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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. "The scores of branch office buildings, hundreds of Assembly Halls, and tens of thousands of Kingdom Halls around the world provide tangible proof that God’s Kingdom is real and is now ruling." - https://www.jw.org/en/library/books/gods-kingdom/support/building-work-honors-jehovah/ This same words was told by GB Helper Alex Reinmueller on JW TV. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzgfCMcOhM4&feature=em-uploademail in 32:31 of this video. Where in Bible and in Jesus' words you can find confirmation how construction program and buildings will be tangible proof about God's Kingdom reality on Earth? Does Watchtower's worldwide possession of properties, real estate (buildings) is part of "sign" of the Last Days ?
  2. GB member Stephen Lett went "in deep" explanation about climate changes and weather on Earth. He said how JHVH lovingly control of weather for His people blessings stopped in long past (I think Mr Lett had Adam and Eve time period in mind). After, satan became ultimate cause for natural disasters until today. Obviously with, at least, one exception - Noah Flood. That was for sure "so called natural disaster" caused by God. Or by satan? Who will know that after Mr Lett "clarification". Also, Jesus mentioned something about his Father who giving sun and rain (natural phenomena that contribute in regulating weather and to "so called natural disasters") to both good and bad people, to righteous and unrighteous. I wonder, what Jesus could say about his Father's "weather control" . According to Bible, it seems how his Father giving bad and good weather to both group of people, and He doing this without exemption. Now, who you will trust, who you need to trust?
  3. Article from 1/24/2020: Jehovah’s Witness abuse victims unhappy at lack of care, report shows https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2020/01/jehovahs-witness-abuse-victims-unhappy-at-lack-of-care-report-shows/ .....The Dutch branch went to court to try to stop the publication of the report but judges on Thursday ruled that it could be published in the public interest..... Below is final part of that report. SUMMARY Results in context International studies conducted in Australia, Belgium and the United Kingdom show that the issue of sexual abuse in the Jehovah's Witness community is not restricted to the Netherlands. Furthermore, studies conducted within the Dutch Roman Catholic Church and the youth care sector in the Netherlands show that the issue of sexual abuse is not exclusive to the Jehovah's Witness community. Our study and the international studies show that the Jehovah's Witness community can be characterized as a closed community. Each of these studies shows that fixed structures and protocols have been established based on the Bible. Furthermore, all of the international studies showed that the Jehovah's Witness community does not adequately handle reports and complaints of sexual abuse against minors and that victims find themselves in a vulnerable position. Our study and the studies conducted in Australia, Belgium and the United Kingdom also suggested that the closed nature of the community hinders transparent handling of reports of sexual abuse. At first glance, this closed nature also seems to have a negative influence on the willingness to file a police report. International studies into the Jehovah's Witness community have found that there are very few opportunities to make such complaints outside the community and that doing so involves a very high risk of shunning and exclusion. The victim-support mechanisms within the community appear to be insufficient, no support is provided to enable external reporting of sexual abuse and according to many respondents, external reports are discouraged. The obligation to notify the authorities of suspected or actual sexual abuse is a vital measure that has been taken by or recommended to the Jehovah's Witness community in Australia and Belgium. The Roman Catholic Church in the Netherlands has also been advised to introduce a notification obligation. Since the studies in Australia and the United Kingdom were conducted, the Jehovah's Witnesses have set up a protocol to determine how elders must handle allegations of child abuse. The effects of the measures taken by the Jehovah's Witness community in Australia, the United Kingdom and Belgium in order to improve child safety are not yet known. When we look at the three Dutch studies examining communities (closed or otherwise) that were examined during this study (the Roman Catholic Church, the youth care sector and the Netherlands Ministry of Defense), we note that being in a closed community hinders people from reporting a variety of offences. At the time, the minors who reported sexual abuse within the Roman Catholic Church community seemed to be in an extremely vulnerable position (due in part to the lack of personal counselling), which - among other factors - discouraged them from notifying external parties. Studies within the youth care sector and the Netherlands Ministry of Defense indicate that non-religious organisations also have structural inadequacies concerning the protection of members against undesired conduct and external reporting of such conduct. Furthermore, it can be carefully concluded from the studies within the Roman Catholic Church and youth care sector that the weak levels of procedural transparency concerning issues, such as to whom the incidents should be reported and how the reporting process is conducted, appear to have negatively impacted the willingness to report offences. Utrecht University Conclusions ▪ A total of 751 participants shared their experiences of sexual abuse within the Jehovah's Witness community via our contact point. These experiences included 292 accounts from people with personal experience of abuse and 459 accounts from people who know somebody who suffered abuse. ▪ 80% of the participants in the study reported their experiences of sexual abuse within the Jehovah's Witness community. ▪ 30% of the respondents notified the police and 27% of the respondents filed a police report. ▪ Three-quarters of the victims awarded a score of 5 or less for the handling of their report by the Jehovah's Witness community (average score: 3.3). ▪ 63% of the victims awarded a score of 6 or more for the handling of their report by the police (average score: 6.4). ▪ Compared to internal channels (80% report the offence within the community), a relatively small proportion of the participants in the study engage external channels (30% notify the police and 27% file an official police report). There are reasons to assume that the filing of a police report is hindered by the closed nature of the community and the risks involved in informing external parties. However, our study does not provide causal evidence for this factor and follow-up studies would be required for such evidence. ▪ According to our respondents, the closed culture within the Jehovah's Witness community can also be linked to the problems concerning the handling of reports of sexual abuse. The board has now put protocols and instructions in place to establish procedures for responding to reports of sexual abuse, although these mainly seem to focus on protecting the community - and, by extension, the culprit - rather than the victim. As a result, victims receive limited support and insufficient recognition, which can result in secondary victimization. ▪ While the community has taken steps over the past 10 years to improve how reports of sexual abuse are handled, the Jehovah's Witnesses' formalistic system still provides no guarantee of an adequate response to sexual abuse. Recommendations Based on the findings and conclusions in the study, we have formulated recommendations for the Jehovah's Witness community and for the Dutch government. ▪ We appeal to the community of Jehovah's Witnesses to ensure better support for and recognition of victims and alleged victims via measures such as the following: o Providing more explicit information regarding the options for reporting the abuse externally or filing a police report and/or seeking external help as well as providing clear assistance with these external channels. o Setting up an internal reporting centre for victims of sexual abuse, with adequate knowledge of the subject and of the internal and external options for victims. Clear agreements must be established within this reporting centre concerning timely engagement of external parties for the purposes of reporting the offence and/or supporting the victim. o Compiling annual reports regarding the activities of the internal reporting centre in relation to its own website, fellow believers and the public. o Training and educating elders in how to handle in cases of sexual abuse, in order to better equip them to provide support to victims. o Investing in openness and transparency in relation to sexual abuse and how it is handled. o Initiating cultural change that establishes a clearer position for women. o Engaging in discussions within the community and with other parties - such as politicians, the police, the authorities and the Reclaimed Voices foundation - concerning how to prevent and handle sexual abuse. ▪ Furthermore, the results of this study could help to ensure relevant parties - such as the municipal health services and the police - are better informed of the influence of closed communities on victims of abuse. ▪ The Netherlands board of Jehovah's Witnesses actively cooperated with our study. The board also stated that it complies with the law of the land and the Reclaimed Voices foundation confirmed this policy principle. This situation provides the Dutch political system with the opportunity to take action and enter into talks with the community about patterns, church rules, other rules, customs, structures and their consequences for the willingness to report sexual abuse within the community of Jehovah's Witnesses. Within this context, a law is being considered that would make it mandatory for the Jehovah's Witnesses and other organisations to report instances or suspicions of sexual abuse to the police. Other countries have already introduced this type of law. Assessment of the usefulness and desirability of this instrument for the Jehovah's Witness community in the Netherlands will require further research. ▪ Finally, we recommend supplementing the independent scientific research presented during this report with additional future research. After all, the number of missing values/responses for a number of variables and the self-reports presented here imply that establishing truth is not the purpose of this report. Furthermore, no solid causal links concerning willingness to report sexual abuse can be derived from this report. Further research would be necessary to determine how applicable the findings concerning sexual abuse are to the Jehovah's Witness community in the Netherlands and in other countries, as well as within other organisations. However, the research presented in this study into sexual abuse within the Jehovah's Witness community in the Netherlands provides ample grounds for future research to establish a more comprehensive picture of the people reporting sexual abuse, the people not reporting sexual abuse, and the perpetrators of sexual abuse among Jehovah's Witnesses in the Netherlands and in other countries. https://www.wodc.nl/binaries/3010_summary_tcm28-427065.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0WA8hhpBT-_2CXiIduYX4vySLdU3dAFDUlAaw0Aowf4f0fZji4J12HECo
  4. also: the relationships within a group or organization that allow particular people to have power over others: I don't like to get involved in office politics. - https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/politics
  5. Not in your heart Does anyone here know to write happiness? Has anyone heard of love today? Maybe it is more important to know how to erase that which long ago stayed behind us. I can't remember my first song, the kisses, dear faces. There is neither you, nor the old fountain, I don't remember the sea, I don't remember the birds. Nothing is as it once was, but it will be once again. I know, there is no flying with one wing The time needs to connect our threads. Ref. Even in your heart there is no more summer, I cannot be salt in your hair, The coast is solitary and the storm is getting ready, Where did the time take us? Only wine is remained Ref. 2x Only wine is remained https://lyricstranslate.com
  6. If that happened, and in life everything is possible.... that would not be real or good reason for your happiness :)) Because, other people fall or quarrel or "love that grow cold" are not something that will bring to you or anyone else any true satisfaction and peace. PS About "love that grow cold". Shunning policy inside WT Society is very clear example of this words. And with such policy JW's giving own contribution to this "prophecy". We all who here making conversation that oppose each other opinions and standpoints and beliefs, somehow proves how we showing each other something that goes contrary to this Jesus's words. We are not "in love", but, by NOT IGNORING each other comments we giving proof for something else. What it is, That Something, i will leave to individual perceptions. Stay well!
  7. WT Society publications going to explain with this terminology (professing JW member), how sinning is not just part of imperfect human character that all people inherited by Adam and Eve. As imperfect people we all are sinning, in every direction, in every sort of transgression, in various degrees. Here they suggest how some individuals became part of JW's with bad motives. In regard to child abuse cases, sentence in article suggesting this sort of view: Why? “Wicked men and impostors” abound, and some may try to enter the congregation. (2 Tim. 3:13) Then, they continue with this sort of people inside congregation who doing same sin/crime: In addition, some professing to be a part of the congregation have succumbed to perverted fleshly desires and have sexually abused children. This sort of people are people who can't help themselves. This evil inside them is too strong. Next, in other article, they showed us third group of people inside congregation. After the Hebrew Scriptures were written, superstitious Jews considered the name Jehovah too holy even to be pronounced. They avoided pronouncing it because of fear of violating the Third Commandment. What sort of people inside modern JW congregation could be superstitious and have fear? Not about speaking God's name, but about some other things, and with that to give their contribute in wrong things. Fourth group described in article is: First the common people, who felt themselves unworthy to mention the name, left off pronouncing it. Again, how many congregants inside JWorg, consider themselves unworthy, and because of that sort of feeling, can do or can't do things, because of which they just professing own belonging to organization, but because of serious state of soul can be easily deceived or choose wrong path and bring to own fall. As you can understand, we can use this details from these two articles in using them for various questions about doctrines, folkloric, traditions, instructions that are part of JW religion. And because all this what making JW member to be JW member, that is to go in line with directive from WT Society, we need to ask: If old doctrines and instructions are substituted with new ones, does it means how JW members are, in every period of time and in all things that was error and wrong, just "professing to be part of true Congregation"? Because they accepted error teachings and they spread error teachings and they lived by error teachings. Intentionally or not. All that would make them to be "false, professed" Christians (or JW's) and not "true or genuine" ones. I know one JW family from my ex congregation. Children are now grown and not going to meetings for very long time now. I think they never been baptized too. They call theirs mom and dad with names. Very strange custom, very strange to hear :)))
  8. After the death of the apostles, professing Christians left off pronouncing the name. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1960561 I found this today. Interesting using of verb profess.
  9. I think how question of identifications is good, very important and only issue here that need/have to be accented. Act of baptism is completely in sphere of personal, individual reasons and decisions about leaving one way of life and accepting Jesus teachings and his Kingdom with new way of thinking and hope. 2nd JW baptismal question is directed to gather people under power of one organization. This organization has Legal Name, and acts (or sometimes not acts) under secular laws. This Organization found it very important to separate own members and that these members are possible to be recognized by other people and organizations as members of THIS organization, WTJWorg. Because of that all these baptized individuals have to be under new nomenclature invented by people. In fact Jesus not gave any name to his new formed group, followers, disciples. Jesus not prophesied nothing about future organization with specific name (Israel is name given by JHVH to Jacob. And all Jacob's offspring later came under Moses system and came to be known as Israelite, Israel Nation) Well now, what "nation" have to come from Jesus? And what name is proper, appropriate for them? Christians, JW's ....? Maybe i do err in thinking, but these words are said by Jesus and as such they must be part of baptism ceremony. I said ceremony, because that is symbolic act that has particular meaning ...for observers. As i said above, true act is inside the heart of people. Is it baptism real and only way how to survive and be in God's mercy, i don't know. Is it baptism only way how to be recognized as Jesus's disciples and follower, i don't know. And in a lack of person who can doing baptism, can person do it solely, for himself? And to tell these words with own mouth? Perhaps it is possible.
  10. I think i can understand. If we would like to accept this for some, few individuals than we have accept this for all/every other individuals too. By this we can explain why Pope done this or that, and also why Rutherford done this or that. By this i can understand why Moses made slavery, polygamy or else to be legal under power/in the name of God's commands and Law. Would you agree?
  11. Perhaps Judge Rutherford is of those JW members who read only WT books, publications :))) and lack of this sort of knowledge shaped his feelings to Hitler expressed in a Letter. Or Judge Rutherford just used tactic of "theocratic war" and lied about standpoints he had about Nazi Germany. To be said in WT theocratic sort of wording, and as GB very well explained own position. Here we can explain secular position: "they are not inspired and can err" ..... :)))))
  12. I found interesting video, with very important evidences about few subjects. Video took place in Cardiff, Wales 2019. Summer Convention "Love never fails". 1) To what extend JW members are equipped for reasoning and how much they are willing to defend own teachings and beliefs? 2) To what measure JW members who are Convention delegates are under control of people in "orange vests"? And why they allow them to be under their control? 3) Why JW members who wear "orange vests" and are in official capacity are not willing to defend WT published teachings? 4) Does it mean how every JW member who make some sort of sin in his life as JW congregant is "professed JW" while the state of sin lasts? 5) Does he/she in time before and after sinning is considered as "genuine JW"? .....and some more. Enjoy in good material for thinking and discussion. Sadly, child sexual abuse is a worldwide plague, and true Christians have been affected by this plague. Why? “Wicked men and impostors” abound, and some may try to enter the congregation. (2 Tim. 3:13) In addition, some professing to be a part of the congregation have succumbed to perverted fleshly desires and have sexually abused children. Let us discuss why child abuse is such a grave sin. Then we will consider how elders handle instances of serious wrongdoing, including child abuse, and how parents can protect their children. - https://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/watchtower-study-may-2019/love-justice-face-of-wickedness/
  13. Apologize for little late comment about question when Jesus come to be King. WT Society agreed how Jesus became King in 33 AD. And his enthroning took literal manifestation in Jerusalem. Is it possible that Jesus became King without Heavenly approval? Well, could he become King on Earth but not in Heaven too? The disciples fail to see that Jesus’ instructions involve Bible prophecy. Later, however, they grasp the fulfillment of Zechariah’s prophecy. He foretold that God’s promised King would come into Jerusalem “humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a female donkey.”—Zechariah 9:9. - https://www.jw.org/en/library/books/jesus/final-ministry/enters-jerusalem-as-king/ It seems how WT GB also failed in interpretation about when Jesus became King. In 33 or in 1914 AD despite their own published books that supports 33 AD. More than this, and his Kingdom was also existed in 33 AD on Earth. Quote from WT publication said: In a very real sense, then, the Kingdom was in their midst. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2008012 The King Enters Jerusalem on a Colt When they got close to Jerusalem and arrived at Bethʹpha·ge on the Mount of Olives,a then Jesus sent two disciples,b 2 saying to them: “Go into the village that is within sight, and you will at once find a donkey tied and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to me. 3 If someone says anything to you, you must say, ‘The Lord needs them.’ At that he will immediately send them.”4 This actually took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet, who said: 5 “Tell the daughter of Zion: ‘Look! Your king is coming to you,c mild-temperedd and mounted on a donkey, yes, on a colt, the offspring of a beast of burden.’”e6 So the disciples went and did just as Jesus had instructed them.f 7 They brought the donkey and its colt, and they put their outer garments on them, and he sat on them.g 8 Most of the crowd spread their outer garments on the road,h while others were cutting down branches from the trees and spreading them on the road. 9 Moreover, the crowds going ahead of him and those following him kept shouting: “Save, we pray, the Son of David!i Blessed is the one who comes in Jehovah’s name!j Save him, we pray, in the heights above!”* - Matt 21 PICTURE from WT book - https://www.jw.org/en/library/books/jesus/final-ministry/enters-jerusalem-as-king/ In rendering these words of Jesus, a number of careful Bible translations use wording similar to that found in the New World Translation. Some say that the Kingdom is “among you” or “in the midst of you.” How was God’s Kingdom among those people at that time, including the Pharisees? Well, Jesus was the one whom Jehovah God appointed to be the King of the Kingdom. As the King-Designate, Jesus was right in the midst of those people. He taught about the Kingdom of God and even performed miracles, giving them a preview of what that Kingdom would accomplish. In a very real sense, then, the Kingdom was in their midst. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2008012
  14. According to WTJWorg doctrine, women is not allowed to talk with men in a such manner to be or to look like, how she teach him/them. @Arauna highlighted somehow this detail in her comment. And because of that, how Arauna's comment sounded to me, in my perception, it remind me on WT doctrine about interpretations of some Bible verses on women. In other way of perception, we can say also this way: If women "arguing" (with other male or female) in some specific kind, it could be sounded how she looking for "prominence" for herself, according to WTJWorg. It seems how choice of words, tone and attitude (in live or on paper) could be "judged" by this WT position. As you see, WTJWorg culture have specific (as all groups) rules about inside member's behavior and also how behavior of members to outside individuals or group have to look like. Christian woman (JW member) according to this rules, should not put herself in position to "teach" adult males (only children) inside or outside of JWorg. Your "rebuke" directed to @Witness went by this WT rules about male-female relations. But in the same time you, as female, found no self-ban to doing same sort of "arguing" with @Witness (as woman) or me or some other "men" here. And that i found as funny (ironically), at least. If i am right in perception, according to Bible, God never had an Organization, ....but He had a Nation. People for his name. And Individuals who was faithful and showed faith in His promises. WT Society is not People, is not Nation. It is Corporation. CCJW are not People, are not Nation. It is Legal Entity produced, established by WT Company.
  15. This made old-new perspective on this forum and for this forum. Is it allowed to any female here to go into "deep and deeper discussions" about subjects that arose as topics? Does this mean how we, who are males, are only one who have "privilege" for participation and challenge each other standpoints and thinking? Female person, according to @Arauna in this comment, suggesting how women are not permitted to argue in "important subjects" aka almost all Topics, but only to Preach essential message (perhaps standing with tablet or magazines) and not going into doctrinal dilemmas and instructional, organizational issues. Dear Female Forum Members! Your participation in all sort of discussions is welcome and shows (proves) your need to have more important role in spiritual matters.
  16. Imagine a day, when 1st century GB and 20th, 21st century GB meet each other (or to be as guests at Annual Meeting of Corporation) and start to discuss how congregation have to look and functioning? And of course, Paul come there latter to join them into reasoning. :))
  17. Our need for air, water, food, for example, are "temporary" every single day, And that "temporary" things repeat itself from day to day until we die. And we can't live without this "temporaries". Thank you for your concerns about my everlasting blessings. But i have to take care about my "temporaries", day after day. :))
  18. That is positive side of that, for that young people. To learn some skills and get experience and knowledge. No one has nothing against that. Second part of my response you know .... :)))
  19. I have to agree with this. In positive and negative using of Criticism. One of "trigger" for put critics about these or other WT works in past and now, lies in fact that WTJWorg "exalt" themself above all on Earth. They are: "only true religion, only God's organization, only people that have highest moral standards, only who be saved, .....and similar "the best"". In light of such position and picture that WTJWorg forming for and from many decades, it is not strange when observers find some discrepancy and make the point of that.
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