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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. They all are "prominent" but one is more "prominent", and not just "prominent" :)))
  2. 1 - EXPLANATION FOR PUBLIC Frequently Asked Questions - https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/jw-bible-study/ Am I Expected to Become One of Jehovah’s Witnesses if I Study the Bible With Them? No, you are not obligated in any way. Millions enjoy our Bible study program without becoming Jehovah’s Witnesses. * The purpose of the program is to show you what the Bible teaches. What you decide to do with that knowledge is up to you. We recognize that faith is a personal matter. Why do you study with people who don’t join your faith? Our primary motive is love for Jehovah God,......We feel that there is no greater privilege than to be “God’s fellow workers” in helping people to learn what his Word teaches.— We are also motivated by love for our neighbors. -- We find joy in sharing with others the wonderful things we have learned.—. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 - INSTRUCTIONS FOR JW MEMBERS How to Conduct a Bible Study That Leads to Baptism—Part Two - https://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/watchtower-study-october-2020/How-to-Conduct-a-Bible-Study-That-Leads-to-Baptism-Part-Two/ THE disciple-making work is a lifesaving work! How do we know? When Jesus gave the command that is recorded at Matthew 28:19, 20, he said: “Go, . . . make disciples . . . , baptizing them.” ......To make disciples, we need to develop the “art of teaching.”....But as noted in the preceding article, we want to know how we can help more of them to become baptized disciples of Jesus Christ. Teachers must show genuine, personal interest in their students. View them as your future spiritual brothers or sisters. It is not easy for them to give up friends in the world and to make all the necessary changes to serve Jehovah. We need to help them find true friends in the congregation. Talk openly about Christian dedication and baptism. After all, our goal in conducting a Bible study is to help a person become a baptized disciple. Within a few months of having a regular Bible study and especially after beginning to attend meetings, the student should understand that the purpose of the Bible study is to help him to start serving Jehovah as one of His Witnesses. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, let us repeat what looks like two explanations on JWorg web. First, explanatory sentence for PUBLIC! 1) THE PURPOSE of the program is to show you what the Bible teaches. Now, as second explanation, JW MEMBERS are reminded WHAT is purpose of Bible Study. 2) After all, our goal in conducting a Bible study is to help a person become a baptized disciple....the student should understand that THE PURPOSE of the Bible study is to help him to start serving Jehovah as one of His Witnesses.
  3. GB has a problem with how to incorporate some biblical concepts into the workings of the WT JWorg Organization. The term “holy spirit” occupies one of the three most significant places (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) that can be read about in the Bible. 1) Is the explanation of who or what the holy spirit is properly explained in WTJWorg theology? 2) WTJWorg argues that the workings of the Holy Spirit in the past and today are quite different when it comes to the manner and type of "communication" between “Heaven and Earth”. 3) Why does WTJWorg have trouble with the term/word "inspired"? 4)They say, the WTJWorg Organization and the JW people in the organization are not "inspired by the spirit," but they are "guided by the spirit," "the spirit helps them," the spirit leads them, "the spirit empowered them," "spirit teaches them" and so on. What is the difference?
  4. First two WT quotes are part of my comment made to Arauna on page 4. They changed view, it seems, in 1985 with "Creation" book. In fact, when i now looks on their quotes again, they only moved from specific number of years (7000) to sort of fog quote where they not denied same or similar possibility of length. I guess, when enough time will pass and when older generations passed too, and when nobody will have interest to read what older publication said about it, than they will published some "new light" on creation days. :)) There is, as we have seen, good reason to believe that the days of creation were each 7,000 years long. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1970123 In the Bible account, each of the six creative days could have lasted for thousands of years. - https://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/g201403/untold-story-of-creation/ And in addition new one: It would seem reasonable that the “days” of Genesis could likewise have embraced long periods of time—millenniums. What, then, took place during those creative eras? Is the Bible’s account of them scientific? Following is a review of these “days” as expressed in Genesis. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1101985013
  5. No, Alan. My memory is correct about "technical change" on issue. But agree with you how "7000 years of creative day" stayed in mind of many JW's (older generations more than younger, perhaps younger JW's easier accepted "new advanced view") as "fine calculation" that "make sense" about some other WT dates and chronology. Because, as you said, WTJWorg not disintegrated that teaching, and all about other interpretations connected to such calculation, they stayed in same darkness. When WTJWorg changed "view" about "Creative Days" length, and put that on paper it looks like they didn't have "patient and time" to change all other things that needed to be corrected. But, we all knows, how "all old truths" are nothing else but "truth" for JW's. They have no power or will or sincerity and love to call all those "old lights" with real name - lies and misconceptions. About last question. I guess how some "new bible scholars" obviously took some scientific book and changed perspective. :))
  6. This is a blatant lie - Your speak of your own originality as it is you who wish to paint JWs as idiots. Even the silliest people know that the earth and heavens cannot have been created in 6000 years. However, JWs accept that the earth itself was prepared in 6 epochs called "days" and the entire period of preparation of the earth is also called a day. I am not familiar with idea (that some JW believed) how all Universe is created in 6000 years. But remember well how official teachings was changed from: 1 Creation Day is 7000 years, to 1 Creation Day is unknown period. Perhaps because of Bible verse how one day before is 1000 years and vice versa, perhaps existed people who believed in 1 Creation Day is 1000 years long. There is, as we have seen, good reason to believe that the days of creation were each 7,000 years long. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1970123 In the Bible account, each of the six creative days could have lasted for thousands of years. - https://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/g201403/untold-story-of-creation/ Perhaps it is better to read some science book about how Earth and life on Earth is old, and how Universe is old. :))
  7. Part 4. Here we will briefly analyze some of the quotations from this WT passage. 22 The Bible sets forth every inducement and encouragement to place the theocratic organization ahead of oneself, to accept it in all its features and stick to it loyally. The theocratic pace of activity is still increasing. What Jehovah will yet require of his faithful servants on earth before Armageddon he will reveal in due time. Staying close to his visible theocratic organization is the only way to find out. Having identified that organization and God’s righteous requirements expressed through his channel, never let it go. Follow Jehovah’s faithful shepherds so that, “just as sin ruled as king with death, likewise also undeserved kindness might rule as king through righteousness with everlasting life in view through Jesus Christ our Lord.”—Rom. 5:21. Let's break down this WTJWorg statement/quote: The Bible sets forth every inducement and encouragement to place the theocratic organization ahead of oneself, to accept it in all its features and stick to it loyally. Let’s use first, often WTJWorg logic in proving how something is not “biblical”. The word organization or even more theocratic organization does not exist in the Bible! So, invoking an “organization” which have legality and legitimate for authority over members, that arises from that kind of hierarchy, does not have enough power to be the foundation for the superiority of some Religious Organization aka Charity Entity/Company that have tax free status in 19/20/21st century. Next part of this statement make claim that individual, the believer should/must put the “legal body” aka the organization above all else, and before his own interests. And how "all features" of organization need to become part of their own identity as a member. But, let's ask ourselves, what is the "biblical" basis for that? If JWs respect the Bible above all else (and above organization, ??!! haha), then these two statements of Jesus will completely disintegrate the WTJWorg thesis and dogma. Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. .................“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Well, first Jesus call speaking about "deny themselves" in favor, on behalf of ... WTJWorg??? NO! For nothing/nobody else but for Jesus. In second verse, Jesus made claim how ... WTJWorg is the way, the truth and the life/salvation??? NO! Jesus is. So we conclude; Who invites people to join the human organization for salvation? WTJWorg! Who demand full loyalty in all features of WTJWorg Organization instead in Jesus? WTJWorg! Because of just these two things (not to mention other false teachings and interpretations) WTJWorg becomes a “disgusting thing in a holy place”, a counterfeit of God's Kingdom. False spiritual paradise. An imitation of God's Kingdom on Earth. GB or WTJWorg's FDS or "Chanel" today, standing in this position because their predecessors in 19th century "expressed hope" in heavenly life as Jesus' Kings and Rulers. And because of their HOPE, their WISH to be in Heaven, they interpreted how they are responsible to form an Organization with its features. Similar is with people today who participate in taking Bread and Wine at Memorial. GB said how some or many of them are mentally or emotionally unbalanced or are under influence of wrong beliefs. Well, in light of this claims what we can conclude about all such people in past and today, especially if they are in Governing position? Who can prove that 19th/20th/21st century BS/JW members were not/are not mentally and emotionally unbalanced and have faith in wrong beliefs about own "HOPE"? PS 18/12/2020 6.46 AM You did not choose Me, but I chose you. John 15. In GB WTJWorg case, perhaps GB did make first move and made self-selection.
  8. Part 3. Here we will try to figure out what is best way to find individuals that would be best choice to "govern" the congregation. WT magazine said this: Each “ecclesia” or congregation was self-governed by elected “elders” and “deacons.” But in 1914 Jehovah enthroned his King Jesus Christ, and from 1919 onward the time became due for Jeremiah’s prophecy to be fulfilled:... 12 This benefit of theocratic administration did not come all at once. In 1932 the “elective elders” were replaced in the congregation by an appointed “service director,” who was assisted by a group of mature members of the congregation democratically elected to their positions. But not until 1938 did the final change to strictly theocratic order take place. We learns here how elders and deacons was elected. By whom? By congregants of each congregation. Do you feel as something is wrong with this mode? Have in mind how "voting" is still model in WTJWorg for many things. Voting is used to decide whether something is to be bought or sold, whether money is to be used for this or that. Voting is used to install a male member aka "brother" in one of the positions in the hierarchical structure of management, leadership. According to WTJWorg administrative practice, it seems how voting is not "pagan" practice, neither "devil" tool. But if JW members living under "theocracy" in own "spiritual paradise", it is not quit clear how this "democratic way for management and decision making" is in harmony with the·oc·ra·cy ? Few significant examples in Bible text, when "divine guidance was involved" have nothing with voting we know today. Maybe with dice. Urim and Thumimm. In Jesus example, when he choosing his apostles, nobody participate in any sort of voting for such noble and important service, position or how ever you want to call that. Jesus never told his apostle that they need to apply "voting" as model how to choose another person for some service. After Jesus death apostles replaced the vacant position of apostle instead of Judas with: Then they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias; so he was added to the eleven apostles. - Act 1 26 All positions in WTJWorg management/office, from past to nowadays, was/are always under "unscriptural" procedure. The payment of a certain amount (money) made it possible to be in the management structure of organization. Existing of "shareholders" in WTJWorg spiritual paradise aka Organization can also "unscriptural" practice. Past and present method of "choosing" elders and MS is pure "secular, worldly" practice. From WT magazines is visible how "voting" is practice that is not for "true Christians" aka JW's. -https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1999807 But all procedures inside "Organization" working by system/model/method that includes human influenced selection, choice, appointing and vote.
  9. @César Chávez is this your best to offer? No comments, but emoticons aka emotional reaction? :))
  10. Part 2. In this part we will examine nature and meaning of terminology used in WT publications. Here we have main thing, head of problem/answer to understand governing model in WTJWorg. Expression in WT magazine said: the superior appointment of the “faithful and discreet slave. Did you ever before noticed such terminology? FDS aka GB got superior appointment. They have, they are holders of inviolable status. Based on 1919 premise how Jesus and God declared, in heaven, in invisible manner, that Rutherford and people gathered in Bible Students movement, incorporated in WTS are chosen one, are appointed. What is meaning of the words appointment/appointed? - to assign officially, as for a position, responsibility, etc to establish by agreement or decree; to nominate (a person) - assigned, appointed, elected, commissioned, selected, elected, installed, delegated, nominated Well, procedure and process about it is quit interesting. GB explained "the 1919 process" in manner how Jesus came invisible to Earth and found Russell (of the deceased), Rutherford and Bible Students as only worth to be appointed by Him, because the WTS organization was the only one to teach the truth. Of course, this "Jesus' declaration" is without any evidence and proof. In sense, how only Rutherford and few other in WTS were in position "to hear Jesus' voice" about this. Today, we only have Bible Students history, and with our examination of their teachings in those days, we are also able to establish some facts about their past and present claims and their "position before Jesus and God". But also have some interesting explanatory sentences, here and there, about issue. And with this little details we are able to see how questionable are such claims made by individuals and collective in WTJWorg. For example this below: And although Jesus—“the head of every man”—is in heaven, there are still on earth “the remaining ones” of his anointed brothers, who have the hope of ruling with him in the heavens. (Revelation 12:17; 20:6) These make up the composite “faithful and discreet slave.” Christians show their submission to Jesus, and therefore to Jesus’ head, Jehovah, by accepting the oversight of that “slave.” (Matthew 24:45-47; 25:40) -https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1998643 I put in bold this two things in their paragraph. Let me paraphrase : Because they are people who have the hope of ruling with him in the heavens it is obvious how These make up the composite “faithful and discreet slave. Another thing is important question; If by any chance Jesus chose someone in 1919, is that Jesus' appointment inherited, transitions from one member to a new one? Or would it be logical for each new person to be appointed in new appointment process? And that to be made by Jesus, again, and not from some earthly member of the earthly organization? In WTJWorg process how to put them (candidate for elder, MS, etc) in some position are same, in fact with similar process in all democratic societies. And that is; appointed / elected / selected ....through process of elections and voting. Those process can be open voting and closed voting. WTJWorg Administration, elders and congregational members participate in such system.
  11. Part 1. In this part we will meet few quotes in article from one WT magazine which describes administrative functions in WTJWorg past. Many of them stayed till today. Please be free to comment. Following Faithful Shepherds with Life in View - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1967723 This means we must prove our faith by our course of action, by the things we do. It means that righteous requirements of the King Jesus Christ must be met.......Therefore, in submitting to Jehovah’s visible theocratic organization, we must be in full and complete agreement with every feature of its apostolic procedure and requirements. UNITY MAINTAINED BY SUBMISSION ...In this way today too the governing body of the Christian congregation serves the entire organization. Solutions to problems arising in one locality are widely circulated so that the unity and oneness of the entire organization might be maintained...In submitting yourself to Jehovah’s visible organization as administered by such servants, you are still not required or expected to follow men..... It is the faith of these men that is to be imitated and their course of conduct that is to be observed....These men too, though occupying responsible positions of oversight themselves, recognize and submit to the superior appointment of the “faithful and discreet slave.”....The account says: “In those days there was no king in Israel.” (Judg. 21:25) So it was in the earlier days of the modern theocratic organization. Jehovah’s administration of righteousness took a pronounced forward step with the return of the Christian congregation to apostolic teachings. But before the King, Jesus Christ, was enthroned in 1914 C.E. the organization was loosely administered. Each “ecclesia” or congregation was self-governed by elected “elders” and “deacons.” But in 1914 Jehovah enthroned his King Jesus Christ, and from 1919 onward the time became due for Jeremiah’s prophecy to be fulfilled: “‘And I myself shall collect together the remnant of my sheep out of all the lands to which I had dispersed them, and I will bring them back to their pasture ground, and they will certainly be fruitful and become many. And I will raise up over them shepherds who will actually shepherd them; and they will be afraid no more, neither will they be struck with any terror, and none will be missing,’ is the utterance of Jehovah.”—Jer. 23:3, 4. 12 This benefit of theocratic administration did not come all at once. In 1932 the “elective elders” were replaced in the congregation by an appointed “service director,” who was assisted by a group of mature members of the congregation democratically elected to their positions. But not until 1938 did the final change to strictly theocratic order take place. In that year, through the columns of The Watchtower, it was revealed from the Scriptures that the power of appointment of servants in congregations rightfully rests with the governing body of the “faithful and discreet slave” as directed by Jesus Christ from Jehovah’s temple.* This important step in the restoration of theocratic order assured Jehovah’s “sheep” that they would not again be separated into independent “flocks” by unscrupulous “shepherds.” The shepherds that Jehovah promised through Jeremiah would be those fully in agreement with Jesus’ words that “they will become one flock, one shepherd.”—John 10:16. 14 In 1942 the change came. In the throes of World War II, with the change in administrations of the second and third presidents of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society,...The years since 1942 have told their tale regarding the exploits of the anointed Elisha class, accompanied by an ever-increasing number of the “great crowd.”—Rev. 7:9-17. On February 1, 1943, the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead was set up for training missionaries and special representatives of the Watch Tower Society to serve in all parts of the earth. That same year, 1943, a new training program, the Theocratic Ministry School, began in the congregations of Jehovah’s witnesses. At first only male students were enrolled in these schools, but in 1958 provision was made for the women of the congregations to enroll and participate. 20 Such a theocratic view of matters will enable you always to keep pace with the organization, neither running ahead nor lagging dangerously behind. You will encounter trying circumstances. Do not be overcome by them. Wait on Jehovah and put your hope in him. (Ps. 37:34; 27:14) It might even be that reproof will be necessary on occasion. Do not become offended. If you do, you are undoubtedly taking yourself too seriously, failing to see the point of the reproof. Nor should you persuade yourself that you are of no use to the organization and quit simply because some mistake may be drawn to your attention. Rather, “my son, do not belittle the discipline from Jehovah, neither give out when you are corrected by him; for whom Jehovah loves he disciplines; in fact, he scourges every one whom he receives as a son.”—Heb. 12:5, 6. 21 On the other hand, it may be that your advancement will be rapid. Guard against an attitude of super-faithfulness. It might ensnare you. Do not feel that others in the congregation are slow and backward. You might even become impatient with the organization. Consider instead the example of Moses, who pleaded with Jehovah to spare his typical theocratic nation when some faithless ones in the organization sinned against Jehovah and brought his anger down upon the entire congregation. (Ex. 32:1-14) Neither should you wait constantly to be directed as to the theocratic activity assigned. Eagerly assume individual responsibility and seek ways of advancing the Kingdom interests in harmony with the program currently outlined by the “faithful and discreet slave.” 22. Why, then, should we stick loyally to Jehovah’s visible organization? 22 The Bible sets forth every inducement and encouragement to place the theocratic organization ahead of oneself, to accept it in all its features and stick to it loyally. The theocratic pace of activity is still increasing. What Jehovah will yet require of his faithful servants on earth before Armageddon he will reveal in due time. Staying close to his visible theocratic organization is the only way to find out. Having identified that organization and God’s righteous requirements expressed through his channel, never let it go. Follow Jehovah’s faithful shepherds so that, “just as sin ruled as king with death, likewise also undeserved kindness might rule as king through righteousness with everlasting life in view through Jesus Christ our Lord.”—Rom. 5:21.
  12. Part 2. In this part we will examine nature and meaning of terminology used in WT publications. Here we have main thing, head of problem/answer to understand governing model in WTJWorg. Expression in WT magazine said: the superior appointment of the “faithful and discreet slave. Did you ever before noticed such terminology? FDS aka GB got superior appointment. They have, they are holders of inviolable status. Based on 1919 premise how Jesus and God declared, in heaven, in invisible manner, that Rutherford and people gathered in Bible Students movement, incorporated in WTS are chosen one, are appointed. What is meaning of the words appointment/appointed? - to assign officially, as for a position, responsibility, etc to establish by agreement or decree; to nominate (a person) - assigned, appointed, elected, commissioned, selected, elected, installed, delegated, nominated Well, procedure and process about it is quit interesting. GB explained "the 1919 process" in manner how Jesus came invisible to Earth and found Russell (of the deceased), Rutherford and Bible Students as only worth to be appointed by Him, because the WTS organization was the only one to teach the truth. Of course, this "Jesu declaration" is without any evidence and proof. In sense, how only Rutherford and few other in WTS were in position "to hear Jesus' voice" about this. Today, we only have Bible Students history, and with our examination of their teachings in those days, we are also able to establish some facts about their past and present claims and their "position before Jesus and God". But also have some interesting explanatory sentences, here and there, about issue. And with this little details we are able to see how questionable are such claims made by individuals and collective in WTJWorg. For example this below: And although Jesus—“the head of every man”—is in heaven, there are still on earth “the remaining ones” of his anointed brothers, who have the hope of ruling with him in the heavens. (Revelation 12:17; 20:6) These make up the composite “faithful and discreet slave.” Christians show their submission to Jesus, and therefore to Jesus’ head, Jehovah, by accepting the oversight of that “slave.” (Matthew 24:45-47; 25:40) -https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1998643 I put in bold this two things in their paragraph. Let me paraphrase : Because they are people who have the hope of ruling with him in the heavens it is obvious how These make up the composite “faithful and discreet slave. Another thing is important question; If by any chance Jesus chose someone in 1919, is that Jesus' appointment inherited, transitions from one member to a new one? Or would it be logical for each new person to be appointed in new appointment process? And that to be made by Jesus, again, and not from some earthly member of the earthly organization? In WTJWorg process how to put them (candidate for elder, MS, etc) in some position are same, in fact with similar process in all democratic societies. And that is; appointed / elected / selected ....through process of elections and voting. Those process can be open voting and closed voting. WTJWorg Administration, elders and congregational members participate in such system. If you don't mind i will make new topic about these process :)) with this two comments as start.
  13. Part 1. In this part we will meet few quotes in article from one WT magazine which describes administrative functions in WTJWorg past. Many of them stayed till today. Please be free to comment. Don't wait for me, i am slow :)) Following Faithful Shepherds with Life in View - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1967723 This means we must prove our faith by our course of action, by the things we do. It means that righteous requirements of the King Jesus Christ must be met.......Therefore, in submitting to Jehovah’s visible theocratic organization, we must be in full and complete agreement with every feature of its apostolic procedure and requirements. UNITY MAINTAINED BY SUBMISSION ...In this way today too the governing body of the Christian congregation serves the entire organization. Solutions to problems arising in one locality are widely circulated so that the unity and oneness of the entire organization might be maintained...In submitting yourself to Jehovah’s visible organization as administered by such servants, you are still not required or expected to follow men..... It is the faith of these men that is to be imitated and their course of conduct that is to be observed....These men too, though occupying responsible positions of oversight themselves, recognize and submit to the superior appointment of the “faithful and discreet slave.”....The account says: “In those days there was no king in Israel.” (Judg. 21:25) So it was in the earlier days of the modern theocratic organization. Jehovah’s administration of righteousness took a pronounced forward step with the return of the Christian congregation to apostolic teachings. But before the King, Jesus Christ, was enthroned in 1914 C.E. the organization was loosely administered. Each “ecclesia” or congregation was self-governed by elected “elders” and “deacons.” But in 1914 Jehovah enthroned his King Jesus Christ, and from 1919 onward the time became due for Jeremiah’s prophecy to be fulfilled: “‘And I myself shall collect together the remnant of my sheep out of all the lands to which I had dispersed them, and I will bring them back to their pasture ground, and they will certainly be fruitful and become many. And I will raise up over them shepherds who will actually shepherd them; and they will be afraid no more, neither will they be struck with any terror, and none will be missing,’ is the utterance of Jehovah.”—Jer. 23:3, 4. 12 This benefit of theocratic administration did not come all at once. In 1932 the “elective elders” were replaced in the congregation by an appointed “service director,” who was assisted by a group of mature members of the congregation democratically elected to their positions. But not until 1938 did the final change to strictly theocratic order take place. In that year, through the columns of The Watchtower, it was revealed from the Scriptures that the power of appointment of servants in congregations rightfully rests with the governing body of the “faithful and discreet slave” as directed by Jesus Christ from Jehovah’s temple.* This important step in the restoration of theocratic order assured Jehovah’s “sheep” that they would not again be separated into independent “flocks” by unscrupulous “shepherds.” The shepherds that Jehovah promised through Jeremiah would be those fully in agreement with Jesus’ words that “they will become one flock, one shepherd.”—John 10:16. 14 In 1942 the change came. In the throes of World War II, with the change in administrations of the second and third presidents of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society,...The years since 1942 have told their tale regarding the exploits of the anointed Elisha class, accompanied by an ever-increasing number of the “great crowd.”—Rev. 7:9-17. On February 1, 1943, the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead was set up for training missionaries and special representatives of the Watch Tower Society to serve in all parts of the earth. That same year, 1943, a new training program, the Theocratic Ministry School, began in the congregations of Jehovah’s witnesses. At first only male students were enrolled in these schools, but in 1958 provision was made for the women of the congregations to enroll and participate. 20 Such a theocratic view of matters will enable you always to keep pace with the organization, neither running ahead nor lagging dangerously behind. You will encounter trying circumstances. Do not be overcome by them. Wait on Jehovah and put your hope in him. (Ps. 37:34; 27:14) It might even be that reproof will be necessary on occasion. Do not become offended. If you do, you are undoubtedly taking yourself too seriously, failing to see the point of the reproof. Nor should you persuade yourself that you are of no use to the organization and quit simply because some mistake may be drawn to your attention. Rather, “my son, do not belittle the discipline from Jehovah, neither give out when you are corrected by him; for whom Jehovah loves he disciplines; in fact, he scourges every one whom he receives as a son.”—Heb. 12:5, 6. 21 On the other hand, it may be that your advancement will be rapid. Guard against an attitude of super-faithfulness. It might ensnare you. Do not feel that others in the congregation are slow and backward. You might even become impatient with the organization. Consider instead the example of Moses, who pleaded with Jehovah to spare his typical theocratic nation when some faithless ones in the organization sinned against Jehovah and brought his anger down upon the entire congregation. (Ex. 32:1-14) Neither should you wait constantly to be directed as to the theocratic activity assigned. Eagerly assume individual responsibility and seek ways of advancing the Kingdom interests in harmony with the program currently outlined by the “faithful and discreet slave.” 22. Why, then, should we stick loyally to Jehovah’s visible organization? 22 The Bible sets forth every inducement and encouragement to place the theocratic organization ahead of oneself, to accept it in all its features and stick to it loyally. The theocratic pace of activity is still increasing. What Jehovah will yet require of his faithful servants on earth before Armageddon he will reveal in due time. Staying close to his visible theocratic organization is the only way to find out. Having identified that organization and God’s righteous requirements expressed through his channel, never let it go. Follow Jehovah’s faithful shepherds so that, “just as sin ruled as king with death, likewise also undeserved kindness might rule as king through righteousness with everlasting life in view through Jesus Christ our Lord.”—Rom. 5:21.
  14. As i remember one of WT representatives said exactly that before Court. In a child abuse case (J Lopez v Watchtower and Bible Tract Society of New York Inc.) in Apr 2016 the WTS claimed the rights of clergy in not producing documentation about the abuse under clergy-penitent privileges (19). Also, in a court case in California in 2012 the attorney for the WTS stated that; “I am general counsel for the National Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses out of Brooklyn, New York…We are a hierarchical religion structured just like the Catholic Church” (20) I am in searching for this Court document on internet but am not successful
  15. Additionally, the baptizing agent must be a dedicated servant of Jehovah, even as was John. In these days of the established heavenly kingdom, who else is publishing the good news of God’s kingdom? Upon whom is Jehovah’s name, and into whose hands have his Kingdom interests been placed? Jehovah’s witnesses are the only ones, and hence it would only be proper that the baptizer be one of Jehovah’s dedicated male representatives of the New World society.—Isa. 43:10; Matt. 24:14, 45-47. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1963402 From this is evident how candidate, who study Bible aka some WTJWorg publication, is preparing for entering into membership of WTJWorg and not necessary to become baptized disciples of Jesus Christ.
  16. About patient. GB gave instructions in previous periods of their history how to conduct Bible Study with interested person. They limited BS for 6 months. If person not make progress to be baptized in such time period, JW needed to think about whether he should continue BS at all. This is very important what you have said. Excellent!
  17. Exactly same as with word trinity. Because trinity as word not exists in Bible, logic tell us that trinity is not Bible Teaching. Because words governing body not exists in Bible text, logic tell us that this is not Bible Teaching. :))
  18. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. The consensus among scientists, astronomers and cosmologists is that the Universe as we know it was created in a massive explosion. Explosion = Light So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs. Deep sleep = anesthesia .................Took one of the man’s ribs = surgery Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib Made a woman from the rib = type of cloning
  19. I know that you are sure how i already know this :)) and i am sure how you saw that i try to show better perspective on matter to your sister Shirley in polite way. Perhaps your way of understanding on, how Shirley have personal experience with few GB members and how such contact with them caused/brought special feelings for few of GB members and in the end for all 8, is fine. I don't know did you noticed how publications using word "slave" only in FDS/GB context, and word "servants" about all other JW members. Perhaps GB have to apply Bible terminology if they want be closer to original text and spirit of words. "FDS" would be better name for image/outside look of 8 men. Title GB gave idea only about GOVERNING, what is in fact real function of GB in WTJWorg Administration. When you use Faithful and Discrete Slave, that sound softly, tender and cause more sympathy in the listener. Slave! Do you hear that word? Man feels sorry for the one who is a slave. If JW members want to apply Mat 24 on GB, than you also need to accept fact how illustration in Matthew speaking about slave's responsibility or to be in charge only for one function: to to give, to share food that is already ready and prepared. Jesus is Bread and Water, Jesus is Food. His Teachings and Role Model are that Food. Well, job for "slave" is only to share what Jesus thought people, in words and in deeds. Nothing about governing over "servants". Jesus is King and Governor. Of course, GB members have good life, and are not slaves at all. They are not slaves in any aspect of the meaning of that word. They are not slaves even in the context of Matthew 24. I am sure you already know what i think of this issue
  20. I respect your choice of words and feelings. What is little quirky is that individual (you in this example) using their Title, Function and Position they as individuals have in Company aka WTJWorg. I would understand and accept that you consider them as nice or dear or loving. Because your inner person have such feelings and perception. What make visible difference is way and purpose when you address them in, i would say informal context, on Forum like this. I think that would be impossible (for now) to hear GB members how start their public talk or Letter with: "Our beloved Members". :)) It is more "natural" to say Our beloved Brothers....in mutual communication. To speak of them as "Our beloved Governing Body" is a clear acceptance of stratification and classification, to those who are clergy and to those who are layman. Why is it not good that you express yourself like that? But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. - Mat 23
  21. This is unique expression i never heard before. I heard very rare, perhaps twice, that JW member calls organization Mother Organization. Very strange. In Korea they would say, "our beloved Leader" :))
  22. Example of Circular Reasoning. Gerrit Losch: But Jehovah and Jesus trust the imperfect slave (GB)... Shouldn't we than trust the imperfect slave as well? - https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/#en/mediaitems/StudioTalks/pub-jwb_201803_2_VIDEO
  23. 3) At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not. (4) - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/pl/r1/lp-e?q=w13 11%2F15 20 You must obey the law, because it’s illegal to break the law. - John Doe Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. - Rom 13 “We must obey God rather than men. - Act 5 Please tell me, which of this claims are Circular Reasoning? 1) GB teach Russian JW that they must obey secular authorities. 2) After that they said to them that they must obey God rather than men. 3) And, on top of that, they tell them that they have to be ready to obey the (special) instructions that will come from GB. What Russian JW's doing to obey secular governments laws? What they are doing that causes their arresting and in imprisonment? They are in very original situation, because all assemblies are outside the law. Well, is it individual conscience and understanding allowed how to harmonize two sort of obedience? And the third sort - obedient to GB, which is in fact under "men", human factor? If JW's decide to be disobedient to Rom 13 rule, than have to be prepared on consequences. Same is with Act 5. But when JW's choose to obey GB instructions, question arise: Whom they (JW) respect and obey? It would not surprise me to hear how GB gave instruction to Russian elders and JW's, to have secret meetings, to have forbidden literature and so on. To be in prison not looks very "practical and sound". But it seems how GB giving exactly such directives to them. (there is a possibility that some JWs have resented other people, privately or because of preaching zealousness, so they are now denouncing them)
  24. To make little digress. "Wait on JHVH" is the best advice given in publication. But this recommendation is functional only for "final thing", for example Armageddon. In all other "earthly" issues we have permission to act as we think is the best. That would include to react in a second, or next day. That would mean to make plan/plans for shorter or longer period in future, and we can consider such patient attitude as sort of "wait on". Your brothers in Russia, let’s take that example, are also waiting. On what and on whom? JW's sent millions of letters, and millions of prayers. WTJWorg lawyers sued Russian government. Russia did not respond on your letters and JHVH did not respond on your prayers. World Courts in EU or worldwide done what they are done. What instructions (that are not practical from human standpoint) GB gave and giving to Russian JW's? Do you know? If yes, inform us please.
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