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Srecko Sostar

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  1. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Gnosis Pithos in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    :)))) by "rationale" of JWorg web side "Gentiles" is equal to other word- "enemy". Article  "Keep On Doing Good" w08 5/15 p. 7-8 - some quotes;
    DOING good to others can be a challenge. Those to whom we show love may not reciprocate... Jesus Christ told his disciples: “Continue to love your enemies and to do good.” (Luke 6:35) Let us now take a close look at this admonition. We will also benefit from other points Jesus made about doing good to others.....The Mosaic Law required that the Israelites stay separate from other nations, but the viewpoint had developed that all non-Jews were enemies, to be hated as individuals.....
    and now  
     ...Stressing how important it was for his disciples to ‘continue loving their enemies,’ Jesus said: “If you love those loving you, what reward do you have? Are not also the tax collectors doing the same thing? And if you greet your brothers only, what extraordinary thing are you doing? Are not also the people of the nations doing the same thing?” (Matt. 5:46, 47) If we were to limit our love to those who reciprocate, this would not merit any “reward,” or favor, from God. Even tax collectors, who were generally despised, showed love for people who loved them.—Luke 5:30; 7:34.
    It is noteworthy that Jesus set out this rule of conduct: “All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them.” (Matt. 7:12) Only if we treat fellow humans in this way can we prove that we are true followers of Jesus Christ.
    Jesus Rationale -----WT GB Rationale-----My Rationale-----Your Rationale -----------:))))))))))
  2. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Gnosis Pithos in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    you are absolutely right, it is controversial for those who are not able to see  
  3. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Gnosis Pithos in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    This idea is Bible based. David count people and God killed thousands of Israelites but David stayed on king throne  :)) 
  4. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Gnosis Pithos in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    Andrey was chief police. And he chased bad guys. Bad guys aka mafia made revenge for that he was acting according to law. They killed all his family because they was Andrey family members. Members of this family payed price for only one reason, they are blood related, have same surname.  ---- This is crime, terror act.
    JW members around the world  have same "surname" and are "blood related" to WT GB- their Mother. WT GB acting according to God's law (and WT GB is good guys:))) but in a manner they think is lawful and justifiable. Then Worldly Court "mafia" in California attack WT, break their home and stealing  $4000 per day. One other Worldly Court "mafia" in Russia went one step further. Members of WT family are in distress. They are in fear for they life. Any moment Court "mafia" will fine them also with money punishment or by putting them in jail or by killing them.  
    Is this what you try to tell me? 
    Yes, it can be in this way too. But my point on "private and collective responsibility" is in relation: human and God , and Rev 18:4 as you point out. Would punishment of any sort come from God directly or through human and human organization or by nature catastrophe or by .... it is difficult to say, for me difficult   
  5. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Gnosis Pithos in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    :))))) inspiration must to come somehow. At least once a week... for GB, while sitting together in conference room and debate about present, perfect and future  
  6. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Gnosis Pithos in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    Please Fisher, help me with this, i am not sure what you wish to tell me. I went on google about this Andrey, terrible crime.  Are whole family are responsible for Andreys job as policeman? Or they just pay price for his family member acting, deeds?  
  7. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Gnosis Pithos in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    Dear Allen! 
    You are not born yesterday. And you are very well aware of one fact - Justice and Law are not always in harmony. Romans government in 1 century was secular authority and ....  
     "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." - good or bad.
    Answer is in this verse/verses in Romans 13. Please, do not drag me into your mental muddy water.  
  8. Sad
    Thats a sad thing suicide but she is an apostate from Bethel why would she do such a thing? Did she tried to see if theres a life after death?
  9. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in God's House   
    In the JW October Broadcast, an assembly hall in the United States is referenced as “Jehovah’s House”. They make the comparison of the early temple maintenance, to the care of the “773 assembly halls worldwide”. It goes into detail how this is accomplished, and John 2:17 is used to support it, which says “Zeal for your house will consume me.” These words were consistently used during the segment, convincing JWs of the obligation to maintain “Jehovah’s house”. Such blasphemy and irony. Jesus was incensed that the early temple had become a “house of merchandise”, which is no different than any convention or assembly by the Watchtower, by setting the goal for donations ahead of time. What a strange twist of a lie.

    But, the grave sin resulting from this Watchtower lie is that we see again, God’s Temple/dwelling/house has been abused through a corrupt source of spiritual commodity. The anointed priesthood has been forced to “buy and sell” "spiritual food" only what a wicked slave has determined. Yet, also God’s Word has been deliberately bypassed by the false prophet/beast of the earth, which gives proof there is NO OTHER TEMPLE OR “HOUSE” than the anointed Body of Christ. 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22; Rev 13:11,15-17 The Watchtower has convinced the anointed and their brethren to worship a composite idol – the organization and all of its material holdings. 
    “And his disciples remembered that it is written: Zeal for your house will consume me.
    18 So the Jews replied to him, “What sign will you show us for doing these things?”
    19 Jesus answered, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it up in three days.”
    20 Therefore the Jews said, “This temple took forty-six years to build, and will you raise it up in three days?”
    21 But he was speaking about the temple of his body. 22 So when he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they believed the Scripture and the statement Jesus had made. John 2:17-22

    I am so amazed how the Watchtower can cherry-pick one scripture, and twist it so tightly into a shiny new lie. Can Jesus’ words to the woman at the well be dismissed, when he said God is seeking for such ones to worship only in “spirit and truth”?  1 Pet 1:25; Isa 40:3-8
    Keeping in mind that the broadcast is comparing meeting buildings to the early temple where God’s spirit once dwelled (God’s house) and where worship to God was given, notice what the Watchtower says,
    wp 16  No. 2 pp. 8-10 - “The Jewish temple was a tangible structure at a specific geographic location. But spirit and truth are not material, nor are they limited to any physical place. Thus, Jesus was explaining that true Christian worship would not be centered in or dependent on any material structure or physical location, whether Mount Gerizim, the temple in Jerusalem, or any other sacred place.
    How, then, should Christians view pilgrimages to and worship at shrines? Taking into account Jesus’ command that true worshippers worship God with spirit and truth, it is clear that worship rendered at any shrine or sacred place has no special value to our heavenly Father. Additionally, the Bible tells us how God views the veneration of idols in worship. It says: “Flee from idolatry” and “guard yourselves from idols.” (1 Corinthians 10:14; 1 John 5:21) Therefore, a true Christian would not worship at any place that is viewed as holy in itself or one that encourages idolatry. Thus, on account of the very nature of shrines, true Christians refrain from worshipping at them.”
    SHRINE – “any structure or place consecrated or devoted to some saint, holy person, or deity, as an altar, chapel, church, or temple.”
    Watchtower’s definition of “God’s House”/Temple are meeting places - shrines.  God’s definition is the Body of Christ.
    Pearl Doxsey 4womaninthewilderness:
    “It was asserted to me, that it is important for Christians to gather in some sort of church structure. I offer some scriptural considerations, about that thought.... Regarding buildings, Jesus' own apostles commented on the buildings that were at the center of the true God's worship. Just after Jesus proclaimed his breaking ties with the organization of his day (Matt.23:38-39), his apostles appealed to him to reconsider, by saying..., "Look Lord. what wonderful stones and buildings, and offerings dedicated to God! He said, 6 “Do you see these things? The days will come when there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.” (Matt.24:1-2; Mark13:1; Luke21:5-6). What building could exist, more fitting for worship, than the Temple in Jerusalem, while God's covenant with the Jews was still in force? Of it, Jesus also said; "Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days." (John2:19). https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/…
    Would God's new place of dwelling with the people, be physical? Acts7:48 reads; ""However, the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands". The new Temple dwelling of God, that would be raised up in the Body of Christ, would not be physical. The new Temple for worship, and "place of prayer for all nations", would be his "Body". Please consider how the next two scriptures, impact that concept... "Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it." (1Cor.12:27) -- "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?" (1Cor.3:16).
    Connected to God's presence and dwelling among mankind, Rev.21:3 reads; "And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.". If we consider ourselves "God's people", and ascribe import to the existence of His genuine dwelling... would we not want to give it more significance than a literal building of mortar and wood? Of such things, Jesus said they were all due to pass away. But the Temple OF HEAVEN (Acts7:44; Heb.8:5; 12:22-24), provides treasure for us that will never pass away, if we store up in our heart, what is genuine.
    Just previous to Rev.21:3 (which speaks of the presence of God's genuine Temple with men), verse 2 reads; "And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man." "NEW JERUSALEM" contains the New Temple, referred to by Christ. Just as a husband and wife become one flesh... "so that they are no longer two, but one"... New Jerusalem (the "bride prepared for her husband"), has become "one spirit with Christ" (1Cor.6:17) and one Spiritual body with him (1Cor.12:27), as God's Temple, with mankind.  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/…
    If we believe that a physical building has any significance or impact, regarding our salvation and connection to God and Christ... are we really perceiving the significance of what these foregoing scriptures, reveal? It can be summed up by a conversation Jesus had, in John, chapter 4:
    "The woman said to him, “Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you say that in Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father.
    But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John4:19-21,23-24).
    So... no mention of a location, a particular religion, or any sort of physical building. 
    "Spirit and Truth". From where can spirit and truth be found? God's spirit and truth, are put inside the "living stones" of His Temple (1Pet.2:5,9-10; Eph.2:20-22) 
    - "built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. 22 In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit." (Eph 2:20-22)
    "He set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come." (2Cor.1:22)
    "But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth." (1John2:20)
    "the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." (John14:17).
    Rev.5:9-10 speaks of those who are God's Temple priesthood, bought by the blood of Christ. As Heb.8:5 stated, the original physical tabernacle which Moses erected under God's direction, was built and patterned according to the heavenly one to come. It was to be a perfect reflection of the spiritual reality, expressed in physical terms. Of the original priesthood, Mal.2:7 reads; "For the lips of a priest should guard knowledge, and people should seek instruction from his mouth, for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts." As brought out by Rev.5:9-10... Christ has a priesthood over which he is high priest.   https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/…
    Should we not seek out that Genuine Temple of God, rather than give value to a building made by human hands, where "moth and rust, consume"?
    "Now the point in what we are saying is this: we have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, a minister in the holy places, in the true tent that the Lord set up, not man." (Heb.8:1-2)
  10. Sad
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    you are absolutely right, it is controversial for those who are not able to see  
  11. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Noble Berean in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    Well, at this point I definitely think JWs can throw out that old line "Look at those wicked Catholic Churches with their child abusing priests!"
  12. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Noble Berean in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    Kind of confused how this is a "controversial topic." It's literally real, ongoing news.
  13. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    TTH: ( am repeating this because the software would not save edits for clarity...)
    Reading comprehension is not one of your skills ... the chart you posted did NOT give unique new visitors to the JW.ORG website ... but in one  analysis only compared the JW.ORG website to the average of all other websites examined.
    And all the Brothers that wrote in to Russia accomplished NOTHING ... except add $56 MILLION DOLLARS to the Russian Federation Postal System Treasury, via the Universal Postal Union giving them as terminal duty 70% of the face value of all the international postage, for letters NO ONE READ, and did not accomplish the purpose intended, of swaying the Russian Government to rule in our favor.
      Winter is coming on, and I am sure they appreciate having 11 railroad boxcars full of wood products that were mailed to them for their wood burning stoves... certainly  *coff* ... "spiritual" fuel at the proper time.
    It was a truly amazing service rendered to the Russian Federation, not counting the belly laughs they got when all that mail started showing up, that NO ONE could possibly read even if they wanted to ... and they did not want to .... and did not.
    Your continued personality projections are becoming insane ... with your advice to me to not worship the Governing Body.
    And the 175,000 Brothers in the Russian Federation are NOT heroes.
    A hero is a person who CHOOSES to go into harm's way, risking death to rescue someone who is innocent. 
    The Brothers in Russia are VICTIMS of the Russian Federation's overreaches.
    A hero has a choice ... a victim does not.   They are ONLY victims.
    Matthew9969 makes  a very good point about proclaiming TRUTH as opposed to manipulating "spin" with lies of omission.
    I envy you in a way, TTH, you live in a world of spin and fantasy constructs, and are very probably a happier man than I am ... but then I come to my senses, and realize that self induced delirium is not really happiness, any more than opoid drug addiction is real happiness.
    What do you suppose the graph WOULD look like if the complete A.R.C findings were put on jw.org?
  14. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Gnosis Pithos in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    Why not? Matt chapter 5 
    "And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even Gentiles do the same?"
    If JW congregants would organizing some bible public talk or convention in such space - it would be KH :))))) as sports stadium or other worldly object that JW using for similar activity, ahahhahaa  
  15. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Matthew9969 in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    What do you suppose the graph would look like if the A.R.C findings were put on jw.org?
  16. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Evacuated in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    Well the statement at De.19:15 is pretty explicit.
    If we read De. 22:25-27, it says the sexual crime is the same as a murder (presumably also unwitnessed by an independent party). Now I know a corpse is a silent witness of a sort, but the testimony is a little obscure, and without clarity, it would be difficult to convict, so there were a number of arrangements in place to deal with that situation.
    However,  leaving that to one side, in the case of a sexual crime, the victim is one witness who might be able to testify; the circumstance seems to provide some circumstantial evdence. Is there any suggestion of how Jehovah could serve as a witness (which he surely could)? In Jesus case he did actually testify verbally from the heavens. In the case of David and Bathsheeba, he served as a witness sending Nathan. Just wondering, as Deuteronomy is rather sparse? There is some danger of a false accusation which presumably is a reason for the 2-witness rule in the first place. Any records or ideas shedding light here?
    But please forgive me. This is veering off topic again. i will withdraw until the subject is discussed separately.
    I have posted it here in case some constructive information can be contributed:
  17. Sad
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    I agree with most all that you are saying, except many children are abused by a parent; a parent they thought they could trust.  Also, I was abused as a girl by someone in the extended family. Because my parents thought so highly of the individual, I never had the heart to tell them of my abuse that lasted years, even though I had an especially close bond with my father.  They died not knowing the sordid truth about my abuser.
  18. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Shiwiii in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    you are witty  
    WT representatives were told many times that they would not change what is "proved by Bible" or what is "supported by Bible". And we all know how that was ended many times.
     One of this statement told by Gary Breaux  is;  GB WILL NEVER CHANGE TWO WITNESS RULE.
    Would you, dear Anna, apply these Proverb also for Gary and his colleagues?  
  19. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Shiwiii in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    Jehovah's  Witnesses have priests?? Since when? :)))))))))) JW org say to public little contrary - JW have no priests or clergy.
    Why you using Catholic priesthood privileges according to Catholic Church canon law, doctrines and want to apply false Babylon the Great measures and instructions and doctrines to "only true JW religion"?       :))) funny and sad at same time!
  20. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Evacuated in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    No. Just that the idea of punishing "many" for the "crime" of just a "few" is not limited to legal dictionaries. It is a common phenomenon in all walks of life. The application is left to your fertile imagination.
  21. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Evacuated in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    Yeah thanks for the reference. I think I understood it correctly. I covered it with Rev.18:4.
    Bit like the suspected reasons for the targeting of Andrey Gosht's family?
  22. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    Yes, when Jesus was a victim of false accusations against him.
    So the Pharisees said to him, “You are testifying about yourself. Your testimony is not valid.”
     “Even if I testify about myself,” Jesus replied, “My testimony is true, because I know where I came from and where I’m going. But you don’t know where I come from or where I’m going.  You judge by human standards. I judge no one. And if I do judge, my judgment is true, because it is not I alone who judge, but I and the Father who sent me. Even in your law it is written that the testimony of two witnesses is true.  I am the one who testifies about myself, and the Father who sent me testifies about me.”  John 8:13-18
    The authentic priesthood becomes one with Christ as members of his Body.  1 Cor 12:7-11,12; Rom 15:6; 1 Cor 2:16   The Holy Spirit resides in their heart (if faithful) and through their anointing, God’s laws are written on the heart. 2 Cor 3:3; Heb 8:10; God’s judgments can be made through the power of Holy Spirit,  who reads each heart, including the victim’s.  In the case of the adulterous woman whom the Pharisees wanted to stone, she was “caught in the act”, but Jesus’ wisdom still allowed the woman her freedom. John 8:2-11  Solomon also used wisdom God had given him through Holy Spirit, when dealing with the woman who stole the other woman’s baby.  There were not two witnesses in that case, but the baby was restored to its real mother.  1 Chron 1:11,12
    Today, the elder body, the false priesthood, cannot reside over such cases with any success, since the Holy Spirit from God does not dwell within their hearts. (Eph 2:22)  It never will, since they are not anointed, (1 John 2:27) and have replaced the authentic priesthood, which is an abomination. Dan 11:31; Matt 24:15; Ezek 44:7; Luke 21:24; Rev 11:1,2
    Within the anointed Body,
     “A manifestation of the Spirit is given to each person for the common good:  to one is given a message of wisdom through the Spirit, to another, a message of knowledge by the same Spirit” 1 Cor 12:7,8
    Eph 4:1-6
  23. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Anna in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    I am very sorry to hear that .  I did not dismiss the possibility of a parent being the abuser. It is the saddest of all the abuse cases and unfortunately the most common. It is a betrayal of trust of the worst kind. Only the God of justice will put things right.  
  24. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Gnosis Pithos in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    Who is your devil today, this evening (in my place is 10.14 pm) 
  25. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Gnosis Pithos in Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority   
    ... and God have done some precedent action too, so why would not San Diego judge set his precedent too? He have God's permission for such action. God put him to that position according to JHVH words in Bible. 
    If some worldly Judge make favor decision for WT, you would praise God for that, don't you?
    So praise God also, when Judge made decision that is not for WT benefit. 
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