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Srecko Sostar

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  1. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in What does not passing the collection plate really mean anyway?   
    Once a man tastes well-being and wealth, he does not want to lose it.
    He will do everything to keep status and position.
    And he will do that In the name of .... in the name of anything and everything.
  2. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in What does not passing the collection plate really mean anyway?   
    Once a man tastes well-being and wealth, he does not want to lose it.
    He will do everything to keep status and position.
    And he will do that In the name of .... in the name of anything and everything.
  3. Sad
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Bible Speaks in New Judicial front against Watchtower In The Quebec Court, Canada, a lawsuit has been filed for 66 million Canadian dollars, against the organization of Jehovah's witnesses in Canada and the United States ⚖️   
    In other words - satan deceiving satan?
    Do you negate wrongdoing that WT have done about/to victims of child molestation? 
  4. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Bible Speaks in New Judicial front against Watchtower In The Quebec Court, Canada, a lawsuit has been filed for 66 million Canadian dollars, against the organization of Jehovah's witnesses in Canada and the United States ⚖️   
    Will you please explain this terminology. How on earth apostates can be professional :)))
    Merriam-Webster:  Definition of apostate for English Language Learners; someone whose beliefs have changed and who no longer belongs to a religious or political group
    Thousands of ex JW members: childrens, adults, young and old, male or female, ordinary members or ex ministerial, elders, pioneers, missionaries, Bethelite...how can they be professional  apostates. 
    If i am finished some school and be learned by some who know job, maybe i will come to be "professional" some day in future. But what education people have to finished to become "professional apostates"?
  5. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to David Normand in $66M class action sex abuse suit filed against Jehovah's Witnesses   
    This was filed in Canada and organization has 20 day s to respond. Just have to wait and see how things play out in court. If the law says the Elders or other leaders in the organization should report suspected cases of child abuse then they should have reported it. In any case, the parents of underage abuse victims and if the victims are adults themselves really should have gone to the authorities. They never needed permission to report crimes to the authorities. 
  6. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    Hmmm...so what exactly would be some examples of "right reasons"?
    ..and what do you do about the hostages left behind that have been silenced?
  7. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to TrueTomHarley in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    Nobody ever said that that would not happen. And if they ever did, they changed it.
  8. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to TrueTomHarley in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    Actually, I meant 'spinning' that might not translate, for in the U.S. it has only been applied to political matters in the last decade or so - perhaps that new definition has not caught on with other lands.
    Spin (from thesaurus.com)
    Synonyms for spin
    noun circular motion spiralstar twiststar circuitstar gyrationstar revolutionstar rollstar rotationstar turnstar whirlstar   None of these words apply. 'Spin' the way I have used it is slanting or interpreting data one way or another according to one's bias.
  9. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    Because a delicious Olive Garden salad is truly wonderful, and is delicious, and nourishing ... until you discover the big dog poop under the first layer.
    ... just eat around it.
  10. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Saying "Peace and Security!" before sudden destruction. (1Th 5:3) What does it mean?   
    Like Tonto said to the Lone Ranger, when surrounded by enemy Indians, and Kemosabe said "What do we do NOW, Tonto?"
    Tonto replied "What you mean "We", white man?"
    Yes, WWI actually ended.
    I need a beer, and a hammer, to ease the pain of having to have to read that Gone Fishing question.
  11. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Saying "Peace and Security!" before sudden destruction. (1Th 5:3) What does it mean?   
    Perhaps a technical point, but the Watchtower Officers during WWI were charged and convicted of sedition against the United States of America ... because they were GUILTY of sedition against the United States of America when at WAR.
    If you park in a no parking zone, and your car gets towed away ... don't blame it on Satan.
  12. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    I still think  Jehovah's Witnesses are "the only game in town"  as far as the 15% core theology goes ... but the 85% complete drivel and artificial tyranny has a very high cost in the loss of innocent lives of those who recognize the difference, and cannot stand it.
    I probably endure injustice and tyranny better than most ... BUT I DON'T LIKE IT.  
    Not so much for me, but for the innocents who can't handle it, and are CHASED AWAY!
    With BILLIONS of hours witnessing globally, the "churn", or turnover rate of we who are blessed with true basic core theology is here in the United States about 77%.
    It SHOULD be very close to ZERO.
    It currently takes about 25 MAN YEARS of witnessing to get ONE convert, who stays.
    It's more effective to get married, have three children, and raise them correctly to ignore the tyranny, to about age 30.
  13. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    Thank You so VERY much Sereko Sostar:
    I have been looking for a rational explanation for this for many years, and was not able to discern it.
    The concept of NATURAL and ARTIFICIAL conscience, with the evidence, which I have also seen, was the key to understanding.
    I only knew from my observations that "something" was polluting the system, as REAL Justice, reasonableness and common sense  does not exist, anymore, within our ranks ... and with the clear Bible trained conscience ... I did NOT see the painfully obvious with the clarity you just now provided.
    THIS ALONE has made the years I have been bashing my head against the JW-Archive wall worth while, and I appreciate it.
    Your experiences and insight  answer that all important question ...
    ... WHY?
  14. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Legal Protection Offered by JW.org   
    Hi Tom! I was born in Zagreb and living here. 
    Prison is not hard, but prisoners :)))))
    Counsel from late brother Miloš Knežević was because not to bring problems to society in YU, so from other perspective we can talk now how WTorg was/is ready, determined to instruct rank and file members in that way to protect corporation, and to put all responsibility on "personal decision"  which, whose are product, not primarily in members clear perception and understanding that came from his inside, from that person,  and by that  is his/her unique and only one possible choice made on foundation of conscience.
    Such or similar decisions in JW world, are made on "bible trained conscience" as product of doctrines and instructions of society. Not because I or you or anyone else come to such conclusion by inspired revelation inside our mind in one crucial and inimitable moment  of life. I can agree on religious, pacifists, humanitarian or philosophic reasons to not to go to war. JW are not unique in refusing military service as they claim (preaching service too) Members of Adventist church and Nazarian church was with me in the same prison also. And they do that also from the same main reason as JW, because members doing that what they have to do as members. 
    Religious people as JW, have two sort of conscience. One is Natural, God given sense, from birth. Second sort of conscience is "trained" by WT org, by bible, by society, by tribe, family, books .... So, as one person growing, he/she forming mix of rules what is acceptable and what is not. Sometimes first and main natural sense can not go on daylight because of learned, trained, instructed, artificial conscience. And that artificial conscience is on work when they do not want to say hello to ex members. How i know that? I looked into the face of such person and  see amalgam of pride, hidden shame, stubbornness, guilty, fear of men, fanaticism. 
  15. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in Paradise ????? - "Auntie, when I get to paradise who will be my mama and my papa since my mother and father are not witnesses?" ??   
    The idea that she hoped they would learn God's Word too is never included in the story. She had obviously given up hope if she already wondered who would replace them in the New System. (At this point in the story, she is already 10 years old.)
    Yes. We do. Not all of course, and we don't judge specific individuals, but we definitely teach that there will be persons who will die because they didn't learn the Truth. And it's obvious that it's so common to believe this, that even a member of the Governing Body hadn't considered it wrong to tell a story that centers on exactly this idea. Note that no one is trying to correct the girl for having a misapprehension. The pull of the story is that the little girl died still "knowing" that her parents, in their current situation, would be either killed by Jehovah or forgotten forever by Jehovah.
    That's the point. The little girl judged her parents as worthy of death. And no part of the story, as told here, corrects that point. The story works if they were worthy of death UNTIL they learned the Truth after their daughter died. (This, by the way, is seen as child abuse in a psychological sense, which I'm sure we'd be quick to see if it was a Muslim girl with a Muslim Auntie who was being taught this same thing about her Buddhist parents.)
    Then you understand why she should not have judged them.
    I don't understand this at all. Why would her joy be very great if sadness happened?
  16. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Noble Berean in Paradise ????? - "Auntie, when I get to paradise who will be my mama and my papa since my mother and father are not witnesses?" ??   
    I don't think I would say this to an adult let alone a young child. Doesn't seem very tactful or appropriate. 
  17. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in Paradise ????? - "Auntie, when I get to paradise who will be my mama and my papa since my mother and father are not witnesses?" ??   
    It's a tear touching story, but it's also sad that a child learns so early to be so judgmental of her parents that she believes Jehovah will kill them at Armageddon and/or that they will not be resurrected to an opportunity to life on earth when they die. A little girl had to compartmentalize a fear and even a kind of judgmental "hatred" of her own parents in the resignation that they would be eternally destroyed by her God.
  18. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Noble Berean in JWs and Child Molestation   
    They're not being punished for doing the right thing. If the organization's policies were effective, would we be seeing repeated sexual abuse in congregations? It became a big enough issue that child welfare organizations got involved, and the org has faced multiple cases against them. How bad does this issue need to be before it's acknowledged that the policies of the organization have failed in this regard? Sometimes it's best to just to be humble and not let ego get in the way of necessary changes.
    The WT organization chooses to be heavily involved in people's lives, so its bears partial responsibility for the continued presence of sexual abuse in the congregation. The organization shouldn't get brownie points for enforcing congregational purity unlike other denominations. That's a give-in if we are to believe this organization is being directed by God. And it's also a misdirection from the fact that this protective system has failed to protect many young JWs.
    I think we can both agree that it's the atmosphere of this organization that has led to these legal problems. JWs are taught to rely on the organization to handle issues--the elders and overseers. So, it's no surprise that many JWs come to elders looking for direction on matters of sexual abuse before turning to anyone else. I think elders should always report abuse to police, because that's their moral duty. The hundreds of unreported claims of sexual abuse have left a stain on our organization and God's holy name.
  19. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Eaton in JWs and Child Molestation   
    *the starting picture of the video - causes transmitted meaning, allegory
    Some day in the future Judicial Committees in JW congregations will be consist of male and female members. Sisters role for "peace and security aka safety"  for the children that have been molested, from JW members inside families or congregation or anyone else, will be of crucial, important meaning. Children, female children particularly, perhaps would found to feel more comfortable to answer on intimate questions in front of compassionate woman then before man. Not ask me why? You can imagine why? (JC elders asking very inappropriate questions, interrogation to children (and adults too) about sexual experience and what and how all that have happened) causing more trauma because elders have  not proper education (in every way) to deal with such sensitive issue.
    quote under the picture of Dragan Covic: "We appreciate the decisive role of women in all process (of investigation and judging)
    message from UN poster: "Together for Peace. Respect, Safety@Dignity For All (victims of injustice that was caused by man) 
  20. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Reasons Why Jehovah’s Witnesses Do Not Celebrate Halloween - ?? ? ?? Long but educational!   
    Perhaps Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate Halloween is because
    they don't like people coming to their door unsolicited?
  21. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Reasons Why Jehovah’s Witnesses Do Not Celebrate Halloween - ?? ? ?? Long but educational!   
    Perhaps Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate Halloween is because
    they don't like people coming to their door unsolicited?
  22. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in What does not passing the collection plate really mean anyway?   
    All sorts of hedge funds, money and stock funds. Trust entities. Building, buying and selling real estates. That all produce money for spending.
    Money from members, from kid who "sold chicken" and gave half money to society or from kid who change her mind and not going to "ice-cream after Sunday morning KH meeting" :((((.
    Choose whatever source. All come to Money Department where managers and bookkeeping stuff take orders from "above" and share and spend somebody else's money.
    Nothing is free in "Spiritual Paradise", not even a free of charge magazine. You pay all that. With money, with emotions, with intellect, with freedom, with soul, with psyche, with free labour. With life. 
  23. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Matthew 24:34 "this generation"   
    One thing I have learned in my 70 years of paying attention to details, and missing many ... to the extent that it drives normal people nuts, or away ... is that if you want to be happy ... don't sweat the small stuff. 
    Ask yourself ... is THIS the "hill I want to die on"?
    Probably not.
    But the key to an integrated personality I have found to be this.
    Expect NOTHING ... and you will never be disappointed.
    ..all your surprises will all be pleasant!
    What is NOT the case becomes evident upon analysis.
    What IS the case about many, many things ... only Jehovah knows.
    "WHAT, ME WORRY?" - Alfred E. Neuman

  24. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Evacuated in Matthew 24:34 "this generation"   
    Many interesting comments!
    I'll do a bit of analysis later. But.....first impressions, it seems like we are all a bit in the dark!
    Like Jesus said: "Concerning that day or the hour nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father" Mk 13:32.
    Huh! Don't you hate it when someone's always right???
  25. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in Matthew 24:34 "this generation"   
    True, but not about the people in the picture. It was true of the number of generations in Matthew chapter 1.
    (Unless these three people are galaxy hitchhikers.)
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