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Srecko Sostar

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  1. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Errikos Tsiamis in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    The reasoning presented here nicely shows that GB's claim that they are led by HS has nothing to do with reality, but is a fantasy of GB and JW members.
  2. Downvote
  3. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    .The problem when asked to highlight irrelevant crap in your rebuttal ( no pun intended ….) is it may take a LOT of highlighters!

  4. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    The reasoning presented here nicely shows that GB's claim that they are led by HS has nothing to do with reality, but is a fantasy of GB and JW members.
  5. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    If you read the above post, line by line, and Word by Word, you will see the ambiguity and hopelessness of the argument that they’re overlapping generations as promoted by BROTHER Splaine.
    What is actually stated does not support the argument at all.
    It’s just smoke and mirrors to distract and confuse with bluster and massive “word fatigue” from reading all that buzz word crap. Most of it is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT.
    Want to prove it?
     Print it out and get a yellow highlighter and go through the post and highlight all the ambiguities and qualifying statements. 
    Highlight the irrelevant, too.
    Be a sport … actually do it.
    Then post the rest as several sentences and bullet points … if that.
    But the bottom line is … when it gets down to the nitty gritty, when all the extraneous crap is filtered out, where the rubber meets the road, the bird’s eye low down on this caper this issue is very, very straightfoward and extremely simple.
    And it is this:
    Jesus Christ DID NOT teach his Apostles about any “Overlapping Generations”.
    It is a pathetic and transparent attempt to cover up failures of prophesy as interpreted badly by the Watchtower Bible an Tract Society.

    If you have the ability to “connect the dots” … connect the above 16.
  6. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    When because your thinking is agenda driven, you are incapable of “connecting the dots”  …. become incapable of admitting that there are dots.
  7. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    it’s fascinating to observe those incapable of a rational rebuttal use ad hominim attacks, thinking that is a rational rebuttal.
    It isn’t. 
    It’s the first resort of the agenda driven incompetent, as they know they have NOTHING ELSE.

  8. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    Rather than the vague, meaningless “word salad”  that is worthy of a Kamala Harris, ET, and sounds very profound and scholarly…. but isn’t …. how about commenting specifically on the illustrations that illustrate the complete absurdity that what the Apostles understood from Jesus was OVERLAPPING generations?

  9. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food. (The Watchtower February 2017 study edition pg. 26 par. 12)
    This could mean;
    - that Jesus does not send perfect spiritual food from his heavenly throne
    - that GB improvises his interpretations and instructions relying on his own intelligence
    What does this mean for JW members? It means that they are led by blind leaders. This in turn means that Jesus' conclusion about blind religious leaders leading their sheep is being fulfilled. In this way, we arrive at the result that the JW sheep may not be the sheep of Jesus but are under the rule of the GB. So they are not in Jesus' fold but Watchtower's.
  10. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Errikos Tsiamis in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food. (The Watchtower February 2017 study edition pg. 26 par. 12)
    This could mean;
    - that Jesus does not send perfect spiritual food from his heavenly throne
    - that GB improvises his interpretations and instructions relying on his own intelligence
    What does this mean for JW members? It means that they are led by blind leaders. This in turn means that Jesus' conclusion about blind religious leaders leading their sheep is being fulfilled. In this way, we arrive at the result that the JW sheep may not be the sheep of Jesus but are under the rule of the GB. So they are not in Jesus' fold but Watchtower's.
  11. Confused
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Errikos Tsiamis in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    I notice a possible problem. You are stating that Jesus had no knowledge of future events, while Jesus is making a claim about the generation in which he says what will happen to it.
    Furthermore, Jesus nowhere claims that the future is not unknown to him, he only stated that he knows nothing about "the day and the hour".
    But from the further text you wrote about scholars and theologians and "generation", they seem to know more than Jesus, so they are ready to harass their members with spiritual interpretations.
  12. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    A picture is worth a thousand words.
    Please consider these as a two thousand word reply.

  13. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    I notice a possible problem. You are stating that Jesus had no knowledge of future events, while Jesus is making a claim about the generation in which he says what will happen to it.
    Furthermore, Jesus nowhere claims that the future is not unknown to him, he only stated that he knows nothing about "the day and the hour".
    But from the further text you wrote about scholars and theologians and "generation", they seem to know more than Jesus, so they are ready to harass their members with spiritual interpretations.
  14. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    So…. tell me about how Jesus instructed his Apostles about “Overlapping Generations”.
  15. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    I agree, but here’s the rub, Bub ….. if in some way we screw up our own lives, we of course will have to pay the price, but if the Governing Body sets a doctrine under pain of disfellowshipping  that screws up our life, we by following bad advice, of course STILL screw up our lives, and pay the price …. but they pay no price whatsoever, because everybody’s forbidden to talk about it..
    THEY never miss a meal, dress like a homeless person, sleep in bitter cold, and live in quiet desperation of deep poverty and with rotten teeth and no money to fix them.
    They are waited on hand and foot, with Rolex watches, heavy gold pinky rings, fine high quality clothing, beautiful and comfortable surroundings, adoring throngs of friends, almost infinite free labor, all possible because they bathe in an unending waterfall of free money.
  16. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    The way you describe and defend the Watchtower opens the door to the conclusion that you are not a member of the JW Church, but an advocate or apologist of a JW aka Watchtower religion. 
  17. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   

  18. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Fausto Hoover in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    Please note that the Closed JW Club is half the size of the Open one. Let's ask ourselves why this is so? And how many members from the Closed Club are ready to violate the GB 1st Amendment, which is; don't talk to ex-JWs and don't engage in dialogue with them and don't watch the contents they gave?
    This thread has 4.1k views. Apart from the few of us who are in the polemic, Who are the other people who viewed the content?
    Your last question is super funny.
  19. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Fausto Hoover in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    JW member's way of thinking:
    All religions of the world, except the JW religion, are ungodly and under Satan rule. All world governments are evil under the influence of Satan. So, every evil and injustice (CSA also) that happens to them there is because their minds are in the dark under satanic influence.
    If something like this is happening in the only JW true religion then it is because the JW members are imperfect people. In the JW true religion, the evil that sometimes happens, happens because some JW member has become spiritually weak, and that's it. Satan has no influence over JW Christians because they are in a spiritual paradise that is protected. We are protected spiritually but not physically. Physical protection of JW members is the responsibility of the police and secular authorities (Richard Ashe deposition).
  20. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    JW member's way of thinking:
    All religions of the world, except the JW religion, are ungodly and under Satan rule. All world governments are evil under the influence of Satan. So, every evil and injustice (CSA also) that happens to them there is because their minds are in the dark under satanic influence.
    If something like this is happening in the only JW true religion then it is because the JW members are imperfect people. In the JW true religion, the evil that sometimes happens, happens because some JW member has become spiritually weak, and that's it. Satan has no influence over JW Christians because they are in a spiritual paradise that is protected. We are protected spiritually but not physically. Physical protection of JW members is the responsibility of the police and secular authorities (Richard Ashe deposition).
  21. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    Decision Charity Inquiry: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Britain
    4 August 2023
    Though not disclosed to the inquiry this information was disclosed to IICSA by CCJW (not the charity), as part of its thematic strand on child abuse in religious settings. The report states that JW records show that allegations concerning 67 individuals were reported to their Branch Office within the previous 10 years. This included 25 allegations against Elders, 32 allegations against ministerial servants and 10 people accused of abuse within an institutional context (such as abuse at a place of worship by a congregant or non-Jehovah’s Witness)
  22. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Suicide. God's view. Organisation's view   
    First of all, i have to noticed this: WHAT sort of READERS would come to such idea to even ask such question?
    Is it ADVISABLE for a C. MINISTER to give talk ...? ........ Good God!
    Also, this question showed how JW's are under (influenced) general idea (of Catholic church) how suicide is consider as sin. Because God is Master of life and you have no right to end something what is given to you  (and to other people) as God's gift. Life belong to God, so He is only one who can give or take life. In such cultural-social environment, suicide is not viewed as something acceptable for member (or is in some black-grey zone).
    Another thing, JW funerals talks are, in almost all cases, made in form to giving witnessing to non witness people. That is main reason for giving talk, and not so much about comforting of those who stay.     
    i believe how many times, or almost always this questions are products of Bethel moves and strategy. Because, i can be sure how exist people who send some other letters/questions and such subjects not came under this section. Internet is place to ask unpleasant questions and to hear answers that is sometimes hard to accept.
  23. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from SheltonB in This is funny   
    We discussing WTJWorg, not me.
    Collecting and destroying is part  of one and same process.
    Please read WT publications again.
    GB is in focus not Jesus.
  24. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in This is funny   
    Many can assert themselves in various forms and claim whatever they want about themselves. Among other things, they can claim that Jesus chose them in 1919 to be his "chosen ones". At the same time, they can lead a multinational company "following the example of Jesus" in same manner? And asking followers to sign a "vow of poverty"? Should that be proof to someone that they are "chosen" and that they have "received the spirit"?
    For many it is doctrinal nonsense.  
  25. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in This is funny   
    Also want him to explain December 7, 1941 to you ET?
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