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Srecko Sostar

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    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in A SOUVENIR FROM BETHEL??   
    Yes, it reminds me of Matt 24:24-27  They failed to hear the words of Christ, but chose their own doctrine instead.  Mark 7:7
    We are aware of Russell’s teaching based on pyramidology:
    “Influenced by the pyramidology theories of John Taylor and Charles Piazzi Smyth, Nelson Barbour and Charles Russell taught that the Great Pyramid of Giza contained prophetic measurements in "pyramid inches" that pointed to both 1874 and 1914. Russell viewed the Great Pyramid as "God's Stone Witness and Prophet".[70][71] Smyth reviewed Russell's manuscript on the Great Pyramid before publication and Russell credited him and Scottish writer Robert Menzies for the view "that the Great Pyramid is Jehovah's 'Witness', and that it was as important a witness to divine truth as to natural science."[72][73] Prophetic dates derived from the measurements inside the Great Pyramid were seen as complementary to biblical interpretations. Russell included the Great Pyramid as part of his film and color slide production The Photo-Drama of Creation in 1914, suggesting that the Great Pyramid was built by the Old Testament king-priest Melchizedek. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eschatology_of_Jehovah's_Witnesses
    That is what I see in the second photo above,  – an influencing icon of a pyramid and the teachings incorporated by it.    But, as we also see, there is an eye placed at the top of the pyramid.  It appears to be the “eye of providence”, symbolic for the eye of God.
    In Freemasonry:
    "Today the Eye of Providence is often associated with Freemasonry, although it is originally a Christian symbol. The Eye first appeared as part of the standard iconography of the Freemasons in 1797, with the publication of Thomas Smith Webb's Freemasons Monitor. Here, it represents the all-seeing eye of God and is a reminder that humanity's thoughts and deeds are always observed by God (who is referred to in Masonry as the Great Architect of the Universe. )Typically, the Masonic Eye of Providence has a semi-circular glory below it. Sometimes this Masonic Eye is enclosed by a triangle.
    Popular among conspiracy theorists is the claim that the Eye of Providence shown atop an unfinished pyramid on the Great Seal of the United States indicates the influence of Freemasonry in the founding of the United States. However, common Masonic use of the Eye dates to 14 years after the creation of the Great Seal. Furthermore, among the members of the various design committees for the Great Seal, only Benjamin Franklin was a Mason (and his ideas for the seal were not adopted). Various Masonic organizations have explicitly denied any connection to the creation of the Seal."https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_of_Providence

    The WT has been known to use its version of “the Great Architect of the Universe” in its magazines:
    “Despite the opinion of such men, God’s own Word says that the design was received under inspiration by Moses from the great Architect of the universe, Jehovah God himself.”  W 56 11/15 pp. 685-687
    “Consider, rather, how marvelously the Great Architect of the universe implanted in men so great a variety of capabilities!”  g70 5/22 pg 20-23
    It seems they reasoned that if they made a seesaw version of capital letters, no one would notice the connection to Freemasonry.  One year after the above Awake statement comes this testimony:
    “I tried to find the truth in various religious organizations but can now see that they did not have it. Then I became a member of Freemasonry in the belief that thereby I could fill the need of every human to worship a Supreme Being that some call the Great Architect of the Universe. The Bible identifies him as Jehovah in Psalm 83:18and also at Isaiah 42:8, which says, ‘I am Jehovah. That is my name; and to no one else shall I give my own glory, neither my praise to graven images.’
    “In Freemasonry I found very good friends and sincere persons, but I did not find there the truth that I looked for. I have really found it among Jehovah’s witnesses.
    “I have learned from the Bible that this wicked world together with all its religious and political organizations will be destroyed at the coming battle of God. Revelation 18:4 says, ‘And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.”’ The Bible shows that Babylon the Great represents the false religious organizations and says they will be destroyed. So why remain within them?
    “This is the reason for my request to be taken off the list of members of the Masonic Lodge. From now on I am one of Jehovah’s witnesses and I will be attending the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s witnesses in order to study more deeply the Bible and be able to bring this knowledge to persons seeking the truth. Yours truly.”  Yb 1971, p. 115
    From CT Russell's book, the Divine Plan of the Ages:

    What I perceive, is two-faced hypocrisy in the inscription on the coin above:  
    "The Legacy Continues". 
    As well as the Wt's link commemorating the 100 year anniversary of the photo-drama as a "Milestone in Bible Education".  
    Yes, it is the legacy of deceit, denial, and the absence of Truth from its beginning foundation, down to today.  
  3. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in If You’re Going to Bewail Manipulation, Bewail it Where it Counts   
    1 - manipulate
    1: to treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially in a skillful manner manipulate a pencil manipulate a machine
    2a: to manage or utilize skillfully quantify our data and manipulate it statistically— S. L. Payne b: to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage being used and manipulated by the knowing men around him— New Republic 3: to change by artful or unfair means so as to serve one's purpose : DOCTOR suspected that the police reports were manipulated— Evelyn G. Cruickshanks   2 - manipulation the action of influencing or controlling someone or something to your advantage, often without anyone knowing it:   Maybe this is more appropriate to call it as - "blackmail" or "carrot". And than, this "tool" is sort of manipulation :))
    ....for good or for bad. Future will bring answer.
  4. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in If You’re Going to Bewail Manipulation, Bewail it Where it Counts   
    Manipulation is the byword of the Watchtower.  Tom, we are to be "moldable pieces"....not of dough, but of clay.  
    Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.  Isa 64:8
    Every faithful JW is the product, the "work", of the organization.  The manipulation began with the promise of eternal life, if and only if, one enters and becomes its product.  
    "You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."  1 Cor 6:19b,20
    Samuel Herd used the partial scripture in 1 Cor 6:19, which in its entirety, refers to the anointed Temple.  Although he used it to support the construction work, the Bethel work, the organizational work as a whole.  When JWs are baptized, they are dedicated to the organization. They are no longer their own, but must live up to that vow (which the magazines have reminded them of) 
    What Herd meant was...  "You are not your own; you were bought at a price (your life/soul). Therefore honor the organization with your bodies."
  5. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in If You’re Going to Bewail Manipulation, Bewail it Where it Counts   
    Um, Children of JW parents. @TrueTomHarley are manipulated. 
    Didn't a member of the GB say something like 'Don't let them have their driving licence until they get baptised'.
    I do know, having known the JW Org for over 50 years, that children of JW Parents are bribed / manipulated.
    A child raised as a JW has to go to the meetings, has to mix with mainly JWs and other JW children. And had to go on the ministry at weekends. They do not get an option. They have to go where their parents take them. 
    Then there is the competition that you don't believe in, about getting them baptised. At 6 or 7 years old ? Well maybe the child gets to be 10 before the real pressure in put on, or the bribery.
    Then of course if a child hasn't been allowed to mix with 'people of the world', because 'the world is so wicked', then that is a form of manipulation. Why ? Because it has formed a wrong opinion in the child's mind. The child will actually believe it's parents. The child will be frightened to mix with 'people of the world' and won't trust anyone outside the Org.  Totally unfair. And then you have the 'You don't need higher education'. Now that again is manipulation. If you stop your child getting higher education, you have changed the direction of that child's life. That is manipulation. 
    In my opinion, manipulation isn't just pushing a person in a direction, it can also be, putting up a barrier to make a person change direction, especially if that new direction is the deliberate intention of the person in control.
    And of course once a child is baptised the manipulation gets worse as the Elders now have control. The threat of shunning and disfellowshipping, and thereby being thrown out of home, is the new fear a child has. I've seen it all take place. I've seen a young man made to live in the family garage as he had nowhere else to live, but they would not let him live in the house. 
    Manipulation is alive and well in the JW Org. It's not in people's mind. There is proof of it happening. 
  6. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in JW UK: Jehovah's Witnesses told to pay rape victim £62k   
    Following on from above comment. A quote from the link :-
    "It is incontrovertible from these documents that the elders of the congregation knew about (the girl's) allegations since at least December 2016 - when (she) was aged nine.They did not report those allegations to the police until July 2019.
    To ALL those JWs that say it is all old cases that happened years ago. 
    This is NOW. And shows it is still happening. Get your heads out of the sand and stop denying it. 
    Elders deliberately protect paedophiles.
    For whatever reasons, JW Org is still protecting / hiding Paedophiles. 
  7. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Isabella in JW UK: Jehovah's Witnesses told to pay rape victim £62k   
    A High Court judge has issued a warning after a group of Jehovah’s Witnesses were more concerned with the “spiritual counselling” of a sexually abusive father, than protecting his young daughter. 
    Ministers in a congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses waited more than two and a half years before telling police that the girl, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, had made sex abuse allegations against her father.
    Mrs Justice Lieven said there had been a "failure to take effective steps to protect a young child" which gave rise to "deep concern".
  8. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Jehovah's Witnesses: "We will NEVER change our two Witness rule"   
    Watch from minute 53.00 - 56.00 - "...so we will never change our Scriptural position on that subject....." 
    His lips said that :))))
    JW Broadcasting—November 2017
  9. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Isabella in Jehovah’s Witness UK Headquarters Dissolves Kingdom Hall Charities, Seizes Full Control of Property and Finances   
    JW Survey has obtained documents affirming that the Jehovah’s Witness headquarters in the United Kingdom has orchestrated a systematic takeover bid of all Kingdom Hall properties located in England, Scotland and Wales.
    In a letter dated November 8th, 2019, the London-based Kingdom Hall Trust announced that all UK congregations will dissolve their status as individual charities and become branches of the KHT.

    The Kingdom Hall Trust (KHT) is a Jehovah’s Witness legal corporation established in 1939 as the London Company of Kingdom Witnesses. On June 30, 1978, it was officially registered as a charity in the UK.
    In 1994, the name was changed to the Kingdom Hall Trust.

    While the KHT was already engaged in the acquisition of property used by Jehovah’s Witness church members, the latest directive “proposes” that all UK Branch Congregations relinquish their individual charity status and operate under the blanket control of the Kingdom Hall Trust charity.
    Five documents were leaked, including a private letter to all elders, a separate letter to be read to congregations, and an FAQ document explaining the dissolution of congregation charities. Also included are the pre-formatted meeting minutes and congregation resolutions to be filled out, resolved, and returned to the KHT.
    According to the letter presented to individual congregations, the UK Charity Commission approved the merging of all UK congregations into the Kingdom Hall Trust, with the premise that all congregations in the United Kingdom agree to these changes.
    The language used cleverly suggests that the merger is optional:
    “Your charity is now being invited to take part in this process and merge with The Kingdom Hall Trust. Next week a resolution will be put to all baptized members of your congregation so that you can decide whether or not to go along with this proposal.” [bold ours]
    It may be of interest to the Charity Commission that congregational compliance to central directives is not optional. All resolutions placed before congregation members from the Jehovah’s Witness governing entities are passed without contest.
    Financial Implications
    While the Kingdom Hall Trust directors state that these changes are for purposes of simplification, the leaked documents suggest that permanent control of property and finances may be the true motivation.
    The November 2019 letter to congregation members says:
    “However, because elders would no longer serve as trustees, your local donations would be administered by KHT as part of its general funds. This could mean that the Trustees decide to use your donations to support the Kingdom work elsewhere in our branch territory and throughout the world to meet the needs of our brothers and sisters. This is in harmony with the equalizing explained at 2 Corinthians 8:14 “… that by means of an equalizing, your surplus at the present time might offset their need, so that their surplus might also offset your deficiency, that there may be an equalizing”.” [bold ours]
    While Witnesses have always been able to donate funds to the “Worldwide” work, the latest directive appears to give the Kingdom Hall Trust the ability to extract funds normally marked for local use only, and allocate them for use by Jehovah’s Witness leadership anywhere in the world.
    Read more: https://jwsurvey.org/news/jehovahs-witness-uk-headquarters-dissolves-kingdom-hall-charities-seizes-full-control-of-property-and-finances
  10. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JJJ-AUSTRALIA in Jehovah's Witnesses: "We will NEVER change our two Witness rule"   
    He did said that on the broadcasting.
    Maybe is just out of sync on the video, sometimes happens when u upload videos. 
  11. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Shiwiii in Jehovah's Witnesses: "We will NEVER change our two Witness rule"   
    oh, I did and agree that this video and the narrative do not match, but is what Gary said true or not? 
  12. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from JW Insider in JW Russia:Three Jehovah’s Witnesses convicted in Russia amid crackdown   
    This is clearly... POLITICAL statement.
    JWorg Headquarter took political position with this public statement. This is not wise and this is not example, role model of how to be Neutral Christian group.
  13. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in JW Russia:Three Jehovah’s Witnesses convicted in Russia amid crackdown   
    Perhaps his real, full name is: Mr. Authentic J. Winsider. No relation.
  14. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Kosonen in 1914-1919 Debunked   
    The WT organization puts much importance on 1918 and 1919. But those beliefs are farfetched applications on Bible prophecies obscuring the urgent need to understand the true meaning of those prophecies. Because it will affect all Jehovah's witnesses. Let's see why those explanations are untrue. For example the publication Daniel's prophecy dp gives some explanations that can quite easily be debunked. Here is the explanation from jw.org:
    10 Has there been such a spiritual revival of God’s anointed servants in the time of the end? Yes! It is a historical reality that in 1918 a small remnant of faithful Christians were subjected to an extraordinary attack that disrupted their organized public ministry. Then, against all likelihood, in 1919 they returned to life in a spiritual sense. These facts fit the description of the resurrection foretold at Daniel 12:2. Some did “wake up” spiritually at that time and thereafter. Sadly, though, not all remained in a spiritually alive state. Those who after being awakened chose to reject the Messianic King and who left God’s service earned for themselves the ‘reproaches and indefinitely lasting abhorrence’ described at Daniel 12:2. (Hebrews 6:4-6) However, the faithful anointed ones, making good use of their spiritually revived state, loyally supported the Messianic King. Ultimately, their faithfulness leads, as the prophecy states, to “indefinitely lasting life.” Today, their spiritual vitality in the face of opposition helps us to identify them.
    16 Daniel’s account continues: “And I began to hear the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream, as he proceeded to raise his right hand and his left hand to the heavens and to swear by the One who is alive for time indefinite: ‘It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half. And as soon as there will have been a finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces, all these things will come to their finish.’” (Daniel 12:7) This is a solemn matter. The angel raises both hands in an oath, perhaps so that this gesture is visible to the two angels on opposite sides of the broad river. He thereby emphasizes the absolute certainty of the fulfillment of this prophecy. When, though, are these appointed times? The answer is not as difficult to find as you might think it is.
    17 This prophecy is remarkably similar to two other prophecies. One, which we considered in Chapter 9 of this publication, is found at Daniel 7:25; the other, at Revelation 11:3, 7, 9. Note some of the parallels. Each is set during the time of the end. Both prophecies concern holy servants of God, showing them to be persecuted and even temporarily unable to carry out their public preaching activity. Each prophecy shows that God’s servants revive and then resume their work, foiling their persecutors. And each prophecy mentions the duration of this time of hardship for the holy ones. Both prophecies in Daniel (7:25 and 12:7) refer to ‘a time, times, and half a time.’ Scholars generally recognize this to mean three and a half times. Revelation refers to the same period as 42 months, or 1,260 days. (Revelation 11:2, 3) This confirms that the three and a half times in Daniel refer to three and a half years of 360 days each. But when did these 1,260 days begin?
    18 The prophecy is quite explicit as to when the 1,260 days would end—when there is “a finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces.” In the middle of 1918, leading members of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, including its president, J. F. Rutherford, were convicted on false charges, sentenced to long terms of confinement, and imprisoned. God’s holy ones did indeed see their work ‘dashed to pieces,’ their power broken. Counting back three and a half years from mid-1918 brings us to the end of 1914. At that time the little band of anointed ones were bracing themselves for the onslaught of persecution. World War I had broken out, and opposition to their work was mounting. For the year 1915, they even based their yeartext on this question that Christ asked his followers: “Are ye able to drink of my cup?” (Matthew 20:22, King James Version) As predicted at Revelation 11:3, the 1,260-day period that ensued was a mournful time for the anointed—it was as if they were prophesying in sackcloth. Persecution worsened. Some of them were imprisoned, others were mobbed, and still others were tortured. Many were disheartened by the death of the Society’s first president, C. T. Russell, in 1916. What, though, was to happen after this dark time concluded with the killing of these holy ones as a preaching organization? (End of quote)
    These claims of severe persecution are unfortunately exaggerated and does not nearly correspond to the prophecies. 
    That is because the WT organization did not cease to continue its work despite some 8 leading brothers sent to prison. The Proclaimers book does not at all give a such grime picture of the years 1914-1919 conserning the WT organization.
    https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1101993007 Proclaimers book jv:
    "Through the close of 1917 and into 1918, the Bible Students energetically distributed the new book, The Finished Mystery. By the end of 1917, the printers were busy on the 850,000 edition. The Watch Tower of December 15, 1917, reported: “The sale of the Seventh Volume is unparallelled by the sale of any other book known, in the same length of time, excepting the Bible.”
    "But not everyone was thrilled with the success of The Finished Mystery. The book contained some references to the clergy of Christendom that were very cutting. This so angered the clergy that they urged the government to suppress the publications of the Bible Students. As a result of this clergy-inspired opposition, early in 1918, The Finished Mystery was banned in Canada. Opposition soon mounted against the Bible Students in the United States." (End of quote)
    During the time the leading brothers were in prison the activity continued at the WT organization. The Proclaimers book goes on to tell: 
    "Back in Brooklyn an Executive Committee was appointed to take charge of the work. A chief concern of the brothers appointed was to keep The Watch Tower in circulation. The Bible Students everywhere certainly needed all the spiritual encouragement that could be given them. In fact, during this entire “testing season,” not one issue of The Watch Tower failed to appear in print!*"
    Nevertheless, a good spirit prevailed. Martha Meredith recalled: “We in Pittsburgh got together and decided we were going to keep ‘the home fires burning’ until the brethren got out of prison. At that time the Brooklyn office was moved to Pittsburgh, so the brethren got busy writing articles for The Watch Tower and had it printed. When The Watch Towers were ready to be sent out, we sisters wrapped them and sent them out to the people.”(End of quote)
    So where was the dashing in to pieces in 1914-1919? According to Daniel 12:7 ‘It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half. And as soon as there will have been a finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces, all these things will come to their finish.’” (Daniel 12:7)
    And because evidently this prophecy had no relation to 1914-1919 we should ask ourselves if that is instead something the WT organization will soon experience. And not only the WT organization but the anointed in general?
  15. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in JW UK: Jehovah's Witnesses told to pay rape victim £62k   
    That is not a large amount considering what she went through.
    And it proves that the Elders were either useless or deliberately dishonest. 
    And to think the GB / Org used to say that Elders were chosen by holy spirit. 
  16. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in JW Russia:Three Jehovah’s Witnesses convicted in Russia amid crackdown   
    What benefit WTJWorg try to accomplish with giving criticism on one political system especially in moment when WT Corporation is under ban? Did JWorg not understand consequences and seriousness of this words, and how such statement will sound, when one US Corporation going to compare two political systems that was part of one Nation in USSR and Russia history? Are WTJWorg representative who gave this statement is a historian who giving picture of position of religion in USSR communist state and Russia now, on some Convention of historians?  Do WTJWorg try to say how history of political system in North America is better than this in Asia?
    How such standpoint can be in harmony with JW preaching how all and every political system is under devil control and it is not good? WTJWorg working under US State political system and Laws. Do WT have aspiration or wish and hope that this political system and laws to be implemented in Russia too? 
    What is a purpose when one of elders in JW congregation going outside of his primarily responsibility: to be shepherd of Jesus' flock, and not from a flock of  Russian president ?
  17. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Leander H. McNelly in Jehovah's Witnesses have hired known cult apologist Massimo Introvigne to write a 21-page "Expert Opinion" defending the Witnesses for their child abuse mishandling.   
    In Australia hearing they tried the same thing with a little help of Dr. Monica Applewhite. 
    https://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/sites/default/files/file-list/Case Study 29 - Findings Report - Jehovahs Witnesses.pdf
    8 Expert Evidence for the Jehovah’s Witness Organisation      page 73-75
     At the request of Watchtower Australia,637 the Royal Commission heard evidence from Dr Applewhite, who was engaged by Watchtower Australia to provide a report on the response of the Jehovah’s Witness organisation to allegations of child sexual abuse.
  18. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from AuthenticJWinsider in JW Russia:Three Jehovah’s Witnesses convicted in Russia amid crackdown   
    What benefit WTJWorg try to accomplish with giving criticism on one political system especially in moment when WT Corporation is under ban? Did JWorg not understand consequences and seriousness of this words, and how such statement will sound, when one US Corporation going to compare two political systems that was part of one Nation in USSR and Russia history? Are WTJWorg representative who gave this statement is a historian who giving picture of position of religion in USSR communist state and Russia now, on some Convention of historians?  Do WTJWorg try to say how history of political system in North America is better than this in Asia?
    How such standpoint can be in harmony with JW preaching how all and every political system is under devil control and it is not good? WTJWorg working under US State political system and Laws. Do WT have aspiration or wish and hope that this political system and laws to be implemented in Russia too? 
    What is a purpose when one of elders in JW congregation going outside of his primarily responsibility: to be shepherd of Jesus' flock, and not from a flock of  Russian president ?
  19. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from AuthenticJWinsider in JW Russia:Three Jehovah’s Witnesses convicted in Russia amid crackdown   
    This is clearly... POLITICAL statement.
    JWorg Headquarter took political position with this public statement. This is not wise and this is not example, role model of how to be Neutral Christian group.
  20. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Jehovah's Witnesses have hired known cult apologist Massimo Introvigne to write a 21-page "Expert Opinion" defending the Witnesses for their child abuse mishandling.   
    It appears Massimo Introvigne has had a relationship with the organization for quite a while. 
    Watching the World   g98 7/8 p. 28
    Threat to Religious Liberty in Europe
    At a recent press conference in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., Massimo Introvigne, a Roman Catholic scholar from Turin, Italy, said that antisect lists or reports are being compiled in several countries. Organizations targeted as “dangerous sects” include Baptists, Buddhists, Catholic charismatics, Hasidic Jews, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Quakers, and the Young Women’s Christian Association. A German report cites 800 groups; one in Belgium, 187; and one in France, 172. Introvigne writes that in France “teachers have been fired from public schools after years of honorable service only because they were members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.” As reported by Compass Direct news service, Introvigne expressed concern about public sponsorship of anticult movements. He said: “It is abundantly clear that these movements are responsible for spreading misleading and often simply false information about religious minorities, and an intolerant worldview.”
  21. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in JW Russia:Three Jehovah’s Witnesses convicted in Russia amid crackdown   
    This is clearly... POLITICAL statement.
    JWorg Headquarter took political position with this public statement. This is not wise and this is not example, role model of how to be Neutral Christian group.
  22. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Jehovah's Witnesses have hired known cult apologist Massimo Introvigne to write a 21-page "Expert Opinion" defending the Witnesses for their child abuse mishandling.   
    Perhaps they use sort of "strategy". To find "neutral" party/side who will find nice few words for them. 
  23. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Weather forecast and Stephen Lett   
    I have a reputation for diplomatic subtlety ....
  24. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Weather forecast and Stephen Lett   
    quote: The take-home message? Don't make far-reaching claims about what principle can or cannot explain a phenomenon until you have considered all theoretical formulations of the principle. - https://www.sciencealert.com/new-research-says-the-uncertainty-principle-might-be-slightly-more-certain
  25. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Jehovah's Witnesses have hired known cult apologist Massimo Introvigne to write a 21-page "Expert Opinion" defending the Witnesses for their child abuse mishandling.   
    It appears that they made the top choice, and one they were already familiar with, or had developed "ties" with, as we see from the jw org link.  
    Wikipedia on Cesnur, the organization that Introvigne directs:
    CESNUR has been described as "the highest profile lobbying and information group for controversial religions".
    But, we know "the love of money is the root of all evil"
    CESNUR describes itself as an independent scholarly organization, but the organization has met with criticism for alleged personal and financial ties to the groups it studies; anthropologist Richard Singelenberg questioned in 1997 whether CESNUR is "too friendly and does not make enough critical comments about new religious movements and sects".[12] Many scholars, however, see it in a favourable light and share its criticism of the "sect-monitors".[2]
    For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.  1 Tim 6:10
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