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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. My comment have nothing with "enthusiasm" of any sort. I conveyed information regarding the creation and storage of documentation within an institution. And if that organization, like WTJWorg, is engaged in publishing, among other activities, then there are some technical and legal norms. Private congregation data? ....and clergy/laity privileged relationship, too ? What is your definition of "Private Congregational Data"? WTJWorg IS Private Company. Well, (does) that would mean how all documents inside WTJWorg organization are private? JW Congregations are "private companies" inside WTJWorg Private Company. Elders are "appointed" or installed by GB (top managers or ecclesiastic-hierarchical board of directors) to collect various information about members and their activity (rank and file primarily). Members agree, more or less, about that. Who can and would have interest to see information/data about other members, about congregational activity, money, elder's decisions etc? Only few inside, i guess. Elders was instructed how to collect and how and when to destroy private and official notice, data, documents, memos and similar. Magazines and books are another part of same issue. You speaking about "redundancy, digitization, typing errors, and technical errors in understanding (wrong) interpretations". Poor explanations and excuses you offer with this.
  2. Mr @Ray Devereaux what, for God's sake, is problematic or scandalous or blasphemous, in this comment above, for you ??
  3. P.S. There is a legal obligation, I do not know if it is an obligation for both WTJWorg in the USA and for WTJWorg printers around the world, that several copies, mandatory copies, of each edition that goes to print should be handed over to the state public library. Here in Croatia, 9 copies have to be handed to National University Library.
  4. Each legal entity creates a different, various type of documentation during the business. Often times a legal body needs to adopt its own Regulations that regulate certain activities within the institution. Regulations must be harmonized with the laws on Archives. Such laws on archives are enacted by the state and its public bodies. So, the people who run WTJWorg should know how to destroy the documentation that is scheduled for destruction after certain retention periods have passed. But there is documentation that must not be destroyed, but must exist permanently, as long as there is a legal entity. After the legal entity ceases to exist, there are rules that say that certain documentation must be submitted to a state archive for storage and safekeeping. Or the documentation is handed over to a new legal successor. The doctrines and teachings and traditions that are part of WTJWorg publications are likely to be among the documents that have no lasting value before legislation. Therefore, the publisher can independently decide to destroy everything that should no longer have any (spiritual, theological, moral, religious, doctrinal ... etc) significance for the average (or all) members of the organization. Certainly, that such kind of decision by WTJWorg, to destroy “spiritual food” that has “ceased to be true,” is dubious for a simple reason. For, then, every JW can rightly ask Pilate's question, "What is The Truth?" .."Why should I believe in a New Truth?" .... etc. Also, should any JW be required to separate (for destruction) from its private library any such publication, which no longer meets the WTJWorg criteria on the reliability of what is written and proclaimed to be “True”?
  5. When there is a good interlocutor, like you, it is so simple and easy to go from the topic of artificial satellites and torn parts flying in Earth orbit to the topic of the persecution of Christians. :))
  6. Does your church have an official position on cats and debris, so you have to defend it in front of "stupid people"? :))
  7. I recently watched a documentary about it. It’s actually scary how much garbage/junk (debris) is circulating around the Earth. http://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Videos/2019/02/Distribution_of_space_debris_in_orbit_around_Earth 1902_006_AR_EN.mp4 1902_006_AR_EN.mp4
  8. Debris history in particular years[edit] As of 2009, 19,000 debris over 5 cm (2 in) were tracked.[by whom?][11] As of July 2013, estimates of more than 170 million debris smaller than 1 cm (0.4 in), about 670,000 debris 1–10 cm, and approximately 29,000 larger pieces of debris are in orbit.[30] As of July 2016, nearly 18,000 artificial objects are orbiting above Earth,[31] including 1,419 operational satellites.[32] As of October 2019, nearly 20,000 artificial objects in orbit above the Earth,[8] including 2,218 operational satellites.[9] Lost equipment[edit] A drifting thermal blanket photographed in 1998 during STS-88. Space debris includes a glove lost by astronaut Ed White on the first American space-walk (EVA), a camera lost by Michael Collins near Gemini 10, a thermal blanket lost during STS-88, garbage bags jettisoned by Soviet cosmonauts during Mir's 15-year life,[56] a wrench, and a toothbrush.[62] Sunita Williams of STS-116 lost a camera during an EVA. During an STS-120 EVA to reinforce a torn solar panel, a pair of pliers was lost, and in an STS-126 EVA, Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper lost a briefcase-sized tool bag.[63] On Earth[edit] Saudi officials inspect a crashed PAM-D module in January 2001. Although most debris burns up in the atmosphere, larger debris objects can reach the ground intact. According to NASA, an average of one cataloged piece of debris has fallen back to Earth each day for the past 50 years. Despite their size, there has been no significant property damage from the debris.[124] Notable examples of space junk falling to Earth and impacting human life include: 1969: five sailors on a Japanese ship were injured when space debris from what was believed to be a Soviet spacecraft struck the deck of their boat.[125] 1978 The Soviet reconnaissance satellite Kosmos 954 reentered the atmosphere over northwest Canada and scattered radioactive debris over northern Canada, some of the debris landing in the Great Slave Lake.[125] 1979 portions of Skylab came down over Australia, and several pieces landed in the area around the Shire of Esperance, which fined NASA $400 for littering.[125] 1987 a 7-foot strip of metal from the Soviet Kosmos 1890 rocket landed between two homes in Lakeport, California, causing no damage; 1997: an Oklahoma woman, Lottie Williams, was hit, without injury in the shoulder by a 10 cm × 13 cm (3.9 in × 5.1 in) piece of blackened, woven metallic material confirmed as part of the propellant tank of a Delta II rocket which launched a U.S. Air Force satellite the year before.[126][127] 2001: a Star 48 Payload Assist Module (PAM-D) rocket upper stage re-entered the atmosphere after a "catastrophic orbital decay",[128] crashing in the Saudi Arabian desert. It was identified as the upper-stage rocket for NAVSTAR 32, a GPS satellite launched in 1993.[citation needed] 2002: 6 year old boy Wu Jie became the first person to be injured by direct impact from space debris. He suffered a fractured toe and a swelling on his forehead after a block of aluminum, 80 centimeters by 50 centimeters and weighing 10 kilograms from the outermost shell of the Resource Second Satellite struck him as he sat beneath a persimmon tree in the Shaanxi Province of China.[129] 2003: Columbia disaster, large parts of the spacecraft reached the ground and entire equipment systems remained intact.[130] More than 83,000 pieces, along with the remains of the six astronauts, were recovered in an area from three to 10 miles around Hemphill in Sabine County, Texas.[131] More pieces were found in a line from west Texas to east Louisiana, with the westernmost piece found in Littlefield, TX and the easternmost found southwest of Mora, Louisiana.[132] Debris was found in Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana. In a rare case of property damage, a foot-long metal bracket smashed through the roof of a dentist office.[133] NASA warned the public to avoid contact with the debris because of the possible presence of hazardous chemicals.[134] 15 years after the failure, people were still sending in pieces with the most recent, as of February 2018, found in the spring of 2017.[135] 2007: airborne debris from a Russian spy satellite was seen by the pilot of a LAN Airlines Airbus A340 carrying 270 passengers whilst flying over the Pacific Ocean between Santiago and Auckland. The debris was reported within 9.3 kilometres (5 nmi) of the aircraft.[136] 2020: The empty core stage of a Long March-5B rocket made an uncontrolled re-entry - the largest object to do so since the Soviet Union’s 39 ton Salyut-7 space station in 1991 - over Africa and the Atlantic ocean and a 12-meter-long pipe originating from the rocket crashed into the village of Mahounou in Cote d'Ivoire.[137] 2021: a Falcon 9 second stage made an uncontrolled re-entry over Washington state on March 25, producing a widely seen "light show".[138] A composite-overwrapped pressure vessel survived the re-entry and landed on a farm field.[139]
  9. Should the JW member submit to GB at All Cost? If you advocate the autonomy and independence of an individual or group or WTJWorg Corporation to resist the bad laws of “secular authorities,” then you should allow the same for JW members who need to be able to discern what is wrong with GB leadership and their doctrines and instructions. Perhaps because Vatican is "all authority". The Vatican City State, also known as The Vatican, became independent from Italy with the Lateran Treaty (1929), and it is a distinct territory under "full ownership, exclusive dominion, and sovereign authority and jurisdiction" of the Holy See, itself a sovereign entity of international law, which maintains the city state's temporal, diplomatic, and spiritual independence. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vatican_City Hmm! GB with their lawyers have deceptive words in their mouth as they presents themselves on JW TV and in Courts... ...and they do threat their "accusers" with; human rights, OSCE, UN, and "worldly" Courts, asking for "justice" from "secular judges", and not from - "him who judges justly". If GB is called to suffer in the same manner as Jesus, then why GB fight for their "property"* (in Russia or anywhere else)? Why not to be jailed and patiently wait for JHVH? Why JW fight against "bad governments" and not follow Jesus example who did not seek to be acquitted of unjust charges and released? * according to WT publications, "property" includes all material and spiritual assets and resources, including people, JW members
  10. A)... perhaps because they are the only ones this world has at its disposal? B)....the issue of environmental pollution is not so important, because it is God's job to clean up our mess ... one day ..... isn't it?
  11. https://www.osce.org/files/f/documents/e/b/83530.pdf Statement of Dr Massimo Introvigne, Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office on Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination, also Focusing on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians and Members of Other Religions HDIM, Warsaw, October 4, 2011 I came to this mandate with a background not as a politician or a diplomat, but with some thirty years of experience as a sociologist of religion and religious liberty activist. Those who came in touch with me this year would probably agree that this background may involve both advantages and disadvantages. The mandate is broad, and the time is short. I will limit myself to four remarks about four main areas of the mandate. 1. Racism. Social theory teaches us that economic crises generate stereotyping and scapegoating of minorities, easily degenerating into racism. Recent experience shows that this stereotyping is unfortunately not limited to marginal racist organizations, but occasionally contaminates mainline political speech. Intolerance should not be tolerated, be it intolerance against immigrants, refugees, women or any other minority. Working with NGOs and civil society is particularly important in this field, and several NGOs gave us a real treasure of information, particularly during our country visits. 2. Roma and Sinti issues. The growth of intolerance against Roma and Sinti communities is also in part a consequence of the international economic crisis. Two main aims of the mandate have been to involve directly Roma organizations in any international and domestic discussion about their community, and to facilitate conversations between the same Roma organizations, ODIHR specialized personnel, and some participating States. At least with respect to certain States, some real progress has been made, although visits to settlements and communities in several countries confirmed that much remains to be done. 3. Members of other religions. I fully understood my mandate not to be only about Christians, and recently had a significant meeting with leaders of the Sikh community in what is now the largest European Sikh temple, in Northern Italy. They report that problems still exist, but their situation has significantly improved in several participating States. I also interacted with so called traditional or "tribal" religions, particularly - in conversation with the World Intellectual Property Organization and other relevant actors in this field - in connection with one of their concerns, the protection of their "traditional knowledge" through the use, and the prevention of possible misuse, of intellectual property. But I also tried not to forget the non-traditional religions and experiences, by meeting representatives of both new religious movements and of secular humanist organizations, which are struggling for appropriate forms of legal recognitions in some countries. 4. Christians. The September 12, 2011 conference on hate crimes against Christians in Rome, with its quite high attendance, confirmed that these crimes are a matter of great international concern. The spiral of intolerance against Christians can be described through a three-step model. First comes intolerance, a cultural phenomenon. Second, discrimination, a legal process. Third, hate crimes. The social actors involved in the three steps are obviously different. But there is a slippery slope from the first step to the second and from the second to the third. I am very much aware that my role as Representative is not to be a spokesperson for any Christian church or community. But it involves hearing their claims and complaints, checking the facts, and discussing these claims with the relevant participating states. It should be recognized that not all claims should be accepted at face value. Christian churches and communities may have been responsible of hurting local sensitivities in different ways. But it is also a fact that intolerance against Christians is growing in many countries and regions. My mandate is about building bridges. Bridges between countries. Bridges between religions. Bridges between religions and governments. Bridges between believers and unbelievers. Bridges between those who cherish the religious heritages of their countries and those who cherish traditions of separation between church and state. Bridges are also about friendship. Let me conclude by mentioning that in this year I saw professional acquaintances grow into real friendships with personnel of OSCE , ODIHR and the Lithuanian chairmanship, women and men of great professional capabilities and moral integrity. For this, I am particularly grateful. GB and JW representatives refuse any dialogue with representatives of other religions (except perhaps when they communicate through real estate agents while selling KH to another “fake” religion). In this aspect, Massimo argues that he builds bridges between religions. Is “building bridges between religions” something JWs want? From what we know the answer is, No. But WTJWorg GB doesn't mind, for now, that Massimo Introvigne wants to achieve exctly that with his work. WTJWorg complains that others (whole world) are intolerant of them and discriminate and hate them. Well, can’t the same be found in a JW assembly whose members refuse to greet a former member when they meet on the street? Not greeting someone you know is not only rude and unkind, it is intolerant, discriminatory and hateful. It is the demolition, the burning of bridges.
  12. To explain the phenomenon of “persecution,” what is a prerequisite? What do some individuals or groups of people do or do not do, that another group would consider them "enemies" and begin to “persecute” them in some of the many possible forms of persecution? To what extent are JWs willing to accept the desire of others to “live differently” from JWs? At what point will someone’s desire for a “lifestyle difference” that is different from JW’s, upset some JW so that in a spiritual sense he reaches for intellectual and emotional reasons that will trigger “hatred” in him and give him an excuse to “persecute” another individual ? Are JWs capable of “persecuting” those who are different from them?
  13. KH are also sold in Croatia. For one KH in Zagreb, the price is 700,000 Euros (on sale from 2019). If your predictions are correct about money, then the decision to sell KH en masse is not helpful, because the state can “nationalize” buildings, but also money. Where is the money from the sale of KH? In banks or in WTJWorg safes? Or is it investing in other real estate and businesses? Some world events and processes affect all people, sometimes regardless of their ideological, religious or social and economic or any other status. So it seems to me that it may be an exaggeration to talk about JW as the only group of people who will suffer the most from adversity or be the only target by the secular world. People can meet in their apartments, houses or other public places to maintain social contacts in order to develop and maintain the social aspects of direct socializing.
  14. For the benefit of the JW community, a speech like this should be included in the JWTV program as a Special Lecture on Sunday afternoon. .....Of course, to make it more acceptable for the organizer, the lecture should be given by a man, not a woman :)) I believe, that nowadays an increasing proportion of JW members would readily abandon the idea that only men (male) are allowed to “teach”.
  15. Is it somehow connected that high IQ helps individual not to be JW? My IQ in the past (when i was 19) was 120. But despite above average IQ i became JW. Maybe insufficiently above average :)) Perhaps my IQ has dropped in the meantime :)) Does that explain why I left JW? :))
  16. It may be that something has spoiled them from then until today.
  17. I don't recall that John the Baptist say anything while baptizing Jesus. But i recall that Jesus said what they said about baptizing in the name of ...
  18. How many "dedicated people" live inside building aka Watchtower? What about people who don't live inside "building"? Are they dedicated too, or what they are because they live in their "not-dedicated" buildings, houses, flats? What is "spirit-guided"? Organization? Watchtower building/s? GB? Elders? JW members? ...etc.
  19. Your mentally ill, if this is the kind of things you think about in a daily basis. This is the most absurd of backward thinking of have come across. A 3-year-old has better intelligence. You speaking about "dedicated organization". Has the “organization” and organized system of worship through Moses ceased to be a dedicated and correct system of worship of God? If that system is still “correct and dedicated” why did you choose this worship system that WTJWorg has?
  20. Didn't candidate already went through strict process with elders and enormous number of questions? It would be expected that after such treatment with the elders, it would be clear to everyone what kind of promise it was, and how both side are sure what they understand.
  21. WTJWorg using words too, don't they? Is it about tradition also?
  22. Who, when and in what way did someone “dedicate” an “organization”?
  23. If the words spoken are not important during the baptism ceremony, then there is no need to ask WTJWorg questions for the “candidate”. Also, if someone has already been baptized in any other religion, then it is not important to be re-baptized if they change the religious community, because according to some comments it could be inferred that baptism is just a ceremony that does not deserve as much attention as the decision, made previous, to follow Christ. "Word" is important, as insignificant as it may seem at times. Well, God also spoke the Word, one or more Words when He created the world. "And God said, let it be ...." So, the spirit could act even without the spoken Word, triggered by Thoughts. But, as Pudgy said, the word is a tool, a tool of the thought process hidden in a person. The thought remains hidden until it is uttered. Of course I don’t know how God uttered the words that Moses speaks of in Genesis. For Moses writes that God said the words, not that He just uttered them in thought. Well, I guess then he would write that God Thought something and then the Spirit moved because of the Thought. But this is a bit irrelevant considering what kind of Words WTJWorg uses which is a product of the Thought Process of GB and other “theologians” in WTJWorg. @Witnessthanks for WT quotes that showed how words are tools for deceiving JW members. One thought flashed through my mind about something in comment. Jesus initiated the “new commandments,” which made all the “old commandments” rejected and unnecessary. In a sense, the old has become a "false religion." The Jewish religious system is, even according to WTJWorg, rejected by God. Watch out, "rejected by God." What is rejected by God is worthless. It has become part of global religiously worthless things that God does not accept or acknowledge as true. So, in one categorical sense, the former (truth) of/in the "Jewish religion" became a "false religion." A very awkward thought, and a spoken word, isn't it? But no Christian, of any denomination along with JW members, will say that the “Jewish religion” is the "right" religion, but the “wrong/false" one. The ways of God are miraculous and strange.
  24. Correct. If person unintentionally participate in car accident with someone death, person is not automatically bad but what happened is bad. In other possible situation, person is attacked by robber and in attempt to protect himself he causes robber death. Is person bad automatically? Or is outcome of that situation bad? You state, here, how person become bad overnight, but in speaking about Manasseh you gave another way of process. Correct. What that speaking about person? Whether he was born bad, become bad overnight or become corrupt over time? You speaking about ex-JW as full of hate and criticism. In your opinion, did they become that overnight or over time? Are you claiming that every ex-JW is full of hatred?
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