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Srecko Sostar

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  1. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Let us Appreciate Brother Lett   
    That is just plain SILLY!
    It's "Aluminum Foil Hat" silly!
  2. Like
    I think that's very doubtful, unless you think that measuring abuse by all JW congregation members equates to just measuring only the priests and responsible officials of these Catholic diocese. Also, this is just Pennsylvania. You would need to add those reports from Massachusetts (made public in 2002 was it?) and several other states to get a parity population of Catholics here that matches that of the (JW) numbers from Australia.
    I'm not saying we don't also have a serious problem that most Witnesses know very little about or can't acknowledge. I just don't think you can so easily make a true comparison from these separate "snapshots" of reports/studies. They cover different statistical "populations."
    One thing in the report I found disturbing is that this was based on church records that detailed the crimes, but also detailed systemic cover-ups and even the promotion of priests and church officials involved in the cover-up. This went all the way up to cardinals and arch-bishops, ultimately even the Vatican.
    The fight over statute of limitations laws that always comes up as an issue after these reports also tends to become embroiled in its own coverup on the political side. Although anti-Catholicism is common, there are often enough US politicians in high places who fight the change to statute of limitations laws because they are convinced that extending the prosecution window truly would bankrupt the Catholic Church. Governor Brown in California and Governor Cuomo in New York have been rumored to accept that "line" from the Catholic Church. But keeping these laws in effect, knowing the typical way in which abused children wait until they are adults before gaining the courage to face this publicly, these laws help produce a coverup of the number of cases that would otherwise be reported.
  3. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in FOXNEWS FLASH! PENNSYLVANIA ACCUSES HUNDREDS OF PRIESTS !   
    As reported by the Australian Royal Commission on Child Abuse  No. 29 ... we still have the record of over 5,000 cases by 1,006 perpetrators.
    STILL ... almost completely unknown by most Jehovah's Witnesses.
  4. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in FOXNEWS FLASH! PENNSYLVANIA ACCUSES HUNDREDS OF PRIESTS !   
    By Elizabeth Zwirz | Fox News                                  Tuesday. August 14, 2017
    " Hundreds of priests sexually abused more than a thousand children, Pennsylvania attorney general says
    Several hundred Roman Catholic priests in Pennsylvania were accused of sexually abusing more than a thousand children, a grand jury report on Tuesday said, in an alleged “cover-up” described as “sophisticated” by the state’s attorney general.
    Over the course of a two year investigation, launched by Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh ShapiroÂ’s office, a grand jury heard several witness statements and pored over documents from six dioceses in the state.
    Those dioceses included Allentown, Erie, Greensburg, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and Scranton. Upwards of 300 "predator priests" stand accused of the decades-long abuse, the report said.
    “The cover-up was sophisticated. And all the while, shockingly, church leadership kept records of the abuse and the cover-up,” Shapiro said at a news conference. “These documents, from the dioceses' own 'Secret Archives,' formed the backbone of this investigation.”
    It’s possible that the “real number” of abused children could be “in the thousands” due to missing records or other victims who feared speaking about the allegations, according to the grand jury’s report.
    In order to prevent the Catholic Church from suffering bad publicity or financial liability, the panel claimed that a series of bishops and other diocesan leaders attempted to hide the alleged abuse.
    The report faulted Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the former longtime bishop of Pittsburgh who currently leads the Washington archdiocese, for what it said was his part in the concealment of clergy sexual abuse. Wuerl defended himself, releasing a statement Tuesday that said he had “acted with diligence, with concern for the victims and to prevent future acts of abuse.” "

  5. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Let us Appreciate Brother Lett   
    Application No. 28626/95
    Khristiansko Sdruzhenie "Svideteli na Iehova"
    (Christian Association Jehovah's Witnesses)
    (adopted on 9 March 1998)
    INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
    PART I : STATEMENT OF THE FACTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
    PART II : SOLUTION REACHED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
    1. This Report relates to the application introduced under
    Article 25 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human
    Rights and Fundamental Freedoms by Khristiansko Sdruzhenie "Svideteli
    na Iehova" (Christian Association Jehovah's Witnesses) against Bulgaria
    on 6 September 1995. The application was registered on 21 September
    1995 under file No. 28626/95.
    2. The applicant association was represented by MM Alain Garay and
    Philippe Goni, lawyers practising in Paris.
    3. The Government of Bulgaria were represented by their Agent, Mrs
    Guenka Beleva and, subsequently, by Mr Vladimir Sotirov of the Ministry
    of Foreign Affairs and by Mrs Violina Djidjeva, co-agent.
    4. On 3 July 1997 the Commission declared the application
    admissible. It then proceeded to carry out its task under Article 28
    para. 1 of the Convention which provides as follows:
    "In the event of the Commission accepting a petition referred to
    a. it shall, with a view to ascertaining the facts, undertake
    together with the representatives of the parties an examination
    of the petition and, if need be, an investigation, for the
    effective conduct of which the States concerned shall furnish all
    necessary facilities, after an exchange of views with the
    b. it shall at the same time place itself at the disposal of
    the parties concerned with a view to securing a friendly
    settlement of the matter on the basis of respect for Human Rights
    as defined in this Convention."
    5. The Commission found that the parties had reached a friendly
    settlement of the case and on 9 March 1998 adopted this Report, which,
    in accordance with Article 28 para. 2 of the Convention, is confined
    to a brief statement of the facts and of the solution reached.
    6. The following members were present when the Report was adopted:
    ...................................................... etc.
    JW participate very much in politics to some level with other religious and non religious organization.
    If you go to read few documents about Bulgaria issue and see what in fact was the content of "friendly settlement" then you will be surprised ones again.
    JW representatives are participants on regular basis (for many years) in OSCE meetings as Non-Governmental Organizations.
    What  is  OSCE? https://www.osce.org/who-we-are
    Among its key partner organizations are the United Nations, the European Union, the Council of Europe, and NATO. Perhaps this is continuation after 1991-2001 disgrace with UN affiliation. http://www.truebiblecode.com/images/JWUNDPI.pdf
    YES, WT and JW are politically involved.
    There is no Neutral position, perhaps only  as  OBLIGATION for members, most for rank and file members.
  6. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Grey Reformer in Let us Appreciate Brother Lett   
    Application No. 28626/95
    Khristiansko Sdruzhenie "Svideteli na Iehova"
    (Christian Association Jehovah's Witnesses)
    (adopted on 9 March 1998)
    INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
    PART I : STATEMENT OF THE FACTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
    PART II : SOLUTION REACHED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
    1. This Report relates to the application introduced under
    Article 25 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human
    Rights and Fundamental Freedoms by Khristiansko Sdruzhenie "Svideteli
    na Iehova" (Christian Association Jehovah's Witnesses) against Bulgaria
    on 6 September 1995. The application was registered on 21 September
    1995 under file No. 28626/95.
    2. The applicant association was represented by MM Alain Garay and
    Philippe Goni, lawyers practising in Paris.
    3. The Government of Bulgaria were represented by their Agent, Mrs
    Guenka Beleva and, subsequently, by Mr Vladimir Sotirov of the Ministry
    of Foreign Affairs and by Mrs Violina Djidjeva, co-agent.
    4. On 3 July 1997 the Commission declared the application
    admissible. It then proceeded to carry out its task under Article 28
    para. 1 of the Convention which provides as follows:
    "In the event of the Commission accepting a petition referred to
    a. it shall, with a view to ascertaining the facts, undertake
    together with the representatives of the parties an examination
    of the petition and, if need be, an investigation, for the
    effective conduct of which the States concerned shall furnish all
    necessary facilities, after an exchange of views with the
    b. it shall at the same time place itself at the disposal of
    the parties concerned with a view to securing a friendly
    settlement of the matter on the basis of respect for Human Rights
    as defined in this Convention."
    5. The Commission found that the parties had reached a friendly
    settlement of the case and on 9 March 1998 adopted this Report, which,
    in accordance with Article 28 para. 2 of the Convention, is confined
    to a brief statement of the facts and of the solution reached.
    6. The following members were present when the Report was adopted:
    ...................................................... etc.
    JW participate very much in politics to some level with other religious and non religious organization.
    If you go to read few documents about Bulgaria issue and see what in fact was the content of "friendly settlement" then you will be surprised ones again.
    JW representatives are participants on regular basis (for many years) in OSCE meetings as Non-Governmental Organizations.
    What  is  OSCE? https://www.osce.org/who-we-are
    Among its key partner organizations are the United Nations, the European Union, the Council of Europe, and NATO. Perhaps this is continuation after 1991-2001 disgrace with UN affiliation. http://www.truebiblecode.com/images/JWUNDPI.pdf
    YES, WT and JW are politically involved.
    There is no Neutral position, perhaps only  as  OBLIGATION for members, most for rank and file members.
  7. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Let us Appreciate Brother Lett   
    By the way Grey Reformer ... did you know that former  Presidents of the WTB&TS swore under oath before God to bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America?
    Here is the oath they swore:
    "I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to to the same; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. So help me God."
    If they had not ... they would not have gotten a US Passport.
    .... talk about selling your birthright for a bowl of stew ......

  8. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Let us Appreciate Brother Lett   
    I am glad you asked.
    I did not insult you ... I only stated a fact, which you have confirmed just now, that in the area of political interactions in the REAL world, you are not aware of what is going on around you.
    I am ignorant of many things, also. 
    To say someone is ignorant is not an insult, especially in a specific area of human perception and thinking.
    I could say that you have a nice car .... if you TAKE it as an insult, that does not mean I have insulted you.
     If you are a midget, and I say you are a midget, that is not an insult ... merely a statement of actual fact. Referring to you as a "little person" may be more diplomatic, but you would still be a midget..
    The letter writing was a naive idea that could never have worked.  The Russian Federation is NOT governed by any concepts of fairness.
    But, getting to your specific question ... Letter writing TO POLITICIANS and GOVERNMENTS is political activity.  Whether it succeeds in changing their governmental policy, or fails at changing their governmental policy is completely immaterial.
    The fact that you TRIED is political activity.
    You would think the GB would have figured that out after presenting their case in all lower courts, and the Russian Supreme Court .. twice.
    Apparently NOT.
    So ... they tried political activism.
    That did not work, either.
    But they niavely TRIED ... which the Russkies appreciated.
    They must have laughed themselves into a coma, after stealing all the JW real estate, then .... getting 56 million dollars and 11 train boxcars full of thinly sliced firewood as a free bonus.
    They have a policy that it is immoral to let a sucker keep his money ... but this exceeded their wildest expectations.
  9. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Let us Appreciate Brother Lett   
    That is just the problem, Grey Reformer ... you are unaware.
    You are unaware that anything one has to do with trying to change government policy is political activism.
    You do not have to VOTE for something, to be heavily involved in politics.
    Conversely, NOT speaking out against any issues of one "side" or another is ALSO , by omission, political activity.
    You can protest in the streets in demonstrations.
    You can engage in political activity by writing letters to your Senators, Congressmen, or even the President of the United States.
    You can engage in political activity by entreaty,  by mailing 64 million letters to the Russian Government ... which by the way, NOBODY read, and they were either taken to a landfill, or used as fuel in wood burning stoves last winter. 
    The only thing the Russian Government noted was the fact that 70% of the face value of the international postage was forwarded to them by the Universal Postal Union for terminal delivery, which never happened.
    But they did .. they DID get... approximately $56 MILLION DOLLARS of the BROTHERHOOD'S hard earned money as an unintended free gift.
    If you wanted to bribe someone, and make it seem invisible, that is one way to do it.
    The Brotherhood in effect, at the pleading of the Governing Body ... gave the Russian Government 56 MILLION DOLLARS.
      The DIRECT result of political activism.
    Plus, last winter "Fuel at the proper time".
    You can "vote" with a ballot.
    You can "vote" with your feet, by getting away, deliberately leaving the influence of political oppression.
    You can "vote" with your wallet, by supporting, or NOT supporting things you find offensive, and reject.
    And of course ... you can, as history has borne out, you can "vote" with a rifle.
    You can "vote" by NOT picking up a rifle.
    That is just the problem, Grey Reformer ... you are just plain ignorant,  uninformed, and consequently  unaware.
    To one extent or another, everyone that lives, or has ever lived shares  that, including you, me, and the Governing Body ... as giving 56 MILLION DOLLARS to your political adversary clearly demonstrates.
  10. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Let us Appreciate Brother Lett   
    As far as some of your questions go, I will assume they are rhetorical.
    About the other, I hold the same opinion Abraham Lincoln had when he was asked, during the American Civil War, whether God was on the side of the North ...or the South.
    His reply was (possibly paraphrased...) "I don't think God got us into this war, and I don't think God will get us out of it."
    The Allied Forces won because they had greater resources, an unlimited supply of soldiers, and because they developed the atomic bomb, first.
    There is no evidence whatsoever that Jehovah God has influenced a single event in modern times.
    If you know something more than I, that involves hard evidence ... please tell me.
  11. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Let us Appreciate Brother Lett   
    Hmmmm... I thought the Governing Body was supposed to be faithful and discrete slaves .....   ministering to ..... to the brotherhood.
    The IDEA of providing " food at the proper time" is not to spiritually feed God ... it is supposed to feed the Brotherhood ... QUALITY food at the proper time.
    WHOLESOME food at the proper time.
    We seem to have, with BLIND respect for the Governing Body,  evolved into an idolatrous situation, divorced from common sense reality.
  12. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Let us Appreciate Brother Lett   
    I agree with you to a certain extent ... but there is a line ... and it has to be drawn "somewhere" .... otherwise honest hearted people with the very best of intentions unknowingly will direct you to jump off a cliff (so to speak...) and ruin your life ... all with the very best of intentions.
    As a young man, at periods in my life, I was more empathic, and  was sorta like the Congregation "Ann Landers".
    I ruined several Brother's  lives with my ignorant advice ... with the very BEST of intentions, because I was not competent to give good advice, on the subject being discussed.
    Perhaps they SHOULD have asked me about the things of which I was expert, such as photography ... but they did not.
    Bro. Lett is in a position to help ... or ruin ....  MILLIONS of Brothers and Sisters lives ... so he has to be evaluated on what he actually says ... NOT his reasonably assumed pure heart and good intentions.
    I have no doubt that Bro. Lett is deeply loved by Jehovah God, and many, many people.
    Unfortunately, there is no way for me to wind back the clock, and make reparations for the unintentional evil I did ... and the same applies to almost anybody else, with very few exceptions ... and that includes Bro. Lett.
    Here is an example, from his own words.

    Gravity Electricity Wind .mp4 Being of the Anointed does NOT give license, or a "free Pass", to encourage deliberate cluelessness in others.
  13. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in IS IT PROPER FOR A WOMAN TO SPEAK, TEACH AND PROPHESY?   
    Please Space, if Deborah gave word to Barak, did she only been messenger? I would say that she became, maybe by not her own will, person who take responsibility of leadership as Commander of army too. So by that she was important person in chain of command. And she went on battle field! You said in your explanation that (and confirmed my statement) by saying;"... under the command of Barak and Prophetess Deborah.." 
    You confuse me dear friend :))))
    Another woman came on scene. Jael. We see that Deborah and Jael was much more heroic than Barak. SO WHO IS BETTER HEAD IN THIS CASE, FEMALE OR MALE? :))) With Church or without Church, we discuss about does woman have ability, permission, possibility, obligation, prohibition, advice, and similar -  to do same things as male doing. 
    After all, both, male and female doing very beautiful and very ugly things. And they are doing that with and/or without God and/or Church! 
    I found something interesting on web. Here it is:
    God’s reason for choosing Barak for the Israelite commander is not clear. Deborah lived in southern Ephriam. Surely, there was an Israelite man who could lead the Israelites who lived closer than Kedesh, Barak’s home in northern Naphtali. On the other hand, Kedesh was only about 5 miles from Hazor. Barak personal experience with Jabin’s domination motivated him to throw off the Canaanite oppression.
    Barak’s caution when Deborah’s called him to be war commander of Israel seems appropriate for three reasons. First, the proximity of Kedesh and Hazor allowed Barak to know the magnitude of Jabin’s army along with its chariots. To Barak, the Canaanite army was beyond formidable. Second, the Bible gave no indication that Barak had battle experience. Likely his father Abinoam was a clan leader in Naphtali (Judges 5:12-13). Probably Barak had experience with decision making for a small group of men, but definitely not for an army of 10,000 men. Third, Deborah held court near Bethel, approximately 80 miles from Barak’s home town. Barak may not have known Deborah well; thus he was not sure that she spoke for God rather than herself. Barak must have been reassured when Deborah agreed to go with the Israelite army. Deborah was putting her life on the line along with Barak and the Israelite men.
    Barak’s response showed that he focused on Sisera’s seasoned, well-equipped army rather than God’s power and plan, e.g., God plan to lure the Canaanites into the Kishon river valley. Because of Barak’s failure to fully trust God, this Israelite victory over the mighty Canaanite army is remembered more for Jael’s subterfuge than Barak’s leadership.
  14. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in IS IT PROPER FOR A WOMAN TO SPEAK, TEACH AND PROPHESY?   
    It's a great opinion.    
  15. Like
  16. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Are Jehovah's Witnesses allowed to vote?   
    Yeah ....
    My allegiance is only to God ... but I will fight with anyone who believes as I do about Freedom and Justice.
    It is quite obvious that for the time being, we are on our own .... and we have to do the best we know how.
    The only thing necessary for evil to prevail, is Good Men to do nothing.
    At least if I screw up, and make a mistake ... it will not cost the Brotherhood 56 MILLION dollars.
  17. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Jack Ryan in Are Jehovah's Witnesses allowed to vote?   
    Jehovah's Witnesses are known to be politically neutral and for refusing to vote. They have suffered imprisonment and even death (such as Malawi) for abstaining from involvement in political affairs. However, the requirement not to vote has varied over time. Although few Witnesses vote, since 1999 it is technically a conscience matter. The latest elders manual - Shepherd the Flock of God - does not mention voting at all.
    Conscience Matter
    Watchtower 1999 11/1 pp.28-29

    Questions From Readers - How do Jehovah’s Witnesses view voting?

    There are clear principles set out in the Bible that enable servants of God to take a proper view of this matter. However, there appears to be no principle against the practice of voting itself. For example, there is no reason why a board of directors should not take a vote in order to arrive at decisions affecting their corporation. Congregations of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses often make decisions about meeting times and the use of congregation funds by voting with a show of hands.

    What, though, of voting in political elections? Of course, in some democratic lands, as many as 50 percent of the population do not turn out to vote on election day. As for JehovahÂ’s Witnesses, they do not interfere with the right of others to vote; neither do they in any way campaign against political elections. They respect and cooperate with the authorities who are duly elected in such elections. (Romans 13:1-7) As to whether they will personally vote for someone running in an election, each one of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses makes a decision based on his Bible-trained conscience and an understanding of his responsibility to God and to the State. (Matthew 22:21; 1 Peter 3:16) In making this personal decision, the Witnesses consider a number of factors.

    First, Jesus Christ said of his followers: "They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world." (John 17:14) Jehovah’s Witnesses take this principle seriously. Being "no part of the world," they are neutral in the political affairs of the world.—John 18:36.

    Second, the apostle Paul referred to himself as an "ambassador" representing Christ to the people of his day. (Ephesians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20) JehovahÂ’s Witnesses believe that Christ Jesus is now the enthroned King of GodÂ’s heavenly Kingdom, and they, like ambassadors, must announce this to the nations. (Matthew 24:14; Revelation 11:15) Ambassadors are expected to be neutral and not to interfere in the internal affairs of the countries to which they are sent. As representatives of GodÂ’s heavenly Kingdom, JehovahÂ’s Witnesses feel a similar obligation not to interfere in the politics of the countries where they reside.

    A third factor to consider is that those who have a part in voting a person into office may become responsible for what he does. (Compare 1 Timothy 5:22, The New English Bible.) Christians have to consider carefully whether they want to shoulder that responsibility.

    Fourth, Jehovah’s Witnesses greatly value their Christian unity. (Colossians 3:14) When religions get involved in politics, the result is often division among their members. In imitation of Jesus Christ, Jehovah’s Witnesses avoid becoming involved in politics and thus maintain their Christian unity.—Matthew 12:25; John 6:15; 18:36, 37.

    Fifth and finally, their keeping out of politics gives Jehovah’s Witnesses freeness of speech to approach people of all political persuasions with the important message of the Kingdom.—Hebrews 10:35.

    In view of the Scriptural principles outlined above, in many lands JehovahÂ’s Witnesses make a personal decision not to vote in political elections, and their freedom to make that decision is supported by the law of the land. What, though, if the law requires citizens to vote? In such a case, each Witness is responsible to make a conscientious, Bible-based decision about how to handle the situation. If someone decides to go to the polling booth, that is his decision. What he does in the polling booth is between him and his Creator.

    The November 15, 1950, issue of The Watchtower, on pages 445 and 446, said: "Where Caesar makes it compulsory for citizens to vote . . . [Witnesses] can go to the polls and enter the voting booths. It is here that they are called upon to mark the ballot or write in what they stand for. The voters do what they will with their ballots. So here in the presence of God is where his witnesses must act in harmony with his commandments and in accordance with their faith. It is not our responsibility to instruct them what to do with the ballot."

    What if a Christian woman’s unbelieving husband insists that she present herself to vote? Well, she is subject to her husband, just as Christians are subject to the superior authorities. (Ephesians 5:22; 1 Peter 2:13-17) If she obeys her husband and goes to the polling booth, that is her personal decision. No one should criticize her.—Compare Romans 14:4.

    What of a country where voting is not mandated by law but feelings run high against those who do not go to the voting booth—perhaps they are exposed to physical danger? Or what if individuals, while not legally obliged to vote, are severely penalized in some way if they do not go to the polling booth? In these and similar situations, a Christian has to make his own decision. "Each one will carry his own load."—Galatians 6:5.

    There may be people who are stumbled when they observe that during an election in their country, some Witnesses of Jehovah go to the polling booth and others do not. They may say, ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses are not consistent.’ People should recognize, though, that in matters of individual conscience such as this, each Christian has to make his own decision before Jehovah God.—Romans 14:12.

    Whatever personal decisions Jehovah’s Witnesses make in the face of different situations, they take care to preserve their Christian neutrality and freeness of speech. In all things, they rely on Jehovah God to strengthen them, give them wisdom, and help them avoid compromising their faith in any way. Thus they show confidence in the words of the psalmist: "You are my crag and my stronghold; and for the sake of your name you will lead me and conduct me."—Psalm 31:3.
    Not Allowed
    "Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock" (1991) pp.139,140
    Jehovah's Witnesses maintain neutrality with regard to the political and military affairs of the nations. (John 17:16; rs pp. 269-76)

    They do not interfere with what others do as to voting in political elections, running for or campaigning for political offices, joining non-neutral organizations, shouting political slogans, and so forth. (w86 9/1 pp. 19- 20; w68 6/1 pp. 351-2) [See also w99 11/1 pp28-9 Q from R]

    Since true dedicated Christians are "no part of the world," if a member of the congregation unrepentantly pursues a course in violation of his Christian neutrality, he thereby disassociates himself from the neutral Christian congregation. (John 15:19; 17:14-16; w82 1/15 p. 31)

    Elders should talk to one known to be contemplating taking such a course, since he may be doing so in ignorance. (Ps. 119:67; Gal. 6:1; 1 Tim. 1:13)

    If he disregards the help proffered and pursues a course in violation of Christian neutrality, a committee should send the facts substantiating the disassociation to the branch office on the S-77 and S-79 forms. [See also ks91 p143]
    What Does the Bible Really Teach? Chapter 15 paragraph 12
    as shown at http://www.watchtower.org/e/bh/article_15.htm April 3rd 2010

    True worshipers are no part of the world. When on trial before the Roman ruler Pilate, Jesus said: “My kingdom is no part of this world.” (John 18:36) No matter what country they live in, Jesus’ true followers are subjects of his heavenly Kingdom and thus maintain strict neutrality in the world’s political affairs. They take no part in its conflicts. However, Jehovah’s worshipers do not interfere with what others choose to do about joining a political party, running for office, or voting.
    jv p.673
    In some lands, voting in political elections is viewed as an obligation. Failure to vote is punished by fine, imprisonment, or worse. But JehovahÂ’s Witnesses support the Messianic Kingdom of God, which, as Jesus said, "is no part of this world." Therefore, they do not participate in the political affairs of the nations of this world.
    uw p.166
    However, JehovahÂ’s Witnesses do not meddle in politics, no matter what the country in which they live. They do not interfere with what others do as to joining a political party, running for office or voting in elections. But, since Jesus said that his disciples would be "no part of the world," JehovahÂ’s Witnesses take no part whatsoever in political activities.
    sj p.16
    In many schools, students are voted into an office or a position, such as class president. Some schools have small-scale political campaigns, including campaign buttons and posters advertising candidates. The purpose is to familiarize young people with the machinery of politics. However, Witness youths do not mix in school politics, either by accepting an elective office or by voting others into office. So if either nominated for or elected to an office, they tactfully decline. In this way they follow the example of Jesus who withdrew when the people wanted to make him king
    Watchtower 1964 5/15 p.308
    To mature Christians, the question of what attitude should be taken in the matter of political elections presents no issue. In totalitarian countries oftentimes people are forced by law to go to the election polls and sometimes persons are even picked up at home and brought to the polls. Even in certain democracies the law makes it compulsory for the citizens to go to the election places. In no country do Jehovah’s witnesses take part in politics. They are not of this world. (John 17:14) Therefore they do not take part in voting at elections. They do not compromise their neutral standing in matters of politics, however, if they go to the polls and make the ballot void in some manner, either by crossing it out or by putting down, for example, the words "For God’s Kingdom." That is telling what he is for. By doing this their ballot will become void; it will not count in the election of a man. They have complied with the law and gone to the polls and likely avoided punishment. Remember Jesus’ counsel: "Look! I am sending you forth as sheep amidst wolves; therefore prove yourselves cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves." (Matt. 10:16) No one should be condemned for acting so. "But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you also look down on your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God."—Rom. 14:10.
    Watchtower 1959 7/1 p.398
    Jesus Christ was not subversive though he was so accused by his religious opposers. (Luke 23:2) He refused to become politically active in this worldÂ’s affairs because, as he said: "No one can be a slave to two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick to the one and despise the other." (Matt. 6:24) It is because of such admonition by Jesus that JehovahÂ’s witnesses have refused to mix these interests in government. But this does not make them subversive. The refusal of JehovahÂ’s witnesses in the past to fulfill such patriotic duties as voting, saluting a flag or participation in the armed forces, is an insurance to every country that JehovahÂ’s witnesses will not endanger the security of that nation, because they have been refraining from the same activities in all other countries at the same time.
    Watchtower 1952 6/1 p.346
    If he made improper appointments he would become responsible for the sins of such appointees, since he put them in position to commit their sins that hurt the congregation in GodÂ’s sight. So the people who either vote wicked rulers into office or allow them to remain in power must accept responsibility for such rulersÂ’ official acts and sins against God and man.
    Watchtower 1952 9/1 p.526
    "Voting is compulsory, and because the brothers have refused to vote they have been frequently beaten and imprisoned.
    Conscience Matter
    Watchtower 1950 11/15 pp.445-446 Subjection to the Higher Powers
    21 In view of not recognizing worldly political powers as the “superior authorities” ordained by God, but recognizing only God and Jesus Christ to be such now, the Christian witnesses conscientiously refrain from taking part in the politics of this world, yes, even from voting. This has been true of them from the first century on. Testifying to this fact, Ancient Times—A History of the Early World, by Jas. H. Breasted, Ph.D., LL.D., says, under the heading, “1070. Rome persecutes the early Christians,” the following: “The officers of government often found these early converts not only refusing to sacrifice to the emperor as a god but also openly prophesying the downfall of the Roman State. The early Christians were therefore more than once called upon to endure cruel persecution. Their religion seemed incompatible with good citizenship, since it forbade them to show the usual respect for the emperor and the government.”—Page 663, edition of 1916.

    22 In some countries today the legislature wants to make all the adult citizens responsible for the government. To enforce the democratic way upon them they are required by law to vote in the national elections. Under such circumstances what are Christians to do, since they are under divine command to keep themselves unspotted from this world? By dedicating themselves wholly to God through Christ they have vowed their unswerving allegiance to the kingdom of God, and they cannot divide their allegiance. So how are they now to proceed? Can they register as qualified voters? Yes. The apostle Paul held onto his Roman citizenship and fought for its rights, even appealing to Caesar in defending his right to preach the gospel. In lands where military conscription is in force JehovahÂ’s witnesses register the same as all others within the age limits, and they write down their relationship to the matter. They remember how Joseph and Mary complied with CaesarÂ’s decree and traveled to Bethlehem-Judah in order to be registered at their home town. (Luke 2:1-5, NW) But it is when these ministers of JehovahÂ’s Word are called up for induction into the army that then they present themselves and take their stand according to GodÂ’s Word and pay to him what belongs to him. Likewise where Caesar makes it compulsory for citizens to vote. After they have registered and when election day comes, they can go to the polls and enter the voting booths. It is here that they are called upon to mark the ballot or write in what they stand for. The voters do what they will with their ballots. So here in the presence of God is where his witnesses must act in harmony with his commandments and in accordance with their faith.

    23 It is not our responsibility to instruct them what to do with the ballot. They must act in accord with their conscience as enlightened by the study of GodÂ’s Word. In lands where voting is not compulsory, the ministers of JehovahÂ’s Word remember that his people are theocratically organized. According to the divine law under which they are organized the popular vote of the majority does not put servants in office, but all appointments in the theocratic organization are from God and through those whom he puts in authority in his organization.
  18. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Refusing to Buy a Party Card Meant Death ~ Could You Stand Up To The Truth?   
    Please Bible Speaks do find also Mexico "cartilla" and then make compare about neutrality, refusing, bribe, persecution, worship.... 
  19. Sad
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    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in IS IT PROPER FOR A WOMAN TO SPEAK, TEACH AND PROPHESY?   
    Could not a Prophetess also be a housemaid? 
    I assume they have to work for a living.
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    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in IS IT PROPER FOR A WOMAN TO SPEAK, TEACH AND PROPHESY?   
    Life, for a human, without examination .... and self-examination, is a life not lived.
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    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in IS IT PROPER FOR A WOMAN TO SPEAK, TEACH AND PROPHESY?   
    Very long ago, there was one JW sister. She died. She had a husband and a son. Her husband also died. Her son is alive, he is now cca 70 years old and he is a longtime elder. That sister, his mother, Zorica, was anointed. What I remember, about her very well today, is that how she always spoke with a voice that was the voice of authority. It was the teacher's voice, who giving lessons. After she made a comment in the kingdom hall, no one, but no one nor the elders added their comment or correction to her comment.
    Perhaps she was a person of such a character, and did not adopt the "spirit of gentleness and silence" while sitting in the KH :)))) expected for JW sisters, mothers, and women. But she spoke with the authority of the one who is equal or even above the elders position.
    I was always wondered how her son, elder, felt because they lived in a house that was her and her husband and been in the same congregation.
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    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in IS IT PROPER FOR A WOMAN TO SPEAK, TEACH AND PROPHESY?   
    I wasn’t going to do this… 
    I remember reading it like this.  And "man" wasn't capitalized.  (I'm really getting a good picture of how you perceive women)
    “But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.” 1 Cor 11:3
    Do you know that the Greek meaning for “man” ( anēr)   can be  “used generically of a group of both men and women”?
    What if it was meaning this:
    “But I want you to know that the head of every group of both men and women is Christ…”
    Would scripture support this?  Gal 3:28; 2 Cor 11:2; 1 Cor 12:23,26  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Gal+3%3A28%3B+2+Cor+11%3A2%3B+1+Cor+12%3A23%2C26&version=NIV
    Does any male religious leader have higher authority over a woman than the man she is married to?  Line ten “christian” men up in front of a woman; one of them being her husband.  Who should she listen to?  Which male “head” should she choose?  Obviously, she would most likely listen to her fleshly husband.
    BUT, if that wife decides she must leave the so-called “christian” religion she is in, realizing it preaches  “another Jesus”, should the husband stop her from doing so, since he does not share that opinion?  Since she realizes the difference between a truth and a lie, and is unable to spiritually “live” the lie any longer, should she do what her heart tells her and turn to Christ for guidance?  Of course!  She doesn’t need permission from her fleshly husband to heed Christ’s words of Matt 11:28.
    Since she has chosen to listen to Christ, he is her only spiritual Head.  Her fleshly husband has no authority over her spiritual well-being. No religious leader has authority over her decision to serve Christ the way she feels is proper.  That is between Christ and herself, although she can certainly share what she learns, since marriage mates are “partners” and would work out their religious differences, giving respect to each other’s spiritual needs, as well as fleshly needs.
    So, the Head of the anointed “church”, is ONLY Christ.  True spiritual “leaders” who are members of the Body, would be chosen by Christ, not men.  If it happens to be a woman, who’s going to argue it?  Her husband?  ?  The  true spiritual guidance given by a man to a woman is much different than practicing unrelenting authority over her, such as Watchtower’s “shepherds”, who have been the given ability to judge anyone as unfit for God’s Kingdom, if that person rejects this falsely given authority.
    The fleshly wife is to be a “helper” to her husband, just as the Bride of Christ will be Christ’s helper, recognizing he is still their Master.  2 Tim 2:20,21
    God’s word tells us,
    “Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?”  Rom 6:16
    We cannot serve two Masters.  Our fleshly marriage must be in balance with our commitment to Christ.  We spiritually serve only God and Christ.  If we, male or female, put obeying men above Jesus, we will succumb to devoting our time, energy and resources to men (and what they desire to build), instead of Christ.  Matt 6:24
    Col 1:18 - And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.
     Anointed women are part of the body of Christ, the church.  They are not sitting on the bench or in some other zone you have created mentally,  but are equal in all respects, to men.
    Acts 1:12-14 - Then the apostles returned to Jerusalem from the hill called the Mount of Olives, a Sabbath day’s walk[c] from the city. 13 When they arrived, they went upstairs to the room where they were staying. Those present were Peter, John, James and Andrew; Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew; James son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot, and Judas son of James. 14 They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.
    Acts 2:1-4   When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.
    Do you think there was chance they were prophesying?  I do.   Please, don’t limit the ability of God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the gift of Holy Spirit.
    Now, I am done.
  24. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Grey Reformer in Is the Governing body still "spirit directed"?   
    Hi. I decide few  moments before not to discuss more. Thanks for intervention
  25. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in IS IT PROPER FOR A WOMAN TO SPEAK, TEACH AND PROPHESY?   
    American humor is a conspiracy by laboratory mice, to take over the world!

    [ Madagascar] My monochromatic Friend.mp4
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