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Srecko Sostar

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  1. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    Every interpretation may go in two directions. :)) We saw that already in WTJWorg. My interpretations or understanding are not obligated to accept and not obligated to obey. You are free to "question" me and my thoughts. :)) ..... because you are "created in the image of God". 
    The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.  For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God - 1 Cor 2
    Asking questions, with or without faith, doubts, caution, or to provoke it is not something unknown to God or to human. Why you see problem in that?
    The problem is not in the question but in the answer.
  2. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    I like this perspective about people's relations. It is true how our character can bring difficulties or easy time with different individuals. In general, and same is in JW congregations.
    We, ex JWs worked very hard to get this status :))) 
  3. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    Definition of equal  (Entry 1 of 3)
    1a(1): of the same measure, quantity, amount, or number as another (2): identical in mathematical value or logical denotation : EQUIVALENT b: like in quality, nature, or status c: like for each member of a group, class, or society provide equal employment opportunities 2: regarding or affecting all objects in the same way : IMPARTIAL 3: free from extremes: such as a: tranquil in mind or mood b: not showing variation in appearance, structure, or proportion 4a: capable of meeting the requirements of a situation or a task b: SUITABLE bored with work not equal to his abilities     It seems how Paul speaking about economic or financial equality. This is, for sure, sort of social involvement, activity inside one specific group or society that existing inside human society as such. This is sort of socioeconomic conceptual influence on congregations. Perhaps something new for those period. Later we can see similar attempts to achieve such a status for the society of a people, a nation in a country. French revolution and later Communist Revolution sought to achieve equality for their people. And not only in economic status, but in many others - about education, gender, health, race etc. We would call that today - human rights.   Well, Paul's social activism perhaps brought some results in those days. What sort of social activism is today inside WTJWorg? GB solicit or makes petition for donations of all kind. Publicly known reason is, as they say, for "Kingdom interests". What is well known is this. Donation money, it is not used so that brothers in an assembly can pay rent, electricity or water expenses, buy their children books for school, and so on. Using donation money or money that WTJWorg collect in other ways (stocks, real estate sales etc) are not intended for poor members for reason to became less poor or equal to brothers who are materially rich, as Paul imagined for Christian congregation in 1st century.   Charity status of WT and all WT entities or sister companies are for reason to not pay taxes and to receive money from state (where law of country provide such privileges).    Is there a way for GB to turn Paul’s imagination into reality today?      
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    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    1. To Society Watch Tower, Watchtower and corporations
    2. To Jehovah's Witnesses and all assemblies
    3. To all whom this concern
    Declaration on termination of membership to a religious community of Jehovah's Witnesses
    I was baptized in 1977 at the age of 17, then a minor. But, in good faith I answered the following two questions just before baptism, which is symbolized my dedication to God in terms of the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses religion.
    At that time (before the change of June 1 1985) questions have read as follows;
    Have you repented of your sins and converted, recognizing yourself before Jehovah God as a condemned sinner who needs salvation, and have you acknowledged to him that this salvation proceeds from him, the Father, through his Son Jesus Christ?
    On the basis of this faith in God and in his provision for salvation, have you dedicated yourself unreservedly to God to do his will henceforth as he reveals it to you through Jesus Christ and through the Bible under the enlightening power of the holy spirit?
    Since I have over decades closely followed the changes in various aspects of activity of this religion, I noticed some frequent collisions (1 John 4:1; 1 Th 5:21). It is visible in: a) the content of the various interpretations; b) in the theory and practice of action in everyday life issues. Overview of many historical aspects of the spiritual heritage, which the organization has, since its inception in the 19th century, left to its members-followers, and wants to cover it up, revise and incorrect display, is astounding. Who wants to drink a water from a cup in which there is a single drop of dangerous substances?
    The purpose of my statement is not to explain doctrine and practices of society and the board of directors, who are disturbed my conscience and reasoning within the love, faith, knowledge and understanding that I feel and I have to God and Jesus Christ and to the people, so I will taxatively single out only a few of them (Rom 14:4). These are obvious example, on the one hand, theological acrobatics from the main church body of Jehovah's Witnesses, and on the other hand, their dishonesty and practice in which one they are learns, and other they are works;
    1) Confusing conceptions about their own identity (Who shared spiritual food? One servant, all 144 000, a composite body or the governing body ...,)
    2) Pragmatism in changing dogmatic interpretations before the change was "firmly biblical established", such as a series of explanations about the "generation" ...,
    3) Speculation about the meaning of biblical statements and how they should be understood. More than once the revised interpretation were in style of YES-NO-YES-NO; then this year's "changed approach to the interpretation of reports from the Word of God" ...,
    4) Switching of responsibility from the governing body and their representatives on the ordinary believers in respect of the decisions and attitudes that members should be carried out, when it becomes apparent that they were endangered spiritually, mentally and literally health of fellow believers (eg, multiple expectations of Armageddon, Malawi and Mexico of the 1970's, questions about blood, juvenile members / Bulgaria /, neutrality ...,)
    5) Co-operation and association with political organizations such as the UN and the OSCE.
    6) Increasingly open calls for financial donations and contributions to the funds of the corporation.
    7) Careless and unkind treatment of victims of pedophilia within the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses
    Regardless of how, as collective or personal, members of the Jehovah's Witnesses will treat me after this letter of resignation, considering the worldwide-known practice of ignoring and avoiding (shunning) that Jehovah's Witnesses apply to all who are outside of their religion ("worldly" people, dissociated and disfellowshipped) - I with fully conscious and reason declare still this; My relationship with the people / persons in the Jehovah's Witness religion and those who are not, is based on the words of Jesus; "Love your neighbor as yourself"; "Love those who hate you"; "Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them."
    I expecting from you, that any kind of information which is stored anywhere, in connection with me and has my full name, such as personal files, or any other files you immediately destroy!
    Zagreb, July 27/2015 Srećko Šoštar -------------
    Verified by notary public
    How do you feel what JW's think about me after reading this? :))
  5. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    In relation to what, to whom? :))
    Perhaps the question should be: Do JWs consider me an apostate? :)))
  6. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    What Is Baptism?
    The meaning of baptism
    The Bible compares baptism to burial. (Romans 6:4; Colossians 2:12) Water baptism symbolizes a person’s dying to his past course of life and beginning a new one as a Christian dedicated to God. Baptism and the steps that lead up to it are God’s arrangement for a person to gain a clean conscience based on his faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 3:21) Thus, Jesus taught that his disciples must get baptized.—Matthew 28:19, 20. - https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/what-is-baptism/
    Even WTJWorg publication explained what is purpose of baptism and in the same time contradict to themselves. Purpose of baptism for individual is not to show others to what sort of organized religion she/he belongs. Baptism not exist for purpose of registration to particular organization. Baptismal question No. 2 in WTJWorg is not in harmony with own published explanation and not in harmony with Jesus' teachings. 
    Question No. 1 Have you repented of your sins, dedicated yourself to Jehovah, and accepted his way of salvation through Jesus Christ? contains elements that can be found in the Bible.
  7. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was a learned man, with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures.  He had been instructed in the way of the Lord, and he spoke with great fervor and taught about Jesus accurately, though he knew only the baptism of John.  He began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately. - NIV
    Apollos already had accurate teaching/knowledge/faith about Lord. One thing is mentioned here about baptism detail that was different. He was already instructed about Jesus. It would be interesting to see what explanations came from Priscilla and Aquila that are under wording "more adequately".
    Again, please consider what WT doing about "the way of God". They intrusively determine what is "the truth" about God and proclaim those who do not accept it with the name “apostates”. Perhaps JW's today need some new Priscilla and Aquila (married couple, aka female and male teachers) in WTJWorg Organization who would be able to explain the way of God, to temporary GB, more adequately/accurately.  
    We can speak about two things about wording: 
         adverb: adequately:   A) to a satisfactory or acceptable extent. B) to a sufficient degree or extent        adverb: accurately: A) in a way that is correct, exact, and without any mistakes B) without mistakes or errors   A) Was it about Priscilla's/ Aquila's ability as a speakers (educated, substantial vocabulary, etc) who know to adequately and sufficiently explain some more details of the topic to listener who already know core/basic teaching and have accurate information about Jesus?
    B) Was it about Priscilla's/ Aquila's call/need to correct some wrong believes, ideas, perspective of listener?
    ... he knew only the baptism of John.
    Issue of baptism is interesting if you have knowledge about changes on baptismal questions through WT history. If Apollos learned from this Christian couple that you need to be baptized in The Name of ..., how it is possible that JW candidate is baptized in The Name of Organization instead of Father, Son and HS? 
    Question No 2: Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization?  ....New: ...identifies you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with Jehovah's organization?
    Who today need adequate and accurate explanation? :))
  8. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    I am in Zagreb, Croatia, Europe. I believe you are many, many miles/kilometres away .... :))))
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    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    17 Today’s watchman class has likewise had to clarify its views from time to time. Can anyone doubt, though, that Jehovah has blessed the ‘faithful slave’? Besides, viewed in context, are not most of the adjustments that have occurred relatively small? Our basic understanding of the Bible has not changed. Our conviction that we are living in the last days is stronger than ever! -https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1997604
    I would like to direct your attention on this paragraph from WT 1997 study edition article. 
    On one side you commented how JHVH' and Jesus' instructions are given in different time for different or certain purpose. Can you explain why would be how some "given instruction" in 1st century, be it more appropriate at a certain point of their or our time and some not? I believe how whole set of Jesus' teachings and instructions are good and appropriate for whole and each period of human lifetime. 
    But this WT quote give answer why (perhaps you) JW members think differently about this. Because the need to "clarify  own  (watchman class aka GB) views came and coming from the reason they don't teach Jesus' or JHVH' teachings but own human doctrines.  
    I guess, we have no need to adjust teachings from Bible, but in WTJWorg example, GB had/have need to adjust own interpretations about own teachings.  
    For example, do we need to "adjust" God's teaching (law) about slavery to our time? No, because we don't want slavery today! So, we reject any past law (even if it was divine) that supported slavery. 
    We are in position to follow or to not follow teachings and instructions revealed in Bible. 
    Quote from WT say: Our basic understanding of the Bible has not changed. Our conviction that we are living in the last days is stronger than ever!
    Here we have next thing. Author of article made self conviction how their (and all JW's) "basic understanding" (aka core understanding  /core=basic, central, key, fundamental, elemental, principal/) about something has not changed. And then continue with one basic or core JW teaching -  about "last days".
    This Study article put accent on "basic understanding" that JW members strongly believe: Resurrection, Keep on Watch, Everlasting Life, Eternal Future, End is Close at Hand, Put Your Trust in Watchman aka GB.
    Also have in mind that this is from the year 1997, that is 83 years after 1914 (Generation Doctrine).
    And 13 years after famous WT study article: 1914—The Generation That Will Not Pass Away -https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1984361 
    WTJWorg basic doctrine, let say, No 1, according to article: End is Close at Hand, that was based on other basic doctrine, let say, No 2: 1914-The Generation That Will Not Pass Away, ........ are both false, because each supported the other. You are aware of fact how 1914 Generation is replaced with Overlapping Generation. 
    According to your understanding what is what in this case?! Milk and solid food or "to call a spade a spade" aka false teachings?
  10. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in Scrabble Game Test   
    This was made from a Google Spreadsheet which will be shared between players so that a person with the link can edit it. (Will be sent by PM to whomever wants to play, and each updated screen can be displayed here after every valid play is made.) After any play, the player can tally up their points and will need to cross out the letters they used from the letter "pool."
    The first two items are just an example. Let's say the first player plays QUETZAL in such a way that they get 120 points. (Double letter score on the Q and double word, and a 50 point bonus for using all their tiles.) Let's say the next player plays XI in such a way that the X counts for 16 (double letter) for the word AX, and 16 again for the word XI, and also makes LI, for a total of 34 points. And every letter used gets a strikethrough, or gets greyed out in the pool it was chosen from. After that play the game board would look like this:

                                    Player 1   Player 2                                   QUETZAL 120 XI 36                                                                                                                                                                                                               Q U E T Z A L                                     X I                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               A A A A A A A A A                       B B C C D D D D                         E E E E E E E E E E E E                 F F G G G H H                           I I I I I I I I I J K                   L L L L M M N N N N N N                 P P Q R R R R R R                       S S S S T T T T T T                     U U U U V V W W X Y Y Z                 [ ] [ ]                                                                            
    Obviously, the first player has a great advantage in taking out the best letters. A final score will probably reflect this, and perhaps should be accounted for with a "handicap." Perhaps the handicap could be that the first play is split evenly among the two players, or a percentage of that first score is given to the player who goes second.
    It's also possible in most browsers to actually just edit the game right here for each new play and then copy the final board now and then to the next post. You might need to check the scoring against an actual board, or look up the letter values on Google.
  11. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    Please, don't be angry at me. Expression "core teachings" is in JW vocabulary and some JW participants here using this terminology to show how JW religion is same as 1st Congregation. With that in mind, logically, JW have teachings, also, that are not "core". In fact, many regulations and instructions inside WTJWorg are men made teachings and instructions, and by that they are, obviously "less important" for your faith, but important for Organization.  
    With that in mind, i said "less important" in connection to Christ's teachings, because Religious system of particular church/organization, in our example WT,  lowered the importance of some Jesus’ teachings and replaced them with "more important" human traditions.
  12. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    Part 2.
    2 John 1:9 – “Anyone who does not remain in Christ’s teaching but goes beyond it, does not have God. The one who remains in that teaching, this one has both the Father and the Son.”
    It would help if you or some other JW member put here a list of Christ's teachings. Start with No. 1 please and take as much numbers you need to show all the teachings of Jesus. You can, if you need, name them as "core teachings", and if you find some Chris't teachings as less important, please put them in second list. 
    After that, please make another list of WT past teachings and actual WT teachings. You can also do the same thing, because some JW's claims are, how "core teachings" were and are always the same, despite of "Beliefs Clarified" list by WTJWorg Official web. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200277174 , and all publications published till today.
    It would be nice if you and other JW members delete that "dust" you speaking about.
    After such task done, we all here will be able to compare two entities in 2. John 1:9, aka
    Jesus Scale with/vs WTJWorg Scale 
  13. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    Oh, this explains why religious "knowledge" is in evolution mode, and gives answer on why "light getting brighter" with every new study edition (and GB videos on JWTV) of WT magazine :)) 
  14. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    This is interesting. WT Slave 140 years announcing how end is here, close, before the generation of 1914 passed, just around the corner and similar warnings to own members and to the people in the World. 
    How then does inner feeling, inside Slave, of "delay" manifest itself? In "spiritual beating" through doctrines and instructions and inside/outside policies, in administration system, in supporting false expectations, etc. 
    Leading a WT organization by its leaders no doubt shows the elements that Jesus described as going to happen among those who claim to be his followers, regardless of the name of a religion and regardless of the specifics within such an organization. While a set of a church’s doctrines is very important in recognizing the direction that religion seeks to go, at least declaratively if not really, this detail of spiritual abuse within the church brings to light the other side of the coin. One’s religion may be theologically closest to “truth,” but the dominance of the “wicked servant” over other servants, and the involvement of such a servant in the “things of this world,” inevitably lead to Jesus ’rejection of such a set system.
  15. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    In searching for meaning of "despicable fool" i found this:
    Watchtower 2006 2/15,  Questions From Readers
    What three dangers was Jesus warning against at Matthew 5:22 ?
    .... What, then, did the expression “despicable fool” signify? The word used here sounded similar to a Hebrew term that means “rebellious,” or “mutinous.” It designates a person as morally worthless, an apostate and a rebel against God. So the person addressing his fellow as a “despicable fool” is as much as saying that his brother should receive a punishment fit for a rebel against God, everlasting destruction. From God’s standpoint, the one uttering such a condemnation against another could merit that severe sentence—everlasting destruction—himself.—Deuteronomy 19:17-19.
    Consequently, Jesus was setting a higher standard for his followers than that found in the principles behind the Mosaic Law. While people believed that a murderer would be “accountable to the court of justice,” Jesus went further. He taught that his followers should avoid even harboring animosity against their brothers.—Matthew 5:21, 22. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2006127
    ... and one comment 9 years ago from fading JW who noticed the connection: 
    Calling someone an “apostate”, “empty well” or “mentally diseased” among other things as they did in the 2011 9/11 Watchtower Study is the same as calling them a “despicable fool”. They clearly established that in their above comments. Even if it were true Jesus made no allowance for such judgmental harsh words. They are bitter because God has not made the words of these “servants” come true. Isaiah 44:26 , “the One making the word of his servant come true, and the One that carries out completely the counsel of his own messengers.”
  16. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to LNN in THE GREAT RESET (Explained!)   
  17. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to SciTechPress in THE GREAT RESET (Explained!)   
    Professor Klaus Schwab in Davos, Switzerland has an almost evil sounding voice for this plan.....
    The Fourth Industrial Revolution.... human augmentation and genetic editing?

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  19. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Matthew9969 in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    Reminds me of the parable of the good Samaritan. 2 jw's walk by someone in need expecting the government or other religious to be the good Samaritan.
  20. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    @Lifeswaterfree, I like your avatar, if that is the proper terminology.  
    He came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. As usual, he entered the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up to read. 17 The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him, and unrolling the scroll, he found the place where it was written:
    18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
    because he has anointed me
    to preach good news to the poor.
    He has sent meto heal the broken-hearted
    to proclaim release to the captives
    and recovery of sight to the blind,
    to set free the oppressed,
    19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
    “These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. 6 Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. 7 As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.”  Matt 10:5-8
    “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”  Gal 5:1
    Just this morning I was thinking how Satan could devise a spiritual “yoke of slavery” that appears not as captivity, but as one of freedom, to worship as a person chooses. (Ezek 13:10; 1 Thess 5:3; 2 Pet 2:17-19) The two words, captivity and freedom contradict each other; but, Satan uses both when they serve to advance his own "kingdom interests".  (Luke 4:5-7; Dan 9;26,27;Dan 11:32; Matt 24:24; Rev 12:15; 13:5,11,12)  He would use his resources at hand – putting his “head” ministers at the helm to fight for this apparent right, via the world’s court systems. (2 Cor 11:13,-15; Rev 13:1,11;17:7,9)
    Yet, when we look at the example of Jesus, this course of action in no way is in imitation of his path, or that of his followers. (John 18:36)  But, Satan’s ministers have been successful in seducing the anointed with the unsuspecting bait of lies.  (Amos 3:4,5; Mark 13:22; Rev 2:20-23)  We all know this takes money, that those within his trap, would provide.  The organization would need more individuals to come on board, supporting the “fight” to keep up the appearance of spiritual freedom.  So, a preaching work was developed, with tantalizing offers of truth. This would be spearheaded by a succession of leadership; who progressively pollute the pure waters of Christ’s truth, until barely a morsel of pure truth is left. (Ezek 34:17-19; Rev 8:10-11; 16:13-16)  These poisoned waters would no longer be “free” to receive, or pure as holding the promise of eternal life; but would come with requirements formulated by the doctrine of men. (Jer 2:13; John 4:10; 1 John 3:3; Rev 22:1)  These are debased rules of an organization that even many of their “neighbors” would not practice. (Ezek 22:4,5,23-29) Yet, this religion can brag triumphantly of its wicked accomplishments - causing spiritual bloodshed through disfellowshipping, hiding child abuse, dividing families, and trampling the “saints” with blasphemy. (Mar 13:5-8,14; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1-3)
    “How you hate honest judges!
        How you despise people who tell the truth!
    11 You trample the poor,
        stealing their grain through taxes and unfair rent.
    Therefore, though you build beautiful stone houses,
        you will never live in them.
    Though you plant lush vineyards,
        you will never drink wine from them.
    12 For I know the vast number of your sins
        and the depth of your rebellions.
    You oppress good people by taking bribes
        and deprive the poor of justice in the courts.”  Amos 5:10-12
    The message that the kingdom of God has come near, is again being pronounced to the lost sheep of  “Israel” today, God’s people under covenant.  (Jer 51:6; Matt 10:23; Rev 18:4-8)  They have accepted the yoke of slavery through dedication to an organization; but this time, joining them are “Gentiles” who also carry that yoke, the “dedication” to an earthly entity – bearing the dedication mark of an idol. (Rev 13:2,8,16-18) 
    I am amazed at the efficiency of Satan’s diabolical trap, to woo God’s people with the promised “freedom” of truth, while at the same time, able to slide a yoke of blindness upon their shoulders that they didn’t “see” coming.  I am astounded that a JW can believe he or she lives the “best life ever”, while rejecting the only source of freedom we have, which is in Jesus Christ.  (Matt 11:28; John 10:4,5,9,10)
    You and I both know that receiving life’s water free, as your avatar states, is not possible in the organization. Only those of us who have rejected the yoke of slavery devised by the wicked intentions of Satan, understand what taking in Christ’s living water freely, truly means.  Just the thought that voluntary donations are needed to support “Jehovah’s (already rich) organization”, should be a warning flag easy to see.  But, to those who are enamored by what the riches of this world can accomplish in religion, they cannot perceive the truth behind Jesus’ teaching -  that one cannot serve both God and money.  (Mat 6:24)  They don’t hear the trumpet call to leave Wt. sins behind. (Amos 3:6,9,10)  They will continue to serve the needs of men, while the “banner” of truth raised by God, will draw the righteous hearted, of whom many are already “leaving” the apostate city.  (Ps 60:4; Isa 11:10-12;  Joel 3:18-21; Matt 22:8-10; Rev 18:4-8)
    “Do what is good and run from evil
        so that you may live!
    Then the Lord God of Heaven’s Armies will be your helper,
        just as you have claimed.
    15 Hate evil and love what is good;
        turn your courts into true halls of justice.
    Perhaps even yet the Lord God of Heaven’s Armies
        will have mercy on the remnant of his people.”  Amos 5:14,15
  21. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to TrueTomHarley in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    Escaped the clutches of Cesar, did you?
  22. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Lifeswaterfree in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    1. To Society Watch Tower, Watchtower and corporations
    2. To Jehovah's Witnesses and all assemblies
    3. To all whom this concern
    Declaration on termination of membership to a religious community of Jehovah's Witnesses
    I was baptized in 1977 at the age of 17, then a minor. But, in good faith I answered the following two questions just before baptism, which is symbolized my dedication to God in terms of the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses religion.
    At that time (before the change of June 1 1985) questions have read as follows;
    Have you repented of your sins and converted, recognizing yourself before Jehovah God as a condemned sinner who needs salvation, and have you acknowledged to him that this salvation proceeds from him, the Father, through his Son Jesus Christ?
    On the basis of this faith in God and in his provision for salvation, have you dedicated yourself unreservedly to God to do his will henceforth as he reveals it to you through Jesus Christ and through the Bible under the enlightening power of the holy spirit?
    Since I have over decades closely followed the changes in various aspects of activity of this religion, I noticed some frequent collisions (1 John 4:1; 1 Th 5:21). It is visible in: a) the content of the various interpretations; b) in the theory and practice of action in everyday life issues. Overview of many historical aspects of the spiritual heritage, which the organization has, since its inception in the 19th century, left to its members-followers, and wants to cover it up, revise and incorrect display, is astounding. Who wants to drink a water from a cup in which there is a single drop of dangerous substances?
    The purpose of my statement is not to explain doctrine and practices of society and the board of directors, who are disturbed my conscience and reasoning within the love, faith, knowledge and understanding that I feel and I have to God and Jesus Christ and to the people, so I will taxatively single out only a few of them (Rom 14:4). These are obvious example, on the one hand, theological acrobatics from the main church body of Jehovah's Witnesses, and on the other hand, their dishonesty and practice in which one they are learns, and other they are works;
    1) Confusing conceptions about their own identity (Who shared spiritual food? One servant, all 144 000, a composite body or the governing body ...,)
    2) Pragmatism in changing dogmatic interpretations before the change was "firmly biblical established", such as a series of explanations about the "generation" ...,
    3) Speculation about the meaning of biblical statements and how they should be understood. More than once the revised interpretation were in style of YES-NO-YES-NO; then this year's "changed approach to the interpretation of reports from the Word of God" ...,
    4) Switching of responsibility from the governing body and their representatives on the ordinary believers in respect of the decisions and attitudes that members should be carried out, when it becomes apparent that they were endangered spiritually, mentally and literally health of fellow believers (eg, multiple expectations of Armageddon, Malawi and Mexico of the 1970's, questions about blood, juvenile members / Bulgaria /, neutrality ...,)
    5) Co-operation and association with political organizations such as the UN and the OSCE.
    6) Increasingly open calls for financial donations and contributions to the funds of the corporation.
    7) Careless and unkind treatment of victims of pedophilia within the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses
    Regardless of how, as collective or personal, members of the Jehovah's Witnesses will treat me after this letter of resignation, considering the worldwide-known practice of ignoring and avoiding (shunning) that Jehovah's Witnesses apply to all who are outside of their religion ("worldly" people, dissociated and disfellowshipped) - I with fully conscious and reason declare still this; My relationship with the people / persons in the Jehovah's Witness religion and those who are not, is based on the words of Jesus; "Love your neighbor as yourself"; "Love those who hate you"; "Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them."
    I expecting from you, that any kind of information which is stored anywhere, in connection with me and has my full name, such as personal files, or any other files you immediately destroy!
    Zagreb, July 27/2015 Srećko Šoštar -------------
    Verified by notary public
    How do you feel what JW's think about me after reading this? :))
  23. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to admin in Tesla admits design flaw led to vehicle rear bumper falling off when driving in puddles of water - Electrek   
    Another example of "never buy the first year(s) model of any car"..... we need to give them years to work the kinks out first.

  24. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    Definition of equal  (Entry 1 of 3)
    1a(1): of the same measure, quantity, amount, or number as another (2): identical in mathematical value or logical denotation : EQUIVALENT b: like in quality, nature, or status c: like for each member of a group, class, or society provide equal employment opportunities 2: regarding or affecting all objects in the same way : IMPARTIAL 3: free from extremes: such as a: tranquil in mind or mood b: not showing variation in appearance, structure, or proportion 4a: capable of meeting the requirements of a situation or a task b: SUITABLE bored with work not equal to his abilities     It seems how Paul speaking about economic or financial equality. This is, for sure, sort of social involvement, activity inside one specific group or society that existing inside human society as such. This is sort of socioeconomic conceptual influence on congregations. Perhaps something new for those period. Later we can see similar attempts to achieve such a status for the society of a people, a nation in a country. French revolution and later Communist Revolution sought to achieve equality for their people. And not only in economic status, but in many others - about education, gender, health, race etc. We would call that today - human rights.   Well, Paul's social activism perhaps brought some results in those days. What sort of social activism is today inside WTJWorg? GB solicit or makes petition for donations of all kind. Publicly known reason is, as they say, for "Kingdom interests". What is well known is this. Donation money, it is not used so that brothers in an assembly can pay rent, electricity or water expenses, buy their children books for school, and so on. Using donation money or money that WTJWorg collect in other ways (stocks, real estate sales etc) are not intended for poor members for reason to became less poor or equal to brothers who are materially rich, as Paul imagined for Christian congregation in 1st century.   Charity status of WT and all WT entities or sister companies are for reason to not pay taxes and to receive money from state (where law of country provide such privileges).    Is there a way for GB to turn Paul’s imagination into reality today?      
  25. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in "PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK JEHOVAH", FOR USDA FOOD BOXES   
    I’m not saying that we are not responsible for paying our taxes.  (By the way, “Jehovah’s organization” has found a way to avoid paying taxes)  Jesus was speaking of our need to separate riches of this world with spiritual riches that he offered in his teachings. Those are the important treasures, which we are to build upon. I am saying that Jesus was preaching new wine, to be put in new wine skins. (Col 2:2; Matt 9:17)  But, the Wt. has proven that they prefer "old wine", where they can build their kingdom in this world ruled by Satan.  (Luke 5:39; 4:5-7)
    “It is not that there may be relief for others and hardship for you, but it is a question of equality”  2 Cor 8:13
    You are telling me that your GB practice financial equality among JWs. That they ensure their abundance is distributed to every JW?   Not possible, is it.  They wouldn't allow it, would they.  
    Your kingdom halls may be built as grass huts or with chandeliers hanging in their foyers as I have seen, according to the financial ability of the congregation.  Conveniently, all are now owned by the organization; a very prosperous move by your GB.  What your leadership does for its offices and assembly gathering places, are far from modest. I'm sure a tour of Bethel will open your eyes...or not.  
    What's more important, how clean your buildings are, or how truthful your teachings are; today, yesterday and decades in the past? Jesus said, those whom he sends must produce "fruit that lasts" - it stays, never to rot, never to be tossed away.  Do you understand this?  It is another teaching of Jesus, that your GB don't seem to recognize.  (Matt 23:25-28; John 15:16)  Because your leadership has built its own "temple"/organization, and has rejected God's authentic "house of prayer" built with "living stones", your entire organization is an idol, prophesied to "make war" with the "saints".     (Rev 13:4,7,8)
    You asked what my "story" is.  My testimony about the Temple “living stones”, (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16) the blasphemy and falsehoods of the organization, (2 Thess 2,4; Rev 11:1,2; 13:1,2)  and its wicked slave (Matt 24:48-51; Rev 13:11,12), is why the organization considers me an apostate.  It has nothing to do with sinning against the Father or Jesus Christ; but everything to do with exposing Wt’s lies, which is the location of the "man of lawlessness" that "sits"/rules/stands where it does not belong...in God's Temple.  (Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1-3,7)
    So, if knowing that I am an apostate on those grounds, causes you to make your decision to "shun" either I or @Srecko Sostar for his reasons, what a shallow and weak decision it is.  We either love the light of truth in Christ and keep seeking it, or we gravitate to darkness, where lies about the Father, the Son, and His dwelling in Spirit, are told. (John 3:19; 2 Thess 2:9-12)
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