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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. No.1 and No.2 originated from Bible, and not from GB. No.3 is general statement, nothing unique. Agree! Application was already done at world scale and was instruction made not from God, Bible or GB, but from "secular authorities". They told people to stay at home, in Croatia and in many other countries. :)) Another application..... only for JW members??
  2. Yes. That is the point. In the video Brother Glockentin says: "The good guidance from Jehovah's Organization during this pandemic is just another proof that Jehovah is with the Governing Body." In my opinion, this GB Helper didn't take in consideration one famous and simple Jesus' quote, God giving sun and rain to wicked and to righteous. In this verse we see how God is impartial. He see humans as own children, no matter of their own partiality and belongings. In "spirit" of these verse we can see also little further, an interesting messages. a) How every individual will have His blessings about every good thing and effort for good he has, and b) How God will not stop you in your intentions, no matter are they good or bad Well, GB Helper has wrong perception about his own position and position of Institution, he represents, before God. Why would God give "separate and advanced knowledge" about Covid 19 to GB?, but left in "dark" whole secular world? Do you remember? "Sun and rain" illustration !?
  3. As you may already hear or read about Covid 19 in Croatia, Croatia is, according to news, among few countries that had best results in protection population from pandemic in "first wave". In cca 4 months (from last period of February to July 7) here is 3272 infected, 2141 cured and 113 deaths. The ruling parliamentary party, which won elections again on Sunday, boasts that the situation is good with regard to this contagion because they have managed well in times of crisis and made the right decisions. So, which, what God was with HDZ (party in power)? Did HDZ received JHVH help and does this is proof how JHVH helped this party to won elections again and to be His Servant ("secular authority") in Croatia? :))
  4. Imperfect spiritual food + err instructions from GB (leadership) aka organization = success in great tribulation .... :))
  5. It must be that WTJWorg leaders are in great pain for some time. This and some statements before which calls members to full trust in GB is desperate act. Manifestly, members leave "The Club".
  6. @Arauna I've heard "your OCD" about this same thing (followers) a few times already. :)) Please, let me ask you, does giving a like and an up-vote to someone’s comment turn that someone into a follower?
  7. I don't know why some of JW's and non JW's on this Forum going ad hominem when are not glad to hear comments, opinions and arguing or critical thoughts of ex-JW ?! :))
  8. They do not care about spiritual wellbeing. THE GOVERNMENT has ... qualified child psychologists Is this some sort of contradiction ?
  9. Covid 19 is an interesting phenomenon. Even more interesting is how science and authorities reacted at the start of the pandemic, and how they are doing it today or how they will do it tomorrow. The instructions are similar but still different in scope and application from country to country. I am not sure in what way GB gives instructions regarding Covid, because all sources about Covid comes from science, medical experts and secular authorities. GB "instructions" are based on secular sources NOT on guidance from HS. How Covid 19 worldwide instructions can be interpreted within, in conection with the two religious doctrines uttered by GB. The first is: Watchtower 13 11/15 p. 20 par. 17 Seven Shepherds, Eight Dukes—What They Mean for Us Today *** At that time, the direction that you receive from Jehovah’s organization may seem strange or unusual. But all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether we agree with them or not. The second is: Watchtower 2009 Feb 15 p.27 "Since Jehovah God and Jesus Christ completely trust the faithful and discreet slave, should we not do the same?" I don't know exactly what instructions JW's received and receive today about Covid, but how is possible to connect this pandemic episode (not first not last in history) with "spiritual food" and "life saving instructions" from GB when, normally, all about Christian life or JW life is about to stay faithful to JHVH and Jesus in "universal issue". To stay health despite pandemic or to be ill because of pandemic, is not "universal issue". And by that, "obedience" (or disobedience) to GB instructions about Covid can't be part of this "universal issue" as was explained in many WT publications. THE universal sovereignty of the Creator of heaven and earth is the foremost issue before men and angels. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1990488
  10. Well, do you want to send me message how Jesus words aka teachings are not useful in 21st century? What else is not useful to us today from lessons that Great Teacher had teach his disciple? :))
  11. Funny, but in many countries WTJWorg made self suspension, decision to stop own meetings and preaching service. Is that also "devil attack" with little help of Corona virus or perhaps "inside work" of "evil servant class"??
  12. That is nice to hear if you are JW member. On other side, how resolute stand of WT Australasia to not join Redress, answer CSA problem of shame in your organization before the entire world?
  13. It is not men who he is battling? His battle is against "secular authorities". That is clear. And if this "secular authorities" defending own sort of Christianity why that would be of surprised? WT and JW elders defend their sort of Christianity in congregation.
  14. Jesus said in Matthew 10:23: "When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another." WTJWorg say:" Go to prison."
  15. No one can control crimes in a way not to happen. Criminals are always a step forward, ahead. What some of us saying here is how WTJWorg elders refused to give to police and courts things that they can handle much better than elders. Because elders are not equipped to deal this and WTJWorg is not equipped to train elders for such task. And God gave "secular authorities" in charge for this, not elders, because they have "sword" and are entitled to punishing crime. WTJWorg and elders+members using "shun" for individuals as equivalent for "sword".
  16. I am not sure is this or similar issues about "giving answer to devil". Because devil know all answers already.
  17. Apologize for my harsh words, but i don't understated is this comment produced by your motives (emotions) only or by your mental, mind conclusion about same information we all have possibility to read. How can you say, or better to say, how you can prove, supposed fact, how only JW "made note of abuse cases within membership" ? Many institutions collects documentation about own daily work. And many have to stay for shorter or longer time and some of them have to stay forever, according to archival regulations. Did Australasia WT showed vigilance? Why they decide to produce papers to ARC, and their friends in NY WT doing opposite. WT in US refused to produce documents about CSA inside JW church to "secular authorities". What they are? Vigilant too? Documents can be used ONLY against those who committed crime. Perpetrators or individuals, or organized group of individuals or perhaps top management of institutions who hiding facts, are those who committed crime. Documents about pedophile cases are not against rank and file JW members who living in "spiritual paradise" of ignorance about this bad things. You are writer of books, you reading a lot, so you know this.
  18. According to WTJWorg interpretations of Bible, event you mentioned is future event an fulfillment, hypothesis, of Bible prophecy. It is interestingly that satan who allegedly created "all religions on earth" want to destroy own kingdom ?? I don't understand this logic. I would understand that he want to destroy JW religion because, hypothesis, JW religion is his enemy, but why would he destroy own lies?? No. That mean you have to pay own lawyers and fight against WTJWorg Australasia in individual court case. And WT Lawyers have more money than individual victims. ARC is not "kangaroo court". ARC established, according to WT Branch Office cca 5000 documents - 1006 perpetrators in WT archive documentation and 1800 victims. I wonder what sort of "court" is "kangaroo court"? JW Judicial Committees from 1950 to 2015 or ARC in 2015 ??
  19. Senator Ruston said it was not up to Jehovah's Witnesses or other organisations to decide whether their models suited the scheme or not. "It's not up to you to make those decisions," she said. "Let the independent scheme assess the validity of the arguments you're putting forward because they may well be correct but it's not for them to decide. "We have applications and we have a responsibility to process them." https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-07-01/government-names-shames-institutions-not-part-of-redress-scheme/12406850?fbclid=IwAR2ODewWHNdEzAeiFMUx1g3cMXqRnogpgpp0U3OtUZlPA7ahdGpe1nE4M1s
  20. Jehovah’s Witnesses has argued it does not have the “institutional settings” necessary to be a part of the redress scheme. Spokesperson Tom Pecipajkovski told the ABC it would respond directly to individual claims. “Jehovah’s Witnesses understand that, to date, there have been less than 10 applicants to the redress scheme who have referred to the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses,” Pecipajkovski said. “Jehovah’s Witnesses have responded and will continue to respond directly to individual claims for redress in a caring, fair, and principled manner, taking into consideration the unique circumstances of each claim.” https://probonoaustralia.com.au/news/2020/07/organisations-named-and-shamed-for-refusing-to-join-national-redress-scheme/
  21. Prime Minister Scott Morrison has threatened the charity status and government funding of organisations that refuse to sign up to the child sexual abuse redress scheme by the Tuesday deadline. Under the scheme, survivors can access up to $150,000 in compensation payments and an apology from the organisation involved. The Jehovah's Witness have publicly resisted the scheme, insisting they do not have the institutional setup the scheme is designed to address. https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/morrison-threatens-charity-status-of-organisations-refusing-to-join-abuse-redress-scheme-20200628-p556z8.html?fbclid=IwAR09qxgjTVytraT8wTjQWrkE00WUnwYDDwMm4EADxT6o5KD5z1vwYIsGF1s
  22. The federal government on Wednesday outed the Australian Air League, Boys’ Brigade NSW, Fairbridge Restored Limited, Lakes Entrance Pony Club, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Kenja Communications. But late on Wednesday the Australian Air League signed and submitted the letter of intent to join the scheme. https://www.aap.com.au/redress-scheme-holdouts-to-be-revealed/?fbclid=IwAR3i4pSK3wUQQKDyo7McEtLvfX9QkAnUdwj0K3tTWIi-8hp8IdVGD-72-x8
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