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Srecko Sostar

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    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   (Redirected from Corprolite)     Jump to navigation Jump to search For fossilized feces in archaeological contexts, see Paleofeces. Part of a series on Paleontology   Fossils   Natural history   Organs and processes   Evolution of various taxa   Evolution   History of paleontology   Branches of paleontology Paleontology Portal
    Category v t e   A large coprolite of a carnivorous dinosaur found in Harding County, South Dakota, USA. Photo courtesy of the Poozeum   A large Miocene coprolite from South Carolina, USA.   A large coprolite (fossilized feces) from South Carolina, USA.   Age: White River Oligocene; Location: Northwest Nebraska; Dimensions: Varies (25 mm X 20 mm); Weight: 8-10 g; Features: Many small inclusions and one has a complete toe bone from a small deer called a leptomeryx. A coprolite (also known as a coprolith) is fossilized feces. Coprolites are classified as trace fossils as opposed to body fossils, as they give evidence for the animal's behaviour (in this case, diet) rather than morphology. The name is derived from the Greek words κόπρος (kopros, meaning "dung") and λίθος (lithos, meaning "stone"). They were first described by William Buckland in 1829. Prior to this they were known as "fossil fir cones" and "bezoar stones". They serve a valuable purpose in paleontology because they provide direct evidence of the predation and diet of extinct organisms.[1] Coprolites may range in size from a few millimetres to over 60 centimetres.
    Coprolites, distinct from paleofeces, are fossilized animal dung. Like other fossils, coprolites have had much of their original composition replaced by mineral deposits such as silicates and calcium carbonates. Paleofeces, on the other hand, retain much of their original organic composition and can be reconstituted to determine their original chemical properties, though in practice the term coprolite is also used for ancient human faecal material in archaeological contexts.[2][3][4]
    1 Initial discovery 2 Research value 3 Recognizing coprolites 4 Coprolite mining 5 See also 6 Notes 7 References Initial discovery
    British fossil hunter Mary Anning noticed as early as 1824 that "bezoar stones" were often found in the abdominal region of ichthyosaur skeletons found in the Lias formation at Lyme Regis.[5] She also noted that if such stones were broken open they often contained fossilized fish bones and scales as well as sometimes bones from smaller ichthyosaurs. It was these observations by Anning that led the geologist William Buckland to propose in 1829 that the stones were fossilized feces and name them coprolites. Buckland also suspected that the spiral markings on the fossils indicated that ichthyosaurs had spiral ridges in their intestines similar to those of modern sharks, and that some of these coprolites were black with ink from swallowed belemnites.[6]
    Research value
    By examining coprolites, paleontologists are able to find information about the diet of the animal (if bones or other food remains are present), such as whether it was a herbivore or a carnivore, and the taphonomy of the coprolites, although the producer is rarely identified unambiguously,[7] especially with more ancient examples.[8] In some instances, knowledge about the anatomy of animal digestive tracts can be helpful in assigning a coprolite to the animal that produced it, one example being the finding that the Triassic dinosauriform Silesaurus may have been an insectivore, a suggestion which was based on the beak-like jaws of the animal and the high density of beetle remains found in associated coprolites.[9] Further, coprolites can be analyzed for certain minerals that are known to exist in trace amounts in certain species of plant that can still be detected millions of years later.[10]
    Conclusion by Pudgy the 2d Cartoon Dog
    Animals have been herbivores, Omnivores and Carnivores since the very beginning, BILLIONS of years ago, or at the very least, many hundreds of millions of years ago, and there is HARD evidence to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that this is true ....
    UNLESS, of course your neurons are agenda driven programmed to the contrary, or you are as deliberately and willfully stupid as ...uh... Coprolite.
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    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    I think the information in the Scriptures is for a purpose and that purpose is not to tell us everything, but to tell us what we 'need' to know. 
    I've stopped listening to 'religious leaders' and prefer to believe what God's word says about Him. 
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    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in GB David Splane's "Way of Holiness"   
    His statement is ridiculous. Well, didn't Jesus establish and open the way when he was on Earth? Plus, the challenge of being right and clean never ends.
  4. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Witness in GB David Splane's "Way of Holiness"   
    His statement is ridiculous. Well, didn't Jesus establish and open the way when he was on Earth? Plus, the challenge of being right and clean never ends.
  5. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in GB David Splane's "Way of Holiness"   
    A good park or backcountry trail could be compared to a smooth highway accessible for every vehicle’s use.  Over the years, my husband shared with me the necessary building techniques needed to create a user-friendly hiking trail. His skills enhanced the user’s experience with nature; balancing the need to care for the environment, while also keeping in mind the goal of the hiker.  He had the ability to deftly and carefully merge what nature had to offer, by creating a trail that would lead one to experience it.
    Good techniques limit the need for maintenance, yet maintenance is ultimately scheduled, to check erosion, for the removal of downed trees, and removal of any cause for stumbling that would detract from the hiker’s view of his surroundings, while on the trail. The goal is not to worry about possible obstacles ahead, but to ensure that the experience that the path provides, remains top-notch.
    These trails that we enjoy are created by men, and they could never be perfect.  However, the Bible tells us of a way, a path of Holiness, built by God and Jesus.  It describes it as a lofty, exalted highway leading to eternal life.  The Hebrew word for “holiness” means “apartness, sacredness, the divinity and holiness of God”. The highway would be flawless, with no maintenance needed on this perfect path.  (Isa.35:8; 40:3; Ps.118:20; Isa.57:14; 62:10)
    The way of Holiness is illuminated with the light of Christ – the wisdom of God found in His decrees and the teachings of Jesus. (Ps 119:130; 27:11; Isa 2:3)  He prepared the way for salvation and the receiving of righteousness from God. (2 Cor 5:21; Titus 3:5; Eph 2:8; Heb 7:25; Rev 5:9,10) The person who steps onto this path, experiences the light and truth of Christ by following in his footsteps; which ultimately leads to the joy of eternal life in the Kingdom of God.  (1 Pet 2:21; 1 John 2:6; Luke 22:28,29)  
    However, this isn’t what a governing body member will have you believe.  At the Annual Meeting of this year, David Splane stated that the highway of holiness “was opened for travelers” in 1919, when the “testing and refinement of God’s people foretold at Mal 3:1-4, was complete.”  Keep in mind that after 1919, there were many false predictions established, and changed doctrine initially laid out as truth; failed “light” later discarded over the years. (Isa 5:20;8:20; 50:10,11; John 15:5-7; James 1:17)  
    Such motivation to teach illusions from the minds of men, is not a sign that the organization and its leaders ever reached refinement from sin. (Jer 23:26,27; Ps 119:118; Matt 7:15-20) It is a sign that its leadership persisted in the actions of their predecessors, gradually raising a figurative siege ramp and walls of lies precariously set on the shaky foundation their predecessors laid. (Ps 119:150; Ezel 13:4-7,14; Hab 1:9,10; Dan 11:15; Rev 11:1,2)
    The words of these men have polluted the teachings of Jesus Christ. (Matt 15:9; 2 Cor 11:3,4; 2 Tim 4:3; Gal 1:6-9)  As evident from the governing leader’s talk, they continue in this vein down to today. (Jer 18:15; Isa 59:8)
    A siege ramp? (Ezek 4:1-3)  Yes. This is a spiritual war. (2 Cor 10:3-5;Eph 6:11-14) God’s anointed under covenant are held captive and “tested” by these lying teachings (Luke 22:31; Lam 3:7,9; 4:20; Col 2:8; Rev 13:10,5-7; Rev 16:13-16; 12:1-4; 20:7-9).
    Unless they reach out for refinement with Jesus’ help, they will remain in a climate of cold darkness and spiritual famine, with the eventuality of the house falling down around them.  (Lam 2:14; Rev 2:4,5,20,21; Lam 3:1,2; John 8:12;12:46; Lam 5:4;3:19; Rev 8:10,11;13:11,12,16,17; Lam 5:9; Rev 13:10; John 4:10; 6:35; Rev 22:17) (Lam 4:11; Matt 7:24-27)
    According to the organization, 1919 was the end of religious captivity, and Babylon the Great “fell” that year.  How confusing, when JWs are said to still be leaving Babylon when entering the organization; and they regularly prophesy that Babylon the Great, “the empire of false religion” is yet to fall.  The world’s religions were not affected in the least when the small number of Rutherford’s followers began their preaching work; most religions have grown, exponentially.   Within 2 years after 1919, it is said that a “faithful and discreet slave”, industriously produced the publication, the Harp of God.  Let’s just say, this book is chock full of visions from a false prophet’s mind. (Jer 23:16,21; Luke 6:45; Matt 7:15-20; 1 John 4:1; 1 Tim 4:1; 2 Cor 11:13-15)  What brazen boldness to mention it to the leader’s audience, placing it on a pedestal by boasting that before it ceased printing, 6 million plus copies were circulated. (Ps 52:1-4)  It is a book of incredible falsehoods, baited with a small sprinkling of truth. (Eccl 9:12; Ps 64:5; 66:11) This means that lies infiltrated the hearts and minds of the innocent, throughout the realm of Wt’s preaching at the time.  He didn’t dare quote from its pages and face embarrassment, but why not share just one of its many infamous remarks:
    “In Nahum 2:1-6 the Prophet records his vision of a railway train traveling at a high rate of speed, as another evidence of the day of preparation for the establishment of Christ’s kingdom.” P. 124  
    The speaker described it as a “simple” book for beginners “to come into the truth”. It is undoubtedly, a way of confusion, leading one far from the straight path of truth in Jesus Christ. (Isa 40:3; 42:16; Prov 16:17) Instead, JWs follow a crooked road of twisted teachings and unfulfilled promises, that the organization’s leaders are experts at envisioning. If the Harp of God was “simple truth”, would it not be placed on the shelf and referred to today?   This signifies that when one enters the organization by stepping onto their counterfeit “highway of holiness”, that person has sunk deep into the mire of “Babylon”, the promised broad road leading to death.  (Eccl 10:3; Ps. 1:1; Prov 4:14; Isa 57:20; 28:7,8,14,15; Rev 13:1,11,12;17:1,3,5,6; 18:4-8; Matt 7:13)
    D. Splane stated, “every good road needs ongoing maintenance”. He mentioned that although CT Russel died in 1916, he takes part in the maintenance on the road. He claimed that Russell and his associates have looked down from heaven since 1919; apparently not missing the inauguration of the highway’s opening.  From heaven, Russell helps ensure that all future offerings of spiritual food provide the clear path out of Babylon the Great and onto their counterfeit “highway of holiness”.  Can a false prophet, as Russell was, ensure a clear path to truth?  (Ps 119:118; John 8:44; Matt 24:11,24;1 John 4:1)
    Their concept of this road is of course, one fabricated by false teachers, and not by God and Jesus Christ.  It is full of potholes, lies, rotten teachings, discarded doctrine; all are stumbling blocks that detract the traveler from any progressive spiritual experience in truth, that one should have in their relationship with God and Jesus Christ.  (Ps 119:105; John 1:1,4,5; John 14:6) This governing leader has blasphemed the holiness of God with his fantasies.  It’s interesting, but when he mentioned his version of the path of holiness and the perpetual maintenance needed, I immediately envisioned a hot, black, sticky asphalt road, each year needing a new coat of tar and gravel, to fill its holes and cracks. No cognizant person walking this road, would be anxious to use it again.  (Prov 1:15,16; 4:26)
    He says, “The way of holiness is open, but maintenance on that way of holiness goes on and what’s the goal?  It’s to make it as easy as possible for people to identify Babylon the Great, and to leave Babylon the Great, that is the goal”.
    On the contrary; the goal behind the existence of the organization and its leadership, is to make it “easy” to enter and remain in “Babylon”, without one realizing it. False prophets have deceived their listeners who set foot on their fabricated “highway”, and the spiritually blind grope their way along it. (Lam 4:14; Isa 59:10) Those who follow this dark path are at the mercy of Satan’s “Beasts”.  They are at the mercy of spiritual “harlots” who have left their covenant in Christ; and, they are at the mercy of thieves. (Prov 7:24-27; John 10:7-10)  These are the deceptions that have overcome the holy ones.  (Rev 13:7; Dan 8:11,12; Matt 24:24,25; Rev 13:14,15; 2:20)  
    “But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.” 1 Pet 2:1-3
    There are two definitions for the word, “fabricator”.   
    #1 – a person who devises or invents something, especially a lie or a fictional narrative or character:
    #2 – a person or company that produces a product, especially in an industrial process.
    The organization’s false prophets/teachers have fulfilled both meanings.  They have manufactured a “highway” of lies, leading to a fabricated and destructive…industrial…“Gentile” giant, the iron Beast that has trampled down God’s Temple in the anointed.  (Dan 2:40-42; 7:19; Matt 24:15,16; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2; 9:1-4,9-11)
    To walk on the path of Holiness, we analyze our personal spiritual obstacles, avoiding teachings that defy the word of God. (Prov 2:10-16; Ps 119:127,128) This requires wariness of Satan’s schemes; it requires redemption from sin, and the shedding of false doctrine found in the publications that litter the organization’s highway. (Luke 22:31; 1 Pet 5:8; Ps 119:134; Matt 9:17; 1 Pet 1:6-9; Eph 5:6-11)
    It requires courage, obedience and faith in the decrees of God in Christ. (1 Cor 16:13; Ps 119:138; John 5:24)  Our eyes are then opened to the distinct, clear difference of what is truth in Jesus Christ, and what is a lie called truth, taught by deceitful men. (Jer 31:8; Isa 42:16; Heb 12:13; Prov 4:18)  
    The scriptures in Nahum 2 that the book quotes, not only sheds light on today’s Harlot, her Beast/organization that she directs, and its coming destruction, but it promises the “restoration of Jacob”, the restoration of the spiritual Temple of truth, when the trampling of God’s holy people comes to an end.   (Isa 49:6; Dan. 7:25; 8:11-14; Rev 11:2,3; Mal 3:1-3) (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22)
    Jesus clearly knew his path. One of his fellows tried to dissuade him (Matt 16:22,23).
    The path of holiness is also clear during this time of great test and sorting (Amos 9:8-13; Isa 54:8,11,9,10; Rev 6:14; Heb 12:27; 1 Cor 3:13,14; Ps 102:26).
    Will we hide our "talent of gold" and shrink back to destruction? (John 12:42; Matt 25:25,30; Heb 10:38,39; Rom 1:17) 
    Spirit and scripture, make the path of life clear; along with the requirements to be on it. 
    (Matt 7:14; Isa 35:8; 40:3; 62:10; Matt 24:16; Ezek 36:8; Isa 49:11; Jer 50:5; Ps 118:20; Rev 19:8) (Ezek 17:23; Matt: 31,32)
    Pearl Doxsey - Hide or Herald, Stay or Flee?

  6. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Matthew9969 in The state of this discussion forum.   
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    Srecko Sostar reacted to xero in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    My thoughts on Jehovah w/regard to omniscience is that he designed the universe(material and immaterial) in his "head" prior to creating his son and did so in such a manner such that no matter what path free will might take, it would be perfect. Rather than inspecting quality into the creation, he designed it so that like a biological system engaging in apoptosis (cell death of "sinful" senescent cells), evil is removed and can leave no indelible marks.
  8. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Anna in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    (bold mine) It explains that God can choose to see what he wants to see. In any case, even humans can predict a certain outcome based on certain behavior, how much more so a God who is a lot smarter than humans.. 
    I agree.
    My explanation, of course speculative, is that just like the human body breaks down and things stop working as they should (deterioration, cancer etc.) then in a similar manner the original purpose for things like viruses and parasites got screwed up. Not only did Adam and Eve lose perfection but the whole earth was cursed. I have no idea what purpose things like viruses or parasites would have had in the garden of Eden, but sometimes I wonder about other things (not necessarily to do with the Bible) and then when I find the answer I realize "of course!" The answer is out there, we just don't know it yet....
  9. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    You, with no understanding at all.
    Animals were taken aboard the Ark by twos ... AND BY SEVENS.
    During the voyage, some of THE SEVENs were allocated to serve as food for those collected by twos, and by sevens., and even by Noah's Family.
    When the Ark landed, there were NO ANIMALS outside the Ark for Noah and his family to eat, so Jehovah gave Noah and his family to eat the surviving subsets of seven unclean animals ON THE ARK.
    Mankind had been eating animals since they were thrown outside the garden of Eden ... or do you think Able was a shepherd and hunter because he needed a hobby?
    Why do you think God ordered the UNCLEAN animals collected by sevens, and the CLEAN animals collected ONLY by twos?
    BECAUSE Refrigerators had not yet been invented.
    When you read the biblical accounts, you are SUPPOSED to use some basic common sense, visualizing what is reasonable and what is a rubber-band stretch .... but as always ... agenda driven thinking ... parroting the screwball ideas one of the Society's Lawyers dreamed up in the 1930's and repeated for 80 years , short circuits rational thinking.
  10. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    Herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Each of them should have the ability to live from the food they eat. The digestive system, from the entrance to the exit, of food should be adapted to the type of food.
    If God created each species for a specific purpose then we should not expect, as suggested in the commentary, that humans and animals (and other organisms) were herbivores before the flood and became carnivores or omnivores after the flood, according to the offered biblical quote,... God gave them all to eat "green grass and herbs" (Gen 1:30).
    Moreover, such a possibility of adaptation of so many species of organisms to a sudden change in diet supports the theory that living organisms "adapt" to the natural environment and other changing conditions on Earth. This consequently means that God “created” all organisms in such a way that they can change or evolve in order to be able to live and survive in changed conditions, and for which we still see that it is possible and accurate. This again means that God knew in advance that Adam and Eve would sin, start killing each other, and animals, and eat meat. This means that God knew in advance about the Flood and the change in the diet for all the organisms on Earth, etc. Knowing what the future holds, God equipped the organisms in advance for change.  
    The idea or thesis that God would know about every detail of the future is something that WTJWorg rejects in its theology. JW theology says that God has the ability to see the future, but that he is discreet and considerate of people and their free will to such an extent that He does not want to look at the future of each individual and thus enter into someone's privacy. Certainly this kind of explanation has its flaws and does not explain why then God would deal with the future and prophecies if He does not want to see it in advance.
    The Bible is a book that is not always clear, not even in terms of theology, let alone to deal with such answers to the question in the subject. The text leaves too much room for conjecture. And to draw various conclusions that do not have to be an indication of accuracy. Only intellectual wandering, imagination and daily politics (daily ideologies).
    If God created everything, then he also created organisms, many of which are invisible to the human eye, and which live in someone else's body and at the expense of their host. Some are useful to him, and some are able to torture and kill his host.
    Or take for example the behavior of the vast majority of animals, if not all (even humans). The instinct to have and protect or conquer someone else's - food area, place for home, females for mating. So, God instilled in them such an instinct for behavior during creation. And, on the other hand, most societies in today's civilization reject the "biblical concept" of the ancient patriarchs, to whom the described situation was completely natural and approved by God. Both, before the flood and after the Flood, for example polygamy was acceptable. The fact that comes from the biblical text that God created only one woman for Adam was not decisive for future human society, regardless of their religiosity, that people with the blessing of that same God establish families in which a man has more than one wife. Whether they are vegetarians or omnivores.
    We could say that God has changed his mind and attitudes and behavior in different circumstances and times throughout history. He changed it in terms of human nutrition (and animals?), And in terms of marital status of people.
    Insisting today on any of the theses offered (or practice and way of life) would be limited and would show that we are less adaptable than God who is able in many things to adapt himself to people and their capabilities.
    I’ve heard that today’s nutritionists don’t talk about healthy or unhealthy food. All food is healthy to eat.....but not every amount of food. There can only be hygienically unsafe food. You know, in the sense that the expiration date has passed or that the food is in the process of rotting and the like. 
  11. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    Whichever way we interpret it, God accepted Abel’s meat sacrifice rather than Cain’s vegetable sacrifice. And that's proof ..... of what?  
  12. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Can a Person Resign From Being One of Jehovah’s Witnesses?   
    Actually, for me, it's nice to be out of 'Babylon the Great' before the 'end comes'. 
  13. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Can a Person Resign From Being One of Jehovah’s Witnesses?   
    Back on topic. I received my letter (by hand) today, concerning my resignation from the JW Org. 
    It confirms that I left the Org of my own free will, Quote 
    "Your email of resignation of 28 December 2017"
    "John Butler disassociated by resignation, Date of announcement 4 January 2018."
    There it is. It's nice to have it in writing. 
  14. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in Old school Communism, Socialism, Captialism   
    Socialism is no panacea. But it should be noted that the primary problem that capitalists and imperialists have with socialism is that its policies are designed to produce better health care for all, better education, better infrastructure and to bring as many persons out of poverty as possible. This means that both global corporations and local corporations who wish to exploit oil, gas, metals, minerals, bananas, cheap labor, produce, etc., will not be able to keep huge profits for themselves. It is for this reason that imperialist countries like the United States will do everything they can to sabotage socialist and communist countries by exploiting and magnifying problems in those countries. This is why imperialist countries send in persons trained to create civil unrest as the US did in Hong Kong. It's why the US has troops and weapons in the China Sea, Taiwan, etc. It's why the US supported Al Qaeda in Syria. It's why economic there are sanctions against Venezuela, North Korea, Syria, Cuba, etc. The hope is that enough people will starve to death so that a revolution of some sort will result in a turnover of power that the US can take advantage of. At the very least it will supposedly reveal dissatisfaction with socialist governments. 
    And, of course, its the reason that Westerners have been trained in anti-socialist propaganda so deeply that a meme like the one above from @Equivocation can be produced. Without a shred of awareness about the irony, the person making the meme will have picked a picture taken from a capitalist imperialist nation and use it to pretend that socialism caused the problems.
    For example. I decided to look up "Kim's Lounge" on Google and immediately discovered that it's from Detroit in 2015 https://www.flickr.com/photos/raymondhaddad/20308429103
    The grocery store picture I recall being used as if it were from Venezuela at a time when many such pictures were being taken from Miami and elsewhere just before a hurricane. I believe I already noted on this very forum a few years ago that one of them had all the shelf signs and labels that were 100% in English and yet it was being spread around as if from Venezuela. On Twitter, people had already identified many of these Venezuela pictures as actually coming from Florida.
    I didn't try to find where the hospital picture is from, but it is typical of poor countries that are actually rich in resources, but whose resources have been exploited by imperialist countries.
    And for the last picture, I don't think anyone would doubt that it could more easily have come, NOT from a socialist country, but is probably a good example of the disparity of wealth between the richest and poorest in typical capitalist countries. There are hundreds of houses that opulent on the north shore and east end of Long Island. I'm sure they are like that in many US neighborhoods.
    These memes are easy to make, and easy to spread. But they should make us think twice about what's really behind them.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  15. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Anna in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    It is not difficult to conclude, according to the article, that in fact all plants were supposed to be for human consumption. So, plants with intoxicating ingredients, stronger or weaker, not be wrong to take (marijuana and similar grass/ weeds)  
  16. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    Whichever way we interpret it, God accepted Abel’s meat sacrifice rather than Cain’s vegetable sacrifice. And that's proof ..... of what?  
  17. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    I was not trying to clarify a time structure. I was only showing to what extent we will begin making assumptions based on our own assumptions. And if it means adding or taking away from the Bible, or even promoting a contradiction to the Bible, we often won't realize just how easily and quickly we are ready to do this.
    That's a good example. Notice how the Bible doesn't say anything about Adam and Eve having canine teeth, and yet we can be so quick to make an assumption that has no Biblical evidence, one way or another. If animal teeth can be explained by what kind of vegetation those animals were consuming, then why couldn't Adam have canine teeth which could be explained by what kind of vegetation he would be consuming? You seem to be saying that Adam had no canine teeth at first, but Cain, Seth, Abel, and Cain's wife were born with canine teeth. And then Adam and Eve grew them after they were expelled. But there are no scriptures supporting this assumption.
  18. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    Allowing the animals to eat other animals after they died is supposedly a clever solution to the idea that Jehovah would never have created carnivores. But it's only an explanation that might otherwise explain carnivorous teeth and claws and carnivorous digestive systems, and carnivorous hunting instincts. Otherwise we would have to explain how and why such teeth and claws and carnivorous digestive systems and carnivorous hunting instincts evolved so quickly from the time of Noah.
    But even though the solution is clever it shows that the person who made up the solution didn't believe the Bible the way they thought they believed it. (I know it wasn't you who made up the solution, I've seen it in several fundamentalist sources.)
    The Bible is clear enough that the overall intention of Creation was initially for humans to be vegetarian and for animals to be be vegetarian:
    (Genesis 1:29, 30) . . .Then God said: “Here I have given to you every seed-bearing plant that is on the entire earth and every tree with seed-bearing fruit. Let them serve as food for you. 30 And to every wild animal of the earth and to every flying creature of the heavens and to everything moving on the earth in which there is life, I have given all green vegetation for food.” And it was so.
    Technically, of course, this could mean that all animals would eat vegetation even if they also ate meat, so that all animals were either vegetarian or omnivores, and would therefore be competing with man for the vegetation. 
    But trying to use the scripture in Genesis to prove that there were no carnivores falls short of explaining the carnivorous features and instincts of some animals. Merely claiming that they ate dead meat still contradicts the very idea they are trying to make use of from the Bible. Any animals eating dead meat are still eating meat, and not following the supposed "rule" of Genesis 1:30. And if you allow for animals to eat dead meat that died on its own, then why not allow maggots to eat of the same carcasses? What are they doing that is so different from what the larger animals are doing?
    If a person is going to "go against" the Bible to claim that large animals could eat dead meat, then why not also allow them to be carnivores? The Genesis account never says there were no carnivores anyway. It just says that all the animals were also given vegetation to eat just like humans were given vegetation to eat. 
    If one were take this to the absurd degree and not even allow for maggots and decay, then they aren't allowing Adam to have microbes in his intestines. They aren't allowing birds to eat spiders, or even to eat insects like mosquitoes. They aren't allowing for mosquitoes either, unless they believe mosquitoes evolved a new digestive process, and they are claiming that spiders evolved a complex "instinct" to create complex webs and capture flies. And some plants like "Venus fly-traps" evolved complex "instincts" to respond to captured flies and spiders, too. And all of this evolution, including spider webs, etc., would have to happened in the last 4,000 years???? 
    I wonder how the human digestive system would work with chemical reactions and enzymes only, without any microscopic organisms to help the process.
    Reminds me of a poem "Antiquity of the Microbe" supposedly the shortest poem ever, attributed to Ogden Nash or Strickland Gillilan:
    Ogden Nash and also Augustus De Morgan are both associated with another poem that has a bearing on the topic:
    Great fleas have little fleas
    Upon their backs to bite ‘em,
    And little fleas have lesser fleas,
    And so ad infinitum
    And the great fleas themselves, in turn,
    Have greater fleas to go on;
    While these again have greater still,
    And greater still, and so on.
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    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    I do not believe the Bible says that anywhere.
    Ever see a T-Rex's teeth?
    Or the great prehistoric Jurassic and before sea "monsters"
    Sharks are millions of years old ... what did they eat .... seaweed?
    Have a clear, unambiguous Biblical reference?
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    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in How did WTJWorg continue to stir up feelings about Armageddon in 1941?   
    All this took place in the last quarter of 1941, leading one to expect Armageddon before the end of the year .….. and then there was that large Sunday morning multiple boat accident on the island of Oahu, December 7, 1941.
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    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from mivis in Vittorio Monti - Czardas   
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    Srecko Sostar reacted to admin in Rastak- Ey Yar - Iranian Folk Song from South of Iran (گروه رستاک- ای یار)   
    What a fantastic example of beautiful music.... it reflects a rich cultural history I am mostly unaware of. 
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    Srecko Sostar reacted to admin in Iwuschki (Ivushki)   
    Love the natural and folk nature of this music. Beautiful.
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    Srecko Sostar reacted to admin in Hai ne ne ne ~ Russian gypsy music   
    I love the instrument in the very beginning .... not a guitar I'm sure....
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    Srecko Sostar reacted to admin in Vittorio Monti - Czardas   
    First time I've seen a combination of xylophone and piano.... love it.
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