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Srecko Sostar

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    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    What is the problem with fitting something new into an existing entirety / complex that has worked almost "smoothly" until then? 
    Instead of analyzing through my own "intellectual exertion" (perhaps on another occasion) I used a biblical quote from the Gospel of Mark.
    21 No one sews a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment. If he does, the patch  tears away  from  it, the new from the old, and a worse tear is made. 22 And no one puts new wine into old qwineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins—and the  wine is destroyed, and so are the skins.  But  new wine  is  for fresh wineskins.”
  3. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    What is the problem with fitting something new into an existing entirety / complex that has worked almost "smoothly" until then? 
    Instead of analyzing through my own "intellectual exertion" (perhaps on another occasion) I used a biblical quote from the Gospel of Mark.
    21 No one sews a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment. If he does, the patch  tears away  from  it, the new from the old, and a worse tear is made. 22 And no one puts new wine into old qwineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins—and the  wine is destroyed, and so are the skins.  But  new wine  is  for fresh wineskins.”
  4. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    This conclusion seems fine to me.
    But as often happens, that word appears - but.
    At the time of the doctrine popularly called "the 1914 generation", we do not know today which people took part in it and how they led the debates, which of them were for, which were against, and which abstained. We today do not know what motivated these people and whether they were simply mistaken in believing in the wrong idea.
    Or were they actually right so that the second / third coming of the Kingdom actually took place within the "generation of 1914", but in a different way than expected and which remained invisible to WTJWorg and JW members?
    But let’s get back to a simpler reality. When WTJWorg concluded that “Jesus thought differently” and that "he actually meant" the “overlapping generation,” then it could be said and written in official documents (WT literature):
    That the former WTJWorg leadership taught the wrong doctrine because they believed in delusion and misconception. Why they believed in delusion and thought wrongly? Because they didn't know the real truth. We believe in another idea today. If this idea turns out to be wrong in the future, you need to know that we didn’t want to lie to you but that we just sincerely believed we were right this time.
  5. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in KINGDOM HALLS REOPEN IN UK   
    ….. they, like cartoon cave men, communicate wit open air superscript, or thought balloons.

  6. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    "We have to be absolutely sure that everything fits."
  7. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    This conclusion seems fine to me.
    But as often happens, that word appears - but.
    At the time of the doctrine popularly called "the 1914 generation", we do not know today which people took part in it and how they led the debates, which of them were for, which were against, and which abstained. We today do not know what motivated these people and whether they were simply mistaken in believing in the wrong idea.
    Or were they actually right so that the second / third coming of the Kingdom actually took place within the "generation of 1914", but in a different way than expected and which remained invisible to WTJWorg and JW members?
    But let’s get back to a simpler reality. When WTJWorg concluded that “Jesus thought differently” and that "he actually meant" the “overlapping generation,” then it could be said and written in official documents (WT literature):
    That the former WTJWorg leadership taught the wrong doctrine because they believed in delusion and misconception. Why they believed in delusion and thought wrongly? Because they didn't know the real truth. We believe in another idea today. If this idea turns out to be wrong in the future, you need to know that we didn’t want to lie to you but that we just sincerely believed we were right this time.
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    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Can you see it yet?  Do you realize how responsible the leadership of your organization is, for placing stumbling blocks before God's holy people - Jesus Christ's "kings of the earth"?  Mal 2:8; Rev 1:5; 5:9,10
    Prophets who lie are spiritual harlots, because they have broken their covenant with God.  Ps 78:10;  Rev 13:11,12; 17:1-5
  9. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
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    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Maybe, it's because he support an "institution" that does the same?  And you support it also, every JW (unless they are waking up) supports it.  Disfellowshipping is a spiritual killing.  If one disagrees with the GB's teachings, if one will not accept a supposed spirit-breathed "beast" of an organization that requires devotion (which is not condoned but rather warned of in scripture as idolatry), they are condemned - killed off, through disfellowshipping.  If one speaks against lies while bearing truth; for certain, they will be disfellowshipped.  No rival to the power of the GB and the power of the elders can be challenged.
    Rev 13:15 - It (the false prophet Rev 13:11) was permitted to give breath[l]("spirit") to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast could both speak and cause whoever would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 
    A "spirit-directed organization" from the living God?  Is this why A. Morris believes he can get away with passing "decrees" from "Jehovah's organization" and they must be followed?  Notice who permitted the false prophet to breathe spirit into the "image of the Beast"?  
    Satan the dragon. (Rev 13:11)
    1 Tim 4:1 - "Now the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will depart from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons".
    Who pays attention to the teachings of demons?
    Matt 24:24,25
    There is only ONE "spirit-directed" avenue of decrees, experiences, events and warnings from God:
     "All Scripture is inspired by God[a] ("breathed out by God") and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."  2 Tim 3:16
    Who came up with the term, "spirit-directed organization"?  It wasn't God, but deceitful leaders of that very organization that "kills", and who were permitted to do so by Satan.
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    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    This is what Jesus said,
    "When they persecute you in one town, flee to another. For truly I tell you, you will not have gone through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes."  Matt 10:23
    Who is Israel today? Where is "Israel" today?  Who needs to "get out of her MY PEOPLE?"  (Rev 18:4-8)
    What "kingdom" should be getting the "good news" of restoration, (Mal 3:1-3; Matt 17:11)  at the time of the Great Tribulation"?
    "Israel" - the "kings of the earth" - the ANOINTED PRIESTHOOD - God's chosen holy people.   (Isa 43:10-12,22-28; Rev 1:5)
  12. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    An appalling, horrible thing
    has taken place in the land.
    31 The prophets prophesy falsely,
    and the priests rule by their own authority.
    My people love it like this.
    But what will you do at the end of it?  Jer 5:30,31
    How many decrees has the GB set, explaining that they come from God, but are not decrees found in His word?  It is not possible for these uninspired men to receive direct information from God or through a "spirit-directed organization" on earth, which doesn't exist unless it is demon-inspired. (1 Tim 4:1; Rev 13:15) Any decrees that they establish, whether it be turning in time on a piece of paper, setting goals of hours in "field service", encouraging the reaching out for a status position, revering a building as belonging to God...all come from the mouths of prophets prophesying falsely, and counterfeit "priests" ruling by their own authority.  
  13. Haha
  14. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in ​​​​​​​“ …. Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has in store for those that love him …. “   
    @Thinking mentions two separate laws in the universe. One for angels in heaven, the other for people on this planet.
    If we go this way of thinking, then the logic of one sacrifice of Christ for the whole Universe should not be the final thesis. God can create various forms of life according to different criteria or laws of existence and interaction.
    Well on the this planet itself there is a visible difference about different laws in one place. God gave to  animal species to devour each other, even within the same species. It is a "law" for them. But we do not see that it is permissible for a man to eat a man.
    If the existence of different laws is present on only one planet, why should we be limited by the idea of one Universal Sacrifice that arose because of one situation on Earth?
    In addition, if there is another civilization that was created by the creative act of one and the same Creator, this Earth civilization does not know about the other and vice versa, so the idea of applying Christ's sacrifice for unknown civilization somewhere in space is unclear.
    If another civilization was created with a different (or even same) intention, purpose or idea of the Creator, I don't see sense in the universality of Christ’s sacrifice. Jesus came on this planet for this humankind for one act of Adam and Eve in the past. 
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    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Yes, good evidence/proof that there is only "one law" (moral code or sense for justice) for angels and human.
  16. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    No word problems. I agree that we can find a terminological and practical difference in - a different law and a special law. But I would like to continue commenting on "different" laws.
    There is even a difference between the law for Adam and Eve and the law for their offspring regarding sin. Adam and Eve sinned (disobedience to God) and according to the WTJWorg interpretation have no cover through Jesus ’sacrifice.
    People after them commit the same kind of sin but have cover through Jesus ’ransom. Thus, the application of the “same law” is applied differently with respect to offenders and their circumstances. It is certainly an interesting legal moment.
  17. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Here's how I see the content of the quotes you cited.
    The trial should be conducted only by "saints".
    Are there enough "saints"? Who declares someone as "saint"? Is there a numerical limit to the number of people who can be “saints”?
    WTJWorg has doctrines, with which it would be difficult to solve these dilemmas.
    It is hypocritical of the Organization that male “saints” have the right to act as “kings and priests” already today, in a world where the Kingdom of Christ does not rule. Admittedly, WTJWorg believes that the Kingdom still rules over the Earth through the Organization. If so then female “saints” should have the same role as their male counterparts. Or maybe the solution is to change gender/sex to male with the help of surgery?
  18. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    I don’t understand why you oppose the idea of women (JW women) participating in the survey and judicial process?
    WTJWorg tries to retain the right of men to be spiritual leaders and to govern the Words of the Bible based on some biblical passages.
    But on the basis of which biblical passages can women be forbidden to participate in investigative / forensic and judicial proceedings when it comes to CRIME? Or is it about SPIRITUAL CRIME when it comes to CSA and other abuses? Absurdity.
  19. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    So isn't SM promoting the same/similar, because from what he has written about himself so far, it could be concluded that his non-belonging to the "church" expresses independence from any established religious system. He advocates exclusivity for the Order based on Scripture. But he excludes his affiliation with the church/churches. Although every (christian) church is called to exist on the foundations of the Order of the Bible (Christian Order)
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  22. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in ​​​​​​​“ …. Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has in store for those that love him …. “   
    @Thinking mentions two separate laws in the universe. One for angels in heaven, the other for people on this planet.
    If we go this way of thinking, then the logic of one sacrifice of Christ for the whole Universe should not be the final thesis. God can create various forms of life according to different criteria or laws of existence and interaction.
    Well on the this planet itself there is a visible difference about different laws in one place. God gave to  animal species to devour each other, even within the same species. It is a "law" for them. But we do not see that it is permissible for a man to eat a man.
    If the existence of different laws is present on only one planet, why should we be limited by the idea of one Universal Sacrifice that arose because of one situation on Earth?
    In addition, if there is another civilization that was created by the creative act of one and the same Creator, this Earth civilization does not know about the other and vice versa, so the idea of applying Christ's sacrifice for unknown civilization somewhere in space is unclear.
    If another civilization was created with a different (or even same) intention, purpose or idea of the Creator, I don't see sense in the universality of Christ’s sacrifice. Jesus came on this planet for this humankind for one act of Adam and Eve in the past. 
  23. Confused
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Maybe it makes sense. But then we wonder, if some action is a sin in one group?.... and the same action in another group is not a sin?
    What two different laws are you actually talking about? Where does the Bible list them?
  24. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Thinking in ​​​​​​​“ …. Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has in store for those that love him …. “   
    Your all over the place sereko…you really do need to have a sit down with structured bible discussion and it’s okay if you dont agree with everything.
    Christ was sacrificed  for mankind alone….not for the angels..yes both species were perfect….but the angels had much more understanding and their rebellion was a deliberate one done  with much more knowledge than Adam and Eve ever had….they held court with Jehovah over probably  eons of time before mankind was created…they knew full well what they were doing.
    Animals we’re not meant to eat each other at all by Gods law.
    neither were men meant to eat each other by Gods law…..this is basic bible understanding…..so who is teaching you or are you just pulling everybody’s chain here….you must be a Russian spy I reckon!….
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    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in ​​​​​​​“ …. Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has in store for those that love him …. “   
    Stephen Hawking was a third-class Physicist, but because of his magnificent overcoming of his disabilities, was a Mega-Media Star who inspired people …. And more importantly ….. donations!
    I read his books. 
    At least when he talked about “new light”, it was about REAL new light.
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