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Srecko Sostar

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    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    Oh, but I do walk in harmony with Christ.  This does not require walking in harmony with the Watchtower. 
    A “worldly preacher” from decades ago said,
    “If good men were all for union and bad men for division, or vice versa, that would simplify things for us. Or if it could be shown that God always unites and the devil always divides it would be easy to find our way around in this confused and confusing world. But that is not how things are. Light and darkness are incompatible; to try to have both in the same place at once is to try the impossible and end by having neither one nor the other, but dimness rather, and obscurity.
    Truth is slain to provide a feast to celebrate the marriage of heaven and hell, and all to support a concept of unity which has no basis in the Word of God. When confused sheep start over a cliff the individual sheep can save himself only by separating from the flock. Perfect unity at such a time can only mean total destruction for all. Power lies in the union of things similar and the division of things dissimilar. Maybe what we need today is not more union but some wise and courageous division.”
    Watchtower’s historic false teachings are darkness, never were they light. Only a fool would say they were from Jesus Christ, who only imparts truth.  John 14:6  Only a fool would say they trust a leadership that runs the same institution that calls darkness “Beliefs Clarified”. 
    Jesus Christ:
    “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn
    “‘a man against his father,
        a daughter against her mother,
    a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
    36     a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’[a]
    37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.  Matt 10:34-39
    This divisive sword between light and darkness was not put back in its sheath when Jesus was resurrected.
    The Lord says to my lord:
    “Sit at my right hand
        until I make your enemies
        a footstool for your feet.”
    2 The Lord will extend your mighty scepter from Zion, saying,
        “Rule in the midst of your enemies!”  Ps 110:1,2
    Those who desire to follow the light of Christ; and who reject all darkness, all teachings that have proved to be rotten, are the ones who may have lost their loved ones, for the sake of Christ, for the sake of obtaining light.   John 8:12; Matt 7:15:20; John 15:16; Rev 13:15    As long as they remain with Christ, they will never walk in darkness.  WT’s leaders lead sheep on vast, “slippery” trails of darkness.  It has been proven to be so. 
    “For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.”  Luke 8:17
    “You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord’s table and the table of demons. 22 Are we trying to arouse the Lord’s jealousy?
     Are we stronger than he?” 1 Cor 10:21,22
  2. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Foreigner in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    Job 14:4 King James Version (KJV)
    4 Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one. .......perhaps only God can do this? Question is, would He using for such task; some of JW, some of Waking JW, some of ex-JW, some of Elders? .... and so on.
    Dear JW Insider, to set good example and shining - with good, proper, kind, truthful and loving deeds and words are necessary  in all and every thing in our life. But would that be enough, would that be possible in Environment of JW Society and their Culture how to deal with Different even Opposite?  
    Perhaps spirit of God can give such strength to some individual to Stay and to Survive in Such State, in such Organization. But...?!  Recall Elijah 1 Kings 19. Israel people want to kill him because of his shinning. Is it different in "Spiritual Israel" today? Some JW made suicide, some was cut off socially/spiritually from other JW by Elders Judicial Judgement and suffer. Not me, i not suffer, because i decided to left. I suffer in other ways :)) 
  3. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    ONLY if YOU PERSONALLY have intellectual integrity ... will you follow the TRUTH  ... wherever it leads.
    No human on Earth that lives, or has ever lived, is exempt from this.
    OTHERWISE ... you are subject to theological hallucinations ...
    And everything you see, think, and do will be duplicitous ... and as you stated above ...
    The fact that looking straight at it .... AT IT ... you declare you do not know .... perfectly illustrates my point.
  4. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Anna in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    Who told you this? But one thing doesn't seem believable, and that is actually replacing a jw.org flag. I cannot imagine there was a jw.org flag in the window. In fact why would the Chilean brothers have a flag, its usually just a plaque outside the KH. 
  5. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Anna in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    Actually, the elder I mentioned previously has had a beard for many, many years, while an elder, well before 2015.
  6. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    In reference to scriptures used by Billy the Kid:
    1 Cor 1:10 – “no divisions among you”.  Paul was teaching the new anointed members of Christ’s Body, who were “sanctified in Christ” and “called to be his holy people”, to be one under Christ. No divisions were to occur in the Body of Christ. 
    Again, Watchtower’s take on the anointed ones today:
    "In addition, anointed Christians do not view themselves as being part of an elite club. They do not seek out others who claim to have the same calling, hoping to bond with them or endeavoring to form private groups for Bible study. (Gal. 1:15-17) Such efforts would cause divisions within the congregation and work against the holy spirit, which promotes peace and unity."  Wt/16/1 pp. 22-27
    Paul didn’t consider the anointed members bonding together as one body, an “elite club”.  He taught it was absolutely necessary for them to bond as one Body.  1 Cor 12:21-26
    Together, through successfully surviving all that Satan would throw at them, they would be the Bride of Christ; and together, they would know truth as long as they remained in Christ. Together, they would reign on the earth as "kings and priests".  Rev 5:9,10
    “As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him.”  1 John 2:27
     Who has the authority to divide Christ’s Body? 2 Cor 11:1-4   Who has the authority to transgress the Word of God and demand the Temple priests to remain separate from each other?
    The elder body has been given this blasphemous authority, under the direction of the GB.  Rev 13:4-6,11,12
    There is no scriptural validation for this, unless one has built his own "temple". In that case, he can authorize whatever he wants.  It will not be recognized by God, though, as worthy to receive His blessing.   Rom 1:25; Matt 7:21-23
    Eph 4:11-13 also applies to the anointed.  1 Cor 12:27-31; Eph 4:1-4
    There should be no division within the anointed body. Since it is obvious that there IS a determined division by decree of the GB, and what is promoted is unification of all members instead, there is no distinction made between what is holy and what is common; who comprise the holy priesthood and who do not.  There is no understanding of what God’s priesthood is assigned to do.  Lev 10:8-11; Ezek 22:26; Mal 2:7; 1 Pet 2:5,9  And, they have submitted themselves to this falsehood; they have allowed those who rule over them to keep them divided.  1 Cor 12:25  Division causes desolation to what should be a united people, a special possession of God.  1 Pet 2:9
    The Watchtower quotes from the October 2017 magazine that I gave early, state that “Jehovah’s spiritual temple” is the entire organization.  Within that idolatrous “temple” there is to be no division among its members. 
    Does God recognize it and bless it?
    When the Man of Lawlessness is “set up” in God’s Temple, (2 Thess 2:4) it “exalts himself” above the Temple priesthood.  He ‘opposes’ the Temple of God,  by dissolving the defining element between the  holy and common. 
    2 Thess 2:4 – “set up”:  “sitteth” – “to set, appoint, to confer a kingdom on one, to fix one’s abode”, “to seat oneself”   
    It has been accomplished by the elder body "representing the royal priesthood".  
    JWs, the Temple of God in the anointed priesthood has been replaced by an idol – “Jehovah’s spiritual temple” called the Watchtower organization. 
    It is the accomplishment of “false christs” and a destructive “Beast”/organization/elder body.  Rev 13:1,11
    "For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."  Matt 24:24
    Matt 24:15 - When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand)
    “the holy” - most holy thing, a saint
    “place” – “place, any portion or space marked off, as it were from surrounding space, an inhabited place, as a city, village, district”
    Addressing the saints:
      1 Cor 3:16,17 - Do you not know that you (the saints) are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells (an inhabited place) in you?
    The only “holy place” Jesus recognizes is the Temple of God built on his Body.  If anyone can discern this, if anyone can visualize the desolation of God's Temple, they are to flee.  Matt 24:16
    Pearl Doxsey - "The Disgusting Thing", 4womaninthewilderness blogspot
  7. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Shiwiii in Baptism of Children by Jehovah's Witnesses   
    then show me where one must study for baptism. 
    this is right out of the wt playbook. So if Jesus studied, then it is a command to study for baptism? 
    Did Jesus own a cat when He was growing up? Does that then require us to raise cats? 
    no one said that we are not to study! 
    It just isn't a requirement for baptism. 
    I've already said it. re-read my posts, or rather this one and maybe you'll see my point. I doubt it though.
  8. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    Nature is great. 
  9. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    Job 14:4 King James Version (KJV)
    4 Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one. .......perhaps only God can do this? Question is, would He using for such task; some of JW, some of Waking JW, some of ex-JW, some of Elders? .... and so on.
    Dear JW Insider, to set good example and shining - with good, proper, kind, truthful and loving deeds and words are necessary  in all and every thing in our life. But would that be enough, would that be possible in Environment of JW Society and their Culture how to deal with Different even Opposite?  
    Perhaps spirit of God can give such strength to some individual to Stay and to Survive in Such State, in such Organization. But...?!  Recall Elijah 1 Kings 19. Israel people want to kill him because of his shinning. Is it different in "Spiritual Israel" today? Some JW made suicide, some was cut off socially/spiritually from other JW by Elders Judicial Judgement and suffer. Not me, i not suffer, because i decided to left. I suffer in other ways :)) 
  10. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    I agree with all you said above ... BUT...
    We should all be united in what is true, what is honorable, what is fair, what is equitable, what is righteous, what is good, and what is wholesome.
    BEING UNITED just to have peace involves a THOUSAND compromises ... and is a slippery slope that slides to error,  intellectually dishonesty, self delusion, theocratic hallucinations, the abandonment of JUSTICE, and dishonors both ourselves ... which intellectual integrity is where someone always has to start ... AND the Brotherhood ... and most importantly, Jehovah God.
    It all starts  ... here on the dirt, where the rubber meets the road ... is  the determination, without compromise ... to achieve intellectual integrity .
    You cannot have TRUTH ... without intellectual integrity.
    OTHERWISE ... we may be the finest "Brother Watchtower"  that walks the Earth ... but we will be intellectually dishonest ... like a plague, that takes a 30 year incubation period for the consequences to show up.
    You cannot have TRUTH ... without intellectual integrity.
  11. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    Each one has to obey the dictates of his own individual conscience ....  that is what makes us,  US ... and not merely, only, and very, very sadly ..... just  animals.
  12. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    Job 14:4 King James Version (KJV)
    4 Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one. .......perhaps only God can do this? Question is, would He using for such task; some of JW, some of Waking JW, some of ex-JW, some of Elders? .... and so on.
    Dear JW Insider, to set good example and shining - with good, proper, kind, truthful and loving deeds and words are necessary  in all and every thing in our life. But would that be enough, would that be possible in Environment of JW Society and their Culture how to deal with Different even Opposite?  
    Perhaps spirit of God can give such strength to some individual to Stay and to Survive in Such State, in such Organization. But...?!  Recall Elijah 1 Kings 19. Israel people want to kill him because of his shinning. Is it different in "Spiritual Israel" today? Some JW made suicide, some was cut off socially/spiritually from other JW by Elders Judicial Judgement and suffer. Not me, i not suffer, because i decided to left. I suffer in other ways :)) 
  13. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    Job 14:4 King James Version (KJV)
    4 Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one. .......perhaps only God can do this? Question is, would He using for such task; some of JW, some of Waking JW, some of ex-JW, some of Elders? .... and so on.
    Dear JW Insider, to set good example and shining - with good, proper, kind, truthful and loving deeds and words are necessary  in all and every thing in our life. But would that be enough, would that be possible in Environment of JW Society and their Culture how to deal with Different even Opposite?  
    Perhaps spirit of God can give such strength to some individual to Stay and to Survive in Such State, in such Organization. But...?!  Recall Elijah 1 Kings 19. Israel people want to kill him because of his shinning. Is it different in "Spiritual Israel" today? Some JW made suicide, some was cut off socially/spiritually from other JW by Elders Judicial Judgement and suffer. Not me, i not suffer, because i decided to left. I suffer in other ways :)) 
  14. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Space Merchant in Chilean Flags on Kingdom Halls   
    @Srecko Sostar Truly, truly I saith unto thee, he does not knoweth how things work. No it is not a double standard, this is why I posted that link so you can understand how things roll in said country.
  15. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    Believe me, what you propose could never happen.  In order for me to be accepted back into the organization I would have to repent for my “apostate” ways….for rejecting 1914, for rejecting the rulership of an elder body and GB who expect full devotion to their teachings (falsehoods or not).   For turning completely to the Father and Christ, realizing an organization is not needed to be guided by Holy Spirit  I would have to basically lie to get back in; and, once reinstated, wouldn’t I be condoning the very falsehoods I was disfellowshipped for rejecting initially?  Rev 2:2; 2 Cor 6:17; Rev 18:4
    I do appreciate your sincerity, but I don’t think you realize how many anointed have been disfellowshipped, and how many have been bullied by the elder body for speaking up. 
    To be “shining as illuminators” we are to speak truth. Ezek 13:17  Anyone who illuminates truth and exposes a lie in the organization is disfellowshipped. It’s much different when speaking here on a forum about Watchtower’s lies, then voicing your disapproval of doctrine or false rulership among the very ones you see many times a week.  Before I was disfellowshipped, I shared my troubled concerns about a few topics with three very close friends.  Immediately, and I mean within minutes after hearing me out, they cut me off.  I never heard from them again. They did this because of their own fear of also being disfellowshipped, if they were to sympathize with my concerns, if they were to listen any further to what I had to say.      Can you see? What you are saying is pie in the sky.  How far do you believe truth, that deviates from the GB's teachings, from the mouth of someone like me or any anointed one, will get them? 
    My initial comment is about the Man of Lawlessness. You mentioned the organization has “sprung so many anointed ones”.  This isn’t by accident, but fulfills prophesy. Rev 13:5-7; 20:7-9  The Man of Lawlessness “tramples” the anointed Temple. 1 Cor 3:16,17 They, the priesthood, are kept quiet and not allowed to be “illuminators” of truth.  2 Thess 2:3,4,8,9; Matt 24:15
    Do you believe it is approved by God to shun or disfellowship anyone who speaks aloud and exposes such lies?  The organization isn’t God or Jesus, but a rather new development created by men who require loyalty to what they have built.    Remember Russell said,
    "Beware of "organization." It is wholly un-necessary. The Bible will be the only rules you need. Do not seek to bind other consciences, and do not permit others to bind yours. Believe and obey so far as you can understand God's word today, and so continue to growing in grace and knowledge day by day." (Zion's Watch Tower, 1895, p. 216.)
    My conscience would not allow me to re-enter a faulty operation of error.  Jesus did not expect his people to tolerate false teachings from the Pharisees. Matt 15:14 Should we do so today?  Every false and failed teaching uttered by the GB shows them up for being blind teachers.  If truth brings us salvation, why would we settle for anything less?  John 14:6; 17:3,17
    James 4:17 -   “So it is sin to know the good and yet not do it.”
    To remain in the “same state in which you were called “(1 Cor 7:20) doesn’t apply to remaining where false teachings exist because that is not something God, Jesus or the apostles taught us to do.  1 Cor 10:21,22; Ps 26:4  If remaining in the same state is as you say, I could apply it to being a mother, a wife, a sister, a child of a mother and father, while also doing God's will as an anointed one.   If you’ll notice verse 23 – “You were bought with a price; stop becoming slaves of men”.  I was a slave to men, should I remain in that same state?  The elders have authority over the anointed ones by the decree of men.  It isn't Bible-based.  Most certainly, no anointed one will be allow  to “shine” the light of truth that comes from one’s own heart.  You mentioned once, JWI, that you seemed to notice many of the anointed were not mentally sound, if I am right in what I remember.  My first reaction was one of defensiveness; but I have thought about your statement, and I realize that preventing an anointed heart to speak out independently from the GB and elder body, causes emotional and spiritual breakdown. To be told that they are not to bond together or study the Bible together, or not to reach out to other anointed members of the Body, can subconsciously, without realizing it, cause spiritual pain.  I was at that point, even if I thought all was well, I suffered mental heaviness and depression.  Holy Spirit is living, and if an anointed heart succumbs to men’s wishes and resists its power, I believe mental unstableness and depression does result. Phil 2:12,13,16  (Acts 7:51; Isa 63:10)
    Just consider what comprises God’s Temple. Rev 11:19; 14:1-5   Every anointed priest who is sealed into it must be found blameless and pure, “with no lie found in their mouths.” That is an impossibility if they accept false teachings, past or present, and allow men to mold their thinking, instead of Jesus Christ.  John 14:6
    That is the organization’s mantra, and the criteria necessary to be one of its accepted members. 
    The apostle Paul, a foundation stone of the Holy City of Truth (Zech 8:3; Eph 2:19-22):
    “Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. 2 By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you.
    Otherwise, you have believed in vain. 1 Cor 15:1,2
  16. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Foreigner in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    JW org flag replaced with Chilean flag ..............and all that was happened in Chile Land not in JW Land ? :))
    It seems that these youths forgot how KH is in fact  Embassy of Foreign Country and have Their Own Flag on Their Own Territory inside Chilean State. 
  17. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    JW org flag replaced with Chilean flag ..............and all that was happened in Chile Land not in JW Land ? :))
    It seems that these youths forgot how KH is in fact  Embassy of Foreign Country and have Their Own Flag on Their Own Territory inside Chilean State. 
  18. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    JW org flag replaced with Chilean flag ..............and all that was happened in Chile Land not in JW Land ? :))
    It seems that these youths forgot how KH is in fact  Embassy of Foreign Country and have Their Own Flag on Their Own Territory inside Chilean State. 
  19. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to TrueTomHarley in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    Oscar Oxgoad entered the Kingdom Hall as he always does that day—clean shaven. But at the end of that Watchtower study he bent over and fumbled about in his overstuffed bag—I couldn’t make out what he was doing 
    He straightened up and walked about after the song with a huge Santa Claus beard.
    I knew he was going to do something like that! I knew it!
    He is such an idiot.
  20. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    If it is said in this way, it is not so surprising to be true. Some "clever" (read - spirit guided) individual/s from (??? HQ, Chile Betel, ...or somewhere else) found the new way how to run "theocratic warfare strategy". Inventive idea, for sure, but revealing to all of us, how deep some people are ready to go in manipulative behavior. 
    Lies are untruths told for selfish reasons and which work injury to others. Satan told a lie to Eve that worked great harm to her and all the human race. Ananias and Sapphira told lies for selfish reasons. But hiding the truth, which he is not entitled to know, from an enemy does not harm him, especially when he would use such information to harm others who are innocent...The only way they can fulfill the command to preach the good news of God’s kingdom is by use of theocratic war strategy. By underground methods....Today God’s servants are engaged in a warfare, a spiritual, theocratic warfare, a warfare ordered by God against wicked spirit forces and against false teachings. God’s servants are sent forth as sheep among wolves and therefore need to exercise the extreme caution of serpents so as to protect properly the interests of God’s kingdom committed to them. At all times they must be very careful not to divulge any information to the enemy that he could use to hamper the preaching work. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1957327
  21. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    In some ways, I am impressed that it's a step in the right direction. Allowing for some differences on conscience matters is still better than saying everything must be done a specific way because that's the only way a Bible-trained conscience should allow for. 
    The brother is probably 75 to 80, so I didn't press him, but he was the one who used the terms "strongly encouraged" and "strongly discouraged." It's true that it implies that no one was told they must do it this way or that way, but it also implies that "loaded" or "leading" language would be used. We all know that this produces the implied idea: "I'm not telling you what to do, but you you know what you need to do . . . 'wink, wink,' . . . 'nod, nod.' "
  22. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from JW Insider in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    In my opinion, many things about "conscience" are problematic and causing questions. If it was original idea from God, when created human, to give to them that "conscience" as reliable instrument for making correct thoughts and deeds in ones life, than this have to be Unique thing and Only way for people how to live the life. 
    In the meantime, from first days of human until now, we built empire of laws and rules, commands and similar. Why? To regulate people life in some society. By this we silently agree with conclusion how human conscience is not proper Divine instrument which is adequate to resolve things in mutual dealings, interactions between people. Even JHVH contribute to list of Law about what is forbidden and what is obligated. By such events, "freedom of conscience" was came under power of Ideology (Doctrine) described in The Law. 
    Similar situation is also in JWORG. It can't be different. Idea of conscience in Society is in that range too. You can/may have your conscience, but your conscience have to be Trained and Guided by Bible Principles. What are Bible Principles? We (GBFDS) are authorized to explain you how looks and what are Bible Principles. So, your conscience are not any more Divine Instrument given by God, but Learned Behavior in particular group, society. Even in theoretically, religiously given explanation given to "worldly people" how you reject blood, flag salute, military service etc. because of your "Bible trained conscience" that is not as it was said that way. Because, here we have Ideology Law, Doctrine as fundamental stone mark for your choice. Your conscience as private belonging is submitted to One Idea (religious, political, social...).  
    In such circumstances (rough, hard, under pressure) it is not our Conscience that giving Resistance, but our Knowledge about issue and/or our Membership to particular ideology or group.
    This Chile information's about Society and Conscience Matter are explainable in this frame of how society working and modeling or remodeling members conscience, builds and crashes ideology.
  23. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Foreigner in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    In my opinion, many things about "conscience" are problematic and causing questions. If it was original idea from God, when created human, to give to them that "conscience" as reliable instrument for making correct thoughts and deeds in ones life, than this have to be Unique thing and Only way for people how to live the life. 
    In the meantime, from first days of human until now, we built empire of laws and rules, commands and similar. Why? To regulate people life in some society. By this we silently agree with conclusion how human conscience is not proper Divine instrument which is adequate to resolve things in mutual dealings, interactions between people. Even JHVH contribute to list of Law about what is forbidden and what is obligated. By such events, "freedom of conscience" was came under power of Ideology (Doctrine) described in The Law. 
    Similar situation is also in JWORG. It can't be different. Idea of conscience in Society is in that range too. You can/may have your conscience, but your conscience have to be Trained and Guided by Bible Principles. What are Bible Principles? We (GBFDS) are authorized to explain you how looks and what are Bible Principles. So, your conscience are not any more Divine Instrument given by God, but Learned Behavior in particular group, society. Even in theoretically, religiously given explanation given to "worldly people" how you reject blood, flag salute, military service etc. because of your "Bible trained conscience" that is not as it was said that way. Because, here we have Ideology Law, Doctrine as fundamental stone mark for your choice. Your conscience as private belonging is submitted to One Idea (religious, political, social...).  
    In such circumstances (rough, hard, under pressure) it is not our Conscience that giving Resistance, but our Knowledge about issue and/or our Membership to particular ideology or group.
    This Chile information's about Society and Conscience Matter are explainable in this frame of how society working and modeling or remodeling members conscience, builds and crashes ideology.
  24. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Foreigner in "STANDING WHERE IT DOES NOT BELONG"   
    If it is said in this way, it is not so surprising to be true. Some "clever" (read - spirit guided) individual/s from (??? HQ, Chile Betel, ...or somewhere else) found the new way how to run "theocratic warfare strategy". Inventive idea, for sure, but revealing to all of us, how deep some people are ready to go in manipulative behavior. 
    Lies are untruths told for selfish reasons and which work injury to others. Satan told a lie to Eve that worked great harm to her and all the human race. Ananias and Sapphira told lies for selfish reasons. But hiding the truth, which he is not entitled to know, from an enemy does not harm him, especially when he would use such information to harm others who are innocent...The only way they can fulfill the command to preach the good news of God’s kingdom is by use of theocratic war strategy. By underground methods....Today God’s servants are engaged in a warfare, a spiritual, theocratic warfare, a warfare ordered by God against wicked spirit forces and against false teachings. God’s servants are sent forth as sheep among wolves and therefore need to exercise the extreme caution of serpents so as to protect properly the interests of God’s kingdom committed to them. At all times they must be very careful not to divulge any information to the enemy that he could use to hamper the preaching work. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1957327
  25. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in What should we pray for?   
    A 32 year old Bethelite at Warwick, NY  was walking along a sidewalk at Bethel, going to the cafeteria for the evening meal,  and as he walked along, was in deep prayer to Jehovah God.
     He said, "Jehovah, you have promised to give me the desires of my heart. That's what I am asking you for right now. Please give me a confirmation that you will reward my faith and service to you.”
     Suddenly the sky clouded up over his head and God in a booming voice spoke to him. "I have searched your heart and determined it to be pure. The last time I granted someone the desires of his heart request .... it was to my servant Solomon.”
     “ He didn't disappoint me with his request for wisdom.”
     “ I think I can trust that you won't disappoint me either. Because you have been faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you the desires of your heart."
     The Brother sat and thought about it for a while and said, "I've always wanted to have a deep understanding of the Bible, and I have really tried, but I have forsaken a good education, and taken a vow of poverty and cannot afford a car or the classes I need to become an Engineer when my service here at  Bethel is up …. could you help me afford a car, and a stipend so I can go to school, and learn to provide for myself and my future family as I get old?"
     The Lord laughed and said, "That's impossible! Think of the logistics of that! I would have to start creating again to make you a car, and money to use, and get you into a college without any background that would make sense for what you would be learning!”
     “ … Your request is very materialistic, a little disappointing. I could do it, but it's hard for me to justify your craving for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of another request ….  a  request you think would honor and glorify Me as well."
     The Brother  thought about it for a long while and tried to think of a really good request.
     Finally, he said, “Oh God, please hear my request.  I was Baptized when I was eight years old, and paid attention all my life, taking notes, reading the Bible, and meditation … but I just cannot understand the “Overlapping Generations” thing.  I can’t see how Jesus or the Apostles or any disciples in the Early Church ever understood that, when Jesus was speaking. Can you help me to understand the “Overlapping Generations” Doctrine?”
     “I want to know what all the other Brothers and Sisters know, what  they feel inside and what they're thinking ...I want to know how to be as truly happy as they are, knowing these deep things about You ....That's the wish that I want, Jehovah … my hearts desire."
      … after a few minutes, God said, "How about a Corvette and a full scholarship to Stanford University?"
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