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Srecko Sostar

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  1. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Dmitar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    You're still posting, aren't you? Now, the owner would never "ban" you or SM. So, NO! No one is preventing you from speaking about doctrine or history.
    What I would hope you would accept is your failures in not separating that history and fabricating things about doctrine. If you want to have an intelligent debate, I’m all for that. I just haven't seen one yet, here.
  2. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    You speak enigmatically, or I don't understand enough English language. Do you personally believe in the "overlapping generation"?
  3. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    The "questionable" video talks about that. Witness and I comment on this. And you with SM are harassing us with your comments. Why, when you say this now?
  4. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    So why then do you (all JWs) accept the “overlapping generation” as a true doctrine? :))
  5. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Imagine what, those JWs who were given the task to collect and put all this material in order, think about it. I would love to see and hear their reactions they had during the work. Or were they insensitive Borgs?
    Dmitar i SM, they have prejudices against anyone who comes from the JW milieu and is no longer a member of them. For two of them, ex-JW are liars. 
    It’s really interesting that the two of them can so easily accuse people who have been the “most honest” people in the world for decades because they belonged to the JW religion, and that they became hardened liars so soon after leaving JWorg. A truly stunning psychological analysis by these two “artists”.
  6. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    So why then do you (all JWs) accept the “overlapping generation” as a true doctrine? :))
  7. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Imagine what, those JWs who were given the task to collect and put all this material in order, think about it. I would love to see and hear their reactions they had during the work. Or were they insensitive Borgs?
    Dmitar i SM, they have prejudices against anyone who comes from the JW milieu and is no longer a member of them. For two of them, ex-JW are liars. 
    It’s really interesting that the two of them can so easily accuse people who have been the “most honest” people in the world for decades because they belonged to the JW religion, and that they became hardened liars so soon after leaving JWorg. A truly stunning psychological analysis by these two “artists”.
  8. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    The video is about concealment, the hiding of the history of teachings by your leaders, since its inception.  This could have been an easy access for JWs to peruse all publications, but it is guarded and only a select group can go there.  The fourth layer of your website gives access to all changes in doctrines over the years, for comparison reasons.  That too, is locked away from the average JW.  Instead, you receive what is called, “Beliefs Clarified”, most likely a shaved down version, not containing all changes.  Every one of these changes are lies, not clarifications of truth from Jesus Christ.  If one claims to teach truth, but hides what he has taught, has it ever been truth?  The massive database of publications that you cannot access because they are defunct, proves one thing - the production of "bad fruit".  Matt 7:15-20.  
    "Therefore by their fruits you will know them." Matt 15:20  
    Know who?  False teachers, false prophets prophesied by Jesus Christ to deceive the chosen ones - anointed, in the last days.  
    “but test everything; hold fast what is good. 22 Abstain from every form of evil.”  1 Thess 5:21,22
    It is impossible for JWs to do that, to test what their leaders have produced and make the choice to abstain from "bad fruit".  This is restricted on their own approved website -  to examine the entire production of "fruit" taught by the organization over the years.  Not one JW here, is expressing an opinion on this, except Dmitar, which tells me, that JWs -
    …Are blind and “drunk” on their leaders' “wine”/teachings, and don’t care  (Isa 28:7-15; Jer 5:30,31; Rev 17:1-6)
    …Are too uncomfortable to consider why they can’t view their organization’s publications at the touch of a finger, on the approved website for them to use;  which is cognitive dissonance.
    …May have their opinion, may not even like it, but refuse to make waves.  Sure, they can go elsewhere to find old publications while at the same time their leaders warn them not to.  Are Wt leaders who do have access, better persons, stronger, smarter, more qualified somehow to study what the organization taught in the past?  It’s all about control of the masses. 
    SM, never a JW, never a member of the organization, went down his own road following his own agenda.  That's fine, but he pushed it on myself and Srecko; seemingly diverting guilt on us, instead of guilting the organization for their spiritual cult-like tactics, and their inability to teach truth in Jesus Christ.   
    But, what can one expect from a pushy guy, a "Preacher" of the “world”,  who seems to think he understands what it is to be a JW or an exJW.🙂
  9. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    You think too much. That is why you persistently claim that other people thought or said this or that, and they did not. What do you care if I vote for someone else's comments or they vote for mine? You see where that got you. To your own misconceptions and misconceptions about others. Maybe we are just collecting points on the forum :))))))
  10. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    No, Dimitar, it appears you have an exclusive on this one, but occasionally you make a good, none-snide comment, and I do upvote you when you do.
    If memory serves, it’s a total of seven now.
    If you get 1 million “upvotes”, you can get a free Bell Helicopter.
    Or, you could finance it for 7 years, with a monthly payment of $111,234.00.
  11. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    You think too much. That is why you persistently claim that other people thought or said this or that, and they did not. What do you care if I vote for someone else's comments or they vote for mine? You see where that got you. To your own misconceptions and misconceptions about others. Maybe we are just collecting points on the forum :))))))
  12. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    You really have reading  problem about what things i sad i agree and/or about I not said agree or disagree. 
  13. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Space Merchant in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    :)))) SM
    Perhaps we should start with this order and the title that does not list "leaders", but the presidents of the WT.
    1. W.H. Conley
    2. C.T. Russell
    3. J.F. Rutherford
  14. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Space Merchant in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    What was written in the past WTJWorg called as "new light" aka "The Truth". However, every “new light” that subsequently appeared on the pages of WTJWorg publications unequivocally declared the “old truths” to be lies.
    The thoughts of other people, like GB people, are expressed in the text of all published publications. And we all see where it's going and where all those magazines and books are now. Discarded and rejected without any value for JW today.
  15. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    I think opposite, how your conclusion (about me) is wrong. But as i said, i am fine with your claim how BS titled Russell with "elder" too.
    If we start from the fact that I put an excerpt from the official JWorg site that confirms why BS called Russell a “Pastor,” then this statement of yours goes in the direction; that the official WTJWorg publication makes a false statement, that it deceives its readers. Also, that readers of WTJWorg publications cannot find out the exact historical facts, because better connoisseurs of history, like you, claim that readers of WTJWorg publications (JW and ex-JW and others) will not be able to understand what is true and what is not without correction of people like you .
    This may, of course, be somewhat true, as WTJWorg literature tends to skip historical facts or misrepresent them or, like you in this case, claim that readers misunderstand the text read.
    All of this could mean that someone in WTJWorg is engaging in intrigue while writing “spiritual food”. Or that you are engaged in manipulations. Either way, many of you don’t seem to be trusted.
    Good question. :)) I will let you know when i find answer.
    According to your opinion (or their opinion) , what is "my kind"? 
    Although your words are “dry letters” on internet paper, I feel a negative vibration through the monitor screen. :))
  16. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    How my former fellow believers feel about me is their problem. It's not mine, and I don't think it's your concern either, is it? Or you still care, given the comment you made.
    What is your need to find out how JW feels about me? Well, if you’re interested, please read their publications and listen to what they say about former members, so you’ll know how they feel and what they think about ex-JW. Satisfied?
    I have no inferiority complex, so to think that JWs are better than other people, ex-JW or me. :))))
    Good for you, even better for others. 
    But by the way. Do you act like a "pastor" with respect to the people around you?
  17. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    But the GB neither teach God's word, nor do they obey it.  JWs, when on the doors in the past, or on the carts/trollys in the past, or even in the market places, they do not offer the word of God, they only offer the words of men. 
    I've never seen a JW offer free Bibles, which is the word of God. JWs only offer the magazines or tracts, which are the  words of the GB. 
    Yeshua taught the word of YHWH, not the words of men. 
  18. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Sorry, on what basis did you come to the conclusion that I mean this or that around the name "elder" and Russell? Virtually all JW literature calls Russell a "pastor." If they call him "elder" somewhere, I don't mind, but I don't know. Maybe you have the proper link to a WTJWorg publication that shows and proves.
    Mistake from me? Not for now. I just conclude based on what I know. And that never can be wrong. hahahhahaha (Translation: joke, for those who don't understand my humorous expressions)
  19. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    What was written in the past WTJWorg called as "new light" aka "The Truth". However, every “new light” that subsequently appeared on the pages of WTJWorg publications unequivocally declared the “old truths” to be lies.
    The thoughts of other people, like GB people, are expressed in the text of all published publications. And we all see where it's going and where all those magazines and books are now. Discarded and rejected without any value for JW today.
  20. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Can you guarantee that racism and segregation did not happen?
  21. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Of course the information is no longer unknown. Why? Because he quoted it in a video, and made known to all YouTube viewers, from an outdated WT publication that JW no longer uses today, for several reasons. One reason is that it is not on the JW Library or Internet WT Library. And you keep claiming it is? 

  22. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Are you saying that it is difficult for today's JWs to understand old publications, because those previous ones were incomprehensibly written, because they have an outdated way of expression, or simply because many things are nonsense?
    What has been simplified in today’s JW literature to such an extent that it can be read by people with reduced intellectual abilities? Is that what you mean? What is more understandable to today's JW? That one generation lasts 70-80 years or that one generation can overlap as needed and much longer?
  23. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    As @Witness has already told you, the video does not analyze details on racism issue, but confirms the existence of several levels of access to JW library or inability to access WT organization publications by JW members or other people on the official JW library website. He gave example on his claim. He could also use examples that show what changed attitudes on medical issues WT has offered through publications at various periods of time.
    The moderator's indication of racism within WTJWorg is not a lie, as similar warnings about the harmfulness of the phenomenon can be read and heard regularly on WTJWorg's "spiritual food" programs, which also address racism. Not every JW congregation may have that problem, but it is still present. Like any other harmful thing in any society, WTJWorg is not exempt from sin and injustice.
    Your persistent denial that such a thing is possible within WTJWorg only confirms your inability to accept the reality of today and the fact that WTJWorg has the same kinds of problems as any other religion.
  24. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    As I said, I respect your opinion, although I do not agree with your point of view.
    Okay, so you're talking about bones. I'm talking about meat around the bones.
  25. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Space Merchant in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    We already talked about Archives, therefore, you have no case. What you are showing me is a INTRANET outside of the domain, an INFUSTRAURE used by JWs on a public form.
    As someone who deals in the Network field, you have no case in that regard. 
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