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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. It can be so for new and coming generations of JW members ( younger in age and who are not so long time in organization). Older members try/tried to cope with issue and found few methods how to deal with wrong faith doctrine. More serious "problem" not gone, and will stay "forever". To give and show trust in GB leaders, because Jesus also trust GB. :)) In some situation it is good to show trust in "authority". For example, here in Croatia and especially in Zagreb after strong earthquake citizens need to show trust and listen to secular authority and medical experts how to deal with two problems. PS As ironic way of look on technology, we can add: "thanks" to devil weapon/invention called web, internet, satan raised JW meetings and preaching on next level, scale - in virtual reality. You can stay at home and spread the word. Perhaps costs for organized preaching, as publisher, pioneer and missioner or for any other special service, will not require, for these reason, donation money in the future :))
  2. "even woman can buy property" .... this sound very patriarchal . Well, this kind of wording, argumentation how EVEN WOMEN can do this or that is so humiliating, and sound as very special privilege for women. It is sad when society of every sort (in this case Old Israel) and in what ever period of time have to put in law, something that must be NATURAL RIGHT for human been, no matter of sex. PS It came to me now, how OWNING something perhaps is NOT NATURAL. No matter is it about owning another human been or piece of land or spring of water or ..... Issue of "Owning" is for further discussion.
  3. Please, explain and show us WHAT Principle in OT supporting slavery, for example. And how that Basic Principle for issue of Slavery, can and may be in use for people today?? Does this Particular Principle (for slavery) in OT is in power nowadays, does it "stand till today" ?? Because Bible Principles are eternal, people say !!??
  4. This character is self-righteous. This way of saying how someone else's accident, illness and death need to exist in order to feed his believes and faith, to feel "right" about religious interpretations he offers as a leader of JW church.
  5. True. Abraham was blessed, not necessary because of "God's blessings",but because of some other circumstances. First he was born and raised in reach family in Ur of the Chaldea. There lived people who worshiped other god, not JHVH. And it seems how their false god also "blessed" people in that city and area. Abraham wealthy originated from this sort of "blessings". Also bear in mind how Abraham support slavery of people around him, but not willing to accept slavery of his family members when "enemies" try to earn money and wealthy in this common trade and custom that was part of system of both societies, theirs and Abraham's. Because of that i don't want to put Abraham or any other human, including me too, in this or any other "elitist" classification. Religious, political, national, social ... etc. elitism is wrong idea. This sort of ideology always ended in hate and suffer for all. About S. Lett. In JWbroadcasting i heard what he said, comment about corona virus. And how he interpret what corona virus is in connection to Bible prophecies and interpretations about "last days". He talking about "final part of final part of last days". He shows Faith. And Abraham showed Faith. Does Faith of this two is the same Faith??
  6. Many of what you said is in place. Western capitalism in US is different than in Europe. And many of us we who live in Europe are blessed by been born and live here. How people making money for living is interesting to discuss. I think how, generally said, the bigger money that some individual making can also can be connected with more people who have less for living. I am going to idealistic sphere, of course, but we can agree how people not need necessary to drive Mercedes, when also exists cheaper cars to buy. Yes, some people can afford to have "holiday property next to sea or mountain". But, if you or any other JW and GB "preaching" how spiritual "things" are what really matters ...than what is a point to have another house, and invest more money to have it, to keep it??? You need to earn more money to buy and to hold second house. In the same time some other people can't afford even basic things for life. System is wrong, we can agree. But we making system to live, and we make decision to have holiday property and with that contribute to injustice, generally. I guess,Abraham and Jacob working hard, but in the same time support slavery and material imbalance of society. Is that "God's blessings"? or just old world system?? :)) What S. Lett supporting? By words and by silence about this and that aspects about material things in own family.
  7. This belong to next level of Arts@Culture Club :)))
  8. from JWorg: UPDATE | Latest Information Regarding the Coronavirus Outbreak The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses has provided direction to all branches regarding our spiritual activities during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. On Thursday, March 12, 2020, the Governing Body directed the United States branch to cancel all large spiritual events until May 1, 2020. This direction was shared with all branches so that they can make wise decisions about our activities in harmony with local circumstances. We are fully cooperating with health officials in all nations in an effort to contain the spread of the virus. We recognize that this pandemic is yet another evidence that we are living deep in the last days.—Luke 21:7-13; Revelation 6:8 ...we are living deep in the last days What does this have to mean?? :))
  9. I try to participate with music in Arts and Culture club. But people are very "neutral". No comments or reaction :)))))
  10. My wife and mother in law stay home tonight. Obviously meeting is canceled, but i think they are listen on tablet or by similar way, now, in her mother apartment. There is no kindergarten, schools and university from tomorrow (Monday). I expect complete quarantine very soon.
  11. I found ironic this situation about canceling JW meetings. First have to say it is good measure because of health. But on other hand all this drill from platform how people must be on every meeting, obey God with assembling together. If you don't come you can missed to receive important life saving information, even if you don't feel alright - physically or spiritually. meetings and preaching service can cure you :)) Well, Bible gave command to not miss meetings, but elders and secular people say, you have to miss :))) Must be satan who is behind all this :)))
  12. It is interesting, this "stuff", the truth. I think, truth can't make us free or miserable. The truth is "just" reality, nothing more. Our "understanding" about what truth "is" or what truth "is not", can make us feel in this or that way. When we come to some sort of "revelation" about our new position in some circumstances, that is what changes our feelings. I said feelings, as first "wall" of our self made image about own position in life and in the world, in a particular society or a group, family. As in words above. Terms "free" and "miserable" are mainly, firstly connected with human feelings, not with mind, brain. Our mind often makes artificial sort of truth aka lie or deceived, false truth. Our awaking from that state generates, produces liberation from mental or spiritual slavery and as one of steps in that process can be sort of misery. It depends of what is about. Also, it is about what issue is in question. Is it about some personal, intimate thing, some religious questions etc. Every of those specific items making different levels of "suffer".
  13. According to some quotes i find on public news, in Croatia (cca 4 000 000 population) number of death because of flu and complication flu made, is 300-500 per year. And as you very well noticed, life go on despite this numbers.
  14. If WTJWorg use all sort of "witnessing" to explain and assure humankind how.................................................................. all people who will not join Organization to worship God in JW's way of religious devotion ............... will be destroyed in Armageddon ................... in what sort of speech we can put such words? Do we need WT lawyers to explain us to whom belong photos and articles and intellectual property that generate this sort of speech ?
  15. This verses from Isaiah chapter 5 was mine first public talk (reading Bible with a comment) in front congregation in the late 1970s :))
  16. from 3:15 G.Jackson said how WTJWorg is driven BY FAITH (his literal words are: "faith driven organization"). This is interesting, because publication speaking about "spirit guided (driven) organization". Here we see some specific and very new moment in GB Vocabulary, about what power and impetus is behind this Organization. Now, about my previous quote about G. Jackson testimony. Just continue to listen, and please, have concentration. George Lord Jr DC, Practitioner of manual therapies, editor (2004-present) Answered Feb 12 2018 · Author has 11.3k answers and 1.6m answer views Being driven has to do with obsession and a compulsion that makes the person feel as if he can't resist doing what he's doing. Being guided also usually involves feeling that what's being done is important, but there isn't the compulsive aspect. What there is is the sense that when the person involved gets to a point where the way forward is unclear, just the right people, information, funding, etc. seems to appear in an inexplicable way. 62 views
  17. Haha, it seems how you forget G. Jackson explanation before ARC, when he said how "spiritual disobedience" have to be normal and wished reaction of/for every mature JW member who, after testing GB instructions and doctrine, decide to NOT obey JW shepherds aka leaders. Well, GB member openly and clearly promote "spiritual disobedience" inside JW Church. Question is: Whether the "will of God" (in Romans 13 context) is revealed through GB or through secular government ???
  18. Mr Leander, If GB consider how particular secular law is against Bible principles then they will not obey such secular law. If GB consider how particular secular law is not opposite to Bible principles then they will obey such secular law. What part of Romans 13 GB don't understand? Or do they interpret it under own preference? And how issue of obeying secular law depends on individual or group understanding of subject inside particular time frame and circumstances? :))
  19. Did Jesus said anyone in WTJWorg Company to use exactly this secular trade right ??? :))
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