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Srecko Sostar

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    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in JW ELDER SAYS I AM DISFELLOWSHIPPED ??????????? :)   
    @TrueTomHarley  I honestly cannot make any sense from your sarcastic comment so I will try to break it down to reason on it.
    online hate campaign    Romans 12 :9  "Love must be sincere. Detest what is evil; cling to what is good." 
    I hate what should be hated.   But i close no doors.  My wife knows that i have a love for God and Christ. She also knows the truth about the Watchtower Soc  / GB / JW Org.  
    Tom this honestly makes no sense to me.  When I was a JW my behaviour was polite and loving to all in the congregation, except the Elders.  I treated the Elders with caution but not rudeness.  Then i did three months research, and through prayer and personal Bible study, I came to my own conclution as to what i must do.  Knowing that the Elders would disapprove of my action and would announce by their 'normal method', I privately told a few brothers individually, of my plan to leave the Org, and gave them my reasons.  I then emailed my resignation to as many elders as possible giving them my reasons for leaving.  
    Your comment seems to be mixing up my time in the congregation, with my time on here.  There is no connection between the two.  Of course people presume that i was disfellowshipped, that is the whole idea, from your GB, to announce it from the platform as the Elders do.  And this Elder that phoned my wife made it very clear that it is for that purpose.  Because the Elders, taking instruction from the GB, through the ranks, are told to make it look so.  
    is to accuse.  I think what I've done in many instances, is to state facts.  And in many cases I've used scripture from God's word to prove things.  
    Jehovah’s organization. That is a matter of oppinion.  The Nation of Israel was God's chosen nation, BUT we all know that said nation did not serve God properly. To the extent that they murdered Jesus Christ, and God had that Nation destroyed physically and spiritually.  So just because an organisation gives itself a name that represents God, it does not mean that said organistion is serving God properly, or that said organisation has the approval of God or Christ. 
    You mock my idea of a True Anointed, but you know that I am not anointed, nor do I pretend to be.  So, i am not pushing myself forward, i am not saying I am special. Unlike the GB who DO push themselves forward by stating that only they are the F&DS, and only they are God's spokesperson on Earth, and only they should be believed, WHILST they are  treading down all of their Fellow Slaves, as mentioned in scripture. 
    Coffee time.  Have a good day Tom.   Christian love to all. 
  2. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in JW ELDER SAYS I AM DISFELLOWSHIPPED ??????????? :)   
    Such a (faithful and discreet) slave is appointed by Christ, to provide spiritual provisions (Matt 24:45; 7:17,19; John 15:8). 
    Yet Jesus asks us to contemplate... "Who really  is?" 
    It would obviously not be the ones touting the claim...
                 (and enforcing it with persecution by an army of Gentile "elders" 
    -        Zech 4:6,14; Jer 17:5; Luke 12:45; Rev 9:3; 13:15( 
    ...but rather, the ones really providing the proper food (scriptural truth) at the proper time (alert and awake as to the hour of need); though not laying claim to such a distinction (John 7:18)... knowing that this stature can only be bestowed and affirmed by Christ, upon his return (John 8:18; 16:13-15; Rev 22:6,7; Matt 24:46,47; Luke 12:37-43). 
     The FDS would also be those who provide the spiritual food according to the method  Jesus indicated.
    What method is that?
    Rather than being clearly announced, extolled, and possessing an established place (Matt 24:23; Luke 21:8; Matt 24:26);
    as Christ's representatives (2 Cor 5:20; 13:3; Rom 15:17,18; Luke 12:3; Matt 10:27,30), they would simply be "flashing" "light" around the globe (Matt 24:26-28; 5:14; John 8:12). 
    "Eagles" would have to use their keen discernment to search out these "slain ones"/"carcass" (“killed” for their testimony of Christ Rev 13:15; Rev 11:3,7)  (Mark 8:35; Rev 6:9,11; 12:11; Matt 24:28; Rev 12:14,6; 11:3,8). 
    They would be recognized by their true/fine fruit....not by a menacing self-proclamation. (Matt 7:20; Mal 3:18)
    The true "light"/"food" would be sourced in the true vine (John 15:4,5), and this light of truth would be a manifestation of Christ himself, unified with his faithful cloud (John 16:13,14; 14:26; Rev 11:3; Matt 10:27; Luke 12:12; 21:15; Mark 13:26; Heb 12:1; Matt 25:31; Heb 2:5,16)
    Pearl Doxsey  https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2014/08/who-really-is-matt2445.html
  3. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in JW ELDER SAYS I AM DISFELLOWSHIPPED ??????????? :)   
    What sin has the man committed that requires a change of heart?  Is it for leaving the organization?  That is not found as a sin in the Bible.  God is not an organization, and an organization is not Almighty God.  Why do JWs compare God to a man made corporation?  Are you counting God as equal to the organization?  This is idolatry.  Isa 46: 5
    Now, that is a grave sin.
    The disgusting thing stands in the Temple of God, where it doesn't belong. (Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2)  Who rules over the anointed "living stones"/Temple of God? (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17) The abomination that causes desolation is in the face of all JWs.  4Jah and his wife are wise to leave the organization behind.  (Matt 24:15,16)
    “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. 23 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ (meaning "anointed") or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time."  (Matt 24:22-25)
  4. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in JW ELDER SAYS I AM DISFELLOWSHIPPED ??????????? :)   
    If you say this about me, then you also say this about my wife, because the main reason of this topic is to prove how this Elder treated my wife.  It was Me that first answered the phone, but He asked to speak to my wife. If his interest was for me then he could have spoken to me directly.  But he was a coward.  
    However none of it makes me mad. I said it is of concern to me.  It does however give me more grounds to distrust him and other Elders. 
  5. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in JW ELDER SAYS I AM DISFELLOWSHIPPED ??????????? :)   
    I am not scoffing, but when an organisation cries wolf many times and there is no wolf, then trust runs out.
    I know it's coming, but it's coming  'as a thief in the night'  and we do not know 'the day or the hour'.  So i don't think an Elder should say it is months not years. As i said we will continue to disagree. 
    WW1 happened because of the invention of machines, vehicles, aeroplanes, bombs, machine guns, all improved weapons of war, so it made war easier and more able to cover larger areas. 
    Lockdown is due to a virus, either man made or accidental. But lockdown is because of the knoledge of how the virus spreads and therefore trying to stop it.  
    I will not read into things to try to pretend they represent phrophecy ........... 
  6. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in JW ELDER SAYS I AM DISFELLOWSHIPPED ??????????? :)   
    That is so funny  .   Then it seems you believe he has the authority to condemn me. 
    Why would i need to 'have a change of heart' about the sins commited by the GB and all those supporting the GB ? 
    Arauna, I love God and Christ, but i do not need to be judged by Elders of the Watchtower / JW org. 
    It seems that 'time has been running out' since 1914 according to the Watchtower / JW Org. 
    Of course i believe in the coming Judgement / Armageddon, because that is from scripture, not from the GB  / Org. But it is not the Elder's place to pretend he knows when the End is coming.  My wife may be deeply worried now when she really has no need to worry.  My faith is in God through Christ, and that is how I will be judged. 
  7. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in JW ELDER SAYS I AM DISFELLOWSHIPPED ??????????? :)   
    This is of no concern to me BUT it did upset my wife. And when an Elder upsets my wife THAT IS of concern to me. 
    An Elder phoned today asking to speak to my wife. I called my wife to the phone then I left the room.  The phone conversation was quite long and during that conversation the Elder said to my wife that I am disfellowshipped. My wife replied that I wasn't disfellowshipped but that i had disassociated myself from the Organisation. The Elder replied "It all means the same to us". 
    Just think on that for a while. ...........  That Elder has basically condemned me to death....  Then at the end of the phone call he said he may phone me to try to talk me into going back.  Oh dear.  Does he really think he has any authority from God ? 
    But my point is, that this is PROOF positive of how Elders think and act.  This is not theory, it's FACT. Elders really believe they have some authority from God, to condemn to death or to reprieve. 
    We NEED God through Christ to provide a True Anointed remnant to guide an Organisation to serve God properly, before the Judgement arrives..  
    Update :  Having had further conversation with my wife about the phone call, she tells me that the Elder said (concerning Armageddon) "It's not years away, it's months away". ... So it seems this Elder  has special insight, he seems to know the 'day and the hour'  But no. In reality it's just another threat.  He was trying to frighten my wife. Such a cowardly thing to do. THIS IS HOW Elders work. 
  8. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in SECULAR EVIDENCE and NEO-BABYLONIAN CHRONOLOGY (Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, etc.)   
    I find your words to be dishonest and manipulative. You pretend that there are "respective chronologies" represented here. There is only one chronology represented here. All the referenced sources, dozens of them, give mostly consistent opinions about a single chronology. It's a single chronology that all of them consider definitive enough to pinpoint the various deportation, destruction, and construction events. They understand the meaning of a "definitive" or "Absolute NB Chronology" or else there would be no structure for all of them to agree upon the dates of those events, within a year or two.
    Opinions about which of those fixed dates should be interpreted as important to the 70 years prophecy doesn't change the archaeological evidence for a fixed chronology, that all of them accept.
    If after all these years, you do not yet understand why scholars might consider either or both of these two dates, then you are being dishonest in associating yourself with the word scholar. I note that several persons have explained it to you over the years, but you still claim to be vexed and troubled over why this 12 month difference is possible. And it's such a simple explanation, too. The scholars who state a preference for either 586 or 587 are not confused, why are you?
    Making such a ludicrous statement is just evidence that you are hoping to play to a stupid audience. Is there a margin of error in the archaeological evidence over which year was Nebuchadnezzar's 18th regnal year? You are trying to fool people. Personally, I couldn't care less if the NB Chronology is "absolute" or not, but you still need to go back to your books if you still don't know what the term "absolute" means with respect to a chronological timeline. I'm sure that the reason you will never give the historian's definition or archaeologist's definition is because you know that the term can be used to manipulate prejudice among those who won't look it up for themselves. But this has already been looked up for you in this very topic, and the last time you brought it up under a different topic, and another time before that. So it's hard for me to believe that this is merely incompetence. What else could it be, but another example of dishonesty and manipulation?
    Again, you are playing to the prejudices of people you must think are too stupid to look up information for themselves. You admit the 20 year gap between the archaeological evidence and an interpretation, and call that twenty year gap "no 'margin of error.'" Yet the Watchtower admits this gap in evidence and claims that such evidence might still show up someday in the future.
    *** kc p. 187 Appendix to Chapter 14 ***
    Or, even if the discovered evidence is accurate, it might be misinterpreted by modern scholars or be incomplete so that yet undiscovered material could drastically alter the chronology of the period.
    After admitting that the evidence is strong, and consistent, the only hope is that it's being misinterpreted or that "yet undiscovered material" could drastically alter the chronology. And yet, there are thousands of pieces of material that consistently fix the NB chronology, and new material has been published since the time that statement was made. Unfortunately, it just keeps supporting and bolstering the exact same timeline -- no exceptions. After 10,000 pieces of evidence, is there really any hope that new material will produce the drastic changes the WTS needs?
    Even the WTS interpretation of the 70 years is not set in stone. The same book says:
    *** kc p. 189 Appendix to Chapter 14 ***
    It seems evident that the easiest and most direct understanding of the various Biblical statements is that the 70 years began with the complete desolation of Judah after Jerusalem was destroyed.
    And, of course, if you really study the various Bible statements, most people (according to your sources) see that this is NOT the most direct understanding of the various Bible statements. And even if it were, that last quoted statement is meaningless unless the WTS wanted to use the 70 year reference of Zechariah which most likely refers to about 586 to 516, plus or minus a couple years.
    There was a common thread among those last 8, the ones who differed from the usual 609/605 start and a 539 end. It was a rejection of the authority of the Bible. They often interpreted the 70 years as a prophecy that might not have even come from Jeremiah or the Chronicler, but which was supposedly imposed on the text from a much later date. Funny how those few exceptions you count on the most to promote uncertainty and doubt, actually got to those interpretations by rejecting the originality and authority of the Biblical text.
  9. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in 2020 Watchtower Service Report, Memorial Partakers   
    And only 8 are allowed to be the GB / F&DS ?   
    @TrueTomHarley  wonders where we mght find the True Anointed Remnant, to help Christ lead those people here on earth to God.   Tom there seems to be 21,182 to choose from. Well less 8 of course. 
    Just imagine that only half of those are True Anointed. That is, only half would serve God properly in the Last Days. 
    That is still over 10,000 people around the Earth that God through Christ could use.  There's the answer Tom and others that mock me. 
    Thank you @Srecko Sostar  for this good information.  
  10. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from vina sayers in 2020 Watchtower Service Report, Memorial Partakers   
    An excellent account about one of the key elements in WTJWorg theology - Memorial Partakers aka Anointed. Wherever you look, there is always something wrong with the Organization.
  11. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to AlanF in Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood   
    Sure I did. You're just too dumb to understand.
    I didn't say that, you moron.
    If you think he was truly open, then quote him about that.
    Of course, you won't.
    Here's a good video for you. It's animated, so you should be able to understand it:
  12. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in ZAZ - Belle (video about film Belle et Sebastien)   
    Thank you dear Witness!. I looked today this movie on TV. Beautiful landscapes, beautiful music.  It is very nice to have a happy family and good memories and hope. Greetings!  
  13. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in WHAT ARE PEOPLES EXPECTATIONS FOR 2021 AND WHAT PREPERATIONS ARE PEOPLE MAKING ?   
    I know that @Arauna and possibly others have some deep knowledge of 'things going on in the world'.  @Space Merchant is another that seems to have such knowledge.
    The UN, Agenda this and that ???  It all means nothing to me.  And I do not bother to dig, for I will not know truth from lies about such things. 
    The Virus, the Vaccine, the Lockdown..  Should God's servants accept the vaccine ?   If it becomes law, and God's word tells us to be obedient to the Superior Authorites, then who will accept the vaccine ?  Would not accepting it be disobeying God ?   The lockdown, once again being obediant to those who are, for this short while, allowed to have power over us. 
    The Judgement / Armageddon. Do people here expect it to happen very soon, or are there too many scriptures to be fulfilled first ?   What preperations are you making for these 'last days' if you think it is so ?  I think there is a scripture about money being worthless, so are you people reducing your material wealth and possesions ? 
    I am intending to reduce my material posssesions greatly this year. By doing so I was thinking to hold onto cash, but it may be that cash will be of no use. What then ? Stockpile food ? 
    Are any of you giving these things daily thought ?  You may reply that you rely on God, but does God actually want you to do nothing and to just rely on Him ?  Men are the head of their household. Parents have responsibility over their children.  Older children, even grown ups, have a responsibility to care for their older parents / relatives.  It can be a worry.
    My wife and i had a 'teabreak' at 4pm UK time. Just a cup of tea, a mince pie and a little chat. I was asking her for her thoughts on this coming year and if she has worriess. She keeps herself busy and doesn't show concern, but she said she is worried about the future and that's why she keeps busy, to take her mind off things. 
    This topic may seem to have little meaning, but it is about what we think and do on a daily basis. Bible study and prayer of course.  But what preperations we make for the immediate future whilst we wait on God, through Christ, to decide on the 'day and the hour'.  Are there physical things we can do to help us and others to survive the storm until we are judged ? 
  14. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to AlanF in Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood   
    Exactly. Up to about 1980, WTS writers were parroting Young-Earth Creationist writings including their so-called Flood Geology. These included the crackpot SDA writer George McCready Price and the founder of modern "Scientific Creationism" Henry Morris. Another interesting crackpot they used was Ivan Sanderson, who was one of their main sources of nonsense about "frozen mammoths" and such. Another was Henry Howorth, a mostly crackpot armchair explorer of the late 19th century who wrote the book "The Mammoth and the Flood", as well as other ridiculous works.
    A temperature of several hundred degrees below zero would have been required. Ivan Sanderson wrote about such nonsense in an early 1960s Saturday Evening Post article, which WTS writers quickly picked up on.
    All of this garbage is contradicted by actual discoveries of frozen animals, which were NOT "quick frozen". A 1970s discovery in Alaska permafrost was of an extinct bison that was killed and partly eaten by lions. One lion broke off a piece of molar in the frozen flesh.
    Recent discoveries in Siberia show how the freezing process worked: the summer sun melted potholes in the permafrost, leaving holes filled with cold water and mud, and often covered by thin vegetation. An animal would step on the surface, plunge into the mud/water, get stuck, then die and eventually freeze. Nothing particularly surprising.
    The famous Berezovka mammoth excavated by Russian scientists in the early 1900s is a good case in point: its remains indicated that it fell and broke a leg, then drowned, and gradually froze. WTS writers largely ignored the details and then used it as a prime example of "quick freezing".
    Good points!
  15. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in ZAZ - Belle (video about film Belle et Sebastien)   
    Thank you, Srecko.  I'll look for the movie!  What glorious scenery.   My oldest son is named Sebastian.  All of my sons have had the mountain experience thanks to their father; and spending weeks in their company, camping at the rivers that flowed from their summits.  This, when hardly strong enough to carry their packs on their backs.  To this day, it is Sebastian who traverses our mountains off-trail, as this little boy in the movie seems to love.  I hope for the day to be found faithful, and graced to spend time unrestrained, exploring a cleansed earth in the companionship of God's children.  ❤️
  16. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from JW Insider in A "Conversation" about 1914 as it appeared in the Watchtower's "1914-2014 Anniversary Celebration" issues.   
    If WTJWorg looks for parallel interpretation and making claim how "the dream" is illustration for God's Kingdom, than GB need to face the fact that they are actually claiming that God went mad at one point and was left without power over the Earth.
    Cameron: That’s all right. The Bible shows that Nebuchadnezzar lost his sanity, evidently for seven years. During that time, he was unable to rule as king. But at the end of the seven times, Nebuchadnezzar regained his sanity and started ruling again. *
    Jon: OK, I’m with you so far. But what does all of this have to do with God’s Kingdom and the year 1914?
    Cameron: In a nutshell, this prophecy has two fulfillments. The first fulfillment happened when King Nebuchadnezzar’s rulership was interrupted. The second fulfillment involved an interruption of God’s rulership. So it is this second fulfillment that is related to God’s Kingdom.
    Nebuchadnezzar = JHVH 
    JHVH Kingdom stopped to be (World's) Ultimate Power in 607 BCE, because of .....,  caused by...., lets read how Cameron explained this: 
    Cameron: In Bible times, the Israelite kings who ruled in Jerusalem were said to sit on “Jehovah’s throne.” * They represented God in governing his people. So the rulership of those kings  was really an expression of God’s rulership. In time, however, most of those kings became disobedient to God and most of their subjects followed suit. Because of the Israelites’ disobedience, God allowed them to be conquered by the Babylonians in 607 B.C.E. From that time on, no more kings represented Jehovah in Jerusalem. In that sense, then, God’s rulership was interrupted. Are you with me so far?
    Kings in Jerusalem = JHVH, But they were conquered by Nebuchadnezzar = JHVH.
    Disobedient Kings, Jerusalem = Disobedient JHVH conquered by Mad Nebuchadnezzar = Mad JHVH.
    Are you still with Cameron so far? :))
    Another thing is for massive consideration. If by any chance JHVH lost his power over Earth in 607 BCE than he also lost his power over Heaven too, because of same reason, and that is his "madness", what ever that could be.
    If, by WTJWorg interpretations, JHVH regained his Power in 1914 CE, than question is; Who gave to Jesus Whole Power on Heaven and Earth in 33 CE ??? 
  17. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in ZAZ - Belle (video about film Belle et Sebastien)   
  18. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Neighbours becoming enemies   
    @Space Merchant   I do not trouble myself with trying to know what the governemt is doing.  Neither do I trouble myself with what the UN is doing.  We know that the whole world is in the power of the devil, and we know that the Judgement must come. We also know that things will get much worse around the earth because the devil know he has only a short time left. Do you want me to live in fear ?  
    The Virus and the Vaccine.  Here there might be a problem.  The scriptures say we should obey the superior authorities unless they contradict God's laws. UK law says Lockdown, so we lockdown.  Now if the vaccine is made law then it would seem we should obey that law.  What is your oppinion on this ?   Do you disobey your superior authorities ? 
    I have suggested to my wife that the UK governemt may, in the future, 'run out of money'.  We receive pension payments, which could stop.  I have also thought that luxuries will lose their value so I'm looking at reducing my quantity of materal possesions.  BUT, then real 'cash' may soon be removed, everything may be by electronic payment, so we could loose control of our bank accounts ?????   Am i expected to live in fear ??? 
    My only hope is that God, through Jesus Christ, will provide a True Annointed remnant to give honest hearted ones guidance in how to stay true to God.  Then whatever the devil may bring against God's people, it will not prevail. 
  19. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Watchtowers BLASPHEMY and the idolatry of Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    It's very true, but JWs deliberately blind themselves to it all.  Unfortunately JWs have made it their way of life to serve the GB through the Watchtower / JW Org / CCJW.  They even baptise their new recruits into the JW organisation.  Then the new ones are encouraged to cut off all ties with their outside friends. The GB demand complete dependability on them and the Org. They demand trust in 'men' not in God through Christ.  
  20. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Watchtowers BLASPHEMY and the idolatry of Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    This is a very short 3 1/2 minute video.  No speech is given, just written reasoning using the organization's own quotes.  
    Besides what the video presents, please consider this:
    "And just as a child seeks his parents' protection when a storm rages, we seek protection in Jehovah's organization" (w11 4/15 pp. 3-5)
    "We should also cling tightly to ‘our rock,’ Jehovah, as well as to his organization."  (w06/2/1 pg. 32)
    "There is no one like You among the gods, O Lord,
    Nor are there any works like Yours."   Ps 86:8
    "There is no one holy like the Lord,
    Indeed, there is no one besides You,
    Nor is there any rock like our God. " 1 Sam 2:2
    “Remember the former things long past,
    For I am God, and there is no other;
    I am God, and there is no one like Me"  Isa 46:9
    Where in the Word of God, does it state that we are obligated to attach ourselves to an earthly mess of an organization?  Where does it state that God and the Wt. go hand in hand?  In the light of its sins of child abuse and trampling down of the anointed ones(2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2), look what your organization boasts:
    "For example, the Bible says of Jehovah: “The Rock, perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. 
    Because Jehovah’s servants follow divine, not human, standards, his organization is theocratic, clean, and wholesome."   (w 98/9/1 pg 13
  21. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in SECULAR EVIDENCE and NEO-BABYLONIAN CHRONOLOGY (Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, etc.)   
    OK. It's 2021 now, I will move on to the second part of your answer, which is even more incorrect.
    I asked:
    Outside of the Watchtower publications, JWs or Adventists who defend an inherited chronology, can you give me a reference for any "Exilic scholar" who thinks it was more than 50 years between Jerusalem's destruction and Babylon's downfall by Cyrus? Can you show any "exilic scholar" who thinks that Jerusalem was destroyed within 2 years of 607? Can you show any "exilic scholar" who thinks that Jerusalem was NOT destroyed within 2 years of 587?
    You answered:
    JSTOR gives me a couple of references that show you are wrong. The first is : https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.15699/jbl.1371.2018.222705
    The End of Exile: The Reception of Jeremiah's Prediction of a Seventy-Year Exile Author(s): Steven M. Bryan Source: Journal of Biblical Literature , Vol. 137, No. 1 (Spring 2018), pp. 107-126
    I quote from page 108, where Bryan shows no problem with the following date for the destruction of Jerusalem:
    ". . . the destruction of Jerusalem in 587/86" (p.108)
    He is also aware that some scholars have made a point about the 70 year period from the (second exile and) destruction of the temple by Babylon (587/6) to the reconstruction in 516/515 since this also is a 70-year period (which he does not accept as the period referenced by Jeremiah, which he says had already been recognized as fulfilled.) [Note that C.F.Whitley, another example from Niles' "Appendix C" is a proponent of 586 BCE to 516 BCE, with full knowledge that 586 BCE refers to the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, and 516 to the reconstruction under Haggai/Zerubbabel.]
    So your reference to Steven M Bryan is a failure.
    Now to Rainer Albertz. Without looking, I have already come to trust that this was also just an empty claim.
    So, here it is. Not surprisingly, you failed at this one too. Here is his chronology from the book:
    Israel in Exile --The History and Literature of the Sixth Century B.C.E. by Rainer Albertz · 2003

    Note: "conquest of Jerusalem, 2d deportation (July / August 587)." He sees that the Bible chronology fits the standard archaeological foundation for the chronology. These dates are also 20 years off from the ones promoted by the Watchtower publications.
    Of course, I'm sure you already knew both of these attempts were failures before you even provided them.
  22. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to AlanF in Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood   
    True Tom Harley said:
    You should call up Fred Franz on the earth-heaven phone and instruct him that the dozens of books and magazines that discussed them at length should never have been published.
    The Publications Indexes contain dozens of references, such as "confirmation", which purport to use science to support the idea of an earthwide Flood. For example: w68 7/15 "Was There an Earthwide Flood?"
    For a thorough disproof of the Flood, and copious references to Watchtower material, see https://critiquesonthewatchtower.org/old-articles/2006/02/part-1-general-description-of-flood.html
    By your 'logic', Watchtower writers were not Bible teachers until about 1980. 
  23. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Neighbours becoming enemies   
    Out walking today I noticed how people are avoiding each other more then ever.  They look at each other as if they do not trust each other.  Of course the 'virus' may be the main problem but is it the only problem.  Naming it 'social distancing' did no help, but was that done deliberately.  It brought to mind the words from the scriptures 'like sheep without a shepherd'.  I often think it is my 'old age' that puts fear into me. When I was young I longed for 'excitement' but now I just want 'peace and security'.  It is impossible to separate happenings in this world from God's word..... 2021, a 'new year' but it will of course bring with it new problems.  I am in England but I care not about Brexit or politics, I care about people. Are any of you, in any country, noticing that neighbours are distancing more or becoming more suspicious of each other ?  Or is it just my frame of mind ? 
  24. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in SECULAR EVIDENCE and NEO-BABYLONIAN CHRONOLOGY (Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, etc.)   
    Niles, himself gives an overview of many past scholars, and he is not confused at all by the scholarship. First, of course, here are the dates he accepts, as seen in Appendix C. This applies to the second question, of course, as he is also an "Exilic" scholar, too. He apparently understands exactly how the standard dates align with the Bible chronology.

    Now you mentioned Appendix A, where Nles gives an idea of the broad range of views from scholars and Bible commentators, past and present. I don't see any of them confused about the chronology of those 70 years of Babylonian domination between about 609 to 539 (plus or minus a couple of years). Most of them chose that very chronology as the interpretation of Jeremiah's 70 years. Apparently every single one of them understood that chronology to be able to place the destruction of Jerusalem in 587-586 BCE, or the larger exile (e.g. Ezekiel, et al) from 598-597 BCE. Everyone has a right to their set of Biblical interpretations for the varying uses of the term "70 years" whether literal, close, symbolic, an approximation, or even believing (as Niles himself does) that various Bible writers may have used it to refer to multiple periods. But this does not imply any confusion about the chronology.
    Every one of them understood the chronology of the time of Babylonian domination, or they could not have all consistently put dates like the ones pictured above, on all the Judean events. I will repeat again: Apparently 100% of them used the date 587 or 586 for the destruction of Jerusalem. No confusion about the chronology, just different interpretations of which start and end dates to use within that fixed chronology. For those who don't know, I'll reproduce the columns from the first 3 pages:

    Did I mention this? Every one of the above accepts a chronology within a couple years of the standard chronology, and every one of the above accepts a chronology that is about 20 years different from the "special chronology" that the WTS promotes.
    (I add that last part about the 20-years difference, because there are people who think that 605 BCE, above, is only 2 years different from the WTS chronology of 607. It's actually 18 years different. Because the WTS publications present the above 605 date as 625 BCE.)
    The last 8 listed scholars from the final two pages (not included above) discuss variations of Biblical interpretation about the 70 years, but they are not at all confused about the chronology of the period of Babylonian years of domination in the region. I'll just pick any one of them to see what they say about the period of Babylonian domination:
    The first one, Anneli Aejmelaeus, we don't have to look up, because Niles already tells us she understands the significance of 587 BCE (Jeremiah 25) and 597 BCE.
    So I'll pick another and then look up whether Bryan and Albertz fit the criteria of dating the destruction of Jerusalem more than two years different than 587 BCE.
    Maybe next year, though. This should be my last post of 2020.
  25. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in SECULAR EVIDENCE and NEO-BABYLONIAN CHRONOLOGY (Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, etc.)   
    Someone named RR(?) was selling a book on eBay while making a claim it came from Tom Cabeen, implying it might have been printed on WT materials. I thought it was nearly impossible, having been there from 76 to 82. I got Cabeen's number through contact with his son (who went to college with my son). Cabeen was sure he had never seen the book before.
    Anyway, I asked Cabeen if he knew how COJ was doing healthwise. Cabeen didn't know for sure, but told me how sad it was that COJ only tried to do the right thing when one of his Bible Study "RV's" asked him about why the WTS uses this special chronology. COJ was sure it could be defended and did his best, but, of course, discovered what anyone would discover if they were being honest and thorough. I told Cabeen that when I was tagging along with Brother Schroeder's "entourage" for an International Convention tour in 1978 that I had to stay in Athens for some extra time while Bert Schroeder went to Wiesbaden. When I was supposed to catch up with him in Wiesbaden, I was told he had alread gone to Hamburg/Copenhagen/Stockholm for some meetings (no conventions) and without any of his small entourage. The rumor was that this was about the COJ manuscript, although I couldn't know absolutely for sure. We caught up again when he came back to Hamburg then on back to London and Brooklyn. 
    I told Cabeen this, and he already knew about part of it. I understand Cabeen might be biased, but he said that Schroeder had already determined to get COJ disfellowshiped several months before that convention trip. So I can believe that something like this happened with Gerard Gertoux. Gertoux seemed willing to discuss anything except 587 BCE, which made him suddenly clam up. 
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