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Srecko Sostar

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    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why doesn't All-Powerful Jehovah Protect Young Witness Girls from Pedophiles in the Congregation?   
    The only thing necessary for Evil to prevail, is Good Men ... to do nothing.
    When accountants, lawyers and PR Departments run the show ... that is what potential "Good Men"  do.
  2. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW Grandparents Who Shun Children Should Likewise be Banned from Contacting Grandchildren   
    Well ... the accountants and Lawyers are running the show now at Warwick World JW HQ, and so as to not have small mountains of money, and high value improved real estate confiscated by the various worldly court systems, we USED to adhere to the Bible's clear and unambiguous directive "ABSTAIN FROM BLOOD" .... but now, to placate the NATIONS' judges, we allow blood to be transfused .........  if it goes into our bodies in 13 different IV tubes, as fractions.
    And that's the FACT, Jack.

  3. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in The Serena Williams Child Doesn't Do Birthdays. This Gets Interestinger and Interestinger   
    Sometimes the people you are talking to do not have enough background information to make any sense at all about what you are talking, trying to explain a difficult or just a new concept to them ...  that they are not used to considering.
    The most extreme case is perhaps when  a man with a knife demands that you give him your money, and you start a long explanation of why he should work for a living, the value of industriousness, the theocratic, moral and cultural reasons why he should change his ways... that violence is not the answer, and "how would his mother feel if she knew he was out late, robbing people?".
    Sometimes the only thing they could possibly understand is the SHORT answer .....
    ... always remember to reload, in case he has stupid friends.
  4. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Are Wrongly Disfellowshipped People Automatically Reinstated?   
    Watchtower has made references that the Wild Beast of Revelation 13, is an organization.
    Dan 7:23 states it is “diverse”, different, altered, changed, transformed.  It is not at all like the three previous beasts that God’s people suffered under.  Both its tactics and appearance are very different from the previous four beasts.
     It works on deceit.  Rev 19:20
    Revelation 13:7 says, It was given power to wage war (spiritual war according to the Greek scriptures 2 Cor 10:3,4) against God’s holy people/saints and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.
    The beast has the authority to symbolically (because Revelation a book of signs, Rev 1:1) “kill” those who refuse to accept its authority. 
    It has an “image” of being “spirit-directed”, given to it from a “false prophet”/second beast who appears to be “in Christ”.  Rev 13:11
    “The second beast was given power to give breath (spirit; see John 20:22) to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.”  Rev 13:15
    Has any organization in the world “conquered” the anointed ones? Certainly not the U.N.  Is there any organization in the world that has the power to authorize the spiritual “death” of people from every tribe, language and nation when they refuse to acknowledge it as an image given by “spirit”?
    There is only one diverse organization that has significantly conquered the saints and their companions; pushing the anointed into the far corners of the organization and out of sight from all others.  The Watchtower organization.
    The elder body has been appointed on the basis of a few scriptures that they say, provides these men with the “breath” of Holy Spirit.  In reality,  they are the speaking “image” of Rev 13:15.   They have been given the authority over the saints/anointed ones and people from every “tribe, language and nation”, to disfellowship (consider them spiritually dead) any who refuse to revere and serve, the Watchtower organization.
    Is “Jehovah’s spirit-directed organization” blessed by God?  
    No.  It is the formidable foe against the remaining ones of the woman’s seed before the Kingdom arrives.  Rev 12:1-4; 2 Thess 2:9-12
    “They will put you out of (expel you from) the synagogues (“congregations”); but an hour is coming when whoever kills you will think and claim that he has offered service to God.”  John 16:2
    When individuals are disfellowshipped, their treatment received from other members of the organization is as if they are dead.  Many disfellowshipped ones have not sinned, but have recognized that Christ is their Head, and not men.  Matt 5:11; Mark 8:35 They refuse to acknowledge an organization based on deceit. 
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    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Are Wrongly Disfellowshipped People Automatically Reinstated?   
    ( it is now Saturday afternoon ... and the sound of crickets chirping in the silence is all that is heard ...)
  6. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in JW vs the Bible   
    This still doesn't seem to speak to what the Septuagint actually is. The writing of the Hebrew Bible (OT), in Hebrew, was generally completed by the 5th century BCE, (the 400's BCE). The most important parts of the Septuagint (LXX) were completed in the mid 200's BCE, and some parts as late as the 130's BCE.
    A lot of what the Septuagint translators did is considered very accurate. In many cases it was perhaps more accurate, (closer to the older Hebrew originals) than the work of the Masoretic scribes, who claim to have carried on a tradition of maintaining accurate copies of the original Bible manuscripts from the original Hebrew.
    But unfortunately we don't have any of those original Septuagint manuscripts from the 200's BCE. And we only have fragmentary portions from the second and first century BCE. We don't really have any effectively complete Septuagint translations until the 300's CE, the fourth century CE. That's as much as 600 years after this Greek translation was first made! And 800+ years after the original Hebrew OT was complete.
    On the other hand, we have the "Dead Sea Scrolls" including both fragments, and in some cases, full or nearly complete scrolls of some Bible books in Hebrew evidently going back into the first century BCE, up to as late as 70 CE. (Some of those Hebrew scrolls may date even into the second century BCE.)
    So what does that do to the claim that the Septuagint is the oldest and most reliable source? Remember you said:
    The oldest parts of the Bible originated in Hebrew, and the oldest known Hebrew manuscripts and texts go back, hundreds of years in some cases, prior to the oldest known manuscripts of the Greek translation, the Septuagint. In a few cases, such as with the 'Great Scroll of Isaiah' this first-century Hebrew scroll effectively matches the text that the Masoretes had maintained even 1,000 years after that Isaiah scroll. (I use the words "effectively matches" because even though there are hundreds of differences, they are usually small and don't change the meaning significantly.)
    Of course, the OT quotations found in the NT almost all came from the LXX, so it was considered accurate enough to be the translation used in the NT. There are places where it is undoubtedly more accurate, closer to the original Hebrew manuscripts, than those Hebrew manuscripts we currently rely on. Some of these points were discovered when the Qumram scrolls (Dead Sea Scrolls; DSS) came to light. There are even some fragmentary portions of the Greek LXX among the mostly Hebrew DSS.
    But many portions of the LXX are highly questionable, too. Jeremiah is fully 1/7th shorter in the LXX. That's a difference of about 7 chapters worth of content missing from dozens of different places around the book, plus hundreds of other wording differences. Also the LXX contains many portions and passages interspersed within the OT that most religions, including JWs, do not consider part of the Bible.
    As you probably know, like nearly all Jewish and Christian denominations, the WTS has chosen to publish the OT of the NWT Bible based only on the Masoretic text, and does not rely on the LXX as the correct text when there are differences between LXX and the Masoretic text. This might be surprising, since much of the Masoretic text is known only from about 900 years ago, and yet we know much of the LXX from about 1,700+ years ago. But even the DSS, known from closer to 2,000+ years ago is not often used in the NWT when it corrects the Masoretic text.
    [To simplify, I greatly rounded some time estimates, edited out a lot of details about Alexander and the spread of the Greek language, which portions of the OT were in Aramaic, etc., to cut this down to a more readable size.]
  7. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Jesus.defender in JW vs the Bible   
    JW Belief is first, the Bibilcal position is in bold
    Christ is God's Son and is inferior to him. Christ is God. He took on the form of man to come to earth. John 1:1, 1 Timothy 3:16 Christ died on a stake, not a cross. Christ died on a cross. John 20:25, Matthew 27:37, 27 Christ's human life was paid as a ransom for obedient humans. Christ life was paid as a ransom for sinners Matthew 9:13, 1 Timothy 1:15 Earth will never be destroyed or depopulated. God will create new heavens and earth and new physical laws. God's people will be removed from earth. Matthew 24:31, Mark 13:27, 1 Thess. 4:16-17 The human soul ceases to exist at death The spirit of man goes to be with God *Ecclesiastes 3:21, Ecclesiastes 12:7 Hell is mankind's common grave. Before Christ, all went to Hades, after Christ only non-believers *Psalms 9:17, Matthew 23:33 The 144,000 are born again as spiritual sons of God. All people who confess Christ as Lord and Savior are born again *John 3:3, John 3:3-7 Christians must give public testimony to Scriptural truth. Christians must give public testimony to the gospel of Jesus Christ Romans 1:16, Romans 15:19, 1 Corinthians 1:17 The greatest name is Jehovah. The greatest name is Jesus Christ Ephesians 1:20-22, Philippians 2:9 Man does not have a spirit. Man has a spirit *Ecclesiastes 3:21 We are to worship Jehovah only. We are to worship Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Hebrews 1:6, Revelation 5:13 Jesus second coming occurred invisibly in 1914 and His kingdom was established in heaven. Jesus will return physically to earth and all alive will see Him as His kingdom is established on earth Matthew 24:30, Revelation 1:7 The greatest name is Jehovah. The greatest name is Jesus Christ Ephesians 1:20-22, Philippians 2:9 Christ is Michael the Archangel. Christ is not an angel, but God. Hebrews 1:13 Christ was first of God's creations. Christ is co-eternal with God, and as such was not created Isaiah 9:6, John 1:1, Hebrews 13:8
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    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in "WAIT ON JEHOVAH"?   
    Cowards die a thousand deaths ... the Valiant die but once.
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    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in "WAIT ON JEHOVAH"?   
    Many "Jehovah's Witnesses" have said to me, 
    "Don't you think that we should just wait on Jehovah to straighten things out in the leadership of the Organization? Surely Jehovah will take care of things in His own due time."

    Has not God already made clear how He handles wayward leadership and those who cling to them who lead His people astray? Did he "straighten out" Jerusalem, when they rejected His Son? How does God always conclude his covenants with those who reject His guidance? What happened in 70 C.E.?
    Don't you remember Christ's warning, at Matt.24:15,16?

    Please consider my scriptural reply to your questions....
    Because of the critical times in which we live, we must consult Yhwh's direction in this (Prov.3:5,6).
    Certainly, we do not want to view the continuing existence of sin and false doctrines as Yhwh's fault, as if  He wants it to continue until He feels inclined to correct it (1John1:5; Rom.3:4). Any apostasy that exists, is due to men, and not due to God's complacency. 
    True, this futility and operation of error is being permitted by Yhwh (Rom.8:20; 2Thess.2:11,9), but not without purpose! 
    Be certain that you see clearly what that purpose is!

    2Thess.2:9,10,11,12 tells us, that Yhwh allows this test by Satan, so that those who do not really love Him and the truth, will be deceived and marked. The outcome? Eze.14:10; 2Thess.2:10,12; Rev.13:8 and Rev.19:20,21 answer.
    Does Yhwh really hold accountable, and condemn, those who are deceived into subjection to corrupt leaders, or even just the complacent condoning of an environment of corruption?
    See Ezek.14:10; 1Tim.2:14; Psalm26:4 make the answer to that clear.
    So, if we continue to subject ourselves to a false prophet and continue to take in the spiritual food they provide; how does Yhwh view us? (Matt.15:14; 1Cor.10:21,22; Rev.2:2,14,16,20,21,22,23).
    "Waiting on Jehovah" is for the endurance of injustice, after you have actually been subjected to it for righteousness' sake(Rev.6:10; 1Pet.2:19; 5:9; Matt.5:10,11,12; Gal.5:1,7,8; Matt.10:32; Rom.8:17; 2Tim.2:12). 
    The example of Christ was to speak out against religious corruption and poisonous spiritual food (Matt.23). He knew that Truth was the only way to salvation (John14:6; 17:3,17). He was willing to die to provide the vital warning, that we must not be complacent followers (John18:37; 8:40; Matt.23:13,33,38; 5:20; 15:14). So also, do his brothers and true followers (Luke9:23,24;Rev.6:11; 12:11; Matt.5:13,14,15,16). If we know what is right, and do not do it; it is a sin for us (James4:17; Gen.3:3). We know it is right, to warn those in spiritual peril (Ezek.3:18; 33:8). We know it is wrong to tolerate wicked leaders (Rev.2:20; 2Kings9:7;Eze.13:17; 2Cor.11:4,20,13,12,3).

    Sitting still in silence, is not truly, "waiting on Jehovah"...as if His patience is to blame for our drunken sleep.
    We do not "wait on Jehovah" for Him to make us take action to do what is right (Deut.30:15,19; Luke13:24). Yhwh is not going to force the corrupt ones to change, so we should stop waiting for that. He is allowing a short time, to see what WE will choose; the condoning of corruption...or faithful action that results in life. (Gal.6:4; Mark10:29,30; Rev.2:2; 2Cor.6:17; Rev18:4; Mark 8:35)
    We have free will, and must choose for ourselves to obey His warnings and guidance. "Waiting" will not accomplish this, nor save us. Decisive action was needed to save Noah and his family (Gen.6:22; Heb.12:25). It is the same today (Matt.24:37; 1Cor.10:11).

    Many may be under the impression that we have enough time before the end; and that there is time for the Organization to be cleansed and repaired. The reality is, that no longer will imperfect men running an imperfect organization, rule in righteousness during the remainder of Satan's system. 
    The very next kings will be Yhwh, Christ, and his glorified brothers (2Pet.3:5,6,7,11,13; Rev.12:10; 6:10,11; 14:1). These have no need of a man-made Temple, buildings, or Organization (John4:21,23,24; Matt.24:2; Isa.26:5; Job 5:11; Eze.21:25,26,27;Luke14:11). God himself is constructing his own, perfected "organization"; and the last of the living stones are taking their place in the completed Tabernacle of God (1Cor.15:50; 1Pet.2:5,9; 1Cor.3:16; Eph.2:20,21,22; Heb.11:10; Acts7:48; Zech.4:9-10) This everlasting and glorious "organization" comes down out of heaven from God (Rev.21:2,3,4,5; 22:3,4; Dan.2:44); not up from the ashes of corruption and sin (Job 14:4).

    Yhwh has made plain in so many scriptures, that now is not the time for loyalty to those condemned. It is a time for fleeing, an opened door provided by the merciful compassion of the King of Eternity; who does not implement the cleansing fire of His wrath, until first He warns His prophets (Amos3:7; 2Pet.1:21). 
    Let him that has ears...listen!
    (Luke21:21,22; 17:32; Isa.52:11; 2Cor.6:17; Jer.51:45; Rev.18:4)
    Pearl Doxsey, 4womaninthewilderness
  10. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in "NO WITNESSES"   
    @JOHN BUTLER, I just happened to run across the ctv news special if you mised it:
  11. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in "NO WITNESSES"   
    John, I believe it is this Saturday at 7:00.  I did notice that there is the option of "live news" if one signs in.  That may allow you to watch it Saturday in Canada's time zone.  Avery Haines did an earlier commentary on JWs:  
  12. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in "NO WITNESSES"   
    "This week a troubling story on W5: Avery Haines investigates an alleged sex abuse cover-up within the Jehovah's Witnesses. From across Canada, to the United States, England and Australia she reveals how the religious sect's doctrine protects accused sex offenders and pedophiles and makes it virtually impossible for complaints to be reported to police. Watch NO WITNESSES Saturday at 7 pm on CTV."
  13. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in A FRAUDULENT ACT AGAINST GOD   
    "Yes, the WT is being presented as a work of God. It claims to establish provenance, by pointing to the supposed existence of a governing body in the first century. We as JWs, bought into that counterfeit, by selling our souls in exchange for a beautiful depiction of a promise of salvation, framed within the confines of the organization. 
    Jesus foresaw this masterful counterfeit as a feature of the Great Tribulation, and his first warning words to us, were "See to it that no one misleads you" (Matt.24:3-4,24-25)  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt.24%3A3%2C4%2C24%2C25&version=NKJV
    The final false prophet, is handed a key to Satan's Abyss of dark deception (Rev.8:10-11; 9:1-3), enabling it to perform the sorcery of powerful misleading signs and portents, as she released Satan from his imprisonment, to work through her and her beast" (Rev.16:13-16; 17:14; 20:7-8; 13:11-18,7-8; 1Tim.4:1; Col.2:8; Rev.13:10; Luke21:24; Rev.13:7; 11:2).    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Rev.8%3A10-11%3B+9%3A1-3%3BRev.16%3A13-16%3B+17%3A14%3B+20%3A7-8%3B+13%3A11-18%2C7-8%3B+1Tim.4%3A1%3B+Col.2%3A8%3B+Rev.13%3A10%3B+Luke+21%3A24%3B+Rev.13%3A7%3B+11%3A2&version=NKJV
    Pearl Doxsey
  14. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in A FRAUDULENT ACT AGAINST GOD   
    My mother was a “plein air” artist, and although it sounds rather sophisticated, this artist scraped for every brush and tube of paint she could get.  When raising five children, I am sure her love of painting conflicted with the necessary care of her offspring.  Many times, it was evident that the artwork took precedence, especially when dinner’s aromas were overpowered by the lingering fumes of the day’s use of turpentine; a sure sign that an unfinished piece of art was given top priority.
     Her philosophy was, never copy another artist’s work; that of a well-known painter, or otherwise.
    As a girl, I was frequently in tow with father, mother, little brother, art supplies and camping gear piled in the back of a station wagon, and heading for the mountains.  Other artists would arrive for the ‘art fest’ over the weekend.  As they readied themselves before the scene to be painted, their own unique tools, color choices, and techniques emerged to achieve what they envisioned of the natural scene before them.  Even through my young eyes, I could clearly understand the intent of each artist’s desire to capture the scene.  Mountains, plains, trees, sage, water were all identifiable from a different, but recognizable perspective. No one owned the scene, only the work and technique they used, to illustrate what they perceived. 
    Art forgery is a different matter. The intent is to deceive and pilfer the unsuspecting one into thinking they are buying the original piece of art.  In the case of copied works by the famous “Masters”, detailed analysis using microscopes and x-rays detects the evidence of modern paints and materials.  Also, extensive, historical research is applied to identify a forgery.
    Note the comments made by an article on art forgery:
    “Regardless of what technique is used, every authentication starts with determining whether a work has a provenance, which is THE RECORD OF A WORK’S OWNERSHIP HISTORY. Ideally, THE RECORD SHOULD STRETCH ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE WORK’S CREATION.
    “Unfortunately, an unidentified forgery will accumulate its own provenance the longer it goes undiscovered, so the provenance becomes INCREASINGLY REINFORCED AS TIME PASSES. Forgers will often take advantage of the loose provenance by creating an ILLUSION of provenance along with forging the work. THEY WILL BUILD A FRAUDULENT IDENTITY for the work with fake documents and staged photographs. The longer the forgery goes undetected, the harder it may be to detect that the documents are not genuine.”   (https://alj.orangenius.com/techniques-art-forgery/)
    False prophets are common, but could a spiritual counterfeit picture of “truth” be painted in order to rob an individual not only of their physical investments but of their spiritual life?  Let’s briefly put the Watchtower under a microscope using a valid historical record, the Bible, and see what its “provenance” shows.  At one point it made the comment,
    "As Christians, we face up to similar challenges today. We cannot take part in any modern version of idolatry—be it worshipful gestures toward an image or symbol or the imputing of SALVATION to a person or an ORGANIZATION." Watchtower 1990 11/1 p. 26 Our Relative Subjection to the Superior Authorities
    This is a similar stand of CT Russell when first gathering his Bible Students, when he said, “Beware of ‘organization’.  It is wholly unnecessary.  The Bible rules will be the only rules you need”.  Wt 9/15/1895
    What about a statement made BEFORE the 1990 WT. quote? 
    WT. 10/1/1967 p. 591:   "Make haste TO IDENTIFY THE VISIBLE THEOCRATIC ORGANIZATION of God that represents his king, Jesus Christ. IT IS ESSENTIAL FOR LIFE. Doing so, be complete in accepting its every aspect”
    Watchtower appears to be staging some confusing fake documents, at whatever angle we look at it.  Which quote is genuine, which is a lie?  They both carry their own lying qualities.  Today, the Watchtower has completed painting its illusion of a spirit-directed organization providing a spiritual paradise to lead you into God’s Kingdom.   2 Thess 2:1-4; Jer 8:11; 14:13-14; 28:8,9
    Watchtower 16/11 pg 16-20:
    BE LOYAL TO JEHOVAH AND SUPPORT HIS ORGANIZATION - “Yes, if we are LOYAL to Jehovah and follow the direction he gives us by means of his organization, HE WILL GIVE US EVERLASTING LIFE and he will be loyal to us forever!” 
    WT 15/8/15 pg 15-20:
    PREPARE NOW FOR LIFE IN THE NEW WORLD -  “If we want to be ready for life in the new world, we need to learn to be CONTENT and to COOPERATE with Jehovah’s ORGANIZATION and with one another.
    To prepare for everlasting life in the new world, we need to OBEY the direction from Jehovah’s ORGANIZATION now.” Wt 15/8/15  pg 15-20
    Concisely, a JW must:
    This is now your solid, established teaching, JWs.  The requirement held out for everlasting life, according to the Watchtower is total reliance on, and devotion to, the organization; along with a spurious, idolatrous attempt made, to link it with God.  Isa 46:5; Rev 13:1,5-8 The necessity of the organization has been a gradual development within the last 100 years; a provenance that has now come under scrutiny. Rev 16:13-16; Ezek 8:6; Amos 7:8; Rev 11:1  Of course, we believe that the faithful early Christians received salvation.  What about God’s anointed ones and believers over the centuries since Christ, in various parts of the world?  JWs, we know there was no “organization” that TRUE Christians relied on as one’s salvation throughout the centuries. Rev 20:4  Or, do you feel there was not a single soul that was faithful to God and Christ after the formation of the early congregations, UNTIL the Watchtower organization emerged?  Col 2:8; Rev 13:1,4,10   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isa+46%3A5%3B+Rev+13%3A1%2C5-8%3B+Rev+16%3A13-16%3B+Ezek+8%3A6%3B+Amos+7%3A8%3B+Rev+11%3A1%3B+20%3A4%3B+Col+2%3A8%3B+Rev+13%3A1%2C4%2C10&version=NIV
    It appears a wrench has been thrown into the working out of our salvation; and indeed, this is the case.  Ask yourself, where is Christ in all of this organization business?  When Jesus said, “destroy this temple and I will raise it up in three days”, did he mean that an earthly, man-made corporation decked out with major complexes world-wide and modern-day synagogues was to be established 1900 years later? 
    “BUT HE WAS SPEAKING OF THE TEMPLE OF HIS BODY.  So when he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they BELIEVED THE SCRIPTURE and the STATEMENT Jesus had made.”  John 2:19-22
    Does this “temple” require money and physical upkeep?  Does it require any earthly goods whatsoever?  Phil 3:18,19 
    “For you know that it was NOT with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 
     He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. THROUGH HIM you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.”  1 Pet 1:18-21
    According to scripture, an earthly organization established with your “silver and gold” is not Bible-based as necessary for salvation.  Exod 32:8,4; Isa 42:8; Rom 1:20-22,25; Acts 4:12 
    We are revealing a case of forgery; a counterfeit “Mount Zion”, the Temple of God. (Heb 12:22,23)  It appears so incredibly authentic that God’s Chosen ones and companions have been lulled into passivity by its illustrious beauty and promise of peace if one remains within its picture.  1 Thess 5:3  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Phil+3%3A18%2C19%3B+Exod+32%3A8%2C4%3B+Isa+42%3A8%3B+Rom+1%3A20-22%2C25%3B+Acts+4%3A12%3B+Heb+12%3A22%2C23%3B+1+Thess+5%3A3++&version=NIV
    From Pearl Doxsey’s article, “What’s Wrong with Peace and Security”?
    “Is this perception of present peace and security accurate?
    What is the danger of feeling safe from Satan due to the supposed spiritual shelter of an organization?
    Prophecy tells us that when Satan makes his final attack against the woman's seed,
    they do not expect the attack, nor perceive their vulnerability (Eze.38:11,14; Jer.49:31)
    Can you see that this overlaps with the period where the leaders of God's people are falsely declaring peace and security? (Eze.13:16; Rev.13:11,4; 1Thess.5:3)
    Because of their drowsy, overconfident condition, they are deceived and conquered (Rev.13:7; 9:5,10; Matt.5:13; Rev.11:2; 12:4; Dan.8:10,11,12,13; 2Thess.2:4).”    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Eze.38%3A11%2C14%3B+Jer.49%3A31%3BEze.13%3A16%3B+Rev.13%3A11%2C4%3B+1Thess.5%3A3%3BRev.13%3A7%3B+9%3A5%2C10%3B+Matt.5%3A13%3B+Rev.11%3A2%3B+12%3A4%3B+Dan.8%3A10%2C11%2C12%2C13%3B+2Thess.2%3A4&version=NIV
    Now, on to Pearl’s  “An Illustration”:
    “Satan knows he cannot prevent the prophetic SPIRITUAL signs and events which Jesus foretold for the end, from coming to pass (Rev.12:4,5,12,13).
    Satan realizes that the only way to prevent the remnant from grasping hold of the life-saving warnings, is to stage a counterfeit earlier fulfillment (Rev.12:15,9; 13:9,10,11,14; Matt.24:4,5,23,48; 2Thess.2:2) both religious and secular. He has the power to do so (1John5:19). Satan hopes that the remnant who are searching for the truthful interpretations of unfolding end-time events,
    will be detoured, by Satan's own premature counterfeit "fulfillment" (2Thess.2:2,3,11; Matt.7:15; 24:4,8,11,13,24; Rev.13:11).

    Satan cannot change nor fulfill the true SPIRITUAL signs Jesus gave. But he can fabricate a decoy within his own physical, visible realm, which IS under his power (Rev.2:9; Eph.6:12; John12:31).
    He must do this before the True signs arrive.
    Yet, he cannot fabricate a counterfeit for EVERY single true prophetic spiritual detail that Jesus gave.

    Will the chosen notice these discrepancies? Will they prove attentive enough to prove wise, faithful, awake, sober, and discreet?”
    (This article is a valuable first step in understanding end time prophesy concerning God’s chosen/anointed people.)
    The article on art forgery said, “Finding a forgery can cast doubt on the authenticators and damage the reputation of the sellers”. 
    The “two witnesses” of Rev 11:3, who work for Christ, reveal the authenticity of the Body of Christ as God’s Temple Zion and expose the Watchtower organization and its Harlot leaders for what they are -fakes, who paint with layers of lies. Ezek 13:10-12; Matt 23:12, 27; John 16:13; Rev.2:29    JWs!  As companion “sellers” of the Watchtower and its “good news”, your reputation with the Head of the anointed Body – Christ – will continue to deteriorate!  Sadly, many doubt the authenticity of Christ’s anointed “two witnesses” whose job it is to draw attention to this forgery.  Zech 4:3,11,14; Matt 10:20; 2 Cor 10:4,5    https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Rev+11%3A3%3BEzek+13%3A10-12%3B+Matt+23%3A12%2C+27%3B+John+16%3A13%3B+Rev.2%3A29%3BZech+4%3A3%2C11%2C14%3B+Matt+10%3A20%3B+2+Cor+10%3A4%2C5%3B+&version=NIV
    Art forgery can be a federal and state offense.  What will happen to the Watchtower for its blasphemous offense before God?  Scripture tells us - Zech 4:7; Rev 8:8 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Zech+4%3A7%3B+Rev+8%3A8&version=NIV
    I am sure you will say the organization is necessary in spreading the “good news of the kingdom”; yet, the good news is, the false promise of peace and security has been exposed, stopping short any further deceit and pilfering to come against the anointed (“Jacob”) and their companions who see it as it is – an illusion. 2 Thess 2:9-12  They come forth eagerly desiring to shed Watchtower’s sins and to accept freely, the Truth from Christ.  The authentic works of the Father and Christ have been found by those with keen understanding and eyes that see. God has redeemed His people.  Matt 7:7; 10:6, 1 Cor 1:28,29; Isa 48:20; Rev 18:4-8  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Thess+2%3A9-12%3BMatt+7%3A7%3B+10%3A6%2C+1+Cor+1%3A28%2C29%3B+Isa+48%3A20%3B+Rev+18%3A4-8&version=NIV
    Other articles are found on Pearl’s blog:
  15. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Jack Ryan in Why doesn't All-Powerful Jehovah Protect Young Witness Girls from Pedophiles in the Congregation?   
    But he sends angels to protect women at a door preaching from a potential bad householder? Wouldn't we often here of this experience?
    Does anyone have a copy of the illustrations of angels protecting JW's during the preaching work?
  16. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Matthew9969 in Why doesn't All-Powerful Jehovah Protect Young Witness Girls from Pedophiles in the Congregation?   
    I have heard several jw's say, 'that doesn't happen in Jehovah's organization, only in Christendom'.
  17. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why doesn't All-Powerful Jehovah Protect Young Witness Girls from Pedophiles in the Congregation?   
    A man is on a tree covered island in the middle of the river ... and the water is getting higher and higher.
    He prays to God for help.
    Rescue Squad shoots a rope over to him, with a life jacket attached and he disconnects it and lets it go, proclaiming "I have faith that GOD will save me"
    The water is higher, and he is in a tree.
    Police power boat crew tries to save him but he waves them off proclaiming "I have faith that GOD will save me!"
    Coast Guard helicopter drops a line with harness to him and he throws it away, proclaiming " I have faith that GOD will save me !!!!"
    Just before he drowns he  screams "OH GOD, WHY DID YOU NOT SAVE ME?"
    God replies: " I sent the Rescue Squad, the Police and the Coast Guard ..."
  18. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why doesn't All-Powerful Jehovah Protect Young Witness Girls from Pedophiles in the Congregation?   
    I will agree with JW Insider that Jack Ryan's question is a good question... and go further to state that in my not so humble opinion it is neither blasphemous, inappropriate, or other wise "bad".
    I am going to propose something in this post that may be controversial, and you may not "like" it, but if so, please provide hard facts to counter my following supposition.
    I have noticed that when some disaster or crime or other "bad thing" happens, the survivors thank God for saving their lives .... when perhaps, in a plane crash, 274 others died, etc. 
    What were the OTHER people, chopped liver?
    Bad analogy, because in that case, some were.
    Nevertheless, it is my supposition that Jehovah God does NOT single out individuals for divine protection.  I may be completely wrong, as I have escaped death, and crippling injury more than many dozens of times, when much better people than I am in many or every way have died early deaths, and I am heavily inclined to believe that PERHAPS Jehovah God is keeping me alive for some unknown, inexplicable reason.
    Based on what I know is ACTUALLY real ... it's probably only an emotional indulgence.
    That is why when I pray, I thank Jehovah for my life ... the fact that "I" was ever born, and for the chance and circumstances that I have enjoyed at this time, and in this place. ... but I do not "give him credit" for it.
    To do that would, IMNSHO would mean that he has it "in" for many others, and deliberately makes their lives miserable ....  short .....  or both.
    So here is my supposition that I hope someone has hard evidence, to disprove, to wit:
    In modern times, Jehovah God has not in any way interfered with the will of the Nations, or of any individual person, and has not changed in any way the normal outworking of any person, place or thing.
    Chance and circumstance DO befall us all ... and completely, and without any interference from God whatsoever.
    There are no actual real-life exceptions ... based on fact.
    The ONLY possible exception, based on probability observed from actual factual information, in my mind, was Jehovah God protecting Sgt. Alvin C. York, an American soldier in World War I.  But that is only a guess, based on my understanding of impossible things that actually do happen, and the depth  of Alvin C. York's true righteous inclinations in his early years. 
    You would have to read several biographies to understand that.
    Based on what I know is ACTUALLY real ... it's probably only ANOTHER emotional indulgence.
    I hope that someone here has a verifiable actual fact to disprove my theory ... but in the absence of actual hard, verifiable data, I will go with what I at this point in time, firmly believe to be true, based on everything I know, have read,  and 71 years of life experiences.
    We are on our own ....
    .... be CAREFUL out there !!
  19. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Why doesn't All-Powerful Jehovah Protect Young Witness Girls from Pedophiles in the Congregation?   
    Well there is this one, from 2/1/1983
    My son pointed out the picture of Zeus in the woman’s skirt when he was just 10 years old.  It was later that I saw the angelÂ’s right twisted leg and “hoof” that really raised an eyebrow.
    No angel of God there, protecting those women in their preaching work!
    Sure.  There are subliminal images all through the history of the Watchtower.  And sure, JWs will always figure out an excuse for them, which is just what Satan wants them to do.
    Jesus answered them, “Be careful that no one leads you astray.  For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will lead many astray.”  Matt 24:4,5
    Yes, fully accomplished by those “ambassadors substituting for Christ. NWT 2 Cor 5:20
    Substituting:  “If you substitute one thing for another, or if one thing substitutes for another, it takes the place or performs the function of the other thing.”
    This is how the GB gets away with expecting the obedience of all anointed and all JWs.  They are “performing” as if they are Christ. 
    “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.”  KJV 2 Cor 5:20
    Ambassadors are messengers, coming as representatives of someone.  The anointed priesthood are to bear Christ’s message, not replace him.  Mal 2:7; 1 Pet 2:5,9  Any anointed one who wants to “substitute” for Christ has an ulterior motive – power over others. I wonder how many times the magazines refer to the corrupted form of 2 Cor 5:20.  THAT is the “subliminal” message being taken to the door.  God would not bless such a message or the messengers who present it.

  20. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in Why doesn't All-Powerful Jehovah Protect Young Witness Girls from Pedophiles in the Congregation?   
    I agree, and I also agree that a few of the poster's other comments have given me the impression that JWs are being selectively chosen as if they are uniquely afflicted with certain problems. But for this particular question, it struck me as one that took a completely different tack:
    It was almost like saying, hey we know that all kinds of groups are troubled by such crimes, but there is one group that has claimed a lot of examples of angelic protection, especially while engaged in the ministry to outsiders. So why is it that individuals are almost certainly NOT being protected from a problem that can occur right within the congregation itself.
    I don't think anyone is arguing for an Ananias and Sapphira style judgment. (Although I'd like to see at least certain parts of such criminals deadened by the holy spirit.)
    To me, the question reminded me of the claims by some snake-handling sects who might be protected from venomous snakes and scorpions (Luke 10:19; Mark 16:18, NWT 1984):
    (Mark 16:18)  18  and with their hands they will pick up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly it will not hurt them at all. Persons from these sects, will often proudly show off their snake-handling skills, but they will not be nearly so likely to show off their ability to digest arsenic. If persons from these sects were loudly proclaiming the protection (from snakes) by angelic forces or holy spirit, then It would be a perfectly legitimate question to point out the number of persons from these sects who might have died by poison or even alcohol abuse.  
    The question would have nothing whatsoever to do with how many other sects were afflicted by deaths from poison or alcohol abuse.
  21. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in Why doesn't All-Powerful Jehovah Protect Young Witness Girls from Pedophiles in the Congregation?   
    @Jack Ryan might have a lot of issues, or these might not even be his own issues. At any rate, this particular question is a good one, in my opinion.
    (And @Gone Away it doesn't really matter if he should expand it to include all persons who get hurt from all types of crimes and injustices. He has started with a specific, narrow example and this should help us to focus on the point of the question.)
    Back to what you were saying that I requoted, @Space Merchant: In this case, J.Ryan is not treating pedophilia and child sexual abuse as if it were just a JW-only thing. In fact, the nature of the question very clearly shows that he is questioning why we are quick to imply that angels have often run interference for JWs who are in the midst of the preaching work. He is right that we have shown images of angels in protective mode and guiding mode as they watch over the preaching work. I know of several of the images he is referring to. There have been dozens of examples of experiences printed in yearbooks, Watchtowers, and from the convention platform that thank Jehovah for specific cases of angelic protection in the face of all kinds of dangers.
    Most of these more recent articles about angels, with one exception, no longer depict a ghostly angel hovering over the door-to-door work, although one recent one, below, indicates that they are "over" the cart-witnessing work. Most of the more recent articles show several examples of angels in Biblical times then show the preaching work, but without the depiction of the angel in modern times. Still, the wording that goes along with the pictures is telling:

    Watchtower, 5/15/2009 p.23 and 24
    When viewed alongside the recent pictures that try to give us a sense of the hundreds of millions of such angels standing at the ready it really does, and really should, make us wonder about specific activities that angels are handling in modern times. Did those angels in the Yearbook experiences really make a person miss when they shot bullets at point blank range during times of war and persecution in modern times? Did angels make a person of the right heart condition glance over at a cart? Or was it the receptive heart condition that caused them to glance? Did an angel send a Witness to the door exactly when the householder finished praying for guidance in their search? Other religions have told of the same experiences. What makes our claims different?
    These questions will also touch on why Jehovah permits wickedness, and why someone's prayer might be answered when another one's is not. It may also touch on human nature. When almost everyone except an especially photogenic young child is saved from an explosion, a burning building or a crashed train or airplane, we will often hear the media interviewing people who say that God must have had a special purpose for that child. We will hear about how wonderful God is in sending an angel to swoop down and save this one or that one. We will not hear about the injustice and loss to the others who died.
    At any rate, not that anyone has a complete answer, but this is still a good question.

    Angels help declare the good news throughout the earth
    -- Watchtower's caption, https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2017169
  22. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from JW Insider in The Serena Williams Child Doesn't Do Birthdays. This Gets Interestinger and Interestinger   
    ‘Olympia doesn’t celebrate birthdays,’ Serena revealed during the US Open. ‘We’re Jehovah’s Witnesses, so we don’t do that.’ - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-6107057/This-Serena-Williams-not-celebrate-daughters-1st-birthday.html
    I would not go to comment on other details you offer in your post or in MailOnline article what Serena said. That would be vast of time. :)))
    But for giving reasons on our acts and choices because of religion affiliation that person have, I can say how "instruction" that was given to me and some others JW brothers who faced with "neutrality issue" aka refuse to accept military service in ex Yugoslavia was this: Brother Miloš Knežević, first elder of Betel in Yugoslavia (Belgrade 1980, before and after this year) told me NOT to tell that i refuse service because i am JW. But because of my "bible trained conscience that tell me do this"!
    It looks strange to me, even then (i was 19), to defend my position in this way. But that was not to defend myself but JW YU Betel and JW religion in YU, in other word WT. 
    It is funny to hear how Serena said, "my 1 year old daughter not celebrating birthday", but that is the way how mother teaching her children ... and those around them :)))
  23. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in The Serena Williams Child Doesn't Do Birthdays. This Gets Interestinger and Interestinger   
    It's just like here in the South, when you want to lambast someone unmecifully ... just end the statement with "... bless his pea-pickin' heart!".
                            That makes it OK.
    Merely preface everything with "(paraphrased)",  or "...if memory serves ...",  then screw the quote into the ground as deep as it will go!
  24. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW Grandparents Who Shun Children Should Likewise be Banned from Contacting Grandchildren   
    ... or USED to be ..... 15% of the time.
    The lawyers and accountants now define our official theology.
  25. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW Grandparents Who Shun Children Should Likewise be Banned from Contacting Grandchildren   
    We have to endure the machinations and failed reasoning  of bodies with 16 legs who fear of losing their positions of authority, real estate, and money, because they actually ARE right .... 15% of the time.

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