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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. This is funny. Let tell us please, when and how will WT stop to promote "overlapping generation" scheme (very connected to "the end of World" ideology as was the 1975 too), and start to point to some individuals in organization who were over zeal in their attempts, how to explain and prolong life to "Generation of 1914" failed doctrine ?
  2. This is epic statement :)) Very Biblical in fact .... they reading Deuteronomy and Revelation book to much.
  3. According to WT publications JW's spiritual roots are from Abel, old Israel, first Christian congregation and then big jump to Russell and Bible Students ... till today :)))) How would JW's exist without Bible Student movement? JW's are legal successor of many things, including spiritual and material inheritance from Russell's child aka Bible Students later IBSA. After Rutherford's takeover of Corporation he changed the name of the movement but with same Corporation mother. Anything what was published under the name of WT Corporation, before and after 1923, have to be questioned !!
  4. It is interesting to look at religious individuals and religious organizations who call for subjection on behalf secular authorities when that suites them (religious organization). But when not, they advocate for their religious rights and freedom of speech and loudly call for bible verse as explanation and justification of own disrespect and disobedience to secular laws in some other subject matter: "you must obey god more than men (secular authorities)". Obviously, in WTJWorg copyrights claims, main issue is not how to use and defend Trade and Copyrights laws in particular country, BUT The Company hard work to DEFEND WTJWorg Religious Teachings and Doctrines and Internal Policy that some other people found to be wrong or error or manipulation or not truth.
  5. I am of the opinion that no non-JW or ex-JW, intends to use and presents WT published materials as their own. That is a ridiculous and impossible assumption. For everything that is used (in whole or in part) serves for a religious debate in which some advocate one opinion and others refute or ridicule it. For the purpose of argumentation only: What reasonable person of the ranks of ex-JW would like to advocate the idea of FDS and GB since 1919 as his own? Intellectual property :)) and copyright. What ex-JW have intention to COPY / DUPLICATE such intellect?
  6. It is interesting that some biblical passages are so “soft” that they can be shaped and reshaped so successfully. The existence of a large number of Christian interpretations and ideologies / religions proves this.
  7. Naive, in sense: if he expecting, waiting for positive answer. In matter about his conscience, that is good biblical way how to deal with bro/sis.
  8. It is sincerely naive approach. GB elders allow this sort of "communication" only at rank and file level for minor problems among congregants. But, even there, on this low ground field where ordinary members living, almost no one of JW's really understand how Mat 18 have to work when they are faced with internal problems. One reason for that is in elders who also not using Mat 18 with more understanding. First obstacle is in gradation of "sins" as: "minor and gross". :))
  9. I wonder this: If all WT publications from past to the future is/are intellectual and material possession of The Company ... and each person who was, is and will be JW member need to have "Bible Study" BASED on WT publications, and to continue in this way ... WHO is owner of Member's Faith and Beliefs .... BECAUSE he/she came to this Unique Faith and Beliefs ONLY because of studying and accepting Published Materials ??!! :)))
  10. Why do you think that i was "attack" your thought about: Elders resist this because they are not trying to make their very own disciples. I didn't. It is just fine if they have this positive attitude. Nevertheless, if they have to be role-models of faith, to be imitated from non-elders members, than it can be said how there is a "little danger" of following the men. Even in general positive matters. Because, i guess how every individual need to build own relation to god, and by that specific, individualized, original, unique way to god's hearth and friendship. I used word "friendship" purposely, because WT publication "pushing" this sort of relationship between members and god as something that have to be established. Of course, it is interesting to understand how god is in position to chose his friend, not we. Even in Abraham situation, he become His friend not because Abraham chose god, but opposite, god chose him. Also, between so many faithful people in the past, who loved god till death, only for one human is reported as been god's friend. (Do not confuse with idea: JHVH was Abraham's friend) ??!! Something to think about, isn't it? :))) Well, if somebody have ambition to not "follow" other individuals and/or organization, and/or elders in that organization, he/she have to establish specific "relationship" or if you like "friendship" with ONLY one person, or at least two; Jesus and JHVH. Because Jesus is the name given to people to get close to JHVH. Here we see another WTJWorg omission. They speaking about "friendship" with JHVH, but "forget" to put Jesus in the center of searching. Because Jesus is The Way to Father. You said well, elders are not worth to be followed, neither GB and WTJWorg. Because that is what is all about. :))
  11. I believe how more practical reason for such "resisting" would be in this: If you give advice to someone, you bear responsibility for content of advice if person implements it in own life situation and things go bad.
  12. It is possible to look on this and similar situations in WT history as in case below: Mi·caiʹah then said: “Therefore, hear the word of Jehovah: I saw Jehovah sitting on his thronep and all the army of the heavens standing by him, to his right and to his left.q 20 Jehovah then said, ‘Who will fool Aʹhab, so that he will go up and fall at Raʹmoth-gilʹe·ad?’ And one was saying one thing while another said something else. 21 Then a spirit*r came forward and stood before Jehovah and said, ‘I will fool him.’ Jehovah asked him, ‘How will you do it?’ 22 He replied, ‘I will go out and become a deceptive spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.’s So he said, ‘You will fool him, and what is more, you will be successful. Go out and do that.’ Even the most ignorant JW bible scholar could be able to understand this .... IF he apply it to themselves ---- JHVH already allowed deception on "chosen nation" before, why He could not do it again?
  13. Yes, and that is real danger. Because we can never be sure about ...
  14. "Generation" is cluster (of people) around major historical events. "Historical generation" are people who have an experience or a series of experience. In both examples we see how center of attention, limelight are not people but events or in Bible terminology "signs". But, are they, "signs" in the eyes of the beholder trustful, reliable measure for conclusions? And as you mentioned before, what "signs" and events truly speaking? Are they beginning of start point or beginning of end point? Or, are they a means for help, for understanding that it will become more difficult for each generation in each subsequent period marked by new and uncertain things, events, circumstances? Things can going from bad to worst, and they going in that direction for centuries. But also, we see how some things went from bad to better. It depends, all is in the eyes of beholder.
  15. Question is: Do they, as one group of people, who were part of some particular event or/and events that is of special significance for human, for nation, for individual (or for God) constitute "generation"? "Generation" in only one meaning and for only one purpose as WTJWorg done and still doing with "1914 Generation"? We could speak about specific event/s that marked some period of time, than that could include people of various ages and prominence/background, in one part of the world or on global scene. Biggest Tsunami in Philippine, biggest Hurricane in Florida, biggest earthquake in Croatia marks specific time period in particular part of world and by that particular people in that time frame when event occurred can be possible to put into "generation frame" as one of possible meaning according to Dictionaries. People of many various ages, nationality, ethnicity and religious, educational ... etc belongings, were part of one group of people (not generation in chronology sense) that were connected because of same, collective experience inside same event or inside same time frame . Perhaps using wording 1914 Generation (in various meaning and content, from: all people to wicked people to 144000 class to GB members) for this and such purpose (speaking about particular time period and events inside particular time frame) is not best choice and not describe real meaning and purpose. Also, what is of main importance in connection to WTJWorg and Bible context. Their fixation on the year 1914 as start point of events and their fixation on particular people who was born in that year, who was old enough to saw that year events, who was part of something in that year, became Conceptual Problem for some time already. Only for that reason they came with "overlapping generation" . But, in fact they already accepted old meaning, from past till today, how generation, as term already means overlapping (b: a group of individuals born and living contemporaneously). In fact GB not invented nothing new but they just contributed to more confusion in already confusing doctrine and they try to stretch time frame little more, because narrow, strait life span of generation as partially biblical view is 70-80 years. WTJWorg no longer have Basic 1914 Generation doctrine, because that doctrine, as religious truth, became religious lie. But they have need to continue with same wrong, err doctrine and continue with it. Lie with new wording - "overlapping generation". Since consumers in an OLG model are modeled as individuals who live for n periods (n ≥2), people born in n different periods (or n different generations) coexist in any given period t. While consumers die at the end of n periods, reproduction assures that there will be an infinite succession of consumers, each living for n periods. - https://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences/applied-and-social-sciences-magazines/overlapping-generations-model For sure, WT doctrines Consumers coexist in any given period. ;))) I would look on their religious problem with this thoughts. If they are enough aware how wrong they are and they were all this paste decades after 1914 generation died and not see fulfill about all promises that WT published, nowadays WT bible scholars and leaders missed opportunity and moment to throw away all that errors. And to purified themselves. But with upgrading old misconception they inherited from past leaders, they (today leadership) purposely entering into darker space. Why? Because of reason to justified old error they constructed new fixation with intention to cover old error. And such mental process with this sort of product from these individuals, made them to be religious fraudsters or liars. Definition of generation 1a: a body of living beings constituting a single step in the line of descent from an ancestor b: a group of individuals born and living contemporaneously the younger generation c: a group of individuals having contemporaneously a status (such as that of students in a school) which each one holds only for a limited period d: a type or class of objects usually developed from an earlier type first of the … new generation of powerful supersonic fighters— Kenneth Koyen 2a: the action or process of producing offspring : PROCREATION b: the process of coming or bringing into being generation of income c: origination by a generating process : PRODUCTION especially : formation of a geometric figure by motion of another 3: the average span of time between the birth of parents and that of their offspring - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/generation
  16. It is interesting to notice how WTJWorg Managers took bible terminology for Holy Spirit, that is "Helper", and transfer it to Humans who replaced HS and became Helpers for one part of "anointed" aka GB. When GB claim how not even they and no one else in JW chuch is "inspired" by HS, it is understandable why they need another sort of helping from "Helpers" who also have nothing with HS. After he received HS, with gift or gifts that is/are unknown to us because Bible not spoke about that, we also have no report did Cornelius became elder, missioner, member of Jerusalem Body, or member of some Christian "Branch Office" in other part of the world, left service in Roman army ... etc, etc.
  17. As far as I know (I do not know the exact history and origin of such a calculation) a period of one year or 12 months is the framework for measuring the term - generation. So, all persons born within those 12 months of a given year can be considered to be one (1) generation. Every person born after December 31st in a given year, becomes part of some other generation from the following year with the date of January 1. This is a normal and common understanding of the term generation. And it works still today between people with normal, common sense. :))) Everything else one wants to add as an explanation for the purpose of defending the idea of GB about the "overlapping generation" is nothing but religious entanglements that should support a failed organized-religious concept of a failed ideology that is still alive in WTJWorg. Most here have finished high school. When you graduated, what generation of graduates were you? What generation of graduates do you still belong to today? To my generation, was born in 1961? Or my father generation who was born in 1923? ............. Or you belong to both (triple) generations of graduates in the same time because you were born in 1949?
  18. Even the voice of S. Lett made me to visual his facial expressions ... it is impossible to erase picture of him giving the talk, ... must be some sort of OCD in my head :)))))
  19. Would you give a guess, what would Paul doing today if he would be in JW congregation? What sort of job for living?
  20. If it is advice to be as Paul, ....than why all this people in WT branches living on other people money donations?! Don't you think how your response on this ex pioneer letter is inappropriate. GB members, and Lett specifically, publicly asking for more donation, money. Why he and other in his team not get secular jobs and give money from own salaries?? That would be better way to show "trust" in JHVH. And not just better way, but according to "inspired" Paul Letters. Mr Lett TV preaching (call for money) is not "inspired", according to WT publications.
  21. WT publications explained something about similar on "anointed". While they are on earth and imperfect as any other human, they would be able to understand, from heaven, same sort of people they used to be in the past. :)) Malenfant sort and model of argumentation was for one purpose only, to show how exclusively GB is "appointed for sure" and have something to say. Contrary, every other appointed JW member have to be in question and under suspicion about his "call".
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