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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. If i can recall what Jesus said, it would be this: He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved because he said to him athe third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lord, byou know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed cmy sheep. This Bible verse (even in nwt translation too) confirm only one fact: Jesus delegated task, service, obligation about feeding to only one person, Peter.
  2. Can somebody who has read this book tell us, does Furuli give some thoughts about people who left WTJWorg?
  3. Question for JW members. What are GB anointed with? 1) With oil ? 2) With hands of another JW member ? 3) With holy spirit ?
  4. Personality is very strong "thing", and was shaped with many known and unknown elements we are not aware, sometimes, or not at all aware of them to the end of life. Maybe we could say about that thing like this. For example, someone who is hasty in words, after learning the “truth” of JW’s and Bible, become successful in softening this nature or it became somehow invisible to others. But that does not necessarily mean how a person changes his personality and deleted bad attribute, but he / she is just able to control more certain behavior. Another reason for this look on matter is Bible fact how imperfection inherited from first people is here. And it is not gone because you are JW or whatever else. This can be topic for conversation. Even people in Bible who was "inspired" to do some God's act was "inspired" for particular moment and deed. They are not people who "changed their personality" given by nature and build up by family, society, events, learning and experience. WTJWorg said how reading Bible, hard work to change bad aspirations/tendencies, good society and help of HS will bring you "new personality". But still, WTJWorg say another fact, we are still imperfect and err (i will add: purposely or not purposely) till the end of 1000 years Kingdom. Question still stay: What you manage to change, what you changed in fact, in meanwhile?? Nature is written in the blood and flesh much stronger than we think.
  5. Perhaps JTR was surrounded with "false friends" for much longer time before he joined this forum and had conversation with ex-JW's here. If you noticed i respected JTR choice of his decisions. It is in him only to "take side" or to balancing in intellectual and emotional turmoil. As you said, "his genuine friends distance themselves" and "his own kids deserted him". Also, JTR acted as "spiritual terrorist" (your description) on this forum. This "terrorist" issue remind me on @4Jah2me and @Arauna conversation about GB and them as "spiritual dictators". How different they are. JTR and GB.
  6. For me, to see GB members in the shop buying what ever he need or wish is normal thing. That fact not need to be of any specific interest for public. Just, to see such highly positioned individual (top manager in WTJWorg) without make up, neat hairstyle, clothes, clean fingers/hands with an expensive watch and ring, because of TV studio preparations, makes next, different picture and perception about person. In all that is normal how no one of us looks "perfect" in various situations and circumstances through a day. This short shop video about Mr. Morris is "perfect" for another reason. To see one of them in "normal" situation and say to yourself: "What, Hey, this is the guy who preparing my spiritual food ?" :))
  7. "Overlapping generation/s" solves all doubts and give solutions to all calculation possibilities about 500 years, more or less than 500. :))
  8. Which church to join would you recommend for someone who is "dull", not "sharp enough" ? Hypothetical question !
  9. Yes, i can recall one role model, where Jesus set example what is the best way how to shun people who are morally and spiritually "garbage". The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold, a gluttonous man and a winebibber, a friend of [a]publicans and sinners! And wisdom [b]is justified by her [c]works. It can be how His sharpness was not enough sharp ? :))
  10. In a biblical sense, who can understand will understand - Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Prov 27 17 Thanks for remind me about JTR.
  11. I also hesitate to put some of signs to JW people comments, even i was found some sentence in entire comment i agree with too. But why to show agreement on things that are generally normal and agreeable because they are normal to normal people. Yes, yes, Bible speak about: whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. - Philipians 4 But if we just praise (sing up comments) each other we won't get far. :))) On other hand people like me must learn how not be partial because, for example, other people religion belongings. :)))
  12. Interesting words srecko. Any "aquired" demeanor is hypocritical. Thanks for accent on this word. I used it from @Anna comments, and perhaps not get deeper meaning of expression. It is not only about "behavior" as such. When you said "interesting wording" that send me a signal. I went on dictionary again: Definition of demeanor : behavior toward others : outward manner - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/demeanor outward manner - I get it. It is not just behavior as such, but two face, two side how individual present self: in general public and inside closed circle. To have such "insight" on others is more possible with people around us. It is little more difficult about people who writing articles in magazines about whom i don't know nothing. Only WHAT they write. Little more is possible to see on people who showing themselves on TV Broadcasting. We see faces and tone of voice. That is very helpful.
  13. Than few things are possible. TTH son is intelligent person. He is not lazy and/or preoccupied with playing. TTH is good teacher and know enough about what and how to transfer knowledge and skills to his children.
  14. May i ask, if some ordinary JW member come to position to see what is going on, or how act of those who lead will (do) cause damage.....,would be realistic to react, to tell why you disagree and to refuse be part of wrong "demeanor" of individual or of group or of organisation?
  15. *** bold from me. Does this spirit and historical context of the times have something with flood of various information from ex-JW's and other people? With so much video materials and WT historical publications, books on internet? With JW's members who came to inside state of more cautious - more open perception on themselves and Organization? ------------------------------------------------------------------- And few more words about "higher education", and that would be all in this topic about education, from me. WTJWorg warning continuously ONLY about "higher education". According to strong and frequent warning ONLY about that, it seems how other parts of "Worldly educational system" are all right with JW's. Kindergarten, Elementary and High school are not under WTJWorg "attack". I don't recall any article that giving warning about dangerous in this levels of education, and or how JW parents are warned how it will be wise to not send their children to such education. I would like to ask JW members and JW parents, why they think how children of age 3,4 to 7 or from 7 to 14 or from 14-18 are not in such dangerous of "devil's" influence..... but young people from 18-24 are ??
  16. It’s amazing how many WT publications are written to warn of apostasy and bad influence within the congregation itself, fake brothers, elders and fake apostles who are like wolves, ...... but completely rule out the possibility of GB + Helpers being in that category. Cognitive Dissonance or OCD sleeps in WT articles ? :)))
  17. Arauna, you confused me with @4Jah2me about "dictators issue". Second, You made connection in comment about verses in Matthew this two things: "slave" and "language scholars". I just say how "slave" is singular noun. Am i wrong??!!
  18. And it is! You are too blind to see what is going on! No, sorry. We need to separate education as knowledge about life and nature, and "education" as tool for directing people to particular ideology aka manipulation. Let say this: All science and people lived in knowledge how sun turns around the Earth, for very long time. Perhaps old Jew's as God's nation did the same. This knowledge we would normally call was part of educational system in past times. Later, some individuals and science said opposite. Well, now we have educational system that teaches differently about this. Both was sort of knowledge. On first part, we can agree how general "knowledge" does earth turns or sun turns is of less or even non influence on daily human activity. But, if you had lived then and said you didn’t believe in a geocentric system, they would have burned you at the stake. That is point when "education and knowledge" is not just educational system. It is ideology... that can you cost your health and life if Inquisition found how you are "apostate". When WTJWorg and GB+Helpers using own system of "(higher) spiritual education" and "persecute" all who don't agree with their "education" about this and that. Such (religious) "educational system" is not part of mere knowledge, true or false, but part of IDEOLOGY that is ready to shun and dfd all those who reject their "higher" educational system.
  19. I think how original text in English is Centralized! :)) Translations committees in each country make own translation in particular language or languages. And then thy sending this text somewhere to print. They have few printing facilities around the world. I believe German stayed to be one of them.
  20. I agree too. But why WTJWorg making doctrinal issue of this, and try to maximize instructions/policies on issue to not looking for "higher education"? They create social climate in congregations, through publications and public talks, how higher education is from "devil" himself. On other side, all wrong/false teachings, doctrines and instructions inside WTJWorg, in history and in present time, (as sort of "higher spiritual education") originated, sourced from WHOM THAN?? (from whom then they originate)
  21. "Slave" is in singular. Is that mean something, anything for understanding the question/message ?? :))))
  22. When you speaking this way about JW religion, and that's work for other religions too, is moment in which believer expect, need to lean on firm and truthful beliefs and doctrine in own church. What sort of people are satisfied with changing of this sort? What you named as "clarification" as a process is something what we do not expect from God who never change his moral and spiritual standards: “For I the Lord do not change - Numbers book. And now you are here to convince us how this Bible verse about God need appendix and clarification perhaps because past ideology about what is the meaning of this verse is/was error. What could be error? Expression that god do not change, or error are human claims how your or mine interpretations about this verse need clarification or are wrong? Particular problem with JW religion in this issue is not reality of progress in thoughts. Problems are these: 1) Only GB and Helpers are entitled to have advanced, progressive thoughts and to change own and members beliefs system 2) Only GB and Helpers are entitled to change previous doctrines that was created and "firmly established" under "guidance" of Jesus and God and Bible 3) Only GB and Helpers are in position to blame members because they (members) misunderstand "clear teachings" 4) Every doctrinal error must be obeyed until GB and Helpers decide to be different, otherwise you will be named as apostate
  23. If you don't mind. You are right in logical reality, not everyone have talent to be leader. But if GB or You want to use Matthew verses about FDS on GB, than you forget how this verses not speaking about Leaders or Governing Body, but ONLY about Servants who in his hands brings food to the table to those who are hungry. Hungry people don’t need leaders, they need chefs and waiters.
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