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Srecko Sostar

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Posts posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. 45 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    But now you have to disqualify the Archives, which is impossible. That is the issue here. If the Archives were never a notation, then Jehovah's Witnesses would indeed be in error - however, this isn;t the case.

    If someone is hidden, the archives would be non-existent, let alone the history of the CD/DVD notation.

    That being said, Privacy Laws, layers, Infustrature, etc, have been coined before, and it is among the reason why Dmitar is on the loose here.

    Ironically, we did speak on Privacy issues before, as with Archives. This goes for any present JW here also.


    26 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    I am refering to Archived publications, not the website. Nice try.

    I think there is a simple explanation for why something is called a library and something else an archive.

    What is officially displayed by WTJWorg is a JW library...... and not a JW archive.


    The main difference between archive and library is the type of content they house. Archives typically contain unique and rare public records or historical materials, while libraries contain various reading and study materials. - https://pediaa.com/what-is-the-difference-between-archive-and-library/



    Libraries in towns (public libraries) or universities (academic libraries) can generally be defined as “collections of books and/or other print or nonprint materials organized and maintained for use.”* Patrons of those libraries can access materials at the library, via the Internet, or by checking them out for home use. Libraries exist to make their collections available to the people they serve.

    Archives also exist to make their collections available to people, but differ from libraries in both the types of materials they hold, and the way materials are accessed. - https://www2.archivists.org/usingarchives/whatarearchives

  2. 1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

    Verfied Facts vs Opinion,

    The third factor that belongs to these two, verified evidence and opinion, is also faith.

    How will you prove with verified facts that someone in the past was “inspired by God” to write a written text? There is only someone’s faith that proves for or against. One’s belief that every biblical book was written under the inspiration of HS, is his attitude and his personal opinion which is not crucial to the other person. Someone’s opinion of his own belief in something is not proof that he is right. It is already/only his interpretation of his own personal spiritual experience.

    Do you believe/have faith that archive.org is the official site of WTJWorg?

  3. 7 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    But now you have to disqualify the Archives, which is impossible. That is the issue here. If the Archives were never a notation, then Jehovah's Witnesses would indeed be in error - however, this isn;t the case.

    If someone is hidden, the archives would be non-existent, let alone the history of the CD/DVD notation.

    That being said, Privacy Laws, layers, Infustrature, etc, have been coined before, and it is among the reason why Dmitar is on the loose here.

    Ironically, we did speak on Privacy issues before, as with Archives. This goes for any present JW here also.

    "Archive.org"  ("archive.org") is not official JW web site. If you put the term "Archive.org" or "archive.org" on their public and official JW.org search engine, there are no results. And if you type in "Internet Archive" then it takes you back to their official site.

    You speaking in agenda style. :) You are disqualified.

  4. 48 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    That's good you understand it. For a minute, you sounded like your opinion is the only one that mattered.

    “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time?" 


  5. 21 hours ago, Dmitar said:
    On 2/14/2022 at 5:32 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    This is something you will notice as soon as you start traveling in Bulgaria – Bulgarians are one of the few peoples around the world who shake their heads for saying ‘yes’ and nod for ‘no’. But how has this come to be? Here’s everything you need to know.

    Now you're getting it. Doesn't this go toward culture? I'm glad you caught on.

    What are you talking about? The excerpt is from the internet. I am not saying that what is written on the internet is true or a lie. Someone provided an explanation of such social curiosity. That is all.

  6. Next part: About The 3 Layers in video

    There is nothing wrong with that. There are parts of the JW website available to the public, both secular people and members, and there are parts of libraries that are only available to elders, and even that might be selective. But that third issue could be explained to us by JW elders if there are any on this forum.


  7. 4 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    That's good you understand it. For a minute, you sounded like your opinion is the only one that mattered. That former Jehovah Witnesses opinions have "substantial" credibility when their own behavior condemns the very thing they are woefully trying to warn people about. Psychologically unsound.

    Sad to say, in this time of human existence, people are what they speak, regardless of whom they say they are.

    If that ex Betelit said something inaccurate, semi-accurate or dubious then we can all comment on it. What's the problem?
    Maybe he also comments in this video on something he interpreted in a way that can be disputed. And what now? Have your say and let others have their say.

    Sometimes (many times) I don’t have the time and will to listen and watch just about every ex-JW who makes a video about their life and the reasons for leaving WTJWorg. Many who make videos go unnoticed by me and I don’t even think to know what all they are saying and doing. Certainly some of them while talking about some topics say things that are their experience of the issue, and do not have to be completely accurate in every expression. 

    And now to comment on the introductory part of the video.
    I went to the JW Library for Croatia. The oldest publication of WT magazine dates back to 1981. The oldest is only one brochure from 1976. So I'm asking you now, how will a JW from Croatia find out what older publications wrote? And why would anyone have to know English so well to go to another JW library and find out more?

    In addition, the video moderator is right when he claims that JW should deal exclusively with WTJWorg publications in the JW library, which according to JW leaders is the safest and most accurate spiritual food for a true Christian, and should not be eaten from another "spiritual table".
    What is wrong with these claims of his?


  8. 12 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:
    19 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Please provide some fact and evidence that i am only one who read your comments.

    In the majority of interactions I have with you.

    And you call this evidence? 



    It is just opinion!

  9. 12 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:
    20 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Where did I write that I understand that part of American history?

    When I spoke about the events of 1900s you stated the following


    If you knew, your responses would reflect that.

    Reading your comment on the topic I realized what you are commenting on that topic. Your comment would be, it is what I understood, not the history of America. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Space Merchant said:

    The Glasgow comment were only directed to you, no one else,

    Okay, dear man, so it's just me reading your comments and no one else?

    Please provide some fact and evidence that i am only one who read your comments. :) 

  11. 12 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    after all, you did say you knew about the Segregation Era, so why this type of response?

    Apologize, You seem to hear and see poorly. Where did I write that I understand that part of American history? You really have serious problems attributing your ideas to other people.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    You went as far as to not only correct yourself, but remove the misleading thread/video from the forums.

    Because of those people who read your frequent comments on the "Glasgow" video. The video is not problematic and is not misleading. My interpretation of what the journalist said in that video was wrong. Let me understand for once SM :))) Do you want me to beg you every week on my knees for mercy :))))

  13. 12 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    Were the Bible Students racist in the early 1900s as the YouTuber attested to with his bias opinion in his first example - Yes or No.


    Since all people are “imperfect,” then one could say that some BSs probably also had racist feelings thanks to their American culture, heritage, and social environment.

  14. 2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Does this mean you are a mind reader?

    No, in no way. But perhaps "spirit reader" :))))

    2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    I can be nodding yes, while saying NO!

    This is something you will notice as soon as you start traveling in Bulgaria – Bulgarians are one of the few peoples around the world who shake their heads for saying ‘yes’ and nod for ‘no’. But how has this come to be? Here’s everything you need to know.


  15. 1 hour ago, Witness said:

    Again and for the last time, I did not post the video because of the racial aspect, but to show JWs that a separate login is available for a select few, providing access the database of Wt. publications.

    SM has a special mill that requires water to go uphill so it can run.

  16. 14 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Can you give me an example where Bible Students rejected people because of the color of their skin? How about Jehovah's Witnesses?

    No, i can't. On the other hand, I don’t even need to confirm things that belong to the behaviors of the human species. The behavior of the human species in general confirms that these and many other things burden human relationships.
    Also, JW publications and other verbal topics that can be heard at JW meetings confirm that some JW members have trouble overcoming negative feelings towards others. Among other things, these are national and racial and social differences that create divisions within some assemblies.
    I come from a region and a time when people of many nationalities of the former Yugoslavia belonged to the same assemblies. I also visited the so-called "Yugoslav" assemblies outside the SFRY (Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), which had great tensions after the break-up of Yugoslavia in 1991. So I kind of know what I'm talking about.
    If this was the case in this part of Europe, why would racial and segregation issues not have a greater impact on the lives of JW assemblies in America? And not only in the "period of segregation" in the years mentioned in the comments, but also today?

    Proof? Do some scientific research and you will get official data. Which will be able to be challenged because some will not want to believe in them.

  17. 10 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    This remark shows you know nothing of the Segregation Era,

    I know what you had say about BS and JW at that era.

    1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

    Now this brings us to the Bible Students (the predecessor of the Jehovah’s Witnesses). The issue with Racism was not unknown to the Bible Students granted them originated from 1881, and the fact that how Racism was before the 1900s. During that time, the Bible Student indeed have segregated churches, but it was not because they held some sort of racist mentality against black people.

    For the Bible Students had segregated Kingdom Halls in some places whereas white people congregated in some, and in others, black people congregate. This also goes in regard to people going to people’s homes for worship, Bible Study, or a gathering, etc. In the early 1900s, it was a very, VERY, bad idea to have mixed institutions, even Churches. For any institution caught with a mixed face of people inside or else, it would result in violent and dangerous attacks from those who deem such unification is wrong, in addition, it would trend into the political spectrum of things, which would make it even more damning for anyone who becomes victim.

    You actually expressed your opinion in which you justify the segregation of that time which was the norm of behavior for BS and JW (in America) of that time.

    Can you provide evidence from WT publications from those period of time where they condemning racism and / or justifying segregation? Which WT publication from that time says that one should listen to Caesar more than God in matter of racism and segregation?

    Do you suggest how BS/JW  out of fear of men, knowingly violated God's norm that all men are equal before Him?

  18. 10 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    they did it because society required them to do so. In 17th and 18th century they probably would have done the same - kept neutrality and adhere to secular laws and customs.

    You justify other people's actions nicely. So, can one act unethically, morally questionable, or even unjustly because “unbelieving” people and (one other kind of Christians) Bible Students and later JWs lived in a time period when racism (or anything else) was the norm?

    The norm of behavior in different time periods of history and the present does not coincide with the interpretations of some norms we find in the doctrines of different religious communities before or now.

    This only confirms that the manifestation of religious beliefs can be manifested in at least two ways. Consistent and fanatical adherence to doctrines at the cost of ridicule, rejection, persecution and even death , to the point that compromises are made in order not to experience condemnation from the environment and society, under the pretext that it is okay because God does not ask for more. 

    (society required them to do so + kept neutrality and adhere to secular laws and customs.)

    In some of the behaviors of JW members, it was clear that the neutrality they displayed was not related to obedience to the laws and customs of society.

  19. 6 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    This is a typical assumption from former Jehovah's Witnesses. Other than Raymond Franz, I don't recall a GB member reciting their own interpretation of scripture. I could see a bunch of disloyal Bethel members doing that, but not the GB. Bethel Members to me mean nothing. If a new finding leads them by careful prayer to make an adjustment, then the Spirit of God is upon those faithful servants. 

    Can you give me an example of a GB reciting a different interpretation of scripture? Current adjustments not withstanding.

    Personal or collective maneuvers from GB are visible through written texts in publications, and they are even more colorful when you watch them via JWTV.

    A close and fresh example is Stephan Lett's statement (March 2020) that these are "the last days of the last days",........... and Tony Morris (February 2022), with a grimace of disapproval in his face as he repeats his colleague's words, says it is "beautiful expression, but words are powerful".

  20. 44 minutes ago, Dmitar said:


    This question is one which every sincere Christian should ask and seek to answer. We should learn to love and value truth for its own sake; to respect and honor it by owning and acknowledging it wherever we find it and by whomsoever presented. A truth presented by Satan himself is just as true as a truth stated by God.

    Russell found himself in a controversial situation with such a statement. But he is not the only one or the last to do so. GB has the same approach.
    Russell claims, contrary to the biblical verses ("father of lie"), that the devil (sometimes) tells the truth.

    GB claims that they also (sometimes) tell the truth regardless of imperfection. Also can be said like this; that even GB (sometimes) tells a lie regardless of God’s guidance.

    (A truth presented by GB themselves is just as true as a truth stated by God) :) 

  21. 36 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    Then, why do you question the bible's authenticity? Either you do or you don't. Those are your only choices.

    Okay, what do we want to talk about? About the authenticity of old records or about the character of the Jews?

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