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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: - Genesis 3 To whom He said?
  2. It applies to me, you and everyone else. 1)The Bible text refers to; God spoke to himself or to someone in heaven while he was saying this ...., and perhaps he said the same thing to Adam. It means that he meant Adam, and consequently his descendants, because the descendants came from Adam and not someone else. 2)How do I know what Adam saw? 3)I don't saying neither one nor the other .
  3. Proof is in the background, because what good is it if someone’s eyes are blinded? Judging by the words of Genesis, you are right. Man did not need to gain knowledge of that kind. But that doesn't mean that man has enough of it today.
  4. Of course, the share of the individual is important. The bottom line is that JW members and their leaders often allow demons to seduce them with the so-called “new light” attributed to HS, but it actually comes from the opposite side. With free will that came from God because it was his choice of his free will. Since God has kept for himself all wisdom and power, man's action can in no way call into question God's position. But revolt against the so-called "human representatives" of God certainly calls their position into question. Leading people of WT and other related companies of the BS / JW organization have proven in each of their mandates that they believed in "false teachings". Do you want believers to respect such a position of "God's representatives"?
  5. Yes, there is always a choice. On the one hand, it is interpreted that man decides for himself, and on the other hand, it is said that demonic influence is so strong that it blinds people. From this we could say that the people of Noah's time were seduced by the great influence of demons, so they were unable to change their condition and choice. On the other hand, God failed to persuade them to change their choices. So God was left without his choice and was forced to show anger instead of grace. In most cases, God has no problem with someone like me questioning Him and his reasons. And in general, people on Earth do not pose any threat to God and his authority. Criticism and questions can only be a threat to religious leaders as GB. If it is exactly as the Bible says, then the only real threat God faces is one that comes from his immediate vicinity (the angel he created — the devil). Who gave the devil a choice? The God who gave him free will. Or God is/was naive, so he has given free will to individuals for whom no one guarantees that they will not abuse it. Or he knew that there was a great possibility that it would happen and everything would go to ruin, but he did not think that it would be a problem for him that would not be solved in one way or another. Either way, people are a party in the process that is where it is.
  6. I would be interested to know whether God has an interest in providing his protection only to those people who are his worshipers or whether all innocent (victims) belong to the "saved" regardless of religious, political, cultural affiliation. You mention God's wrath. If God intended (before few thousands years) to undertake the mass destruction of evil (and evil people) then it is part of a plan and not a moment of emotion (anger).
  7. Partial comment: Among other things, when one group of people attacks another group of people, then it is a kind of consequence of the "free will" that God allows to happen. The act of violence is unacceptable, but it is possible because God does not want to interfere to “defend the innocent”.
  8. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/b069a4b3-93de-4055-b3d9-91a563618f58
  9. So how do you not understand. The "Christian" testifies to something. The person is a "Witness". @Witness testifies to the situation in WTJWorg and on other things connected to faith in Jesus and Bible.
  10. Okay, but these are just personal feelings of that person that the rest of us can and should understand. But what is the ultimate goal? Make documents available to the public. At the Military Museum or the Private (WTJWorg) Museum? Well, I guess everywhere where more people will be able to look at it.
  11. So, let me continue with the absurdity. The word (of every kind) was transmitted orally, until the moment when human society began to be "literate", so I guess because of poor memory it began to write things down so that they would not be forgotten. It was similar with what we call today the "Word of God". Of course, we will not deal with unimportant details and say that some "letters" (documents) are inspired, and all others are not. At least not on the issue of "divine inspiration" as implied by the Bible.
  12. quotes from link: The museum’s retention of the archive, said Wolfram Slupina, a spokesman for the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany, “deprives us of a significant and invaluable part of our cultural heritage.” This is brand new terminology related to JW members and WTJWorg. Until now, there has always been talk of “spiritual heritage” as something that is important to have from faithful ancestors. What is the difference between "cultural and spiritual". Here is about the material possession of things. This is about the documents (paper) not a "spiritual treasure" stored in the people's hearts and minds. Before she died, Annemarie Kusserow, the keeper of the archive, had lent documents to her brother, Hans Werner Kusserow, to make copies for a book he was writing. Though Annemarie’s will stipulated that the documents should go to the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ headquarters in Selters, a small town northwest of Frankfurt, her brother, who was not a member of the faith, sold them to the Dresden museum for less than $5,000. The will is not available to us, so it is not known which documents and how much should go to which heir, among other things left behind by the deceased. But interestingly, WTJWorg is willing to spend voluntary monetary contributions for the trials, in order to come into possession of the original documents. They are not happy with the copies. What about that old biblical proverb; endure injustice because God will pay you. And how will God pay you? It will give you spiritual well-being and happiness and a clear conscience, not material. Wasting time, money and energy in the courts is not a recipe for happiness.
  13. I am curious to find out who they are. Please for revelation.
  14. It makes sense to claim so. But every form of worship of God is subject to change due to time and circumstances. Reading the Bible, we notice such changes and are ready to accept them as if they came from God. So we could agree that today’s form of Christianity should not be a copy of that of the first century. Because, I think, that is not even possible.
  15. I guess you're always right and you've never changed your own beliefs?
  16. The explanation is simple. The people who led the people (spiritual leaders) set the standards of worship and declared it true. The same thing happens in today’s religions. WTJWorg is a close example to us. So all religious followers will explain to you better than I do why their worship is the only right one. The answer is given.
  17. If the claim of biblical scholars, both those inside the WTJWorg and those outside, is correct, Judaism and Christianity are unique in the kind of worship that is monotheistic. Both acknowledge YHVH as the Father, and consequently the Messiah as the Savior who comes from that Father. Both institutions are considered to be the bearers of the one true worship of the one true God. in the eyes of WTJWorg it is the same Organization of God because one came from the other. I think JW members will confirm that to you, and you are among them, right? In some of Jesus' statements, he affirmed that one should do as the religious leaders of Israel say, but not imitate them in their deeds. If we take Jesus' words literally, then we could conclude that the Pharisees and other religious factions in the 1st century knew what "true worship" was and that they possessed it institutionally. "Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2 “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach." -Matt 23 Here, Jesus teaches the people to follow the theological teachings of the Pharisees. So the Pharisees knew what true worship was?
  18. I do not understand. Was Judaism from the time of the ancient patriarchs and the nation of Israel in the time of Moses a true worship? ...... or is it just an exclusive right of Jesus-type Christianity? "True worship" should not be divided or attributed by the name of the religion (individual/s, organization) and the historical time of the event and existence of a particular religion, or perhaps it should? And this sounds a bit like the "world started" with the USA and with JW's in this country. I hope it doesn’t end with the USA (Apologies to the citizens of this country if they think this offends them). The example of Cyrus the Great has just been cited that it would not be considered that religious freedom could only have arisen in a country that emerged from 1776 CE. For it could then be argued that not a single true worshiper of God inside one organized religion could have appeared anywhere else in the world but only in an American-type democracy. The historical moment when this happened shows that WTJWorg lawyers were dealing with that kind of issue at the time. Today, WTJWorg lawyers have to deal with CSA scandals (tragedies) that happen in the organization. Unfortunately, JW lawyers and JW representatives who come to court are increasingly bringing up untruths and deceptions to defend WTJWorg. Those former JW attorneys had different concerns. The role of WTJWorg's Legal Department is changing in the USA and other Western countries. What are they defending in the courts? Religious freedom? Truth? Or Company?
  19. I can't believe my eyes that a man of your caliber wrote this absurdity. quote: Cyrus II of Persia, commonly known as Cyrus the Great, is mentioned as one of those historical figures who allowed different religions to exist in his empire. The Edict of Cyrus is a 539 BCE proclamation by Achaemenid Empire founder Cyrus the Great attested by a cylinder seal of the time. Although the Cyrus Cylinder does not refer directly to the Israelites exiled by Nebuchadnezzar, the edict is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as authorizing and encouraging their return to the land of Israel and the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. Freedom of faith and religion is an achievement which existed in some ancient civilizations and is not a novelty of the 20th century. And it is certainly not a merit of WTJWorg.
  20. Generations of JW members, both those who came “from the world” and those born because their parents are JW members, have brought themselves into a state of obedience to GB “prophets” even though “prophecies” (and doctrines) were false. According to the quoted biblical passage, it is obviously a great fear not to offend the “prophets” but also not to fall under the condemnation of the “false prophet” as this would mean excommunication from the JW community of believers and spiritual/physical "persecution". As for the title of the topic. “Normality” wasn’t even before the pandemic, so I don’t see why people would aspire to the old state. Obviously they are not aware that the "old normal" was not good, but they have become accustomed to such a state. After a while, this "new normal", no matter what it looks like, will become "normal" because people will have to adjust and accept what will be inevitable. The “old normal” has steered the world into decay, and the “new normal” will not deviate from the “old path that leads to ruin”.
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