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Srecko Sostar

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  1. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in LIST OF PUBLICATIONS TO BE DISCARDED   
    There is a legal obligation, I do not know if it is an obligation for both WTJWorg in the USA and for WTJWorg printers around the world, that several copies, mandatory copies, of each edition that goes to print should be handed over to the state public library. Here in Croatia, 9 copies have to be handed to National University Library.
  2. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in LIST OF PUBLICATIONS TO BE DISCARDED   
    Each legal entity creates a different, various type of documentation during the business. Often times a legal body needs to adopt its own Regulations that regulate certain activities within the institution. Regulations must be harmonized with the laws on Archives. Such laws on archives are enacted by the state and its public bodies.
    So, the people who run WTJWorg should know how to destroy the documentation that is scheduled for destruction after certain retention periods have passed. But there is documentation that must not be destroyed, but must exist permanently, as long as there is a legal entity. After the legal entity ceases to exist, there are rules that say that certain documentation must be submitted to a state archive for storage and safekeeping. Or the documentation is handed over to a new legal successor.
    The doctrines and teachings and traditions that are part of WTJWorg publications are likely to be among the documents that have no lasting value before legislation. Therefore, the publisher can independently decide to destroy everything that should no longer have any (spiritual, theological, moral, religious, doctrinal ... etc) significance for the average (or all) members of the organization.
    Certainly, that such kind of decision by WTJWorg, to destroy “spiritual food” that has “ceased to be true,” is dubious for a simple reason. For, then, every JW can rightly ask Pilate's question, "What is The Truth?" .."Why should I believe in a New Truth?" .... etc.
    Also, should any JW be required to separate (for destruction) from its private library any such publication, which no longer meets the WTJWorg criteria on the reliability of what is written and proclaimed to be “True”?
  3. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in LIST OF PUBLICATIONS TO BE DISCARDED   
    There is a legal obligation, I do not know if it is an obligation for both WTJWorg in the USA and for WTJWorg printers around the world, that several copies, mandatory copies, of each edition that goes to print should be handed over to the state public library. Here in Croatia, 9 copies have to be handed to National University Library.
  4. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in LIST OF PUBLICATIONS TO BE DISCARDED   
    Each legal entity creates a different, various type of documentation during the business. Often times a legal body needs to adopt its own Regulations that regulate certain activities within the institution. Regulations must be harmonized with the laws on Archives. Such laws on archives are enacted by the state and its public bodies.
    So, the people who run WTJWorg should know how to destroy the documentation that is scheduled for destruction after certain retention periods have passed. But there is documentation that must not be destroyed, but must exist permanently, as long as there is a legal entity. After the legal entity ceases to exist, there are rules that say that certain documentation must be submitted to a state archive for storage and safekeeping. Or the documentation is handed over to a new legal successor.
    The doctrines and teachings and traditions that are part of WTJWorg publications are likely to be among the documents that have no lasting value before legislation. Therefore, the publisher can independently decide to destroy everything that should no longer have any (spiritual, theological, moral, religious, doctrinal ... etc) significance for the average (or all) members of the organization.
    Certainly, that such kind of decision by WTJWorg, to destroy “spiritual food” that has “ceased to be true,” is dubious for a simple reason. For, then, every JW can rightly ask Pilate's question, "What is The Truth?" .."Why should I believe in a New Truth?" .... etc.
    Also, should any JW be required to separate (for destruction) from its private library any such publication, which no longer meets the WTJWorg criteria on the reliability of what is written and proclaimed to be “True”?
  5. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in LIST OF PUBLICATIONS TO BE DISCARDED   
    Each legal entity creates a different, various type of documentation during the business. Often times a legal body needs to adopt its own Regulations that regulate certain activities within the institution. Regulations must be harmonized with the laws on Archives. Such laws on archives are enacted by the state and its public bodies.
    So, the people who run WTJWorg should know how to destroy the documentation that is scheduled for destruction after certain retention periods have passed. But there is documentation that must not be destroyed, but must exist permanently, as long as there is a legal entity. After the legal entity ceases to exist, there are rules that say that certain documentation must be submitted to a state archive for storage and safekeeping. Or the documentation is handed over to a new legal successor.
    The doctrines and teachings and traditions that are part of WTJWorg publications are likely to be among the documents that have no lasting value before legislation. Therefore, the publisher can independently decide to destroy everything that should no longer have any (spiritual, theological, moral, religious, doctrinal ... etc) significance for the average (or all) members of the organization.
    Certainly, that such kind of decision by WTJWorg, to destroy “spiritual food” that has “ceased to be true,” is dubious for a simple reason. For, then, every JW can rightly ask Pilate's question, "What is The Truth?" .."Why should I believe in a New Truth?" .... etc.
    Also, should any JW be required to separate (for destruction) from its private library any such publication, which no longer meets the WTJWorg criteria on the reliability of what is written and proclaimed to be “True”?
  6. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in LIST OF PUBLICATIONS TO BE DISCARDED   
    There is a legal obligation, I do not know if it is an obligation for both WTJWorg in the USA and for WTJWorg printers around the world, that several copies, mandatory copies, of each edition that goes to print should be handed over to the state public library. Here in Croatia, 9 copies have to be handed to National University Library.
  7. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from César Chávez in LIST OF PUBLICATIONS TO BE DISCARDED   
    Each legal entity creates a different, various type of documentation during the business. Often times a legal body needs to adopt its own Regulations that regulate certain activities within the institution. Regulations must be harmonized with the laws on Archives. Such laws on archives are enacted by the state and its public bodies.
    So, the people who run WTJWorg should know how to destroy the documentation that is scheduled for destruction after certain retention periods have passed. But there is documentation that must not be destroyed, but must exist permanently, as long as there is a legal entity. After the legal entity ceases to exist, there are rules that say that certain documentation must be submitted to a state archive for storage and safekeeping. Or the documentation is handed over to a new legal successor.
    The doctrines and teachings and traditions that are part of WTJWorg publications are likely to be among the documents that have no lasting value before legislation. Therefore, the publisher can independently decide to destroy everything that should no longer have any (spiritual, theological, moral, religious, doctrinal ... etc) significance for the average (or all) members of the organization.
    Certainly, that such kind of decision by WTJWorg, to destroy “spiritual food” that has “ceased to be true,” is dubious for a simple reason. For, then, every JW can rightly ask Pilate's question, "What is The Truth?" .."Why should I believe in a New Truth?" .... etc.
    Also, should any JW be required to separate (for destruction) from its private library any such publication, which no longer meets the WTJWorg criteria on the reliability of what is written and proclaimed to be “True”?
  8. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Kick_Faceinator in LIST OF PUBLICATIONS TO BE DISCARDED   
    Discarding books/data shouldn’t even be a topic of discussion for anyone teaching who is connected to Jesus Christ. You shouldn’t have to throw any teachings away if the branch teaching them was connected to the vine of Jesus Christ (John 15:5), they should have lasted forever as Jesus says those that teach who are in connection with him will have teachings that will last and never need to be changed/thrown away (John 15:16). The problem isn’t discarding the data, it’s way bigger in that, this proves the watchtower leadership hasn’t been connected to Jesus Christ in the first place. Their teachings are going rotten within a matter of a couple years and proves their publications are nothing more than farce.
    “Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.’” - Matthew 15:9
  9. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in LIST OF PUBLICATIONS TO BE DISCARDED   
    Donated money to publish these books?  Out the window.
    Is this is a sign of poverty?  Not for the leadership, but possibly for those who work endlessly to donate funds toward the earthly dreams of false teachers.  (Luke 4:5-7; Phil 3:19)
    Spiritual food once stored in a stuffy, moldy toolbox?  Sifted and tossed out.
    Is this a sign of spiritual famine?
    Amos 8:11 - Look, the days are coming -- this is the declaration of the Lord GOD -- when I will send a famine through the land: not a famine of bread or a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD.
    "You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed and placed and purposefully planted you, so that you would go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit will remain and be lasting, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you. 
    I am the Vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him bears much fruit, for [otherwise] apart from Me [that is, cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing."  John 15:16,5
    “But understand this, that in the last days dangerous times [of great stress and trouble] will come [difficult days that will be hard to bear]. 2 For people will be lovers of self [narcissistic, self-focused], lovers of money [impelled by greed], boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane, 3 [and they will be] unloving [devoid of natural human affection, calloused and inhumane], irreconcilable, malicious gossips, devoid of self-control [intemperate, immoral], brutal, haters of good, 4 traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of [sensual] pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 holding to a form of [outward] godliness (religion), although they have denied its power [for their conduct nullifies their claim of faith].
    Avoid such people and keep far away from them. 6 For among them are those who worm their way into homes and captivate morally weak and spiritually-dwarfed women weighed down by [the burden of their] sins, easily swayed by various impulses, 7 always learning and listening to anybody who will teach them, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”  2 Tim 3:1-7 AMP Bible
    Therefore, the Lord God says this,
    “Listen carefully, My servants will eat, but you will be hungry;
    Indeed, My servants will drink, but you will be thirsty;
    Indeed, My servants will rejoice, but you will be put to shame.”  Isa 65:13
    Famine and Thirst

  10. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Matthew9969 in LIST OF PUBLICATIONS TO BE DISCARDED   
    Gotta burn the evidence of what was truth is now a lie.
  11. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in SpaceX and Falling Debris   
    When there is a good interlocutor, like you, it is so simple and easy to go from the topic of artificial satellites and torn parts flying in Earth orbit to the topic of the persecution of Christians. :))
  12. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in SpaceX and Falling Debris   
    @César Chávez You appear to have some special reason or need to respond to others with vulgarity. You've done this to several people in the past, too. If "Pudgy" had been vulgar first, perhaps I missed it. Still, considering your claims to moral superiority over everyone, it seems a bit unseemly.
    This wasn't a topic under any religious heading or club, so I won't spell out Ephesians 5:3-4.
  13. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in SpaceX and Falling Debris   
    Are Cats For Christians
    "Is it appropriate for a Christian to own a cat in light of their past pagan religions affiliation and the new medical information that is now coming to light?"
    Many conscientious ones among Jehovah's people today have wondered if Christians should own cats in view of their sorted past and many health risks. What may be acceptable to one person may, although unintentionally, stumble another. This can become a life-or-death issue since to stumble a brother that Christ died for is tantamount to "putting a millstone around the neck and being thrown into the sea." Clearly our eternal salvation is involved.
    First let us consider what most scholars agree is the original Koine Greek for the English word "cat". Felos Domesticus meaning literally "a contemporary housecat with all of its beastly identifying characteristics and behavior." A faithful servant of Jehovah would quickly notice that the nature of a cat is "beastly". The bible makes clear reference to this condition when describing parts of Satan's organizations past and present. For instance the fearsome "beasts" as described in Daniel or the "scarlet colored wild beast" in Revelation. The demons entered the swine when rebuked by Jesus showing the potential harm and demon control that a Christian may potentially expose themselves and others too. Lest we forget the condition of God's enemy when being humbled by Jehovah, Nebuchadnessor. Is it by accident that the Bible describes his experience as a "beast" of the field? Hardly!
    Clearly the Bible by using this kind of Original Greek shows beyond a doubt that the basic nature of cats is evil or "beastlike". This is condition is reflected in the "Original Serpent", the "Great Dragon" Satan the devil!
    There are numerous reasons why a loyal dedicated servant of God should use their Bible-trained conscience to arrive at a proper understanding of why cats are not for Christians.
    Consider the following facts.
    It was a common practice in ancient Egypt to worship or idolize cats as "gods". As Christians we are to "guard ourselves from idols" and "worship no other gods". Such feline influence could lead to idolatry and thereby "grieve Jehovah's Spirit" with tragic consequences. May we never take for granted Jehovah's wise council!
    The Bible does not say that cats were not present at Herod's birthday party when John the Baptizer was beheaded. History shows that cats were most likely present at this tragic party that Jehovah did not approve of. Clearly then, as loyal Christians, why would we even want to associate with animals that are without a doubt of such bad influence, remembering that "bad associations spoil useful habits"? To invite cats in our house is to toy with disaster. Can one deny that the chance exists that the same grave consequences could visit your home that fell upon John the Baptiser? Clearly, God disapproved of this "birthday" party. Should we not then disapprove of cats the way God does? Surely!
    Throughout history, particularly in the middle ages and reaching its climax in the Salem Which trials of the 1600's, cats were recognized as carriers if not direct incarnates of demons. Since cats were associated with the devil, could we as faithful and dedicated servants of God therefore associate ourselves with a "living symbol" of satanic incarnation? How would this reflect on Gods name and his earthly organization? Would we want to be associated with a symbol of Satan, the "god of this system of things"?
    Nowhere in the Bible are any type of cats spoken of in favorable terms. In fact was it not lions of the first century who the Devil used to devour faithful Christians? Jehovah Himself "Stopped up the mouths of the lions" in Daniel's day. True, the small housecats of today are not lions, but being of the same cursed animal family used by Gods enemies on numerous occasions throughout history, would it be wise or appropriate to own one? In addition, by owing any type of cat (feline), would we not give an appearance of condoning their evil deeds throughout recorded Bible and secular history? The Bible makes clear that God's people are "no part of this world" and that we are "not to share in the sins of others."
    The scriptures clearly indicate that neither Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, faithful Job, the Apostles or Jesus himself owned a cat. Should we simply assume that this is a mere coincidence? Surely not! This was most likely because they didn't want to be like the Pagan contemporaries of their day who showed no regard for how God feels about owning a cat. In harmony with the pattern set by the faithful prophets and peoples of old, surely it would not be fitting for a Christian today to own a cat.
    Finally, cats are unclean animals. Recently the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced that "Cats…can shed Salmonella in their feces, which can spread the bacterial infection to humans…" Salmonella (salmonella typhimurium) creates a condition of "week-long diarrhea…abdominal cramps… and in some instances, hospitalization." Would we be showing the proper respect to our life, Creator and to our "neighbor" by exposing ourselves and others to this potentially deadly disease?
    Additionally, cats practice many unclean habits not fitting a Christian: Coughing up furballs, licking inappropriate body areas, urination on the floor, eating dead animals often with their blood, sexual misconduct without the benefit of marriage, abuse of catnip an intoxicating herb, and stealing food from the table, just to name a few. What sort of example does this give our young ones endeavoring to serve Jehovah? The Bible clearly shows that "neither fornicators….nor thieves will…inherit the Kingdom." In addition, the Apostle Paul admonishes us to "quit mixing in company" with such unclean ones. Although Paul was speaking primarily about Christians who fell into sin, there is no reason to conclude that this Inspired Biblical principle can not be applied to association with cats. Uncleanness in any form is condemned by Jehovah and the fact that the Apostle Paul made no distinction when it came to associating with housecats proves beyond a doubt that loyal Christians must avoid all association with all sources of uncleanness which would logically include animals that harbor such practices.
    Are we not grateful for Gods viewpoint on such matters? True worshipers follow closely Gods mandates on cleanness to their eternal benefit! Sister Catless tells us that since getting rid of her cat, she has not had to be preoccupied with cleaning the litterbox or the burden of purchasing cat food. This has allowed her to spend more time to go pioneering and finds that it is now easier to meet her allotted hours in field service.
    Pudgy's Guardian, Brother Dognow puts it this way, "I'm so grateful that God's organization is kept clean! It has freed me from the burden of owning a cat and all the pitfalls that go with it. I hope all the brothers will realize how the Devil subtly uses cats to corrupt and distract us from the preaching work." (Matt. 24:14)
    What fine examples of faithfulness! As loyal followers of Jehovah's thinking on this matter, we can rejoice in the fact that in the new system, the "Lion will lie down with the lamb". Yes, when Satan is finely abyssed the "beastly" nature of felines will be gone! But until that soon approaching time, God will reward all of our efforts to maintain integrity by loyally submitting to the leading of his spirit through the "Faithful and discreet slave".
    I personally LIKE cats ... they are crunchy and good with ketchup!
  14. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in SpaceX and Falling Debris   
    Does your church have an official position on cats and debris, so you have to defend it in front of "stupid people"? :))
  15. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in SpaceX and Falling Debris   
  16. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from JW Insider in SpaceX and Falling Debris   
    I recently watched a documentary about it. It’s actually scary how much garbage/junk (debris) is circulating around the Earth.

    1902_006_AR_EN.mp4 1902_006_AR_EN.mp4
  17. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in SpaceX and Falling Debris   
    That shouldn't be a surprise, but it is (to me anyway). That's over 18,000 pieces of debris. Of course, most of these either burn up or land on ocean water.
  18. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in DOES GOD HAVE AN ORGANIZATION?   
    Did Jesus regularly visiting Temple and Synagogues, led by Jew Priesthood, and humbly obey lessons given by Priesthood?  
    If He didn't, than we can rightly speaking about that how He rejected Temple and all what Temple representing to Jew people. He expected from people to follow Him, and not Temple and Priesthood in Temple. By that He also showed how He rejecting Temple.
  19. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    Should the JW member submit to GB at All Cost? 
    If you advocate the autonomy and independence of an individual or group or WTJWorg Corporation to resist the bad laws of “secular authorities,” then you should allow the same for JW members who need to be able to discern what is wrong with GB leadership and their doctrines and instructions.
    Perhaps because Vatican is "all authority".
    The Vatican City State, also known as The Vatican, became independent from Italy with the Lateran Treaty (1929), and it is a distinct territory under "full ownership, exclusive dominion, and sovereign authority and jurisdiction" of the Holy See, itself a sovereign entity of international law, which maintains the city state's temporal, diplomatic, and spiritual independence. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vatican_City
    Hmm! GB with their lawyers have deceptive words in their mouth as they presents themselves on JW TV and in Courts...
    ...and they do threat their "accusers" with; human rights, OSCE, UN, and "worldly" Courts, asking for "justice" from "secular judges", and not from - "him who judges justly". If GB is called to suffer in the same manner as Jesus, then why GB fight for their "property"* (in Russia or anywhere else)? Why not to be jailed and patiently wait for JHVH? Why JW fight against "bad governments" and not follow Jesus example who did not seek to be acquitted of unjust charges and released? 
    * according to WT publications, "property" includes all material and spiritual assets and resources, including people, JW members
  20. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    Should the JW member submit to GB at All Cost? 
    If you advocate the autonomy and independence of an individual or group or WTJWorg Corporation to resist the bad laws of “secular authorities,” then you should allow the same for JW members who need to be able to discern what is wrong with GB leadership and their doctrines and instructions.
    Perhaps because Vatican is "all authority".
    The Vatican City State, also known as The Vatican, became independent from Italy with the Lateran Treaty (1929), and it is a distinct territory under "full ownership, exclusive dominion, and sovereign authority and jurisdiction" of the Holy See, itself a sovereign entity of international law, which maintains the city state's temporal, diplomatic, and spiritual independence. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vatican_City
    Hmm! GB with their lawyers have deceptive words in their mouth as they presents themselves on JW TV and in Courts...
    ...and they do threat their "accusers" with; human rights, OSCE, UN, and "worldly" Courts, asking for "justice" from "secular judges", and not from - "him who judges justly". If GB is called to suffer in the same manner as Jesus, then why GB fight for their "property"* (in Russia or anywhere else)? Why not to be jailed and patiently wait for JHVH? Why JW fight against "bad governments" and not follow Jesus example who did not seek to be acquitted of unjust charges and released? 
    * according to WT publications, "property" includes all material and spiritual assets and resources, including people, JW members
  21. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    @WyattEarp = Billy the Kid = CC. You accuse @Witness of things but show no proof.
    However, This Christian also implicates God as a liar. Therefore, God’s words should be invalid by “witness” standards since it contradicts scripture and God. Ironically, by the same means, she has advocated in the past at every turn of her arguments. Do NOT follow, men! Follow Her! A Woman, instead 
     So WE / BtK / CC show us exacty where @Witness implicates God as a liar AND show us exactly where @Witness says follow her.  
    @Witness has never said people should go to war. That was JTR that said war was not murder. 
    WT, using one more aka does you no good at all. You are still a trouble maker that twists people's comments. A bit like TTH.
    Read the instruction from Jesus recorded at Matthew 5 : 38 through 45
     “You heard that it was said: ‘Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.’a 39  However, I say to you: Do not resist the one who is wicked, but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him.b 40  And if a person wants to take you to court and get possession of your inner garment, let him also have your outer garment;c 41  and if someone in authority compels you into service for a mile, go with him two miles. 42  Give to the one asking you, and do not turn away from one who wants to borrow from you.d43  “You heard that it was said: ‘You must love your neighbore and hate your enemy.’ 44  However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemiesf and to pray for those who persecute you,g 45  so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens,h since he makes his sun rise on both the wicked and the good and makes it rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous.
    This instruction was given to those followers of Jesus that were to become Anointed ones, as verse 45 shows. Also verse 48 proves the point.
     You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
    However, some of you believe that it applies to everyone, so why don'tyou live by it ? And if you believe your GB are anointed then why don't they live by it ? 
    Jesus words were direct 
    Do not resist the one who is wicked,  Give to the one asking you, Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you.
    I don't see it mentioning suing people for using a song or for uploading videos. I don't see it mentioning using dishonest lawyers to tell lies in court rooms. I don't see it mentioning resisting the payment of compensation for CSA commited by pedophile Elders and M/s.
    Oh how your GB are turning their backs on God and Christ, just to keep their own power over people, and to keep that idol W/t / JW Org running. 
  22. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    Should the JW member submit to GB at All Cost? 
    If you advocate the autonomy and independence of an individual or group or WTJWorg Corporation to resist the bad laws of “secular authorities,” then you should allow the same for JW members who need to be able to discern what is wrong with GB leadership and their doctrines and instructions.
    Perhaps because Vatican is "all authority".
    The Vatican City State, also known as The Vatican, became independent from Italy with the Lateran Treaty (1929), and it is a distinct territory under "full ownership, exclusive dominion, and sovereign authority and jurisdiction" of the Holy See, itself a sovereign entity of international law, which maintains the city state's temporal, diplomatic, and spiritual independence. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vatican_City
    Hmm! GB with their lawyers have deceptive words in their mouth as they presents themselves on JW TV and in Courts...
    ...and they do threat their "accusers" with; human rights, OSCE, UN, and "worldly" Courts, asking for "justice" from "secular judges", and not from - "him who judges justly". If GB is called to suffer in the same manner as Jesus, then why GB fight for their "property"* (in Russia or anywhere else)? Why not to be jailed and patiently wait for JHVH? Why JW fight against "bad governments" and not follow Jesus example who did not seek to be acquitted of unjust charges and released? 
    * according to WT publications, "property" includes all material and spiritual assets and resources, including people, JW members
  23. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    A)... perhaps because they are the only ones this world has at its disposal?
    B)....the issue of environmental pollution is not so important, because it is God's job to clean up our mess ... one day ..... isn't it?
  24. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    Statement of Dr Massimo Introvigne, Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office on Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination, also Focusing on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians and Members of Other Religions HDIM, Warsaw, October 4, 2011
    I came to this mandate with a background not as a politician or a diplomat, but with some thirty years of experience as a sociologist of religion and religious liberty activist. Those who came in touch with me this year would probably agree that this background may involve both advantages and disadvantages. The mandate is broad, and the time is short. I will limit myself to four remarks about four main areas of the mandate.
    1. Racism. Social theory teaches us that economic crises generate stereotyping and scapegoating of minorities, easily degenerating into racism. Recent experience shows that this stereotyping is unfortunately not limited to marginal racist organizations, but occasionally contaminates mainline political speech. Intolerance should not be tolerated, be it intolerance against immigrants, refugees, women or any other minority. Working with NGOs and civil society is particularly important in this field, and several NGOs gave us a real treasure of information, particularly during our country visits.
    2. Roma and Sinti issues. The growth of intolerance against Roma and Sinti communities is also in part a consequence of the international economic crisis. Two main aims of the mandate have been to involve directly Roma organizations in any international and domestic discussion about their community, and to facilitate conversations between the same Roma organizations, ODIHR specialized personnel, and some participating States. At least with respect to certain States, some real progress has been made, although visits to settlements and communities in several countries confirmed that much remains to be done.
    3. Members of other religions. I fully understood my mandate not to be only about Christians, and recently had a significant meeting with leaders of the Sikh community in what is now the largest European Sikh temple, in Northern Italy. They report that problems still exist, but their situation has significantly improved in several participating States. I also interacted with so called traditional or "tribal" religions, particularly - in conversation with the World Intellectual Property Organization and other relevant actors in this field - in connection with one of their concerns, the protection of their "traditional knowledge" through the use, and the prevention of possible misuse, of intellectual property. But I also tried not to forget the non-traditional religions and experiences, by meeting representatives of both new religious movements and of secular humanist organizations, which are struggling for appropriate forms of legal recognitions in some countries.
    4. Christians. The September 12, 2011 conference on hate crimes against Christians in Rome, with its quite high attendance, confirmed that these crimes are a matter of great international concern. The spiral of intolerance against Christians can be described through a three-step model. First comes intolerance, a cultural phenomenon. Second, discrimination, a legal process. Third, hate crimes. The social actors involved in the three steps are obviously different. But there is a slippery slope from the first step to the second and from the second to the third. I am very much aware that my role as Representative is not to be a spokesperson for any Christian church or community. But it involves hearing their claims and complaints, checking the facts, and discussing these claims with the relevant participating states. It should be recognized that not all claims should be accepted at face value. Christian churches and communities may have been responsible of hurting local sensitivities in different ways. But it is also a fact that intolerance against Christians is growing in many countries and regions.
    My mandate is about building bridges. Bridges between countries. Bridges between religions. Bridges between religions and governments. Bridges between believers and unbelievers. Bridges between those who cherish the religious heritages of their countries and those who cherish traditions of separation between church and state.
    Bridges are also about friendship. Let me conclude by mentioning that in this year I saw professional acquaintances grow into real friendships with personnel of OSCE , ODIHR and the Lithuanian chairmanship, women and men of great professional capabilities and moral integrity. For this, I am particularly grateful.
    GB and JW representatives refuse any dialogue with representatives of other religions (except perhaps when they communicate through real estate agents while selling KH to another “fake” religion).
    In this aspect, Massimo argues that he builds bridges between religions.
    Is “building bridges between religions” something JWs want? From what we know the answer is, No. But WTJWorg GB doesn't mind, for now, that Massimo Introvigne wants to achieve exctly that with his work.
    WTJWorg complains that others (whole world) are intolerant of them and discriminate and hate them. Well, can’t the same be found in a JW assembly whose members refuse to greet a former member when they meet on the street? Not greeting someone you know is not only rude and unkind, it is intolerant, discriminatory and hateful. It is the demolition, the burning of bridges.
  25. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    Statement of Dr Massimo Introvigne, Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office on Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination, also Focusing on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians and Members of Other Religions HDIM, Warsaw, October 4, 2011
    I came to this mandate with a background not as a politician or a diplomat, but with some thirty years of experience as a sociologist of religion and religious liberty activist. Those who came in touch with me this year would probably agree that this background may involve both advantages and disadvantages. The mandate is broad, and the time is short. I will limit myself to four remarks about four main areas of the mandate.
    1. Racism. Social theory teaches us that economic crises generate stereotyping and scapegoating of minorities, easily degenerating into racism. Recent experience shows that this stereotyping is unfortunately not limited to marginal racist organizations, but occasionally contaminates mainline political speech. Intolerance should not be tolerated, be it intolerance against immigrants, refugees, women or any other minority. Working with NGOs and civil society is particularly important in this field, and several NGOs gave us a real treasure of information, particularly during our country visits.
    2. Roma and Sinti issues. The growth of intolerance against Roma and Sinti communities is also in part a consequence of the international economic crisis. Two main aims of the mandate have been to involve directly Roma organizations in any international and domestic discussion about their community, and to facilitate conversations between the same Roma organizations, ODIHR specialized personnel, and some participating States. At least with respect to certain States, some real progress has been made, although visits to settlements and communities in several countries confirmed that much remains to be done.
    3. Members of other religions. I fully understood my mandate not to be only about Christians, and recently had a significant meeting with leaders of the Sikh community in what is now the largest European Sikh temple, in Northern Italy. They report that problems still exist, but their situation has significantly improved in several participating States. I also interacted with so called traditional or "tribal" religions, particularly - in conversation with the World Intellectual Property Organization and other relevant actors in this field - in connection with one of their concerns, the protection of their "traditional knowledge" through the use, and the prevention of possible misuse, of intellectual property. But I also tried not to forget the non-traditional religions and experiences, by meeting representatives of both new religious movements and of secular humanist organizations, which are struggling for appropriate forms of legal recognitions in some countries.
    4. Christians. The September 12, 2011 conference on hate crimes against Christians in Rome, with its quite high attendance, confirmed that these crimes are a matter of great international concern. The spiral of intolerance against Christians can be described through a three-step model. First comes intolerance, a cultural phenomenon. Second, discrimination, a legal process. Third, hate crimes. The social actors involved in the three steps are obviously different. But there is a slippery slope from the first step to the second and from the second to the third. I am very much aware that my role as Representative is not to be a spokesperson for any Christian church or community. But it involves hearing their claims and complaints, checking the facts, and discussing these claims with the relevant participating states. It should be recognized that not all claims should be accepted at face value. Christian churches and communities may have been responsible of hurting local sensitivities in different ways. But it is also a fact that intolerance against Christians is growing in many countries and regions.
    My mandate is about building bridges. Bridges between countries. Bridges between religions. Bridges between religions and governments. Bridges between believers and unbelievers. Bridges between those who cherish the religious heritages of their countries and those who cherish traditions of separation between church and state.
    Bridges are also about friendship. Let me conclude by mentioning that in this year I saw professional acquaintances grow into real friendships with personnel of OSCE , ODIHR and the Lithuanian chairmanship, women and men of great professional capabilities and moral integrity. For this, I am particularly grateful.
    GB and JW representatives refuse any dialogue with representatives of other religions (except perhaps when they communicate through real estate agents while selling KH to another “fake” religion).
    In this aspect, Massimo argues that he builds bridges between religions.
    Is “building bridges between religions” something JWs want? From what we know the answer is, No. But WTJWorg GB doesn't mind, for now, that Massimo Introvigne wants to achieve exctly that with his work.
    WTJWorg complains that others (whole world) are intolerant of them and discriminate and hate them. Well, can’t the same be found in a JW assembly whose members refuse to greet a former member when they meet on the street? Not greeting someone you know is not only rude and unkind, it is intolerant, discriminatory and hateful. It is the demolition, the burning of bridges.
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