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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. Consciousness of guilt is the inference that the defendant knows that he is guilty of a crime because he has taken one or more of the following actions after it. These actions include: 1-Fleeing from the crime scene or jurisdiction, 2-False alibies, 3-Changing or altering personal appearance, 4-Hiding or destroying evidence, 5-Bribing a witness, 6-Intimidating a witness or even killing a witness. 1-GB flees the crime scene by announcing a “new light”. They have no problem with "jurisdiction", because GB is only one that is entitled to make decisions about everything. 2-An alibi is that they invoke imperfection and that a mistake can happen to them. That the apostles also made mistakes. 3-They present themselves as FDS anointed by Jesus and JHVH. Evil people outside spiritual paradise want to harm GB and organization so they produce lies and subverting false evidence. Ex-JW are wolves and GB+Helpers+Elders are humble Shepherds. 4-Hiding and destroying evidence is done in such a way that members are given the idea that they must keep up with "God's chariot." That one should not look back. Real hiding and destroying evidence is done by WT lawyers under GB command. 5-Witness bribery is done by telling them (members) that we all have to wait for YHVH to resolve irregularities in the organization. 6-GB called their opponents as those who lie, reverse statements, twist statements and quotes, misrepresent facts, don't understand, not qualified to interpret Bible, are spiritually weak to accept changes. If this not work, GB "courses" them with dfd and shunning with heavy emotional and psychological blackmail, with condemnation how they are apostates and enemies of God. They gave them names such "despicable" and similar, who deserves to be destroyed, "near soon". Please be free to add or change if needed :))
  2. Nothing about nostalgia. :)) The fact is that I accidentally came across this information that talks about exactly one purchase in which the seller and the buyer are know by name. JW members have only one-sided general information, and that is that GB ordered the sale of the property. The JW website has never and will never publish that “true religion” has sold its “home of worship” to some other “false religion”. To recall your memory i will mention how GB teaching newly interested person on Bible study. If they got some jewelry representing religious symbols, he is instructed to destroy such an object and not sell it. Because that would mean promoting paganism and apostasy. Here, GB purposely, deliberately sold so called "clean item aka Branch Office or KH" which will be inhabited by a “false religion” that promotes hostility to YHVH. WHAT ABSURDITY, WHAT HYPOCRISY! Old or new information, it doesn't matter. The Real Truth is never old. GB error doctrines are "old light and new light" aka "truths". The Real Truth is never old, and will never become old. That must be scary, it causes fear, for JW apologists who decide to stay blind for "light".
  3. Role model for JW's. To be Thinker and Educated. Beautiful! Egyptian wisdom and God's spirit together.
  4. Not so related. Spirit is in person (or in animal). Power is in the battery of your car. :))
  5. I remember the first big wave of closures of many Bethel around the world a few years ago. That was just before my complete departure from JWorg in 2015. Today I stumbled upon another in a series of sales of so-called “god-dedicated” JW buildings. http://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/local-news/9124458/Witnesses-sell-Elim-buys Elim Christian Centre is a contemporary, relevant and multicultural church established over 30 years ago. We exist to be a centre of hope, to reach, serve and influence our local communities and beyond. At Elim people come to know God, find freedom, discover their unique purpose and be equipped to make a difference in our world.
  6. Igniting the idea that some individual or GB was appointed by Jesus from heaven in 1919 is collective work of religious leaders and members. We have a small group of people who have begun to believe about their own “messianism” and special status, both before God and before people. They are followed by followers who seeking leadership. From that pool of people will later come heirs who will think and say that they are now those “chosen ones”. And the circle is closed. There is no way out, except for the complete rejection of such an organized system and escape to a kind of individualism. Some, very few of them, ex-JW sometimes return to the mother organization, and others find other paths to God or to some other Reason and Purpose. And some just exist. The damage has been done, and mostly cannot be repaired. The people who came out have scars. Here, me for example. I argue/disputing with those who advocate WTJWorg on this Forum, instead of finding a "smarter job". :))))) PTSD for sure :)))
  7. Yes, it is the same about my 1941 topic. Perhaps, quotations from WT publications are too much to be able to digest :))
  8. I know this phrase too. It is known in JW circle and publications. :))) than to translate words in Isaiah with "dynamic energy" is out of mind.
  9. I wonder what class of people using expression "dynamic energy" in average conversation? Bible, generally, is considered to be book for all people, especially for people who are "poor in spirit". In that respect we would expect to read simple and clear "divine" words that all sort of people could understand and to be motivated to appreciate spiritual and moral values and truth. After that, other sort of publication, as sort of neutral appendix, can teach readers to expand their vocabulary and other sort of knowledge. As you noticed, what was reason, motive to use this specific, unusual word for Bible expressions, text/wording, in this verse in Isaiah? To sound more scientifically? To send special insight about Universe phenomena and higher mathematics, physics that ruling in galaxies? And to explain what is He like, who is God in "energy" sense?
  10. projected - adjective estimated or forecast on the basis of current trends or data Good. In general logic, God holding everything in his hand ... in order to exist in various forms and purpose. So, GB mantra how they are "guided by spirit" is in reality nothing more than fact that they receive "projected energy" .... as any other creature (animate and inanimate nature) on Earth and in Universe. :)) With "naked eye" we see how WTJWorg GB using own "projected energy" and suspending doctrine on doctrine upon members that generally know nothing what is going on. Moses was an Egyptian for a third of his life and it can be he knew more than slaves and average Egyptian. If he adopted, as Jew and as Egyptian, vocabulary and terminology of people in his period of time, can somebody provide insight what was "scientific knowledge" and terminology about Universe and Energy in Egypt in time when Moses lived? That will help us is it using WT NWT Bible word on this subject possibility or probability. Also, what word "dynamic" means?? Definition of dynamic Entry 1 : marked by usually continuous and productive activity or change Entry 2 : a force or factor that controls or influences a process of growth, change, interaction, or activity : a dynamic force or factor Synonyms: Adjective energetic, flush, gingery, lusty, peppy, red-blooded, robust, vigorous, vital - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dynamic -------------------------------------- 1. characterized by constant change, activity, or progress 2. Relating to forces producing motion. 3. expressing an action, activity, event, or process. 4. positive in attitude and full of energy and new ideas. 5. A force that stimulates change or progress within a system or process. - https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/dynamic It seems how we speak here about "energetic energy", "energetic force", "constant change"....
  11. Croatian edition, of NW 2020 revised, say: Because of its great power * and amazing power + none are missing. *Or: "Because of the abundance of energy that drives everything." (Because of his great strength * and his mighty power, none is lacking. - 1984 edition) It is interesting how Croatian translation team did not put same phrase as English team. The difference is also present in the translation of other publications. Since I am no longer a reader of WT publications today, my observation relates to previous publications.
  12. I watched that this morning. Very good presentation about "hours" and statistic on preaching service, categorization. In my "last days of last days" period of my living JWorg i internationally put 30 minutes on report paper. Elder called me and say that i have to write new report because this i gave is not acceptable. Something like, give report next month on which i can put 30 minutes from this report. I reminded him how it is acceptable to put 15 minutes on report if you don't have more hours/time. Than he said that i have not permission from Elders for doing so. Or course, that was my last report :))
  13. All people have their regrets. All this things she numbered, if she want, can start working now. If she really want. "Houston, we have a problem". .... I don't see what is a problem. :))
  14. I agree, in fact. If one believes in something, then we may wonder; Why should I convince him that he is wrong ?! Why JW preach the Bible to those people who believe in the Bible, but in a different way? Why ex-JW sends messages to JW that they are wrong when are submissive to GB in everything, when both, they and GB believe they are right in what they are doing ?! And answer on all these "why" is: God allows all that to happen... because he does not have dilemma. :))
  15. Problem that all this (Christian) religious leaders have is their idea how God and Jesus choose just/only Them and no one else. GB claims how God had chosen them in 1919 is huge farce. In reality, fact can be verbalized this way: God allowed GB to introduce themselves as his servants in the same manner as God allowed satan to pretend to be an "angel of light". Well, that ubiquitous response (God allowed) when there is no right/precise answer is not the answer that solves the dilemma.
  16. Dealing with the these words of Jesus as all religions try to do, and WTJWorg in particular, in a way that the end is always expected over and over again in every decade, is a complete failure. But, on the other hand, it is a fairly successful method of keeping people in a state of anticipation. Watchman would have an excuse to raise tensions about Armageddon if that really happened within a time-frame that would be “normal”. Just for the sake of parallel, we could take the example of Jeremiah’s prophecy of "70 years" of exile, from Israel. The Jews of that time could expect change when the prophesied years were completed. So it was normal for the people of that time to get married, to have children, to plant vineyards and build houses in such long period of years. If there was a WTJWorg Corporation then what would they do? They would have real estate and they would buy and sell properties. Today WTJWorg doing exactly that in all this 140 years period despite warnings how "end is near/close/imminent/within few months/within few years/to the end of the century"..., and so on. Keeping people in a state of alert and caution for 140 years means that something is definitely wrong. All this time GB has repeatedly given advice that it is not good for JW to get married, have children, to get an education, because Armageddon will come soon and it could be bad for their spiritual safety. JW members, most of them, because of the continuous spiritual and mental spasm that "tomorrow" come to an end failed to be "normal" in their plans, which are typical for people. Even if we take the example of Noah and the people of that time, getting married, building houses and planting vineyards, for a period of 120 years, was not the reason for the coming of the Flood. What would have happened if all JWs had obeyed the instructions given to them by the WTJWorg in 1941? No one would marry, no one would have children. How many JWs would there be today if to this day no one in WTJWorg is married and has no children, because they decided to put "Kingdom interests first"? So, the meaning of the concept and the interpretation of words; "Be awake, be on watch", needs to be changed. And JW's need another/different "Watchman".
  17. Title of topic - Jehovah’s Witnesses never made a direct prediction that the end would come in 2000? In this or some other wording, it really doesn't matter. Because all people who made examination about 140 years of WTJWorg teachings, except majority past and today JW members, clearly see how GB doctrines making never ending predictions about "the end". Whether they are talking/speaking/predicting about a certain year or a limited period of time, or trying to confirm the coming of the end with world events, or the proximity of the end is linked to the life span of a specific group of people, GB always have one and the same desire; to be the first in the world to say; now comes the end..... and then they wait to see if it will finally happen to them .... this time.
  18. Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses, New York, incorporated in 2000 for administration of full-time preaching activities. I learned one detail just now while searching internet. WT Society is Company, Business, Corporation. And as such they uses all possible ways to do business as optimally as possible. Creating new corporations under the management of the Mother Corporation is part of the business. IRS using this and other terminology and WTJWorg accepts it. In the same manner as GB and Elders speaking about themselves how they are CLERGY :))) In JW congregations, Christendom is Clergy, and they are Elders, but in the Courts they are Clergy too, because they want "secular government" to see them as CLERGY. And to have same status as Christendom Clergy. - https://www.irs.gov/publications/p517#en_US_2016_publink1000255884
  19. Yes, it’s something I read in @JW Insider topic: https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/topic/39516-all-aspects-of-1914-doctrine-are-now-problematic-from-a-scriptural-point-of-view/ where he highlighted, among many points, also this one about "wars and rumors of wars" Jesus said not to be fooled by the idea that wars and rumors of wars would be the start of a "sign" (Matt 24:4,5) Well, it seems how WTJWorg Leaders in the past and today are convinced how exactly WWI with all other wars are proof for start of Last Days (and Kingdom Rule). It is fascinating how we see and read this Bible verse so many time and every time WTJWorg make us to believe GB and not Jesus ! Collective obscuration!!??
  20. If I may, I would interpret that this way: “Keep on watch” in the sense that we are rethinking our own way of life. And, that's what you have to do your whole life. The second part that talks about “day” and “signs” is too general, because there are signs always and everywhere. Regardless of their quantity and frequency. "Day and signs" in apostle time and for their time are one whole/unit, which begins and ends in one period of time and includes one system (limited geographically and temporally) and as such will not be repeated. Dealing with the these words of Jesus as all religions try to do, and WTJWorg in particular, in a way that the end is always expected over and over again in every decade, is a complete failure. But, on the other hand, it is a fairly successful method of keeping people in a state of anticipation.
  21. Bible scholars and Presidents, in the past and today, almost always uses same terminology about the beginning of Armageddon. :)) Of course, with 140 years of failed prognostics, now they using more "neutral" words as, "last days of last days" :))))
  22. EIN: 22-3765681 Mission Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses is a religious organization that supports the religious worship of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the United States. Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses uses voluntary contributions to obtain buildings, hold large assemblies, support congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and coordinate Bible-based training programs, all for religious worship, and to provide humanitarian assistance to individuals suffering from natural and man-made disasters. These activities assist people in the community to be law-abiding citizens who live by high moral standards. - https://www.guidestar.org/profile/22-3765681 Directors Name Title Shuster Allen E President LUCCIONI ROBERT VP Griffin Anthony VP NONKES WILLIAM H Secretary/Treasurer WEIGEL STANLEY F Assistant Secretary/Assistant Treasurer Ashe Richard Assistant Secretary/Assistant Treasurer Jefferson Jr. Thomas Assistant Secretary/Assistant Treasurer http://flcompanydb.com/company/F06000001390/christian-congregation-of-jehovah-s-witnesses-inc.html Similarly named officers Found 78. Showing first 30 ALLEN E SHUSTER, director, branch nonprofit CHRISTIAN CONGREGATION OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES (New Mexico (US), 17 Jul 2008- ) ALLEN E SHUSTER, director, branch nonprofit JW CONGREGATION SUPPORT, INC. (Nevada (US), 6 Jun 2005- ) ALLEN E SHUSTER, vice president, branch nonprofit JW CONGREGATION SUPPORT, INC. (Nebraska (US), 20 Sep 2004- ) ALLEN E SHUSTER, director, branch nonprofit CHRISTIAN CONGREGATION OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES (Nebraska (US), 30 Jan 2006- ) ALLEN E SHUSTER, director, branch nonprofit CHRISTIAN CONGREGATION OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES (Michigan (US), 21 Mar 2006- ) ALLEN E SHUSTER, treasurer, 28 Nov 2011- , branch nonprofit JW CONGREGATION SUPPORT, INC. (Arizona (US), 18 Aug 2005- ) ALLEN E SHUSTER, president, branch nonprofit CHRISTIAN CONGREGATION OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES (Michigan (US), 21 Mar 2006- ) ALLEN E SHUSTER, director, 28 Nov 2011- , branch nonprofit JW CONGREGATION SUPPORT, INC. (Arizona (US), 18 Aug 2005- ) ALLEN E SHUSTER, director, 28 May 2013- , branch nonprofit CHRISTIAN CONGREGATION OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES (Arizona (US), 2 Jun 2006- ) ALLEN E SHUSTER, president, branch nonprofit CHRISTIAN CONGREGATION OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES (Nevada (US), 3 Jul 2008- ) https://opencorporates.com/officers/324037096 https://www.corporationwiki.com/Texas/Austin/christian-congregation-of-jehovahs-witnesses/37224033.aspx
  23. Watch Tower in Pennsylvania is Mother No 1. (born in 1881) - today: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania After some time she born a Daughter, Watchtower in New York, or Mother No 2. (born in 1909) - today: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. CCJW is Daughter of New York Mother No 2. (born in 2000) But this is simplistic way, i guess, because of their jobs . Somebody with better insight can elaborate this more accurately. :)) They have separate, different area of activity, but GB is Top Managers for all of them. Of course, so called Helpers are in fact Directors (CEO) in various Departments or entities.
  24. But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.” Luke 19
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