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Srecko Sostar

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Posts posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. 5 hours ago, xero said:

    And responded to like a person who doesn't take counsel.

    Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,..... Ps 1:1

    counsel - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/counsel

    Synonyms: Noun

    Synonyms: Verb

    WTJWorg literature is full of counsels, instructions, directives, dogmas and teachings. Plenty of them is questionable. Thus, the problem may be in the person giving the advice and in the content of the advice. Often times, giving advice in the JW assembly, is at the level and in the form of a request and obligation to accept the advice. In that case, if the advice of the JW elders is not accepted, it could mean that such a person is "marked" as disobedient, stubborn and the like.

    But let us ask ourselves this; What could be the advice, from WTJWorg lawyers, also elders, on whether to tell the truth or still be allowed to lie and deceive? The Bible says, don't lie. WTJWorg publications say that it is allowed to lie in order to protect the WTJWorg organization. Enough, right, about the types of advice from a JW organization?

  2. 6 hours ago, xero said:

    I don't mean to sound critical, but you really need to reword this. It's contorting the English language in a way that's painful to read.

    Apologize for my poor English :) 

    From reaction made by other people here i see that they understand what was said.

    More serious consequences arise when people who write texts for WTJWorg “distorting, twisting, contorting, screwing up” the minds of their readers .... PS ....and listeners.

  3. 1 hour ago, xero said:

    You make it sound like the literature has zero scriptural support. It's commentary on scripture. You might not agree with the application, but it's not as if it's just completely made up. I don't dwell on the extreme interpretations and I don't think too many do. 

    Every written change of previous interpretation in the WTJWorg literature is proof that what I have commented on is not an echo of empty words. Your own publications produce "sound", and make it to sound in both ways. To looks like have "scriptural support" and to looks like have "non-scriptural support".

  4. 3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:
    On 9/1/2021 at 6:40 PM, xero said:

    And I don't teach any of those things as facts, but as interpretations.

    I'd love to see that in a Bible study. Telling a student to read a paragraph from the book, and then saying, 'well actually you don't have to believe that because it's only what the GB write. it might not be true' :)

    Xero reminds me, with this statement of his, of two elders who told me personally after I asked them about a similar thing, that they, from the podium, say only what the literature says even though they are not personally convinced that it is true. And another thing, they (two elders) claim that they do not mention controversial things or explain them when preaching.
    Do such elders really have face and say they represent, stand for the truth? 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    You cannot fight a war with the army you want ... you have to fight a war with the army you have.

    Ok. I am the army for (by) myself and every other individual is army for itself (himself). That is battle between lie and truth inside us. This sort of war we have to fight. Alone (by myself)..... always alone (by myself).

  6. 11 minutes ago, xero said:

    hebraisms and the way things are expressed


    12 minutes ago, xero said:

    the translation "Jehovah struck the child" is an interpretation w/regard to Jehovah allowing.


    12 minutes ago, xero said:

    So you have latitude as to how to read and view this scripture.


    12 minutes ago, xero said:

    I think in this particular case the translation is intended to

    This is in range of "scientific" and "inspired" explanation about ( Hebraism) bible text that is written in (not) "understandably" way for simple minds readers (that is - "Blessed are the poor in spirit"). If so, how to understand, lets say, simple command "do not murder, lie, steal...,". Do we need extra interpretations too? 
    Of course we need. Because GB have many to say about how to practice such "simple" commands.  Especially in secular court cases where WTJWorg lawyers reinterpreting meaning of words "lie and truth" giving them new application.  

  7. 2 hours ago, xero said:

    He's not directing the speculations any more than he killed the baby which came out of Bathsheba that wasn't Uriah's. Allowing and controlling are not the same as causing.

    Then we have problem with (understanding) this Bible text where is explicitly clear who caused baby to die, among other things, where Nathan said God said it. 

    Then Nathan said to David: “You are the man! This is what Jehovah the God of Israel says: ‘I myself anointed you as king over Israel,+ and I rescued you from the hand of Saul.+ 8  I was willing to give you your master’s house+ and put your master’s wives+ in your arms, and I gave you the house of Israel and of Judah.+ And as if that were not enough, I was willing to do much more for you.+ 9  Why did you despise the word of Jehovah by doing what is bad in his eyes? You struck down U·riʹah the Hitʹtite with the sword!+ Then you took his wife as your wife+ after you killed him by the sword of the Amʹmon·ites.+ 10  Now a sword will never depart from your own house,+ because you despised me by taking the wife of U·riʹah the Hitʹtite as your wife.’ 11  This is what Jehovah says: ‘Here I am bringing against you calamity from within your own house;+ and before your own eyes, I will take your wives and give them to another man,*+ and he will lie down with your wives in broad daylight.*+ 12  Although you acted in secret,+ I will do this in front of all Israel and in broad daylight.’”*13  David then said to Nathan: “I have sinned against Jehovah.”+ Nathan replied to David: “Jehovah, in turn, forgives your sin.*+ You will not die.+ 14  Nevertheless, because you have treated Jehovah with utter disrespect in this matter, the son just born to you will certainly die.”15  Then Nathan went to his own house.And Jehovah struck the child whom U·riʹah’s wife had borne to David, and he became sick. 16  David pleaded with the true God in behalf of the boy. David went on a strict fast and would go in and spend the night lying on the ground.+ 17  So the elders of his house stood over him and tried to raise him up from the ground, but he refused and would not eat with them. 18  On the seventh day the child died, but David’s servants were afraid to tell him that the child was dead. - nwt translation

  8. 2 hours ago, xero said:

    the rest is speculation and there is and has always been organizational speculation as well as private and personal speculation. Does this mean that Jehovah isn't in control and directing things? No.

    Ups, God controls and directs speculations ... inside WTJWorg :))

  9. 3 hours ago, xero said:

    People that want to leave will find a reason to leave and those who remain will likewise and Jehovah is the judge of both.

    Main thing anyone should do is make sure they're following their bible-trained consciences.

    If I may remark, it would then mean that GB should stop calling ex-JW with expressions as; ex-JW are "apostates, enemies, poison" and the like. 

    Also, JW members' "bible-trained consciences" would disregard the GB directive on how to treat former members.

    What you mention is commendable. Generally speaking. Generally understood. Generally applicable. But apart from you a few who talk to us here and a few who do it with us personally where we live, it is an rare  exception to WTJWorg policy.

  10. 2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I suggested that my three ‘apostates,’ though seemingly on the same page, doubtless would not be able to stand each other in person.

    The beliefs that “these three” have, allows them to sit at the same table, eat lunch together or drink coffee. Whether they hang out together or not, whether they become friends or not is a matter of their personal choice.
    JW members are instructed not to associate with non-JW people unless they are preaching to them or running a BS with them. Furthermore, there are JWs who cannot stand some other JWs, and this can be seen especially in the class of elders.

    I am disappointed about your "suggestions" :) 


  11. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    The key tenets: 

    no immortal soul, no trinity, use God’s name, kingdom a real government, everlasting life on earth, why God permits evil, exactly how the ransom works, what happens to the dead, preserved nowhere except in the realm where the GB presides—that has to make an impression with anyone in whom love of truth resides. 

    "The key tenets"...... , in other words we can call that "core teachings" ?

    Given some of our previous discussions, can we say that for these basic things of belief every JW member should be willing to give his life, and for all other doctrines to think better about what he believes in?

    1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I’m struck with how when people leave Jehovah’s organized worship, they never ever mention these tenets again. The very factors that drew them into the faith are now dismissed as though of no importance. It certainly is true of detractors here who would draw people away. The blemishes of humans taking the lead are drawn out, exaggerated, or even make up, as though they did not all have their counterparts among the first century apostles and presbyrs. Press the detractors for where they would have you go instead and they clam up. They have nothing to offer.

    Unfortunately, you are repeating the wrong premise here, known to many. Most, if not all JW members, have learned something to hold on to like a drunk holding a fence to keep from stumbling. And that is that idea how there is no life outside the Organization, that is, they have a dilemma about which other organization they could go to if they leave this one.

    Ex JWs don’t exist to offer you anything. Also, no other people in the world exist to offer you, JW, something better, or to put you in a new, different organization. If you believe in Jesus, then I guess it has become clear to you that he has the words of life, and that he is the way, the truth and the life. You are burdened with the idea of an (old, new) organization that should/would resemble the one you now belong to.


  12. 3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Or is this not the way knowledge of anything is acquired? If you want to be an electrician, isn’t the best way to put yourself in close association with someone who has already grasped the material?

    Knowledge in the case of this Watchtower quote is not the hidden knowledge of the Gnostics. It is Bible knowledge, available to all. All that is needed is a guide. 

    Various members of different churches gave some "knowledge" about God and Bible to Russell who then modified it. Russell pass his "knowledge" to Rutherford who also made some modification and pass that "knowledge" to other Presidents of WTJWorg .... various members of GB until today have same modus operandi. 

    "Knowledge" is in danger state, because you never know what spirit "guided" this people. "Knowledge" about God and Bible can be revealed only if God revealed true meaning of written words in Bible text to people or individuals, let say this way. Because GB is not "inspired", as they claim, by same spirit who stand behind writing OT and NT scriptures, it is not reasonable to put your full trust to GB in such matter. They have already proven, multiple time, that they are changing interpretations that they previously claimed to be firmly established in the Bible. They denied/rejected decisions brought  previously, also made under HS "guidance". 

    Transferring insecure knowledge in such a way has the same effect as when an electrician learns from an older colleague. Because even a senior fellow electrician can be someone who has learned from a poorly trained electrician. Certainly, one learns from mistakes and one can reject the wrong way of working and the wrong conclusions. But the Bible is not an electrical manual that explains the Wire Color Code, etc.

    You are actually asking yourself and JW members and those who want to become a JW, to voluntarily accept the current “knowledge” with a predetermined and not doubting certainty by which that “knowledge” will most certainly change into some other “knowledge”.


  13. 10 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    Could they be considered gnostics?

    Definition of gnosticism

    : the thought and practice especially of various cults of late pre-Christian and early Christian centuries distinguished by the conviction that matter is evil and that emancipation comes through gnosishttps://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gnosticism

    This is similar or the same to Jesus' words; "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”


    Gnosticism (from Ancient Greek: γνωστικός, romanized: gnōstikós, Koine Greek: [ɣnostiˈkos], 'having knowledge') is a collection of religious ideas and systems which originated in the late 1st century AD among Jewish and early Christian sects.[1] These various groups emphasised personal spiritual knowledge (gnosis) above the orthodox teachings, traditions, and authority of the church......Gnosis refers to knowledge based on personal experience or perception. In a religious context, gnosis is mystical or esoteric knowledge based on direct participation with the divine.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnosticism

    WTJWorg has its own collection of unique religious ideas and teachings. Own system. In the JW church the emphasis is on personal friendship with God and obedience to Jesus ’brothers on earth aka GB. Because, GB has a special insight into knowledge and can interpret the Bible correctly. Participation with the divine is achieved through personal Bible study and WTJWorg publications, prayer, and regular attendance at meetings where “truth” can be heard about all that will contribute to the salvation of the congregation.


    What is gnosticism? How did it come into being?

    Gnosticism is a term that's etymologically connected with the word "to know." It has the same root in English, "kno" is related to "gno" the Greek word for gnosis. And Gnostics were people who claimed to know something special. This knowledge could be a knowledge of a person, the kind of personal acquaintance that a mystic would have with the divine. Or it could be a kind of propositional knowledge of certain key truths. Gnostics claim both of those kinds of knowledge. The claim to have some sort of special knowledge was not confined to any particular group in the second century. It was widespread, and we have such claims being advanced by fairly orthodox teachers such as Clement of Alexandria, we have similar claims being advanced by all sorts of other teachers during that period.https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/story/heretics.html

    On JWorg library we can read this:

    However, there is one kind of knowledge that does promise everlasting life. Conversely, if you did live forever, you could take in useful knowledge forever. Jesus said in prayer to God: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” (John 17:3) ...................Is taking in knowledge of God and Christ beyond our capacity? No. .................Around the globe, experience has shown that the most efficient way to acquire this knowledge is by means of a personal Bible study guided by someone who has already grasped the material..................Your relationship with God is a personal matter between you and the Creator. Only you can maintain and strengthen it, and only he can grant you everlasting life. Therefore, you should continue a personal study of his written Word. By having someone come to your home on a regular basis, you may find it easier to reserve time for study. ......Since the Bible and Bible study aids contain “the very knowledge of God,” it is most appropriate to take good care of them.https://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/w20050415/Taking-in-Knowledge-Now-and-Forever/


    This difference between general and accurate knowledge is implied in the Greek Scriptures. The original Greek speaks of gnoʹsis, knowledge, and e·piʹgno·sis, accurate knowledge. ...........Therefore, gaining accurate knowledge of the truth as taught in the Bible is a key to salvation. ..............So how can we obtain this accurate knowledge? By personal study and meditation, along with prayer and meeting attendance. This means a constant recharging of our spiritual batteries, as it were. We cannot afford to rely only on the knowledge we initially gained when we accepted the truth. Continually, we have to take in solid spiritual food, accurate knowledge, by means of conscientious personal study...................As we learned in the preceding article, Bible Greek conveyed a subtle difference between the two degrees of knowledge. And as we dig, we want to know more about the difference between these two expressions as they apply to Christians. Why are knowledge, gnoʹsis, and accurate knowledge, e·piʹgno·sis, essential for Christians? Where can we find the answer? In the Bible encyclopedia Insight on the Scriptures................... If you wanted to pursue a more exhaustive study of “knowledge” and related terms, you could use the Indexes of the Watch Tower Society’s publications, which are available in a number of languages. .............With these and other study aids published by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, what beautiful “hid treasures” we can find! - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1989883 and https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1989884

    Thus, the way to acquire “knowledge” is through the personal study and publications of WTJWorg which is the source of accurate religious knowledge of God. 

    1. The Philosophical Character of Gnosticism

    Gnosticism, as an intellectual product, is grounded firmly in the general human act of reflecting upon existence. The Gnostics were concerned with the basic questions of existence or “being-in-the-world” (Dasein)—that is: who we are (as human beings), where we have come from, and where we are heading, historically and spiritually (cf. Hans Jonas, The Gnostic Religion 1958, p. 334). These questions lie at the very root of philosophical thinking; but the answers provided by the Gnostics go beyond philosophical speculation toward the realm of religious doctrine and mysticism. However, it is impossible to understand fully the meaning of Gnosticism without beginning at the philosophical level, and orienting oneself accordingly. - https://iep.utm.edu/gnostic/

    10 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    The prophet Daniel foretold that during this “time of the end,” the anointed would be blessed with an abundance of true knowledge and spiritual insight. 

    Now we come to the next part. According to these words all "anointed ones" could, should come to "true knowledge of the truth". However, in the WTJWorg Administration, things are different. The “anointed ones” who decide what knowledge is and who decide how and when that knowledge will be made public is GB. GB is the Church Body of all anointed and non anointed believers and are also called FDS.

    In the GB context, it is clearly intended to make it clear that, personal study of the Bible and WTJWorg publication and individual prayer cannot be successful on the path to salvation if it is not subject to GB and Organization.

  14. 2 hours ago, Witness said:

    Did He say, “well even though these leaders have misled thousands with their promises that didn’t hold true, and even though they took their message of error to people’s homes world-wide, misleading them with a teaching that will certainly prove to be false, I will bless them with abundance of spiritual food!”

    This question that you asked, hit the core. WTJWorg with GB leadership has been supporting its own chronology of past and future events for decades. Certainly, most of the effort was invested in proving that "Armageddon is at the very door" and that it will happen in a certain period of time. Sometimes this included a precisely expressed year, sometimes a short period bounded by the lifespan of a “generation” or the end of a century (e.g., the 20th century).
    Indeed, should one have faith and confidence in the “spiritual food” that comes from GB forecasters?

  15. 38 minutes ago, BroRando said:

    blood is the life

    In spiritual sense. In a figurative sense.

    In literal and medical way, blood is fluid for the transfer of nutrients and waste. Blood is circulatory tissue. Blood needs the heart to circulate through the body. So blood can't do anything without a heart.

    But also .... "heart is source of life".

    Above all the things that you guard, safeguard your heart,+For out of it are the sources of life. -Prov 4 23 nwt

  16. 40 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    If what you meant to say was literal

    Not literal. But Jesus' words that he said are this:  53 Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. 56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them. 57 Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. 58 This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.” 59 He said this while teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum. - John 6:53-59

    Later, much later, he explained to 11 how it is not about literal understanding but with bread and wine symbols.

     It has already been said in other places that blood is a symbol of life. Blood is not life. Blood is just a symbol. Life has every advantage over symbols. Preserving life is more important than preserving symbols.
    Can the issue of blood cause dilemmas and controversies? Clearly it can. But will you take a child who broke his arm to the doctor during the Sabbath or will you wait for the holidays to pass? And some Jewish holidays lasted for days and weeks.

  17. 9 hours ago, BroRando said:
    Teachings of Jesus Christ:
    • "Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood

    The body and blood of Jesus were given a transferred meaning in bread and wine. But bread and wine, precisely because they directly represent the body and blood of a man, are exactly what they are - body and blood. So to eat bread and drink wine, in commemoration of Christ's death, is nothing else but to bite into the flesh and drink some blood. 

    9 hours ago, BroRando said:

    For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (Matthew 16:25)

    Does it bother God that by some human activity man cannot be saved forever? No, he doesn't mind. Because, human life is erratic and often times we have to repeat the same or similar actions in order to live or survive some circumstances.

    9 hours ago, BroRando said:
    Teaching of the Holy Spirit:
    • "Abstain . . . from blood. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!” (Acts 15:28-29)

    Little correction please. 

     28  For the holy spirit+ and we ourselves have favored ... nwt 

    Since the apostles were imperfect and sinful people and prone to wrong assumptions, so says WTJWorg and GB, could it be that they said and wrote something that has errors? No matter what topic. Because, that is exactly how today's GB justifies itself for its theological acrobatics. GB says that even the first Christians had wrong assumptions and expectations and misinterpreted the teachings of Jesus.

    Under what circumstances did the apostles err? Then when were they “inspired” or when were they “guided” by the Holy Spirit?

    GB said they, today, are "guided", ... just "guided". 

  18. 15 hours ago, BroRando said:

    However, by looking at your responses to Jehovah's Word, I SEE that you are weeping and gnashing your teeth as you seemingly  being tormented.  lol....  

    Yes, lol. There is a kind of obsession in your mind because you often use terminology about "gnashing your teeth" and the like, in response to some other people’s comments, that is, as a reaction to those people.

  19. My remaining life time is shortened, too. Compared to the length of time I had 20, 30 or 40 years ago. I am 60 years old today. It is logical that, given the average life expectancy of a man, my time is reduced. So, it would be pointless to expect another 60 years of life. I can count on another 20,30 years of life, more or less. That would be the average life expectancy of today’s people in certain parts of the world.
    Has the time of the whole human race been shortened, reduced in the same way? There is no calculation, nor is there any experience to confirm this. Disasters exist, wars exist and they can shorten the lives of people and animals and plants. But even the Bible nowhere says that there is a deadline that determines how long the planet Earth will exist and the living world on it.
    So what kind of time reduction is about?

    On 8/9/2021 at 12:50 AM, BroRando said:

    "And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come."

    People are constantly being born, so preaching should go on and on, constantly.

    On 8/9/2021 at 12:50 AM, BroRando said:

    For instance, “Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads.


    On 8/9/2021 at 12:50 AM, BroRando said:

    We can expect this sealing process to be completed by the second day of 2033 CE.

    The earth, the sea, the trees and the whole natural world have been under attack for some 150-200 years. Someone is hurting them. Who? Humanity. With its way of life of consumer society, industry, destruction of nature for profit.

    Your version suggests how, harm the earth or the sea or the trees, will began in 2033? Would that mean that so-called “climate change” hasn’t actually started and that people are worried for no reason?

    There is something wrong with your interpretation of the Bible. :) 

  20. On 8/19/2021 at 9:27 PM, BroRando said:

    Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him” (Exodus 23:20-21 KJV)


    On 8/19/2021 at 9:27 PM, BroRando said:

    To this very day, opposers of Jesus Christ continue to reject the Messenger in (Exodus 23:20-21 KJV) received the name Jesus which actually means ‘Jehovah is Salvation’.

    The name Isaiah means “Salvation of Jehovah,” which is the same meaning, though written in the reverse order, of the name Jesus (“Jehovah Is Salvation”). - https://www.jw.org/hr/biblioteka/knjige/Sve-je-Pismo-nadahnuto-od-Boga-i-korisno/23-knjiga-Biblije-Izaija/

     God's name is also embedded in many Israeli personal names. Thus we read Adonijah (meaning “My Lord is Yahweh,” and “Yah” is a shorter form for Jehovah), Isaiah (“Salvation is from Jehovah”), Jonathan (“Jehovah has given”), and Micah (“Who is like Jehovah?” ? ”) And Joshua (“ Jehovah is salvation ”). - https://www.jw.org/hr/biblioteka/knjige/Božansko-ime-koje-će-vječno-postojati/Božansko-ime-tijekom-stoljeća/

    According to WTJWorg articles, God’s name is embedded in other Jewish names as well. Well, what is the point if somebody have name with such particle? Then, what if in the original name of satan, devil is also the particle "Jah"?

    On 8/19/2021 at 9:27 PM, BroRando said:

    Those who have grieved his Holy Spirit are abandoned in the sense of dying the second death of everlasting destruction in the same manner as Adam and Eve, they are returning to dust.

    And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. - Eph. 4:30

    Were Adam and Eve "anointed", sealed with HS?

    But a physical (natural man in other translations) man does not accept* the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot get to know them, because they are examined spiritually. 15  However, the spiritual man examines all things,+ but he himself is not examined by any man. - 1. Cor 2:14,15

    Were Adam and Eve natural and spiritual at the same time? Or were they just natural, physical? People have “spiritual needs,” don’t they? Jesus gave lessons about it in His Sermon. 

    In 31 C.E., Jesus delivered one of the most famous discourses of all time. It is called the Sermon on the Mount because Jesus gave it on a mountainside overlooking the Sea of Galilee. The Gospel of Matthew relates: “When [Jesus] saw the crowds he went up into the mountain; and after he sat down his disciples came to him; and he opened his mouth and began teaching them, saying: ‘Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them.’” Translated literally, Jesus’ opening words read: “Happy the poor ones (as) to the spirit,” or “Happy are those who are beggars for the spirit.” (Matthew 5:1-3; Kingdom Interlinear; footnote)  Today’s English Version reads: “Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor.” - https://www.jw.org/hr/biblioteka/casopisi/w20041101/Sretni-Jehovini-sluge/

    When man satisfies these his spiritual needs, has he become a "spiritual man" or has he remained a "physical man"? 


  21. 13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    No. That’s called making the same missteps as the original disciples did, missteps all stemming from an eagerness to see the kingdom come.

    Understandably. It just means that each new generation (new GB generation, new JW members generation, or people in general) has learned nothing from previous generations from the recent or distant past.  

    13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    When, now, they had assembled, they went asking him: “Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?” (Acts 1:6)

    Is this paragraph about asking questions due to a misunderstanding by followers? Or is it that the followers tried to set the dogma on the basis of Jesus' teaching and-or previous or subsequent answers / comments / illustrations He gave them?

    13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    It’s not ideal, then or now, but that’s what imperfect people do. It sure beats the pants off of giving up on the whole project.

    Sure, it’s not ideal for a sinner to follow another sinner, but if a JW member so desires, who am I to object to that? :) 

  22. 3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    You can always lose more credibility, as you do when you rely upon Bible “texts” that everyone else in the world of biblical manuscripts rejects.

    I am sorry, but wish to react with illustration connected to real JW life. 

    When WTJWorg religious leaders replace one theology with another, then it is also called “loss of credibility”. JW members who reluctantly accept the new theology, along with GB, are losing credibility, too.
    Take for example the teaching of “generation”. From a logical point of view, the previous concept seems more acceptable. You set a chronological reference point (1914), determine the lifespan of a generation (70-80 years), and establish the claim that it is this generation that will not die before the Kingdom is established.
    Now, all JWs (with exceptions, of course) have abandoned their own credibility into a doctrine that had a fundamental value for everyday life, both literal and spiritual. And what have you achieved with that? This is a question you need to think about well.

    "Everyone else in the world" are not so much in lose if few sentences are in the Bible or not or if they don't know how generation issue have new interpretation in JW religion. :) 

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