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Srecko Sostar

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  1. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Hi Allen. 
    Well, we have two sort of Interpretations here.
    First is interpretations on Bible verses ...... and next is interpretations on WT verses. 
    Also we have dilemma (you don't have that dilemma :))))).
    1) Who is authorized to interpret Bible verses?
    2) Who is authorized to interpret WT literature?
  2. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Have you thought of writing the GB about this?
    “In the past, we thought that the great tribulation began in 1914 when World War I started. We thought that Jehovah “cut short” those days in 1918 when the war ended so that the remaining anointed ones on earth could preach the good news to all nations. (Matthew 24:21, 22) After that preaching work would be completed, we expected that Satan’s world would be destroyed. So we thought that there were three parts to the great tribulation. It would begin in 1914, it would be interrupted in 1918, and it would finish at Armageddon.”
    Then we realized that a part of Jesus’ prophecy about the last days has two fulfillments. (Matthew 24:4-22) It was fulfilled in the first century in the district of Judea. And in our day there would be a much larger fulfillment that would happen in the whole earth. So we needed to change the way we understood some parts of the prophecy.”   ws13 7/15 p. 3-4
    No one, knows how to “run ahead”/"push ahead" better than the Watchtower leaders.  Which means, according to the scriptures you used, God does not have their back.  
  3. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    By giving wrong interpretations and by REDIRECTING the word of JHVH, what do you think Arauna, is that also rebellion and sort of using "magical power"? GB said that they are chosen to interpret what JHVH and Jesus meant by this or that verse written in Bible. Obviously, they make impression on other ordinary people, so called Am-Harets, how "magical power" is in their hands and that such "power" comes from God.  
    Do you by this saying: GB have self regulation, and we all other need to have self censure?
  4. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    I definitely agree that you said interesting thoughts. Even more. You going further, into some future with "insight". That is visible in idea you mentioned, how "mediate" about something about what is not "broadly accepted" and how it "is not wrong to speculate" with outcome how that process in us resulted with "new insight".
    How that is different with what some other people doing? What if JHVH support your "speculation and private new insight", but you still thinking, how He, because of your prayer, thinks that you are on right path and have no need to correct you?
    Does this mean how "typical Witness" is in better position than JW's who participate here as "untypical"? :))
    I don't know WHO and WHEN had INVENTED this Phrase, but imagine this scene: Jesus is in corner of synagogue,  after he gave his speech introducing "speculation" and "new light". One priest come to him and in fatherly figure mode with soft and calm voice tell him: "Dear Jesus, my brother, my son, don't running ahead. Wait for God and He will change all what is not good. Our GB will be enlighten by His word and make all  changes that is needed, but you must wait."
  5. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Jack Ryan in Dutch Parliament accepted motion related to care for religious apostates   
    The Dutch Parliament has accepted a motion in which is called on the Dutch government to ensure proper care and guidance for apostates.
    I wonder how the Dutch governement is going to act on this motion.
    Proposed 26 September 2019
    The Chamber,
    having heard the deliberations,
    noting that people from orthodox religious communities may encounter a great deal of resistance from their environment if they choose to abandon certain precepts or their faith;
    whereas feelings of loneliness, exclusion and sadness for what is lost can cause a grieving process that people need help with;
    whereas feelings of loneliness, exclusion and sorrow for what has been lost can cause a process of mourning, which people need help with;
    calls on the government to ensure proper care and guidance of apostates, and moves on to the order of the day.
    Van Kooten-Arissen
  6. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Every time I hear any counsel against "running ahead", I think ... running ahead of what ... or who?
    It's important that we differentiate from "running ahead" of the words of the Bible, which results in "old light", touted as "new light" ... until "newer light"  comes out, of which many of us old-timers have seen so much of that it seems like a disco lounge strobe light.
    I think running ahead of the pontifical pronouncements of the WTB&TS management is quite a different issue than running ahead of Jehovah God, or completely unambiguous scripture.
    But ... it seems to me, as individuals, that if you are in the race for life, which should be secondary to serving Jehovah God just because he is worthy of service, and obedience, and honor .... that it's better to be ahead of the race, instead of behind the race.
    Why not as an organization?
    Because If we as individuals are wrong, only we "pay the price" of being wrong, and have to bear the consequences.\
    If we as an organization are wrong, we as individuals STILL have to pay the full price for being wrong  .... times 8 million people ... and the perpetrators pay NO PRICE WHATSOEVER.
    Everybody knows that in a horse race ... ONE of the horses is going to win.
    Which one, makes all the difference in the world.
    A three legged horse with motivation, spunk, desire and the best behaved horse in the whole pack of runners may be all of that and more ... but for sane people, that is not the way to bet. 
    There is also the issue of intellectual integrity ... but that is another topic.
    In over a hundred and five years of recorded experience of watching "OUR" horse run ... what track record do we have to use as a basis for credibility?
    For core truths discerned ... arguably about 95%.
    For mountains of drivel, false prophesies, bogus types and anti-types, and silliness and pronouncements that defy all common sense, perhaps somewhere around 85%, with 15% having real value, or at a minimum, even making some form of common sense.
    And of course, being obviously flat WRONG, when simple human common sense could have avoided that.
    SO ... basically the WTB&TS position is that THEY can run ahead all they want, and if we do not believe what they come up with, we can be disfellowshipped and have our and our family's lives ruined ...... but if WE run ahead we can ALSO be disfellowshipped and have our and our family's lives ruined.
    .... and no matter what they do ... no matter how egregious ... the money keeps rolling in, and they NEVER apologize for anything.

  7. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Anna in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    It is only a problem, if you let it be a problem.
  8. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Anna in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    I wish I could comment on Arauna's and JWI's political banter, but I am ashamed to say I don't know enough about China etc. to make any kind of valid contribution. What I do know is that it is SO difficult to get to the real truth. Unless you have lived it, and experienced it, you can't really be sure about the news, as most of it is propaganda anyway. And you really can't trust the Internet to provide the truth either. Just as a silly example; I was researching "ragweed", which is a plant responsible for allergies at this time of the year in many US states. I like to pick wildflowers and I brought home a plant with yellow flowers, which I know well, called goldenrod. My mother in law insisted it was ragweed. I knew goldenrod was not allergenic as it is a popular back of the (flower) border plant in England. So I Googled ragweed and half the pictures that came up were goldenrod! Of course goldenrod is not ragweed, not even close, but it shows that if the Internet can get something so simple wrong, then how much more precarious is the truth about very complex political and social matters, and also historical truth about people that are long dead. So personally I would not jump on the bandwagon of "popular" views. Not that it matters what I think anyway, but I'm just saying in order to really be fair, unless we are actual witnesses of a situation, it should be OK to  admit that we just can't be sure. I don't know if this makes sense 😂
  9. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    @TrueTomHarley stated:  "There are no “typical” Witnesses here, in my view, except for a few that occasionally stray here, sometimes naively offer comments, thinking persons will be readjusted, and then leave shocked when they discover that no way will it happen. On a few occasions, I have chased them away—it is fine for them to stay here if they wish, but they should know the score before they do. They should not think that Witness, for example,  is some misguided sister that they can help with but a kind word or two."
    Yes Tom, I have more power to mislead a JW than 8 men put together.  Incredible, isn’t it?    Although with wolves, there is power in numbers.  One thing about spiritual wolves among sheep, is that they rub shoulders with them, and gain their confidence.  They speak soothing words with poison on their lips.  Ps 140:3
    Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.  Matt 7:15-20
    Clear evidence that you reside among wolves is WT's failed, distorted, changed doctrine.  CLEAR EVIDENCE, ACCORDING TO CHRIST.  YET, IGNORED BY THOSE WHO CHOOSE TO REMAIN BLIND TO THE EVIDENCE.   2 Cor 4:1-4
    Even the seemingly innocent ones led by wolves, can mislead a sheep through prophetic speculation; while also misleading oneself with one’s own, provocative lie. 
    Perhaps you can explain how the focus of Daniel 11 switches from the trampling of the anointed "saints", over to the conquering of the entire world.  Is God's Temple found in a government of the world?  Is it found in a religion of the world?
    It is found in the hearts of the anointed ones, who are found in the organization.  They are the target of Satan in the last days.  1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22   Rev 20:7-9
    “Then the king will do whatever he wants. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god, (John 10:34-36) and he will say outrageous things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, because what has been decreed will be accomplished.”  Dan 11:36,37
     “It acted arrogantly even against the Prince of the heavenly army;(Rev 1:5) it revoked his regular sacrifice and overthrew the place of his sanctuary.”  Dan 8:11
    "His forces will rise up and desecrate the temple fortress. They will abolish the regular sacrifice and set up the abomination of desolation.”  Dan 11:31
    “His power will be great,
    but it will not be his own power.  (Rev 13:14,15; 19:20)
    He will cause outrageous destruction
    and succeed in whatever he does.
    He will destroy the powerful
    along with the holy people.”  Dan 8:24
     “He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he sits in God’s temple, proclaiming that he himself is God.”  2 Thess 2:4
    "Then I was given a measuring reed like a rod, with these words: “Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, and count those who worship there. 2 But exclude the courtyard outside the temple. Don’t measure it, because it is given to the Gentiles, and they will trample the holy city for forty-two months."  Rev 11:1,2
    "Representing the royal priesthood are appointed elders, who serve in positions of responsibility in congregations of Jehovah’s people around the earth. These men deserve our respect and wholehearted support, whether they are of the anointed or not. 
    Rather than challenge their authority, we truly appreciate our hardworking elders! Their record of faithful service, often over many decades, inspires our trust. "  W 02/8/1
    This is doctrine of men, that contradicts God's decrees  found in the Bible. 2 Chron 13:9; 23:6,7; Num 18:7; Dan 9:27 (edited)    If JWs say they love the scriptures, and love God,  then I would hope they would research what is happening in their own corrupt organization, that calls itself "spirit-directed".  Rev 13:15  Otherwise, to ignore God's decrees  concerning HIS priesthood, is utter hypocrisy.  
    The “man of lawlessness”/elder body conquers the priesthood by ruling over it; and halting, dissolving their priestly sacrifices of praise from their own lips; and instead, expecting them to regurgitate "fruit" that comes from a "bad tree"/wicked slave.  Matt 24:48-51 (edited)
    The GB are not a conglomerate High Priest that directs the priesthood.  That only, is Christ.  Heb 5:5,6,9,10   
    The word for "bad" in Matt 7:15-20 above, means "corrupt" "unfit for use", "worthless".  So, why do JWs continue in giving allegiance to 8 men who cannot produce "good" ("good constitution", "upright")  fruit, since the evidence in scripture shows that bad fruit (spoiled, discarded teachings) does not grow on a "good tree"?
    We are, what we eat.  
    "Iron and Clay"  4womaninthewilderness blogspot, Pearl Doxsey
  10. Sad
    Srecko Sostar reacted to divergenceKO in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    In this case, YES! I think you should know the difference between the word "insult" and the word "rebuke".  Without TTH having to insult people instead of rebuking opposers would be the understanding. I didn't know I needed to spell it out to anyone here. But, I'll make an exception in your case.
  11. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Melinda Mills in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Who is the moderator? This topic should be closed.
  12. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    I'll start with this one, since I agree with a big part of it. Foreign English teachers are still welcome and wanted in China, and they are still being invited. But they are not as welcome as they were just a couple of years ago. Teachers from the United States, especially, are being discouraged from accepting invitations, because the US relationship with China is disintegrating fast, mostly due to economic tariff wars. Chinese schools are not given the freedom to break the rules as often and the immigration policy is stricter. American teachers are meeting up with more antagonism. I think it's explained well in this article from the law firm, Harris-Bricken:
    [Some excerpts make up the rest of this post, nothing more from me, although I will highlight some portions.]
    Do NOT Teach English in China and Why EVERYONE Should Read This
    By Dan Harris on June 19, 2019 Posted in China Business, Legal News ...
    Since relations between China and the West (especially the English speaking West) started going into straight line decline about a year ago, [2018] the number of these emails have increased exponentially and the problems have shifted. The problems we are seeing these days generally fit into the following three categories:
    1. English teacher in jail for a fight or for drug possession. Our advice is to have someone close to them reach out to their country’s embassy and work with the embassy in securing a good local criminal lawyer. We urge them to act quickly and, if at all possible, secure financial support from their parents. We urge them not to publicize their case unless and until their retained lawyer suggests that be done, which is rare.
    [#2 missing from original article]
    3. Visa issues.  We usually suggest the teacher work with their school to try to solve these problems (if they trust/like their school) and/or get a good local immigration lawyer/visa specialist to assist. Occasionally we suggest the teacher leave the country.
    4. Non-payment or underpayment. These usually involve the school perpetually underpaying, the school being late with payment, the school not paying promised bonuses, not paying for extra hours, not paying the final month’s paycheck under the contract or not reimbursing or paying for the flight home (as per the contract). Our advice is usually to let it go because finding and hiring and paying for a lawyer will likely be difficult and the teacher (just as with the work related problems mentioned above) may well be better off long-term by not making waves.
    Pretty routine stuff right? Yes and no and it is the “no” part that is causing me to write this post. The no part is that in the last three months these issues have gone into warp speed. Speaking just for myself, the number of these emails has gone from one or two a month to four to five a day. I have seen at least a ten-fold increase in prison, visa and payment problems for teachers from China (and nowhere else in the world). It has gotten relentless to the point of being depressing. If the emails we are relentlessly receiving are any indication (and they have to be), the following is happening in China in what feels like every minute:
    Teachers are being drug tested using their hair samples. Many are testing for cannabis and being jailed for 30 days or more and then being deported. This is happening to newly arrived teachers who insist they did not consume any cannabis since arriving in China. Listen up everybody, cannabis can show up in hair testings up to (and even sometimes beyond) 90 days after you have consumed it. So if you are going to be teaching in China and you do not want to spend time in jail and get deported, please, please, please go at least four months without consuming ANY cannabis before you go there and please, please, please do not consume any cannabis while there. None. Zero. Zilch. 没有. Aucun. Keiner.  PLEASE. Invariably, the schools use this as a reason not to pay the teacher whatever is owed. Teachers are being checked (or reported on) for having an improper visa for China. The teachers are then being tossed in jail and then deported or just deported straight away. Invariably, the schools use this as a reason not to pay the teacher whatever is owed. It appears to have become very common (as a cost cutting measure) for schools to have teachers come to China and start their teaching on tourist visas, all the while claiming this is perfectly legal — it isn’t. The teachers believe this until the day they are arrested. Near as I can tell, the schools rarely if ever get in any real trouble for this but the teachers sure do. Teachers are not getting paid. Just this morning I got an email from one teacher who say that she and another 75+ teachers in her city (from various different schools) have not gotten paid for months. And another email mentioning nine teachers in another city who also have not been paid.  Add to this the pretty much daily emails I get from teachers who do not get their last paycheck or the airfare reimbursements or the bonuses they were promised and it has become clear that it is open season right now against foreign teachers in China. The schools clearly believe they can blow off paying their teachers with impunity because they are right. When teachers ask me what they should do about getting paid my response is usually to say that they can retain and pay a local Chinese attorney to try to get paid, but the odds of a foreign teacher prevailing on such a claim are not good and pushing at all hard to get paid can have all sorts of negative ramifications. Schools will pull teacher’s work visas or refuse to assist in moving it to a new employer. They may also seek to have you deported so they can be sure to avoid having to pay wages owed and it is not uncommon for schools to make up claims about their teachers and to threaten to “make sure they will never work in China again.” You therefore need to think long and hard about getting bogged down in these sorts of disputes and even how they might harm your long term career prospects.
  13. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Yes. This is partly true. My old boss was from the mainland, where his parents still live, but had moved to work in Hong Kong before getting a job in New York. Most of his relatives still live on the mainland, so when he goes back he visits Hong Kong first, then his other relatives. We recently met at a restaurant with a couple other retirees from the same company, and we talked for a couple hours. I ran a few of these same "young people" arguments by him, and it's true that he is very wary of some of the government's business and economic plans, although he admits that they are currently working. He is very anti-communist as many Chinese-born US citizens are.
    But the one area he says the US (and West) has all wrong is the Uyghur ("Weeger") situation. He says that you have to read between the lines, or learn how to pick the one CNN report in 10 that gets it right. He is surprised that they allow reports to be completely contradictory (although he listens to an International version of CNN) along with a lot of anti-Chinese media. What's curious is that these "concentration camps" are not "concentration camps," as there is no torture, no forced hard labor, etc.  Although Chinese are definitely behind it, they are actually run mostly by Weegers and for Weegers. One of the big thrusts of the Chinese government is to try to legislate against racism, and there is plenty of racism in China. If a group appears to be very unaccepting of other groups -to the point of using violence- they are supposed to go through training in their own culture and other cultures, too. This does include "indoctrination" in the goals of the government, what we would call classes in civics and citizenship, but he says it is mostly job training, and can even include moving a Weeger family to areas to get them better jobs. China ties the problem of poverty to violent rioting and demonstrations.  Muslims around the world have agreed that this has worked as a method of reducing radicalization and has eliminated terrorism.
    Most of China, of course, are Han, although there are several million Weegers, mostly in the Xinjiang province. The first big problem with the Weegers came about after riots that evidently began with rumors of Weegers raping a Han, and other rumors that spread and morphed out of this one. The Han instigated violent riots against the Weegers, and China put a lot of effort into punishing the Han offenders. On the mainland, he says that the Chinese support and defense of the Weegers is a source of anger by racist Chinese. The actual number of Weegers required to go through the training programs are probably in the tens of thousands, he thinks. (The idea of "millions" is a Western invention.) He also mentioned that China has helped Muslims build mosques, not only in China but also in Africa. The Weegers have a vibrant culture in the Xinjiang province that China supports.
    By the way, the entire Muslim world does NOT believe the Weeger propaganda. Even when the UN resolution condemning the "Weeger" situation was promoted by the West, it was signed on by only about 22 countries, all white (US, UK, etc) and ZERO Islamic countries signed onto the resolution. The NYT which attempts at least one big anti-China article every week, ended up reporting the Chinese side of the argument in the context of the 22 nation campaign. While generally negative, of course, the article also included the following:
    China denied such actions when a United Nations human rights committee questioned the policy last year but later said it was providing vocational training to insulate Xinjiang’s population from what it described as the global scourge of extremism.
    To counter international critics, last month China brought Xinjiang’s deputy governor, an ethnic Uighur, to the council, where he asserted that such training is lifting Xinjiang’s people from poverty. The deputy governor, Aierken Tuniyazi, also rejected accusations that the trainees are in detention camps.
    “The trainees’ personal dignity and freedom are fully protected,” he said, describing students living in air-conditioned dormitories and dividing their time between learning valuable skills and participating in ethnic dancing, singing or sports.
    China has used its economic leverage and diplomatic muscle to support this narrative with some success. Muslim countries have remained silent and have even praised China’s treatment of its Muslims. Cameroon, a beneficiary of Chinese infrastructure spending, devoted a statement in the council last week to praising China’s “big achievement” in Xinjiang.
    And last month Vladimir Voronkov, the Russian diplomat heading the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Office, visited Xinjiang and in his end of mission statement made no reference to human rights concerns there, an omission that human rights groups saw as a propaganda gift to Chinese authorities.
    What often raises my own suspicions on these topics is a common thread of US hypocrisy. The US and other Western nations have been overreacting to Muslim countries for many years now, because it's good for the military contractors, and the oil industry. (These are often synonymous with the meaning of the expression "American interests," the thing the US is protecting every time the US joins a conflict.) Therefore, the West looks to blame China for something that might sound even worse. The West uses the IMF and World Bank and even so-called Human Rights societies to help push an agenda in countries where the West wants to plunder resources. When the West builds infrastructure in another nation it's mostly to help get those resources out of the country, not to help local workers and local civilians. The US is infamous for promoting a need for certain facilities at such a cost in IMF loans that the country is supposed to default, and then the US then has leverage to gain UN votes, build military bases, take a higher percentage of resources and profits, or completely "own" the country's new leader through a regime change. Therefore, this is what China will be blamed for doing through Western fearmongering.
    The pattern is very clear on several such items. The West (especially the US) does something bad, so China must be blamed for something just like it, but worse.
  14. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    12 hours ago Foreigner said:


    Man's Got To Know His Limitations.mp4
  15. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    “(to give the correct perspective)”
    “Hardened in their pattern of thinking”
    “But remain totally uninvolved”
    “defend the truth”
    Arauna, do you remember your comment on my post about the locust?
    I didn’t see you remaining totally uninvolved there.
    Do you also remember the Watchtower’s new adjustment on the identity of the locusts of both Revelation and Joel?  Have you adjusted your own hardened pattern of thinking to bring it in line with new ‘truth’ concerning their absolute need to make it clear that the locust in Joel 2 are not the same army as the one in Revelation 9?  Are you prepared to give the (new )correct perspective (that of the WT) when confronted with this topic?
    What truth do you defend today that is different than the truth you defended two years ago? 
    Some of us have preferred to  harden our pattern of thinking in line with Christ’s truth that we recognize in the scriptures, and that other anointed have offered.  To do this, we have “changed the way we think” about men who stumble repeatedly, over their own version of “truth”.   Rom 12:2   We have realized not only is their  truth fake, but so are they.  Luke 21:8; Rev 8:10,11; 13:11  So, we who spent a good chunk of our lives believing in something fake, now have an ax to grind with the WT.   We want those whom we love, to wake up to their own captivity to empty philosophy.  Col 2:8; Rev 13:10  If you and others like you would just wake up, I can guarantee that you in particular, would join us, since I see it in your personality. (OCD) Eph 5:8-14
    The word truth is tossed around between us - between both sides.  There is only one "truth" and it never needs to be discarded.  That "truth" comes only from Christ.  John 14:6; John 15:7,8,16; 2 Tim 2:15
    Eph 6:14 - "Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place"
    How many times have you changed your "belt of truth" since being a JW?  
      Perhaps dictionaries should include an addendum to the definition of truth –
    “Truth as taught by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society:  ‘new light’”
    I know, “OCD” .    
  16. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    If you allow me to say this way: Do not put your faith in interpretations of prophecies. 
  17. Thanks
  18. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Jack Ryan in This is how fast a JW Father can let his daughter go.....   
    It’s funny how he says that “you” decided to isolate yourself when he’s the one choosing to cut contact
  19. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Jack Ryan in US Supreme Court has denied Watchtower's petition   
    We were always taught that the 'candor' of the bible writers in admitting their faults and losses was evidence of god's inspiration and direction...where's that candor today with the gb? crickets...
  20. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Large Group of Native Americans in Mexico Violently Expelled from their Homeland Due to Converting to the Jehovah's Witnesses Religion   
    I thought one of our missions was to "overturn strongly entrenched things"?
    I know that when I do, it is not a waste of MY time, as it proves, in trial by combat with REAL enemies ( not some sham fantasy) that my theology is correct.
    There is no substitute for victory!
  21. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Large Group of Native Americans in Mexico Violently Expelled from their Homeland Due to Converting to the Jehovah's Witnesses Religion   
    ANYBODY can make a medical diagnosis at a distance , and the older you get, and the more experienced you get, the better a person will be at it.
    At least that is the usual case.
    With enough experience, you can go to an "Indiana Jones" movie, like "Raiders of the Lost Ark", and when the Nazis show up, a flash of brilliance will cross you mind, and INSTANTLY you will know in this story who the Bad Guys are.
    When their face melts off, it gets even more evident.
  22. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    People that have "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" will go to great lengths to prove, with distorted logic and reasoning that their viewpoint of the Universe ... centered on them ... is correct.
    You can prove them wrong a hundred times on any one subject, and they will NEVER accept it.
    I would not be surprised if Foreigner would ban himself/herself/themselves, just to appear to be correct, and then reappear as another entity, and say "see, I TOLD you so!"., thinking in their own mind that they were forced out by others.
    Whatever happens to NPD people who irritate, insult, disparage and malign everyone around them who think rationally ...  is NEVER their own fault.
    ... except that in reality ... it always is.
  23. Sad
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Arauna in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    I am glad you noticed this.  People who have an ax to grind with JW org. cannot help themselves....... they show who they are...... repetitively.....
    It is actually useless to talk to them (to give the correct perspective) because they are hardened in their pattern of thinking when they have come this far.
    I may troll them for a moment now and then but remain totally uninvolved...... not worth the effort.  One cannot think that one can defend the truth here or that one will find any reasonableness.  One will not find any truth here - only human screwed up thoughts accompanied by narcissism and a degree of OCD.
    In regards to what I said above - do not think you can defend the truth on this website. Rather take this time to go read the bible - that is where you will find the truth dear brother.  If you are emotional, you will just get frustrated here...... do not do this to yourself.
    Those who are so hardened against the truth are not interested in the truth - they still have a compulsive hate for the truth. When I see OCD symptoms, I do not really bother to put a convincing argument foreward because I do not waste my precious time.  I have better things to do that will please Jehovah.  ........Just a bit of sound advice.  Been in the same situation before, got the T-shirt, done that.  DO not repeat a useless exercise - LOL - AND EXPECT DIFFERENT RESULTS.
    There are no lost sheep here to have pity on..... they love the garbage (pigs food) they are eating in their "debauched" state.  They have no thoughts of returning to the good food of their loving father. Until that happens - you are wasting your time.
  24. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to TrueTomHarley in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    It is clear to me that there is only ONE WAY to convince you that we are not the owners and do not have that power,
    “Right now, @JW Insider LET’S DO THIS THING! LET’S BAN HIM!”
    There. I do not expect to see him again, since JWI and I have banned him. If I do.....
  25. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Large Group of Native Americans in Mexico Violently Expelled from their Homeland Due to Converting to the Jehovah's Witnesses Religion   
    Many were baptized into the organization before the stipulation was made of dedicating oneself to the organization.
    When one of those individuals baptized in the early 80's and before, wakes up to their own captivity under the rules of men (Col 2:20-23); and persistently rejects the organization today, should that be termed a gross sin, requiring shunning or disfellowshipping? 
    Do God's rules ever change?  Or, is it men changing their rules; who operate an organization,and devise new and  improved  'hard and fast rules' necessary to keep the flock penned in, for their apparent 'safety'?  
    Stay in Jehovah’s organization! It’s the only way of life that brings happiness.”  W 10/6/15 pg 9,10
    Here is God's rule through Christ:
    Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. 8 All who have come before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. 9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."  John 10:7-10
    Jesus is the only way to life, according to his words.  He is not an organization; yet, the organization "kills" those who reject it, and turn to Christ.    Not only does it rob people away from Christ, but it threatens people with loss of family, and home for rejecting it.  
    It is truly, a thieving BEAST.  Rev 13:1,4-10, 11,15; 11:1-3,7; 18:4-8
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