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Srecko Sostar

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    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    Quote "The Pauline letters are meant to be understood by spiritual people."
     Well that leaves the GB and other W/t  and CCJW leaders out of that then.  
    @Srecko Sostar You have a wonderful way with words. And your last paragraph sums it up perfectly. 
  2. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    I guess how "spirituality" has nothing with organized religion, or in other words, individual not necessary need to be under The System of religious Doctrines and Hierarchy to gain spirituality and to please god.
    Also, many individuals have some gifts to be "spiritual leaders", or "political leaders" or "leaders" in some sport team or on construction ground while making building or in some project for new toaster or phone. 
    I don't denying your's or anyone else "right" to take role of "religious leaders". If GB or WT elders have need to be "leaders" or in role as instruments, tools for implementing decisions of decision makers. What i have is right to put in question your position, or position of your "religious leaders". And to give some observation about structure and policy in such "religious arrangement". 
    With comparing "religious authorities" aka GB with "secular authorities" i put, for public conversation, question: who is on higher position? GB or Secular Authorities? Who of these two group, JW members need to obey more? 
    I suggest not to respond with general neutral answer: "We must obey god more than men", because that would mean and would clearly point to next level: JW members are NOT Obligated to obey WTJWorg GB doctrines and instructions. Because of same reasons revealed in primary answer made by Peter. Many ex-JW and many of existing JW's are aware of wrong doctrines and policies and instructions made by their leaders. Question for such JW members is "Who do they obey more?".
    If JW members are not obligated to submit and obey every (non) "inspired utterance" from GB mouth why JW's members have problem to openly talk about it in private or little groups or on congregational meetings? Why they have fear from men and not from god? That is fundamental question here. JW's are not in fear if they go to prison because of "bible principles". How come to that that they have fear of that they will be dfd because of "things" and "bible principles" which are undoubtedly in sphere of "individual spirituality" and conscience, about so many err and wrong doctrines they have to obey and preach to other people? 
    If you are ready to promote any sort of disobedience to "secular authorities" because of religious arguments, than you have to be ready to promote same sort of disobedience to "religious authorities and leaders" in own Church, because of same reason. 
  3. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    I guess how "spirituality" has nothing with organized religion, or in other words, individual not necessary need to be under The System of religious Doctrines and Hierarchy to gain spirituality and to please god.
    Also, many individuals have some gifts to be "spiritual leaders", or "political leaders" or "leaders" in some sport team or on construction ground while making building or in some project for new toaster or phone. 
    I don't denying your's or anyone else "right" to take role of "religious leaders". If GB or WT elders have need to be "leaders" or in role as instruments, tools for implementing decisions of decision makers. What i have is right to put in question your position, or position of your "religious leaders". And to give some observation about structure and policy in such "religious arrangement". 
    With comparing "religious authorities" aka GB with "secular authorities" i put, for public conversation, question: who is on higher position? GB or Secular Authorities? Who of these two group, JW members need to obey more? 
    I suggest not to respond with general neutral answer: "We must obey god more than men", because that would mean and would clearly point to next level: JW members are NOT Obligated to obey WTJWorg GB doctrines and instructions. Because of same reasons revealed in primary answer made by Peter. Many ex-JW and many of existing JW's are aware of wrong doctrines and policies and instructions made by their leaders. Question for such JW members is "Who do they obey more?".
    If JW members are not obligated to submit and obey every (non) "inspired utterance" from GB mouth why JW's members have problem to openly talk about it in private or little groups or on congregational meetings? Why they have fear from men and not from god? That is fundamental question here. JW's are not in fear if they go to prison because of "bible principles". How come to that that they have fear of that they will be dfd because of "things" and "bible principles" which are undoubtedly in sphere of "individual spirituality" and conscience, about so many err and wrong doctrines they have to obey and preach to other people? 
    If you are ready to promote any sort of disobedience to "secular authorities" because of religious arguments, than you have to be ready to promote same sort of disobedience to "religious authorities and leaders" in own Church, because of same reason. 
  4. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Arauna in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    Religious WT leaders aka bible scholars aka elders, inside this Organization aka Congregation, have had all the time from 19th century until today for "careful study". They saw some things different than other churches, some stay same as in other churches. 
    "Careful study" wasn't so careful, as you suggest for yourself or for GB. Religious doctrines form past to today are proof for wrong understanding despite all efforts and hours of "careful study". 
    What about this?
    Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. - Rom 13
    Where is said that elders are in higher status than governing authorities? Despite idea of .... in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God,[a] which he obtained with his own blood.
    Are you sure that every elder (or all of them in WT) is established and put in place by HS? Because you used this bible text too: ... And when they had appointed elders for them in every church ....
    Who appointed elders? They! .... is the answer in text. Or you suggest how this kind of HS power (to appointing other people into elders in the name of HS) is portable, transferable from man to man? But than you will come to stand before wall, again. WTJWorg and GB claims how no single man, woman or child in this Congregation is not inspired by HS. If you are not inspired why would you think how you can be guided by HS to appoint next elder?
    You made good conclusion how:
    But, is it possible to see deception because we have "careful study"???
  5. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    Religious WT leaders aka bible scholars aka elders, inside this Organization aka Congregation, have had all the time from 19th century until today for "careful study". They saw some things different than other churches, some stay same as in other churches. 
    "Careful study" wasn't so careful, as you suggest for yourself or for GB. Religious doctrines form past to today are proof for wrong understanding despite all efforts and hours of "careful study". 
    What about this?
    Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. - Rom 13
    Where is said that elders are in higher status than governing authorities? Despite idea of .... in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God,[a] which he obtained with his own blood.
    Are you sure that every elder (or all of them in WT) is established and put in place by HS? Because you used this bible text too: ... And when they had appointed elders for them in every church ....
    Who appointed elders? They! .... is the answer in text. Or you suggest how this kind of HS power (to appointing other people into elders in the name of HS) is portable, transferable from man to man? But than you will come to stand before wall, again. WTJWorg and GB claims how no single man, woman or child in this Congregation is not inspired by HS. If you are not inspired why would you think how you can be guided by HS to appoint next elder?
    You made good conclusion how:
    But, is it possible to see deception because we have "careful study"???
  6. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Shiwiii in SHEDDING LIGHT ON THE ARMY OF LOCUSTS   
  7. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in ‘Coronavirus is not the end of the world’   
    Gibraltar Chronicle
    Coronavirus is not the end of the world’By Manolo
    20th April 2020 By Manolo Gatt
    Jehovah’s Witnesses all around the world have reacted quickly to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. Since the initial stages of this, now pandemic, rigorous measures have been taken including the suspension of all public religious activity including large assemblies as well as local meetings usually held in Kingdom Halls.
    Locally, working very closely with the Civilian Contingencies Committee, we have implemented all recommended measures as and when required including the suspension of our main activity of going from house to house and public witnessing with our recognisable trolleys.
    However, we have been using other means at our disposal such as video conferencing to continue to “meet together”, thus encouraging one another whilst also continuing, to the extent possible, to receive much needed spiritual instruction and comfort.
    We of course continue in our determination to fully collaborate with the health authorities, which we thank for their invaluable work, as we endure these challenging times.
    Please note that our website, JW.org, is open to everyone, where you can find encouraging and up building information for all age groups, including Bible-based movies which are very practical for our days.
    In the meantime, our younger members are helping out as volunteers and are offering themselves to help their neighbours and the elderly going to supermarkets, pharmacies and taking them to the hospital to the doctor when they have an appointment.
    We also very much take into consideration the needs of the deaf and the blind by providing them with programmes transmitted by video conference to their own homes in sign language by a team of translators and also Braille publications for those who need them.
    Finally, although some people may say that Jehovah’s Witnesses are saying that the coronavirus is a sign of the end of the world, the fact is that we would never make such an affirmation.
    What then? According to the Revised Standard Version (Catholic Edition), Jesus, responding to a question asked by his inquisitive disciples: “Tell us […] what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?” Jesus answered, and we are quoting only in part: “There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences (epidemics)” (Luke 21:7, 11).
    So it would be wrong to say that the Coronavirus is the sign of the end of the world. The truth is that epidemics and diseases have plagued and continue to plague the human race. As we all know humanity has been plagued in recent times, like “the Spanish flu” (1918-1919), that killed more than 40 million persons, the ‘simple flu’, that every year causes the death of between 250,000 and 500,000. Or aids that has infected more than 76 million persons and caused the death of 35 million with deceases related to this ailment. Only in 2016 1.8 million died because of Aids.
    Therefore, what can certainly be said is that we are living in the time Jesus foretold when he answered his disciples question.
    However, anyone that aims to take advantage of such a tremendous situation as the one we are experiencing today, so sad and tragic with its many deaths and economic instability, to frighten or intimidate the people that are our neighbours, does a great disservice to the real message of hope that the Bible highlights and Jesus taught us to pray for, saying: “Let your Kingdom come”.
    That hope is the promise of a better world that everyone can aspire to where God Himself “will wipe away every tear from our eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things shall pass away.” And they will pass away. The Kingdom of God will accomplish this. (Matthew 6:9; Apocalypse 21:4; RSV Catholic Edition).
    That is why Jesus wanted everyone to know about this, so he told his disciples that: “this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).
    This is the true essence of real Christianity.
    Manolo Gatt is the Overseer Public Relations in the Gibraltar Congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses
    Nice to have a balanced viewpoint. 
    However, we have been using other means at our disposal such as video conferencing to continue to “meet together”, thus encouraging one another whilst also continuing, to the extent possible, to receive much needed spiritual instruction and comfort.
    We of course continue in our determination to fully collaborate with the health authorities, which we thank for their invaluable work, as we endure these challenging times.
    Please note that our website, JW.org, is open to everyone, where you can find encouraging and up building information for all age groups, including Bible-based movies which are very practical for our days.
    In the meantime, our younger members are helping out as volunteers and are offering themselves to help their neighbours and the elderly going to supermarkets, pharmacies and taking them to the hospital to the doctor when they have an appointment.
    We also very much take into consideration the needs of the deaf and the blind by providing them with programmes transmitted by video conference to their own homes in sign language by a team of translators and also Braille publications for those who need them.
    Finally, although some people may say that Jehovah’s Witnesses are saying that the coronavirus is a sign of the end of the world, the fact is that we would never make such an affirmation.
    What then? According to the Revised Standard Version (Catholic Edition), Jesus, responding to a question asked by his inquisitive disciples: “Tell us […] what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?” Jesus answered, and we are quoting only in part: “There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences (epidemics)” (Luke 21:7, 11).
    So it would be wrong to say that the Coronavirus is the sign of the end of the world. The truth is that epidemics and diseases have plagued and continue to plague the human race. As we all know humanity has been plagued in recent times, like “the Spanish flu” (1918-1919), that killed more than 40 million persons, the ‘simple flu’, that every year causes the death of between 250,000 and 500,000. Or aids that has infected more than 76 million persons and caused the death of 35 million with deceases related to this ailment. Only in 2016 1.8 million died because of Aids.
    Therefore, what can certainly be said is that we are living in the time Jesus foretold when he answered his disciples question.
    However, anyone that aims to take advantage of such a tremendous situation as the one we are experiencing today, so sad and tragic with its many deaths and economic instability, to frighten or intimidate the people that are our neighbours, does a great disservice to the real message of hope that the Bible highlights and Jesus taught us to pray for, saying: “Let your Kingdom come”.
    That hope is the promise of a better world that everyone can aspire to where God Himself “will wipe away every tear from our eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things shall pass away.” And they will pass away. The Kingdom of God will accomplish this. (Matthew 6:9; Apocalypse 21:4; RSV Catholic Edition).
    That is why Jesus wanted everyone to know about this, so he told his disciples that: “this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).
    This is the true essence of real Christianity.
    Manolo Gatt is the Overseer Public Relations in the Gibraltar Congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses
  8. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    by Merriam-Webster:
    Definition of lackey
     (Entry 1 of 2)
    1a: FOOTMAN sense 2, SERVANT
    b: someone who does menial tasks or runs errands for another
    2: a servile follower : TOADY
    Definition of footman
    1aarchaic : a traveler on foot : PEDESTRIAN
    2a: a servant in livery formerly attending a rider or required to run in front of his master's carriage
    b: a servant who serves at table, tends the door, and runs errands
    Definition of toady
     (Entry 1 of 2)
    : one who flatters in the hope of gaining favors : SYCOPHAN
    Definition of sycophant
    : a servile self-seeking flatterer
  9. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    "Lackey" is a rather rude term for someone who has a different belief than your own, don't you think?   Keep in mind, if there is anyone who may agree with me in anything, I don't write their name down, or keep a file on them, remember their "sins", admonish them NOT to "make sure of all things" (1 Thess 5:19-22), or to  beg for donations to support my work.  Approximately 8 million or less (should I call them "lackeys"?) do just that for your GB and their idol.  Rev 13:1,2, 5-11, 15-18
  10. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    God has not given any authority to the GB or the rest of the Leaders of the CCJW. Even the GB admit to NOT BEING inspired by God's Holy Spirit, and they admit that they 'err', or deliberately do wrong. 
    They used to pretend that Elders were appointed by Holy Spirit, but now they admit that Elders are NOT appointed by Holy spirit. 
    The GB have back tracked on many things. They constantly change the 'teachings' through the Watchtower. 
    The GB also deliberately 'forget' that the 'Body of Christ' are 'FELLOW SLAVES', and the GB use the Elders to control those FELLOW SLAVES. Those FELLOW SLAVES are told not to meet together and not to have Bible study together.
    AND, disgustingly, the GB accuse their FELLOW SLAVES of 'working against the Holy Spirit'. 
    You of course serve your GB and are therefore blinded by their trickery and falsehood. Go careful, blind guides is what they are and you will all fall into the pit. You will have no excuse when Judgement arrives. 
  11. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    It has everything to do with the GB, false witnesses. (Rev 13:11) They are not Christ, but they give the elder body the authority to judge another's spirituality.  
    John 16:2; Rev 13:15
  12. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    “Evidently” it was an organizational decision, and it seemed “reasonable to conclude” that “slave” only applies to those with authoritative power already set in place.  Whomever they choose, or vote in, become a "slave".  
  13. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    Absolutely. WTJWorg study magazines and other publications with GB as Main Doctrinal Body who giving interpretations on Bible text forgetting reality: Between good and bad, between black and white is wide specter of details and variations. 
    But they want only one picture about themselves to be visible and applicable on them. Positive and "imperfectly perfect"picture. Because of such illusion and wrong self perception they are not able to see how their policy and leadership contributes in fulfillment of second part (impossible to be part, as they say) about "evil slave". 
    And here we came to second issue. No one appointed them to be in that role of "slave" - good or evil. They choose to be in that role by own free will.  
  14. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    Absolutely. WTJWorg study magazines and other publications with GB as Main Doctrinal Body who giving interpretations on Bible text forgetting reality: Between good and bad, between black and white is wide specter of details and variations. 
    But they want only one picture about themselves to be visible and applicable on them. Positive and "imperfectly perfect"picture. Because of such illusion and wrong self perception they are not able to see how their policy and leadership contributes in fulfillment of second part (impossible to be part, as they say) about "evil slave". 
    And here we came to second issue. No one appointed them to be in that role of "slave" - good or evil. They choose to be in that role by own free will.  
  15. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    I don’t believe I have made the claim that I know everything, but this is a deep-seated belief of mine, which anyone can accept or reject.  It was an anointed brother who brought this to my attention quite a few years ago.  That’s right, a brother who also was ousted by the organization for rejecting falsehoods.  (John 16:2; Rev 13:15) Besides, I think we both know that Arauna (it was she that received my comment) listens to whom she chooses when it fits her agenda, and pushes that agenda pretty strongly.   Her belief system is a hodgepodge of her own theories and prophesies, mixed with teachings of the governing body.   She claims her worldly experience attributes to her prophetic knowledge.  (1 Cor 2:13,14)  Yet, according to her, whatever I offer is poison and will kill anyone who accepts what I might say.   She, on the other hand, who gives her own slant to the GB teachings is “safe” in the organization since she speaks highly of the very men she may disagree with.  And, she is a staunch believer in the 1914 debacle. As many JWs do, she gives “testimony” about her god, “Jehovah” and his organization, instead of Jesus Christ. (Isa 46:5)
    If you want to believe that God decided to send his Holy Spirit on individuals to change how the tetrgrammaton should be dealt with and pronounced, as Arauna indicates, that’s your choice.  It was  written down in the inspired scriptures years before the invention of “Jehovah” emerged. She seems to indicate that somehow God was shamed until this point, which would include the time Jesus was on earth and the way he taught us to approach the Father.  Because of this, the scriptures apparently needed adjusting, even though we are not to add or take away from the Word of God.  Regardless, the Watchtower decided the scriptures require the fabricated name “Jehovah” to be inserted, even in places where the tetragrammaton never existed in the holy scriptures. I am not saying other translations don’t use “Jehovah”, but WT’s leaders seem to think it needs to flood His word a good 7,000 times. And they make sure they brag about it. 
     Possibly, it is just opposite of what JWs/Arauna believes. What if God has exposed what His people have done by embracing not only a made up name that actually disgraces the meaning of the tetragrammaton, but a man-made organization that demeans the true Zion/Temple of God in the anointed priesthood. (Dan 7:7; 11:38; Rev 13:1-8; 11:1-3,7; 1 Cor 3:16,17)  These are pieces of the puzzle that Satan the Destroyer, has devised to deceive the remnant into believing a lie. (Rev 16:13-16; Joel 3:14)     Arauna quotes Joel 2:26. The locust army came against God’s people because of their sins. (Joel 2:12,13)  God’s name then and now, is “shamed” by the actions of His anointed priesthood, and those with them,  who profess to know Him, but choose to listen to the assumed authority and power of men and their falsehoods, instead of listening to their Master, Jesus Christ.  (Matt 24:48-51; Rev 18:4-8)
  16. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    Yes, very interesting subject. We have to remind us how first Christians, or Jesus' followers, Jesus' disciples, put their life, didn't want to reject their faith in Jesus, because of Jesus, and not because of JHVH.  
    First followers (not JHVH's followers but Jesus' followers) gave their lives because they did not want to deny their faith in Jesus. They did not want to give up the name of Jesus. The name JHVH was not  the name they want to defend and protect. 
    The name Jesus brings some controversy. Interestingly and contrary of what we generally might think and what we perhaps didn't say clearly enough with right wording, but: followers of JHVH name persecuted people who been followers of Jesus name. This giving specific dimension to issue and contribute  to your reasoning and explanation about modern scene and how JHVH Organization operate in the Name of God (FDS, anointed individuals etc). 
  17. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Jehovah's Witnesses 'refused to reveal details of sex abuse by church elder'   
    @Julie Bayley maybe the reason you are shocked is because these things are kept hidden by the Elders in the congregations. I hope you are aware that this type of thing is happening Earthwide in the JW Org.
    If you are not aware then I suggest you do a Google search for Jehovah's Witnesses Child Sexual Abuse.
    You will be horrified at what you find out. 
  18. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    @Witness & @Srecko Sostar  you have both got me thinking on this now. 
    It is very interesting and it will get me re-reading the Greek Scriptures once again but from a different viewpoint. 
    However the NWT is what I've been using and now I'm thinking I need a different translation of God's Word. 
    The NWT does alter words to suit there own agenda, so a comparison would be nice, but in hard copy. 
    I know lots are available to read online but It would be great to get away from this screen and maybe read in the garden. 
  19. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    Yes, very interesting subject. We have to remind us how first Christians, or Jesus' followers, Jesus' disciples, put their life, didn't want to reject their faith in Jesus, because of Jesus, and not because of JHVH.  
    First followers (not JHVH's followers but Jesus' followers) gave their lives because they did not want to deny their faith in Jesus. They did not want to give up the name of Jesus. The name JHVH was not  the name they want to defend and protect. 
    The name Jesus brings some controversy. Interestingly and contrary of what we generally might think and what we perhaps didn't say clearly enough with right wording, but: followers of JHVH name persecuted people who been followers of Jesus name. This giving specific dimension to issue and contribute  to your reasoning and explanation about modern scene and how JHVH Organization operate in the Name of God (FDS, anointed individuals etc). 
  20. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Jack Ryan in Jehovah's Witnesses 'refused to reveal details of sex abuse by church elder'   
    Who are the "righteous" elders at the UK JW Branch Office or NY JW.org headquarters that are sanctioning the behaviour of these committees.
    And we KNOW that these incidents are handled at the highest levels within CCJW service and legal department.
    True JW's need to vote with their donations and demand real change. Warwick will get the message FAST!
  21. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Shiwiii in Jehovah's Witnesses 'refused to reveal details of sex abuse by church elder'   
    I guess the "love never fails" to protect the ones they love. And it sure isn't the victim they love. 
  22. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Jehovah's Witnesses 'refused to reveal details of sex abuse by church elder'   
    Paedophile ELDER.  Article dated : 12 April 2020
    Clifford Whiteley, 73, jailed for offences but court told church had refused to reveal details of what he told them
    A Jehovah's Witnesses group refused to help police after a paedophile elder had confessed to them, a court heard.
    Clifford Whiteley, 73, had admitted the child abuse to a West Midlands branch of the church after carrying out the attack more than ten years ago.
    But a court heard the group allegedly refused to reveal details of that confession to police - citing data protection reasons.
    After being arrested by police Whiteley initially denied his crimes, before saying: "My life is over now. Jehovah's Witnesses cannot lie. God will judge me."
    Whiteley, of Ball Fields, Great Bridge, Tipton, was jailed for nine years at Birmingham Crown Court.
    The Queen Elizabeth II Law Courts, better known as Birmingham Crown Court He had previously pleaded guilty to sexual assault of a child and three other serious sexual offences.
    Passing sentence, Judge Paul Farrer QC told him: "You used your religion to convince your victim she was complicit in your wrongdoing and, in that way, sought to silence her and, sadly, you succeeded for many years."
    The court heard the victim had been brought up in the Jehovah's Witnesses while the defendant was an elder in a congregation in the West Midlands.
    Kathryn Orchard, prosecuting, said the victim had tried to "blot out" the offences.
    But after she revealed what had happened to her there was a meeting with church figures where Whiteley denied the allegations.
    Miss Orchard said the Jehovah's Witnesses also launched its own investigation and the defendant had confessed.
    But it was claimed when police later quizzed about the details of what Whiteley said, the group refused to reveal them.
    Miss Orchard said the defendant had also not answered police questions.
    The judge said the victim suffered severe psychological harm and that it was enduring.
    Sharon Bailey, defending, said Whiteley had a number of health issues which would become more acute in time.
    She said he had not been responsible for the Jehovah's Witnesses refusing to disclose his confession - a decision allegedly taken for data protection reasons.
    So it continues. No cooperation with the police. Using Clergy-Penitent Privilege / 'Data Protection' as an excuse.  
    It isn't going to change until Yahweh, through Yeshua / Jesus, judges the CCJW and it's Leaders.
  23. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Jehovah’s Witnesses: Members Must Reject COVID-19 Plasma Treatment… Or Else   
    Copied as found. Don't know how true this is. 
    APRIL 10, 2020   On Wednesday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a statement regarding an experimental treatment for COVID-19. It involved “convalescent plasma” collected from people who have recovered from the disease. The FDA said that, while the treatment had not been approved (since experimental data was virtually non-existent), there were a few places where scientists or doctors could use it, including in patients with “serious or immediately life-threatening COVID-19 infections.” The thinking is that there are antibodies present in the plasma of recovered patients that could help current patients fight the virus.
    Okay. Fine.
    The problem is that the Jehovah’s Witnesses are reacting to this statement by saying it would violate the religion’s rules to accept this treatment.
    JWs have famously refused blood transfusions since 1945 even when they’re needed to save their own lives.
    The religion’s leaders are now saying plasma is included in that ban. The watchdog site JWsurvey obtained a “leaked memo from a Jehovah’s Witness Circuit Overseer” sent to local leaders:
    Do you think ALMIGHTY GOD really means this ? 
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    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    I believe they certainly suffer an imbalance.  I feel that to be a true witness to truth requires being a witness not only for God, but also for Jesus, who is truth. (John 14:6; 17:17)   The Old Testament prophets were God’s witnesses who bore testimony also of Jesus Christ, by speaking God’s word about him.  Rev 19:10; (Jer 5:14) We know Jesus is God’s “faithful and true witness” (Rev 1:5; 3:14) to truth, and those priests/members of his Body are also to be God’s “witnesses” to truth.
    “You are my witnesses”—
    this is the Lord’s declaration—
    “and my servant whom I have chosen,
    so that you may know and believe me
    and understand that I am he.
    No god was formed before me,
    and there will be none after me.”  Isa 43:10
    The people I formed for myself
    will declare my praise.  Isa 43:21
    “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”  1 Pet 2:9
    So again, I feel being a “witness” of God requires giving “testimony of Jesus” – to his words of TRUTH. Adding to his words nullifies in one's mind, not only truth, but Christ’s witness and testimony.  It also nullifies that person becoming or existing as a faithful and true “witness” of God.  It is sad to see this in the organization, where truth has no foothold, since falsehoods have been taught to thousands over the years. (how do they dismiss affecting so many lives, so easily? how can those leaders sleep, knowing that they taught people to live a lie?)  
    Truth from Christ is sterling, not corroded in any way; not needing a polishing up to make it acceptable.  John 6:27; Rev 3:18
    Since Jesus and the Father are one, a true priest/“witness” would be one in truth with them.  To his disciples:
    “Whoever listens to you listens to me. Whoever rejects you rejects me. And whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me.” Luke 10:16
     “All things havebeen entrusted to me by my Father. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son desires to reveal him.” Luke 10:22
    Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.  John 14:6
    JWs will disagree, but Jesus is subtly rejected in the organization, so the concerted effort is on “Jehovah”. This is how JWs have learned from their leaders, to “witness”.  Yet, who can know the Father except for those who approach Christ?  Is that even possible for JWs?
    Absolutely not. Wt 20/4/pp 20-25
    “The second challenge is that we are not able to speak to Jesus. When we pray, we direct our thoughts to Jehovah. True, we do pray in Jesus’ name, but we do not talk directly to him. In fact, Jesus does not want us to pray to him. Why not? Because prayer is a form of worship, and only Jehovah should be worshipped. (Matt. 4:10) Even so, we can express our love for Jesus.
    There we go.  One scripture that is to prove we cannot speak to Jesus; even though in that one scripture, Jesus was talking to Satan, telling HIM to worship the Father only.   No man, no person, was in the conversation.  It had to do with the war that began between them in Genesis 3:15.  So, from one scripture they say Jesus does not want us to pray to him.  Incredible!  
    Jesus is totally cut out of the life of JWs; and the anointed members of his body who are silenced, have been cut off from their Head.  Their restriction from speaking with Jesus shows lawlessness is active and causing spiritual 'disaster' in the organization. 2 Thess 2:9-12  It is not much different than the Pharisees rejecting Christ, only this time, Wt’s leaders preach “another Jesus”.  2 Cor 11:4
     “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You lock up the kingdom of heaven from people. For you don’t go in, and you don’t allow those entering to go in.”
      “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to make one proselyte, and when he becomes one, you make him twice the son of Gehenna as you are!”   Matt 23:13-15
    How can JWs understand what it means to give a testimony of Jesus Christ, when they have no relationship with him?  And who doesn't want us to have a relationship with Christ?  It is the same powerful individual that wants us to bow down and worship him, instead of God and Christ.  
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    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Should true Christians use the word "Disaster"?   
    Yes, i am also pretty sure how believers, of all kind, and here JW's particularly was and/or will find themselves in difficult situations ........ when invoking the name of God becomes the only, last hope, and when it becomes the only, final way to feel protected.
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