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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. Perhaps yes, perhaps no. It seems how you and elders have suspicion that she was sincere. Maybe elders would be do better to ask police about it before making decision that she is "harlot" or "adulteress".
  2. No Tom. I tried to show how our "courage" to do "right thing" depending and/or not depending on external and internal "threats".
  3. @TrueTomHarley ... thanks for long post. Praiseworthy and worthy to imitate, try to follow an example, every example that respects and saves lives. It is unfortunate that, we humans, have lost our inner feelings for right and wrong, and that/how belonging to something (religion, politics, philosophy, etc.) becomes a method by which certain good values are achieved or which lead to the opposite side, to the side of evil. Let us not forget that many who were willing to sacrifice themselves in this way for others, perhaps, in another circumstance, are willing to do something that nullifies their great sacrifice they have made. Imagine, I'm hiding a JW brother or a non-JW person from the massacre yesterday .... and today I completely ignore (shun) on the road someone who has stopped being a JW brother for some reason. Or even more frighteningly, consciously or unconsciously, JW’s brother supports wrong instructions regarding how to deal with cases of pedophilia. And how the victims of pedophilia “die” because no one has “hidden” them from the villains and from those who have allowed evil to continue to happen. So Tom, it should be said that JW’s have shown courage in Nazi Germany and Rwanda. But it should also be said that the JWs did not really express themselves in “peacetime” in “their own country, the homeland, which is called Spiritual Paradise” when victims of CSA call for help and only few try to help them .... and many others could not or would not hear their voice because of the great noise of those who shouted, "We are the best religion."
  4. the bride of Christ will join the groom in heaven - this takes place before Armageddon because they will assist Jesus during Armageddon. Will you enjoy, will you be "Invited", to be able to be "Happy", as Revelation said ?
  5. Agree. But we have to be careful and sensitive. JHVH is much more understandable than GB. You can argue and question with JHVH, but do not dare doing that with GB :)))) This quote from WT magazine that including "all intelligent creatures, seen and unseen" and Bible verses that i looked at have nothing to support each other. Did i missed something while reading? *** w58 6/1 p. 330 Why Dedicate Ourselves to God? *** Yes, all such would foolishly ignore the instruction Book of their Maker and his “traffic laws” for living. And yet that is the very course that more than 99.9 percent of earth’s population *** w55 11/1 p. 648 Using Wisely the Reduced Time Left *** Time spent in trying to accumulate wealth, fame or power or in trying to perpetuate this old system of things is wasted, and that is what more than 99.9 per cent of this earth’s population are doing. Of course, we don't know. CC has pointed out before that he thinks most Witnesses are not true Witnesses, with true faith. He has also made statements that question faith and loyalty of elders and ministerial servants. So perhaps the percentage of actual survivors is much lower than .1 percent from CC's perspective. Excellent! you clump all these concepts together as if they are one concept. they are not - so I do not agree with you. :)))) Bible is massive and long context.
  6. Are you or some other JW's invited to the evening meal, marriage celebration? When, where and how? Literally or symbolically? How looks interpretation/s? And what Bible verses supports this sort of interpretations?
  7. Excellent point! According to WTJWorg theology, people would need to prove their faithfulness twice. As imperfect humans and than again as perfect humans ?? Does God need this "proof of fidelity and obeying" or Organization? In fact, according to quote you put from WT magazine, Organization aka New York Headquarter (who will be in New World as Main Administration of Jesus Kingdom, perhaps this new facilities was built to survive Armageddon :)))) need constant attestation from members now and in New System. Man maid religion, for sure. religion = a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/religion Definition: A form of worship. It includes a system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices; these may be personal, or they may be advocated by an organization. Usually religion involves belief in God or in a number of gods; or it treats humans, objects, desires, or forces as objects of worship. Much religion is based on human study of nature; there is also revealed religion. There is true religion and false. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1101989261
  8. Perhaps, after all, "spiritual food" from "JHVH table" is not free and available "for all people". WTJWorg is Company. Everything has to be paid for there. Either with voluntary contributions and work or through lawsuits. And "free speech issue" is something reserved only for WT lawyers to defend on courts. :)) Imagine Jesus which would not allow others to quote, cited him without his permission. Can you? Should you? And GB+Helpers (with WT lawyers) should be role models to others (JW members first) to imitate their faith and works ... in suing other people because they replay (copy-paste) so-called "Jesus's teaching" ?? :))
  9. This is witty answer. I believe how more JW's try answer this way, because of need to give answer that is more acceptable for non-JW people. In fact, i think 70%-80% of JW's thinks how only JW will be saved. Oh Man, you need more faith :)) People prefer government that not gives promises only :)) Faith without works is dead .... as same as works with faith can be rejected. Bible speaking about it too.
  10. I am signing a lot, many petitions on Lady Freethinker page. Humans are brutal. Disgustingly brutal!! https://ladyfreethinker.org/sign-justice-for-kitten-stolen-from-porch-and-drenched-in-poisonous-bug-spray/?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email
  11. Out of detail did animals eat each other before Adam and Eve creation, or will they do it again in New World and after, it seems how this World living in two parallel reality. People got imperfection and living "imperfect life in imperfect World, after "sin". But animal continued to live as "perfect creatures" in own spiritual and literal "paradise" until now, but in dangerous from human.
  12. ------------------------------------------------------ Next issue: As i mentioned before, about testing, we have interesting Bible report. About testing human. One test was in Garden with Tree, Adam and Eve. Next testing, according to WTJWorg is at the end of Jesus Kingdom. Here we have 2 Divine Testing and only humans are included. Nothing about "spiritual beings". But as Bible said rebellion started with angels, not human. Well, is "perfection" of human Adam and Eve, and "perfection" of people at the end of 1000 years "smaller" than "perfection" of angels which have never been tested and never will, because Bible said nothing about it? As JWI said, we can see how there are several causes of death that we (humans) experienced. Perhaps those sort of "deaths" will be "destroyed".
  13. Universe is full of moments when "things" come to existence and after some time stop to exist. Stars are "dying" too. I don't know exactly what author of WT article meant when he wrote death has never existed in heaven because if God created Universe as we know it today, death was always and is today and will be part of Creation and Universe, part of life. We can say how ... death was created, too. Death came into existence when "things" were created, from the moment they came into being.
  14. Apologize for late reaction. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. I found this interesting. Many Christian religions, including JW teaching (about 144000) how people will go to heaven and how other Bible verses (e.g. John 14:2,3; Philip 3:14; ) "prove" that idea. But in same chapter John wrote Jesus quote about different idea. Father and Jesus will come to them (on Earth) and make their home with them (on Earth). ----------------------------------------------------------- While searching for Bible verses i found another intriguing claim on JWorg web: The Bible teaches that under the rule of God’s Kingdom, “death will be no more.” (Revelation 21:3, 4) This promise must apply to the earth, since death has never existed in heaven. - https://www.jw.org/hr/biblijska-ucenja/pitanja/tko-ide-na-nebo/ Here we have idea that presents how: since death has never existed in heaven. On what arguments author is able to made such claim? What Bible text speaking for or against this claim? With this way established thesis, author made another conclusion and claim: This promise must apply to the earth, ... Well, i found interesting how "death" is moving from one place to another. According to WTJWorg doctrine, Before Adam and Eve death never existed no where in Universe. In time of Adam and Eve, idea of death came to be possible reality (but only for earthly people on Earth) because of "fruit issue". Devil and his demons were making rebellion against God before "fruit tree issue" and before Adam and Eve rebellion, but there is no Bible text that speaking how God made any warning to angels as "free will individuals" (same as human on Earth) that they will be sentenced to death if they try to go against God's will, too. Because there is no Bible text about such warning, WTJWorg author of articles came to conclusion how death has never existed in heaven. But it seems how things will be different and death will be reality for angels and "heaven". Because somehow God and Jesus will "kill/destroy" devil and his demons. And even more, quote in WTJWorg publication call for Revelation book: The Bible teaches that under the rule of God’s Kingdom, “death will be no more.” Well, it seems, we shall have opposite situation in the future. "Death" will be removed from Earth to Heaven, on place where death has never existed. Sad days are expected for "Heaven". Another thing is also interesting: If God found appropriate to put test on first human with "fruit tree issue", is it possible that there is (or is not) a similar test for heavenly angels who came to existence by a same sort of creative act. Free will is free will, same for spirit and for flesh. Perfect or imperfect, you as free will individual can create problems. Bible reports said so. If God decided to put "fruit tree issue" test on human only and nothing like that for angels, than some question coming.
  15. Please, if i omitted to put Bible verse/s to bake my opinion, would you be so kind to put: Bible verse/s that clearly said 1) how you have to shun dfd family member who don't living under same roof with faithful family members? and Bible verse that clearly said 2) how you can talk with dfd family member who living under same roof with faithful family members? If you would not be able to provide such scriptures than i will politely ask you to not make claim how i am person who denying scriptures (in fact scriptures that not exist in reality). Only existing thing is WTJWorg extended interpretations of Bible verses. PS Your and WTJWorg extended interpretations are so similar with examples of Jew who want to be very strict and righteous about Law which forbade working on Sabbath. And They made explanations with long list of what work is and what work is not. :)))
  16. Of course !! Every "normal worldly human" have no specific reason to understand and to accept JW abnormal rule that makes separation and difference about family member who living in house, out house, in a basement or on first floor, near house or on other planet. Family member is family member, alive or dead, JW or non-JW or ex-JW.
  17. The National Secular Society has urged Britain's charity regulators to ensure the restructuring of Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) charities does not obstruct victims of child abuse from claiming compensation. The NSS has raised the issue with the Charity Commission for England and Wales and the Scottish charity regulator, OSCR, after a report on BBC Radio 4's Sunday programme this week. The programme reported that the church is selling off substantial amounts of property and land that it owns. As part of a significant restructuring of the organisation, each congregation is being asked to dissolve its charitable status and merge – along with its assets – with the Kingdom Hall Trust. The trust is a registered charity whose aims include being a "custodian trustee holding title to freehold and leasehold properties acquired as places of worship". The assets mentioned on the Sunday programme included kingdom halls, which are used for worship and meetings. An abuse survivor and lawyers who spoke to the programme expressed concern that such a restructuring could leave JW charities unable to pay potential liabilities. A number of JW churches worldwide have been subject to investigations regarding their handling of sexual abuse allegations in recent years. In Australia, JW organisations have consolidated and sold properties worth millions of pounds amid a series of legal claims and a damning report from a royal commission. NSS comment NSS chief executive Stephen Evans said: "It is clearly not in the public interest for charities to be permitted to restructure in ways that may impede victims and survivors of abuse within these communities from claiming compensation. "We therefore urge the Charity Commission to use all available powers to ensure that the restructuring of JW charities does not impede abuse victims' and survivors' ability to obtain settlements." Jehovah's Witnesses and abuse in Britain JW communities' handling of abuse allegations will come under increased scrutiny next month, when the Independent Inquiry on Child Sexual Abuse is due to conduct hearings on the issue. In 2018 scores of alleged victims accused the JWs of a culture of cover-up of child sexual abuse. Earlier this year at least 20 former JWs launched legal action over abuse which they say they suffered. In 2017 the Charity Commission severely criticised the New Moston Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses in Manchester over its handling of allegations of abuse. And in 2016 the Supreme Court ruled that the Watch Tower and Bible Tract Society of Great Britain, which oversees JW congregations, couldn't prevent the commission from conducting an inquiry over its handling of abuse allegations. This week's episode of the Sunday programme is available on the BBC website; listen from 5:20 to 21:45 for the relevant section.
  18. part of text: Collaboration between Church and state The importance of collaboration between the Church and state is a fourth aspect covered in the Vademecum. It brings up, for example, that “even in cases where there is no explicit legal obligation to do so, the ecclesiastical authorities should make a report to the competent civil authorities if this is considered necessary to protect the person involved or other minors from the danger of further criminal acts.” In addition, it reiterates that “the investigation should be carried out with respect for the civil laws of each state”. - https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2020-07/vademecum-procedures-cases-sexual-abuse-minors-clergy.html
  19. If we put this observation and conclusion on "next level", it is similar how elders showing "cowardice" and not reporting CSA to the ONLY AUTHORITY that is in charge to deal with CRIMES according to Romans 13 ... to the "secular authorities". Well obviously , WTJWorg have problem in detecting what is "sin" and what is "crime".
  20. I think how GB silly excuses going in this way: "we are rowing", "we are not inspired", we can err", "sometimes brothers and sisters who reading publications are overzealous, "apostles had wrong expectations so sometimes JW's have had wrong expectations", etc.
  21. I think i would "agree" with GB who said how internet (in fact :)) JWorg official site and JW library), is very dangerous place for true Christians aka JW members. WTJWorg IT experts can remove "spiritual food" from your "table" (a well-laden table of nourishing spiritual food served at the right time.) which is coming "from JHVH through Jesus through GB" and make it to disappear. That it looks as if something has never even been spiritual food available for hungry and thirsty individuals who are "poor in spirit" as Bible said. When "this generation" (people who have good memory and know what was before and what was after) pass, not one of JW member in the future will never know nothing about this and other "clarifications". Amazing thing, internet! A supreme means of deceiving, cheating the people.
  22. I really don't get why you need to involve other people's, mine in this matter, emotions. I am speaking with you and other people here, not because i like you or not like you. We discuss, at the moment, about how WT lawyer represent your organization on what he use to "prove" your activity and practice. Your publications, edited, printed, published by WTJWorg and scattered with help of members and internet shows (i put some of them in previous comment) without any doubt that words "shun" and "shunning" are part of "clear language" in JW "spiritual paradise". Why you have need to contradict and deny it ?? It’s easier to admit and then we’ll start a new topic.
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