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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. Yes, if we count few individuals at this Forum, called Jehovah's Witnesses Open Club, with informative topics. This Open JW Club is in fact "illegal" in the eyes of WTJWorg and GB and Legal Department. In what sense "illegal"? The title of club contains the name Jehovah's Witnesses. I assume that the name Jehovah's Witnesses is the intellectual property of WTJWorg and should not be used without their consent. Because the club does not have the approval of the GB to promote JW religious ideas beyond/out of the range of official JW religious teachings of the JW Church and outside the official JW channels. Because this club does not have the GB approval to conduct any debate that calls into question the JW religious system. Because there is no GB approval for the discussion to be led by current and former JW members (discussion of this type, ie interaction between current and former members is actually completely forbidden by GB). If the JW elders of the congregations, to which the members of this club belong, learned that these JW brothers and sisters are members of this club and that they are participants in the discussions, they would be invited to serious conversation and at least warned if not rebuked or even excluded / dfd from the JW assembly. The claim that JW members are aware of the prevalence of CSA within the JW church is arbitrary and I am not sure that your picture is correct regarding their awareness of CSA. One young brother (approximately 30 years old) told me directly in 2015 that he did not believe in the CSA within the JW and that he did not believe in court rulings in this regard. He recently became an elder in my former congregation. It is to be expected that his position on this issue has not changed, that is, that he is still in a state of denial. CSA is at least 50 years inside WTJWorg. I found about real CSA JW victims with name and face and court rulings only in "secular" sources, not on pages of WTJWorg magazines or their videos. Oh man. You are "worst" than them. If 30 year old JW male member claimed how this are all lies, in 2015, and one GB member made similar claim on JWTV, then problem is not about "how to deal" with something (CSA in this moment), but about general denial that CSA exist inside WTJWorg. Other GB member made different view when made public statements. I'm glad you mentioned that. When I realized that the topic could become a source of misinformation because I didn’t understand the English text in the video well, so I misinterpreted it, deleting the topic was a good choice, in my opinion. If the owner of this Forum thought I should have reacted differently, then he would certainly have warned me about it. But that is his right as the owner, not yours. If I have offended your feelings by deleting that topic, then I apologize to you. I hope that one day in the future you will be able to forget that topic and move on with your healed feelings. Regarding solutions. Your solutions and counsels or recommendations, that without doubt are good, would be, i guess, welcomed in WTJWorg if you deliver to them in writing. WTJWorg is a large system that has millions of members and millions of those associated with them. So, if they got the information you have about solving a CSA problem, you would do a good deed that would benefit millions. On contrary, i am only on this platform, JW Open Club. Please, tell us all here, what are those names of "all over the place" where i am and, allegedly, participate, and supposedly, I make an impact on millions ? And you thought I was an expert on this subject?
  2. WTJWorg and its representatives all these years have not written or said that the JW church has a problem with the CSA. They claim that these are false accusations and slanders by the "hostile world" and former members. Denying that a problem exists is also a type of education that JW members receive from their religious leaders. And you are calling me here that I am against education?
  3. Sometimes my memory is short. I am not pretending. You speak more than it is necessary, when try to expose other people, supposed/alleged motives and position. CSA is not "test" for victims, but it is "test" for GB and JW elders who put themselves in position to judge people (perpetrators and victims) about it. Who put themselves in position to bring Policy that is obligated for members to respect and obey inside WTJWorg. When JW elders convince a victim that they cannot and must not trust him/her because there are no two witnesses to support his/her claim, then it is disrespect to the victim. I think your claim is misdirected. Disrespect, in this example, cannot be directed at the type of crime, but at the people who experienced that crime on their own skin. Not trusting and not helping a victim who has gone through “hell”, that is disrespect/disrespectful.
  4. If you know how pedophiles operate, they go to an institution of their choosing in order to gain access to children, and they go for the ones who are unaware of what sex actually is. The HOW is they know of said institutions and they take their pick, as well as businesses and clubs, academics, etc. They become a member of said community and gain a position The WHEN is when they choose to act and the time it takes for them to earn the trust of the people in the community, even the children and from there they seek a target. This is when the mind games and manipulation comes into place. From your explanation I would conclude that then the problem is in those JWs who conduct a Bible study with an “interested pedophile,” and later in JW elders who approve of such a candidate to be baptized as a JW. It follows from all this that, the JW belief as"the angels guide and supervise their preaching" and thus the biblical teaching on the individual level of the future candidate, is not useful. Or you have such impression how angels are not helpful in JW preaching service? Also, prayer at the beginning and end of Bible study does not reach God, because He does not warn them (JW members) of the hidden pitfalls and hidden intentions of the one with whom they study the Bible. JW members believe that God and the Holy Spirit lead/guide this “imperfect” Organization that claims to be the only true Christian congregation. Observers would rightly expect the CSA plague not to be in such proportions at the JW Church. Observers would rightly expect, too, that JW members and especially leaders/elders in JW assemblies be prepared for all, "be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one". But, sadly, JW members and elders failed. They failed the exam/the test.
  5. Every good information and action should be supported. If the methods you use are successful, you might be able to send information about it to WTJWorg. It may help them improve their CSA policy.
  6. This would only confirm that WTJWorg's claims, that GB and the elders are guided by a holy spirit that should reveal all "satanic traps" to them, are empty. So, JW members are not (fully) equipped with “spiritual armor” from Ephesians 6, but equipped with many empty doctrines.
  7. Do you know how, in which way and after how much time "random folks" become JW members?
  8. I can only guess why WTJWorg refused to join Scheme in first place. This is because joining means acknowledging GB+Helpers+Elders+Legal Department own stake in the event and the inability to sort things out within the JW Organization (for the benefit of the victims, of course). Why did they join after pressure? Because in this way, they will pay significantly less money to the victims.
  9. A saying from our region says: The judge sues, the judge judges. This saying is used when one wants to say that there is no justice, that everything depends on the will of the one who has power. It is, also, often said that if you want to obscure things you need to set up a Commission to investigate something. The Commission whose members were elected and appointed by powerful people who have no interest in changing anything will receive instructions in which direction they should conduct the investigation. Do you refer to this? In the Conti case, the panel upheld the lower court’s ruling that the Watchtower and elders in the North Fremont congregation failed to supervise Kendrick when he preached door to door in the community, a practice Jehovah’s Witnesses call field service. According to Conti, the North Fremont elders would group her with Kendrick for long afternoons of field service. She says he used those opportunities to take her to his house and sexually abuse her. “While the Congregation may not have been able to police Kendrick’s behavior after scheduled field service was over, it could have controlled his access to Conti during the field service,” the judges wrote Monday. What kind of irony are you talking about that I caused it? By this you prove my comment. Thanks.
  10. We need to wait to see if GB will look for “holes in the law” and then try to avoid or delay meeting its obligations to victims. You know, maybe GB is waging a "theocratic war" and has maneuvers on the "battlefield."
  11. If I'm not mistaken, there is an even more significant difference between them. A Catholic priest does not form a Judicial Committee of 3 priests, nor does he make a decision on transgression and bring punishment, but as a kind of advocate “liberates / forgives” sins in the name of God, expecting the sinner to be a penitent and no longer commit sin. Is such practice, from both side, good or bad? A sinner can be “thankful” if word of his behaviour does not spread further. But this is a criminal act (CSA) and it is no longer an important question whether the perpetrator will feel "embarrassed", but how to help the victim. For JW elders, it should not be decisive how a Catholic priest acts and how they are treated by the Law and the Court. JW elders, because of their view that they are “true servants of God” placed by God in a leadership position, should have a more enlightened knowledge of merciful and just action / reaction for both parties involved. "Forgive whenever you can, punish whenever you need to."
  12. So, we could say that it is a matter of decision, In this case by JW elders, how much they want to be principled. The three Jews from the book of Daniel were so principled that they were thrown into the furnace of fire. Some are principled and refuse blood transfusions or military service. But WTJWorg lawyers are the ones asking the court that JW elders should have the same status as Catholic priests. It is not the court that grants them that status (perhaps court try to understand and make comparison between payed and not-payed "ministers" . The JW elders invoke the right not to speak before the Court what a JW member has admitted to them.
  13. Laws and regulations about issue is available to see and you said well. Of course, when we speak about JW elders then it is notable to understand how we have to put clear picture on question; Do they, JW elders, clergy or not? If they are clergy then they have "right" to call themselves on Catholic Clergy privilege and ask for same "rights" as they do. Is an elder in the JW congregation the same as a priest in the Catholic Church? Do they have the same role and obligations and status according to biblical principles? Do they belong to the same kind of hierarchy (Catholic hierarchy, "Apostolic" hierarchy) as WTJWorg lawyers have sought before the courts? I guess someone gave him that information and someone "forbade" him to use it. Or he got them on the condition that he shouldn’t use them. The source (WTJWorg) of the information would have the right to publish that information for the sake of “truth and justice”. But that wouldn't be of interest to the WTJWorg organization, would it? That would distort the image of a "spiritual paradise."
  14. Creating, collecting, using and storing records / documentation is not a problem in itself. The problem arises when one wants to deny the existence of documents. When it is used incorrectly or prohibits the use of documentation (public review or legal inspection of records according to regulations and legal acts). When it is not said how much documentation there is and what their content is. When it is not said what is the purpose of collecting and creating documents, and what is the future of records. And similar.
  15. Now, three years later, an appeals court has eroded her courtroom victory even further by ruling that the leadership of the Jehovah’s Witnesses had no duty to warn congregants that a confessed child molester was one of their own. As a result, judges eliminated the punitive damages in the case. Conti still stands to receive $2.8 million. And GB welcomed that by both hands? How about WTJWorg publications and Bible verses on issue that, in fact, including same principle. GB and JW people are so concern about warning "wicked people about Armagedon" but failed to warn own people, own members about evil persons inside congregation. What absurdity! What hypocrisy! What a shameful behavior! Can You Do More to Warn Others? JESUS WAS NEVER OFF DUTY Jesus’ example is noteworthy in that he never considered himself to be off duty. He preached to everyone he encountered, be it a tax collector he passed on the road or a woman he met at a well during a midday pause. (Luke 19:1-5; John 4:5-10, 21-24) Even when he set aside time to relax, Jesus ungrudgingly abandoned his plans in order to teach others. Compassion for his neighbors caused him to offer more than a token witness. (Mark 6:30-34) How is Jesus’ sense of urgency being imitated today? - https://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/w20131015/do-more-to-warn-others/ The Time for a Watchman like Ezekiel This anointed class has acted on what Jehovah said to Ezekiel with these words: “Son of man, a watchman is what I have made you to the house of Israel, and you must hear from my mouth speech and you must warn them from me. When I say to someone wicked, ‘You will positively die,’ and you do not actually warn him and speak in order to warn the wicked one from his wicked way to preserve him alive, he being wicked, in his error he will die, but his blood I shall ask back from your own hand.”—Ezek. 3:17, 18. -https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1981088?q=duty+to+warn&p=doc
  16. When someone destroys evidence (documentation) from which misconduct/incorrect treatment can be seen, then destroying evidence is tantamount to concealing/hiding evidence. Because, both, destroying and hiding evidence does not contribute to improving the CSA prevention and punishment of those who break the law. It just means more harm to crime victims. Past, present and future victims.
  17. Didn't you or Srecko said before it was destroyed? I don't remember saying anything like that. But one course for elders (video can be found on YT) provided instructions for destroying private elders ’notes and destroying documentation that could compromise WTJWorg Corporation and other companies and allow lawsuits and damages for the JW Organization.
  18. ..... something performed or practiced in order to develop, improve, or display a specific capability or skill ....regular or repeated use of a faculty or bodily organ - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/exercise To believe or to show faith, to show trust .... is what Jesus has rewarded many times. He performed miracles on people who showed faith, not faith that developed after months or years of exercise, but faith as the current state of mind and heart. Truly I say to you that whoever tells this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but has faith that what he says is going to happen, he will have it happen. Mk 11:23 nwt Or, people in WTJWorg have years of training how to move mountain?
  19. Essentially, knowledge means familiarity with facts acquired by personal experience, observation, or study.......Source of Knowledge. Jehovah is actually the basic Source of knowledge. Life, of course, is from him and life is essential for one’s having any knowledge. (Ps 36:9; Ac 17:25, 28) Furthermore, God created all things, so human knowledge is based on a study of God’s handiwork. (Re 4:11; Ps 19:1, 2) God also inspired his written Word, from which man can learn the divine will and purposes. (2Ti 3:16, 17) Thus the focal point of all true knowledge is Jehovah, and a person seeking it ought to have a fear of God that makes him careful not to incur Jehovah’s displeasure. Such fear is the beginning of knowledge. ................Unless a person exercises faith in Jesus Christ as God’s Son, he cannot grasp the real meaning of the Scriptures and see how God’s purposes are working out in harmony with what He has foretold. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200002643
  20. Transhumanism is a philosophical movement, the proponents of which advocate and predict the enhancement of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies able to greatly enhance longevity, mood and cognitive abilities. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transhumanism JW believe they will experience a change in their body and mind (be "perfect"). But they attribute it to the action of God who will do it, not science, in 1000 year Kingdom, soon.
  21. This is for sure one way how to deal with wicked persons. People's (and animals) life and health must be protected. Are secular courts have no right to be entitled? Well, if so, then you ask or advice us to be independent in/about in determining, at one's own discretion, when one is allowed to lie and deceive institutions that are "appointed by God" to maintain order in human society. This is done by JW lawyers in the courts of "Western democracy". If a JW member has the right to do so to “worldly persons,” what guarantee do you give that he/she will not do the same to his own JW members of the assembly or to elders? Because that’s a practice that’s common in WTJWorg. People keep things quiet or even lie about the facts. And, JW people are still people like everyone else, right? So, i would say, the example you gave is justified. But if so, then this is true for all people and in all situations for which an individual deems it justified to lie. If there are exceptions in which we may lie or misrepresent facts, then you (JW people) are no different from “secular people” who have the same kind of argumentation about their actions. Lying for "the truth" is allowed, and lying for a "lie" is not allowed. So, Pilate was not mad after all when he asked Jesus, What is the Truth? What will be "the truth" when JW lawyer open his mouth?
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