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Srecko Sostar

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Posts posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. 4 minutes ago, Arauna said:

    What do you know about faith and  do you judge another's faith?  The bible does call them "discreet". So they will work with everything in the best way they know how.  

    If they save money then you say they have no trust in God.  If they leave it to chance you will call them useless slaves and bad managers....... can they ever get your approval? I doubt it. Whatever they do will be wrong in your judgmental eyes.


    I am only in position of observer not judge. And as observer coming to some conclusions, right or wrong. 

  2. 29 minutes ago, Arauna said:

    Yes I do question ALL authority …. so I definitely do not worship the GB

    What reasons you have to doing so?

    As JW member you have strong Bible reasons for not doing this at all. To not put in question "secular authorities" because they are on their position because God put them there. And also, GB is on their position from 1919 because God put them there too, according to WT publications.

    All articles in WT publications speaking against "rebellious attitude". I am surprised to hear that from you or from any other JW member. You can't have both. Defending your standpoint and defending WTJWorg + GB + Helpers in the same time. WT Organization expect from JW members to not put any doubt and to question guidance and leadership of HQ Top Managment.

  3. 40 minutes ago, Arauna said:

    The GB used some offshore money before when they ran out of liquidity. It is good to save money in a 'perceived' safe place.

    This is fine way to show how their faith and trust in JHVH and Jesus is on high level. 

    Good example for "sheep" to follow..... and to "help" Australian brothers and sisters economy :)) from New York. 

  4. 14 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    An inspired prophet is one who is like Apostle John, after his death, no one had such inspiration of that level, expect for those before him. Everyone after Apostle John are non-inspired prophets. Anyone who claims to be inspired like that of Prophets of old, is someone who is not just crazy, but having a spirit of wickedness on them, especially from what we know from this author and the fact her affiliation is very very strong with Kairos, which is a huge red flag.

    What claim are you talking about? Are you attempting to defend a Kairos follower? You do realize demons exist, right? Demons can have influences on people and have people do things, believe it or not, manifestations of things deem ominous.

    That being said, it is not possible for anyone who be inspired like that of Apostle John, anyone who says otherwise has wickedness upon them, especially if they attest to a claim of speaking with and having something or someone tell them something, hence, Galatians 1:1-11 comes to mind, Galatians 1:8 comes to mind.

    Because Apostle John was an inspired prophet, like those before him. No one of this level after him.

    You do not need training to understand evil spirits and demons being upon this world and harbor influence on people. And no such terminology was ever used regarding CSA.

    Oh, so you are now in favor of demons? That is quite the spectacle, Srecko. If you want to defend Ms. Royal, I accept your challenge because a lot of what she says everyone is calling her out on it, even former JWs.

    That being said, her prayer should be an OBVIOUS FACTOR, I do not see how you overlook that, after all, I am sure you know what the Sermon on the Mount is whereas our Lord taught us to pray, did you seemingly go aloof here? As I recall, I believe this was pointed out to you in a lesson regarding Biblical Facts (surprise).

    You are confused much more than me :)))))

  5. 7 hours ago, Arauna said:

    It is not parallel system. Secular authorities look after physical matters which can be proved in court. They do not care about spiritual wellbeing.  Elder's responsibility is to look after spiritual matters.  James says if you are spiritually sick go see the elders.

    I am not sure why you said how secular authorities do not care about spiritual well being of individual. Because there is many "worldly" institutions who deal with such "immaterial things" in human life. Perhaps they named that with different terminology, not using strictly religious word such is word "spiritual". Because "spiritual" have few components and connotations and it is not only religious quality. 


    relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
  6. 7 hours ago, Arauna said:

    They are not equipped to stop wicked people from choosing to break Jehovah's law.  Even Jehovah allows people to do what they choose.... for now.  The elders can help those who repent or need help spiritually and want to serve Jehovah with an honest heart.

    BUT, you guys are the first to call out JWs as cruel when they do manage to get evidence together to put someone out of the congregation.  This is about the only tool they have to protect Jehovah's people and you always use this as a weapon against the JWs  as being cruel, unjust or dictatorial or …. the list goes on.  Elders will only take this action with sufficient evidence..... if they do not have it, then caution and mercy wins. …. but you know this..... it was discussed before

    Apologize Arauna, but my comment is not about "cruel elders practice of dfd". I discuss with SM and he was use this explanation in our conversation.

    Now i have to continue with your direction of conversation. You said how elders are not equipped to stop wicked people (in congregation) from choosing to break JHVH law. Maybe i don't understand sentence, but free will is given and no one have right to stop anyone to "choose" what ever he/she want. For that world would need Mind Control Police. 

    On other hand other people have right to stop, prevent any sort of "breaking the law" (moral or religious or secular law). System was organized in that way and every government have "secular authority" or "public servant" or police in our terminology. 

    When elders learned how someone inside is danger for children or other persons in or out of JW Church, it would be normal to expect from them to have responsibility and to call those who are equipped to stop, prevent and punish wicked people.  Instead they call Legal Department who tell them to NOT REPORT case to "secular authorities". 

    Well, you and SM are wrong in perspective. :)) 

  7. 28 minutes ago, Arauna said:

    THE GOVERNMENT has the resources to interview children by qualified child psychologists and have the resources to get a court conviction with input from these government officials.   So what part of this sentence do you not understand?



    WTJWorg should dissolve the Judicial Committees dealing with such matters.

    I would understand that sentence, if he and you said in such clear way. Not to have parallel Legislative. One Legislative by Elders ...... and one by Secular Authorities that are under Romans chapter 13 explanation.

    If this is clear to you and other JW members why you agree that elders "interview children" ???

  8. 5 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    I would not say fighting it wrong per say, just not equipped to handle such situations,

    But you said exactly that way :)). And conclusion or answer why they (WTJWorg) fighting in wrong way is visible by your appendix: they are "just not equipped to handle such situations".  

    You making better reasoning and have better wisdom than WTJWorg GB and Helpers. Thanks!

  9. 6 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

    You need to make better sense of your argument.

    Elders need to make clear to public and JW congregants: If you, as JW member, have problems of any sort that is not of doctrinal, theological issue, faith issue ..... go to secular authority and to secular courts. 

    What JW members doing according to WT policy? They say: We have our elders who have Judicial Committees and they can handle all sort of our problems - spiritual and non spiritual. 

    JW members making (enough) "sense" for argument presented.

  10. On 6/28/2020 at 3:33 AM, Thinking said:

    Keep in mind many who are branded Apostates are not True apostates...I’m talking about True Apostates here,

    It seems how this have to be integrated in new revised edition of "Shepherd book". That will be helpful for elders and Judicial Commissions in making decisions what sort of "apostate" have to be dfd but what not to :))) 

  11. 15 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

    That leads to an understanding. When did you decide Elders are lawyers, caretakers of peoples free will. When did the Watchtower decide, they are responsible for an individuals personal life. Spiritual life, YES!, But personal life, never! That "responsibility" belongs with each individual.

    If not, that means, after being born, government has been responsible for whatever happens to us in life. Does that make any kind of sense?

    Mr Asch in his court deposition said how "spiritual protection" is JW elders task, and how "physical protection" is task for secular government. Does that make any kind of sense to you? ;)))

    What is difference and connection between protection and responsibility? :))

  12. On 6/21/2020 at 11:54 PM, Space Merchant said:

    Further analyzing this German Evangelist, it is not only she is of mainstream Christianity, but clearly, she has quite the spirit on her, not a good one either.


    On 6/21/2020 at 5:42 PM, Space Merchant said:

    when it is evident, even by the Bible itself, the ability to prophesying like that of an inspired prophet died out with Apostle John.

    In same day you said how "to be inspired" is not possible today, but how this ex-JW person "has the spirit on her,...".

    And you go with claim how, to be inspired from spirit who is not good is possible today, but to be inspired from spirit who is good, was ended in apostle John days. It seems, according to this, how "self training" (similar terminology you used in one CSA topic) is only solution in spiritual battle against "not good spirit". :))

  13. On 6/27/2020 at 3:38 PM, Space Merchant said:

    Again, they would need to be trained on the matter.


    On 6/27/2020 at 3:38 PM, Space Merchant said:

    Even you yourself can train yourself on child abuse and help out those who are actually fighting it the wrong way

    Did WT magazines gave enough proper "train" to JW elders and JW members in 1980's ? If yes why JWORG have such massive problem inside Organization 30-40  years later? Are they actually fighting it the wrong way as all other ?! Articles about CSA in WT publications came from what source? From inside WTJWorg  wisdom "guided by HS", or by "worldly" source or from mixed sources?

    Train yourself? WTJWorg trained themselves in this subject? But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. - Heb 5:14 

    Even with this advanced self training collective attitude G. Jackson publicly asked  ARC The Hon Justice Peter McClellan, "tell us please how you want us to deal with CSA and we will." He, GB member asked "worldly person" for advice and direction and instruction to be incorporated in Australian legislative. But on other hand WTJWorg instructed all "self trained elders"  to call Legal Department in Branch Office first and skip Secular Government legislative. :))

  14. On 6/21/2020 at 11:02 PM, Space Merchant said:

    In this situation,, yet this author says otherwise,


    On 6/21/2020 at 8:21 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

    I am not here to defend her or your opinions and statements. I don't know is she inspired or not. But i can comment your comment about her.

    Why this is not enough for you, but you ask for more? :)) Act  chapter 2 is enough for me to put your claim (and JW's claim) into question. It seems you don't believe in Act chapter 2 as answer for Last Days "inspiration". "Last Days" started, according to WTJWorg and JW members, in 1914. You defending JW Truth. Do you stand for their truth about 1914 as start point for "Last Days"? If you do, what is problem when Act chapters 2 said how God will "inspired" "all people" in "Last Days" (from 1914 on)?

    If 1914 is starting point to "Last Days", according to official doctrine in JW Church, how it is that JW Church denies Act 2:17 as part of "Last Days" fulfillment?

    You have problem, not with my reading Bible verses, but with your reading Bible verses and statement you made:  there are NO inspired prophets that came forth after Apostle John ... 

    and with Act chapter 2: In the last days, God says  I will pour out my Spirit on all people.

    Do we living in "Last Days", as your JW friends claims? If you agree with your JW friends you will also say, "Yes". 

    Now, you and your JW friends need to find consensus about Act 2 17. About what "Last Days" is about in this verse and when this "Last Days" started or will start? Am I missed the point?? :)) Or you?

    When you answer on first part of enigma than second part will be normal component, constituent part of "Last Days".

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