

    2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    in which followers that follow @Srecko Sostar's favorite willful adulterous, Ceadrs,

    You have a lot of difficulty in various forms of perception, while you put other people in boxes that you shape yourself of your choice, don't you? Even Dmitar warned me about your modus operandi. :) 

    2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    This didn't stop JWI from voicing the same false narrative. It doesn't matter how you wish to approach it, you are correct, that false narrative was debunked by the Watchtower itself.

    WT exposes itself by exposing its past by blaming its own flock of sheep for alleged rumors that the flock began to spread on its own.

    It is absurd to believe in GB claim that JW sheep started bleating about 1975 unprovoked. The then and present WTJWorg administration is a church hierarchy that does not allow anything to happen beyond their control.

    And today you are trying to sell us the claim that these were some insignificant or semi-insignificant JW rank and file members who started mass hysteria (rumors) of such magnitude that even today WTJWorg publications have to write about it on the pages of WT magazine that is studied at JW meetings ? If 8 million JWs have to read and discuss this in meetings today because GB decided it was important for today's JWs to learn, then it's hard to accept your thesis that it was just rumors that were the product of the intellectual incompetence of a few JWs from period before 1975.

  8. 7 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Coming from Africa, I can attest to that.  We just arrived at a Safari camp when I forgot the kitchen window open.  In jumped a monkey and stole the sugar pot.  It lay broken outside the window but the two monkeys were sitting right in the sugar and eating it all up like a pair of toddlers.  Then they turned around and licked each others butts clean.  They sure gave us much to laugh at. Next day a warthog was walking around on his knees on our stoep (veranda) eating some carrots we gave him.  They do this in the wild as well !    I think we will have a ball with the animals in the paradise. Yes, Creation shows that god has a sense of humor. 


  9. 13 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    Can I ask @Srecko Sostar? Do you know the difference between a command and doctrine?

    Do not eat blood!

    ........ Sounds like command.


    19 “It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. 20 Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood.

    ............ Sounds like advice, recommendation.


    Four main blood components and blood fractions are same as whole blood.

    ......Sounds like an expert explaining students of medicine what is what.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    This one is hilarious. When did you believe JWs became perfect in your eyes? I really wish to know.

    As imperfect people they continue to produce imperfect spiritual food with hilarious outcomes. :) And JW people take this position seriously. It seems how they are aware of own imperfection and imperfection of their religious leaders, but still continue to obey them.

  11. 2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    That being said, regarding 1975, it is linked to the game Telephone and granted this was in the 70s, often things heard is publication, a parallel example to this would be the Cuban Missile Crisis of the 60s whereas one person says something, the others say something else, and their is panic and action that ensues; speculation. A more serious and legitimate comparison is Buy The Rumor, Sell the News (associated with F.U.D.)

    So the WTJWorg organization solely led by the Holy Spirit along with all the JW people in it fell victim to “rumors”?

    How is this possible when JWs are the only people who are “spiritually awake” from long past,  while the whole world sleeps in “false dreams”?

  12. 4 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    1975 was brought up due to Srecko's remark.

    Originally it came from WT publications. :) 

    My first contact with "1975" came from the moment I first read about it in WT publications, long time ago. “Biblical context and significance of 1975 as a chronologically important year” for JW members urged by WTJWorg scholars.


  13. 13 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    So, what's the point?

    Point is, among others, GB changes doctrines periodically.

    By changing the doctrine, "prophecy" also changes. For example, when Gog of Magog ceased to be Satan and became a "coalition of nations" attacking JW just before Armageddon, and then in another context, "rebellious perfect people" at the end of the 1000-year Kingdom of Jesus, then the "prophecy" that uttered the "GB fickle prophet", changed too.

    Ultimately, all that GB performs has no real value or significance, because the Bible urges people not to fear such a prophet. That’s another point, don’t be afraid of GB because it utters nonsense.

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