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Srecko Sostar

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  1. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    Unfortunately, I can only comment on an article by M. Introvign, and M.I. it is known to us from a particular and specific context from before.
    It would be good to have court documentation, so that I would be able to give a clearer "opinion".
    The article shows a detail that includes Russia and its judiciary with the JW and with "Western democracy." In this case, German democracy gives an opinion on Russia and its domestic policy towards the JW. This creates a problem and doubts the objectivity of the German court. On the other hand, we have the example of American courts that do not want to enter into theological debates and evaluate what and how which religion teaches and how it disciplines and guide its members. It does not discuss the internal rules and methods of church bodies. According to the article, this is also about such things.
    quote: The court also found that FECRIS distorts the theology and practices of the Jehovah’s Witnesses with the intention of defaming them
    WTJWorg in Germany seeks the opinion and approval of the court that certain JW theology and practices are correct. From whose point of view should it be correct? Court view? They also ask the court to declare certain observations of external observers to be false. It is possible that someone at FECRIS did not do a good research so he said the inaccuracy. ... quote: (Sometimes, it is unclear whether FECRIS activists, who claim to be experts on “cults,” are in bad faith or simply incompetent. They published the case of a 17-year-old Dutch girl who died during a measles epidemic in 2013 after her parents had refused vaccination for religious reasons and implied she was a Jehovah’s Witnesses. In fact, she was a member of a Calvinist Christian Reformed congregation, i.e., belonged to a church known for being a staunch opponent of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.)
    How the elders (and JW lawyers) in the Judicial Communities working, is evident from some other court documents and videos. If the elders were to make their notes available, (if they were written) rather than destroyed them as instructed by the GB Legal Department and representatives, then perhaps this “story” should be different. 
    quote: The German Jehovah’s Witnesses asked the District Court of Hamburg to examine 32 statements. The court found 17 of them defamatory, one partially defamatory, and 14 non-defamatory. 
    What is the content of these 14 and 1/2 ? They are true, right? Can you find out what this is about?
  2. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from FatGrotesqueJT in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    "the marketplace of ideas" :)))
    This forum with JW Open Club is marketplace of ideas, too. How would you describe the participants confronting their ideas?  Who are the buyers and who are the sellers? What is their business ethics? Are there any restrictions on what ideas are allowed? ... etc.
  3. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    Outside, or inside the organization? Outside, they most certainly fight to impose their view on others through legislation.  They always have through history.    Inside?  Soft violence is used every day by the GB against the anointed.  Matt 24:48-51  When someone tells you not to seek out and gather with brothers and sisters to read and study the word of God, that is "soft" violence enacted against a people - a spiritual nation.   These are "living" temple stones figuratively scattered throughout the congregations of JWs; yet, surrounded by elder "Gentiles". (2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2)  Soft violence can crush an individual into submission; or worse, into spiritual destruction.  Luke 19:44; 21:6      (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17)
    "other faiths"...the faith promoted by the organization is total reliance on...the organization.  This is a faith contrary to what the scriptures teach.  The "other faith" found in the organization is within the hearts of the anointed and should be practiced by them.  But, they have become submissive to "organizational" faith under the rule of men.  Is any tolerance found regarding where their faith should lie?  
    "For although we live in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh, 4 since the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds. We demolish arguments 5 and every proud thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive to obey Christ. "  2 Cor 10:4,5
    that is raised up against the knowledge of God,
    Nowhere can it be found in the scriptures that support the rulership of "uncircumcised" men over God's anointed Temple dwelling.   (Ezek 44:6-9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Matt 24:15,16)  
    the demolition of strongholds.
    What is the stronghold that will be demolished by the Word of God, the Spirit of God?  The mountainlike organization that destroys His people with soft violence.  Zech 4:6,7; Rev 8:8; 13:5-7; 19:20; Isa 2:12-18
    If only the anointed and all JWs would realize to...
     Put no more trust in a mere human,
    who has only the breath in his nostrils.
    What is he really worth?  Isa 2:22
    The Disgusting Thing Standing in a Holy Place
  4. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from César Chávez in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    Unfortunately, I can only comment on an article by M. Introvign, and M.I. it is known to us from a particular and specific context from before.
    It would be good to have court documentation, so that I would be able to give a clearer "opinion".
    The article shows a detail that includes Russia and its judiciary with the JW and with "Western democracy." In this case, German democracy gives an opinion on Russia and its domestic policy towards the JW. This creates a problem and doubts the objectivity of the German court. On the other hand, we have the example of American courts that do not want to enter into theological debates and evaluate what and how which religion teaches and how it disciplines and guide its members. It does not discuss the internal rules and methods of church bodies. According to the article, this is also about such things.
    quote: The court also found that FECRIS distorts the theology and practices of the Jehovah’s Witnesses with the intention of defaming them
    WTJWorg in Germany seeks the opinion and approval of the court that certain JW theology and practices are correct. From whose point of view should it be correct? Court view? They also ask the court to declare certain observations of external observers to be false. It is possible that someone at FECRIS did not do a good research so he said the inaccuracy. ... quote: (Sometimes, it is unclear whether FECRIS activists, who claim to be experts on “cults,” are in bad faith or simply incompetent. They published the case of a 17-year-old Dutch girl who died during a measles epidemic in 2013 after her parents had refused vaccination for religious reasons and implied she was a Jehovah’s Witnesses. In fact, she was a member of a Calvinist Christian Reformed congregation, i.e., belonged to a church known for being a staunch opponent of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.)
    How the elders (and JW lawyers) in the Judicial Communities working, is evident from some other court documents and videos. If the elders were to make their notes available, (if they were written) rather than destroyed them as instructed by the GB Legal Department and representatives, then perhaps this “story” should be different. 
    quote: The German Jehovah’s Witnesses asked the District Court of Hamburg to examine 32 statements. The court found 17 of them defamatory, one partially defamatory, and 14 non-defamatory. 
    What is the content of these 14 and 1/2 ? They are true, right? Can you find out what this is about?
  5. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    "the marketplace of ideas" :)))
    This forum with JW Open Club is marketplace of ideas, too. How would you describe the participants confronting their ideas?  Who are the buyers and who are the sellers? What is their business ethics? Are there any restrictions on what ideas are allowed? ... etc.
  6. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to admin in Yesterday When I Was Young - Glen Campbell (Gigi De Lana)   
    I subscribed to her on Youtube.com..... she is going to have quite the career I think.
  7. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to admin in Yesterday When I Was Young - Glen Campbell (Gigi De Lana)   
    Wow! what a great voice and musicians...... a masterpiece composition.
  8. Upvote
  9. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    "the marketplace of ideas" :)))
    This forum with JW Open Club is marketplace of ideas, too. How would you describe the participants confronting their ideas?  Who are the buyers and who are the sellers? What is their business ethics? Are there any restrictions on what ideas are allowed? ... etc.
  10. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    "the marketplace of ideas" :)))
    This forum with JW Open Club is marketplace of ideas, too. How would you describe the participants confronting their ideas?  Who are the buyers and who are the sellers? What is their business ethics? Are there any restrictions on what ideas are allowed? ... etc.
  11. Like
  12. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    Reasonable people are not necessarily True Christians though, including the GB and their lawyers. However True Christians will know the words that Jesus spoke and that were recorded for use by the True Anointed ones. Even we, the 'little dogs', can gain some guidance from some basic scripture. 
    Jesus said " For you expressed sympathy for those in prison and you accepted joyfully the plundering of your belongings, knowing that you yourselves have a better and an enduring possession." 
    So whilst Arauna is worrying about man made 'theft laws', True Christians Earth wide are living by God's Laws through Jesus Christ. 
  13. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    GB Interpretation:
    With a little help by/with from WTJWorg GB Lawyers/Legal Department? 
  14. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in NO EXPENSE IS SPARED   
    It will even have a car wash!    
    Why a car wash on land where wetlands are federally and state protected?  This organization has a dark history of polluting other property secretly.   They put up a new front of caring for the land and using environmentally sound building techniques.  But the history of their coverup, will not go away.  
    If anyone is ecstatic about this proposal, I ask, why?  
    What you need to know about the 1.7-million-square-foot Watchtower project 
    By  Peter Katz  -  May 22, 2021   The environmental review of a plan by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc. to build a 1.7-million-square-foot audio-visual production center with residences on 242 acres of property it owns in Sloatsburg in Rockland County with another 7 acres in Tuxedo in Orange County moves into the public hearing phase on May 26. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is the nonprofit that oversees Jehovah’s Witnesses. The Ramapo Town Board scheduled the public hearing for the project’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Following the hearing, the board will receive public comments on the DEIS until June 21.
    A rendering of the project. At the same time, the board will be conducting public hearings on a proposed zoning amendment and an amendment to the town’s Comprehensive Plan for the project.
    According to Harold Corkern, Watchtower’s president, the production center would be used for the creation and production of sound, video and film recordings.
    In addition, there would be living, recreational and worship facilities for employees who work at the facility as well as volunteers who assist there on a temporary basis. The street address given for the proposed facility is 155 Sterling Mine Road. The world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses is in nearby Warwick, about a 3-minute drive from the site of the proposed production center.
    Corkern notes that Ramapo’s Zoning Code makes no provision for a facility of the type being proposed and Watchtower is asking that a new zoning district, Mixed Use-3, be applied to the property.
    He said that in 2005 the land was rezoned to its current special residential housing district  and a subdivision plan was approved that would have allowed 292 homes to be built on the land in an active-adult community. There would have been 876 bedrooms in the 292 homes, according to Corkern, compared with 645 bedrooms that Watchtower is proposing.
    There would be 10 residential buildings totaling more than 711,000 square feet. There would be 323,949 square feet of offices. A fitness center would occupy 19,378 square feet, a car wash would take up 3,355 square feet and a central energy plant would cover 17,550 square feet.
    The actual production studios would encompass 120,000 square feet with an additional 30,000 square feet of support and maintenance space. Other facilities would include a 118,075-square-foot visitor center, a 33,913-square-foot reception center and a 129,718-square-foot events facility. Outside there would be a backlot along with a sports field. According to documents on file with the town, none of the proposed buildings would be taller than 75 feet.
    Watchtower proposes to build a 95,000-square-foot parking garage at the site. Additional parking would be in the lowest level of each residential building as well as the events facility, reception center, office building and visitor center. There would be a total of 1,143 indoor spaces for vehicles, including buses, with an additional 138 spaces at grade level. The equivalent surface area for all of the parking spaces totals 10.9-acres, according to information in the DEIS.
    Watchtower states that no school-age children would live at the facility.
    The buildings would be heated and cooled using geothermal heat pumps. At least some  building construction would be done using mass timber, a category of wood product that is being promoted as a low-carbon alternative to concrete and steel construction.
    Information in the DEIS indicates that approximately 104 acres of the property would be disturbed for the development. It says the overall landscaping approach is to keep as much native vegetation in place as possible while restoring disturbed areas to their native state of woods or meadow.
    Small areas of lawn are planned for the site with native trees and shrubs being used for the majority of the site, which it is said will help control stormwater runoff. There are both federally and state protected wetlands on the property as well as areas of steep slopes, bedrock outcroppings and undisturbed forests, all sensitive environmental features.
  15. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    GB Interpretation:
    With a little help by/with from WTJWorg GB Lawyers/Legal Department? 
  16. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    If the leaders of the organization were genuinely living for the Kingdom to come, they would drop all of this crap and walk away.  But, their kingdom is of THIS world, and like the evil one, they don’t want to lose it. (John 18:36; 1 John 5:19)  They have taught their followers to also support their cause, to support their kingdom, and their lies; which is alienated from the kingdom that lies in the hearts of those in Jesus Christ.  (Luke 17:21; 1 Cor 3:16)  It has nothing to do with earthly treasures or legal rights. (Luke 4:5,6; Matt 6:19-21) 
    The leaders have been living under a cloak of apparent humility, but the intentions of their hearts are becoming quite clear to the world at large.  No longer can they hide their true selves, that which lies beneath white-washed tombs. Matt 23:27,28 
    God is concerned with the "legal system" that His holy people live under - His saints/anointed and all JWs who put up with internal organizational corruption.  To believe that the Wt. is innocent on all accounts, and that its sins are ignored by the Father and Jesus Christ, is pure foolishness.
    Woe to the rebellious children!
    This is the Lord’s declaration.
    They carry out a plan, but not mine;
    they make an alliance,
    but against my will,
    piling sin on top of sin.
    2 Without asking my advice
    they set out to go down to Egypt
    in order to seek shelter under Pharaoh’s protection
    and take refuge in Egypt’s shadow.
    Go now, write it on a tablet in their presence
    and inscribe it on a scroll;
    it will be for the future,
    forever and ever.
    9 They are a rebellious people,
    deceptive children,
    children who do not want to listen to the Lord’s instruction.
    Therefore the Holy One of Israel says:
    “Because you have rejected this message
    and have trusted in oppression and deceit,
    and have depended on them,
    13 this iniquity of yours will be
    like a crumbling gap,
    a bulge in a high wall
    whose collapse will come in an instant—suddenly!
    14 Its collapse will be like the shattering
    of a potter’s jar, crushed to pieces,
    so that not even a fragment of pottery
    will be found among its shattered remains—
    no fragment large enough to take fire from a hearth
    or scoop water from a cistern.”  Isaiah 30
    The Kingdom - 1914?
  17. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    In all four cases, either YouTube or Facebook are asked to hand over “all identifying information, including subscriber registration information” including their “name(s), address(es), telephone number(s), [and] any electronic mail addresses” associated with the allegedly infringing accounts.
    You Tube and Facebook could easily avoid this. They only need to declare themselves a kind of religion and appoint their employees or volunteers as clergy. They could then invoke the priestly privilege of not disclosing privileged information about their members.
    Because WTJWorg and JW are actually legal entities, they are a firm / business. In this context, everything they "intellectually" produce is their "property". BUT, there is a problem of another kind. WTJWorg claims that all of this/that is “spiritual food” that comes from God and Christ, because they are, reportedly, led by HS to write magazines and books, to make songs and movies. If it is truly “spiritual food from God,” then it is not the property of WTJWorg and JW nor in any way. Neither in a legal sense, nor in an intellectual sense. Nor is it for moral and ethical reasons. For they cannot prove before any Court, or Judicial Committee, that it was God who chose exactly them to defend the intellectual-doctrinal property of God or Christ.
    If WTJWorg and JW have a problem because of the content or the way other people comment, criticize, or reveal the religious teaching of the JW Church, then that is another topic. Well, doesn't it say in the Bible: For free you have received, for free you have given. If WTJWorg and JW truly believe this, then WTJWorg's lawsuits are completely outside the teachings of the Bible. 
    By this it would be that the requirement/lawsuits sought by WTJWorg and JW is contrary to Biblical principles. Any and each JW who acts contrary to Biblical Principles is not a Witness for either YHVH or Christ.
    The irony and hypocrisy is that WTJWorg teaches how members have to suffer evil and not retaliate against “enemy attacks”, but wait for JHVH to give comfort and strength to endure. Strength To Endure, not Strength to Fight Back. :))
  18. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from TheQuixoticTheo in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    GB Interpretation:
    With a little help by/with from WTJWorg GB Lawyers/Legal Department? 
  19. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from TheQuixoticTheo in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    In all four cases, either YouTube or Facebook are asked to hand over “all identifying information, including subscriber registration information” including their “name(s), address(es), telephone number(s), [and] any electronic mail addresses” associated with the allegedly infringing accounts.
    You Tube and Facebook could easily avoid this. They only need to declare themselves a kind of religion and appoint their employees or volunteers as clergy. They could then invoke the priestly privilege of not disclosing privileged information about their members.
    Because WTJWorg and JW are actually legal entities, they are a firm / business. In this context, everything they "intellectually" produce is their "property". BUT, there is a problem of another kind. WTJWorg claims that all of this/that is “spiritual food” that comes from God and Christ, because they are, reportedly, led by HS to write magazines and books, to make songs and movies. If it is truly “spiritual food from God,” then it is not the property of WTJWorg and JW nor in any way. Neither in a legal sense, nor in an intellectual sense. Nor is it for moral and ethical reasons. For they cannot prove before any Court, or Judicial Committee, that it was God who chose exactly them to defend the intellectual-doctrinal property of God or Christ.
    If WTJWorg and JW have a problem because of the content or the way other people comment, criticize, or reveal the religious teaching of the JW Church, then that is another topic. Well, doesn't it say in the Bible: For free you have received, for free you have given. If WTJWorg and JW truly believe this, then WTJWorg's lawsuits are completely outside the teachings of the Bible. 
    By this it would be that the requirement/lawsuits sought by WTJWorg and JW is contrary to Biblical principles. Any and each JW who acts contrary to Biblical Principles is not a Witness for either YHVH or Christ.
    The irony and hypocrisy is that WTJWorg teaches how members have to suffer evil and not retaliate against “enemy attacks”, but wait for JHVH to give comfort and strength to endure. Strength To Endure, not Strength to Fight Back. :))
  20. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    GB Interpretation:
    With a little help by/with from WTJWorg GB Lawyers/Legal Department? 
  21. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    In all four cases, either YouTube or Facebook are asked to hand over “all identifying information, including subscriber registration information” including their “name(s), address(es), telephone number(s), [and] any electronic mail addresses” associated with the allegedly infringing accounts.
    You Tube and Facebook could easily avoid this. They only need to declare themselves a kind of religion and appoint their employees or volunteers as clergy. They could then invoke the priestly privilege of not disclosing privileged information about their members.
    Because WTJWorg and JW are actually legal entities, they are a firm / business. In this context, everything they "intellectually" produce is their "property". BUT, there is a problem of another kind. WTJWorg claims that all of this/that is “spiritual food” that comes from God and Christ, because they are, reportedly, led by HS to write magazines and books, to make songs and movies. If it is truly “spiritual food from God,” then it is not the property of WTJWorg and JW nor in any way. Neither in a legal sense, nor in an intellectual sense. Nor is it for moral and ethical reasons. For they cannot prove before any Court, or Judicial Committee, that it was God who chose exactly them to defend the intellectual-doctrinal property of God or Christ.
    If WTJWorg and JW have a problem because of the content or the way other people comment, criticize, or reveal the religious teaching of the JW Church, then that is another topic. Well, doesn't it say in the Bible: For free you have received, for free you have given. If WTJWorg and JW truly believe this, then WTJWorg's lawsuits are completely outside the teachings of the Bible. 
    By this it would be that the requirement/lawsuits sought by WTJWorg and JW is contrary to Biblical principles. Any and each JW who acts contrary to Biblical Principles is not a Witness for either YHVH or Christ.
    The irony and hypocrisy is that WTJWorg teaches how members have to suffer evil and not retaliate against “enemy attacks”, but wait for JHVH to give comfort and strength to endure. Strength To Endure, not Strength to Fight Back. :))
  22. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    In all four cases, either YouTube or Facebook are asked to hand over “all identifying information, including subscriber registration information” including their “name(s), address(es), telephone number(s), [and] any electronic mail addresses” associated with the allegedly infringing accounts.
    You Tube and Facebook could easily avoid this. They only need to declare themselves a kind of religion and appoint their employees or volunteers as clergy. They could then invoke the priestly privilege of not disclosing privileged information about their members.
    Because WTJWorg and JW are actually legal entities, they are a firm / business. In this context, everything they "intellectually" produce is their "property". BUT, there is a problem of another kind. WTJWorg claims that all of this/that is “spiritual food” that comes from God and Christ, because they are, reportedly, led by HS to write magazines and books, to make songs and movies. If it is truly “spiritual food from God,” then it is not the property of WTJWorg and JW nor in any way. Neither in a legal sense, nor in an intellectual sense. Nor is it for moral and ethical reasons. For they cannot prove before any Court, or Judicial Committee, that it was God who chose exactly them to defend the intellectual-doctrinal property of God or Christ.
    If WTJWorg and JW have a problem because of the content or the way other people comment, criticize, or reveal the religious teaching of the JW Church, then that is another topic. Well, doesn't it say in the Bible: For free you have received, for free you have given. If WTJWorg and JW truly believe this, then WTJWorg's lawsuits are completely outside the teachings of the Bible. 
    By this it would be that the requirement/lawsuits sought by WTJWorg and JW is contrary to Biblical principles. Any and each JW who acts contrary to Biblical Principles is not a Witness for either YHVH or Christ.
    The irony and hypocrisy is that WTJWorg teaches how members have to suffer evil and not retaliate against “enemy attacks”, but wait for JHVH to give comfort and strength to endure. Strength To Endure, not Strength to Fight Back. :))
  23. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from César Chávez in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    GB Interpretation:
    With a little help by/with from WTJWorg GB Lawyers/Legal Department? 
  24. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from César Chávez in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    In all four cases, either YouTube or Facebook are asked to hand over “all identifying information, including subscriber registration information” including their “name(s), address(es), telephone number(s), [and] any electronic mail addresses” associated with the allegedly infringing accounts.
    You Tube and Facebook could easily avoid this. They only need to declare themselves a kind of religion and appoint their employees or volunteers as clergy. They could then invoke the priestly privilege of not disclosing privileged information about their members.
    Because WTJWorg and JW are actually legal entities, they are a firm / business. In this context, everything they "intellectually" produce is their "property". BUT, there is a problem of another kind. WTJWorg claims that all of this/that is “spiritual food” that comes from God and Christ, because they are, reportedly, led by HS to write magazines and books, to make songs and movies. If it is truly “spiritual food from God,” then it is not the property of WTJWorg and JW nor in any way. Neither in a legal sense, nor in an intellectual sense. Nor is it for moral and ethical reasons. For they cannot prove before any Court, or Judicial Committee, that it was God who chose exactly them to defend the intellectual-doctrinal property of God or Christ.
    If WTJWorg and JW have a problem because of the content or the way other people comment, criticize, or reveal the religious teaching of the JW Church, then that is another topic. Well, doesn't it say in the Bible: For free you have received, for free you have given. If WTJWorg and JW truly believe this, then WTJWorg's lawsuits are completely outside the teachings of the Bible. 
    By this it would be that the requirement/lawsuits sought by WTJWorg and JW is contrary to Biblical principles. Any and each JW who acts contrary to Biblical Principles is not a Witness for either YHVH or Christ.
    The irony and hypocrisy is that WTJWorg teaches how members have to suffer evil and not retaliate against “enemy attacks”, but wait for JHVH to give comfort and strength to endure. Strength To Endure, not Strength to Fight Back. :))
  25. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    In all four cases, either YouTube or Facebook are asked to hand over “all identifying information, including subscriber registration information” including their “name(s), address(es), telephone number(s), [and] any electronic mail addresses” associated with the allegedly infringing accounts.
    You Tube and Facebook could easily avoid this. They only need to declare themselves a kind of religion and appoint their employees or volunteers as clergy. They could then invoke the priestly privilege of not disclosing privileged information about their members.
    Because WTJWorg and JW are actually legal entities, they are a firm / business. In this context, everything they "intellectually" produce is their "property". BUT, there is a problem of another kind. WTJWorg claims that all of this/that is “spiritual food” that comes from God and Christ, because they are, reportedly, led by HS to write magazines and books, to make songs and movies. If it is truly “spiritual food from God,” then it is not the property of WTJWorg and JW nor in any way. Neither in a legal sense, nor in an intellectual sense. Nor is it for moral and ethical reasons. For they cannot prove before any Court, or Judicial Committee, that it was God who chose exactly them to defend the intellectual-doctrinal property of God or Christ.
    If WTJWorg and JW have a problem because of the content or the way other people comment, criticize, or reveal the religious teaching of the JW Church, then that is another topic. Well, doesn't it say in the Bible: For free you have received, for free you have given. If WTJWorg and JW truly believe this, then WTJWorg's lawsuits are completely outside the teachings of the Bible. 
    By this it would be that the requirement/lawsuits sought by WTJWorg and JW is contrary to Biblical principles. Any and each JW who acts contrary to Biblical Principles is not a Witness for either YHVH or Christ.
    The irony and hypocrisy is that WTJWorg teaches how members have to suffer evil and not retaliate against “enemy attacks”, but wait for JHVH to give comfort and strength to endure. Strength To Endure, not Strength to Fight Back. :))
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