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Srecko Sostar

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  1. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    WTJWorg persistently (and unsuccessfully for people who see real WTJWorg) claims that there are no clergy class in their teology and practice. At least that's what they claim in front their membership and the other people they preach the gospel to.
    On the other hand, they refer to the Catholic Church and their hierarchy, which is the same as in WTJWorg, when they want to have the privilege of confession and not revealing the so-called "confessional secret" to Courts.
    Confession or confidential information can only be said in front of one person, but not in front of three or more people. A "confession" made in front of more than one person ceases to be confidential information.
    Since, at least publicly, WTJWorg has no clergy class, but all are "brothers", this interpretation you presented does not apply to them. Full stop.
  2. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    If you buy a precision, high end camera, such as a Leica, Nikon, Canon, or Hasselblad you will find shutter speeds from perhaps 30 seconds to perhaps. 1/2,000 of a second.
    And aperatures from perhaps f:2 to f:22 … maybe up to f:64.
    I have a 4x5 Calumet View camera that goes up to f:64.
    If the marked settings are within 20% of actual, up or down that is considered “good enough” ….. and it is.  

     If the ARC CONCLUSIONS OR YOUR CONCLUSIONS are plus or minus 50% it does not matter.
    In the words of an American Soldier in Korea telling his superior officer about enemy troop strength “It’s a whole damn potload, sir!”.
  3. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Fausto Hoover in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    We've reached the 10th page and still haven't found out if JWTV can be trusted. But we found out, for example, that the ARC statistics table is not published on any WTJWorg platform.
    Perhaps the interpretation of how to "read" a table like this should be left to P. Brumley and his team. Or to some GB helpers. They would surely explain that it is satanic propaganda and an attempt to persecute the Organization.
  4. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    We've reached the 10th page and still haven't found out if JWTV can be trusted. But we found out, for example, that the ARC statistics table is not published on any WTJWorg platform.
    Perhaps the interpretation of how to "read" a table like this should be left to P. Brumley and his team. Or to some GB helpers. They would surely explain that it is satanic propaganda and an attempt to persecute the Organization.
  5. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    This assumption requires further clarification. Are JWs Australians more prone to CSA than JWs from other nations?
  6. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    Through the shunning institute, JW elders can do whatever they want. A speech or notice of an undesirable person may be given at the meeting, regardless of whether it is done to a non-JW, an unbaptized or baptized publisher, or a child of JW parents.
  7. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    The hard data, and all of the information known about specific cases CAME FROM THE RECORDS ARCHIVED AT THE KINGDOM HALLS     OR BRANCH.
    All the “apostates” did was give the ARC insight on how to determine whether or not the Elders or Branch officials were lying to them.
    Please correct me if I missed something. I watched every minute of both inquiry’s. 
    It’s just like in Finland where the Society gave copies of the “Shepherding the Flock of God”   Elders’ Handbook to the Finnish Minister of Education, and one other, but Jehovah’s Witnesses were SPECIFICALLY not allowed to see it or know of its existence.
    “Insight On The News” …..?
    Gimmee a break … this was GLOBAL NEWS …. never once mentioned or explained to rank-and-file JWs. by the GB.
    My guess is 85% are still as ignorant as a deer in the headlights.
    Ask them about the ARC, and what they recall is geometry.
  8. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from betoken in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    Number 1006 represents a big obstacle for you to prove a wrong conclusion. 
    1006 JW members who have been counted by WT Australia in relation to CSA allegations.
    And you still claim that it is about 1006 cases of CSA.
    1006 people can be participants in a single case of a crime or in 10000 cases of crime.
    So I conclude like this. Regardless of the arguments and showing a lack of confidence in the numbers on your part or on the part of @JW Insider, the fact of reality regarding the life of believers in WTJWorg "spiritual paradise" remains clear ... Paradise is far away.
  9. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    Number 1006 represents a big obstacle for you to prove a wrong conclusion. 
    1006 JW members who have been counted by WT Australia in relation to CSA allegations.
    And you still claim that it is about 1006 cases of CSA.
    1006 people can be participants in a single case of a crime or in 10000 cases of crime.
    So I conclude like this. Regardless of the arguments and showing a lack of confidence in the numbers on your part or on the part of @JW Insider, the fact of reality regarding the life of believers in WTJWorg "spiritual paradise" remains clear ... Paradise is far away.
  10. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    When one person is abused, tortured, bullied or killed it’s a human tragedy.
    When over 200 people are abused, tortured, bullied or killed …
    …. it’s a statistic.
  11. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from betoken in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    This shows, in all those decades before ARC process, that WTJWorg elders and ministerial servants do not report CSA cases to the police, but some victims or their relatives do.
    Besides, you did an identity swap. BCH is not the victim but the abuser, bully, according to statement made by J.I. Bennett.
    Also report (Case study 29) speaking about BCB, BCG as victims.
  12. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    This shows, in all those decades before ARC process, that WTJWorg elders and ministerial servants do not report CSA cases to the police, but some victims or their relatives do.
    Besides, you did an identity swap. BCH is not the victim but the abuser, bully, according to statement made by J.I. Bennett.
    Also report (Case study 29) speaking about BCB, BCG as victims.
  13. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    WAT.9999.013.0012 analiza s brojevima slučajeva.pdf
    As far as I know the police have not gone into the main WTJWorg branch for Australia and searched/collected  for CSA documents from the closets and archives in the basement . This data was provided by WTJWorg Australia, voluntarily. I guess, the elders at Australia Bethel have decided what to store and how they will classify, mark the cases and what types of people (what kind of relationship were they with JW's) they will list in relation to CSA  and JW congregations.
    Is it a question that there should be no CSA among JWs? If someone expects that, then they are naive. But, JWs surely live in the belief that this should not be among them, because they stick to the Bible. There is generally a great deal of mutual trust in JW congregations.
    WTJWorg theology teaches believers to trust one another, to have complete trust in their elders, and to be wary of worldly people and governments.
    JW members were supposed to confide in their elders, and they told them that the assembly aka elders would solve the problems. And to be careful not to slander (dragging in the mud) YHVH's name in front of the authorities.
  14. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    It is shameful for WTJWorg Australia (in reality the USA headquarters) that it agreed to join the national redress scheme only after being warned that it would lose its charity status and tax exemptions. Since 2015, there is still nothing about these events on JWTV.
    It seems the only solution for the world authorities to get WTJWorg to cooperate is through financial pressure. It is a language that Religious Corporation of NY understands.
    The very significant aka devastating testimony of a GB member before the ARC will never be on JWTV. On that occasion, Geoffrey Jackson publicly denied the core teaching of WTJWorg. He announced that GB in NY is not the only FDS (Chanel) on this planet that God is using to spread his word.
    The reason he is still on the Board of Directors of the Corporation is because all the other members think like him, and that is that they are not FDS. They are FDS only for rank and file JW. Only for the purposes of the doctrine that gathers believers in a vain idea.

  15. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Ray Devereaux in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    I am sharing with you a very important view of the WTJWorg organization and their international information system on their official site. 
  16. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    All data presented can be completely checked. It is WORK.
  17. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    If the Librarian did that, years of interactive conversations would make no sense at all.
    You can delete yourself at any time by clicking the “Leave Club” box.

    I have found a person does better if he (or she) expects nothing from anybody … that’s why people have dogs.

  18. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    It is shameful for WTJWorg Australia (in reality the USA headquarters) that it agreed to join the national redress scheme only after being warned that it would lose its charity status and tax exemptions. Since 2015, there is still nothing about these events on JWTV.
    It seems the only solution for the world authorities to get WTJWorg to cooperate is through financial pressure. It is a language that Religious Corporation of NY understands.
    The very significant aka devastating testimony of a GB member before the ARC will never be on JWTV. On that occasion, Geoffrey Jackson publicly denied the core teaching of WTJWorg. He announced that GB in NY is not the only FDS (Chanel) on this planet that God is using to spread his word.
    The reason he is still on the Board of Directors of the Corporation is because all the other members think like him, and that is that they are not FDS. They are FDS only for rank and file JW. Only for the purposes of the doctrine that gathers believers in a vain idea.

  19. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Fausto Hoover in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    It is shameful for WTJWorg Australia (in reality the USA headquarters) that it agreed to join the national redress scheme only after being warned that it would lose its charity status and tax exemptions. Since 2015, there is still nothing about these events on JWTV.
    It seems the only solution for the world authorities to get WTJWorg to cooperate is through financial pressure. It is a language that Religious Corporation of NY understands.
    The very significant aka devastating testimony of a GB member before the ARC will never be on JWTV. On that occasion, Geoffrey Jackson publicly denied the core teaching of WTJWorg. He announced that GB in NY is not the only FDS (Chanel) on this planet that God is using to spread his word.
    The reason he is still on the Board of Directors of the Corporation is because all the other members think like him, and that is that they are not FDS. They are FDS only for rank and file JW. Only for the purposes of the doctrine that gathers believers in a vain idea.

  20. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Fausto Hoover in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    The minister invited the representatives of the 4 religions and they all sat together with him at same table and smiled at each other because of the money that would be left in their pockets. These photos are not shown to the JW audience. Is there a reason for that?

  21. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    I am sharing with you a very important view of the WTJWorg organization and their international information system on their official site. 
  22. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Fausto Hoover in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    I am sharing with you a very important view of the WTJWorg organization and their international information system on their official site. 
  23. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    I’m sad in a way, but happy for Audrey that she is not wasting her time here.
    There is a REAL life to live out there, and it is painfully short. 
    Via Con Dios!

  24. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    It was very obvious how much apostasy is a flexible thing with the examples of Michael Jackson and Prince, and Prince reportedly contributed $30,000 a month to his local Kingdom Hall.
    They are both dead now, so they are either playing harps, or those damned accordions.
  25. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to John 12.24to28 in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    ?? 😆

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