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Srecko Sostar

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    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    You are closer to their thinking than I am. I can only quote their allegations that could give a possible answer to your question. But since you read their publications yourself, I am convinced that you can guess what the explanation for your objection to their translation of the Bible might be. That in the sense, “we are not inspired", "we are not perfect", "we thought", "Jesus thought" and the like.
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    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    I think it’s always about how the Bible is interpreted and how far one wants and can go in interpretation.  After some time, people in the profession begin to give names to certain types of interpretations and to those who are proponents of such theses.
    Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. - Malachi 3:10
    Beloved, I pray that in every way you may prosper and enjoy good health, as your soul also prospers. - 3 John 1:3
    So doesn’t GB invite its members to give material gifts because it will please YHVH who will pour out their blessings on them because they are generous. Yes, and GB talks about the same thing only with different tactics and other theological-organizational methods.
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    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    What do those who know, who are well learned about history, say on question: Does the devil believe in the Trinity?
  4. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Basic knowledge about WTJWorg tell me they are in error in things in which they teach and act erroneously. I am  with that cognition. If you and others think otherwise, it is yours and their right to dissent.
  5. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Basic knowledge about WTJWorg tell me they are in error in things in which they teach and act erroneously. I am  with that cognition. If you and others think otherwise, it is yours and their right to dissent.
  6. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in US House of Representatives set to vote on the Equality Act next week   
    Sometimes, it's just a matter of how the question is asked. For example, take a question like this:
    "Even if your religious beliefs do not condone or support homosexuality (and/or LGBTQ+), do you think that homosexual (and/or LGBTQ+) persons should be discriminated against in the areas of jobs and housing?"
    Depending on the exact wording of the question, you could potentially get 100% of any religious group to "support" such a bill. Remember that they are not directly asking if you support some particular bill, per se, but asking about support of some of the measures which might be found in it. The fact that such a bill might be in the works is not necessarily even brought up. Or even if it is brought up as a proposed bill, the survey could overcome prejudice against the political party sponsoring the bill, or religious feelings by using questions like:
    Would you oppose any bill that tried to remove discrimination against LGBTQ+ persons?
    A Witness would not say they opposed such a bill, because they are generally neutral regarding political bills.
    Also, these are not simple yes or no questions in most surveys. They are often multiple choice such as the following, where the intro to the question can produce an implied meaning [in brackets] that may not even be in the "supported" bill:
    Question: This is about hiring and firing LGBTQ+ persons from jobs, or landlords being able to not rent to, or kick out LGBTQ+ persons from their buildings or homes.
    So . . . . are you:
    A. Highly in favor of discriminating against LGBTQ+  [i.e., immediately fire them - immediately make homeless]
    B. Somewhat in favor of discriminating against them [i.e., give them some advance notice before firing them from their jobs - or putting them out on the street]
    C. Somewhat in favor of not discriminating against them [i.e., allowing them to keep their jobs, apartments, homes in most cases]
    D. Highly in favor of of not discriminating [i.e., allowing them to keep their jobs, apartments, homes in all cases]
    If you interview about 1000 people, and 17 identify as JWs, then only 9 of them need to choose C, and 8 can choose A or B, and that would be the 53% (9 of 17) who supposedly "support" the bill, even if they knew nothing about the bill itself. I think all of us know Witnesses who would answer C to the question.
  7. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    As GB Splane said, false teachers introduce ‘a few grains of truth mixed in with falsehoods, and inspired by the demons’. (1 Tim 4:1,2; Rev 16:13-16)  
    He knows what he's doing.  The only commission they are adhering to, is their own.  Many times the subject of "core teachings" has come here.  Yes, JWs hold onto a few grains of truth, and turn a deaf ear to all the lies.  (2 Cor 11:3,4,14,15)  Matt 24:24,25
  8. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    For you, it is all about restorationism.  For the general JW it is not about being part of restorationism, or being a Restorationist.  Why you can't see that I just don't know.
    If the shoe fits...notice I didn't capitalize "prosperity preachers".  Another "shoe" would be calling them, "fortune seeker preachers/teachers".  I am not concerned with those you call officially, Prosperity Preachers, thus I haven't slandered them.  
    This is just a suggestion, (but I would rather you not do so  please) - become a JW for about 20 years at least, then get back to me.  We'll talk about the organization's "history" of false teachings.
    Wait a minute, who am I slandering, Prosperity Preachers or the GB?  The GB willingly slander any who reject their falsehoods, just want to make this clear.
  9. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Space Merchant in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    What do those who know, who are well learned about history, say on question: Does the devil believe in the Trinity?
  10. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in My Sister Won’t Accept My Same-Sex Partner. What Should I Do?   
    Oh ! you of little faith. What is your aim with this question ?  You speak like a Pharisee........... 
    I've already made it known in the topic above.  We know it's wrong because we believe God's word and God's word tells us homosexuality is wrong. 
    However the point of the topic was that different JWs handle the situation differently. 
    So tell me, when you do ministry do you refuse to teach homosexuals ?  Do you actually refuse to speak to homosexuals ? 
    Did Jesus refuse to speak or even eat meals with immoral people ? No.  Remember that those ones that Jesus spent time with were Israelites, who would have known the Law and known what God loves and what God hates. 
    You should read Luke 7, from verse 36. 
  11. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Well it seems the GB / Watchtower / JW Org are going to be going in for video broadcasting in a big way because that is what the building at Ramapo is all about. And in the assembly / convention talks they were giving instructions as to how donations should be made. I think @Srecko Sostar jokingly called in Video-vangalising or similar.  
    Of course the Covid virus has stopped many things so it's easy to understand that JWs stopped the door to door work. However time will tell if this door to door work restarts and if the Kingdom Halls get reopened. Right now the KH are closed here in UK... That's why I try to be balanced on some points, because there are some things that are obviously done for good reason. JWs here in UK have been sensible regarding the Covid virus.. 
    Concerning field ministry though, I tried to give warning to some JWs because I honestly thought that JWs would be in danger of physical harm due to the information concerning CSA which was and still is freely available to the public. I also wanted to make some other information known to my local congregation but, of course, they all stopped talking to me when i left, so it was impossible for me to show concern for them. I am still concerned about the elderly ones that have little knowledge about CSA or other problems in the JW Org. 
  12. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    SM, you bring to the table, phrases and philosophies outside of the Wt. That's fine, but if I choose to call the GB "prosperity preachers", it is because they are.  They may not fit your definition according to your restricted terms, but their actions show them up to be men who revel in fleshly desires and dominance over others.  That is only possible by promoting the need for money.  Lumping the Wt into your worldly definitions may work for you, but it doesn't work with me.  I don't need to dig into New Thought Theology or New Ageism, to understand that the scriptures relate to "my people", the "saints"/priesthood in the organization. (Rev 18:4-8) 
  13. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in GB MEMBER D. SPLANE'S "ROT FROM WITHIN"   
    A governing leader commented in a recent convention video, that the early Christian congregations did not lose their faith because of persecution, but because “false brothers” slipped into the congregation with their spiritual “poison”, to mislead God’s people. (Heb 12:14,15) This did occur as verified by Jude 1:4 that he cited.  The scriptures do give ample warning of that possibility. (Rom 16:17,18; Gal 1:7,8)  However, the warning applies particularly to the last anointed remnant on earth, before Christ’s return.  (Matt 24:24,22; 7:15; 2 Thess 2:1-4; Rev 8:10; 9:1-4;13:11,12; 16:13-16; 12:4,15,17) 
    These “false brothers” have left their covenant in Christ to pursue fleshly desires, becoming the progeny of another “father”… (Luke 4:5-7; John 8:44; 1 John 2:4; 1 Cor 6:19; Eph 5:5; 1 John 1:6;2:19; Rev 9:11) …and another “mother”. (Gal 4:24,26,9-11; Isa 28:15,18; Rev 17:5)
    They became spiritual harlots, filling their “cup” with detestable teachings, and practices of idolatry committed against the covenant – against the Father and the Son.  (Isa 1:21; Ps 106:39; Jer 2:20; 1 Cor 10:21; 2 Cor 11:2,3;Rom 1:21-23,25; Jer 51:7; Rev 17:1-4) 
    God’s Word tells us that in the time of the end, many will be misled by false teachers and false prophets – even the chosen elect/”saints”. (Mark 13:22; 2 Pet 2:1,2)  The anointed remnant in the last days would be ‘captured’ and tested through deceit.  (Luke 21:7,8,24;22:31; Col 2:8; Rev 13:10,1,5-7; 1 Pet 4:12,13)
    Its leaders usually promote a capture and persecution by the world of politics, to come upon all JWs; but, within their perceived haven of peace and security, spiritual captivity of the anointed has been accomplished by false teachers. (Ezek 13:10; Jer 8:11;1 Thess 5:3; Rev 20:7-9; 16:16)   It is hidden in plain sight. 
    “In the same way these people—relying on their dreams—defile their flesh, reject authority, and slander glorious ones.”  Jude 1:8
    They focus on fleshly desires, and reject the authority of Jesus Christ. (Eph 2:3; Col 2:18,19)  Do these false teachers slander God’s holy people?  Yes, both inside and outside the organization.  The anointed are “trampled” among the throng of JWs, by dissolving any truthful understanding of God’s priesthood and its role.  (Isa 43:21; 1 Pet 2:9; Mal 2:7; Heb 13:15; Rev 5:9,10; 7:10,12)
    Sarcastic and accusatory remarks have been said about them by the leadership. (Ps 35:20; Jer 23:1,2; Ezek 34:2)  They are silenced; their duties absorbed by a counterfeit priesthood in the exalted elder body. (Ezek 34:6,21,22,28; Num 18:7; Ezek 44:6-9; Luke 21:24; Matt 24:15,16; 1 Cor 3:16,17; 2 Thess 2:4; Dan 8:13; Rev 11:2)
    Outside the walls, the anointed devoted to their Master, Jesus Christ, are also a primary target that this leader has in mind; calling them “apostates” - “teachers” who have exposed the leaders’ lies, idolatry and apostasy. (John 15:20) The governing leader stated that these apostates are “rot from within”. How could a person once anointed, become “rot from within”?  The leader didn’t give a full explanation, but the scriptures do. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+15%3A20&version=CSB
    Jesus said, "I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me. 6 "If anyone does not remain in me, he is thrown aside like a branch and he withers. They gather them, throw them into the fire, and they are burned. 7 "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you want and it will be done for you.”  John 15:5-7
    A false teacher would be promoting his own “word”, over those of Jesus Christ. (Matt 15:9; 12:37; Gal 1:6-9,11,12; Acts 13:9,10; 1 Tim 4:1; Rev 13:11,12,16,17)  As Jude 1:8 says, he would be relying on his own fleshly dreams and desires. (Jer 23:16) He would push the envelope when interpreting scripture. (Isa 28:7,8) He would formulate doctrine outside of Christ’s teachings, outside of the Word of God. (1 Thess 2:13)  He would create literal dates of the coming of Armageddon, making promises to his hearers that prove to be false. (Isa 28:9,10) 
    A false teacher would shun his brothers in Christ out of jealousy and fear of losing his authority and power over them. (Gen 4:9; Matt 24:48-51; 1 John 3:7,10-12; Rev 11:3,7; 13:15)   He would demean their role as an active priest today, promoting lying doctrine about the priesthood, and by shedding doubt on their personal anointing.  (Isa 51:23;Rev 9:3,4)     
    There is a presentation within the leader’s video, of individuals whose faith (in the organization/idol) was challenged.  One man stated that the elders helped reason with him, and he ‘realized’… “I had been carried off, or that I had been taken captive by human philosophy the deception and the empty reasoning of men.” 
    That statement is based on Col 2:8, which wasn’t mentioned. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Col+2%3A8&version=CSB
     If we analyze the sign of a teacher using human philosophy and ‘empty reasoning’, we can return to what Jesus said in John 15 - "The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me.”
    The “fruit” that Jesus speaks of, is truth, not one’s own deluded teachings that later must be changed.  (John 14:6,24; 17:17)  Jesus would not grant the okay for his servants to make a prediction that would certainly fail, or teach any false doctrine, as the organization has, and does. (2 Tim 2:15)  Yet, the governing leaders a few years back blamed their errors in guidance, on not only lack of divine ‘inspiration’; but they also blamed Jesus Christ, by saying he didn’t promise that his “faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food.” 
    If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you want and it will be done for you.”
    This also does not mean that Jesus will change a teaching at the whim of men who desire to speak fraudulence from their own minds.  Truth in Jesus Christ is light, and sustains spiritual life. (John 8:12;1 John 1:4,5) It is always light - never to lead one into darkness, but progressively growing lighter “to the full light of day”. It is a straight path of further knowledge, built on existing truth.  It doesn’t take the steep, twisted switchbacks or backtracking, to a previous understanding, as the organization has frequently done. (Psalm 119:105; Prov 4:18,19; 5:3-6;13:9; Isa 59:9; 50:10; John 1:5; 1 Tim 4:4,5) 
    “To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.”  Isa 8:20
    Each anointed teacher is compared by Jesus, as a “tree”. (Jer 17:7,8; Psalm 1:1-3; Rev 22:2) He tells us that a “good tree”, can only produce “good fruit”. (Matt 7:17,18) As we see in John 15, they are also compared to branches of a vine.  They cannot rely on excuses for producing “bad fruit” or bad teachings, and still claim they are led by Jesus Christ.   (Mal 3:18) As long as they remain attached to the vine of living sap/Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ, “bad”, rotten fruit will not be produced.
    Keeping that in mind, we know that an apple from a tree riddled with disease will produce malformed fruit affected by the disease, and it is not palatable. The extensive list of doctrines, (‘beliefs clarified’, and also present doctrine) produced by the governing leaders is not and never has been, palatable.  These men are unable to provide spiritual living nourishment, since their teachings are continually discarded. (John 15:7,8,15,16)  “Rot from within”, begins in the heart of the “tree”.  Yes, there is a term called “heart rot”, a decaying fungal disease that affects the tree’s ability to survive.  Eventually, the trunk and branches become so diseased, that the tree falls.  Heart rot cannot be detected on the outside of the tree, unless the heart is somehow visible through damage, or exposed at its fall.   (Zech 11:1,2; Matt 3:10; 2 Pet 3:17; 1 Tim 6:9)
    So again, how we can detect “rot from within” the heart of a false teacher? Jesus tells us in Matt 12:33-36; 15:19 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt+12%3A33-36%3B+15%3A19+&version=CSB
    False teachings are introduced as the man said, by offering ‘a few grains of truth mixed in with falsehoods, and inspired by the demons’. (1 Tim 4:1,2; Rev 16:13-16) He compared this concoction to a poisoned drink.  If we were to accept this cup offered by false teachers, deterioration and active decay to our spiritual heart and mind begins. (Prov 4:23; Ps 28:3; Prov 19:9; 2 Tim 3:13)  And the teacher who offers the poisoned cup of falsehoods to his listeners, is the sign of rot occurring from within themselves. (Deut 32:33; Prov 23:26-35; Job 20:16)
    He states -  “So first, let’s talk about apostasy, and we’ll call it spiritual poison. Now, think about poison. What’s the best way to avoid being poisoned? Well, we have to recognize poison when we see it, and then avoid it. And the same principle applies to teachings that could destroy our faith. And that’s not always easy. No, not many of our brothers and sisters would deliberately get involved with apostates, but it could happen without our realizing it.”
    It has happened, to the chosen priesthood of God.  They have been dangerously deceived in these last days, falling into the organizational “trap”.  (Ps 140:5; Jer 5:26; Luke 21:34-36; Col 2:8)
    Jude calls these false teachers “brute beasts” who have gone the way of Cain. (Jude 1:10,11)  In the last days, Revelation tells us that a bright “star” falls from the heavens onto “springs of water”. (Dan 12:3; 2 Pet 3:14; Rev 8 :10) These poisoned waters, signify teachings from fallen anointed ones  –  fallen “stars” and the “trees” whose heart rot is detected by what comes out of their mouth. (Jer 22:17; Matt 24:4,5; Luke 6:45; Rom 16:17,18) Those who drink in the cup offered to them, will eventually perish. These are the “false brothers” who have misled the chosen “elect”, and many with them. (2 Pet 2:1-3)  Their rot from within is so invasive, that God’s Word refers to them as Wormwood.  Another connective illustration to Wormwood is Rev 13:11; 17:1 which describes her as a Beast with two horns, a false prophet, and also a Harlot.
    “To share in Satan's power and authority over false teachings, persecution and deceiving of the unsealed faithful, and death; is a great sin for those who had been Chosen ones (Rev 8:10,11; Matt 24:45,48-51.
    Those who enter this Covenant with Satan and his abyss, were already warned by Christ to love their brothers (John 13:32,35), or else be considered murderers and Satan's seed (1 John 3:14,15; John 8:44).” 
    The Last Harlot and Her Beast - https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2012/12/here-is-earlier-post-with-updates.html
    The scriptures speak in length about “Ephraim”, which originally referred to one man, but came to include the northern tribes of Israel.  That region was later called Samaria (meaning “watch tower”).  It was a region of protective mountains, and fertile, prosperous land.  Ephraim-Israel transgressed their covenant with God, relying on their own strength by not calling on God to guide them.  They spread lies about Him, and in their arrogance, joined the nations in acts of idolatry.  (Hos 6:7,9,10; 7:10,13,15; 5:3,4) 
    We can take this useful information and project it symbolically toward the ‘protective’ “mountainlike organization” and its apostate leaders of spiritual “Israel”. Ephraim the man, exalted himself as above reproach by God. (Hos 13:1). Like Ephraim, the organization’s succession of leadership – “heads”/“mountains”/false prophets, also believe they are invincible, never to have their “reign” toppled.   (Rev 13:1,11;Isa 47:7-9; Rev 18:7)
    “Ephraim” can mean, “doubly fruitful”, adding to the illusion that the organization appears prosperous, producing much “fruit”, which is evident through publications throughout the years. (Gen 41:52) Although appearing as “fertile”, none of this fruit contains the light of Jesus Christ. (Deut 32:32; Isa 50:10,11; John 3:19) 
     I was speaking about the governing leader’s video and his statement about "rot from within" with a friend, and I had shared Hosea 5 with her which says,
    “I am like a moth to Ephraim,
        like rot to the people of Judah. 12
    “Their deeds do not permit them
        to return to their God.
    A spirit of prostitution is in their heart;
        they do not acknowledge the Lord. 4
    The turning away from the light and life of truth, as the organization’s leaders have done, brings God’s judgment against these “false brothers”.  Through the poisoned teachings which the Beast/false prophet/Harlot survives on, the rotten heart of these “trees” will be fully exposed, when their “garment” is ‘moth-eaten’ by God’s judgments against them. (Job 13:128; Isa 50:9; 51:7,8; James 5:1-3; Rev 17:16,17)
    “But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption.”  2 Pet 2:12
    Upon doing a little research, my friend shared with me that one aspect of the word “perish” means destruction from internal corruption, deterioration, decay, which is…“rot from within”.  Their corrupted selves are perishing; branches of the vine segregated from all other branches under their Head, Jesus Christ, and who are destined to wither and be destroyed.  (Hab 2:12,15,16; John 15:4,6,7)
    There is another, yet negative meaning to the name, Ephraim, which signifies the outcome of his spiritual harlotry – “double ash-heap”, connotating worthlessness and grief.   (Mal 4:1-3; Rev 18:4-8) 
    “If he sows to please his own wrong desires, he will be planting seeds of evil and he will surely reap a harvest of spiritual decay and death; but if he plants the good things of the Spirit, he will reap the everlasting life that the Holy Spirit gives him.”  Gal 6:8
    YHVH’S Genuine Mountain - https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2013/02/jehovahs-genuine-mountain.html

  14. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Have you ever been sexually abused ? You personally ? Because I note how easy you can write about it, just as a historian would write an account of maybe, 'thousands of people dying in a war'......  You seem to be trying to clean your own conscience by admitting that CSA has taken place in congregations. BUT, CSA Victims are just treated as collateral damage in the JW Org.  
    Your first sentence here. I used to use a scripture concerning this but i was quite often told that the scripture wasn't fitting. Luke 8 : 17 
    Berean Study Bible
    For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be made known and brought to light.
    When I read your words that scripture immediately came to mind. But bringing things to light is surely just the first step in the process of bringing justice and showing love and mercy to victims. More importantly though is the shame that has been heaped upon God, which the Org say they represent. Shame because those things I've just mentioned have not happened. Justice, Love, Mercy. Instead this CSA / Pedophilia has been allowed, by the GB / Elders et al, to be a stumbling block to many.  
    Going back to February last year, there were articles from news media, suggesting that the GB were about to be either arrested or some kind of warrant issued to make them appear in court regarding CSA in the JW Org. It seems that victims of CSA had been interviewed with a view to big court proceedings. THEN the Virus happened, and all this 'news' went completely quiet. (Those old news articles may be available on a google search). 
    Along with all that, the news articles about the, '25 year Database of Pedophiles in the JW Org USA' has also gone quiet....   This all seems very strange because the Watchtower / JW Org seem to suggest that 'worldly governments' would hate them, and would do anything to be rid of them.  So why has all this information suddenly disappeared ? 
    As for this, and i quote :
    because this sort of rot is not the norm…it is in fact the minority…and that is a fact!!
    The CSA in the JW Org has been proven in, Australia, America, Canada, UK, Netherlands, et al.
    Here in the UK we have The Charity Commission's investigation, and the newer IICSA investigation. They are not apostate people aiming to do harm to the JW Org. They are official organisations that investigate all CSA crime. They are mentioned in God's word at Romans 13 : 3
    Berean Study Bible
    For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Do you want to be unafraid of the one in authority? Then do what is right, and you will have his approval.
    And as for your point of :
    I have also heard them apologize…from the platform for such things..and even in print …
    I would love to see proof of this IN PRINT. 
  15. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Thank you , because that was my point. Jesus WAS talking to his disciples about solving differences quickly.
    However, Splaine was using that scripture but he was refering to settling court cases out of court.  The court cases he was hinting at were the CSA court cases where the Watchtower / JW Org had settled out of court. We can see that because he said that even in they settle out of court, it does not mean they are guilty. 
  16. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    Nothing. While I was a member of the JW community, we were taught at meetings that we must not engage in the community on any issue that is outside the JW congregation. A JW member must not engage himself or herself around any changes that would mean contributing to changes in the environment and society in which he or she lives. And all such JW instructions was because it’s an “old world that God will soon destroy,” so why “fix a sinking ship”.
    Since I am not an open person by nature anyway, the impact of such WTJWorg thinking has contributed even more to “alienation” from the problems affecting human society. The proverb says; "the tree bends while it is young." My “activism,” if that can be called that word at all, is a debate with people on this forum. Real activism requires some other people, "real activists" who will bring changes.
  17. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    You gave me link on this. That is your point, i think. 
  18. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    As far as it seems to me, GB member Mr G. Jackson has never before the ARC stated that cases of pedophilia in Australia, and in relation to the Branch Office Australia, are "false rumors".
    This means that all the documentation that went back 50 years regarding the CSA  was not (forged) documentation based on "false rumors" by the JW assemblies and JW members/non members in Australia.
  19. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    :) i had different link - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restoration_Movement
    From your link (bold, underline text mine):
    In the 1870s, a Bible study group led by Charles Taze Russell formed into what was eventually called the Bible Student movement. Russell's congregations did not consider him to be the founder of a new religion,[51] but that he helped in restoring true Christianity from the apostasy that Jesus and the Apostle Paul foretold. They believed that other Churches departed in a Great Apostasy from the original faith on major points, and that the original faith could be restored through a generally literal interpretation of the Bible and a sincere commitment to follow its teachings. They focused on several key doctrinal points that they considered a return to "primitive Christianity",[52] derived from their interpretation of the Bible, including a rejection of trinitarianism, the immortality of the soul, and the definition of Hell as a place of eternal torment;[53] active proselytization; strict neutrality in political affairs;[54] abstinence from warfare;[55] and a belief in the imminent manifestation of the Kingdom of God (or World to Come) on Earth.
    Jehovah's Witnesses[edit]
    Jehovah's Witnesses emerged as a distinct religious organization, maintaining control of Russell's Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society and other corporations. They continued to develop doctrines that they considered to be an improved restoration of first century Christianity, including increased emphasis on the use of Jehovah as God's personal name.[56
  20. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    It is a sad fact that you blame the ex-JW, like me, for the negligence of your religious leaders. For the cover-up that your religious leaders do with the help of most elders. For erroneous instructions that elders receive and pass on to JW members. For silence about the real situation when cases like CSA, or some other, arise.
    JWs have failed to rise to such a level of trust and openness that would allow them to speak publicly at their meetings about everything. About everything and in an equal way, that each member can be able to say everything he needs and wants to say.
    I only used this statement of yours to answer you. And that’s because one young JW, 6 years ago, from my former assembly said he didn’t believe in anything about pedophilia, that it was all a lie attributed to JW. 
    I am glad that many JWs have not seen and experienced the horrors of CSA. But when such JWs say that everything is a “false rumor” and that David Splane is right when he says at Congress talk, that everyone in the world is lying and only GB is telling the truth, then you need to be very worried.
  21. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    I found this on Wikipedia.
    The Restoration Movement has been characterized by several key principles:
    Christianity should not be divided, Christ intended the creation of one church.[3]:38[11] Creeds divide, but Christians should be able to find agreement by standing on the Bible itself (from which they believe all creeds are but human expansions or constrictions)[12] Ecclesiastical traditions divide, but Christians should be able to find common ground by following the practice (as best as it can be determined) of the early church.[13]:104–6 Names of human origin divide, but Christians should be able to find common ground by using biblical names for the church (i.e., "Christian Church", "Church of God" or "Church of Christ" as opposed to "Methodist" or "Lutheran", etc.).[4]:27 Thus, the church 'should stress only what all Christians hold in common and should suppress all divisive doctrines and practices'.[14]
    A number of slogans have been used in the Restoration Movement, which are intended to express some of the distinctive themes of the Movement.[15] These include:
    "Where the Scriptures speak, we speak; where the Scriptures are silent, we are silent."[16] "The church of Jesus Christ on earth is essentially, intentionally, and constitutionally one."[16] "We are Christians only, but not the only Christians."[16] "In essentials, unity; in opinions, liberty; in all things love."[15]:688 "No creed but Christ, no book but the Bible, no law but love, no name but the divine."[15]:688 "Do Bible things in Bible ways."[15]:688 "Call Bible things by Bible names."[15]:688  
    According to this "noble" points that should characterize all religious movements that "joined" to be force for Primitive Christianity, WTJWorg or JW religion as organized religious people under GB leadership,  I would say, (they) do not meet the requirements of these points to be declared restorers of the First Church. 
    The JW's does not acknowledge that any other religious movement has reached the norms of the First Church, but only that the JW religion has achieved it. And all the others to be "apostates", who are already condemned by God and belong to "Babylon the Great".
    For example, slogan, "We are Christians only, but not the only Christians.", is not what JW thinks about other.
    Perhaps "Televangelism" is old, outdated terminology. We have "Internet Evangelism" and "Evangelistic Websites" today.  
  22. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Equivocation in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    You gave me link on this. That is your point, i think. 
  23. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    It is a sad fact that you blame the ex-JW, like me, for the negligence of your religious leaders. For the cover-up that your religious leaders do with the help of most elders. For erroneous instructions that elders receive and pass on to JW members. For silence about the real situation when cases like CSA, or some other, arise.
    JWs have failed to rise to such a level of trust and openness that would allow them to speak publicly at their meetings about everything. About everything and in an equal way, that each member can be able to say everything he needs and wants to say.
    I only used this statement of yours to answer you. And that’s because one young JW, 6 years ago, from my former assembly said he didn’t believe in anything about pedophilia, that it was all a lie attributed to JW. 
    I am glad that many JWs have not seen and experienced the horrors of CSA. But when such JWs say that everything is a “false rumor” and that David Splane is right when he says at Congress talk, that everyone in the world is lying and only GB is telling the truth, then you need to be very worried.
  24. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    I found this on Wikipedia.
    The Restoration Movement has been characterized by several key principles:
    Christianity should not be divided, Christ intended the creation of one church.[3]:38[11] Creeds divide, but Christians should be able to find agreement by standing on the Bible itself (from which they believe all creeds are but human expansions or constrictions)[12] Ecclesiastical traditions divide, but Christians should be able to find common ground by following the practice (as best as it can be determined) of the early church.[13]:104–6 Names of human origin divide, but Christians should be able to find common ground by using biblical names for the church (i.e., "Christian Church", "Church of God" or "Church of Christ" as opposed to "Methodist" or "Lutheran", etc.).[4]:27 Thus, the church 'should stress only what all Christians hold in common and should suppress all divisive doctrines and practices'.[14]
    A number of slogans have been used in the Restoration Movement, which are intended to express some of the distinctive themes of the Movement.[15] These include:
    "Where the Scriptures speak, we speak; where the Scriptures are silent, we are silent."[16] "The church of Jesus Christ on earth is essentially, intentionally, and constitutionally one."[16] "We are Christians only, but not the only Christians."[16] "In essentials, unity; in opinions, liberty; in all things love."[15]:688 "No creed but Christ, no book but the Bible, no law but love, no name but the divine."[15]:688 "Do Bible things in Bible ways."[15]:688 "Call Bible things by Bible names."[15]:688  
    According to this "noble" points that should characterize all religious movements that "joined" to be force for Primitive Christianity, WTJWorg or JW religion as organized religious people under GB leadership,  I would say, (they) do not meet the requirements of these points to be declared restorers of the First Church. 
    The JW's does not acknowledge that any other religious movement has reached the norms of the First Church, but only that the JW religion has achieved it. And all the others to be "apostates", who are already condemned by God and belong to "Babylon the Great".
    For example, slogan, "We are Christians only, but not the only Christians.", is not what JW thinks about other.
    Perhaps "Televangelism" is old, outdated terminology. We have "Internet Evangelism" and "Evangelistic Websites" today.  
  25. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in JESUS' AUTHORITY VS. STEPHEN LETT'S AUTHORITY   
    G. Losch said: "We are rowing".
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