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Srecko Sostar

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  1. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Jack Ryan in Timeline of the 'Light Getting Brighter'   
    Please add this new light:
  2. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    Nonsensical non sequitur just to imply I might hate Fred Franz. I have never hated Fred Franz. I was always very impressed at his abilities. But I also felt badly for him, because he entered the Bible Students under Russell back at a time when the Watchtower freely admits that many of the Bible Students had turned it into a "cult." According to Rutherford it was a personality cult that worshiped Russell. Rutherford himself had apparently fallen victim for a time, if you listen to his eulogy at Russell's funeral. (And if you read the twisted logic he employed in order to defend Russell in the booklet "A Great Battle in the Ecclesiastical Heavens.) Now that I have seen numerous additional examples of the same behaviors I saw in Fred Franz, I believe that he was a high-functioning autistic person. (Something akin to what many psychologists will now diagnose as "Asperger's Syndrome.") This does not belittle him as you might think. But it explains a lot of his anti-social behaviors, and it explains a lot of his talks and comments that were clearly intended to provoke, or push the envelope in terms of what he might get away with verbally.
    If you think I have expressed something like anger here, and I hope I haven't, it might be related to the same way that that Raymond Franz felt anger, but not about his uncle, at a funeral of R.Franz' nephew. This was the funeral where F.Franz gave the talk, and started out, very loudly: "Isn't it grand to be ALIVE!"
    [F.Franz] walked up to the podium, paused, and then in a very loud, almost
    stentorian, voice said: “Isn’t it grand to be ALIVE!” After that
    introductory exclamation, for several minutes he discussed, effectively
    and dramatically, the meaning of the words at Ecclesiastes
    7:1-4.  As yet my nephew had not been mentioned in any way.
    Then, after approximately ten minutes, in referring to the words
    about it being ‘better for us to go to the house of mourning,’ the
    speaker said,  “And the reason why is that sooner or later we’re all
    going to end up like THIS!” and, without turning, he threw his hand
    backward in the direction of the coffin where my nephew’s body
    lay. The talk went on with further commentary on the Biblical section
    but with no other reference to the dead man until the close
    when the standard statements of the reason for the occasion and
    the names of the deceased’s survivors were given.
    I felt a sense of burning anger—not at my uncle, for I sincerely
    and honestly believe he thought this was the best way to deal with
    the situation, the best way to combat the natural sensations of grief
    and loss. What I felt incensed at was the organizational attitude
    that allowed a person to feel fully justified to speak in a way which
    essentially transformed the dead person’s body into a vehicle or
    platform on which to base a talk, a talk that expounded organizational
    doctrine, but which throughout simply made no mention of
    sadness at the loss of the person whose life had ended, as though
    by ignoring this the hurt would be lessened. I kept saying to myself,
    “James deserves something better than this—surely the text
    about a ‘name being better than good oil’ calls for talking about
    the name he made for himself in life.
    This is the kind of thing I remember most about F.Franz' comments in the morning, too. Fortunately, his assembly talks were rarely like this, although a couple of his Gilead talks seemed to test the limits. An nearly hour-long scriptural talk on "the Biblical meaning of the Liver," sounded like it could have been a F.Franz satire from "The Onion," in part, but was also intended to sound very serious by the Gilead Graduation audience. (Brother Schroeder implied to me that he took it as a satirical attack on a talk that he [Schroeder] had recently given.) Another example was his wearing of a T-shirt with the word "HELL" in its message, for nearly the entire week during his morning worship comments in response to Sydlik's call for a Kingdom Hall like dress code at Bethel breakfast.
    But I liked that his rants at breakfast were not about dressing down specific Bethelites that he wanted to belittle, the way that Rutherford and Knorr had used much of their 'morning worship' time. He railed against certain questions that had come up, and process changes, but mostly he always tied what he said to a Bible passage or topic, even if it was a rule he wanted to talk about. Some GB members rarely spoke on Bible topics, like Henschel and Jaracz, for example. (Sometimes MH & TJ would literally start out a talk with: "Jehovah is a God of order, therefore . . . . " or, "Our God is a God of rules, so let's talk about . . . .") However, I always appreciated something in what F.Franz said every day that he spoke.
    I think a lot of the things he said could be taken as funny and thought-provoking. But I don't think it was healthy for the organization that he carried on in such a socially immature manner for so many years. He seemed to have a bit of an obsession with the Russell and early Rutherford years, and more than once told the story of how Rutherford said he had made an "ass" of himself over his 1925 predictions. But he would always emphasize the word "ass" for dramatic effect. Some of his later talks highlighted Russell and Rutherford's Christmas celebrations, birthdays, pyramids, false expectations, dates, etc., but without a stated purpose except maybe just for effect. 
    With F.Franz, there was a lot to like, and a lot to feel sorry for. I think he could be brilliant and foolish at the same time. Nothing to hate.
  3. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Forced "new light", but only slightly   
    S. Lett delivered message how WT and JW members are "holy people" who respecting Bible moral standards and teachings about sexuality. By that reason JW people condemns depravity as pedophilia. 
    What S. Lett didn't said is, that WT policy and rules, instruction how to handle inside cases when own members molesting JW kids, are very questionable and how such weak, inadequate, misguided approach to pedophiles, shows that WT is not capable of solving problems in their own home. 
    Another thing that S. Lett didn't said is, from where coming expression "permissive". Who, what ex-JW individual or group used terminology "permissive" in this context? What You-Tube video or individual letter accused WTJWorg for "permissiveness" about pedophiles? 
    As i can conclude from YT videos i saw, ex-JW or pedophiles victims talking about wrong treatments of elders and WT rules that are in fact working in favor to wrongdoers and leaving victims without "justice", and even put victims to be as guilty part because they are not "able to prove accusations", or even contribute to be a victims.
    Such WT policy can be seen as "permissive", and it is, no matter what was the intentions of WT Creators when making rules about how to handle and processing child molestation accusation. 
    S. Lett, (with some other TV preachers on JWTV) made another manipulation on Public JWTV. Never told about Court cases and out of Court deals, and how much money WT gave, by Court decision or by settlement, to victims. Omitting to talk about it, on JWTV as worldwide instrument to share spiritual food and instructions to Brotherhood, WT leaders showed and still showing sort of "permissiveness", not so much to pedophiles, but to own Wrong Ideas and Teachings and to themselves as Pioneers who created bad administrative regulations on issue, and now they do not want to admit their own guilt.
  4. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Foreigner in Forced "new light", but only slightly   
    S. Lett delivered message how WT and JW members are "holy people" who respecting Bible moral standards and teachings about sexuality. By that reason JW people condemns depravity as pedophilia. 
    What S. Lett didn't said is, that WT policy and rules, instruction how to handle inside cases when own members molesting JW kids, are very questionable and how such weak, inadequate, misguided approach to pedophiles, shows that WT is not capable of solving problems in their own home. 
    Another thing that S. Lett didn't said is, from where coming expression "permissive". Who, what ex-JW individual or group used terminology "permissive" in this context? What You-Tube video or individual letter accused WTJWorg for "permissiveness" about pedophiles? 
    As i can conclude from YT videos i saw, ex-JW or pedophiles victims talking about wrong treatments of elders and WT rules that are in fact working in favor to wrongdoers and leaving victims without "justice", and even put victims to be as guilty part because they are not "able to prove accusations", or even contribute to be a victims.
    Such WT policy can be seen as "permissive", and it is, no matter what was the intentions of WT Creators when making rules about how to handle and processing child molestation accusation. 
    S. Lett, (with some other TV preachers on JWTV) made another manipulation on Public JWTV. Never told about Court cases and out of Court deals, and how much money WT gave, by Court decision or by settlement, to victims. Omitting to talk about it, on JWTV as worldwide instrument to share spiritual food and instructions to Brotherhood, WT leaders showed and still showing sort of "permissiveness", not so much to pedophiles, but to own Wrong Ideas and Teachings and to themselves as Pioneers who created bad administrative regulations on issue, and now they do not want to admit their own guilt.
  5. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Forced "new light", but only slightly   
    Nope.  Would there have been an inquiry by the ARC if all were disfellowshipped?  Would there be one lawsuit against the WT if a victim's plea for justice was well respected, and decisions were made according to Christ's words to "love your neighbor as yourself"?  
    Keep reminding God’s people of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen. 15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 2 Tim 2:14-16
    However, is the GB "ashamed of their detestable conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD."   Jer 8:12
  6. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in Forced "new light", but only slightly   
    S. Lett delivered message how WT and JW members are "holy people" who respecting Bible moral standards and teachings about sexuality. By that reason JW people condemns depravity as pedophilia. 
    What S. Lett didn't said is, that WT policy and rules, instruction how to handle inside cases when own members molesting JW kids, are very questionable and how such weak, inadequate, misguided approach to pedophiles, shows that WT is not capable of solving problems in their own home. 
    Another thing that S. Lett didn't said is, from where coming expression "permissive". Who, what ex-JW individual or group used terminology "permissive" in this context? What You-Tube video or individual letter accused WTJWorg for "permissiveness" about pedophiles? 
    As i can conclude from YT videos i saw, ex-JW or pedophiles victims talking about wrong treatments of elders and WT rules that are in fact working in favor to wrongdoers and leaving victims without "justice", and even put victims to be as guilty part because they are not "able to prove accusations", or even contribute to be a victims.
    Such WT policy can be seen as "permissive", and it is, no matter what was the intentions of WT Creators when making rules about how to handle and processing child molestation accusation. 
    S. Lett, (with some other TV preachers on JWTV) made another manipulation on Public JWTV. Never told about Court cases and out of Court deals, and how much money WT gave, by Court decision or by settlement, to victims. Omitting to talk about it, on JWTV as worldwide instrument to share spiritual food and instructions to Brotherhood, WT leaders showed and still showing sort of "permissiveness", not so much to pedophiles, but to own Wrong Ideas and Teachings and to themselves as Pioneers who created bad administrative regulations on issue, and now they do not want to admit their own guilt.
  7. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Jack Ryan in KH closed in Japan /’They cannot afford to maintain KH.   
    KH used by
    Oe congregation and Obiyama congregation
    is soon to be closed.
    Reason ’They cannot afford to maintain KH.
    Two Congregations have no loan payment, but amount of donation keep declining.
    Source; https://ameblo.jp/maruyoshi208/entry-12429438518.html
  8. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Jack Ryan in TO ALL FIELD SERVICE GROUP OVERSEERS Re: Auxiliary Pioneering in March 2019   
    Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses The Ridgeway, London, NW7 1RN Telephone: 020 8906 2211
    SDI December 31, 2018
    Re: Auxiliary Pioneering in March 2019
    Dear Brothers:
    We are aiming for an all-time peak in auxiliary pioneers during March 2019, which will be announced to the congregation in the Announcements and Reminders (S-147) form for January 2019. How can you and your fellow elders assist?
    During January, arrange to meet with your group. (Where a group is cared for by a ministerial servant, the body of elders should assign an elder to meet with the group servant and the group.) In the meeting, kindly and tactfully build enthusiasm for this campaign. Share practical suggestions to help the publishers plan ahead.
    This March campaign offers you an excellent opportunity to give even greater attention to your assignment. (ks10 chap. 2 pars. 22, 23) Warmly commend the brothers for the efforts they make to increase their share in the ministry.
    Thank you very much for giving this matter your prompt attention. We are confident that, through your loving efforts and Jehovah’s blessing, this initiative will increase praise to his name. Please accept our warm brotherly affection and greetings.
    Your brothers,
    😄 All elders
    Circuit overseers
      Both BOE's are in a zipped folder.
  9. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Jack Ryan in New announcement at the meeting this week in Japan.   
    Japanese blog translated;
    There was a new announcement at the meeting this week.
    Org will accept JCB credit card for online donation, 
    I’m fed up with org’s soliciting money.
    And there was another announcement.
    Members will not allowed to use “second auditorium” during a meeting without elder’s permission.
    (Second auditorium is a small room attached to a main auditorium, sometimes used by people 
    who don’t feel well or  baby keep crying) 
    I always use “second auditorium” during meetings, so this new announcement made me feel 
    extremely uncomfortable. I’m thinking about stop going to meetings . It is not loving  Christian 
  10. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Forced "new light", but only slightly   
    He said, "As an example, think about the apostate-driven lies and dishonesties that Jehovah’s organization is PERMISSIVE” toward pedophiles.”
    How can you dispute this?  Because of their permissive stand, they were called in front of the ARC for not reporting 1006 perpetrators to the police.  Is this not permissiveness?  They are in the courts continually, or settling outside of the courts simply because they have been permissive toward pedophiles residing in the organization.  It appear that a pedophile's behavior did not, does not warrant enough disgust over the damage done to the victim, to turn them over to the police...unless...unless, state laws requires them to.    
    Yes, the organization is permissive toward pedophiles.  Their actions prove it.  What's very sad, is JWs believe GOD WILL FIX IT.  People are to "fix" their actions, their beliefs, and approach God on how to do it through Christ.  It is not God's responsibility to correct an organization that is corrupt.  It is our responsibility to correct ourselves by turning to both Christ and the Father.  There's nothing to wait on but judgment, and whether we served God according to Christ's teachings by rejecting the continually failed doctrine of men and their made up "decrees". 
    What is "unclean"?  Pedophilia and its permissiveness in the organization.  Leaders who give false "prophesies". Leaders who have muscled their way in between Christ, the anointed, and all.  Giving an earthly entity the title of "salvation".  Disfellowshipping and shunning those who realize NOT TO TOUCH WHAT IS UNCLEAN.  2 Cor 6:17
    Does this sound like an organization that has gained God's approval???    
    Our "brothers and sisters" cannot save us from the wrath of God.  As much as we want to support them, we each stand before Christ to answer for our choices.  What did the early prophets do?  They spoke a message not favorable to their "brothers and sisters".  They were "sanctified by truth" and they spoke truth, no matter how difficult and how perilous to themselves it may have been. John 17:17  That should be the desire of each one of us, and it is how we walk in the path of Christ.  
    The organization is a delusion, a scam, a deceitful "machination" to lead us AWAY from Christ and the Father.  2 Thess 2:9-12   But each heart will make their choice.
     Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field;  but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared.  So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.” ’ ”  Matt 13:24-30
    Would the "wheat" remain where all those things that are detestable to God, are practiced?  Or, would they turn to Christ?
  11. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Foreigner in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    Excellent and amazing founding, revelation. Nail in coffin, as some would say. Controversy in full measure, despite written statement in preface of magazine that say:   
     It does not indulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities". .............
    No controversy? Writers are generate Controversy  in the Core Itself. Listen what is written in the magazine:
    quote: "Such "society" is not legal society or corporation, chartered according to the laws of some state or nation, ...." they said.
    They are exactly what they claim they are not !! Hey JW people,  AWAKE! Dear people, this is official hoax on paper.
    Watchtower and all entities under Mother Organization are pure Corporations worldwide, and all, every single of them have Charter/s!!  
  12. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    THIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically designed to aid Jehovah's witnesses and all people of good-will. It arranges systematic Bible study for Its readers and the Society supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public instruction in the Scriptures.
    It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances. It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination of its contents In the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
    1) It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances  
    Plenty of doctrinal and instructional, corporative changes from 1943 to today reveals that so called "Bible authority" as base for WT articles was questionable intention. Is it Bible itself questionable authority that is not able to provide clear idea to those who reading Bible text? Is it human perception of very same Words some kind of trap that unable clear understanding?  What is general or particular Bible Idea? To create only true "religious organization"?  Really ?!
    WT publications in general and here WT magazine as particular paper for dispensing spiritual food  clearly proved that it can't be trusted for it's readers. 
    IN LIGHT OF THIS CONCLUSION, it is very significant how text continues with this: 
    2) It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination of its contents In the light of the Scriptures.
    The WT Magazine was Not dogmatic? If authors aka publishers and writers of The WT articles of those period of time were had such idea about own presentation of spiritual food, than that is for praise, undoubtedly. What was changed in meantime??
    If you as author of your articles made claim that you and your written ideas are not dogmatic, and how all other are invited to make Careful and Critical Examination of ITS contents, than All Open Discussion, Reasoning, Pro et Contra Argumentation, Accuracy and Wrongness will Never be Sanctioned by Those in "Charge" , from so called "Spiritual Authority", who ever they are in particular time.   
    No Shunning or Disfellowshiping  of those who have Other Opinion, because even Official doctrines are only this, Current Point of View, Current Opinion and nothing more, as reality shows us until this day!    
    Curiosity for fun;
    interesting terminology from 1943
    ."...while we were on Watchtower street work..."         :))) good title for preaching service :))))
  13. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    Excellent and amazing founding, revelation. Nail in coffin, as some would say. Controversy in full measure, despite written statement in preface of magazine that say:   
     It does not indulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities". .............
    No controversy? Writers are generate Controversy  in the Core Itself. Listen what is written in the magazine:
    quote: "Such "society" is not legal society or corporation, chartered according to the laws of some state or nation, ...." they said.
    They are exactly what they claim they are not !! Hey JW people,  AWAKE! Dear people, this is official hoax on paper.
    Watchtower and all entities under Mother Organization are pure Corporations worldwide, and all, every single of them have Charter/s!!  
  14. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    Anna gets told off for fault finding and criticism, too. So do I. It depends on what someone is criticizing, to what extent, and how, etc. Sometimes I think you (and probably me, too) will criticize with too broad a brush, or harp on something that belongs under a different topic. Everyone's a critic (of something).
    I just have one general rule. If someone signs out so @Foreigner can sign in and down-vote a post, then I know I must be doing something right. 😉
  15. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    Only just noticed this one. 
    But when I mention the reality I get told off for fault finding or criticism  
  16. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in REFINEMENT BY FIRE   
    I was having a conversation the other day, about the weather patterns happening across the United States.  Beginning again today in the western U.S., flooding rain has presented a potential danger of more destruction to occur in the burned over areas, resulting from the previous two years of massive fires.   
    The earth can benefit from cleansing fires that rid the unruly undergrowth below a forest’s trees, by only removing the thick flammable brush and weeds, as well as downed diseased trees, making way for new growth, new life.  In various state agencies, the practice of “controlled burns” benefits the soil’s fertility and increases wildlife habitat with new sustainable growth. 
     Those trees that experience a cleansing forest fire, grow stronger and green with life.  I have seen the evidence of this type of fire where I live.  When walking through woods, some of the older trees bear the charcoal marks of a past fire from long ago, that still allowed them to stand and reach great heights.     
    However, fires that burn extremely hot, remove all evidence of life.  On earth’s sloping grades -- its hills and mountains -- the land becomes unstable, allowing rainfall of large proportion to wash earth’s soil away.  It moves as a flooding, murky river; which on the California coast, eventually reaches the sea.   
    In the Bible, God’s people under covenant with Him, have been and are, compared to elements in nature. They are referred to as trees, the earth, and mountains/hills.    At the time of the end, a messenger is sent to the anointed remnant– these “living stones”/"trees" of God’s Temple sanctuary. Matt 11:10,14; Luke 1:17; Rev 11:3,4; 1 Pet 2:5,9   
     They are “measured” according to God’s Word, fulfilled in the teachings of Christ. Ezek 40:3,20; Amos 7:7,8; Isa 28:17; Rev 11:1,2; 21:15   
    God said, “IS NOT MY WORD LIKE FIRE?”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“and like a hammer that pulverizes rock?”  Jer 23:29 
    “See, I am going to send My messenger, and he will clear the way before Me. Then the Lord you seek will suddenly come to His TEMPLE, the Messenger of the covenant you desire—see, He is coming,” says the Lord of Hosts. 2 But who can endure the day of His coming? And who will be able to STAND when He appears? For He will be like a refiner’s fire and like cleansing lye.”  Mal 3:2
    Can you picture this raging “fire” blowing through the forest of “trees”, its intense flames licking at their roots? 
    "And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies. And if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this manner." (Rev 11:5) 
    If God’s people submit to the cleansing fire of His Word, allowing their hearts/“ground”/”earth” to be purified of all lies – of all thorns, weeds and thistles -  they will stand firmly rooted in truth. Luke 8:8; John 17:17; Prov 2:1; 2 Thess 2:15; Rom 14:4; Heb 12:6-11  
    They will bear the mark of God, from the necessary refinement needed; to thrive as a faithful priest with roots that grow deep in stable “ground”.    Zech 13:9; Isa 48:10; Col 1:23; Luke 6:45; Deut 11:18; Heb 8:10 
    They become forever part of the immovable mountain of God, Holy Zion, as priests who will administer to Him, and to His Son, as the Bride. As the fulfilled covenant, they will be trees of life, bringing “healing to the nations”, to all of God’s children in the Kingdom. Isa 2:1-3; Ezek 47:12; Rev 22:1,2,17; Mal 2:7 
    “He will be like a refiner and purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver. Then they will present offerings to the Lord in righteousness.”  Mal 3:3
     Yet, many do not stand up and take notice of the fire raging around them.  They are weak, burdened down by the “thorns and weeds” that have grown over them, infiltrating their heart. Prov 4:19; 1 Cor 3:18; Rev 16:15 They face imminent “fiery” destruction.  2 Pet 3:7,10-13  
    "Therefore this is what the LORD God Almighty says: "Because the people have spoken these words, I will make my words in your mouth a fire and these people the wood it consumes."   Jer 5:14
    What are they doing wrong?   
    Jesus said, “If you HOLD TO MY TEACHING, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”    John 8:31,32 
    The anointed in the WT have filled their hearts with the words and decrees of men, who have deceived them into accepting their demon-inspired lies. Luke 21:8; Rev 16:13,14   The entire “land” of God has become filled with iniquity, from “Wormwood’s” poisoned waters. (1 Cor 3:9)  Yet, they have become convinced that God will deliver them from all harm.  Jer 6:14  The fiery mark they bear, is that of Revelation’s Beast and its guiding head, the false prophet of Rev. 13:1,2,11-13,16,17. 
    Truth in Christ has set those who submit to God’s refining fire, free of false doctrine, failed and replaced teachings; which are thorns and thistles that choke out the Word of God. Matt 13:7,22   Satan has made sure that escaping this tangled captive environment will be difficult.  “Locust/scorpions” deliver the lies that are planted and watered at the root of trees soon to lose foothold on the pure teachings of truth in Christ. Jer 7:4,8; Ezek 44:6-9; Rev 9:7; Nahum 3:17; Eph 4:25,27; Rev 9:1-3
    Life-giving water can travel throughout an entire tree, beginning at the root.  “Wormwood’s” teachings reach the heart of the anointed, and can slowly choke the “life” from each one.  Jer 17:13; John 4:10; 7:37,38  
    They are allowing false prophets and their “army” to influence and mold their hearts instead of the Father (Phil 1:6; 2:13); leading to weakness and the inability to stand in the day of God’s “fiery” judgment.  Eph 2:10,19-22; Jude 1:15,12,24  
    All of the anointed remnant are exposed to this to this time of testing. 1 Cor 3:13; Mark 9:49,50   All JWs residing with them, are also under its effect.  Matt 24:4,5,24,25,21  
    “I will come to you in judgment, and I will be ready to witness against sorcerers and adulterers; against those who swear falsely; against those who oppress the widow and the fatherless, and cheat the wage earner; and against those who deny justice to the foreigner. They do not fear Me,” says the Lord of Hosts. 
    “Since the days of your fathers, you have turned from My statutes; you have not kept them. Return to Me, and I will return to you,” says the Lord of Hosts.  Mal 3:3-5,7 
    Can you understand, JWs, that it is God’s statutes that have been broken the Watchtower.  Would God make up new statutes other than those He gave us in Christ?  Is another Bible being written by your leaders? 
    “Now, Israel, listen to the statutes and ordinances I am teaching you to follow, so that you may live, enter, and take possession of the land YHVH, the God of your fathers, is giving you. 2 You must not add anything to what I command you or take anything away from it, so that you may keep the commands of the Lord your God I am giving you.”  Deut 4:1,2
     There is, among so many, statutes that God has outlined for His priesthood, that the Watchtower has clearly broken.   
    No one is to represent God’s priesthood, but, Wt’s leaders have allowed men not anointed to be your counterfeit priests, which is the elder body. 2 Chron 13:9   
     No one is to “enter” God’s Temple; yet, the elder body has authority to “set itself up” and rules over His priesthood. Ezek 44:6-9; Num 18:7; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 13:5-7  
     We are not to give our allegiance to anything made by men, but JWs dedicate themselves to an earthly organization. Rom 1:25   It rivals the true God in power and authority over YOU.  Spiritual “Israel” and those with them, have become idolaters.  Rev 13:8,4 
      No one is to replace Jesus Christ as the Head of the anointed Body; yet, the GB expects obedience of the anointed priests and YOU, to obey THEM.  Matt 24:24, 48-51; 1 Cor 7:23; Rom 6:16
    There are only two choices for the Called and Chosen Anointed:
    Remain in union with Christ, be refined, and bear fruit for salvation  (John 15:5; Prov 18:20; Heb 13:15; 1 Tim 4:16)
    Or, if they leave Christ (John 15:4,5; Col 2:19), they will eventually have their self-sourced work/doctrines, (OR the rotten fruit of the false prophets whom they follow -Ezek 14:10; Rev 2:23), burned up by the spirit of the truth  (John 5:31; 8:54; 7:18; 15:4,6; 16:13,14)   (Zech 9:4; Rev 14:10).    
    Once the lies we may believe and teach, are exposed and consumed by Truth  (Luke 8:17; John 16:8,13-15; Rev 1:1; 22:6; 1 Cor 3:13)
    we can either humbly be refined by that fire  (Isa 48:10; Zech 13:9; Mal 3:1-3; Jer 9:7; Mark 9:49; 1 Cor 3:13,15; 1 Pet 1:7; Rev 15:2; John 15:3; Mat 7:24) 
    OR, suffer eventual destruction   (Matt 3:12; 13:40; 25:41; 7:26; Luke 3:9; 2 Thess 1:8; Rev 20:9,10,15; 21:8) .  Pearl Doxsey, "Fire From Heaven"
    I remember thinking I had found the truth that would set me free when joining the Wt. organization.  What I “saw” with my eyes and heard with my ears, seemed to be the assured promise of life, until one wicked lie after another began encroaching on my heart.  Failed teachings, and men expecting your obedience to them, and to the idol/organization they promote, is captivity.  The combination cannot sustain life. Col 2:8; Gal 1:10; 2 Tim 2:26 
    What about you, JWs? Do you realize your foothold in Christ’s pure teachings is eroding away at a very rapid pace?  Ps 69:1,2; Jer 2:13     
    There is a mountain of “earth” that is rushing to the sea, being brought down by a flood of lies. Unable to stand when God’s fire culminates, “earth” and its “vegetation”, will be washed down as mud and debris are washed from the side of burned-out slope; soon to be consumed by the sea.  Ezek 6:1-3; Rev 8:7; Matt 24:39   
    “The second angel blew his trumpet, and something like a great mountain ABLAZE WITH FIRE was hurled into the sea. So a third of the sea became blood, 9 a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.”  Rev 8:8,9
    Because of the severe danger in California during this series of rainstorms, concerted efforts are in place to alert people to leave the area of potential landslides due to torrential rains. They are taking this destructive threat very seriously.  Please, listen to the fiery warning that God’s Word carries to all in the Watchtower organization.  Think carefully on what “words” you fill your heart with.  Are they strictly from the Bible, or are they thorns and thistles delivered by poisoned water, that locust/scorpions to make sure to grow thick within your own heart?  Jer 5:31
    Once the counterfeit mountain is “pulverized” by the flaming Word of God,  Mount Zions rises under nourishing rains blessed with life.  Its “trees”/”earth” will be firmly established for eternity.  
     Test Me in this way,” says the Lord of Hosts. “See if I will not open the floodgates of heaven and pour out a blessing for you without measure. 11 I will rebuke the devourer( meaning:  “perhaps locusts”)  for you, so that it will not ruin the produce of your land and your vine in your field will not fail to produce fruit,” says the Lord of Hosts. 12 “Then all the nations will consider you fortunate, for you will be a delightful land,” says the Lord of Hosts.
      Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other. The Lord listened and took note, and a scroll of remembrance was written in his presence about those who fear the Lord and honor His name. 17 “They’ll be mine,” says the Lord of the Heavenly Armies, “in the day when I prepare my treasured possession. I’ll spare them, just as a man spares his own son who serves him. 18 When you return, you will see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, and between the one who serves God and the one who does not.”  Mal 3:16-18

  17. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    This is soooo funny. 
    There is no religious organisation that ... oh um just a minute, yes there is it's us.  
    Just so funny. 
    And the bit about : -
    "and composed of His spiritual remnant.. "  Well um, only 8 of them as bosses at the moment it seems. 
    But it's all good for a laugh. 
  18. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    I do not wish to justify R.Franz' doctrines, per se. If some of his ideas seem worth looking into, I am only concerned with evaluating the evidence he offered for his perspective. I did not know that R.Franz thought that the 144,000 was a symbolic number until I read his book. I was not surprised however, because it was fairly common to hear brothers ask about why it had to be literal if the number 12,000 was symbolic, or the number 24 was symbolic (symbolic of the 144,000!?!, at that). And I knew that at least two other persons in the Writing department had been discussing this question.
    Personally, I do not know if the 144,000 is a literal number or not, so I cannot give a scriptural example. Before I left for Bethel, I moved to another city away from my home congregation, and pioneered almost exclusively with a group of 4 brothers, instead of the 3 sisters that I pioneered with previously. One brother in this group was a well respected elder who was the first person I ever heard wonder about the literalness of the 144,000 and he also wondered about the "other sheep" of John 10 as being the Gentiles who were soon to start flocking in after Jesus was finished going to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
    I tended to forget about this because even if the great crowd of other sheep were Gentiles, and the little flock of current sheep were the Jewish believers, it still could have been that they represented "spiritual Jews" and "spiritual Gentiles" in Revelation 7 and 14 and, of course, especially so in our modern times. After all:
    (Romans 2:29) . . .But he is a Jew who is one on the inside, and his circumcision is that of the heart by spirit and not by a written code.. . .
    Funny you say that, because just to be sure, I had to review what R.Franz said about the topic. I hadn't remembered anything too specific about his own view of this this in "Crisis of Conscience," and still have not read that much of "Christian Freedom." I knew that R.Franz had implied that there wasn't enough Bible evidence to prove that the number 144,000 had to be literal. But I didn't recall him stating his own belief. I assumed he didn't think it necessarily literal, and assumed that he would probably think it wasn't. I just don't think he had said for sure. I had no idea how he views the difference between those who aspire to an earthly hope and those who aspire to a heavenly hope. He seemed to have thought that no one should be "too extreme in their statements." (p.238)
    I know that R.Franz spoke about the problems that were ensuing due to the focus on 1935, and I think this is another issue for which R.Franz predicted a change would need to be made. I think R.Franz book provided the impetus for the Governing Body to make that correction after they saw the points he made. 1935 is no longer looked at as a strict date that closed the door for all but the replacements of anointed who had proved unfaithful. This may become even more important as the number of anointed claimants rises to about 30,000 then 40,000, etc., because it would otherwise indicate that ALL the original pre-1935 anointed might be suspected of having become unfaithful. 
    At any rate, I think that R.Franz probably believes that the number 144,000 is not a literal number, based on the fact that it is built on a foundation of 12 non-literal numbers of 12,000 from each tribe. Based on some of what I remember from "Christian Freedom" he probably also believes that the "other sheep" and "great crowd" represent gentiles, and the 144,000 represent Jews. Without knowing anything about what R.Franz thinks about this, I already have presented my own view that this is my own opinion, too. It's based on Paul's description of the ONE olive tree that represents the Jews so that the a number of Jewish persons would be sealed, and that the grafting into the same tree from the gentiles would continue until even "jealousy" motivated the full number of Jews to fulfill their invitations.
    Since Paul says he was an apostle to the Gentiles/Greeks, just as Peter was to the Jews, this appears to be the symbolic reference to the two olive trees in Revelation also.
    (Romans 11:7-24) . . .What, then? The very thing Israel is earnestly seeking he did not obtain, but the ones chosen obtained it. . . . 11 So I ask, They did not stumble and fall completely, did they? Certainly not! But by their false step, there is salvation to people of the nations, to incite them to jealousy. 12 Now if their false step means riches to the world and their decrease means riches to people of the nations, how much more will their full number mean! 13 Now I speak to you who are people of the nations. Seeing that I am an apostle to the nations, I glorify my ministry 14 to see if I may in some way incite my own people to jealousy and save some from among them. 15 For if their being cast away means reconciliation for the world, what will the acceptance of them mean but life from the dead? 16 Further, if the part of the dough taken as firstfruits is holy, the entire batch is also holy; and if the root is holy, the branches are also. 17 However, if some of the branches were broken off and you, although being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became a sharer of the richness of the olive’s root, . . . 24 For if you were cut out of the olive tree that is wild by nature and were grafted contrary to nature into the garden olive tree, how much more will these who are natural branches be grafted back into their own olive tree!
    (Revelation 11:1-4) 11 And a reed like a rod was given to me as he said: “Get up and measure the temple sanctuary of God and the altar and those worshipping in it. . . . 3 I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy . . . .” 4 These are symbolized by the two olive trees . . .  standing before the Lord of the earth.
    Whether the full number of Jews, means literal Jews or symbolic Jews, I couldn't say. Whether it means a literal 144,000 or a symbolic 144,000 I couldn't say. It's compared with a great crowd which no man can number, which is a fair reason to conclude that it might be a literal number, but that's not definitive. (And even then we don't want it to refer to literal Jews.) We already teach that the 12,000 cannot be a literal number in the exact same context, so I wouldn't insist.
    The illustration of the Gentile "wild olive tree" grafted into Israel's holy, "garden olive" tree and then growing together reminds me of Jesus saying that he has other sheep not of this fold but which must be brought in to be one flock. In "Christian Freedom," R.Franz sees the similarity in another scriptural passage:
    (Ephesians 2:11-19) 11 Therefore, remember that at one time you, people of the nations by fleshly descent, were the ones called “uncircumcision” by those called “circumcision,” which is made in the flesh by human hands. 12 At that time you were without Christ, alienated from the state of Israel, strangers to the covenants of the promise; you had no hope and were without God in the world. 13 But now in union with Christ Jesus, you who were once far off have come to be near by the blood of the Christ. 14 For he is our peace, the one who made the two groups one and destroyed the wall in between that fenced them off. 15 By means of his flesh he abolished the enmity, the Law of commandments consisting in decrees, in order to make the two groups in union with himself into one new man and to make peace, 16 and to reconcile fully both peoples in one body to God through the torture stake, because he had killed off the enmity by means of himself. 17 And he came and declared the good news of peace to you who were far off, and peace to those near, 18 because through him we, both peoples, have free access to the Father by one spirit. 19 So you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but you are fellow citizens of the holy ones and are members of the household of God,  ... [cf. "one flock, one shepherd"]
    For reference, I would add:
    (Matthew 10:5, 6) . . .These 12 Jesus sent out, giving them these instructions: “Do not go off into the road of the nations, and do not enter any Sa·marʹi·tan city; 6 but instead, go continually to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
    (Acts 15:1-11) . . .Now some men came down from Ju·deʹa and began to teach the brothers: “Unless you get circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.” . . . 3 So after being escorted partway by the congregation, these men continued on through both Phoe·niʹcia and Sa·marʹi·a, relating in detail the conversion of people of the nations and bringing great joy to all the brothers. . . . 7 After much intense discussion had taken place, Peter rose and said to them: “Men, brothers, you well know that from early days God made the choice among you that through my mouth people of the nations should hear the word of the good news and believe. 8 And God, who knows the heart, bore witness by giving them the holy spirit, just as he did to us also. 9 And he made no distinction at all between us and them, but purified their hearts by faith. . . . 11 On the contrary, we have faith that we are saved through the undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus in the same way that they are.”
    (Galatians 2:7-9) . . .On the contrary, when they saw that I had been entrusted with the good news for those who are uncircumcised, just as Peter had been for those who are circumcised— 8 for the one who empowered Peter for an apostleship to those who are circumcised also empowered me for those who are of the nations— 9 and when they recognized the undeserved kindness that was given me, James and Ceʹphas and John, the ones who seemed to be pillars, gave Barʹna·bas and me the right hand of fellowship, so that we should go to the nations but they to those who are circumcised.
    (Romans 1:16) . . .For I am not ashamed of the good news; it is, in fact, God’s power for salvation to everyone having faith, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
    (Romans 2:9-11) . . .on the Jew first and also on the Greek; 10 but glory and honor and peace for everyone who works what is good, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. 11 For there is no partiality with God.
    (Romans 10:11, 12) 11 For the scripture says: “No one who rests his faith on him will be disappointed.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek. . . . (Compare, 'no more wall that fenced them off into a different pen.' (John 10:16 and Ephesians 2:14.)
  19. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    Of course, it is. I will never claim otherwise. It's impossible to get into the mind of another person, no matter how many clues they give us, or how much we hear about them from others. A person can seem haughty and presumptuous and sarcastic, like F.Franz, but be motivated by good intentions. A person can seem always friendly, humble and spiritual, like R.Franz, but have murderous intentions that we might never know about.
    All we can do is try to evaluate their stated perspectives from evidence and experience.
  20. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    Excellent and amazing founding, revelation. Nail in coffin, as some would say. Controversy in full measure, despite written statement in preface of magazine that say:   
     It does not indulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities". .............
    No controversy? Writers are generate Controversy  in the Core Itself. Listen what is written in the magazine:
    quote: "Such "society" is not legal society or corporation, chartered according to the laws of some state or nation, ...." they said.
    They are exactly what they claim they are not !! Hey JW people,  AWAKE! Dear people, this is official hoax on paper.
    Watchtower and all entities under Mother Organization are pure Corporations worldwide, and all, every single of them have Charter/s!!  
  21. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    I especially thought this was a truthful admission from page 202, 203:

    However, in the very next columns, starting on the same page, this admission disappears into oblivion, and it becomes a religious organization, after all.

  22. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Foreigner in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    THIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically designed to aid Jehovah's witnesses and all people of good-will. It arranges systematic Bible study for Its readers and the Society supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public instruction in the Scriptures.
    It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances. It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination of its contents In the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
    1) It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances  
    Plenty of doctrinal and instructional, corporative changes from 1943 to today reveals that so called "Bible authority" as base for WT articles was questionable intention. Is it Bible itself questionable authority that is not able to provide clear idea to those who reading Bible text? Is it human perception of very same Words some kind of trap that unable clear understanding?  What is general or particular Bible Idea? To create only true "religious organization"?  Really ?!
    WT publications in general and here WT magazine as particular paper for dispensing spiritual food  clearly proved that it can't be trusted for it's readers. 
    IN LIGHT OF THIS CONCLUSION, it is very significant how text continues with this: 
    2) It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination of its contents In the light of the Scriptures.
    The WT Magazine was Not dogmatic? If authors aka publishers and writers of The WT articles of those period of time were had such idea about own presentation of spiritual food, than that is for praise, undoubtedly. What was changed in meantime??
    If you as author of your articles made claim that you and your written ideas are not dogmatic, and how all other are invited to make Careful and Critical Examination of ITS contents, than All Open Discussion, Reasoning, Pro et Contra Argumentation, Accuracy and Wrongness will Never be Sanctioned by Those in "Charge" , from so called "Spiritual Authority", who ever they are in particular time.   
    No Shunning or Disfellowshiping  of those who have Other Opinion, because even Official doctrines are only this, Current Point of View, Current Opinion and nothing more, as reality shows us until this day!    
    Curiosity for fun;
    interesting terminology from 1943
    ."...while we were on Watchtower street work..."         :))) good title for preaching service :))))
  23. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    THIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically designed to aid Jehovah's witnesses and all people of good-will. It arranges systematic Bible study for Its readers and the Society supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public instruction in the Scriptures.
    It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances. It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination of its contents In the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
    1) It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances  
    Plenty of doctrinal and instructional, corporative changes from 1943 to today reveals that so called "Bible authority" as base for WT articles was questionable intention. Is it Bible itself questionable authority that is not able to provide clear idea to those who reading Bible text? Is it human perception of very same Words some kind of trap that unable clear understanding?  What is general or particular Bible Idea? To create only true "religious organization"?  Really ?!
    WT publications in general and here WT magazine as particular paper for dispensing spiritual food  clearly proved that it can't be trusted for it's readers. 
    IN LIGHT OF THIS CONCLUSION, it is very significant how text continues with this: 
    2) It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination of its contents In the light of the Scriptures.
    The WT Magazine was Not dogmatic? If authors aka publishers and writers of The WT articles of those period of time were had such idea about own presentation of spiritual food, than that is for praise, undoubtedly. What was changed in meantime??
    If you as author of your articles made claim that you and your written ideas are not dogmatic, and how all other are invited to make Careful and Critical Examination of ITS contents, than All Open Discussion, Reasoning, Pro et Contra Argumentation, Accuracy and Wrongness will Never be Sanctioned by Those in "Charge" , from so called "Spiritual Authority", who ever they are in particular time.   
    No Shunning or Disfellowshiping  of those who have Other Opinion, because even Official doctrines are only this, Current Point of View, Current Opinion and nothing more, as reality shows us until this day!    
    Curiosity for fun;
    interesting terminology from 1943
    ."...while we were on Watchtower street work..."         :))) good title for preaching service :))))
  24. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    That is correct. That is why I asked what you meant instead of correcting you.
    I don't want to degrade anyone, which is why my behavior did not poke fun at anyone. Also, you provided no evidence of anything, just more false and empty assertions.
  25. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Anna in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    ... many, many years ago i heard JW people talking the same "story"here mentioned. 
    You open interesting question. Why would god provide help, protection to some JW and not to other JW. When i was much younger, that means, many, many years ago ... again, i heard another "story", true or not, do not know. Some young sisters preached  from house to house (from flat to flat in building) to some young man. A re-visit was agreed. They came next time and then several men raped them.
    So, again why would "angels that stand around you as protectors" in preaching service and in life, generally, allowed this crime to happened ?????????????????????????????
    Is the answer? To be proved how this World is in power of evil one????... or maybe ...."People must answer on Universal Questions about god's sovereignty, ...or this .....Would people obey god from Love?????? .... or maybe ... So I reflected on all this and concluded that the righteous and the wise and what they do are in God’s hands, but no one knows whether love or hate awaits them. 2 All share a common destiny—the righteous and the wicked, the good and the bad,[a] the clean and the unclean, those who offer sacrifices and those who do not........
    I have seen something else under the sun:
    The race is not to the swift
        or the battle to the strong,
    nor does food come to the wise
        or wealth to the brilliant
        or favor to the learned;
    but time and chance happen to them all.
    Please, Do not joke/yoke me with this or similar answers !!!!!!!!!
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