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Srecko Sostar

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  1. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Justified war   
    For various legal, human rights, many people have fought. JW people, minority national or racial communities, LGBT community and others.
    True, some individuals paid a high price for their rights. But I think that JW people because of their pacifist attitude can have "struggle" for their rights only intellectually.
    If millions of "infidels" or false Christians did not shed blood in wars (WW 1 and 2) against established systems or nazism and other dictatorships, intellectual and passive resistance would not yield some results (or it would, but on some day in far future after global Natural Catastrophe or Alien visitation). 
  2. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Justified war   
    I think that the wars of the first Israel were wars for the land, territory.
    But let us recall on some important details i have found before some 20 years ago when faced with this historical reports in Bible. Abraham, a forefather of the future nation of Israel, was extremely wealthy and gained possession over large areas of land. But as time passed, there have been several things. That land that Abraham acquired or bought during his life, and legally left to his successors/heirs after his death, somehow was went to, passed on other individuals, families, people, tribes, and nations.
    Please recall, for example, how he bought land for grave , for his wife. I can imagine how that was not some small piece of land, but huge territory. After long time, we saw how his tribe and grandsons moved to Egypt and left or sold territory. But we also must think about how many people in time of Great Famine sold possessions they have for food. Well, many people gave "money", sold animals, gold, silver, houses, sold land, territory and finally themselves to Pharaoh ( and Joseph) for food. Such sale was "legitimate" and many lost their property under these circumstances. 
    I suppose how some part of the territory or perhaps all that land that once belonged to Abraham,  Israel slaves want back, in this way or that way, because they consider themselves as  "legitimate" heirs.  But, because that land has been in the possession of others for several hundred years already, question was: how to return land back to them? Only by war and conquest.
    Issue of religion, worshiping and gods has been of second importance, or another good reason/motivation why to go to war. Fighting for "Freedom" and  for "Homeland" and for "Own People" was always powerful force that leads people. 
  3. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    Perhaps  because Secular Authorities doing JHVH will (maybe not always but still sometimes). Romans 13 explained this in preamble.   
    13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
  4. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    Why? You ask why?!!! I am sure how you will recall why, if somebody say - Because all of you who are PROUD to call yourself JW's aka Christians  - need to be LIGHT of The World.
    14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
    Please reconsider again, in the LIGHT of verse above, how Funny, Spiritually Immature and Unscriptural is Lawyers words through the mouth of GB FDS individual !! 
    Read Again:
    .. if the Australian Government, in all the States, was to make mandatory reporting, it would make it so much easier for us.
    NOTHING about LIGHT FROM ABOVE, but about - Make It Easier For Us.   :(( ... shame to them.
  5. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    @BillyTheKid46  and @TrueTomHarley  
    I am glad that using and directing/implementing verse from Mathew on GB member, as individual and in wider picture on WTJWORG as Corporation that "support JW religion", made you to react as you did :))  
    “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
    If you find yourself as pro bono advocate of GJ and other, to defend him/them because of Jesus words, than you are on questionable side. I wonder do you doing this on purpose/intentionally despite serious, strong and fatherly advice, message by Jesus? Or you really, really don't see?
    Supposedly, Jesus Trusts him in Full Measure, as GL explained on JWTV.  How than GJ don't trusts Jesus that He made him, GJ, to be The Light for nonbeliever? And as such, "The Light", does he need "worldly people" to show him, to tell him "This is The Way, Walk in it"? :)))
    Try again to response :))) I guess, Jesus have fun, or crying time, while reading comments that negate his standpoint about what role his followers/disciples should have :))))  
  6. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    Prior to 2017, spiritual food from WTJWORG has been put on table:  
    - as food in proper time
    - twice a month
    - as nutritious
    -  as various food
    - as healthy food
    After 9/11 for WT,  i mean 2/17, WTJWORG spiritual food:
    - coming on table 3 times a year and is reduced/ less quantity
    - is of questionable quality 
    - in some moments it is dangerous for stomach 
  7. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Ten men out of ... the nations ... will take firm hold of the robe of a Jewish man   
    Voice from heaven? I do not think even the greatest believer among JW would expect a voice from heaven. :)) It is out of sense to even have a little thought/idea about such possibility. Of, course some of WT magazine editors and members maybe have such idea, and send spiritual vibrations to readers, how JHVH somehow whispering  to writers of WT publication, what to put in columns. 
    Reputation. That is of course very important. Jericho citizens also heard about Israel reputation. How they are successful warriors and destroying all on their way. In this case fear about own life was motivated non-Jew tribes to take military reputation of Israel in consideration. 
    Reputation of modern Congregation in this last two century, showed some results that worldly people take as important. On other hand,  WTJWORG preoccupation about own reputation bring on light many issues of not transparency and even hiding of things that is bad.
    PR through publishers and publication want to show only "bright side" of WT Organizations/Corporations and JW religion. Not talking openly about "taboo issues" and negativity of Instructional and Doctrinal rules, beliefs not bring to positive reputation.  
  8. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Ten men out of ... the nations ... will take firm hold of the robe of a Jewish man   
    I found this interesting: They heard. They heard, question is From Whom? Hear and say? 
    This same "Jew" aka GB are those who made self claim about their appointed position in 1919 and they told this to the people who joined them in this belief and in other various beliefs.
    In Parallel time/moment this "joined" people (later called great crowed) went to the streets to actively inform other people, worldly people and told them how they know this particular "Jews" who are baked by god himself and ask them to join in Proclamation about this.
    Well, impetus about WHO are JEWS, was made/generated by "self" appointed Bible Students in 1919. The Word; "God is with you" is not came by god's revelation to worldly people who later join the organization. No, the words came from Not Inspired, Doctrinal and Instructional Error Prone source.    
  9. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Ten men out of ... the nations ... will take firm hold of the robe of a Jewish man   
    I noticed that you skipped/avoided to use one Old, Good, Bible based word -  "inspired".  
    "Led" is also good Bible word in connection with JHVH and spirit. 

    But what is wrong in using word "inspired" in connection with our decisions and works in religious/spiritual matters? 
    Motivated as word, looks, seems to be more in connection with our own autonomy and free choice.  
  10. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Ten men out of ... the nations ... will take firm hold of the robe of a Jewish man   
    Believers will accept the claim that the writers and books (later collected in the Bible) were inspired by God.

    The question is: Are people who collected the old records of these letters and books, were inspired for this work of gathering/collecting ?? Did they need to be inspire for this collecting?? 
    Next question is: People said that Roman Catholic Pope was made decision what will be gathered and put in one book, the Bible. Did he been inspired by god while did it? 
    Third question is: Did they found all letters and writings? What is with other writings that pope did not want to put in Bible? Are those writings uninspired?
    Fourth question is? Do JW feel how "new scriptures, new instructions" they expect to receive, is in future, after Armageddon? Or  it would be possible for such records to appear at this time? If this will be in future, do they feel how such new writings will be made by inspired individuals or group? And how will/would this individuals or group to prove that they are inspired? (According to GB self claim, they are not inspired. So, by this, we can conclude how such new writings and instructions are not possible to have today. And because, supposedly,  they will go to heaven before Armageddon, in the New World some other people, Not Them as Anointed Channel, will make/write new instructions. But that is OK, because error and uninspired instructions can be written by other people, too, not only by GB). 
  11. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Ten men out of ... the nations ... will take firm hold of the robe of a Jewish man   
    Just thought. To see something, about something, connected to this "Jew group" (in spiritual or literal way) we need, i suppose, opening/overture of observer mind (observer who know what he is searching, looking for, or we can talk also perhaps about some ignorant person, who is, because of divine power will, in position to see important thing, despite his position) by divine power.
    Divine power, i guess, is holy spirit, who make it possible that some person can see something. In such situation  we can talk about "inspiration from above", and a harmonized action and interaction of "two earthly elements - observer and Jew", under influence of/from Heaven. 
    Here we can see some literal, physical products/fruits of, as Bible explains, holy spirit. Does observer of this fruits need to be inspired (in other words, does god need to open his eyes) to be able to see fruits? Or, natural state of mind and heart is precondition to recognize (or to not recognize) the Jew who produce such fruits as prove that he is this sort of Jew?
    Do they (JW members or other believers) consider themselves as "fishes" who are already chosen as good fishes, because they found and hold of true Jew hem? Or this separation, made by angels, is applied for all fishes, because net is one, and it was throwing, had thrown, will be throwing on all? 
  12. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Ten men out of ... the nations ... will take firm hold of the robe of a Jewish man   
    JW Congregations do not have "City Gates". (JW's are spiritual nomads, wandering for green grass, living under tents, not in the cities) :))
    For that reason God allowed that some trials, judging and revelations/expose are/was happen/ed under ................Worldly City Gates.
  13. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Ten men out of ... the nations ... will take firm hold of the robe of a Jewish man   
    This is good  :)) ..... But if someone want to be very independent free will human , than he must go by his own path :)) even in wrong direction.
  14. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Ten men out of ... the nations ... will take firm hold of the robe of a Jewish man   
    Wrong Billy! You changed thesis!
    I am sure that you also  know, that it is not about issue of Transferring Perfection in question  but about Transferring Authority! 
    After, later it came to the idea that such Authority means Infallibility.  
  15. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Jack Ryan in C. T. Russell was labeled as an apostate by the Adventists in 1877   
    They stated that Russell
    was causing divisions in adventists circles
    that he was preaching a different gospel/doctrine to his church at that time
    they try to 'belittle' him
    their own boast that they have not succeeded
    do NOT go near them (shunning) or give them any support (countenance)
    In essence the words used labels Russell as an 'apostate' to his current church at that time.
    BONUS: If you look at the header of the paper the symbol of the Advent Christian Times is suspiciously close to the one Russell "created" for the Bible Students (or not to say the same, but without the laurels at the sides).
  16. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Jack Ryan in Watchtower Society attacks jw.help   
    This is almost certainly because the jw.help logo is a blatant ripoff of the “jw.org” trademark.

    I hate to say this, and I'm not a lawyer, but jw.help is gonna lose this one badly and should put up a completely different logo and beg forgiveness immediately. It's pretty clear jw.help is “diluting” jw.org by having an official-looking logo and serving as an alternate source of information about the org.
    Hopefully they get to keep the name. That's pretty sweet.
  17. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Ten men out of ... the nations ... will take firm hold of the robe of a Jewish man   
    ahahaha.  This statement made it clear how FDS thought was different in the past and they changed that thought today. It is not about what WE (JW's rank and file members) thought before. It is all about Them aka GB of WTJWORG. :))
  18. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Ten men out of ... the nations ... will take firm hold of the robe of a Jewish man   
    Are you on crusade with downvotes this evening ? :))))
  19. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to The Librarian in Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania   
    Part of a series on:

    The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania is a non-stock, not-for-profit organization[1] headquartered in the New York City, New York borough of Brooklyn. It is the main legal entity used worldwide by Jehovah's Witnesses to direct, administer and develop doctrines for the religion and is often referred to by members of the religion simply as "the Society". It is the parent organization of a number of Watch Tower subsidiaries, including the Watchtower Society of New York and International Bible Students Association.[2] The number of voting shareholders of the corporation is limited to between 300 and 500 "mature, active and faithful" male Jehovah's Witnesses.[3] About 5800 Jehovah's Witnesses provide voluntary unpaid labor, as members of a religious order, in three large Watch Tower Society facilities in New York;[4] nearly 15,000 other members of the order work at the Watch Tower Society's other facilities worldwide.[4][5][6]

    The organization was formed in 1881 as Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society for the purpose of distributing religious tracts.[1] The society was incorporated in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on December 15, 1884. In 1896, the society was renamed Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.[7] Following a leadership dispute in the Bible Student movement, the Watch Tower Society remained associated with the branch of the movement that became known as Jehovah's Witnesses. In 1955, the corporation was renamed Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.[8] In 1976, all activities of the Watch Tower Society were brought under the supervision of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.[9]

    On February 16, 1881, Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society was formed in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, for the purpose of organizing the printing and distribution of religious tracts. William Henry Conley, a Pittsburgh industrialist and philanthropist, served as president, with Charles Taze Russell serving as secretary-treasurer.[10] The society's primary journal was Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christs Presence, first published in 1879 by Russell,[11] founder of the Bible Student movement.[12] Other early writers for the Watch Tower Society included J. H. Paton and W. I. Mann.[10][13] Formation of the society was announced in the April 1881 issue of Zion's Watch Tower.[14] That year, the society received donations of $35,391.18.[15]

    Although ZION'S WATCH TOWER TRACT SOCIETY was formed in February 1881 to act as a "distributor" of "tracts" and other literature which advocated the religious views of the Conleys and the Russells, ZWTTS was NOT a "religious" organization, but rather was a "business association", which had "no creed or confession".

    While Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society was founded with $7000.00 in its bank account, another $35,000.00 was needed to fund Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society exceptionally large international distribution of literature during 1881 and early 1882 -- over 1,400,000 booklets, tracts, and magazines. Most of that $35,000.00 ($1,060,000.00 current value) is believed to have been donated by Henry Conley, who had such disposable income, while the Russells did not.
    On December 15, 1884, the society was incorporated as Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society in Pennsylvania as a non-profit, non-stock corporation with Russell as president. The corporation was located in Allegheny, Pennsylvania. In its charter, written by Russell, the society's purpose was stated as "the mental, moral and religious improvement of men and women, by teaching the Bible by means of the publication and distribution of Bibles, books, papers, pamphlets and other Bible literature, and by providing oral lectures free for the people".[16] The charter provided for a board of seven directors, three of who served as officers—a president, vice-president (initially William I. Mann) and secretary-treasurer (initially Maria Russell). The charter stipulated that the officers be chosen from the directors and be elected annually by ballot. Board members would hold office for life unless removed by a two-thirds vote by shareholders. Vacancies on the board resulting from death, resignation or removal would be filled by a majority vote of the remaining board members within 20 days; if such vacancies were not filled within 30 days an appointment could be made by the president, with the appointments lasting only until the next annual corporation meeting, when vacancies would be filled by election.[17]
    Anyone subscribing to $10 or more of the society's Old Testament Tracts or donating $10 or more to the society was deemed a voting member and entitled to one vote per $10 donated.[17] Russell indicated that despite having a board and shareholders, the society would be directed by only two people—him and his
    wife Maria.[18] Russell said that as at December 1893 he and his wife owned 3705, or 58 percent, of the 6383 voting shares, "and thus control the Society; and this was fully understood by the directors from the first. Their usefulness, it was understood, would come to the front in the event of our death... For this reason, also, formal elections were not held; because it would be a mere farce, a deception, to call together voting shareholders from all over the world, at great expense, to find upon arrival that their coming was useless, Sister Russell and myself having more than a majority over all that could gather. However, no one was hindered from attending such elections." The influx of donations gradually diluted the proportion of the Russells' shares and in 1908 their voting shares constituted less than half the total.[19][20] Russell emphasized the limitations of the corporation, explaining: "Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society is not a 'religious society' in the ordinary meaning of this term"[21] He also stated, "This is a business association merely... It has no creed or confession. It is merely a business convenience in disseminating the truth."[17] Incorporation of the society meant that it would outlive Russell, so individuals who wished to bequeath their money or property to him would not have to alter their will if he died before they did.[22] On September 19, 1896, the name of the corporation was changed to Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.[23]

    From 1908 Russell required the directors to write out resignations when they were appointed so Russell could dismiss them by simply filling in the date.[19] In 1909, Russell instructed legal counsel Joseph Franklin Rutherford to determine whether the society's headquarters could be moved to Brooklyn, New York.[24] Rutherford reported that because it had been established under Pennsylvania law, the corporation could not be registered in New York state, but suggested that a new corporation be registered there to do the society's work. Rutherford subsequently organized the formation of the People's Pulpit Association, which was incorporated on February 23, 1909, and wrote the charter which gave the president—to be elected for life at the first meeting—"absolute power and control" of its activities in New York.[25][24] The society sold its buildings in Pittsburgh[26] and moved staff to its new base in Brooklyn. Although all New York property was bought in the name of the New York corporation and all legal affairs of the society done in its name, Russell insisted on the continued use of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society name on all correspondence and publications.[24]

    The move from Pennsylvania to New York occurred during court proceedings over the breakdown of Russells' marriage. His wife Maria had been granted a "limited divorce" on March 4, 1908, but in 1909 returned to court in Pittsburgh to request an increase in alimony,[27] which her former husband refused.[28] Authors Barbara Grizzuti Harrison and Edmond C. Gruss have claimed Russell's move to Brooklyn was motivated by his desire to transfer from the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania courts. They claim he transferred all his assets to the Watch Tower Society so he could declare himself bankrupt and avoid being jailed for failure to pay alimony.[27][29][30] 

    wt charter Pennsylvania corp.pdf
    In 1914, the International Bible Students Association was incorporated in Britain to administer affairs in that country. Like the People's Pulpit Association, it was subsidiary to the Pennsylvania parent organization and all work done through both subsidiaries was described as the work of the Watch Tower Society. The Watchtower noted: "The editor of The Watchtower is the President of all three of these Societies. All financial responsibility connected with the work proceeds from [the Pennsylvania corporation]. From it the other Societies and all the branches of the work receive their financial support... we use sometimes the one name and sometimes the other in various parts of our work—yet they all in the end mean the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, to which all donations should be made."[2]
    Leadership dispute
    Main article: Watch Tower Society presidency dispute (1917)
    Russell died on October 31, 1916, in Pampa, Texas during a cross-country preaching trip. On January 6, 1917, board member and society legal counsel Joseph Franklin Rutherford, aged 47, was elected president of the Watch Tower Society, unopposed, at the Pittsburgh convention. Under his presidency, the role of the society underwent a major change.[31] By-laws passed by both the Pittsburgh convention and the board of directors stated that the president would be the executive officer and general manager of the society, giving him full charge of its affairs worldwide.[32]

    By June 1917, four of the seven Watch Tower Society directors, Robert H. Hirsh, Alfred I. Ritchie, Isaac F. Hoskins and James D. Wright, had decided they had erred in endorsing Rutherford's expanded powers of management,[33] claiming Rutherford had become autocratic.[33] Hirsch attempted to rescind the new by-laws and reclaim the powers of management from the president,[34] but Rutherford later claimed he had by then detected a conspiracy among the directors to seize control of the society.[35] In July, Rutherford gained a legal opinion from a Philadelphia corporation lawyer that none of his opposers were legally directors of the society.

    On July 12, 1917, Rutherford filled what he claimed were four vacancies on the board, appointing A. H. Macmillan and Pennsylvania Bible Students W. E. Spill, J. A. Bohnet and George H. Fisher as directors.[36] Between August and November the society and the four ousted directors published a series of pamphlets, with each side accusing the other of ambitious and reckless behavior. The former directors also claimed Rutherford had required all headquarters workers to sign a petition supporting him and threatened dismissal for any who refused to sign.[37] The former directors left the Brooklyn headquarters on August 8, 1917.[38] On January 5, 1918, Rutherford was returned to office.

    In May 1918, Rutherford and seven other Watch Tower directors and officers were arrested on charges of sedition under the Espionage Act. On June 21, 1918, they were sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment. Rutherford feared his opponents would gain control of the Society in his absence, but on January 2, 1919, he learned he had been re-elected president at the Pittsburgh convention the day before.[39] However, by mid-1919 about one in seven Bible Students had chosen to leave rather than accept Rutherford's leadership,[40] forming groups such as The Standfast Movement, Paul Johnson Movement, Dawn Bible Students Association, Pastoral Bible Institute of Brooklyn, Elijah Voice Movement and Eagle Society.[41]

    Although formed as a "business convenience" with the purpose of publishing and distributing Bible-based literature and managing the funds necessary for that task, the corporation from the 1920s began its transformation into the "religious society" Russell had insisted it was not, introducing centralized control and regulation of Bible Student congregations worldwide.[42] In 1938, Rutherford introduced the term "theocracy" to describe the hierarchical leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses, with Consolation explaining: "The Theocracy is at present administered by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, of which Judge Rutherford is the president and general manager."[43] The society appointed "zone servants" to supervise congregations and in a Watchtower article Rutherford declared the need for congregations to "get in line" with the changed structure.[44][45]
    Amendments to charter
    Following Rutherford's death in 1942, Nathan H. Knorr became president of the Watch Tower Society, and subsequently introduced further changes to the role of the society. At a series of talks given in Pittsburgh on September 30, 1944, coinciding with the society's annual meeting, it was announced that changes would be made to the 1884 charter to bring it into "closer harmony with theocratic principles". The amendments, most of which were passed unanimously,[46] significantly altered the terms of membership and stated for the first time that the society's purposes included preaching about God's kingdom, acting as a servant and governing agency of Jehovah's Witnesses, and sending missionaries and teachers for the public worship of God and Jesus Christ. The new charter, which took effect from January 1, 1945 included the following changes:

    An altered and expanded explanation of article II, detailing the purpose of the society. This included the preaching of the gospel of God's kingdom to all nations; to print and distribute Bibles and disseminate Bible truths with literature explaining Bible truths and prophecy concerning the establishment of God's kingdom; to authorise and appoint agents, servants, employees, teachers evangelists, missionaries, ministers and others "to go all the world publicly and from house to house to preach Bible truths to persons willing to listen by leaving with such persons said literature and by conducting Bible studies thereon"; to improve people mentally and morally by instruction "on the Bible and incidental scientific, historical and literary subjects"; to establish and maintain Bible schools and classes; to "teach, train, prepare and equip men and women as ministers, missionaries, evangelists, preachers, teachers and instructors in the Bible and Bible literature, and for public Christian worship of Almighty God and Jesus Christ" and "to arrange for and hold local and worldwide assemblies for such worship".
    An amendment to article V, detailing the qualifications for membership of the society. Each donation of $10 to the society funds had formerly entitled the contributor to one voting share; the amendment limited membership to "only men who are mature, active and faithful witnesses of Jehovah devoting full time to performance of one or more of its chartered purposes... or such men who are devoting part time as active presiding ministers or servants of congregations of Jehovah's witnesses". The amended article stipulated that "a man who is found to be in harmony with the purposes of the Society and who possesses the above qualifications may be elected as a member upon being nominated by a member, director or officer, or upon written application to the president or secretary. Such members shall be elected upon a finding by the Board of Directors that he possesses the necessary qualifications and by receiving a majority vote of the members." The amendment limited membership at any one time to between 300 and 500, including approximately seven residents of each of the 48 states of the US. It also introduced a clause providing for the suspension or expulsion of a member for wilfully violating the society's rules, or "becoming out of harmony with any of the Society's purposes or any of its work or for wilful conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the Society and contrary to his duties as a member, or upon ceasing to be a full-time servant of the Society or a part-time servant of a congregation of Jehovah's witnesses".
    An amendment to article VII, dealing with the governance of the society by its board of directors. The amendment deleted reference to adherence to the constitution and laws of Pennsylvania of the US. It also specified powers of the board including matters of finance and property.
    An amendment to article VIII, detailing the office holders of the society and the terms of office and method of appointment of officers and directors. A clause stating that board members would hold office for life was deleted. The new clause provided for board membership for a maximum of three years, with directors qualifying for re-election at the expiration of their term.[47] 
    Governing Body
    In 1976, direction of the Watch Tower Society and of the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide came under the control of the Governing Body, reducing the power of the society's president. The society has described the change as "one of the most significant organizational readjustments in the modern-day history of Jehovah's Witnesses."[48]

    Following the death of Knorr in 1977, subsequent presidents of the Watch Tower Society have been Frederick W. Franz (June 1977 – December 1992); Milton G. Henschel (December 1992 – October 2000) and Don A. Adams (October 2000–).

    The corporation is a major publisher of religious publications, including books, tracts, magazines and Bibles. By 1979, the society had 39 printing branches worldwide. In 1990, it was reported that in one year the society printed 696 million copies of its magazines, The Watchtower and Awake! as well as another 35,811,000 pieces of literature worldwide, which are offered door-to-door by Jehovah's Witnesses.[49] As of 2013, the Society prints more than 43 million of its public issues of these magazines each month, totaling over 1 billion annually.

    The society describes its headquarters and branch office staff as volunteers rather than employees,[4] and identifies them as members of the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah's Witnesses.[5] Workers receive a small monthly stipend[50] with meals and accommodation provided by the society. The "Bethel family" in the Brooklyn headquarters includes hairdressers, dentists, doctors, housekeepers and carpenters, as well as shops for repairing personal appliances, watches, shoes and clothing without charge for labor.[51]

    The society files no publicly accessible financial figures, but reported in 2011 that it had spent more than $173 million that year "in caring for special pioneers, missionaries and traveling overseers in their field service assignments".[5][52] Donations obtained from the distribution of literature is a major source of income, most of which is used to promote its evangelical activities.[53]

    Author James Beckford has claimed the status of voting members of the society is purely symbolic. He said they cannot be considered to be representatives of the mass of Jehovah's Witnesses and are in no position to challenge the actions or authority of the society's directors.[54]

    Internationally recognized trademarks used on publications via subsidiaries:

    See also: List of Watchtower Magazine Headings

    Property ownership

    2015 7% ownership in the J.P. Morgan Chase Liquid assets Mutual Fund
    Don Alden Adams, director since 2000, president since 2000 Danny L. Bland, director since 2000 William F. Malenfant, director since 2000, vice-president since 2000 Robert W. Wallen, director since 2000, vice-president since 2000 Philip D. Wilcox, director since 2000 John N. Wischuk, director since 2000  
    Directors are listed generally from most to least recent. List may not be complete.
    Richard E. Abrahamson (director 2000-2004, secretary-treasurer 2000-2004) Milton George Henschel (director 1947–2000, vice-president 1977–1992, president 1992–2000) Lyman Alexander Swingle (director 1945–2000)[116] W. Lloyd Barry (director ?–1999, vice-president ?–1999) Frederick William Franz (director 1945–1992, vice-president 1945–1977, president 1977–1992)[117] Grant Suiter (director 1941–1983, secretary-treasurer)[118] William K. Jackson (director 1973–1981)[119] Nathan Homer Knorr (director 1940–1977, vice-president 1940–1942, president 1942–1977)[120] John O. Groh (director 1965–1975) Thomas J. Sullivan (director 1932–1973)[121][122] Alexander Hugh Macmillan (director 1918–1938) Hugo Henry Riemer (1943–1965)[123][124][125] William Edwin Van Amburgh (director 1916–1947, secretary-treasurer)[126][127][128][129] Hayden Cooper Covington (director 1940–1945, vice-president 1942–1945)[130] Joseph Franklin Rutherford (director 1916–1942, acting president[131] 1916–1917, president 1917–1942)[132] Charles A. Wise (director 1919–1940, vice-president 1919–1940)[133][134][135][136] J. A. Baeuerlcin (director 1923 fl)[137] R. H. Barber (director 1919)[138] Charles H. Anderson (director 1918–?, vice-president 1918–1919)[132] J. A. Bohnet (director 1917–?)[132] George H. Fisher (director 1917–?)[132] W. E. Spill (director 1917–?)[132] Andrew N. Pierson (director 1916–1918, vice-president)[126] Robert H. Hirsh (director 1917) J. D. Wright (director fl1916–1917)[126] Isaac F. Hoskins (director fl1916–1917)[126] Alfred I. Ritchie (director 1916–1917, vice-president)[126][139] Henry Clay Rockwell (director fl1916–1917)[126] Charles Taze Russell (director 1884–1916, president 1884–1916)[140] William M. Wright (?–1906)[141] Henry Weber (director 1884–1904, vice-president 1884–1904)[142][143] Maria Russell (née Ackley) (director 1884–1897, secretary-treasurer 1884–?, then-wife of Charles Taze Russell)[140][144][145] J. B. Adamson (director 1884–?)[140] Rose J. Ball (director 1884–?)[142] Simon O. Blunden (director 1884–?)[142] W. C. McMillan (director 1884–?)[140] W. I. Mann (director 1884, vice-president 1884)[140] J. F. Smith (director 1884)[140]  
    See also:
    Centennial of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania (brochure / program)
    January 1945 Charter of the WTBTSofPenn
    Pennsylvania Department of State. Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society 1959, p. 49 Jehovah's Witnesses—Proclaimers of God's Kingdom. p. 229. "Jehovahs loses comp case: Church may be forced to pay millions",//New York Daily News//, January 6, 2006. Retrieved October 3, 2009. Yearbook, Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, 2009. Yearbook, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 2012, page 55. "Report for Fiscal Year", Watch Tower, December 1, 1896, page 301, Reprints page 2077 Retrieved 2010-03-30, "WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY. REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING DEC. 1, 1896. ALTHOUGH the above has been the recognized name of our Society for some four years, it was not until this year that the Board of Directors took the proper steps to have the name legally changed from ZION'S WATCH TOWER TRACT SOCIETY to that above. The new name seems to be in every way preferable." "Development of the Organization Structure", Jehovah's Witnesses – Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, 1993 Watch Tower, page 229, "Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society. First formed in 1881 and then legally incorporated in the state of Pennsylvania on December 15, 1884. In 1896, its name was changed to Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Since 1955 it has been known as Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania." Franz 2007, pp. 80–107 Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society 1993, pp. 575–576 Zion's Watch Tower: 1. July 1879. "Encyclopædia Britannica – Russell, Charles Taze" Zion's Watch Tower, January 1881, Reprints page 1.] Zion's Watch Tower, April 1881, Reprints page 214. Zion's Watch Tower: 2. January 1882. J. F. Rutherford, //A Great Battle in the Ecclesiastical Heavens,// 1915, p. 14. C.T. Russell, "A Conspiracy Exposed", //Zion's Watch Tower// Extra edition, April 25, 1894, page 55-60. C.T. Russell, "A Conspiracy Exposed", //Zion's Watch Tower// Extra edition, April 25, 1894, page 55-60, "The affairs of the Society are so arranged that its entire control rests in the care of Brother and Sister Russell as long as they shall live... The fact is that, by the grace of God, Sister R. and myself have been enabled not only to give our own time without charge to the service of the truth, in writing and overseeing, but also to contribute more money to the Tract Society's fund for the scattering of the good tidings, than all others combined." Wills 2006, p. 91 J. F. Rutherford, //A Great Battle in the Ecclesiastical Heavens,// 1915, p. 14., "While there are nearly two hundred thousand shares, and it would be an easy matter to elect some other man as president, there never has been cast a vote against Pastor Russell. At the last election he was absent, his own votes were not cast, yet more than one hundred thousand votes of others were cast for him as president." //Zion's Watch Tower//, October 1894, page 330. Wills 2006, pp. 75 Pierson et al 1917, p. 22 Rutherford August 1917, p. 16 Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society 1959, p. 48 Allegheny City was annexed by Pittsburgh in 1909. Grizzuti Harrison 1978 Penton 1997, p. 39 Gruss 2003, p. 17 "Girl's midnight visit to Pastor Russell", Brooklyn Eagle, August 14, 1909, "His wife, whom he married 30 years ago, when she was Maria F. Ackley, obtained a limited divorce from him in Pittsburg on the ground of cruelty. The judge who decided for Mrs Russell granted her $100 a month alimony. Pastor Russell was slow in coming to the front with payments and finally stopped paying alimony altogether. An order was ordered for the pastor's arrest in Pittsburg, but Brooklyn is a comfortable enough place and Pastor Russell didn't like going back to Pittsburg where a yawning prison awaited him. He said that his friends had paid the alimony, anyhow, and that he was purged of contempt of court thereby." Gruss 2003, pp. 25–27 Pierson et al 1917, pp. 5,6 Pierson et al 1917, pp. 4 Rutherford August 1917, pp. 12 Rutherford August 1917, pp. 22–23 Rutherford August 1917, pp. 14,15 Pierson et al 1917, pp. 9 Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society 1993, pp. 68 Macmillan 1957, pp. 106 Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society 1975, pp. 93–94 Rogerson 1969, pp. 39 Wills 2006, pp. 175, 176 Consolation, September 4, 1940, pg 25, as cited by Penton, pg. 61. Wills 2006, pp. 201 Watchtower, June 15, 1938. Amendments to articles II, III, VII, VIII and X were passed unanimously, with more than 225,000 votes cast; the amendments to article V of the Charter, affecting qualifications for membership of the society, were passed 225,255 to 47. Articles of amendment to Watch Tower Society charter, February 15, 1945.Retrieved October 4, 2009. Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society 1993, pp. 108–109 Brooklyn Heights Press, March 15, 1990, page 1, as cited by Edmond C. Gruss, 2003, pages 72–73. A 1990 news report stated that Brooklyn workers received $80 per month to buy personal needs. See "A sect grows in Brooklyn", Philadelphia Inquirer, August 2, 1990. "A sect grows in Brooklyn", Philadelphia Inquirer, August 2, 1990. Yearbook, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 2012, page 55. Penton 1997, p. 231 Beckford, James A. (1975). The Trumpet of Prophecy: A Sociological Study of Jehovah's Witnesses. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. p. 83. ISBN 0-631-16310-7. Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society 1959, pp. 27 Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society 1959, pp. 47–48 Watch Tower March 1, 1909, pages 67,68. Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society 1959, p. 115 Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society 1959, pp. 97 Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society 1959, pp. 234 Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society 1959, pp. 253–255 Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society 1959, pp. 292 The Watchtower, September 1, 1989, page 29. The Watchtower, December 1, 1982, page 23. The Watchtower, April 15, 1996, page 24. Awake!, April 22, 1989, pages 25–27; "In fact, the Towers, 124 Columbia Heights, 107 Columbia Heights, and 119 Columbia Heights, which accommodate nearly 2000 of the family, are connected by underground tunnels." Centennial of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 1984, pages 8–9. "New Shipping Facilities of Jehovah’s Witnesses", Awake!, August 22, 1987, pages 16–18. Jehovah's Witnesses sell the former Hotel Bossert Yearbook, Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, 1988, page 25. Awake 1989, April 22, pp 23-24 "Wallkill and Warwick Projects Moving Ahead", JW.org News, May 13, 2013. Awake!, February 22, 1987, pages 25–27. "Watchtower project grows in Patterson", //New York Times//, April 18, 1983, 1993. Retrieved October 3, 2009. "Watchtower Society may move some NY offices", WCAX website, March 26, 2009. Retrieved October 3, 2009. "A Witness to the future as Watchtower buys land upstate", //The Brooklyn Paper//, April 2, 2009. Retrieved October 3, 2009. "Watchtower's move to Warwick? 'Not anytime soon'", //Brooklyn Daily Eagle//, October 24, 2011. "The Watchtower is getting tired of being shown the door in Brooklyn Heights",//The New York Observer//, October 25, 2011. ^ Jump up to://**a**// //**b**// "Historic Turning Point: After Century in Brooklyn, Watchtower Pulls Out of Heights", //Brooklyn Heights//, February 23, 2010. "The Witnesses Leave. Then What?", //Brooklyn Daily Eagle//, February 24, 2010. "Town OKs impact plan for Jehovah's Witnesses", //Times Herald-Record//, July 17, 2012. "Witnesses to Relocate World Headquarters", //jw.org News//, August 15, 2012. "Warwick OKs Watchtower Site", //Recordonline.com, Times Herald Record//, July 19, 2013. "Watchtower Buys Another Parcel", //Times Herald-Record//, August 25, 2011. "Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of NY Pay 3.2M for Flex Building", //Costar Group//, Sept. 21, 2011. "Annual Meeting Report", Aug. 15, 2012 Watchtower, page 17 "Suffern tenants must move after Jehovah's Witnesses group buys building",//Lohud.com//, June 12, 2013. "Increased Activity at United States Bethel", Our Kingdom Ministry, September 2003. "Watchtower to sell 6 Brooklyn Heights properties", //Brooklyn Daily Eagle//, April 26, 2007. Retrieved October 3, 2009. "Selloff! But Witnesses say they will remain kings of Kings", //The Brooklyn Paper//, May 12, 2007. Retrieved October 3, 2009. Yearbook, 1991, Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, page 10. "Have a seat in the Standish", //The Brooklyn Paper//, December 15, 2007.Retrieved October 3, 2009. Different Building, Same Buyer for Witnesses Group with big Brooklyn plan snaps up property Second Witnesses property fetches $4.1M Praise God! Another Watchtower Property Sells Watchtower Sells Yet Another Heights Property, Brownstoner Brooklyn Inside and Out, November 30, 2012. New York Post, Brooklyn Blog, May 8, 2012, Brooklyn's Bossert Hotel could become a hotel again The Real Deal News, Nov. 12, 2012, Chetrit, Bistricer pay $81 million for Brooklyn's Bossert Hotel Jehovah's Witnesses Sell First Property for $7.1 million Latest Witnesses-owned property in Brooklyn Heights hits the market, //THE REAL DEAL//, July 24, 2012. "Watchtower Sells 67 Remsen Street for 3.25 million", //Brooklyn Heights Blog//, October 10, 2012. "Witnesses put prime Dumbo site on the block", //Crain's New York Business//, June 4, 2012. "Jehovah's Witnesses Sell Latest Dumbo Development Site for $31M", //The Real Deal//, April 25, 2013. Brooklyn-Bridge-Park "Developers Jostling for a piece of Brooklyn Bridge Park", //The Real Deal//, June 10, 2013. Watchtower Society selling five more properties in Brooklyn, NY, //THE REAL DEAL//, Sept. 16, 2011. "Big Deal: Jehovah's Witnesses List Prime Properties, //The New York Times – City Room//, September 16, 2011. "Witnesses knocking on $375M bldg. sale", //New York Post//, July 7, 2013. Hallelujah! "Jehovah's Witnesses land sell-off has Brooklyn dreaming big",//Crain's New York Business//, October 16, 2011. "No longer 'Vatican City' for Watchtower, Brooklyn watches jehovahs retreat",//Brooklyn Daily Eagle//, October 9, 2013 "Bible Truth Triumphs Amid Tradition", The Watchtower, May 15, 1985, page 27. "Your Will Be Done on Earth", The Watchtower, 1960, page 30. Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society 1959, p. 33 "Building to Jehovah’s Glory", The Watchtower, May 1, 1979, pages 26–29. 2012 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses p.32, 33, 55. Jehovah's Witnesses–Proclaimers of God's Kingdom. Watch Tower Society. 1993. p. 91. "How the Governing Body Differs From a Legal Corporation", The Watchtower, January 15, 2001, page 28. "Moving Ahead With God’s Organization", The Watchtower, September 1, 1983, page 13. "The Governing Body", 1974 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, Watch Tower, page 258 "Background of N. H. Knorr", Jehovah's Witnesses – Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, 1993 Watch Tower, page 91 "He Ran for 'The Prize of the Upward Call' and Won!", The Watchtower, September 15, 1974, page 554, "On October 31, 1932, he [Sullivan] was made a member of the board of directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania; he was also one of the eleven-member governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses." "A Time of Testing (1914–1918)", Jehovah's Witnesses – Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, 1993 Watch Tower, page 71, "Thomas (Bud) Sullivan, who later served as a member of the Governing Body, recalled, "It was my privilege to visit Brooklyn Bethel in the late summer of 1918 during the brothers’ incarceration." "Happy are the dead who die in union with the Lord", The Watchtower, May 15, 1965, page 320. "Experiencing Jehovah’s Love", The Watchtower, September 15, 1964, page 571 "Announcements", The Watchtower, May 15, 1965, page 320, "Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania announces herewith the death of Brother Hugo H. Riemer on March 31, 1965. After years of service as a pioneer publisher in the field, he was called to the Society’s Brooklyn headquarters in 1918, since which time he served with the Society’s headquarters till his death at eighty-six years of age. He was on the boards of directors of both the Society’s Pennsylvania corporation and its New York corporation, also serving in the official capacity of assistant secretary-treasurer of both corporations." "Organization of the Work", Watch Tower, December 1, 1916, page 391, Reprints page 6024 Retrieved 2010-03-30, "Two days after his [C. T. Russell's 1916] death the Board met and elected Brother A. N. Pierson as a member of the Board to fill the vacancy caused by Brother Russell's change. The seven members of the Board as now constituted are A. I. Ritchie, W. E. Van Amburgh, H. C. Rockwell, J. D. Wright, I. F. Hoskins, A. N. Pierson and J. F. Rutherford." "A Time of Testing (1914–1918)", Jehovah's Witnesses – Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, 1993 Watch Tower, page 65, "So, two days after Russell’s death, the board of directors met and elected A. N. Pierson to be a member. The seven members of the board at that point were A. I. Ritchie, W. E. Van Amburgh, H. C. Rockwell, J. D. Wright, I. F. Hoskins, A. N. Pierson, and J. F. Rutherford." "Moving Ahead With God’s Organization", The Watchtower, September 1, 1983, page 14, "The Society's secretary and treasurer, W. E. Van Amburgh, had become incapacitated due to advanced age and illness and so resigned from his position. I was elected to succeed him on February 6, 1947, and Brother Van Amburgh died the following day." "Testing and Sifting From Within", Jehovah's Witnesses – Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, 1993 Watch Tower, page 622, "In 1916, W. E. Van Amburgh declared, "This great worldwide work is not the work of one person... It is God’s work." Although he saw others turn away, he remained firm in that conviction right down till his death in 1947, at 83 years of age." "How the Governing Body Differs From a Legal Corporation", The Watchtower, January 1, 2001, page 28, "In 1940, Hayden C. Covington—then the Society's legal counsel and one of the "other sheep," with the earthly hope—was elected a director of the Society. (John 10:16) He served as the Society’s vice president from 1942 to 1945. At that time, Brother Covington stepped aside as a director" Rutherford chaired executive meetings in 1916 but was not formally elected president until 1917. During Rutherford's 1918–1919 incarceration, vice-presidents Anderson and Wise chaired executive meetings. "A Time of Testing (1914–1918)", Jehovah's Witnesses – Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, 1993 Watch Tower, page 68, "At the annual meeting held on January 5, 1918, the seven persons receiving the highest number of votes were J. F. Rutherford, C. H. Anderson, W. E. Van Amburgh, A. H. Macmillan, W. E. Spill, J. A. Bohnet, and G. H. Fisher. From these seven board members, the three officers were chosen—J. F. Rutherford as president, C. H. Anderson as vice president, and W. E. Van Amburgh as secretary-treasurer." Faith on the March by A. H. Macmillan, 1957, Prentice-Hall, pages 106, 110, "At New Year's time the Society held its [1919] annual election of officers in Pittsburgh... He [Rutherford] handed me a telegram saying that he had been elected president and C. A. Wise vice-president... C. A. Wise was there too. He had been elected vice-president while we were in prison." "Part 2—United States of America", 1975 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, Watch Tower, pages 113–114, "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, January 2–5, 1919. This assembly was combined with the very significant annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society on Saturday, January 4, 1919... There were nominations, a vote was taken and J. F. Rutherford was elected as president, C. A. Wise, as vice-president, and W. E. Van Amburgh, as secretary-treasurer." "Sweden", 1991 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, Watch Tower, page 135 The Watchtower, October 15, 1939, pages 316–317 Watch Tower, December 15, 1923, page 333 The Watchtower, October 15, 1939, pages 316–317, "The Society’s annual meeting in 1919 Jan. 4 in Pittsburgh reelected J. F. Rutherford President and W. E. VanAmburgh Secretary-Treasurer. But the others elected to the Board of Directors, viz. C. A. Wise (Vice President), R. H. Barber [...] were freer to carry out their responsibilities. When the imprisoned leaders were released, Barber resigned" "Ritchie, A. I.", Watchtower Publications Index 1930–1985, "Ritchie, A. I. vice president of Watch Tower Society (1916)" Watch Tower, January 1885, Vol VI, No. 5, page 1, [Reprints page 707], "A charter of incorporation for Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society was granted December 13, 1884. ... The incorporators are the Directors, named below... Directors C. T. Russell, Pres., M. F. Russell, Sec and Treas., W. C. McMillan, W. I. Mann, Vice Pres., J. B. Adamson, J. F. Smith." "Passed Beyond the Vail", Watch Tower, April 15, 1906, page 126, Reprints page 3765, "ANOTHER member of the Board... Brother William M. Wright, passed beyond the vail, into the Most Holy, we trust, on April 3." "Harvest Gleanings III", Watch Tower, April 25, 1894, page 131, "The Corporation is to be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of seven members, and the names and residences of those already chosen directors are (we given names of the present board and officers) as follows: -Charles T Russell, President, W C McMillan, Henry Weber, Vice President, J B Adamson, Maria F Russell, Sec’y & Treas, Simon O Blunden. Rose J Ball." "Entered Into His Rest", Watch Tower, February 1, 1904, page 36, Reprints page 3314, Retrieved 2010-03-30, "PILGRIM Brother Henry Weber has passed beyond the vail, to be forever with the Lord. We rejoice on his behalf. He finished his earthly course on Thursday, January 21, at 2.15 pm, at his home --Oakland, Md.--and was buried on Saturday, the 23rd. A large gathering, composed of his family, friends and neighbors, was addressed by the Editor of this journal... we will sadly miss our dear Brother, as a friend and as a Pilgrim and as Vice-President of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society" "Part 1—United States of America", 1975 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, Watch Tower, pages 65–66, "During the trouble in 1894, Mrs. C. T. Russell (the former Maria Frances Ackley, whom Russell had married in 1879) undertook a tour from New York to Chicago, meeting with Bible Students along the way and speaking in her husband’s behalf. Being an educated, intelligent woman, she was well received when visiting the congregations at that time. Mrs. Russell was a director of the Watch Tower Society and served as its secretary and treasurer for some years." The January 15, 1955 The Watchtower, page 46, referred to the former "Maria Frances Ackley, who had become a colaborer and a contributor of articles to the Watch Tower magazine. They came to have no children. Nearly eighteen years later, in 1897, due to Watch Tower Society members’ objecting to a woman’s teaching and being a member of the board of directors contrary to 1 Timothy 2:12, Russell and his wife disagreed about the management of the journal, Zion’s Watch Tower. Thereupon she voluntarily separated herself" Franz 2007, pp. 614–654 Franz 2007, pp. 69–124 The Watchtower, February 15, 1976, page 124, as cited by R. Franz, "In Search if Christian Freedom", page 107,"Would not a failure to respond to direction from God through his organization really indicate a rejection of divine rulership?" "Do not be quickly shaken from your reason", Watchtower, March 15, 1986 "At which table are you feeding?" Watchtower, July 1, 1994 Franz 2007, pp. 391–431 Gruss 2003, pp. 110–114 Holden 2002, p. 32  
    Penton, James M. (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses (2nd ed.). University of Toronto Press. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. Rogerson, Alan (1969). Millions Now Living Will Never Die. Constable, London. Wills, Tony (2006). A People For His Name. Lulu Enterprises. ISBN 978-1-4303-0100-4. Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society (1975). 1975 Yearbook. Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society. Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society (1959). Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose. Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society. Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society (1993). Jehovah's Witnesses – Proclaimers of God's Kingdom. Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society. Macmillan, A. H. (1957). Faith on the March. Prentice-Hall. Rutherford, J. F. (August 1, 1917). Harvest Siftings. Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society. Retrieved July 19, 2009. Rutherford, J. F. (October 1, 1917). Harvest Siftings, Part II. Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society. Retrieved July 19, 2009. Pierson et al, A. N. (September 1, 1917). Light After Darkness. Retrieved July 21, 2009. Johnson, Paul S. L. (November 1, 1917). Harvest Siftings Reviewed. Retrieved July 21, 2009. Grizzuti Harrison, Barbara (1978). Visions of Glory – A History and a Memory of Jehovah's Witnesses. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 978-0-7091-8013-5. Edmond C. Gruss, Edmond C. (2003). The Four Presidents of the Watch Tower Society. Xulon Press. ISBN 1-59467-131-1. Holden, Andrew (2002). Jehovah's Witnesses: Portrait of a Contemporary Religious Movement. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-26609-2. Botting, Heather; Gary Botting (1984). The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. ISBN 0-8020-6545-7.  
    wt charter Pennsylvania corp.pdf
  20. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Ten men out of ... the nations ... will take firm hold of the robe of a Jewish man   
    One person more who are in crusade with down votes today :)))
  21. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Ten men out of ... the nations ... will take firm hold of the robe of a Jewish man   
    Ohh, sorry JW Insider, but they had not needed to made specific naming, numbering was/were some specific work, action and move that organization and leading people inside it had made, was been spirit-directed. ....
    Because..... the whole organization with all guardians of doctrine who has made approval, gave green light for, of every Bible edition ......  is spirit-directed......supposedly.
  22. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Ten men out of ... the nations ... will take firm hold of the robe of a Jewish man   
    Yes, of course. I will prepare some thoughts and make a new topic, so we can, if you like, make some discussion and to hear also what other people think about it.  
    You already used in this comment few interesting thoughts.
  23. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Jack Ryan in The Lost Founder and First President of the Jehovah Witnesses: William Henry Conley   
    William Henry Conley. Co-owner of the Riter Conley company that provided steel and manufactured goods during the second industrial revolution. The first president of “Zions Watchtower” which would later be replaced with Charles Taze Russell. Conley eventually didn’t want to be associated with Russell, he didn’t agree with his pyramid theories and thought his 1874 prediction of Armageddon was ludicrous. So he disassociated himself to care for his wife whom he felt was more important than Russell’s cult following at the time. Russell went on to use Conley's $11 million today equivalent to fund his exhibition, and then Conley went on to believe the organization only wanted him for his money which he went to his grave believing. Upon his death, all trace of his existence and founding of Zions Watchtower was erased. An announcement was not made in Zions Watchtower, Russell did refer to him as “an original Allegheny bible student” though. Russell once believed Conley to be anointed, but do to “succumbing to worldliness and falling out, may be given another chance to awake with the great crowd on an earthly resurrection as a man who was hardworking and loyal.” THAT'S all Russell had to say about the president, the first president and founding member. This information wasn’t found out until 45 years later.
    Even the @The Librarian mentioned him in his articles such as this one:

    Birth 11 Jun 1840 Death 25 Jul 1897 (aged 57) Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, USA Burial Highwood Cemetery • Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, USA Plot Section R Memorial ID 62936475 · View Source  
  24. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in I'm worried about a 'brother' recently reinstated spending too much time with my grandchildren   
    You mean your work (as single, not as we)  can accomplish some good ?  :))
    I think how in this complexity of Trust Issue (on various fields, in various places and with various people) things are in so wide specter of colors with much/lot, lot of white and black too.  
    But, main thing is thus, if you not trust someone , or have lost your trust in someone ... wall is very big/high.
  25. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in 1975 was in the past. Are we HONEST about it TODAY?   
    @BillyTheKid46, I thought you mostly just employed @Foreigner for vote spamming. I see you are doing some of the dirty work under your own name. And I also see you are nowhere near done yet, because you have added several more just since I copied the two images below.
    What's odd, however is that "both" of you have now voted down posts that contained nothing more than scriptures quoted from the NWT, and just above in this same topic, only 4 posts back, you (and Foreigner, of course) downvoted a post that does no more than introduce 3 Watchtower quotes about how long it took Adam to name the animals with surrounding context. Are you really that embarrassed by quotes from the Watchtower that you found it necessary to give two down votes to these Watchtower quotes????

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