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Srecko Sostar

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  1. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    So, let me continue with the absurdity.   The word (of every kind) was transmitted orally, until the moment when human society began to be "literate", so I guess because of poor memory it began to write things down so that they would not be forgotten. It was similar with what we call today the "Word of God". Of course, we will not deal with unimportant details and say that some "letters" (documents) are inspired, and all others are not. At least not on the issue of "divine inspiration" as implied by the Bible.
  2. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    In this comment you have introduced a new term; physical protection from harm. This reminds me very much of one statement before court when Richard Ashe says that JW elders provide spiritual protection to members of the congregation, not physical protection (there has been talk of protecting children from CSA)
    If a delegated guardian angel has abused his position, the question is: Why has no one prevented him from doing so? Why no one came and told Eve and Adam; The snake is lying. And everyone heard it and watched it in the heaven. Where were all the First Princes, cherubims, seraphs and other angels? Did they sleep?
    Why didn't anyone react? Neither in a spiritual nor in a literal sense of protection for Adam and Eve? Or, no one in the Heaven want to violate satan' free will? But there was no problem to punish Adam and Eve for their free will? According to JW elder Richard Ashe deposition, if he had been there, he would have sent the elders to provide every "spiritual help" to deliver them from the wrong decision.
    Free choice? The explanations offered go in the direction that it could be concluded that it is very likely that free will means the wrong choice. In primitive terms, free will would be equated with the conclusion that a punishment would be obtained for a choice made beyond that choice prescribed by someone else. If there is no choice other than the one determined by law, then we have no reason to talk about free will in matters of such things.
    And even when people choose a color of shoes that others do not like, many will succumb to the will of others and choose a color that is more liked by the majority in the group or one who has an influence on the opinion of the group. Why do male JWs have a big problem with, say, a beard? Because their free will is not free, but is under attack by the will of the WTJWorg Administration. What kind of free will/choice do we want to talk about? About what kind of protection is about that people in general and unprotected JW members can count on?
    Protection, not general guidance. Because, people need to be "protected" from their wrong free will too.   
  3. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    JW believe that the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” was literally a tree, but that the fruit from the tree was not poisonous and would not therefore cause Adam and Eve to die. They explain that the death occurred due to disobedience to the ban on eating, and not because of eating the fruit itself.
    By the same analogy, it could be interpreted that eating fruit from the "tree of life", before and / or after the sins of Adam and Eve, would not mean that the fruit from the "tree of life" has the literal value of eternal, immortal life. Both have only symbolism, and the punishment or reward associated with both trees is in the hands of God.
    In other words, the ban could have been expressed in this way as well; Do not look at the tree of knowledge, because you will be punished by death if you look at it, because you will die from looking at it. 
    "Looking" into something can also be punishable, by the words of Jesus, because to look with desire at something signifies sin, and every sin must be punished. As in the case of watching a woman with desire. (... whoever looks at a woman to desire her has already committed adultery.)
  4. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    You are somewhat right. But I think, also, experience we collect with time has a lot of influence on our decision whether to listen to something or refuse to listen.
    The gift of free will is associated with independence. Independence means, in this case, making an independent decision about something. Making independent decisions is a feature of a certain degree of maturity of an individual.   "...always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth."
    Learning is a process that builds experience in a theoretical way. Through practice, the acquired knowledge gains maturity and is practiced over time. Obedience is also practiced and has its oscillations. Sometimes we are more obedient and sometimes less obedient. So, there is no continuity by which we are constantly obedient. Well, look at WTJWorg. Abandonment of old interpretations actually means the cessation of obedience to the previous system of doctrines aka God who “allowed” wrong teaching.
    From the aspect of a JW member, it could also be interpreted that God suffered the disobedience of all JWs in the world and that all the time while you believed in the wrong ideas of your religious leaders. Has God punished you for your obedience to wrong ideas? In fact, it has happened that your religious leaders have been assuring you all along that WTJWorg has actually been blessed with great progress in every way, spiritual and physical. So how can it be now, that God rewards one's obedience to wrong teachings?
    Does God want man to be a mature individual who is capable of making mature decisions on his own, reflecting the “image of God”? Or that a man, on the contrary, be an immature individual who must constantly ask someone else for advice or instruction on what to do, how to decide on something?
    Obedience, to someone or something, has its weight only to a certain extent. Because, no one has a manual on how to act in a situation, so that we can then be obedient to stick to the manual, word for word.
    If God had imagined things that way, then he would not have even embarked on an experiment with free will. He would already write the rules, so, let people read, remember and obey the rules aka God.
    Obviously, things don’t go that way. Obedience must be constantly learned, because one must learn to distinguish what should and should not be obeyed.
  5. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    Agree, of course. But you have to agree with the experiential statement that a principle can be changed, as we see in the example of WTJWorg, who changes the principle on the basis of “new light” and new, clarified interpretations of old doctrines. The very change of doctrine leads to a change of principles, in one way or another.  
  6. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    Yes it's true. and we can now see how evil the GB and their helpers are. 
      Srecko Sostar said:      GB+Helpers+Writing department fall under that category too? Dimmy replied.  No, They know what they're doing.
    Yes Dimmy, the GB et al, do know what they are doing, hence they will probably not 'enter their promised land'. 
    A wicked slave is what they have become. 
  7. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    WTJWorg has mastered the technique of how followers learn what is acceptable and what is not in accordance with the "principles" explained in writing through literature or interpretative form by elders.
  8. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    The topic (of the judiciary) is more complex than what I commented on and what you are commenting on. 
    Moral principles, God’s commandments, tribal customs, the influence of surrounding tribes and nations and their systems of “legislation” should also be considered.
    We have patriarchal, tribal, national and other factors that have contributed to the development of the legislature and the judiciary (prior to Exile time to Moses to Judges to Kings to Sanhedrin to Jesus Church etc).
    We have the power of one person to decide (the head of a family or tribe, nation, a patriarch or a king, for example) to a group of people at lower and higher levels of the judiciary (Lesser Sanhedrin and Great Sanhedrin, for example)."
  9. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    As far as I can remember, the publications of WTJWorg, ie the authors of the articles, have confirmed literally that some things said in the literature are nothing but dogmatism. How is the state of dogma confirmed? By imposing a teaching, the construction of which is later changed or completely rejected. While the dogma is in force there are dire consequences for those who oppose it.
    WTJWorg is full of dogmatic approaches. Older members should be more aware of this than those who have only recently joined JWorg.
  10. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    The topic (of the judiciary) is more complex than what I commented on and what you are commenting on. 
    Moral principles, God’s commandments, tribal customs, the influence of surrounding tribes and nations and their systems of “legislation” should also be considered.
    We have patriarchal, tribal, national and other factors that have contributed to the development of the legislature and the judiciary (prior to Exile time to Moses to Judges to Kings to Sanhedrin to Jesus Church etc).
    We have the power of one person to decide (the head of a family or tribe, nation, a patriarch or a king, for example) to a group of people at lower and higher levels of the judiciary (Lesser Sanhedrin and Great Sanhedrin, for example)."
  11. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    As far as I can remember, the publications of WTJWorg, ie the authors of the articles, have confirmed literally that some things said in the literature are nothing but dogmatism. How is the state of dogma confirmed? By imposing a teaching, the construction of which is later changed or completely rejected. While the dogma is in force there are dire consequences for those who oppose it.
    WTJWorg is full of dogmatic approaches. Older members should be more aware of this than those who have only recently joined JWorg.
  12. Confused
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    The specificity of the Jewish judicial system should be recognized in its public process, not the chamber one where there are three who decide the guilt or innocence of one. Whether such a way is good or bad, I leave to the discussion. But if WTJWorg boasts of its authenticity and originality stemming from the Judeo-Christian milieu, then it is seen that in this matter they do not imitate the workings of the 1st century church.
  13. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    The specificity of the Jewish judicial system should be recognized in its public process, not the chamber one where there are three who decide the guilt or innocence of one. Whether such a way is good or bad, I leave to the discussion. But if WTJWorg boasts of its authenticity and originality stemming from the Judeo-Christian milieu, then it is seen that in this matter they do not imitate the workings of the 1st century church.
  14. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    Yes, for both thoughts.
    An empty stomach must be filled.
  15. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    WTJWorg has mastered the technique of how followers learn what is acceptable and what is not in accordance with the "principles" explained in writing through literature or interpretative form by elders.
  16. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    Yes, for both thoughts.
    An empty stomach must be filled.
  17. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    There is a lot that we do not know about Jesus and the apostles, I think somewhere it says something about if everything was written about Jesus the world cannot hold all the books…… Which may have been an exaggeration, an allusion,  or something.
    We don’t know if Jesus was a framing carpenter, a finish carpenter, he worked on remodeling projects, or he built furniture etc., things like bookcases and chairs and sofas, and so forth.
    There’s even some suggestion that the word for “carpenter” is actually technician , And not carpenter, so he may have been a technician of some sort, perhaps even a blacksmith or something.
    There’s even some suggestion that even though most of the apostles were fishermen, they supplied fish to the local restaurants and these restaurants served both gentiles and Jews as well as fish and lobsters and clams.
    Both gentiles and Jews as well as fish and lobsters and clams.
    get it?
    It’s very heartwarming to think that there was no discrimination between the five.
  18. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    It makes sense to claim so. But every form of worship of God is subject to change due to time and circumstances. Reading the Bible, we notice such changes and are ready to accept them as if they came from God. So we could agree that today’s form of Christianity should not be a copy of that of the first century. Because, I think, that is not even possible. 
  19. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    The explanation is simple. The people who led the people (spiritual leaders) set the standards of worship and declared it true. The same thing happens in today’s religions. WTJWorg is a close example to us. 
    So all religious followers will explain to you better than I do why their worship is the only right one.  
    The answer is given. 
  20. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    If the claim of biblical scholars, both those inside the WTJWorg and those outside, is correct, Judaism and Christianity are unique in the kind of worship that is monotheistic. Both acknowledge YHVH as the Father, and consequently the Messiah as the Savior who comes from that Father. Both institutions are considered to be the bearers of the one true worship of the one true God. in the eyes of WTJWorg it is the same Organization of God because one came from the other. I think JW members will confirm that to you, and you are among them, right?
    In some of Jesus' statements, he affirmed that one should do as the religious leaders of Israel say, but not imitate them in their deeds. If we take Jesus' words literally, then we could conclude that the Pharisees and other religious factions in the 1st century knew what "true worship" was and that they possessed it institutionally.
    "Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2 “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach." -Matt 23
    Here, Jesus teaches the people to follow the theological teachings of the Pharisees. So the Pharisees knew what true worship was?
  21. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    I do not understand. Was Judaism from the time of the ancient patriarchs and the nation of Israel in the time of Moses a true worship? ...... or is it just an exclusive right of Jesus-type Christianity?
    "True worship" should not be divided or attributed by the name of the religion (individual/s, organization) and the historical time of the event and existence of a particular religion, or perhaps it should?  
    And this sounds a bit like the "world started" with the USA and with JW's in this country. I hope it doesn’t end with the USA (Apologies to the citizens of this country if they think this offends them). The example of Cyrus the Great has just been cited that it would not be considered that religious freedom could only have arisen in a country that emerged from 1776 CE. For it could then be argued that not a single true worshiper of God inside one organized religion could have appeared anywhere else in the world but only in an American-type democracy.  
    The historical moment when this happened shows that WTJWorg lawyers were dealing with that kind of issue at the time. Today, WTJWorg lawyers have to deal with CSA scandals (tragedies) that happen in the organization. Unfortunately, JW lawyers and JW representatives who come to court are increasingly bringing up untruths and deceptions to defend WTJWorg. Those former JW attorneys had different concerns. The role of WTJWorg's  Legal Department is changing in the USA and other Western countries. What are they defending in the courts? Religious freedom? Truth? Or Company?
  22. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    I can't believe my eyes that a man of your caliber wrote this absurdity.  
    quote: Cyrus II of Persia, commonly known as Cyrus the Great, is mentioned as one of those historical figures who allowed different religions to exist in his empire. The Edict of Cyrus is a 539 BCE proclamation by Achaemenid Empire founder Cyrus the Great attested by a cylinder seal of the time. Although the Cyrus Cylinder does not refer directly to the Israelites exiled by Nebuchadnezzar, the edict is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as authorizing and encouraging their return to the land of Israel and the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem.
    Freedom of faith and religion is an achievement which existed in some ancient civilizations and is not a novelty of the 20th century. And it is certainly not a merit of WTJWorg.
  23. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    Could be. But does that mean that it was only with the record of Moses that people in general and we came to know about that thing? Do you think that Adam, Eve and then with their children never talked about this event and came to some emotions, thoughts and conclusions?
  24. Confused
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Space Merchant in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    It applies to me, you and everyone else.  
    1)The Bible text refers to; God spoke to himself or to someone in heaven while he was saying this ...., and perhaps he said the same thing to Adam. It means that he meant Adam, and consequently his descendants, because the descendants came from Adam and not someone else.
    2)How do I know what Adam saw?
    3)I don't saying neither one nor the other . 
  25. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    Proof is in the background, because what good is it if someone’s eyes are blinded?
    Judging by the words of Genesis, you are right. Man did not need to gain knowledge of that kind. But that doesn't mean that man has enough of it today.
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