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Srecko Sostar

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  1. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Space Merchant in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    I’m not petty, but I’m surprised that such an informed and knowledgeable debater like you mistakenly names historical figures from the WT.
    Russell was called Pastor, and Rutherford was called Judge.
  2. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    Along the general topic of the above posts, it’s interesting to note that Superman really is Superman.
    He only pretends to be Clark Kent.
    Sometimes this is obvious, sometimes it’s not.

  3. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Dmitar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Truth Unhurt.

    Truth gathers itself spotless and unhurt after all our surrenders, and concealments, and partisanship — never hurt by the treachery or ruin of its best defenders, whether Luther, or William Penn, or St. Paul. We answer, when they tell us of the bad behavior of Luther or Paul: “Well, what if he did? Who was more pained than Luther or Paul?” We attach ourselves violently to our teachers and historical personalities, and think the foundation shaken if any fault is shown in their record. But how is the truth hurt by their falling from it? The law of gravity is not hurt by every accident, though our leg be broken. No more is the law of justice by our departure from it. A. J. Froude
  4. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    What is "wow" here? I already stated what you now finally admit. There is difference with library and archive. JW ordinary members have a access only to JW Library. 
  5. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Plenty of words. Nothing more. Admit, please, that JW members have a JW library, not a JW Archive.
  6. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    You can say what you want. And you can continue too. :))  Ordinary JW members do not have access to the JW archive, but only to the JW library. 
  7. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    I think there is a simple explanation for why something is called a library and something else an archive.
    What is officially displayed by WTJWorg is a JW library...... and not a JW archive.
    The main difference between archive and library is the type of content they house. Archives typically contain unique and rare public records or historical materials, while libraries contain various reading and study materials. - https://pediaa.com/what-is-the-difference-between-archive-and-library/
    Libraries in towns (public libraries) or universities (academic libraries) can generally be defined as “collections of books and/or other print or nonprint materials organized and maintained for use.”* Patrons of those libraries can access materials at the library, via the Internet, or by checking them out for home use. Libraries exist to make their collections available to the people they serve.
    Archives also exist to make their collections available to people, but differ from libraries in both the types of materials they hold, and the way materials are accessed. - https://www2.archivists.org/usingarchives/whatarearchives
  8. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    "Archive.org"  ("archive.org") is not official JW web site. If you put the term "Archive.org" or "archive.org" on their public and official JW.org search engine, there are no results. And if you type in "Internet Archive" then it takes you back to their official site.
    You speaking in agenda style.  You are disqualified.
  9. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Your logic and connecting non-existent statements is fascinating. You set a thesis and if someone on the forum does not react to it, then you attribute to him imaginary motives, imaginary attitudes, imaginary conclusions. Just keep going, you're doing well, but you're not going anywhere.  
  10. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Matthew9969 in Governing body will sue anyone?   
  11. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Plenty of words. Nothing more. Admit, please, that JW members have a JW library, not a JW Archive.
  12. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    You can say what you want. And you can continue too. :))  Ordinary JW members do not have access to the JW archive, but only to the JW library. 
  13. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Space Merchant in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Yet words have meaning with facts behind it. Not too long ago you speak boldy in regards to facts vs opinion. That said, of which was said, already stated as with the notation of the archives. Why go back now when a critical question to example 2 of the video is now ongoing?
    Again, if you believe the video to be true, just as Witness believes it to be true, did the Nazi Regime take the action or not? All of a sudden another point from the video cocnerning history you are avoid it.
    As a side note, you mentioned Croatia. The Independent State of Croatia was also invovled in the events of WW II in regards to History pretaining to the Nazi Regime.
    All histroical accounts, even the archives pretaining this event, and Germany's dark past, states otherwise.
    You can react with a laugh all you want, the question still stands.
  14. Confused
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    I think there is a simple explanation for why something is called a library and something else an archive.
    What is officially displayed by WTJWorg is a JW library...... and not a JW archive.
    The main difference between archive and library is the type of content they house. Archives typically contain unique and rare public records or historical materials, while libraries contain various reading and study materials. - https://pediaa.com/what-is-the-difference-between-archive-and-library/
    Libraries in towns (public libraries) or universities (academic libraries) can generally be defined as “collections of books and/or other print or nonprint materials organized and maintained for use.”* Patrons of those libraries can access materials at the library, via the Internet, or by checking them out for home use. Libraries exist to make their collections available to the people they serve.
    Archives also exist to make their collections available to people, but differ from libraries in both the types of materials they hold, and the way materials are accessed. - https://www2.archivists.org/usingarchives/whatarearchives
  15. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    The third factor that belongs to these two, verified evidence and opinion, is also faith.
    How will you prove with verified facts that someone in the past was “inspired by God” to write a written text? There is only someone’s faith that proves for or against. One’s belief that every biblical book was written under the inspiration of HS, is his attitude and his personal opinion which is not crucial to the other person. Someone’s opinion of his own belief in something is not proof that he is right. It is already/only his interpretation of his own personal spiritual experience.
    Do you believe/have faith that archive.org is the official site of WTJWorg?
  16. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    "Archive.org"  ("archive.org") is not official JW web site. If you put the term "Archive.org" or "archive.org" on their public and official JW.org search engine, there are no results. And if you type in "Internet Archive" then it takes you back to their official site.
    You speaking in agenda style.  You are disqualified.
  17. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    There are things that really matter, and there are things you might think would really matter, but they don’t matter at all.
    Celestial navigation will get you anywhere in the world you want to go down to about 12 feet radius, or just with degrees minutes and seconds 104 feet radius at 45° latitude.
    As precise as this navigation is on a planet that is 8000 miles in diameter it’s based on an assumption that is completely false, that is, that the Earth is the center of the universe.
    Sometimes, excellent practical results can be obtained from information that is completely false.
  18. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    I never said the Archives "are unknown to people."
    You said:  “If the publications were indeed concealed, why is it the Archives exist, which is actually known to JWs?” 
    My response:  JWs in general?  NO!!  They don't all know about it!  They blindly follow their leaders advice to stay away from anything that is not approved by the GB!  
    JWs in general are not aware of the Archive.org.  I personally didn’t know about it until a few back, and I was a JW for over 30 years.  I have been out of the organization since around 2013.  
    Get your facts straight.   The login leading to the history of all publications, that is accessible to only an elite few, who happen to be in Bethel, is on the jw website at the bottom of the page.  The average JW cannot use it.  It is a different login than the one provided at the top of the web page.  Thus, JWs cannot gain access to the history of publications that go back to the beginning of time, through the JW website!  They are limited on access to publications that go back to about 1950 through the "online library".  Even there, many articles are still unavailable on that "online library".  
    They are discouraged from using the Archive, as I pointed out with their own quote from a magazine.
    As I've said before, you can't trusted.  You are very guilty of twisting what a person says.  
    Done.  🙂
  19. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    If that ex Betelit said something inaccurate, semi-accurate or dubious then we can all comment on it. What's the problem?
    Maybe he also comments in this video on something he interpreted in a way that can be disputed. And what now? Have your say and let others have their say.
    Sometimes (many times) I don’t have the time and will to listen and watch just about every ex-JW who makes a video about their life and the reasons for leaving WTJWorg. Many who make videos go unnoticed by me and I don’t even think to know what all they are saying and doing. Certainly some of them while talking about some topics say things that are their experience of the issue, and do not have to be completely accurate in every expression. 
    And now to comment on the introductory part of the video.
    I went to the JW Library for Croatia. The oldest publication of WT magazine dates back to 1981. The oldest is only one brochure from 1976. So I'm asking you now, how will a JW from Croatia find out what older publications wrote? And why would anyone have to know English so well to go to another JW library and find out more?
    In addition, the video moderator is right when he claims that JW should deal exclusively with WTJWorg publications in the JW library, which according to JW leaders is the safest and most accurate spiritual food for a true Christian, and should not be eaten from another "spiritual table".
    What is wrong with these claims of his?
  20. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    Maybe 2013, when the GB said via the Watchtower that only THEY, the GB, are the Faithful and Discreet slave class.
    Prior to that all anointed were 'said to be' the F&DS. So is can been seen that in 2013 the GB exaulted themselves above all mankind by pretending to be the only spokesperson for God. 
  21. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Wow, 7 pages of arguing between people that say they are Christians. 
    No I didn't read it all. 
    Dimmy and others have mentioned Visitors to this forum. I'm sure any visitor would easily note that this is not a true Christian forum.  
    I don't know if this link will be of interest to anyone 
    I don't know if this article is saying that BS - JWs expected black people to turn white once they had learnt the JW way of life. 
  22. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    I know what you had say about BS and JW at that era.
    You actually expressed your opinion in which you justify the segregation of that time which was the norm of behavior for BS and JW (in America) of that time.
    Can you provide evidence from WT publications from those period of time where they condemning racism and / or justifying segregation? Which WT publication from that time says that one should listen to Caesar more than God in matter of racism and segregation?
    Do you suggest how BS/JW  out of fear of men, knowingly violated God's norm that all men are equal before Him?
  23. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    You justify other people's actions nicely. So, can one act unethically, morally questionable, or even unjustly because “unbelieving” people and (one other kind of Christians) Bible Students and later JWs lived in a time period when racism (or anything else) was the norm?
    The norm of behavior in different time periods of history and the present does not coincide with the interpretations of some norms we find in the doctrines of different religious communities before or now.
    This only confirms that the manifestation of religious beliefs can be manifested in at least two ways. Consistent and fanatical adherence to doctrines at the cost of ridicule, rejection, persecution and even death , to the point that compromises are made in order not to experience condemnation from the environment and society, under the pretext that it is okay because God does not ask for more. 
    (society required them to do so + kept neutrality and adhere to secular laws and customs.)
    In some of the behaviors of JW members, it was clear that the neutrality they displayed was not related to obedience to the laws and customs of society.
  24. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Okay, dear man, so it's just me reading your comments and no one else?
    Please provide some fact and evidence that i am only one who read your comments.  
  25. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Because of those people who read your frequent comments on the "Glasgow" video. The video is not problematic and is not misleading. My interpretation of what the journalist said in that video was wrong. Let me understand for once SM :))) Do you want me to beg you every week on my knees for mercy :))))
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