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Srecko Sostar

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  1. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from George88 in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    Av Rolf Furuli 8. March 2024
  2. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BTK59 in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    You want to say that only those arguments with which you agree are acceptable (to you)?
    Yes indeed, a good argument. Who wouldn't accept it. lol
    Is this an insult?
  3. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from George88 in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    You want to say that only those arguments with which you agree are acceptable (to you)?
    Yes indeed, a good argument. Who wouldn't accept it. lol
    Is this an insult?
  4. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    That is the best example of egocentric arrogant word salad I have read since … um … Ever!.
    NO ONE on this planet cares obout what you percieve as an insult, or are disheartened about … except you.
    …  maybe your Mom.
    Governments do what governments do … THEY have the bayonets. Get used to it.
    If you accept their money, it’s “the golden rule”.
    “Dem dat gota da gold, maka da rules”
  5. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in I just got into JW.org’s Wi-Fi network.   
    Soon it won’t matter …. the generation that knew the Truth will have all died off, and agenda driven people will win.
    … as “history” is beaten to fit, and painted to match, one detail at a time.
    Double-Plus Ungood … but that’s how it goes.
    (Sixty years from now all JWs will know that JW men NEVER had a problem with beards, and no one will have any idea what the “Overlapping Generations  Chart “ was.)
    … but that’s how it goes.
  6. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to BTK59 in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    What makes you believe you will, lol! People need to be written in the scroll of life. Do you truly believe that you will succeed with everything you have said and done? You must face the reality that you have defied God beyond the possibility of redemption. So, enjoy life.
  7. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    19 My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, 20 remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.
    JWs preaching to sinners. How does it look? What do the JWs preach to them? That now men are allowed to wear beards and women are allowed to wear trousers. And according to you, that is "the truth"? lol
    How will telling the truth or inaccuracy, errors, whatever, save you from all kinds of sin, when the Bible also says that you reap what you sow? Preaching interpretations from GB will certainly not cover your or anyone else's personal sins. In addition, if Jesus has redeemed you from sin, original and any other you commit, then works do not save, but faith and Jesus' sacrifice. On the other hand, good deeds are not done to redeem yourself from your sins and mistakes, because the redeemer is Jesus, not man alone. Some do "good deeds" because they are haunted by their own conscience or are under the impression of some (own or other's) belief.
  8. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    … but don’t forget ….
    The Governing Body LOVES you!!

  9. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    I agree that everyone SHOULD follow Scripture. 
    Especially self appointed “Sky Pilots”.
    THE HARD FACTS are that the apostates who published the 2016-2017 Watchtower Parody on beards got it right about following scripture on that issue.
    100% RIGHT!
    THE HARD FACTS are the GB did not get it right for over 60 years, and not until six years after the Parody was published.
    With many, many scriptures, examples, admonitions, reasonings and policy statements …. the GB got it, for over 60 years …. 100% WRONG!
    With Governing Body Update 2023-8, of December 15, 2023 THEY ADMITTED IT. 
    A 100%, 180° reversal!
    THE HARD FACTS are the GB did NOT follow scripture on this issue, and chased tens of thousands of people away BECAUSE BECAUSE THOSE PEOPLE KNEW it was arbitrary, unscriptural, and wrong.
    Simple plain common sense.
    I agree that everyone SHOULD follow Scripture.
    Everyone doesn’t.
    … and contrary to popular belief, simple plain common sense is not all that common.
  10. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    The Bible does not say if those with diminished intellectual capacity but with the kindest and most gentle and loving hearts will enter into the Kingdom of God …and of course I am talking about domestic dogs …
    … ever wonder why Armageddon has been “delayed”?

  11. Confused
  12. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from George88 in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    What quotient should be the intelligence of a person to accept Jesus?
    I'm interested in how you measure the quality or quantity of that something in the heart, and I guess that would be a prerequisite for a person to accept Jesus, too?
    What category does mind fall into in all of this?
    Intelligence, heart, mind = ?.., transformation?
    Can a person with reduced intelligence carry out the transformation?
  13. Like
  14. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    Choked, sputtered, and FAILED AGAIN when called out to prove your accusations, Georgie.
    What’s that now… 13 times?

  15. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Matthew9969 in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    Its a bit hilarious watching jw's playing ping pong but insisting on using eggs instead of a ping pong ball.
  16. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BTK59 in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    Intelligence is not the only quality that can save a person from fraud. JWs, along with many other religious people, are proof of this.
    Word Origin
    When someone has the same opinions and beliefs as those held by most other people, these opinions are usually considered the "right" opinions to have. In English such opinions might be called "orthodox." The English word orthodox comes originally from the Greek words orthos, meaning "right, true" and doxa, meaning "opinion." These two words were combined to form the Greek verb orthodoxein, meaning "to have the right opinion." From orthodoxein came the Greek adjective orthodoxos, which was borrowed into Latin as orthodoxus. The English adjective orthodox comes from this Latin adjective. - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/orthodox
    Considering that I do not belong to any religion, your statement makes no sense. Another thing that needs to be said for objective accuracy is the term "orthodoxy". Every religion is orthodox in its essence, even when it changes in its doctrines. The country I live in is historically Catholic. JWs are orthodox because they do not accept religious change unless approved by their GB. So JWs are completely orthodox as long as they believe that they are the only ones right in claiming that their Christianity is "original" and is "only true".
    God is as successful as his creation. Considering that God said that everything created is "good", then every person today is also "success" because he/she is the inheritor of the original act of creation. Also, God nowhere indicated that any child born of Adam and Eve is/was "failure". If you want to use a religiously colored term for something that designates me or you in some moral category, then it is the word "sinful", not "failure".
  17. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    Prove God wrong?  What does that even mean? As usual your 4th grade replies make no sense at all . Your infantile accusations NEVER have any proof, and I have directly challenged you at least a dozen times.
    You ALWAYS choke and sputter when proof is demanded, so no surprise there.
    Your quote has FOUR false premisses. Can you find them?
    … and “Prove God wrong?”.
    What does that even mean?
  18. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from George88 in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    If WTJWorg wanted to prove its "unwavering commitment" in dealing with CSA, then it should not, as in the case of the Australian branch, hide from its own public the large number of pedophiles who ran rampant in JW congregations all those 60 years and more. Moreover, the GB instructions contributed to the ineffectiveness of elders handling CSA claims within the congregation. Instead of cooperating with the civil authorities, they kept everything secret and even prevented the victims from fighting for minimal justice.
    GB has already proven its "transformative" role. After a decades of banning beards and trousers, a "successful transformation" has been carried out. Does anyone who sees only this sliver of reality about GB expect that these are the people "of unwavering morality"  who will be the foundation of the NWO you speak so passionately about? GB people who bring bans and permits about beards and pants, about monthly reports, about greeting and not greeting former JWs, etc. are not the base or foundation of some imaginary new and healthy human society. This type of individuals who are united in a specific group of manipulators of other people's faith and conscience does not deserve trust.
    Are you waiting for a transformation? Transformation will not happen tomorrow or in the future. If it didn't start happening in the past or today, then it won't happen. While an individual lives, he/she is or is not part of the transformation. In which transformation are we personally participating? Will there be a transformation due to our activity or passivity? Changes happen with us or without us, that's clear. Don't wait for the NWO, because some other people will live in it. You and I already live in a form of the NWO created by people from the past. To put it simply.
  19. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    If WTJWorg wanted to prove its "unwavering commitment" in dealing with CSA, then it should not, as in the case of the Australian branch, hide from its own public the large number of pedophiles who ran rampant in JW congregations all those 60 years and more. Moreover, the GB instructions contributed to the ineffectiveness of elders handling CSA claims within the congregation. Instead of cooperating with the civil authorities, they kept everything secret and even prevented the victims from fighting for minimal justice.
    GB has already proven its "transformative" role. After a decades of banning beards and trousers, a "successful transformation" has been carried out. Does anyone who sees only this sliver of reality about GB expect that these are the people "of unwavering morality"  who will be the foundation of the NWO you speak so passionately about? GB people who bring bans and permits about beards and pants, about monthly reports, about greeting and not greeting former JWs, etc. are not the base or foundation of some imaginary new and healthy human society. This type of individuals who are united in a specific group of manipulators of other people's faith and conscience does not deserve trust.
    Are you waiting for a transformation? Transformation will not happen tomorrow or in the future. If it didn't start happening in the past or today, then it won't happen. While an individual lives, he/she is or is not part of the transformation. In which transformation are we personally participating? Will there be a transformation due to our activity or passivity? Changes happen with us or without us, that's clear. Don't wait for the NWO, because some other people will live in it. You and I already live in a form of the NWO created by people from the past. To put it simply.
  20. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    … that’s exactly what I would expect the evil Vicar of Warwick to say when proven wrong … 

  21. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    Georgie… if you got into your agenda driven, obfuscating mind you were standing on the surface of the Moon, no amount of evidence would convince you otherwise.
    Ok, Ok …. here’s a REAL LIFE EXAMPLE OF REAL LIFE EVIDENCE … it has taken the Governing Body SIXTY YEARS to get what is basic common sense to most people, right.
    … by adopting the exact same perspective …. 100% …. as shown in the Apostate parody of the Watchtower that I showed earlier …
    … about which you had no comment whatsoever, because it was 100% TRUE.
    You asked for evidence.
    Well … you got it!
    …. hard irrefutable evidence from the REAL world.

  22. Haha
  23. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Alphonse in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    Thanks for the info.
    So, JWs do not celebrate birthdays because it has pagan roots.
    But they also shave their beards despite the fact that shaving has pagan roots.

    What an inconsistency!
  24. Downvote
  25. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    Thanks for the info.
    So, JWs do not celebrate birthdays because it has pagan roots.
    But they also shave their beards despite the fact that shaving has pagan roots.

    What an inconsistency!
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