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Srecko Sostar

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    Srecko Sostar reacted to JJJ-AUSTRALIA in The slave is using this photo to make it clear what is not allowed in the dress of men for meetings and preaching.   
    I agreed i dont see anything wrong with it either, i dont agree that we all need to look like that guy in the middle such an old fushion suit and looks, im sure they have better things to write about.
  2. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in The slave is using this photo to make it clear what is not allowed in the dress of men for meetings and preaching.   
    The thing about fashion is that some people look better in one type of clothes than another. 
    Why it works the way it does is a mystery to me, but I realize it as a valid phenomenon.
    If it was up to me I would wear Levis, and a blue long sleeve dress  shirt  without a tie  EVERYWHERE, including the Meetings.
    I change clothes about every three days, but  it does not appear that I do.
    To those that see me everyday, it appears I never change clothes. Comfort fit Levis, dark blue long sleeve permanent press dress shirt open collar, red t-shirt, red wide "fireman's" suspenders AND a belt, and tan suede shows with no socks.
    Exactly the same.
    I KNOW it looks dorky to fashionistas, but it works for me!
    If I had a LOT of money, it would be totally acceptable at the Meetings. ("Oh...he's just ECCENTRIC ...")
    Underneath I have bare skin, which is very helpful in keeping my insides ... in.
    Superman had the same problem ... same outfit, everyday ... day in and day out ... week after week ... year after year ...  but his shirt tail kept popping out, and when he bent over he showed his butt crack, so early in life he realized he needed to wear a cape, or sell advertising space.
    I personally saw NOTHING wrong with the way anyone in this illustration was dressed.

    It does look like the Brother in the tan suit is afraid that the Brother in the light blue shirt has just put a "KICK ME" sign on his back, or he is afraid of becoming a hand puppet.
    Just remember this basic Congregational rule about proper dress ...  "If it's neat and clean, and well arranged and modest ....  hides your fat, and for Sisters, if it looks cheap and frumpy ... it's acceptable".
    Years ago I was at a District Assembly at Hampton Roads Coliseum, and through my binoculars noticed the DO and key speaker had fluorescent yellow patent leather mirror finish shoes.  I do not know anywhere in the world you could even buy shoes like that ... and 50 years later, STILL don't know.
    My only objection about the following picture is that the "tight pants"are  UGLY, and it appears you would need side leg zippers up to your knees to get them on and off.

    .... perhaps to get your feet through the pants legs you have to temporarily remove the feet.
    With the Brothers outrageous and ugly haircut and mismatched shoes, and clown socks, it is quite clear that he was DELIBERATELY dressed and groomed for the photo to be as repulsive as possible
    Of course.
  3. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in The slave is using this photo to make it clear what is not allowed in the dress of men for meetings and preaching.   
    In purpose to avoid endless arguing and imposing some people attitudes on what is Christian acceptable dress and what is not, about Fashion and Clothes, God created naked people  ;))))
    Are you ready for a New World and this kind of Fashion style? :)))
  4. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Have you not read your bible. did not the Pharisees 'clean the outside of the bowl or cup and not the inside'.
    Have you no understanding of how Satan works ?  
    Keeping the child Abuse quiet and within the '4 walls' of the Org give the false impression that the Org is 'clean and safe'. 
    There is also the possibility that those at the top of the 'tree' may be deeply involved in such abuse. The GB itself, some of them, may be 'on file' as being involved in such things. Not a direct accusation but a possibility. If not then why are they sooooo keen to withhold the information from the courts ? 
  5. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    I almost cried when I read your comment here. In fact I am crying now. Thank you for your understanding of such things.
    Warmest Christian love, John 
  6. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    In period of 1980 and on JW magazine talking about, as i read in this magazine, only women as victims. Second, WT talking about issue as a sin, not crime that have to be handled by secular authorities. 
    And WT was seen perpetrators as persons who, if repent enough,  are as other ordinary sinners. 
    So, i have to ask; IF GB and His Holy Nation and Only Organization on Earth not received much more better Instructions, from Heaven, in this matter - What makes WTJWorg so better from others in the past time  (from 1980 period on, because GB members loved to mention on TV how this Organization was almost first that spoken about this issue) ?  
    Surely one who was sexually abused as a child can be certain of God’s understanding and loving acceptance. Why, Jehovah forgives even those who, unlike the abused child, commit gross sins—if they repent and change their course of action!—1 Corinthians 6:9-11. - https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/w19831001/help-for-victim-of-incest/
    From this it can be seen how "Scriptural Based Position" looks like. Child molestation is a gross sin that can be handled without much fuss in Judicial Committee of elders. 
    Next thing: 
    Thanks for link you provide. There is 3 point that is modern, advanced (21 century) view  made by WT. And they said;
    A) Child sexual abuse is a perversion
    B) Jehovah’s Witnesses abhor child abuse and view it as a crime.
    C) Child abuse is a serious sin.
    When and how GB WTJWorg came to this NEW Instructions and attitude about issue?? With a Little Help of people who are under "devil control". When Courts, experts for child health, Commissions and other Secular Institutions made more talking and made some pressure on religious and other group, institution who HAVE Problem with this. 
    Until today, as what i know,  WT Legal Department are not willing to fully cooperate with Courts and other Secular authorities in benefit to victims. Some victims want money, and why not. Because WT victims was not and perhaps will never heard Words of Sincere Repent and Apologize from all those who make them so miserable because not handled their matters and problems in a way that would imitate Heaven's Love, Comfort and Justice.  JWorg web was never, until now, said how GB and other people in position (elder) made (and making still now) big errors and not handled this properly in harmony with all good Instructions that can be found in The Holy Book and in Secular Books too.
    Until now NO Public Apologize to Victims! Perhaps, and if they do it public, it would not be sincere ??!!  
    This public attitude on JW TV how WT are purely innocent is something disgusting.
  7. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Anna in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    By the way John, @JOHN BUTLER I never created this topic. It was the Librarian @The Librarian I wish he would stop doing that without asking! And if he wants to create a topic he should put his own name to it.
  8. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Anna in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    @JOHN BUTLER I don't have time reply in any detail now (I will some time later) but I just want to let you know I am neither American, nor an elder, nor an elder's wife . The closest I come to an elder is my step dad is one.
  9. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Are you an Elder's wife, or even an elder in drag ?  
    When i was 13 years old I was taken from my parents and placed in a 'Children's Home' in my hometown of Reading Berkshire England. 
    I was taken from my parents through the court, for not attending senior school on a regular basis. 
    Now a Children's Home is a council run 'house' which is supposed to be a 'safe and kind environment' to help children.
    No, it was a wicked place. Whist there I suffered sexual abuse, physical beatings, emotional torment and mental strain, not from the other boys, but by the people employed to run the 'house'. I was taken to a 'head shrink' and put on drugs, which quietened me down, so that the male homosexual pedophile social worker could sexually assault me on a regular basis. 
    Remember now that this was a council / government run establishment. Therefore I could not run to the police for help as they would have defended the 'Home' against me. I was constantly threatened that if I told anyone I would be sent to an 'Approved School', which I knew to be ten times worse.
    At 16½ I found employment as was then able to leave the Home, although i was still under the control of the Social services until i was 18. But having been kept on drugs until I left, I then needed a replacement. So I became a small time drugs dealer so that i could get my own share for free. At that time in my life I was not a nice person to be with.  I attempted suicide once and was unconscious for at least three days. 
    Then at around age 18 or 19 my brother introduced me to the JW version of the 'truth'. It seemed fantastic. Almost unbelievable. Etc, etc , etc.
    Then a couple of years ago I first heard about the accusations of pedophilia in the JW Org.  I tried my best to ignore it as most JW's do. But finally last year, around August /September time I did my own research. What i found out made me sick in my stomach. What I've learnt about how Elders have treated congregants, especially young ones, has made me more than bitter.
    It has affected me in many ways. Firstly, the Governing Body has made rules that go directly against Jehovah God. Secondly, the Elders have carried out those rules just like puppets on strings, with no emotions, no love and most importantly no respect for Jehovah God.
    This has brought shame on Jehovah's name. 
    Next, and unless you have experienced similar, you will have no idea, and I mean NO IDEA. I feel so much pain for the victims that have to live with the memories, the nightmares and the shame they feel. 
    And I relive all my horrific past every time I read the next installment of the disgusting behavior of the Elders in the many congregations Earthwide, yes EARTHWIDE. I only know about, Australia, Canada, America, The Netherlands and the UK. But it must be in every nation, every country that Jehovah's Witnesses are in. 
  10. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Traditions of men in the JW Org   
    Having never seen you I cannot answer that  
    I can't understand why Peter went fishing in the nude anyway. It must be a dirty smelly job.
    But my point was that Jesus never rebuked Peter.  However the Elders will tell a brother off for attending a meeting whilst not wearing a tie. 
  11. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Anna in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    It's the English language again. When someone says in this context that they don't believe (or believe) something, doesn't mean they think the other person is lying, it merely means I am expressing my opinion on the matter. In this case I don't think the only reason for John's leaving was the child abuse problems, although John might think so. Perhaps when John really thinks about it he may realize that there were other things in the religion that he was unhappy about and this was just the last straw. I am sure our research is similar.  But the difference is, although I am aware we have made mistakes, I am not prepared to "throw the baby out with the bath water". I sincerely believe Jehovah's Witnesses are the true religion, with all their faults. I have had quite a lot of experience in life and I have seen some bad stuff happen in congregations. And as you know, I do not agree with everything. I have experienced other religions, and seen how the "world" does things. So I think I have a pretty broad outlook. But  @JOHN BUTLER has decided that the religion is not for him, and that is his right. Yes, we all reach different conclusions, because we understand things differently.
  12. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Jack Ryan in Is a "wicked" brother or sister able to show true repentance?   
    But when grace is shown to the wicked,  they do not learn righteousness; even in a land of uprightness they go on doing evil  and do not regard the majesty of the Lord." - Is. 26:10
    - @Srecko Sostar
  13. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Jack Ryan in Who is showing "Grace" to wicked ones inside our Spiritual Paradise? And Why?   
    But when grace is shown to the wicked,  they do not learn righteousness; even in a land of uprightness they go on doing evil  and do not regard the majesty of the Lord." - Is. 26:10
    JWorg said how JW members living in  Spiritual Paradise (land) that exist now on Earth in the middle of satan world. 
    Does in such Paradise today, among JW members exists this two group of people, unrighteous and wicked? 
    Because verse said how that is not possible and how showing grace to such ones will not do any good.  
    - @Srecko Sostar
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  15. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Are the Elders (and Governing Body) Unrighteous? Or Wicked?   
    So where does that leave all those JW Elders that are guilty of Child Abuse, or guilty of hiding the Child Abuse within the Org ? 
    Where doe it leave the Governing Body that deliberately makes the rules to hide the Pedophiles and refuses to cooperate with the law of the land, even though it does not conflict with God's laws ? 
    Are they unrighteous or wicked ? 
  16. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Evacuated in Will people who have committed suicide get a resurrection?   
    Bit like the fruitage of the sprit (of which love is mentioned) "Against such things there is no law". Gal.5:23.
    Like so many of such questions raised in this forum, this is a matter for individuals to decide. 
    Dugogodišnja sloboda.
  17. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Shiwiii in "You can find the ‘waters of truth’ at your local Kingdom Hall"   
    “Whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty at all, but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water bubbling up to impart everlasting life.”—JOHN 4:14. nwt
    This morning i found post on my g+. And inside picture someone put this verse. And some sort of idea, "new light" came to my stupid head.
    WT explaining that according to verses in Bible "faithful and discreet slave" is: 
    10 Who, then, is the faithful and discreet slave? That slave is made up of a small group of anointed brothers who directly prepare and give out spiritual food during Christ’s presence. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/402013533
    Well, according to Jesus, His Water will become Fountain in YOU, as single person. If You drinks from His Water You became source for spiritual truth, food, water. 
    By this verse in John something is very wrong in WT explanation how only "small group of anointed BROTHERS" (not sisters) aka GB are the only one who giving food, water that leads to Life. 
    PS   Jesus told to Samaritan woman this words about source and water and life. He offered her to drink this everlasting water and as result of that, she will become source of water (without need to go to "fds" for spiritual food). Mutual encourage and sharing of this fountain water is not under restriction or obligation inside particular organized religion requirements .
  18. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Exact, per capita donations now "encouraged" from the platform at assemblies?   
    If what I've just read is true, and it seems to be, then the JW Org has just lost another 35 MILLION DOLLARS.
  19. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in CANADA: Jehovah's Witnesses decide world is ending, kidnap neighbours while naked   
    Court document reveals more details in bizarre naked kidnapping case in Alberta
      Chris Purdy LEDUC, Alta. The Canadian Press Published 2 days agoUpdated September 24, 2018 They thought it was Armageddon and wanted to save their neighbours.
    They believed police were monsters. They showed super strength after being pepper sprayed and Tasered.
    And all but one of them were naked because, with the end of the world, they didn’t have time to get dressed.
    A court document has provided more details in a bizarre naked kidnapping case that happened last year south of Edmonton, but some questions remain. Two women and one man, who cannot be identified due to a publication ban, each pleaded guilty in Leduc provincial court last week to a charge of unlawful confinement. One of the women also pleaded guilty to dangerous driving. Her two teenage daughters were involved in the case, but not charged.
    The girls’ father, who was not part of the group, has said the five may have unknowingly drank some hallucinogenic tea. But the agreed statement of facts submitted in court says alcohol and drugs were not factors and there is no mention of tea in the document. The group, who are Jehovah’s Witnesses, had gathered at a home near Leduc on Nov. 2. The mother, who was then 35, had taken her daughters there to visit her 27-year old nephew and his 30-year old wife.
    But over the next three days, the court document says they didn’t leave the house and they barely ate. One of the teens recalls watching movies but also hearing screaming and banging and seeing ashes in the air. Some of the five hid in a bedroom or a bathroom.
    “They did so because they believed that they were in danger, either from bad or wicked people outside or from demons,” says the document.
    It says the group believed that the Great Tribulation had happened and Nov. 6 was Armageddon. So they rushed off to find safety and save a neighbouring family.
    “Four who were naked were changing but they had to leave right away because it was unsafe, so they left without clothes,” the document says.
    The mother, the only one dressed, drove them all in a BMW SUV but was in such a hurry she went through the garage door. When the vehicle headed to the neighbours’ home, it apparently bent a metal gate.
    The neighbours – a man, his adult daughter and her six-week-old son – were forced out of their house and into the snow without shoes, the document says. The woman and her baby were put in the back seat with the teen girls, who were naked under a blanket. The man was put in the trunk and ordered to chant “Jehovah” ten times.
    The group also chanted “Jehovah” as the SUV sped down roads and went through a red light on the way to nearby Nisku, says the document.
    Because the trunk didn’t latch shut, the man was able to climb out when the vehicle slowed. His daughter, after getting her hand slammed in the door of the SUV, was able to get out with her baby. A passing truck stopped to help the trio and they climbed inside.
    The document says the SUV then rammed the truck from behind and the woman and her baby were thrown into the truck’s dash, although they were not injured. The SUV then went into a ditch.
    When Mounties arrived, the group continued to chant and refused to get out, at times clinging to the vehicle and each other. One of the teens believed the police “were monsters who would kill them,” says the document. Officers said the people in the SUV “displayed extreme strength.” Two were unaffected by pepper spray. The three adults were also shot with Tasers between two and four times before they relented, although one then slid under the vehicle and had to be dragged out with a strap.
    The neighbours later told police the group seemed “demonized” and “obviously not in their right minds.”
    A judge has ordered pre-sentence reports and risk assessments, which could include psychological testing.
    The three adult offenders are to return to court for sentencing Dec. 20.
    I wonder when we will be seeing this news on the JW.ORG Web Site?
  20. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in "You can find the ‘waters of truth’ at your local Kingdom Hall"   
    In a perfect scenario, the whole House of God, His Temple, (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22) would be “faithful and discreet”. Of course, that will be fulfilled in the Kingdom.    WT has gradually shaved down just who they say are the F&D slaves, to include only themselves.  Fitting to prophesy about them, they have become the “wicked slave” beating down their fellow slaves by using their handy henchmen, the elder body, who have power and authority over the rest of God’s anointed, and all JWs.  Matt 24:48-51  How I wish JWs could see they are all enslaved to other masters– the governing body and elder body/organization. Isa 2:22 From one side of their mouth spouts an allegiance to God, from the other is required allegiance to an organization built on the money gained from the pockets of those who are captivated by “empty philosophy”.  They have deluded the anointed and all, that God is okay with this.  Hos 8:2,3; Matt 6:24; Col 2:6
    “So likewise you, when you have done all those things which you are commanded, say, ‘We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do.’ ”  Luke 17:10
    The governing body members do not view themselves as a humble lot, or “unprofitable”, but are extremely confident in exalting their position with Christ. Yet, their “profit” comes from the one who offers the very status and treasures they now hold; certainly not from Christ who has no interest in earthly holdings.  Luke 4:7; 19:22; Matt 25:29-30  According to Christ, each slave must remain “on the vine” with him, to become a well of water “springing up” to impart everlasting life.  Matt 25:23; John 4:14; John 15:4-8   Satan has gradually corrupted Christ’s words through the WT, to mislead the last of those under the “woman covenant”. Gal 4:26; Rev 12:1-4  He has taken Jesus words and parables, giving them a new twist that ‘springs up’ as if living water, but is indeed, floodwaters of lies.  Rev 12:15,16; Luke 6:48,49
    So the first of those who become this source of living water since Christ and during the last days, are the faithful  “virgins”, priests, prophets, teachers, etc., of God. Matt 25:10; 1 Pet 2:5,9; 2 Cor 11:2; 1 Cor 12:28,29;Rev 14:4,5  It is their duty to serve in this capacity as a sort of conduit imparting his living water to mankind.   Mal 2:7; 1 Tim 4:16   Jesus knew Satan’s charade was to occur in the last days through the Watchtower/Wild Beast and the false prophet/Beast with two horns.  He gave fair warning, explicitly telling us to examine the fruit of each slave, well aware of false prophets who leave their union with him, to serve themselves and their new master. Matt 7:15-20  Jesus does not expect us to accept just anyone, but only those who remain “on the vine”. If an anointed one regurgitates the same teachings issued by a false prophet who overpowers them, they are in danger of being permanently cut off from the source of living water, the source of Holy Spirit.   John 15:1,2; Matt 25:3; 16:26  He encourages us to seek out those ‘in him’, (John 6:56;17:20-23) and not choke down rotten fruit or teachings, with the hope they eventually improve with age, or I should say, disappear in time. I doubt a JW would buy a basket of fruit with moldy and rotten culls found among some nice specimens, at a premium cost. However, this is the case with those who remain in the WT. At the cost of their life’s dedication to an organization, they are spiritually starving, and they put up with it; because the organization makes the unsavory threat that everyone and every aspect of life as a JW will be lost, if they refuse to gulp down the bad along with the good. Rev 18:8; 2 Cor 11:19,20; Rev 13:11,15; Matt 10:39; 16:25
    If each one of us accepts whom JESUS sends, we have perceived his words of truth and life.  Matt 10:42; Luke 9:48 If we are thirsty enough, we too become filled with living water.  Prov 13:14;18:4; Isa 48:18; Matt 5:6;  Rev 22:1,2 (“trees” represent the faithful anointed in Christ, Ps 1:1-3; Isa 41:17-20)
  21. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Will people who have committed suicide get a resurrection?   
    Will people who have committed suicide get a resurrection?
    Assuming they would OTHERWISE be resurrected, think about THIS:
    Jesus deliberately went on a known "suicide mission" and died because of that decision.
  22. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Why you do not believe JB? Think he is not sincere or he not done his homework well enough...in compare to your research? If JB has more then one reason for leaving WTJW it is also ok. Perhaps he will tell us that also when he will be ready to tell.
    You Anna also doing research, i see that. Why you have different conclusion, it is up to you. :))
  23. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    I thought I was going to be reading  about your whiny  indignation at being called a liar ... but was pleasantly surprised by an irrefutable piece of logic and reasoning.
    You are right!
    So now the question arises .... WHY .... on this issue (apparently ALONE)  has the GB decided that "THIS ts the Hill we are willing to die on ..."?
    For good detectives, information is related in some way ... and is cumulative ... hence the occasional revelation ...  "Hey! ...  (facepalms forehead with a slap) ... it all a ADDS UP!"
    I suppose it's like hunting for REAL gems.   You have to dig through tons and tons of irrelevant spoil material to get to them.
  24. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Why John Butler Left Jehovah's Witnesses   
    If you do not believe me then it seems you are calling me a liar. This is general practice for JW's that don't want to believe something. It starts with the GB and follows through with the elders. The Two Witness rule being a good example. Do you honestly think the Two Witness rule was meant to be used in a Child Abuse case ? And yet it is not used when a couple are accused of fornication. 
    However, I shall say again. I left the JW Org because of the Child Abuse / Pedophilia problem Earthwide. I found out how serious the problem was by doing three months research online... It was impossible to talk about it in the congregation because it would have been a 'crime' worthy of disfellowshipment. 
    Are you American ? (I never bother trying to dig into people's personal info'). The reason i ask is because Americans are raised on the thinking of 'Collateral damage' being ok. So it seems with you, if you are in agreement with the GB. However Jesus said ....
    But whoever stumbles one of these little ones who have faith, it would be better for him if a millstone that is turned by a donkey were put around his neck and he were pitched into the sea. (Mark 9 v 42)
    Your GB seem to think otherwise. They think it is ok to ruin lives by allowing pedophiles to be hidden in the JW Org. Oh, how many people have been stumbled by this ? How much blood does your GB have on their hands ? 
    So you see, I honestly and sincerely could not go out and teach others, with the intention of bringing them into an Org, that allows such wicked things to happen. I did not want to be responsible for giving people a false sense of security, knowing the safety of their children could be at such risk.... 
    Whether you believe me is of no importance of course. What is important is that God Himself knows the truth of the matter and either He or Jesus Christ will judge me on it. 
  25. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Sam Herd Compares Shunning your own Children to Casting out Demons.   
    No disrespect but i do wish you would keep the topic on the Jehovah's Witnesses only when the topic is such. 
    There is no point telling what other 'religions' do, or what the outside world does. Surely you would know that the JW's are supposed to be 'no part of this word' and should not be influenced by anyone other than God and Jesus Christ, and the Bible.  
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