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Srecko Sostar

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  1. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from JW Insider in J F Rutherford: 1917-1919: Information, Misinformation and Disinformation   
    I have never dealt with the reasons for the aversion that exists between Croats and Serbs. Neighboring countries with very similar language but different Christian religions. Two small nations with big appetites. The 1991 conflicts arose and were caused by old, unresolved accounts in their relationships dating back to about 1941 (especially) and before. 
    How much and in what measures Foreigner Powers was involved in conflict it is hard to say for me. They had, for sure, interests. And some of actors had their expectations in relation to West or East.
    They, Croats and Serbs, who was involved in conflicts in WW2 period as soldiers of regular armies and paramilitary groups and/or supporters of domestic governments and in this or that as supporters or in alliance with out side powers, done many crimes for sure. Tito was united many Yugoslav nations in resistance to domestic and foreign aggression and violence. But, obviously he had power and way how to unite all of them in one goal, freedom and own state. After his dead, and changes in east block, fall of Wall, awaking of people who want separate states, which is one of possibility made by YU Constitution everything went in that direction. Why leaders of YU Republics didn't that wisely and without conflicts and suffers and many deaths ....?    
  2. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Everybody agreed they were guilty’: $35M verdict against Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    Perhaps some JW members will be strengthen by this to reconsider their position and participation in Organization.
  3. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Matthew9969 in Do not trust .....WHO?   
    Does Jesus entrust perfect truth/food, or imperfect truth?
  4. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Everybody agreed they were guilty’: $35M verdict against Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    It is EVIL that lurks in the darkness, hiding its dirty deeds.  Righteousness, which results from the light of Christ, has no reason to hide anything.  If an entire entity is bent on covering evil acts, righteousness would not exist within it. 
    Evil wears two faces; one is authentic darkness, one is a fabrication of light and righteousness.  2 Cor 11:3,4,13-15
    Luke 8:17; 2 Cor 6:14; Acts 26:18; Eph 5:8
  5. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit   
    In the 7th grade I was taught how to diagram sentences to be able to ascertain exactly what a sentence was really saying.
    How should your words be used ultimately?
    And when you say "Don't spoil it!",  what do you mean?
    What is "it"?
    If I printed out what you say, should it ultimately go in the filing cabinet .... or ultimately go in the shredder?
    As one guy in the Army from Alabama once said ... "Spreek Engrich Thoops."
  6. Thanks
  7. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in JWs want Supreme Court to help them cover up Child Abuse !!   
    A comment on this article and its writer, by John Redwood:
    Thanks to Hemant Mehta for picking up my JW Survey article about the JW v Watchtower case and Watchtower's appeal to the US Supreme Court.
    Hemant has a brilliant and unique perspective on life, which is why he comes up with some bold titles for his articles.
    Take this one for example:
    "The Jehovah's Witnesses Want the Supreme Court to Help Them Cover Up Sex Abuse"
    I would like to address this title- because it's EXACTLY the kind of headline Watchtower will call an "Apostate-Driven Lie."
    From the standpoint of Watchtower - this title is false and an absolute fabrication. They would say that under no circumstances do they wish to cover up child abuse. Would they be correct?
    If one of their elders called headquarters and asked whether this is true or not- headquarters would tell them absolutely not. They would say that they endeavor at all times to cooperate with law enforcement, as stated in their May 2019 Watchtower article about child abuse. They would say that they only keep records of child molesters to protect the congregation, and they should be applauded for their diligence in keeping such situations under control.
    So, the elder would hang up the phone satisfied that the JW organization he represents does everything possible to protect children, and that they are not covering up anything.
    Hence, he would now go back to his fellow elders and congregation members and say "You see brothers, Satan is really working through the media and is trying very hard to spread these false apostate lies about our organization. We must avoid apostates at all costs, and always turn off the TV when we see such reports"
    This is how Jehovah's Witnesses are manipulated and controlled into believing that all false reports and headlines like this are blatant Satanic lies.
    It's very subtle.
    Witnesses trust their elders, and the elders trust the organization's leaders, and if those leaders tell them its all lies- they believe it and bring this message back to the flock. Average rank and file Jehovah's Witnesses do not have direct connectivity with the Watchtower legal and Service Departments. Even if they did, they would not get answers and would be told that these matters are being handled by responsible brothers who have prayed for Jehovah's direction - so let's leave the matter in Jehovah's hands.
    Meanwhile- the headlines are true.
    When Hemant says the JWs want help covering up child abuse, he's not wrong.
    Is the title click-bait? Maybe. But why shouldn't it be? Journalists use catchy titles to grab people's attention. The real question we must ask is "Does the article have the facts to back up the title?"
    And in the answer is: Absolutely yes.
    This is why Jehovah's Witnesses are on the verge of falling into the chasm of no return, the abyss of disgrace.
    The facts could not be any more clear: Jehovah's Witnesses have openly admitted that they collect data from every congregation in the world related to child abusers and their victims, and they openly admit that they have no desire to turn this information over to criminal and civil authorities.
    Period. It's just that simple.
    Read their Supreme Court appeal. They are using the United States Constitution as a cover for concealing what they call confidential communications, or "privileged" communications.
    it's one thing to say that the confession of a guilty person to their pastor or elder is privileged communication - but it's entirely another matter when three dozen pastors all know about and investigate the crimes committed, and they all claim that it must never be shared with the authorities - or even the families of the victims.
    If that's not a cover-up, I don't know what is.
    Facts are facts, and at the end of the day, it all comes down to whose side are you on- the side of truth and transparency, or the side of protecting the reputation and assets of a religion.
    If we learned anything from the movie Spotlight, it's that we don't want to be on the wrong side of this.
  8. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in JWs want Supreme Court to help them cover up Child Abuse !!   
    A new story just came in, and with one click, it automatically scrolled down and saved it as a photo, using FASTSTONE CAPTURE.
    Then I cropped the headline, and saved it as a different name.
    .... better than a link, which may disappear when Snowflakes get upset, and melt all over you.

  9. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in JWs want Supreme Court to help them cover up Child Abuse !!   
    You would think that I was getting a commission, but I am not.
    I just downloaded the above video to my hard drive with FREEMAKE VIDEO DOWNLOADER, and with one-click, saved it.
    Download this, and FASTSTONE CAPTURE,  and anything that can be seen on your monitor, can be downloaded.
    Essential TOOLS ... for when someone attacks you for lying and such.
    (and FASTSTONE CAPTURE has several video tutorials to show you how to use it, on YouTube ...).
  10. Thanks
  11. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in REMOVAL / DESTRUCTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY   
    You bring out a couple of good points.  Yet, what does the phrase “Judicial Committee” mean to you, Derek?  It is judgment put upon a person by the elders, men who have the given authority (by the GB) to judge someone as spiritually alive or spiritually dead.  Matt 10:17; John 16:2; 7:1,2; Luke 6:37; James 4:12  Many times this judgment is made on the basis of doctrine that has been dropped or changed by the GB, and those judged refuse to absorb the lie. Or, it is based on the refusal to accept 1914, using scriptures verifying why one rejects it. Others, who read scripture realize there is no earthly organization that must obtain our allegiance, in order for us to receive life. Rev 13:4,12; John 14:6 (edit)  It is enforced because victims of abuse speak out when not receiving the attention and care needed, but are told to get along with their abuser who may reside in the same congregation.  If and when they speak out in pain and suffering against this injustice, THEY are judged as spiritually “dead”, and shunned. Rev 13:15 If these individuals who are disfellowshipped never returned to the organization, do you believe they will be saved in Armageddon?  If not, then you accept the unfair judgment of an organization of men, over that of Christ's law of love.   Rom 2:1-3; Gal 5:14
    These are the facts.  Christ has been given the authority to judge individuals based on his Word; even so, if the organization was truly operating under his guidance, the anointed ones – the true priesthood (1 Pet 2:5,9; Rev 5:9,10) – would be leading, teaching and “judging” in righteousness and love, since they would be listening to one Head directly, Jesus Christ; and not to a mediator, the governing body.  Mal 2:7; 1 Cor 6:2
    A true “faithful and discreet slave” would not shut the mouths of his brothers and sisters and expect undue allegiance only to their word; threatening them with disfellowshipping if they choose to listen to the gift of Spirit within their heart.  1 John 3:10-12; Matt 24:48-51; John 15:26
    I think John recognizes these things, and realizes that men who unofficially judge others with such serious matters, show the WT organization to be a cloaked tyranny.  They play with lives, and ruin them.  The Father and Christ see all. They hear all.  And they will act on the sins of God’s people.  Isa 42:14-17; Rev 18:4-8
  12. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Open letter to Daro Weilburg   
    Monetary compensation is the only "Justice" one can hope for under the current secular laws for civil injuries.   I would be quite happy if a person so convicted would be surgically modified to be considerably shorter, or that dueling was allowed.  It used to be that Fathers, relatives or even the victims would shoot the criminals, and juries would show extreme leeway in considering the justifiably of it.
    Under the current system monetary awards are the ONLY way to get justice in a civil lawsuit for injuries suffered.
    Unfortunately .... torture is not allowed.
  13. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Baruq JW in Open letter to Daro Weilburg   
    Yes, some spoke to me about abuse in catholicism to prove that JW have the truth. You need to grit your teeth to stay silent and not responding violently.
    My brother (an elder) told me that we couldn't trust the Royal Commission in Australia because they don't have God's spirit.
    Well, does the governing body have God's spirit?
  14. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Baruq JW in Open letter to Daro Weilburg   
    Do you want to say that she should not have complained about being raped?
  15. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Baruq JW in Open letter to Daro Weilburg   
    Open letter to Daro Weilburg Dear Daro,
    I must ask you first of all to forgive my boldness, since, although almost fifteen years younger than you, I have to reproach you. Do not think I mean to disrespect. But having as a predecessor Elihu, who, in spite of his youth, did not refrain from rebuking the venerable Job I believe that I can in good conscience follow the example of this wise figure of antiquity.
    I watched some of your videos on the internet. I answer here because you have blocked all comments on your page, so it is impossible to reach you. I have no doubt that you are a sincere person, but beware! in the darkest days of modern history, sincere men have exterminated hundreds of thousands of others. Sincerity does not imply being right or excusable for any of our actions or statements.
    With this preamble in mind, I hope you will understand that I may have found two of your videos that you have posted online shocking, videos in which you discuss the topic of child abuse within the Jehovah's Witnesses Organisation, taking as a basis the highly publicised case of Candace Conti.
    You find it unlikely that a woman could have waited years before revealing the aggression she was the victim of and you call her a liar. But what do you know about the feelings of a girl-child who has complete confidence in adults and who can not imagine that one of them can hurt her, especially if he is a relative, a close family member, a brother of the congregation, or even an elder? These young girls probably had no idea what was happening to them. Some were threatened or blackmailed if they said anything. That's the way things work with paedophiles. Within the Catholic Church, as well as within the Jehovah's Witnesses organisation, or within all institutions where adults are in contact with children.
    You will notice that the Watchtower of May 2019, although it does not provide any solutions to the victims, does not say anything else:
    It is all too easy for devious abusers to deceive children. Abusers teach children dangerous lies, such as the idea that the child is to blame, that the abuse must be kept secret, that no one will listen or care if the child reports the abuse, or that sexual acts between an adult and a child are actually normal expressions of sincere love. Such lies can distort a child’s thinking ability and perception of truth for many years. Such a child may grow up thinking of herself or himself as damaged, defiled, and unworthy of love or comfort.
    And you would you like to condemn these innocent lives? You would like to deny them the right to justice, because many years have passed? You support the two witnesses rule imposed by the Governing Body, when it is the very nature of the paedophiles to act in secret? You are talking about forensics when it is already difficult for a woman to gain recognition of a rape she just suffered as an adult? How can this be inflicted on a child? How cruel you are!
    From what you're saying, it seems that Candace Conti woke up one fine day and that she went on the internet, found a picture of a man she did not even know and decided to accuse him, all this for personal gain. Does this seem plausible to you? For me, it seems difficult. Given that you have experienced it, you can understand the feelings of a person facing a court and his lot of judges, prosecutors, lawyers, usually men, often incredulous, perplexed or skeptical, sometimes hostile. In your case, it was your own mistakes that led you in the dock. But you can not put yourself in the shoes of a woman who humbles herself by confessing that she has been raped while feeling the shame for what she suffered, constantly repeating, again and again, the same story. One would need to have a surprising strength of character to build such a lie. I can believe that some have done it, perfidy is not the prerogative of either sex, but here we are speaking of thousands of cases. Thousands of liars?
    You claimed:
    That doesn’t happen in any Kingdom Hall. Anywhere in the world. There is no way that an elder or a parent of a child would allow a man to take a small young child out in the ministry alone. That’s a lie. It’s not gonna happen. Not in any Kingdom Hall, 120,000 in the entire world, it’s not gonna happen. It’s a lie. (“Is Candace Conti lying about being molested by A JW elder at 9?” on Youtube)
    Dear Daro, please let me tell you that you are absolutely wrong, because here is the reality: in more than fifty years, I attended about a dozen congregations in three different lands. I can therefore confirm that leaving a child alone with an adult is a common thing in all congregations! After all, are we not supposed to live in a spiritual paradise in which everyone is beautiful and kind? Who can hurt us? Because, if that's the case, then where is the paradise? For some, it would rather be hell.
    Perhaps things have changed recently, as the Governing Body has revised its policy to protect themselves from the ever-increasing claims for having done nothing to protect the weakest among its flock, preferring to put responsibility on the parents and the elders if something should happen to a child in the congregation. But the harm that has been done in the past cannot be changed.
    Finally, the words you use about Barbara Anderson are not worthy of someone who calls himself a disciple and a member of the self-proclaimed only true religion gathering the people of God (you will notice that I avoided using the term “Christian”, the latter being able to qualify only the one who follows Christ and not an organisation). This woman has been the voice of thousands of silent victims who have found, thanks to her, the courage to emerge from their mess. So out of respect for a person who has given years of her life to this fight and paid a heavy price, I think you should measure your words.
    Dear Daro, I know you will have a hard time accepting my comments, but it is a matter between God and you. As for me, I think I have done my duty.
    With Christian love,
  16. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Baruq JW in JW's: How do you feel about being told that you MUST wear your badge even when out to dinner at night with your family after a convention?   
    I can't believe this experience is true. It must be the same as the so-called experiences heard in speeches at conventions.
    I believe that brothers should have fun inventing facts. In 2019, while there is no longer work for anyone, the Watchtower is still discouraging studies and thus building an army of future unemployed who will live on welfare.
  17. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW's: How do you feel about being told that you MUST wear your badge even when out to dinner at night with your family after a convention?   
    We have elderly sisters in our congregation that have NO FRONT TEETH, because they cannot afford the repairs. I was mentioning to her that advice is like eating a lobster, you have to pick and choose what to eat, and what to throw away, and when I was 42 years old, I had never eaten a lobster, and after five beers, someone served me a lobster at a restaurant.  I had NO IDEA about eating a lobster, and started at the head.
    She looked up at me with age and poverty deeply etched into her face, with no front teeth, and said she had never eaten a lobster, or a crab.
    What I had intended as a funny anecdote, turned out to be a sad reason for tears.
  18. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW's: How do you feel about being told that you MUST wear your badge even when out to dinner at night with your family after a convention?   
    The PERFECT example of this is this Weekend's Watchtower Study, paragraphs 15 and 16 , on pages 6 and 7 of the  June, 2019 Issue.
    The question for those two paragraphs is advice for perhaps 9 MILLION  JWs and students is:
    15-16. What do you learn from the experience of one sister?
    It's all about "plausible deniability"
    I was going to answer that experiences are as varied as there are people, but I had already answered paragraph 7 .... and this sister sounds like a mental anxiety filled emotional wreck (you will have to read the paragraphs ... I suggest you sit down and put on a seat belt before you start ...), and that at Bethel there is a small army of Lawyers with advanced degrees, Dentists and Doctors with advanced degrees, and the whole place was built by Architects, Civil Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Computer Engineers, ALL with degrees and licensed by the State of New York.
    People that normally make from $85 to $115 an hour ... as EMPLOYEES!
    But the only thing you and I need to know is the phrase " .... you want fries with that?'", and hope your parents live to be 95 years old so you can live in their basement and possibly inherit their house .... if they do not will it to the Society, and have you thrown out when they sell it.
  19. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Baruq JW in JW's: How do you feel about being told that you MUST wear your badge even when out to dinner at night with your family after a convention?   
    The Watchtower never gives orders. They suggest; then suggest; then suggest. And if the suggestion is not followed, then the elders suggest; then suggest; then suggest. And if this is not enough, the Circuit Overseer will come to make a speech in which he will suggest; then he will suggest; then he will suggest.

    Until all witnesses follow suggestion. And if then a JW arrives who does not follow the suggestion, he will be strongly suggested by the elders who will tell to him that it is important to follow suggestions,  which at this point will no longer be suggestions, but laws.
  20. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit   
    Is "soulical" even a real word?
    It sounds sillycal.
  21. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in "LISTEN, OBEY, AND BE BLESSED"   
  22. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit   
    A spiritually-minded leader ("heavenly" Col 3:2) would not allow the "soulical" view ("earthly" James 3:15) to be joined together; at baptism, or at any other point in the spiritual 'upbringing' of a person.  2 Pet 3:18
  23. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit   
    Rank and file members aka publishers or in simple words - worldwide brotherhood, are connected spiritually with each other and with God as group of Organized Christians who are bond with particular set of doctrines, beliefs and  hope. In that sense, all relations between them have big "spiritual" aspects. Inside them, as a group, all dealings they have among them, are in some sort of "spiritual" work, reactions (of course with all physical inputs and  outputs, after all we are flesh and blood and bones). Hierarchical structure of "theocracy" appointed elders (semi clerical body) to deal/work with brotherhood. 
    In WT Society, Lawyers have very significant role. Their dealings with people works in both reality. One reality is with outside world and "worldly people". Another reality is of "spiritual" nature inside "Spiritual Paradise" when they counsel elders, for example, how to respond in "sins" that outside reality considers to be "crime" or what documents bring to Court and what to tell. Inside reality speak only about sin. Sin is "spiritual" term. JW Church consider bad acts as sins, not a crimes. Because Spiritual Judicial System of JW Church accepting only Bible terminology. In this (Bible) reality,  word "crime" not existing. What exists is "sin". For that purpose WT Lawyers must explain to elders what is what and how sins inside JW organization have to be explained to "worldly" reality. 
    WT Lawyers have special attitude  on JW members. For them, they are only rank and file members. They, members, representing nobody and nothing, except their personal beliefs (beliefs determined by WT Society spiritual revelations of Bible doctrines) in God. Although JW members not representing any of Corporative Entities of WT Society, what also including Congregation he/she visiting regularly, they, as members have some sort of Free Contractual Relation with Legal Entity/Entities. That special relation coming from "Yes" on Second Baptismal Question:  
    2) “Do you understand that your baptism identifies you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with Jehovah’s organization?” (from 2019)
    (2) Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization? (from 1985)
    As Group of Organized Christians in Organization that has diversity of Companies with different names, they (members) receiving instructions for Christian life, not only from "spiritual" leaders aka GB and elders inside Spiritual Paradise. But members receiving instructions (in this way or another) from WT Lawyers too, who run life of many Companies/Corporations under different names (Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, is one of names).
    Well in that sense, verse you bring ..... The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.
    ..... is interesting. WT Lawyers playing, walking between this two Realities. In that context (Dualism of sort)  it would be very important to know when Organization as Worldly Company is stronger than Organization as Spiritual Paradise and vice versa. 
  24. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit   
    If you don't mind for connecting this two comments.
    "Baptism" of this man is done because he want to "dedicate" (guess) himself to God - spiritually , not to WT Society. 
    But - factually, he made sort of "Contract, in corporative language, with WT Society through WT Representative who immersed him in water. 
    Well, if God accepted his dedication, despite fact he has two wife's (perhaps he was repentant all the time, but he chooses second wife) than his baptism, spiritually is valid. But second (hidden) part of his "dedication" - to WT Society -  is in question, and that sort of "dedication" has been possible to delete in Administrative manner, because he also was hiding some important information.      
  25. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Shiwiii in In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit   
    I disagree. 
    All of you who are a part of this org has that power.
    You just have to do it, fire them, stop giving them your mind and money.
    Then Poof, they no longer have that power over you. 
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