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Srecko Sostar

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  1. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    Sometimes in life ... you get the Bear ... sometimes the Bear gets you.
    In a car group with the smartest brother in my Kingdom Hall, we were discussing all the MASSIVE Internet presence of the Society, nowadays, between return visits, and I mentioned (paraphrased) "Yeah, I remember when anyone who had an Internet connection was called in and chastised ..... " .
    He thought for a moment and said " ...... yeah ......".
    It is a difficult spot to be in, when the people that occasionally have GOOD ADVICE ... have squandered their credibility on drivel, like TPT has.
  2. Haha
  3. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    These are my favorites ... if you disregard the "Tight Pants Tony" comedy.

  4. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Queen Esther in A Pagan or a Christian.... But NEVER a Pagan Christian !   
    Same to you from Zagreb!  
  5. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    I can see Tom your hard working in thinking. You have battle inside you, and that is good. I also see that you still looking at all this through black/white lenses and that is not good.
    You mentioned "Witness" and "separated college students" = brainwashed. After reading your text, my conclusion would be that all are brainwashed no matter are they 24/7 or 2/2. You are sure how students are deceived because mount of hours in class, but i will say that WT education program is much effective because they have same result (brainwashed) with only 4 hours a week :))))))))))))))     
    "Human agency" aka WT has hidden things, some of them we talk about. "Shepherd  the Flock"  or "Preparing for child custody cases" books are one of them. 
    "How could anybody be so stupid? No", you said. People must not to be stupid, but deceiver must be much more clever while making people stupid. :))))))) Deceiver must gain trust from the victim, and one of method is to tell some truth and some half truth, after that false truth will take place.  
    you quote: "the 'world will chew you up and spit you out". With power of clever-stupid explanations GB chew up and spit out many Bethelites and pioneers after many years of "faithful service", because economic issue aka - money the god-. Issue of money and power, control over people are always main reason, not "adjustments" to the Truth. In WT terminology, "Adjustments" are made for the goal of hold and gain control over masses of followers.     
  6. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    Glad to hear your experience, but i will quote your big brother A. Morris III who all this what you told us say in one nonsense statement: "Stick with what we have authorised and you will be saved."
    Must i remind you or readers of WT how GB also said:
    "We need to obey FDS..."
    "WE need to obey any instruction...."
    "We are not inspired, we can err in instructional and doctrinal matters ...."   
    But anyway ----- "Stick with what we have authorised and you will be saved."
    That make me sadly laughing :))))) 
  7. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to INTREPID TRAVELLER in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    I also endured Detention in Military prison for 14 months Srecko - I don't regret the experience because I also learned a lot about myself and about others while in prison. 
    But we found out later that brothers are allowed to take alternative service now ......"New Light" . 
    This is an organization that enjoys having people being persecuted because it "markets" their goals ~ 
  8. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in What does not passing the collection plate really mean anyway?   
    Looking back, I'd have to say that @Srecko Sostar is exactly right on this point. Although I agree that it's "unusual" for even a JW to know about this particular point, he was responding to your point about Mexico, TTH, when you said that the rules are different in each country
    The rules were exactly the same in Mexico for a religious organization, and the Society could have done in Mexico exactly what other religions were doing there, and exactly what the Society had chosen to do in other Central American countries. The only difference was that a religious organization could not own property but had to lease it. The brothers and sisters could have prayed, and sung Kingdom Songs, and conducted Bible studies, and used the Bible in field service just as we do almost everywhere else. When we lived in California and visited our relatives in San Diego and Oceanside, they would regularly visit brothers in Mexico on a day trip. Our whole family had visited the brothers there on several occasions when we were just a "cultural" organization. As soon as the rules changed and religious organizations could own their own property, the Society announced that we would now operate as a religious organization.
    We avoided public prayer and singing and Bible reading in our meetings purely based on choices made in Brooklyn. In other countries, we fought for the right to have public prayer and singing and Bible reading in our meetings. For some reason we didn't think it was that important to our brothers in Mexico, until we could own the property. 
  9. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Queen Esther in A Pagan or a Christian.... But NEVER a Pagan Christian !   
    Bible history reports gives otherwise, different facts ... understand?   Description that is given in such reports assure readers that Israel people believed very sincerely that they worship one true god, but in fact they worship 2 or more god's.  So never say never :))))) 
  10. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to TrueTomHarley in What does not passing the collection plate really mean anyway?   
    You're right. They would have evaporated as a religon rather than go to the government and fill out some forms.
  11. Confused
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Queen Esther in A Pagan or a Christian.... But NEVER a Pagan Christian !   
    For  @Srecko Sostar ....
    MEANS....   We  NEVER  can  loyal  worship  2 GOD' S !!      Either  JEHOVAH   or   SATAN....  understand ?
  12. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS | Appellate Court Rules to Keep Dennis Christensen in Pretrial Detention   
    What I said  (paraphrased) was that a man has the RESPONSIBILITY to provide for himself, and his family, and those he can  ... and that includes food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education both temporal and spiritual, and DEFENSE of those same people.
    An incompetent defense IS NOT A DEFENSE.
    Before you can be a Theocratic Man, you must FIRST be a Man.

    Do not be caught up in the mass hysteria of the un-examined liberal mind, who project their fears on you ... and blame you for resisting their insanity.
  13. Haha
  14. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Shiwiii in What does not passing the collection plate really mean anyway?   
    if you are a donkey or a mule (like me :)))))))))))), you can say what you want and how you want, no one will blame you! True? ahahhaaha
  15. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Evacuated in What does not passing the collection plate really mean anyway?   
    No not me. Are you thinking of @Srecko Sostar who said:
    "i am just "mule" who stubbornly stops on the road  and speak :))))))))) find the parable if you can, hehehe "
  16. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Evacuated in Australia - Who Decides? - Children? - Children can decide their medical treatments under the only laws of anticipation of victory.   
    Over extension. Might have been in your case but not in the mind of a balanced person.
    You make other, similar, extreme statements that may well reflect your own thinking, but should not be assumed as a basis for everyone else's.
  17. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Evacuated in LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS | Appellate Court Rules to Keep Dennis Christensen in Pretrial Detention   
    Man!   I think you're talking to yourself here because I for one do not understand your logic. You have obviously suffered some kind of trauma along the line and you have my sympathy for that.
    But... this is not a language thing so don't resort to that as an excuse. This a logic thing. I would like to understand you. Please give a little more thought to what you are trying to express. You will have my attention if you take the time to make sense.  
  18. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Shiwiii in What does not passing the collection plate really mean anyway?   
    Give me a break, seriously? Why is there even a requirement for $$$ per person in a cong?
    Why make videos showing little kids giving up their ice cream money to the org?
    Why come out with video after video instructing the jws on how to give money. Why the continual selling off of real estate for millions, but yet still take from the congs by selling THIER k-halls?
    Why make a mandate that pays off a loan for a kh but still demands the same payment indefinitely? 
    This is above and beyond what any group or church does that is not part of a money making scheme. 
    Do you think God needs money? I suspect you don't, so who is it that needs your money? That is the basis of this whole topic. I understand you do not want to look at a bigger picture, its ok. The bigger picture will present itself soon enough. The pieces are there, the documentation is out, the gig is up, but there are always diehards who still believe the emperor has the finest clothes around. 
  19. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Shiwiii in What does not passing the collection plate really mean anyway?   
    I think it is very telling that you resort to a conversation within your own head to try and divert the facts presented to you. It's not unlike the game some children play where they blame their imaginary friend for the mistakes they've made. 
  20. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Shiwiii in What does not passing the collection plate really mean anyway?   
    What is the meaning of this? Why is there a need to have more than one box labeled for "worldwide"? Why is there now no box for local? Is it because they are now "asking" for all of the money to go to the HQ and they will disperse as they see fit? 
    please transfer all of your money to us....Thanks we're gonna need it for all of the lawsuits coming up. 
  21. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    ( General population of the United States ( WT Organization ) )
    They are NOT the same.
    We do not even NEED a conscience ... EVERYTHING not prohibited ... is required.
  22. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    You need to lighten up .. here in the USA among men of integrity, honest opinions are incredibly important, and ridicule and excoriating satire are important teaching tools.
    There is the old story about the farmer who had a talking mule, and he was telling his friends about it.
    They did not believe him, so he invited them to go to his farm and see (and hear) for themselves, and he would be there a bit later.
    So his friends went to the farm, and tried to get the mule to talk, with no success. 
    They were about ready to leave when the farmer arrived, and expressed their disappointment that the mule did not talk ... AND they called him a liar.
    The farmer said "Come with me and I will prove to you my mule can talk ...". So the four of them went back, and on the way, the farmer picked up a baseball bat leaning against the barn, and gave the mule a solid hit on the side of the head.
    The mule IMMEDIATELY started talking, about all kinds of things, to the surprise of the farmer's three friends.
    The farmer explained:
    "FIRST .... you have to get his ATTENTION".
    With a flip of your mental switch, you can, if you want ... become un-insultable ... and that is where strength and power begins.
    AND ... it avoids getting hit in the head with hard sticks.
    Sometimes we are the farmer.
    Sometimes we are his friends.
    Sometimes we are the mule.
    Death comes all too soon for all of us ... to cut off communications.
    Only fools do that.
    I have found that "seasoning" a conversation with salt is not NEARLY as effective as pouring salt in an open wound.
  23. Sad
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    WTJWorg said that JW people are most honest people in a world, the most truthful and all superlatives. The way you talk to me in this last respond, all that what your church claim is/are - you mocking now and doing grotesque and burlesque of your Faith and yourself. Sorry, but if is so with you, I do not see purpose to communicate with you in this way.
    Stay well. 
  24. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to TrueTomHarley in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    I was a sleeping JW for the last 8 hours or so, but now I have awaken.
    I don't believe in answering questions like this because there is no way for you to check. I could tell you I am a circuit overseer. I could tell you I am disfellowshipped. How would you know?
    To the extent you are interested, judge for yourself by what I have written. Seriously. That is your best guide. You may say that you are not that interested to do it. That's okay, too.
  25. Sad
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Bible Speaks in New Judicial front against Watchtower In The Quebec Court, Canada, a lawsuit has been filed for 66 million Canadian dollars, against the organization of Jehovah's witnesses in Canada and the United States ⚖️   
    @Srecko Sostar
    All truths will become manifest. No mention of spousal abuse yet? Big    stuff coming! The issue of finding "two Witnesses in abuse cases can not be found. Most of the time those abuse cases were done in secret. I'm a victim    of spousal abuse. No Witnesses. Yet, as myself I had physical proof. They are not judges, the Elders, however the Law is and was. Jehovah did give me justice. Men are imperfect, yet Jehovah uses them. If they make mistakes they will learn too. Jehovah will bring true justice. Children and spousal abuse is there but soon even that will be cleaned by Jehovah. Thank you for your thoughts.
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